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Lazar Alexandru

Cluj-Napoca  Phone: 0767 030 386  Email:

Student UBB - FMI

Student la informatica , pasionat de dezvoltarea software si

automatizare , doresc acest internship in domeniul tehnologiei.
Sunt determinat sa invat si sa contribui la nevoile prezente , fiind
dispus sa foc tot ce este necesar pentru a aduce un plus pe piata.


Development: Python /

Office Work: Note-taking  File Management  Scheduling

Cameras: Canon GL2 / XL2  Panasonic DVX100A / HVX200 


Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro / After Effects  Final Cut Pro 
Sound Forge  Acid

Systems: Linux Ubuntu/Kali


The Ohio State University — Columbus, OH

Pursuing BA in Film Studies (Specializing in Screenwriting), 2012 to Present
Completed Coursework in Major Includes:

—Screenwriting I, II, III —Script Development —Narrative Storytelling

—Improv —Film Production, I and II —History of Film I, II, III

Academic Career Highlights:

 Helped Found and Direct Ohio State’s first Comedy Improv Group: Sucking Less than Ever.
 Served as camera assistant on two Web commercials for local businesses.
 Honors: Dean’s List (all semesters)
 Current GPA: 3.7

Columbus High School — Columbus, OH

High School Diploma, 2012

 Honors: Delivered commencement address as class salutatorian  Golden Key Honor Society

 Activities: Lead in Senior Musical; President of Film and TV Club; Manager of Improv Society.


 Office Manager, The Copy Company, Columbus, OH Spring 2010 to Present

 Film Intern, Wexner Center for the Arts Fall 2013


 Second Round, Nicholl Competition, for Feature Script: “Punk in Drublic.”

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