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Word swapping


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Word swapping
What is word swapping?

 In the banking exams, word swapping is the most common topic asked by the examiner. It’s also known as
error spotting vocabulary/grammar- based.

 Spotting errors based on vocabulary is something in which you need to spot the sentences and errors i.e.
the word(s) which is/are incorrect with the context. The word needs to be swapped and replaced with the
correct word in order to form a contextually correct sentence.

How to figure out the concept?

In this topic, one or more than one sentence will be given and in the given sentence four bold words will be
there which are not in the correct order. We have to swap those words accordingly to make a coherent

Read the directions of the given particular Questions.

Q. In the sentences, certain words are in bold and numbered from A to H, which are the possible pairs to
be interchanged. Choose the pair(s) of words that need(s) to be interchanged to make the sentence
grammatically correct and meaningful.
A. As given in the directions there are sentences hence, from this we can conclude that there will be two
sentences and in the given sentences the words are bolden and numbered from A to H. We have to
interchange the possible pairs.

Start reading the given statements.
Q. A. Concerns have been paved (A) regarding the cryptocurrency (B) markets as there is substantially less
investor protection (C) than in our traditional securities markets, with correspondingly greater
opportunities for fraud and manipulation. (D)
B. The roads throughout (E) the State of Punjab are largely raised (F) and smooth, (G) even in the
villages, and power cut- save (H) becomes a thing of the past.
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A. If you see there are two sentences A and B, in these two sentences some words are bolded and we need
to swap these words if the words are incorrectly placed.

Try to find out any grammatical relationship between the bolded words and the words which are placed
before them.

 Let’s see the given example in Step- 2

 In sentence A, the word ‘paved’ is a past participle that is the third form of a verb which ‘cover with flat
stones or bricks.’ Hence, it is incorrectly placed according to meaning. We know that we want a verb there
and among the highlighted words there is only one verb i.e. ‘raised’. Hence, it is the correct answer.

 So the correct answer is A-F

Points to Remember
1. Read the directions carefully.
2. Start reading the given sentences.
3. Find out any grammatical relationship.

Let’s see some more examples:

Q. In the sentences, certain words are in bold and numbered from A to H, which are the possible pairs to be
interchanged. Choose the pair(s) of words that need(s) to be interchanged to make the sentence
grammatically correct and meaningful.
1. The government (A) of Housing and Urban Affairs says that the existing rent control (B) laws are
restricting the growth of rental (C) housing as they discourage the owners from renting out their vacant
houses due to agreements (D) of not getting them back.

2. As per the Ministry(E), both the tenant as well as the owner(F) are often found(G) at the wrong end of
a bargain in informally drafted fear(H).

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1) A-E

2) D-H

3) A-E and D-H

4) A-F and B-H

5) No replacement required
A. The correct answer is A-E and D-H.

Key Points
 In the given sentences, 'government' needs to replace with 'ministry' and 'agreements' needs to
replace with 'fear' to make the sentences correct.

 D demands a verb in its place because to is written there and a verb(V1) is used after the to.

 Hence, the correct sentences are:

 The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs says that the existing rent control laws are restricting
the growth of rental housing as they discourage the owners from renting out their vacant
houses due to fear of not getting them back.

 As per the government, both the tenant as well as the owner are often found at the wrong end
of a bargain in informally drafted agreements.

Q. In the following question two statements are given, with some words in bold. Select the correct pair of
bold words that are to be interchanged to make both the sentences grammatically correct.

1. Surrounded by the warm waters of the Arabian Sea and lying about 240 miles to(A) the coast of Kerala,
the Union Territory of Lakshadweep is politically and historically connected(B) to India, but is also isolated
from much of the developments taking(C) place in the Indian mainland.

2. A popular oral tradition in Kerala suggests that the last Cheraman Perumal had a strange dream
following which he converted(D) to Islam and set out off(E) Arabia for the sake of performing(F) the Hajj.

1) B-D

2) A-E

3) A-E and C-F

4) C-F

5) No replacement required

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A. The correct answer is A-E.

Key Points
 In the given sentences, 'to' needs to replace with 'off' to make the sentences correct.

 When we want to show the distance between two things, we use the preposition off. So, '....about 240
miles off the coast of Kerala....' will be correct.

 All the other words are correctly used in the given sentences.

 Hence, the correct sentences are:

 Surrounded by the warm waters of the Arabian Sea and lying about 240 miles off the coast of
Kerala, the Union Territory of Lakshadweep is politically and historically connected to India, but
is also isolated from much of the developments taking place in the Indian mainland.

