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St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.

Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City



A Research Presented to

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in the Subject


Conducted by

Albero, Quiell Ernest L.

Avecilla, Ghelan Hanna Eve G.

Bardinas, Michelle Anne T.

De Loyola, Daryl Josef P.

Magat, Kim Cristle Meign B.

Mirador, Josh Matthew C.

Papa, Migel Rodrene Vens

Talamayan, Isidro III V.

MARCH 2024

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City



Adapting to new academic standards, forging connections with peers and faculty,

and navigating the social and emotional aspects of high school life are hurdles all

transfer students face. Disruptions to previous studies, like canceled fieldwork or limited

access to labs and resources, can create gaps in knowledge and practical skills.
Additionally, the pandemic's social distancing measures made building relationships with

classmates and professors more difficult, hindering the development of a supportive

network that is crucial for academic and personal success.

Furthermore, the pandemic has made things worst for the mental health concerns

for many students, and transfer students often experience higher levels of stress and

anxiety due to the inherent challenges of transitioning. Students have been identifed as a

vulnerable group experiencing signifcant levels of stress, anxiety and depression

affecting their mental health. Teachers in the new normal face challenges brought by the

COVID-19 pandemic which posted rapid adjustments in the educational system

(Alvarez, 2021; Anzaldo 2021; Castroverde & Acala, 2021), including parents of the

students (Guiamalon et al., 2021; Kintanar et al., 2021; Pascual, 2021). It is important

to acknowledge the unique challenges faced by transfer students entering environmental

programs during and after the pandemic.

Several researchers discussed the phenomenon of “transfer shock,” a period after

transferring during which student GPAs drop and students become more likely to dropout

due to the many factors that can make it hard for them to adjust to their new environment

(Aulck & West, 2017; Clausen &Wessel, 2015; Lakin & Cardenas Elliot, 2016). The

period after transferring, when transfer shock might hit, is a critical period when transfer

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City

students might need the most assistance. The longer a student can persist at their new

institution and the better they can weather their transfer shock, the more likely they are to

complete their degree (Aulck & West, 2017). By understanding these difficulties,

institutions and educators can develop targeted support systems that address their specific

needs and help them thrive in their new environment. By fostering a supportive and

inclusive environment, we can help these students the inquire into the source of their

troubles and issues involving the transition of their environment and help achieve their

academic goals.

Starting a new school can be daunting for anyone, but for high school transfer

students, the transition can feel like jumping into a whole new ocean. They're not just

adjusting to a new physical environment and classmates, but also experiencing unfamiliar

academic expectations, social dynamics, and potentially even a different school culture.

This can be especially challenging during and after the pandemic, which has disrupted

routines, added stress, and limited opportunities for connection. Mandatory targeted

orientation programs designed specifically for transfer students (Clausen & Wessel,

2015; Hern et al., 2019; Lane et al.,2015). Transferring to a new school can be

academically and socially challenging, even for high-achieving students. This is partly

because schools have different expectations and approaches to teaching. Fortunately,

orientation programs can help ease the transition.

Thus this particular study attemps to determine the “The Coping Mechanisms of

Grade 11 Transferee Studens of St. Joseph College of Novaliches Inc. S.Y 2023-


Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City


The main purpose of this study is to determine the “Coping Mechanisms of

Grade 11 Transferee Students of St. Joseph College of Novaliches Inc. S.Y 2023-


It specifically asks the following questions:

1. The participant can be classified by the following:

1.1. Section

2. How does the participant interact with their peers?

3. What were the challenges the respondent went through when interacting

with their peers?

4. What were the methods the respondent used in order to cope and

overcome the said challenges?

5. Which of those coping methods were effective in resolving the



This research is guided by the following assumptions:

1. All of the gathered data is valid and reliable.

2. The student has ways of interacting with peers

3. The participant face challenges when interacting with their peers

4. There are methods used to cope with said challenges

5. The methods used to overcome said challenges are effective

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City


The general intent of this study is for the readers and future researchers to identify

the problems that the Grade 11 transfer students have faced and study their coping

mechanisms to adapt or overcome social issues.

