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Republic of Zambia




Compiled, organised, prepared and written by: Bernard Tito.

©2019 Muchinga Province
Kabanda Secondary School


CELL: +260974896855


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:………………………………………………………………………………3




Grade 10
Living in a Changing Society…………………………………………………………..…7
Work in a Changing Society………………………………………………………….……7
Order and Freedom in Society……………………………………………………………18
Justice in Society……………………………………………………………………………18
Service in Society……………………………………………………………………………18

Grade 11
Man and Woman……………………………………………………………….……………38
Courtship and Marriage……………………………………………………………………38

Grade 12
Man‟s Response through Faith and Prayer……………………………………………47
Man running away from God…………………………………………………..…………47


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About the Author
Mr Bernard Tito is a Social Science and Mathematics teacher at Kabanda Secondary
school, registered with teaching council of Zambia
Bernard Tito is an Evangelist, Preacher, Singer and a teacher who was born in
Kabulamema village of Kabompo district of North-western province. His mother and father
are peasant farmers. He grew up in a home filled with Godly love and surrounded by
extended family.
He is number six in the family of eight, two females and six males. All of Christian faith
and from the same father and mother.
Bernard struggled financially but excelled at his studies. In 2008, he was awarded a
certificate as an elder in the Christian Community Church (CCC). In 2010 he was
awarded a sponsorship to study theology in Church Leadership and Christian ministry at
Mapepe Bible College in Lusaka, from which he graduated in 2011. Fond memories of his
time there remain with him.
A year later, Bernard was given another sponsorship to study education, which saw
him pursue diploma in secondary education in Mathematics and Religious education from
2012 and graduated in 2015 at George Benson Christian College of Education in Kalomo
of southern province.
In the same year after his graduation he was employed as a government teacher after
working as a voluntary teacher at Kaputa Continuity School in Northern Province, and
was posted to Nsama district in the same province
In 2017 he was transferred to Muchinga Province, and whilst there in 2018 he got
married to the most beautiful woman on earth by the name of Yvonne Chanda.
Bernard hopes this question and answer booklet will, in some way contribute to the
improvement of pupil performance at senior level in passing the examinations in Religious
of Education.


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The Senior Religious of Education 2044 pamphlet was the great idea initiated by Bernard Tito.
This was done with the view of improving examination results at senior level at Kabanda
secondary school in Shiwang‟andu District of Muchinga Province. It was not an easy project, as
there were challenges experienced in terms of time, adequate research, resources and material.
However, this end product will help prepare the learners to develop good morals in themselves,
develop a sense of empathy, and produce a leaner that is capable, analytical, inquiry in all aspects
of life.

It is in this vein that i would like to thank George Benson Christian College of Education of
Namwianga Mission for laying a cornerstone as a foundation for me to build on, which I am still
doing. I have no doubt that this Pamphlet will directly or indirectly help (the leaner or the teacher)
benefit them in order to enhance good results in religious of education. .

I sincerely thank the Namwianga mission, Mr.Holy commonly known as Shadrick Sibwaalu, Mr
Roy Merit, and Mr Hobby for according me a sponsorship to pursue diploma in Mathematics and
Religious of Education at George Benson Christian College of Education (GBCCE)

I would like to thank Mr.Simon Samutala the director of The Falconer Kabulamema Children‟s
Orphanage Home for sponsoring my education from grade 10 to 12.
Above all, I would like to thank my wife Yvonne Chanda Tito for the unending love that always
surrounds me and the almighty God for his mercies


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This Book is dedicated to my beautiful wife Yvonne Chanda Tito an my handsome son
Benaiah Tito Liyena

Copyright ©Bernard Tito 2019.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
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The aim of Religious Education is to foster the development of personally held civic, moral and
spiritual values. The learners are expected to attain a suitable level of competence in
knowledge and understanding of spiritual, religious and moral values and the traditions
within which they have developed [MOE 1996] .The appreciation of other religions should be
drawn from the four main religious traditions in Zambia, [Namely: Christianity, Hinduism
indigenous Zambian beliefs and Islam]
Values and character development occurs over a period of years and within a number of
environments. The family being the first institution one comes in contact with, the influence
of the family continues to be extremely important to a child‟s character and values
development as pupils progress through Education.
The teaching of Religious Education in schools is different from faith development or
Evangelism in churches. There is no room for Church Doctrines. The teachers have the
obligation of tackling religion from an Educational point of view. In this way young people
have the benefit of growing in faith in their churches and coming to a deeper understanding of
that commitment as they learn to express it in ways which are intelligible even to those who
belong to a different church or faith?
Religious Education has a special role to play in nation-building because it enables people to
overcome the barriers of religious prejudice and to avoid bigotry and fanatiasm. In order to
live together in harmony, people need to or understand one another and accept the fact that
others have ways of viewing the World and God which are fundamentally different. They need
to have accurate ideas of what other people believe and do. They must develop an attitude of
openness and tolerance so that they are ready to listen and ask questions instead of making
nasty judgments based on insufficient grounds or in accurate information. Moral and
Spiritual values embrace the attributes of the individual that contribute to the dignity of man,
betterment of self and the community, and to the general welfare of mankind.
At Grade ten to Twelve levels many of the challenges contained in the principles outlined can
be realized in the syllabus.

Syllabus 2044 consists of five major themes:

1. Living in a changing society.
2. Order and freedom in society
3. Life
4. Man and Woman


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5. Man‟s response to God through faith and Love

These themes are subdivided into 15 sub themes.

1: Living in a Changing Society
2: Work in a Changing Society
3: Leisure in a Changing Society
4: Order and Freedom in Society
5: Justice in Society
6: Service in Society

Grade 11
7: Life
8: Happiness
9: Unending Life
10: Man and Woman
11: Courtship and Marriage

12: Family Life

Grade 12
13: Man‟s Response through Faith and Prayer
14: Man running away from God
15: The search for God

When teaching syllabus 2044 5 steps are followed. These are:

1. Present situation
2. African tradition
3. Church history
4. The whole Bible
5. The synthesis in form of exam type questions


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1. List down and explain some problems arising from salaried employment and
 Unemployment- we have a lot of loafers due to industrialization and
 Boredom- It is boring to do routine work every day.
 Corruption- It is the giving of money to someone in authority in order to
obtain favours, such as employment or school places.
 Indifference- Reporting late and knocking off late at work places.
2. Compare and contrast working in RURAL and URBAN area.
 Most of the time one is his own boss in rural areas, while in urban areas
working for someone else can be enjoyable and challenging.
 In rural areas people grow food and raise some animals to feed the nation,
while in urban areas any work well done benefit the nation leading to national
 There is no maker of food stuff in rural areas while in urban areas people are
always assured of a monthly salary.
 Being self-employed in agriculture gives a sense of pride in rural areas, while
in urban areas the salaries people get is their source of pride.
 In rural areas agriculture is at the mercy of weather, while in urban areas
most of work done is not affected by the weather.
3. List down the contributions of Hindus’ towards work in Zambia.
 Government officials.
 Businessmen.
 Teachers.
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 House wives.
 Farmers.
4. List down the teachings of Islam about work.
 Pay your worker his wage before his sweat is dry.
 Clothe and dress your workers well.
 A worker who sincerely worships Allah must get a double reward.
 Pardon your worker seven times every day.
 Do not charge your worker with work beyond his power, if you do help him.

5. List down some Traditional Zambian attitudes towards work.

 Everybody was a worker.
 Women worked harder than men.
 Work was divided according to sex, age and rank.
 Work was done communally.
 A person decided when to work or when not to work.
6. Compare and contrast traditional attitudes towards work with modern ones.
 Work was divided according to sex, age and rank, while today there is gender.
 Work was done communally, while today there is individualism.
 A person decided when to work or when not to work, but today people work
according to time.
 Work was related to basic needs of life whereas today work is meant to
produce luxuries.
 Women worked harder than men, but today there is equality at work places.
7. Show how the monasteries contributed to society through work.
 They came together to what was called a monastery and dedicated their lives
to work and prayer.
 They used Jesus‟ example of being servants to others.
8. Briefly explain how monasteries lost a balance between work and prayer in
middle ages.
 They grew wealthy.
 Wealthy Christians gave them gifts.
 Monks worked so hard that provided more than they needed and sold the
 It became more important to attend services in Church than to work with
their hands.
 Many monks became priests and enlisted brothers and sisters to do the
necessary manual work.
9. Show how the Craft-guides helped the worker.
 Crafts-guides were the forerunner of the present day trade unions.