 A popular oral tradition in Kerala suggests that the last Cheraman Perumal had a strange dream
following which he converted to Islam and set out to Arabia for the sake of performing the Hajj.
Q. In the sentences, certain words are in bold and numbered from A to H, which are the possible pairs to be
interchanged. Choose the pair(s) of words that need(s) to be interchanged to make the sentence
grammatically correct and meaningful.
a. The inspector believed he was normal(A), so he refused to even consider(B) the suspects other than the
one he had arrested(C) and proceeded to report(D) the same.

b. Lady Jane relinquished(E) her throne to Mary at her father’s behest(F) and went on to lead(G) her life
like that of a infallible(H) citizen.

1) B-E

2) A-C and E-G

3) C-F

4) A-G and B-F

5) A-H
A. The correct answer is option 5 i.e. A-H.

Key Points
 Let us look at the sentences in the following way:

1. The inspector believed he was ________ (A) so he refused to even ________ (B) the suspects
other than the one he had ________ (C) and proceeded to ________ (D) the same.

2. Lady Jane ________ (E) her throne to Mary at her father’s ________ (F) and went on to

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________ (G) her life like that of a ________ (H) citizen.

 In sentence 1, from the remaining words, we get to know that the inspector refused to consider the sus-
pects as he believed he cannot be wrong and had already found the criminal.

 In sentence 2, from the remaining words, we get to know that Lady Jane gave up her throne to Mary as
per her father’s command or wish.

 In Blank A, the word ‘normal’ is inappropriate in the context of the sentence as we see the further part of
the sentence.

 In Blank H , the word ‘infallible’ is incorrect usage considering the noun ‘citizen’. A suitable adjective
should replace it.

 Therefore, we need to interchange A and H to make the sentences correct.

The correct sentences are:

a. The inspector believed he was infallible(A), so he refused to even consider(B) the suspects other than the
one he had arrested(C) and proceeded to report(D) the same.

b. Lady Jane relinquished(E) her throne to Mary at her father’s behest(F) and went on to lead(G) her life like
that of a normal(H) citizen.

Q. In the sentences, certain words are in bold and numbered from A to H, which are the possible pairs to be
interchanged. Choose the pair(s) of words that need(s) to be interchanged to make the sentence
grammatically correct and meaningful.
a. The committee hurdles(A) that the director of the community(B) services should faced(C) as many mini-
recycling centres as the budget allows(D).

b. The company introduce(E) severe financial opined(F) due to parochial(G) planning and lack of prudence

1) A-H

2) B-D and E-G

3) C-G

4) A-F and C-E

5) None of the above

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A. The correct answer is option 4) A-F and C-E.

Key Points
 Let us look the sentences in the following way:

1. The committee ________ (A) that the director of the ________ (B) services should ________
(C) as many mini-recycling centres as the budget ________ (D).

2. The company ________ (E) severe financial ________ (F) due to ________ (G) planning and lack
of ________ (H).

 In sentence 1, from the remaining words, we get to know that the committee said to the director of a
certain services to introduce mini-recycling centres allowed by the budget.

 In sentence 2, from the remaining words, we get to know that the company faced problems to
improper planning.

 In Blank A, the word ‘hurdles’ in out of context and thus incorrect. A verb should replace it.

 In Blank F, the word ‘opined’ is a verb which is incorrectly and a noun should replace it.

 In Blank C, the word ‘faced’ is incorrect as it out of context and a verb should be used in it’s place.

 In Blank E, the word ‘introduce’ is not grammatically correct and a suitable verb should be used

 Therefore, we need to interchange A and F, C and E to make the sentences correct.

The correct sentences are:

a. The committee opined(A) that the director of the community(B) services should introduce(C) as many
mini-recycling centres as the budget allows(D).

b. The company faced(E) severe financial hurdles(F) due to parochial(G) planning and lack of prudence(H).

Q. In the following question two statements are given, with some words in bold. Select the correct pair of
bold words that are to be interchanged to make both the sentences grammatically correct.

1. The massive crowd scattered(A) to hear the prime minister in Asansol surprised(B) even the PM and he
could not but comment(C) that he only saw people for as far(D) as he could see.

2. The threat of Covid was charged(E) to the winds by precisely(F) those people who were assembled
(G) with the responsibility of controlling(H) it nationally.

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1) A-E and B-H

2) B-G then G-A

3) A-E then E-G

4) A-G then E-G

5) No replacement required

A. The correct answer is A-G then E-G.

Key Points
 In the first sentence, A talks about the gathering of the crowd to hear the PM, so scattered needs to
replace with assembled(G) to make the first sentence correct.

 In the second sentence, E talks about the transmission of covid, so charged needs to replace
with scattered to make this sentence correct.

 The important point is that we need to change A with G first. Now the word that is written in A reaches
to G.

 Then we will replace the word written on E with G to make all the sentences correct.

 Hence, the correct sentences are:

 The massive crowd assembled to hear the prime minister in Asansol surprised even the PM and
he could not but comment that he only saw people for as far as he could see.

 The threat of Covid was scattered to the winds by precisely those people who
were charged with the responsibility of controlling it nationally.

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