This study considers the experiences of the Grade 11 transferees and gives help to

those experiencing the similar difficulties. This study is mainly focused on the coping

mechanisms that the 21 Grade 11 transfer students of St. Joseph College of Novaliches

Inc. during the academic year 2023 to 2024.

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City


This study aims to explore the method transferee students use to cope with the

environment a new school provides.

Students. For them, the research findings may guide them through the social

struggles of being a transferee student to improve their overall academic life, it can also

have a broader applicability to students experiencing similar disruptive social shifts, such

as joining a new club, moving to a new class, or getting grouped with people you are not

close with. The research can contribute to a broader understanding of effective coping

mechanisms for all students facing social challenges, not just those transitioning to a new


Teachers, counselors, and administrators. For them, this study can provide

valuable insights into the socioemotional challenges faced by new students. This

understanding can inform their teaching practices, classroom management strategies, and
early intervention efforts to identify and support students struggling with social

integration. It can also inform the development of social integration seminars and

activities that specifically address the needs of new students.

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City

Guardians. For them, the research can provide practical guidance and resources

to help them understand and support their child’s social integration process. This can help

parents to better support their children in building and maintaining meaningful


Future researchers. For them, this study aims to contribute to the existing body

of knowledge and help others to investigate subject matters of the same topic or related


Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City


To understand this study clearly, here are the following terms that explained in an

operational manner.

Coping Mechanism refers to strategies used to reduce unpleasant experiences.

To cope is to deal with and overcome struggles and difficulties in life. It is

a way for people to maintain their mental and emotional well-being.

Socio-Emotional simply combines social and emotional aspects, referring to a

person initiating, cultivating and responding to others, to form

relationships with other people in their lives such as family and peers.

Stressor is a situation or event that causes us to feel stressed.

Transfer student or Transferee refers to student who comes to a school after

having begun his or her study at a different school.

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City



This chapter will explore the relevant research and literature, critically evaluating

each work and synthesizing the literature to demonstrate how our research fits with

existing scholarship.

Literature refers to writings having excellence of form or expression and

expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest.



Aperocho, L. Y. V. (2021). Learning how to identify stressors gives the ability to

eliminate causes of depression and thus to avoid or alleviate its effects. This study

indicates the value of knowing and understanding the sources of stress in someone's life

as a strategy of preventing or reducing depression.. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City

Studies refers to the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an

academic subject, especially by means of books.



According to Foster, M., Mulroy, T., & Carver, M. (2020) Many students worked

together outside of class despite often not living near each other or having dedicated

study time.” The study aims to find the different coping strategies of transfer students in

the UK and the different ways that these students coped with the move to studying at a

university. In which the themes that were identified were; managing learning

expectations, facilitating peer support, online engagement, cue seeking and efficiency.

The study showed that each coping technique requires the cooperation of many student

groups and how communication with peers both in an offline or online setting can affect

a transfer students overall performance due to the support of their peers and groups.

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City


The following figure shows the flow of the study using the INPUT – PROCESS –

OUTPUT (IPO) model.


1.Section of the
• questionnaire The outcome will be
2.The ways the • interviews the coping mechanisms
respondents interacts with of g11 transferees
their peers
students of SJCNI
3.The challenges the
respondent faced when S.Y 2023-24
interacting with their peers
4.The coping methods the
respondents tried in order
to overcome the challenges
of interacting interacting
with their peers
5.The most effective
coping methods that the
respondents used to
overcome their challenges

Box 1 is the input, the factors that contribute to this study are placed here.

Namely, the section of the students, the way the students interact with their peers, the

problems the respondent faced when interacting with their peers, and a few more.

Box 2 is the process, the factors placed here are the methods and instruments the

researchers will use in order to obtain the findings accurately.

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City

Box 3 is the output, is where the researchers' outcome is. Specifically, the researchers

are hoping to know the coping mechanisms of grade 11 transferees in st. Joseph College

of Novaliches inc.

Mimir Nexus|
St. Joseph College of Novaliches, Inc.
Rainbow Village 5, Congressional Ave., Novaliches, Caloocan City



This chapter covers the research design and methods that the researchers used

inconducting the study. Including the sampling techniques, the population of the

respondents, the instruments used, and the statistical treatment of data.



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