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 I Europe during the Middle Ages workers developed the skills of the trade.
 These workers found advantage in organizing themselves into guilds.
 The guilds guaranteed that every worker was properly trained.
 They appointed chaplains and gave donations to the church.
 They gave scholarships to poor children to go to school.
 They maintained high standard of workmanship.
10. Show how Lord Shaftesbury made conditions better for workers.
 The industrial age in England in the 19th centuary brought the use of
machines in factories.
 Many jobs that workers did prior to this were now done by machines.
 This led to high levels of unemployment.
 Those who found jobs found jobs found themselves working under severely
unjust conditions such as low wages, poor sanitation, ventilation in shops,
unsatisfactory-working hour-use of child labour.
 Lord Shaftesbury was a factory owner influenced by the teachings of Christ.
 As a member of parliament, he campaigned to get a Ten Hour act passed.
 He also campaigned to get schools started for the children of poor workers.
 He worked to get better housing for the poor in general.
 Helped to abolish child labour.
11. The church trained and is training people in different skills.
The church in Zambia is involved in helping people skills and trades.
 Today government runs most of the trade schools once run by the church.
 There is a project in Northern Province called “Ncinci Wababili” which helps
small famers.
 The church in Zambia is deeply involved in training courses to help school
leavers develop skills.
 The Makeni Ecumenical center in Lusaka- typing, auto and radio repair,
agriculture methods etc
 The church is involved in teaching skills in;
(a) Sewing (b) Carpentry (c) Bricklaying (d) Crafts (e) Farming (f)
12. The Church’s teaching about work.
 Work is a duty and a right for every human being.
 Work should not be used to oppress others.
 Work should be considered noble and bring dignity to a worker.
 Work should be done diligently
 Good working conditions should be present.



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1. Narrate the passage from the Old Testament in which God gave man creation
to rule over. Genesis 1:26-31
 Then God said,” And now we shall make human beings.
 They will be like us and resemble us.
 They will have power over the fish, the birds and animals.
 Domestic and wild, large and small.
 So God created human beings, making them to be like himself.
 He created them male and female.
 Blessed them and said ,
 Have many children, so that your descendants may live all over the earth
and bring it under their control.
 I am putting you in charge of the fish and birds.
 I have provided all kinds of grain and all kinds of fruits for you to eat.
 But for birds and all the wild animals, I have provided leafy plants for food.
 God looked at everything he had done, and he was pleased.


Using ideas from the passage show how man has misused creation, he was
given to be in charge of.

 He has caused our imbalance in the environment through

 He has contributed to depletion of Ozone Layer through charcoal
burning and other industrial activities.
 He has depleted fish stokes through over fishing.
 He has engaged into poaching.
2. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament when the King used work to oppress
foreigners. (Read Exodus 1:8-14 and 5:7-19)
 Then a new King who knew nothing about Joseph came into power in Egypt.
 He said to his people,
 These Israelites are so numerous and strong that they are a threat to us.
 In case of war, they may rise against us and join our enemies.
 And might escape from our country.
 We must find some way to keep them from becoming even more numerous.
 The Israelites built cities of Pithom and Rameses to serve as supply centers
for the king.
 But the more the Egyptians oppressed the Israelites the more they increased
in number and the further they spread through the land.


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 The Egyptians came to fear the Israelites and made their lives miserable by
forcing them into cruel slavery.
 Stop giving people strives for making bricks.
 They made them go and find for themselves, but still require them to make
the same number of bricks as before.


Using ideas from the passage show how work can be used as a form of
oppression at a place of work.

 Not providing workers with necessary equipment.

 Not allowing workers to worship on the Sabbath.
 Not allowing workers to go on leave.
 Making people work without payment.
 Denying workers the right to belong to a union.
 Discriminating workers on the basis of tribe or race.

3. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament in which God declared the Sabbath
as a day to rest. (Exodus 20:8-11)
 Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.
 You have six days in which to do your work.
 But the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to me.
 On that day no one is to work neither you, your children, your slaves, your
animals, nor the foreigners that leave in your country.
 In six days I the Lord made, made the earth, the sky, the seas, and everything
in them.
 But on the seventh day I rested.
 That‟s why the Lord blessed the Sabbath and made it holly.


Using the ideas from the above passage show how a person can fail to
observe the Sabbath under current economic hardships.

 Not setting aside a day of worship in a week.

 Not giving time for his workers to rest.
 Wanting to work throughout the week in order to maximize on the profits.


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Doing bad things on the Sabbath instead of worshiping God- going for beer
parties instead of going to church.
4. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament in which the Jewish people
formulated laws to protect the workers. (Deuteronomy 24:5-6, 10-15, 19-22)
 When a man is newly married, he is not to be drafted into military service or
any other public duty.
 He is to be excused from duty for one year.
 So that he can stay at home and make is wife happy.
 When you lend a neighbor something do not go into his house to get the
garmet, he is to give you as surety.
 Wait outside and let him bring it himself.
 If he is poor, do not keep it overnight.
 Return it to him each evening so that he can have it to sleep in.
 The he will be grateful and the lord God will be pleased with you.
 Do not cheat poor and need hired servants.
 Each day before sunset counted on getting it.
 When you gather your crop and fail to bring in some of the corn that you
have cut, do not go back it is to be left for the foreigners, orphans and


Using the ideas from the above passage, show how the teaching from the
passage can be put into practice.

 People who take law responsibilities could be given local leave to give them
ample time to settle down and get organized.
 Money lenders should not get possessions of their poor clients when they
delay to pay.
 Employers should pay their workers in time, so as to enable them also lead a
decent life.
 The rich should care for the widows, orphans and the refugees.
5. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament in which the Prophet Jeremiah
spoke out against the unjust treatment of workers. (Jeremiah 22:13-17)
 Doomed is a man who builds his house by injustice.
 And enlarges it with dishonest.
 Who makes his countrymen work for nothing and does not pay their wages.
 Doomed is the one who says, I will build myself a mansion with rooms
 So he puts windows in his house and panels it with cedar.


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 Does it make you a better king if you build houses of cedar, finer than those
of others?
 Your father enjoyed full life.
 He was always fair and just.
 He gave the poor a fair tail.
 And he went well with them.
 That is what it means to know the Lord.
 But you can only see your selfish interests……………………………

Suggest how a person in position can ill-treat his workers.

 One can make workers go without pay for many months.

 One can divert the company profits to meet his interest than paying workers.
 One can steal from the company.
 One can make conditions better for himself, disregarding the welfare of his
 One can grab wives for his workers because he knows he can win cases in

6. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament in which prophet Ezra encouraged
people to co-operate at places of work. (Rebuilding of the temple: Ezra 3:7-9)
 The people gave money to pay the masons and carpenters.
 They gave food, drink and olive oil to be sent cities of Tyre and Sidon.
 In exchange for cedar trees from Lebanon.
 Which were to be brought by sea to Joppa.
 All this was done with permission of Cyrus the Emperor of Persia.
 So in the second month of the year after they came back to the site of the
temple, they begun to work.
 Zerubbabel, Joshua and the rest of their fellow countrymen joined in the


Using the ideas from the passage, show how Government and people can co-
operate on a development project.

 People who are rich can make donations to pay the workers.
 The local people can also make payments in kind by way of providing local
materials eg sand, stones, labour etc
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 Government can work with Non-Government Organisations towards the
 People can volunteer to supervise the projects.
 Government can accept opinions from foreigners.
 Government can import materials it doesn‟t have from foreign countries.


1. Narrate the parable from the New Testament in which Jesus taught us to develop
out talents. (The parable of talents Matt 25:14-30)

 At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like this, once there was a man
who was about to go on a journey.
 He called his servants and put them in charge of his property.
 He gave to each according to his ability, to one he gave five thousand gold
coins, to another he gave two thousand and to the other he gave one
 Then he left on his journey.
 The servant who had received five thousand coins went at once and invested
his money and earned another five thousand.
 In the same way the servant who had received two thousand coins earned
another two thousand coins.
 But the servant who had received one thousand coins went off dug the hole
and buried the money.
 After a long time the master came to settle accounts with them.
 You gave me five thousand and I made another five thousand.
 You good and faithful servant, come and celebrate with me.
 You gave me two thousand coins and made another two thousand coins.
 You good and faithful servant, come and celebrate with me.
 The third servant came in and said, master ,” I know you are a hard man,
 You reap where you did not sow, you gather harvest where you did not scatter
 I was afraid so. I hid your money.
 Here is what belongs to you……………………………….”


Using ideas from the passage show how one can develop his/her talents.
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 Joining clubs where he/she can learn a lot of things.
 Becoming members of different associations.
 Not being lazy.
 Learning to do various activities at school.

2. Give the content of a passage from the New Testament in which Jesus ordered
his disciples to go to some lonely place to have a rest. Mark 6:30-34
 The Apostles returned and met with Jesus.
 And told him all that they have done and taught.
 There were so many people coming and going so that Jesus and his disciples
did not have time to eat.
 So he said to them, let us go off by ourselves to some place where we will be
alone and rest for a while.
 So they started off by themselves in an hour for a lonely places.
 Many people saw them leave and knew at once who they were.
 So they went from all the towns and ran ahead by land and arrived at the
place ahead of Jesus and his disciples.
 When Jesus got off the boat, he saw this large crowd.
 His heart was filled with pity for them because they were like sheep without a
 He begun to teach them many things.


Give different situations where someone can put aside a planned rest
in order to serve someone in need.

 A teacher can attend to his class during weekends, to prepare them for
 A nurse can attend to a sick person at night in order to restore life.
 A priest/pastor can take a patient to the hospital on Sabbath.
 A pupil can prepare meals at school for a visiting team over the weekend.

THE FINAL JUDGEMENT- Matthew 25:31-46

Narrate a parable in which Jesus told his followers to use their talents to help

 When the son of man comes as king with all his angels with him.
 He will sit on his royal throne and the people of all nations will be gathered
before him.


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 Then he will divide them into two groups, just as the shepherd separates the
sheep from the goats.
 He will put the righteous on his right and the others on his left.
 Then the king will say to those on his right.
 Come you that are blessed by my father, come and possess the kingdom
prepared for you since the creation of the world.
 I was hungry you gave me food.
 I was thirst you gave me water to drink.
 I was a stranger you welcomed me.
 I was naked and you clothed me.
 Then the will ask, “when Lord did we ever see you in all these situations and
helped you”?
 The king will reply, whenever you did this for one of the least important
members you did it to me…………………..
 Then he will say to those on his left, “away from me you that are under God‟s


Show how a Christian today can put Jesus’ message into practice.

 One can donate food and clothing to an orphanage.

 One can help distribute relief food to victims of droughts.
 One can help sinking boreholes in areas where water is a problem.
 One can care for refugees etc


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1. List and explain injustices that exist within the social system.
 Bribery- offering money gifts to obtain what you desire in a dishonest or
illegal way.
 Blackmail-a threat to disclose discredited information about people in order
to obtain money or favour.
 Abortion- procuring a premature baby in order to destroy the baby this
denies the child the right to life.
 Tribalism- giving undue treatment to members of one‟s own tribe in
allocating jobs, promotions, loans, scholarships etc
 Nepotism- giving unfair preference to relatives, in allocating jobs, promotions,
loans, scholarships etc.
 Absenteeism- being away from work either very frequently without good
2. Steps needed to be followed to arrive at “an informed vision” In our search for
i. See- Try understand how things are.
ii. Judge-Consider how much they could achieve.
iii. Act- Do something to make things better.
3. List down the first steps in human development.
 People pass from nursery to having the necessities, such as food, shelter,
clothing and many others.
 People eliminate great social problems, such as ignorance, poverty, disease,
crime, hunger and many others.
 People have more opportunities for education.
 People must seek more with others.


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4. What are the next steps in human development?
 People are ready to show concern about the dignity of others.
 People are ready to co-operate for the common good.
 People are ready to work for peace.
 People put development of persons before acquiring things.
 People accept higher human values such as beauty, goodness, truth.
 Friendship and love.
5. List down some problems that people face in the world today.
 Divisions into race, colour, creed, tribe.
 Too many refugees.
 Poverty, hunger, crime, ignorance, disease etc
 Gender issues (especially oppression of women)
 High numbers of people leaving with HIV/AIDS


 The tribal community was a mutual society, organized to satisfy the basic
human needs of all its members.
 Resources such as land were communally owned and administered by chiefs
and village headmen/women.
 Human needs was the supreme criterion of behavior.


Give the contribution of Mahatma Ghandi and Non-Violence.

 Mahatma Ghandi was one of the modem world„s reformers .

 He lived a simple life , shunning western clothes , ate no meat , drunk goats
threat with a spinning wheel.
 He was deeply spiritual and made sure that took time to mediate on the
meaning of life
 He believed that the way to political independence was through inner
personal freedom that can only through humility ,honesty living , deep
contemplation and prayer and total self-knowledge
 Ghandi led a new style of resistance to injustice satyagraha, meaning
nonviolence .


Give the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed on justice.

 Whoever takes a loan and has no intentions of repaying it is a thief.


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 Show justice and fair dealings, kindness to orphans and widows and
charity to the poor.
 Woe to all who act as pious people but give no alms to the poor.
 Woe to all who amass riches and persistently hoard them, thinking their
treasures will lender them immortal.
 Do not expel wives from their houses or let them go away unless they
commit a proven crime.


Give the contributions of the champions of justice to justice.


 He fought for justice of the poor in Brazil.
 He spoke out strongly against a government that seemed to make the
poor, poorer and the rich richer.
 He believed that non-violence was the way to achieve his purpose.
 He said violence was not the real answer to violence.
 He believed more strongly in the power of truth, justice and love, than
in the power of wars, weep and hatred.
 He was appointed Northern Province Organisation Secretary for ANC in
 He cycled everywhere making people aware of their rights.
 He opposed the plan of federation.
 He believed that freedom and justice for the people were worth fighting
for because of the teachings of Christian faith on social justice.
 He became president of the African National Congress.
 He organized defiance campaigns against the unjust racist laws.
 He was awarded the Noble Peace Prize for his commitment to Non-
 His parents taught him that all people are equal and possess dignity as
sons and daughters of God.
 He believed that social justice and Christianity were inseparable.
 Spiritual freedom and political freedom were two faces of the same coin.
 His fought for the equality and dignity of black Americans.
 He organised both blacks and whites in marches against laws that
prevented his people from justice.
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 He was insulted, spat on and even stabbed, but he never used evil to
fight evil.
 For his efforts to gain justice for the oppressed people, Martin Luther
king Jr received a Noble Peace Prize, on 10th December, 1964.


The contributions of St Peter Clever

 He was the greatest friend of slaves in America.

 He spent the whole of his life trying to help slaves.
 He would always take food and medicines to the habour whenever a ship
carrying slaves arrived.
 He did his best to get slave owners to treat their slaves well.
 He also realised that something to drink was their great need.
 He visited the mines and plantations where slaves worked and taught them
the Christian faith.
 It was his kindness which led many to accept the Christian faith.


1. Narrate a Bible passage from the Old Testament in which God encourages us to
treat others with justice. Exodus 22:21-27, Exodus 23:1-8

 Do not ill-treat, or oppress foreigners.

 Remember you were foreigners in Egypt.
 Do not ill-treat any widow or orphans.
 If you do I the Lord will answer them when they cry out to me for help.
 I will be angry and kill you in war.
 Your wives will become widows and your children fatherless.
 If you lend money to any of my people who are poor.
 Do not act like a money lender and require them to pay interest.
 If you take someone‟s cloak as pledge that he will pay you, you give it back to him
before the sun sets.
 Because he needs it to keep him warm, what else can he sleep in.
 When he cries out to me for help, I will answer him because I am merciful.
 Do not speak evil of God and do not curse a leader of your people.
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 Do not spread false rumours, and do not help a guilty person by giving false
 Do not follow the majority when they do wrong or when they give false evidence to
prevents justice.
 Do not show partiality to a poor person‟s trials.
 If you happen to see your enemy‟s cow or donkey running loose take it back to
 Do not deny justice to a poor person when he appears in court.

Using ideas from the passage show how a Christian can help to build
 He can help uplift welfare of refugees.
 He can defend the rights of widows and orphans/not encourage property
 He can encourage people to be true when they stand as a witness in courts of
 We must not habour grudges against people that wrong us.

2. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament in which a King did not respect the
value of life and property. 1 Kings 21:1-21
 Near King Ahab‟s palace in Jezreel, there was a vineyard owned by a man
named Naboth.
 One day Ahab said to Naboth, “Let me have the vineyard, it is close to my
palace, I want to use it for a vegetable garden.
 I will give you a better vineyard for it. If you prefer, I will pay you a fair price.
 “I inherited this vineyard from my ancestors,” Naboth said to him.
 The Lord forbids that I should let you have it.
 Ahab went home depressed and high over what Naboth said to him.
 He lay down on his bed facing the wall and would not eat.
 His wife Jezebel went to him and asked, “Why are you depressed?”
 Why won‟t you eat?
 He answered, because of what Naboth said to me.
 Well aren‟t you the King? Jezebel asked. Get out of bed cheer.
 I will get Naboth‟s vineyard.
 Then she wrote some letters, signed them with Ahab‟s name and sealed them
with his seal.
 Proclaim a day of fasting call Naboth and give him a place of honour.
 Get a couple of scoundrels to accuse him of cursing God and the king.


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 Then take him out of the city and stone him to death.
 The officials and the leading citizens of Jezreel did what Jezebel


Using ideas from the passage show how a leader can fail to practice justice
towards his people.

 Someone taking his subordinate‟s wife using his position.

 Someone forging documents in order to put his people in trouble.
 Someone murdering the people that oppose him.
 Someone who is envious of his people‟s possessions etc.

3. Narrate the passage from the Old Testament in which the prophet Amos
condemned inner disposition by the Jewish people. Amos 5:21-27
 The Lord said I hate your religious festivals.
 I cannot stand them.
 When you bring me burnt offerings, I will not accept them.
 I will not accept the animals you have fattened.
 Stop your noise songs.
 I do not listen to your harps.
 Instead let justice flow like a stream and righteousness like a river that never
runs dry.
 People of Israel I did not demand sacrifices and offerings during years that I
led you throughout the desert.
 But now because you have worshiped images of Sakkuth,your God.
 You have to carry those images.
 You will have to those images when I take you into exile says the Lord whose
name is the Almighty.


Using ideas from the passage show how people pretend to worship God when
they are unjust to their neighbours.


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 Attending crusades in order to meet lovers.
 Oppressing orphans and widows.
 Making a big show off at church for people to respect.
 Joining Satanism etc.
4. Narrate the teachings of Prophet Isaiah foretelling that the Messiah would
bring peace and justice. Isaiah 11:1-5
 The royal line of David is like a tree that has been cut.
 Just as new branches sprout from a stump.
 So a new king will give him wisdom and the knowledge and the skills to rule
his people
 He will know the Lord‟s will and honour him.
 And find pleasure in obeying him.
 He will not judge by appearance or hearsay.
 He will judge the poor fairly.
 And defend the rights of the helpless.
 At his command the people will be punished.
 And evil doers will die.
 He will rule his people with justice and integrity.

How can Zambian leaders be helped by the above passage to rectify
conditions in our country.
 They will allow the youth with new ideas of developmental programs to
participate in governance.
 They will base their leadership on Christian/Religious principles.
 The court will treat cases in court fairly regardless of status of people to be
 They will consider the needs of the vulnerable as they distribute the country‟s
 They will not involve themselves in corrupt practices.

5. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament passage in which a prophet

denounces the king for each of respect from the value of property and life. 2
Samuel 12:1-13
 The Lord sent Prophet Nathan to David.
 Nathan went to him and said.
 There were two men who lived in the same town.
 One was rich and the other was poor.
 The rich man had many cattle and sheep.


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 While the poor man had only one lamb which he had bought.
 He took care of it and it grew in his home with his children.
 He would fed it with some of his own food.
 He let it drink from his cup and hold not in his lap.
 The lamb was like a daughter to him.
 One day a visitor arrived at the rich man‟s home.
 The rich man did not want to kill one of his animals to prepare a meal for
him .
 But took the poor man‟s lamb and cooked a meal for his guest.
 David was very angry with the rich man and said, I swear by the living Lord,
that a man which such a thing ought to die.
 You are that man Nathan said
 Why then have you disobeyed the Lord,
 You had Uriah killed in war and you took his wife……………………………..


6. Narrate the passage from prophet Isaiah in which God denounces the Israelites
for their offerings and sacrifices without practicing justice. Isaiah 1:10-17
 Jerusalem, your rulers and people are like those of Sodom and Gomorrah.
 Listen to what Lord is saying to you.
 Do you think I like all these sacrifices you keep offering me?
 I have had more than enough of the sheep you burn as sacrifice.
 And of the fat your fine animals.
 I am tired of the blood bulls, goats and sheep.
 I am disgusted with the smell of the incense you burn.
 I cannot stand your new moon festivals, your Sabbaths and religious
 They are all corrupt by your sins.
 They are a burden that I am tired of bearing.
 When you lift your hands in prayer, I will not look at you for your hands are
covered with blood.
 Wash yourselves clean and learn to do right.
 Stop all this evil that I see you doing.


Using the ideas from the above passage, show situations where people seem
to worship God when there is no real conversion.

 People going to crusades to meet their lovers.

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 People offering money in Church which they steal at work places.
 People fasting very often when are not ready to help neighbours that are
 People offering gifts in Church while they deny their families of essentials.

7. Narrate a passage from the prophet Isaiah in which he tells the Israelites that
religious observances are meaningless unless they are accompanied with
justice. Isaiah 58:1-10
 The Lord says, “Shout as loud as you can!
 Tell my people Israel about their sins.
 They worship me every day, claiming they are eager to know my ways and
obey my laws.
 They say they want me to give them just laws and that they take pleasure in
worshiping me.”
 The people ask me, “Why should we fast if the Lord never notices.
 The lord says to them,
 At the same time you fast, you pursue your own interest and oppress your
 Your fasting makes you violent and you quarrel and fight.
 Do you think this kind of fasting will make me listen to your prayers.
 When you fast you make yourself suffer.
 The kind of fasting I want is this, remove the chains of oppression and the
york of injustice.
 Share your food with the hungry.
 Give clothes to those to those who have nothing to wear.
 Then my favour will shine on you…………………………..


1. Narrate a passage from Mark 12:38-40 and Matthew 23:1-4; 23. Denounces the
teachers of the law and the Pharisees for their hypocrisy.
 As he taught them he said watch out for the teachers of the law.
 Who like to walk in their long robes.
 And be greeted with respect in market places.
 Who choose reserved seats in synagogues.
 And the best places at feasts.
 They take advantages of widows.
 And then make a show of saying long prayers.
 Their punishment will be worse.


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2. Then
 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples.
 The teachers of the law and Pharisees are the authorized interpreters of
Moses‟ law.
 So you must obey and follow everything they tell you to do.
 Do not however imitate their actions.
 Because they do not practice what they preach.
 They tie on the people‟s backs loads that are heavy and are hard to carry.
 Yet they aren‟t willing to lift a finger to help to carry those loads.
 How terrible for you teachers of the law and Pharisees.
 You hypocrites! you give God a tenth even of the seasoning herbs,
 Such as mint, dill and cumin, but you neglect to obey the really important
teachings of the law.
 These you have to do without neglecting the other.


List four ideas one can be a hypocrite today.

 Someone always in church uniform but cannot help the poor

 Church leaders practicing property grabbing.
 Someone attending crusades but cruel to the orphans.
 Those who want to occupy positions in Church but practice witchcraft etc
3. Give the content of a passage from Luke’s Gospel in which Jesus teaches
about judging others unjustly. Luke 18:9-14
 Jesus also told this parable to the people who were sure of their own
goodness and despises everybody else.
 Once there were two men who went into the temple to pray.
 One was a Pharisee and the other one a tax collector.
 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed.
 I thank you God that I am not greedy, dishonest or an adulterer like
everybody else.
 I thank you that I am not like that tax collector over there.
 I fast two days a week and I give you tenth of my income.
 But the tax collector stood at a distance.
 And would not raise his face to heaven.
 Beat his breast and said, God have mercy on me a sinner.

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From the above passage, give four examples of how one can judge other
people’s behavior unjustly.

 One can condemn a person who does not go to church, but himself a
 One can condemn someone who does not belong to any religious group but
himself belong to such because of girl/boy friend.
 One can condemn people who belong to other religions without
understanding their way of praying.
 One can be driven by prejudice thinking all politicians are corrupt.

4. Give the content of a passage from Matthew that explains Jesus’ teaching that
the justice can be created only by people loving one another and not by
following laws. Matthew 5:21-48
 You have heard that people were told in the past.
 Do not commit murder.
 But I tell you; whoever is angry with his brother is guilty of murder.
 If you are about to offer your gift to God at the alter and you remember your
brother has something against you.
 Leave your gift, go at once and make peace.
 If someone makes a law-suit against you and takes you to court,
 Settle the dispute with him while there is time.
 You have heard, do not commit adultery.
 But now I tell you anyone who looks at a woman and want to possess her is
guilty of adultery.
 It was said, “Anyone who divorces his wife must give her divorce papers.
 But I tell you if a man divorces his wife, he is guilty of making her commit
adultery if she remarries.
 You have also heard that people in the past were told not to break their
 But do what you vowed to do.
 But now I tell you do not make any vow.
 You have heard an eye for an eye……………
 But now I tell you do not take revenge.
 You have heard it was said Love your friends and hate your enemies.
 But I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

5. Give the content of a passage from the book of James that teaches that faith
must be followed by actions. James 2:1-19
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 Do not treat people according to outward appearances.
 Do not treat a well-dressed rich man better than any poorly dressed poor
 If so you are guilty to making distinctions and having evil motives.
 The poor are rich in faith and you dishonour them.
 The rich oppress you and speak evil of you.
 Obey the scripture Love your neighbour as you love yourself”.
 If you hate people according to outward appearances you break the law and
 It takes one sin to break the entire law.
 Speak and act like those set free by the law.
 Faith without good actions is useless (dead)- It cannot save someone.
 If someone needs food and clothes do not just tell him nice words, feed and
cloth him.
 So it is faith, if it has no actions then it is dead.
 There is no faith without action.
 Demons also believe there is one God.


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1.Things that make people happy today in Zambia.

 Wearing new clothes

 Dancing and singing.
 Getting plenty food and drink.
 Being popular in school.
 Achieving goals.
 Excused when they have done wrong.
 When in good health.
 When reading a new book.
 When with someone who cares.
 When seeing nice flowers and nice birds.

2. List down the four levels of needs that we must satisfy in order to be happy.

 Material Needs- Material needs include; food, growth and health.

 Emotional needs-These include our feelings, “I want to be liked”.
 Cultural Needs-The need for education, proper use of language and observing our
 Spiritual Needs- Commitment to a faith and faith expressed in worship.

3. List down some areas in which African Traditional societies believed would bring
 Having many wives and disciplined children.
 Having land that produced good harvest.
 Being in good relationship with ancestral spirits.
 Being good worriers and victorious in tribal wars.
 Having children to remember one in old age and death.
 Having respect for elders.
 Pleasing the Supreme Being.
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 Being faithful to tradition.
 Having a good influence in society.
 Sharing and practicing hospitality.
 Having good friendships.
 Being able to protect oneself from harm done by witchcraft.

4. Explain how harmony and status was achieved in traditional Zambian life.
 Most people shared same values and similar customs.
 People had to protect themselves from natural damages and attacks from enemies.
 Harmony among people was very important.
 People had to struggle against selfish tendencies.
 Showing respect for elders and those in authority.
 The needs of the came before the needs of an individual.
 People were given status according to their contribution to the wellbeing of the
 The group and not an individual determined the work a person did.
 To achieve status or to win the group‟s approval was very important for the
5. List down the four ideas that were taught to the young In order to promote
 The idea of caring for the unknown traveller.
 The idea of caring for the needy.
 The idea of caring for the aging parents and children.
 The idea of caring for the infirm, the lame, the orphans etc
6. Describe how happiness is achieved among the Hindu (Happiness In Hinduism)
 Moksha means to be set free from the cycle of rebirth.
 For the Hindu endless cycle of death and rebirth is a burden.
 True peace comes when one is liberated from this cycle.
 To be liberated is called Moksha or absolute freedom.
 Only those who have controlled their senses, mind and intellect attain Moksha at
the end of their life.
 Those who have cast away desire, fear and anger.
 Hindus must give up all desires in order to unite with Brahman.
 Hindus choose different paths to the spiritual goal of absolute freedom and
happiness, these are;
 Juana yoga-Path to knowledge
-To dedicate themselves to the search for truth.
 Karma yoga-Path of works
 Bhakiti yoga-Path of devotion.


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-To make prayer and devotion central to their lives.

7. Show how the Pilgrimage to Mecca brings happiness to a Muslim ( Happiness In


 The climax of happiness for a Muslim is to go to Mecca.

 Those who fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam are given Hajji which remains theirs
 Mecca is the religious centre of Muslims.
 Muslims always turn to Mecca when they pray.
 Muslims believe that Mecca was the first sanctuary appointed by God and that
Abraham prayed there.
 It was here too where Hagar Ishmael‟s mother found water, when she ran away
from Abraham‟s home.
 At the heart of Mecca is the Ka‟aba, the holiest shrine for the Muslims.
 It is built in form of a cube, ten meters high, with a black cloth embroidered with
verses from the Quran.
 The famous black stone is built into the walls of the Ka‟aba.
 At Mecca all rank and status is ignored.
 Everyone wears a white long garment and women wear a veil which covers them
 Pilgrims go in a circle round the Ka‟aba seven times and kiss the black stone if
 They run to nearby hills imitating Hager Ishmael‟s mother in her search for water.
 They fast from sunrise to sunset and pray with special favour.
 Muslims who cannot make the journey choose one person as a pilgrim to represent
 The pilgrimage ends with celebration of Id (feast) of sacrifice.
 Muslims who have achieved their life long dream of making a pilgrimage to Mecca,
celebrate with joy.
 A sheep or goat is killed and offered as sacrifice.
7. Describe some lives of people who showed happiness in face of adversity.
 Bishop Ignatius was an ex-slave, who was martyred in 115 AD.
 Despite being cruelly treated by the soldiers, he found time to write
latters of encouragement and greetings.
 Even though he knew he would be killed, did not complain.
 There are two shrines at Namagunga.
 One for the Catholic and another for Protestants.
 The executioners mocked martyrs about their faith.
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 You believe you will rise from the dead .
 Well I shall burn you and see if it is so.
 The boys continued to sing hymns and praising God.
 Their courage and calmness astonished those who put them to death.


1. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament that teaches that nothing can
happen without God allowing it. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
 Everything that happens in this world happens at a time God chooses.
 He sets the time for birth and the time death.
 The time for planting and a time for pulling up.
 The time for healing and the time for killing.
 The time for tearing down and the time for building.
 The time for sorrow and the time for joy.
 The time for mourning and the time for dancing.
 The time for making love and the time for not making love.
 The time for kissing and the time for not kissing.
 The time for finding and the time for losing.
 Time for saving and the time for throwing away.
 The time for tearing and the time for mending.
 The time for talking and the time for silence.
 The time for love and the time for hate.
 The time for peace and the time for war.


What advice would you give a friend who wants to stop going to church
because of problems faced.

 Problems are there to make us strong.

 God is the one in charge of situations.
 He/she must pray hard.

2. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament in which the Psalmist reminds
people to seek happiness in God. Psalms 37:1-11
 Do not be worried on account of the wicked.
 They will soon disappear like grass that dries up.
 Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart‟s desire.
 Give yourself to the Lord.
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 He will make your righteousness shine.
 Be patient and wait for the lord to Act.
 Do not give into anger or worry, it only leads to troubles.
 Those who trust in the Lord will possess the land.
 Soon the wicked will disappear, you will look for them but will not find them.
 The wicked man plots against a good man.
 The wicked draw their swords and bend bows.
 The little a good man owns is worth more than the wealth of the


Using ideas above, show how God punishes people who are wicked today.

 When caught stealing or practicing corruption they get arrested.

 God makes those who obey his commands prosper.
 Prostitutes/adulterers get infected with HIV/AIDS.

3. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament in which the prophet Jeremiah
reminds people to stop looking for happiness in Cracked Cisterns. Jeremiah
 The Lord told me to proclaim this message to everyone.
 I remember how faithful you were when you were young.
 You followed me through the desert.
 Israel, you belonged to me alone.
 I sent disaster and suffering on everyone who touched you.
 Listen to the Lord‟s message you descendants of Jacob, you tribe of Israel.
 What accusation did your ancestor bring against me?
 What made them turn away from me?
 They worship worthless idols and have become worthless themselves.
 And so I will state my case against my people.
 I will bring charges against their descendants.
 No other nation has ever changed its Gods even though they were not real.
 But my people have committed two sins.
 They have turned away from me the spring of fresh water and they have dug
cisterns, cisterns that can hold no water at all.


Using ideas from the above passage show how people in Zambia have dug cisterns
for themselves.
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 Worshiping Satan.
 Practicing witchcraft.
 Beer drinking.
 Music
 Etc


1. Narrate a passage from the New Testament where Jesus taught his disciples
what true happiness is. Luke 6:20-23
 Jesus looked at the disciples and said,
 Happy are you who are poor.
 The kingdom of heaven is yours.
 Happy are you who are hungry now, you will be filled.
 Happy are you who weep now, you will lough.
 Happy are you when people hate you, reject you, insult you and say evil about
 Because of the son of man.
 Be glad when that happens and dance for joy.
 Because a great reward is kept for you in heaven.
 For their ancestors did the very same things to be prophets.


Using ideas from the above passage what advice would you give a friend who
herself/himself unpopular, are mocked, because of church matters.

Try to suggest……………………………………

2. Narrate a passage from the New Testament in which Jesus teaches his disciples
about happiness they would experience after the resurrection. John 16:16-22
 In a little while you not see me.
 But a little while later you will see me.
 Some of his disciples asked among themselves.
 What does this mean?
 He tells us that in a little while we will not see him.
 And he also says because I am going to my father.
 What does this little while mean?
 We do not know what he is taking about.
 Jesus knew what they wanted to question him.
 So he said, I said in a little while you will not see me.


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 A little while later you will see me.
 Is this what you are asking about among yourself?
 I tell you will cry and weep, but they would glad.
 You will be sad , but your sadness.
 When a woman is about to give birth, she is sad because her hour of suffering
has come………………………………..

3. Give the content of St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians in which he teaches that
love is the basis of happiness.
 I may be able to speak the languages of men and even of angels but if I have
no love my speech is no more than a noisy gong.
 I may have the gift of inspired preaching.
 I may have knowledge and understand secrets.
 I may have faith to move mountains, but if I have no love is nothing.
 Love is patient and kind, it is not jealousy or conceited or proud.
 Love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable.
 Love does not keep a record of wrongs.
 Love does not keep give up and its faith, hope and patience never fail.
 Love is eternal, there are inspired message but they are temporary.
 There are gifts of speaking in tongues but they will cease.
 When I was a child, my ways and speech feelings and thinking were those of
a child.
 What I know is only partial, then it will be complete as God‟s knowledge of

4. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament that teaches that there is no full
happiness without God. Jeremiah 30:10-22
 My people do not de afraid.
 I will rescue you from that distant land where you were prisoners.
 You will come back home and live in peace.
 You will secure and no one will make you afraid.
 I will come to you and save you.
 I will destroy all nations no here I have scattered you.
 I will not let you go un punished but when I punish you, I will be
 The lord scarp to his people you wounds are many and you sores
are sin durable.
 There is no one to take care of you, no remedy for you .
 All your lovers have forgotten you.


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 I have attacked you like an enemy.
 Your punishment has been harsh because your sin are many.
 Complain no more about your injuries, there is no cure for you.
 But now, all who devour you will be devoured.
 All who oppress you will be oppressed.
 I will make you well again, though your enemies say Zion is an outcast.
 The Lord says, I will restore my people to their land and have mercy on every
 I will restore the nation‟s ancient great power.
 Their ruler will come from their own nation.

5. Give the content of a New Testament passage in which St. Paul preaches about
attitudes leading to happiness. Philippians 4:4-7
 May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord.
 I say it again rejoice.
 Show a gratitude towards everyone.
 The Lord is coming soon.
 Do not worry about anything.
 But in all your prayers ask God for all you need.
 Always asking him with a thankful heart.

2. Narrate a New Testament passage in which Jesus gave a sinner a new way of life.
Luke 19:1-10

 Jesus went into Jericho and was passing through.

 There was a chief tax-collector there named Zacchaeus who was rich.
 He was trying to see who Jesus was, but he was a little man and could not see
him because of the crowd.
 He ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus.
 When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to Zaccheaus.
 “Hurry down Zaccheaus because I must stay in your house today”.
 Zaccheaus hurried down and welcomed Jesus with great joy.
 All the people started grumbling.
 This man has gone as a guest to a house of a sinner.
 Zaccheaus stood up and said to the Lord,
 “Listen Sir, I will give half my belongings to the poor.
 And if I have cheated anyone, I will pay him back four times as much .
 Jesus said to him, “Salvation has come to this house today”.
 For this man is also a descendant of Abraham.
 The son of man came to seek and to save the lost.
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1. List down some problems found in boy/girl relationship.

 Adolescence struggle for identity.
 Authority and direction from parents and elders is resented.
 One long for privileges of adult life.
 Adolescent learning to care and mature.
 Adolescent struggle for sexual responsibility.
 Dating towards selective companionship.
 Adolescence keeping the desire for sexual intercourse in perspective.
 Adolescent falling in love to a decision to care.
2. List down some qualities of a good woman.
 One who keeps secrets.
 One who welcomes visitors.
 One who is clean.
 One who is kind and loving.
 One who is hard working preferably employed.
 Kind and loving.
 Obedient to the husband ( listens to him)
 Patient (able to discuss with the husband the problems at home)
 Not quarrelsome
3. List and explain the problems that are experienced in a Boy/Girl relationship.
(i) Adolescence- Struggle for identity.
 Childhood is being left behind and one longs for the privileges of
 Young people dream of what they will be and things they will do/have.
(ii) Adolescence, the growth of sexual responsibility.
 Interest in the opposite sex grows and to be popular becomes an
overriding concern.
 New sexual feelings arise that one has never felt before.
 These feelings move one towards a relationship with some of the
opposite sex while bringing fears of one own competence, one‟s
 Love letters become the older of the day and study times filled with day
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(iii) Adolescence: Learning to mature and care.
 One longs to be in the company of someone of the opposite sex one
 One longs to talk and share together and enjoy the fascination of
(iv) Adolescence: From falling in love to a decision to care.
 Infatuation is common in adolescence.
 This is a sudden feeling of loving somebody.
 It can often be mistaken for love but is the first step on the ways to
learning to love.
 Real love demands knowledge of the other person, a reflection decision
on their compatibility.
(v) Adolescence: Dating towards selective companionship.
 Dating or having a boy/girl friend is the time leading to sharing.
 In late adolescence one seeks to select the one person one want to live
with in that exclusive life style called marriage.
(vi) Adolescence: keeping the desire for sexual intercourse in perspective.
 To keep he desire for sexual intercourse in perspective, one needs to
remember that sexual intercourse is momentary.
 Friendship is concerned with the total good of the person, oneself and
the relationship.
 Sexual intercourse can be personal or impersonal, generous or selfish.
 Only in marriage can sexual intercourse achieve its fully potential for
building and expressing love.

4. List down some of the freedoms adolescents are enjoying today.

 There are opportunities for boys and girl to go to school together.
 There are opportunities to work together.
 Boys and girls dance together.
 Boys and girls correspond with one another by letters.
 They have the freedom of making the choice of their marriages.
5. List down some qualities a woman might look for in her future husband.
 He is social, has good relationship with everybody, people will like to visit his
 He is a kind man, has self-control, respects his wife and treats her well.
 He has the same religious beliefs, so that the two partners are guided by same
 He is faithful to his wife, does not run around with other women.
 He has the same interests as his wife, they can share many things together.
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 He has true love, cares for his family in practical way.
6. List down some findings of social science regarding the qualities needs to have a
good marriage.
 Physical beauty is important is important but fragile.
 For more important than physical beauty is a good character.
 Two entering marriage must be able to carry on a serious conversation with
each other.
 One of the most important factors in a successful marriage is love for family life.
 Both must be honest about their health, since a tendance to disease in man,
reinforced with a similar tendance in a wife can wreck several of the children.
 Any serious misconduct or immoral behavior in one‟s partner should make one
hesitate before going ahead with the marriage behavior does not changeafter a
wedding ceremony.
7. List down some problems that are found in marriage today.
 Marital infidelity.
 Lack of sharing of common values.
 Lack of communication between the couples.
 Not being honest with each other.
 Couples not belonging to same religion/ denominations
 Traditional attitudes/values e.g. polygamy.
8. List down some Hindu practices of marriage.
 Over 90% of Hindu marriages are arranged by parents.
 Divorce is unheard of or unthinkable in Hindu society.
 Marriage is not a contract between two individuals but a bond between two
 Hindus consider marriage as a holy ceremony and the greatest event of their
 A Hindu girl must keep herself chatty and pure otherwise she will become all
out east.
 Courtships rare as a result.
9. Muslim Marriages.

(a). The husband’s Obligation

 The man must treat his wife with kindness.

 The man mast maintain his wife fully ie. Lodging, Nursing and General
 The husband also must respect her needs for permanence.

(b). The obligation of the wife.


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 To contribute to the success of the marriage.
 She must be attentive to the wellbeing and comfort of her partner.
 She must be honest, faithful and trust worth.
 The wife must keep herself attractive.

©. Dowry.

 The woman has a right to demand dowry from her Suitor according to her
standards and his means.
 If she wish to disregard this right she may do so.
 The right to dowry is to assure a woman is needed and wanted.
 It is also meant to prevent a man from entering marriage for material

(d). Divorce

 If the marriage does not work out divorce may be permitted as the last
 There are three steps to be taken before divorce is permitted.
i. The two parties must try to settle the dispute themselves.

ii. If this fails, two arbitrators, must try and make peace between the two.

iii. If this fails divorce may take place after a waiting period of twelve

10. List down the aims of marriage in Traditional African Society.

 Marriage is a means of bearing children for the family or clan.
 Marriage is an alliance.
 Marriage strengthened the bonds of society.
 To be married mattered far more than who one married.
 Marriage had a growing stability.
11. Give reasons why lobola or dowry is paid in Traditional Zambian society.
 It was part of the process of gift exchange.
 It gave legitimacy to the children of the union.
 It gave compensation to the relatives of the bride for the loss of the born
in the union.
 It helped to stabilise marriage to a limited extent.
 It was a way of honouring the lineage spirits.
12. Discuss what the mother advices the daughter during traditional marriage
 To love one but the one they approve.
 To have self-respect and self-control.
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 To be a hard worker.
 To be obedient to the husband and elders.
13. Discuss the father’s/uncle’s advice to the boy
 Not to use the wife as a sex object.
 To correct the wife humbly when she goes wrong.
 To be a hard worker to see to it that the family has enough to eat.
 The beauty of the girl was not important but her character.
 To look after the in-laws and help them.
14. List down some contrasts and differences in modern marriage compared to
traditional marriages. Today;
 Marry while too young.
 Marriage motivated by a desire for material wealth.
 Early involvement in beer drinking
 Excessive movement.
15. List down some characteristics of a Christian Marriage ceremony.
 Having bridesmaids.
 Having a wedding cake.
 Promising to love and respect each other till death.
 Wearing white dress.
 Having a matron of honour.
 Praying for God‟s blessings.
 Holding a wedding reception.
 Signing a register.
16. What does living in Marriage mean for a Christian?
 Living in marriage means accepting that life brings many frustrations,
discourtesies and hurts.
 Living in marriage means doing many boring things and giving up
many worthwhile things.
 Living in marriage means growing together in love and God‟s presence.
 Living in marriage means two people living one life in same goals,
values etc.


1. Narrate a passage from the old Testament which states that marriage was
willed by God. Genesis 2:18-25.
 Then the Lord said, “it is not good for man to live alone.
 I will make a companion to help him,
 So he took some soil from the ground and formed all animals and birds.
 Then he brought them to man to see how he would name them.


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 And that is how they all got their names.
 So man named all the birds and animals.
 But none of their was a suitable companion.
 Then the Lord God made man fall into deep sleep.
 While he was sleeping, he took out one of man‟s rib and closed up the
2. Give the content of a passage from the book of Malachi which shows that God
hates divorce. Malachi 2:13-16
 This is another thing you do.
 You draw the Lord‟s alter with tears, weeping and walling because he no
longer accepts your offering you bring him.
 You ask why he no longer accepts them.
 It is because he knows you have broken the promise to your wife you married
when you were young.
 She was your partner and you have broken your promise to her.
 Didn‟t God make you have broken your promise to her?
 What was his purpose in this.
 It was that you would have children who are truly God‟s people.
 I hate divorce, says the Lord of Israel.
 I hate it when one does such a cruel thing to his wife.


Using ideas from above, suggest negative effects of divorce on the family.

 It makes children lack parental. Guidance.

 It makes children lack parental guidance.
 It makes children loos shelter
 Divorced partners may get diseases if they engage themselves in other sexual

3.Good marriage relationship. Hosea 2:1-3

 My children, plead with your mother, thou she is no longer a wife to me.
 And I am no longer a husband to her.
 Plead with her to stop her adultery and prostitution.
 If she does not stop I will strip her as naked as she was on the day she was born.
 I will make her like a barren and dry land.
 And she will die of thirst.
 I will not show mercy to her children, because they are children of a shameless
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 She herself said, “I will to my lovers because they give me food and water, wool and
linen, olive oil and wine
 So I am going to fence her in with their bushes and build a wale to block her.
 She will run after her lovers but will not catch them.
 Then she will say, “I am going back to my first husband,
 “I was better off there than I am now”

4. Narrate a passage from John’s Gospel in which Jesus heals a broken marriage
relationship. John 4:16-19.

 Go and call your husband, Jesus told her.

 I haven‟t got a husband, she answered.
 Jesus replied “you are right when you say you haven‟t got a husband.
 You have been married to five men.
 And the man you live with now is not your husband.
 You have told me the truth…………………………………….

5. Give the content of the Bible passage from John that teaches about faithfulness
in marriage.

John 8:1-11.

 Then everyone went home, but Jesus went to mount Olives.

 Early the next morning, he went back to the temple.
 All the people gathered around him.
 He sat down and begun to teach them.
 The teachers of the law and Pharisees brought a woman who was caught caught
committing adultery and they made her stand before them all.
 Teacher, they said to Jesus. This woman was caught in the very act of adultery.
 In our law, “Moses commanded that such a woman must be stoned to death.
 So what do you say”
 They said this to trap Jesus so that they could accuse him.
 But he bent over and wrote on the ground with his finger.
 As they stove there asking him questions, he straightened himself and say to them.
 Whichever one of you committed no sin throw the first stone at her.
 Then he bent over again and wrote on the ground.
 When they heard this, they all left, one by one.
 The elder one first.
 Jesus was left alone with a woman still standing there.
 He straightened himself up and said to her.


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 Where are they? Is there no one to condemn He straightened himself up and said to
 Where are they? Is there no one to condemn you.
 “No one sir” .She answered.
 I don‟t condemn you either.
 Go and sin no more.

6. Narrate a New Testament passage in which Paul encourages married couples to

exercise genuine love and understanding. Ephesians 5:21-23
 Submit yourselves to one another because of your reverence for Christ.
 Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord.
 For a husband has authority over his wife.
 Just like Christ has authority over his church.
 And Christ himself is the head of the church.


With reference from the above passage, what advice would you give to a woman
who does not want to submit because times are changing?

 The husband will lose respect for her.

 A woman who submit is a good model to the children.
 Respect does not go with changing times etc

7. Give the content of the New Testament passage that teaches about the idea of

 Then Jesus left the place, went to the province of Judea.

 Crowds came flocking to him again and he taught them as he always did.
 Some Pharisees came to him and tried to trap him.
 Tell us they asked, does our law allow divorce?
 Jesus answered with a question.
 What law did Moses give you?
 Moses gave permission for a man to write a divorce notice and send his wife away.
 Moses wrote this because you are too hard to teach.
 But in the beginning, at the time of creation .
 God made them male and female.
 As the scripture say for this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and
write with his ..
 And the two shall become one.
 No human being then must separate what God has joined.
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8. Give the content of a passage from 1 Corinthian which teaches about mutual
trust and self-giving.

 Now to deal with matters you wrote about.

 A man does well not to marry.
 But because there is so much sexual immorality.
 Every man should have his own wife.
 And every woman should have her own husband.
 And a woman should fulfill her duty as a wife.
 And each should satisfy the other‟s needs.
 A wife is not the master of her own body but her husband is.
 In the same way a husband is not the master of his own body but the wife is.
 Do not deny yourself to each other, unless you first agree to do so, to spend time
in prayer.
 But the resume marital relations.
 In this way you will be kept from Satan‟s temptations.
 One person this gift, another one that gift.


Why should married couples have satisfactory marriage relationship?

Suggest some……………………….


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1. Give four reasons why some people abandon their faith.

 New cultures coming to Africa brought new ways, new religious ideas.
 Rivalry for converts from the different churches added to the confusion.
 With the rise of nationalism and self-identity, the Christian God become a
white God.
 The mode of living of some Christians practicing racialism, prejudice and
exploitation was a barrier.
 With the technology, man seemed to be able to salve problems without
any reference to God.
 At times people joined a church in area as it offered material gain.
2. List down some substitutes for God people make.
- Science - Technology - Power - Education -
- Money - Sex - Ambition - Efficiency
3. List the four traits of a hypocrite
 When he speaks he tells a lie.
 When he is entrusted, he betrays the trust.
 When he makes a promise, he proves treacherous.
 When he quarrels, he uses obscene language.
4. Describe Hindu Evasion
(i). Many ways to God
 They say there are as many ways to God as there are people.
 There is no one belief that is common to all.
 Some people say Hinduism is a way of life rather than creed.

(ii). Appearances or illusion.

 Hindus say the world is not a real one.

 It is like a curtain that hangs all round us and prevents us from seeing what
is behind.
 They speak of „Maya‟ as illusion.
(iii) Searching for truth.


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 To be wise you must be something of a saint.
 A person who is mean or vicious has denied truth.
5. Describe briefly the functions of a Dealer and Diviner.
(i). Traditional healer.
 He uses herbs for healing certain diseases.
 He is a good judge of human behavior.
 He/she aims at healing the whole body.

(ii). Diviner.

 This is a man/woman able to counteract the evil activities of witchcraft.

 The diviner has the power to tell whether the sickness or death has been
caused by a witch or not.
6. List the cause of division in the early church.
 Taught that salvation was acquired through knowledge.
 All matter was evil, only the spirit was good.
 The world was evil as it was made up of matter.
 Yahweh (God) must also be evil as he created the evil world.
 The body consisted of body and soul.
 God was a pure spirit and had nothing to do with the material world.
 Salvation comes through knowledge and experience of the spirit.


 Honoured the Gnostic idea of hidden truth which leads to salvation.

 Truth descended on the believer when he falls into deep sleep through
possessions of the holy spirit.
 They wanted no compromise with the world.
 They forbade second marriages, fleeting in the face of persecution.
 The followers wrote New scriptures.


 Founded by many of Persia.

 He called himself an apostle of Jesus.
 Manichaeism taught that salvation was acquired through discipline of the
 He said the spirit descended on him and revealed many mysteries.
7. Explain how churches have been sometimes more concerned with individual
church than with Christ’s command to love and create Christian fellowship.
 All the churches claim to follow Christ.


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 When each church claims that they are the right church, love and fellowship
which Christ came to preach are often forgotten.
 The division we see today all stemmed from the 16th centuary reformation.
 The church in the 16th centuary needed reformation so that it became more
faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
 Martin Luther protested against the authority of the pope.
 There were quarrels between Catholics and Protestants.
 The Catholic Church opposed the reformers but had its own reformation.
 Catholics and Protestants remained hostile fro centuries.


1. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament in which the prophet Isaiah urges
the Israelites to stay with God because he was powerful. Isaiah 40:21-27
 Do you not know?
 Where you not told long ago?
 Have you not heard how the world begun?
 It was made by him who sit on his throne.
 Above the earth and beyond the sky, the people below look as tiny as ants.
 He stretched out the sky like a curtain, like a tent in which to live.
 He brings down powerful rulers and reduces them to nothing.
 They are like young plants, just set out and barely rooted.
 To whom can the holy God be compared?
 Look up at the sky.
 Who created the stars you see?
 The one who leads them out like an army?
 His power is so great.
 Israel why do you complain that that the Lord does not know your troubles.


List some incidences/circumstances when people seem to forget God.

 When there is a disaster.

 When they have failed.
 When someone betrays them.
 When they get rich.
2. Narrate a passage from the Old Testament in which the prophet Isaiah tells
the Israelites that fulfilling rituals only is an evasion. Isaiah 1:10-16
 Jerusalem, your rulers and your people are like those of Sodom and
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 Listen to what the lord is saying to you.
 Pay attention to what our God is teaching you.
 I have had enough of the sheep you burn as sacrifice.
 I have had more than enough of the sheep you burn as sacrifice.
 And of the fat your fine animals.
 I am tired of the blood bulls, goats and sheep.
 I am disgusted with the smell of the incense you burn.
 I cannot stand your new moon festivals, your Sabbaths and religious
 They are all corrupt by your sins.
 They are a burden that I am tired of bearing.
 When you lift your hands in prayer, I will not look at you for your hands are
covered with blood.
 Wash yourselves clean and learn to do right.
 Stop all this evil that I see you doing.


Show how a Christian can hide in performing outward activities and

observances but yet his/her conduct is bad and not pleasing or acceptable to

 Prayerful and fasting yet he/she is a prostitute or womaniser

 Giving alms to the poor yet his/her children have no food back home.
 Donating money to the church but is stealing money from government.
 Preaching about love of neighbours but does not love his/her relatives.
3. Give the content of a passage from the book of Ezekiel in which the King of
Tyre had no need for God. Ezekiel 28:1-10
 The Lord spoke to me. Mortal man, he said, “tell the ruler of Tyre what I the
sovereign Lord, am saying to him,
 Puffed up with pride you claim to be a god.
 You say like a god, you sit in your throne surrounded by seas.
 You may pretend to be a god but no, you an mortal and not all divine.
 You think you are wiser than Daniel that no secretes can be kept away from
 Your wisdom and skill made you rich with treasures of gold and silver.
 You made clever business deals and kept on making profits.
 How proud you are of your wealth.
 Now then this is what I the Lord I am saying to you, because you think you
are as wise as a god.
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 I will bring worthless enemies to attack you.
 They will destroy all the beautiful things you acquired.
 And send you to a watery grave……………...\


Show how a Zambian in key position can evade God.

 By believing in his power as a source of everything.

 By exploiting his workers using his influence.
 By cheating and not paying the people he is working with.
 By wanting people to worship him.

4. Give the content of a Bible passage from Psalms which explains that self-
centeredness and pride lead people to deny God. Psalms 53
 Fools say to themselves, there is no God.
 They are all corrupt and have done terrible things.
 There is no one who does what is right.
 God looks down from heaven at human race to see if there are any who are
 But they have all turned away.
 Not one of them does what is right.
 Don‟t they know? God asks
 They live by robbing my people and never pray to me.
 But they will be terrified as they have never been before.
 For God will scatter the bones of their enemies of his people .
 God has rejected them, and so Israel will totally defeat them.


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