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PART 1: Moving From Paragraph to Essay

We studied the basics of paragraph writing. We learned that a paragraph is a group of thoughts
about one idea that includes a main subject and a controlling idea.

An essay is very similar to a paragraph in its organization and order, but an essay includes more
information about a topic. In an essay, each main point is presented in an individual paragraph.
This means that more examples, explanations, and details can be written about specific points of

The following chart shows the relationship between the parts of a paragraph and the parts of an

Comparison of Paragraphs and Essays

Purpose of Parts Paragraph Essay
Introduction Topic sentence Hook
● Gets readers interested. Thesis statement
● Gives the main idea.
Body Supporting sentences Supporting paragraphs
● Organizes the main points. Topic sentences
● Gives supporting information

Conclusion Concluding sentence Concluding paragraph

● Signals the end of the writing

Essay writing builds on many of the skills you have already mastered in learning to write a paragraph.
Once you know how to write a paragraph, it is not much difficult to write an essay; an essay is just
longer. Simply stated, an essay is a group of paragraphs about a specific subject. Like a paragraph, an
essay makes and supports one main point. However, the subject of an essay is too complex to be
developed in a few sentences. Several paragraphs are needed to support fully the main point of an
essay. A typical essay contains five paragraphs, but many other types of essays are longer or shorter,
depending on their purpose.
ESSAY I. Introduction

Hook (Gets reader’s attention using one or more

of the following: Anecdotes, quotations,
questions, facts and statistics
General Statements (Connecting information)
Thesis Statement (States the subject and focus
of the essay)

II. Body
Topic Sentence: States the first supporting point.
Topic Sentence (topic and
controlling idea) Provides supporting details, examples, facts.
A. Supporting Sentences
B. Supporting Sentences 2nd SUPPORTING PARAGRAPH
C. Supporting Sentences Topic Sentence: States second supporting point.
Concluding Sentence(s)
Provides supporting details, examples, facts.


Topic Sentence: States third supporting point.
Provides supporting details, examples, facts.

III. Conclusion

Makes final comments by doing one or more of

the following:
Restating main points
Asking a question
Suggesting a solution
Making a recommendation
Making a prediction
PRACTICE-1 Analyze the paragraph and the essay below.

1- Find three main parts of the paragraph: the topic sentence, supporting sentences and the
concluding sentence.
2- Find three parts of the essay : introductory paragraph, body paragraphs and concluding paragraph
3-Underline the thesis statement of the essay.
4-Underline the topic sentence and concluding sentences in each body paragraph of the essay.


There goes a saying “Every human being is the

author of his own health or disease.” To be healthy or
not depends on you and if you choose to stay healthy,
there are many ways to do so: exercising daily, eating
well and not smoking or drinking alcohol.
Firstly, daily exercise is important for good
health. There are many different forms of exercise one
There are many ways to stay healthy. can do. For example, you can go to gym to lift weights
For good health I recommend exercising or swim. You can run or jog in your neighborhood. You
daily. There are many different forms of can take a long walk or ride a bicycle. You do not have
exercise one can do. For example, you can go to do a lot of exercises. If you are consistent and if you
to the gym to lift weights or swim. You can exercise even a little bit every day, you will keep good
take along walk or ride a bicycle. Eating a health.
good diet is also necessary to stay healthy. A Next, eating a good diet is necessary to stay
good diet should consist of breads and grain, healthy. A good diet should consist of bread and
dairy products, fruits, vegetables and grains, dairy products, fruit, vegetables and protein.
protein. Finally, don’t smoke or drink! Both For instance, a good dinner might consist of pasta with
smoking and drinking are bad for your tomato sauce, bread and butter, a fresh salad a pear
health. and a glass of milk. If you eat well at every meal and
To conclude, three good ways to stay be sure to include food from the major food groups,
healthy are to exercise every day, eat well, you will stay healthy.
and do not smoke or drink. Finally, don’t smoke or drink! Smoking is very
bad for your health. Studies show that smoking causes
cancer. Not only that, smoking can give you bad breath
and can ruin your teeth. In addition, drinking alcohol is
also bad for your health. Alcohol has only empty
calories. It does not benefit your body at all.
To conclude, there are many ways to stay
healthy. Three good ways are to exercise every day,
eat well and not to smoke or drink alcohol. It is
important to maintain your health for a long time.
An effective essay must have three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.

1. Introductory Paragraph
The introductory paragraph consists of the hook and the connecting information, which
leads from the hook to the thesis.

► The Hook
Do you know what a hook is? A hook is found on the end of a fishing pole and is used to
catch fish. In writing, a hook is a sentence or sentences that catch the reader’s attention at
the beginning of the essay. Good writers use hooks to get the reader “hooked” in the first
paragraph of an essay. The hook gives the reader a reason to keep reading the essay. Hook
can be quotes, anecdotes, questions, facts, descriptions, or other interesting pieces of
information that attract the reader.

We all dream about our wedding celebration, but when it happens, we do not know
what to expect.

Writing a good hook is not easy. It requires a great deal of thought and practice. Let’s see
some ways of writing a hook in more detail:

I. Ask a question: Asking one or more questions at the beginning of an essay is a good way to engage
readers in the topic right away. If readers want to know the answer to the question, they are "hooked"
and will read the essay. For example, a writer might begin an essay about the need for more
government regulation of medicine with this question:
How many people take medicine-even simple aspirin-every day? (statistics)

Most readers will not know the answer to this question, but they will probably be interested and want
to find out more about the topic.
2. Move from general to specific: This type of introduction opens with a general statement or
statements on the subject that establishes its importance and then leads the reader to the more
specific thesis statement. You can use an interesting observation to move from general to specific.
Here is an example:

Asian economists are not sleeping well these days.

This observation makes readers want to know why economists are not sleeping well. This hook leads
to the main idea of the essay, which will highlight the three main causes of recession in Asia.

Here is another example of an observation hook, full of interesting details that leads readers to the
topic of international trade:

The average Canadian is proud to be Canadian and can easily talk about the
benefits of living in Canada. However, many Canadians drive Japanese or
German cars to work every morning. They wear cotton shirts made in Honduras
and pants made in Bangladesh. Their dinner salad may contain tomatoes from
California and salad dressing from France. Before going to bed, Canadians will
most likely watch their favorite TV programs on a Japanese or Korean television.

3. Use an anecdote: Another way to write an introduction is to relate an interesting story that will
interest the reader in the subject. Newspaper and magazine writers frequently use this technique to
begin their articles. Here is an example:

Traveling at more than one hundred miles an hour, he feels as though he is not moving. He is
engulfed in complete silence. For a moment, it is as if he has entered an-other dimension.

Are you hooked? Do you want to read the rest of the essay? This essay is about the exciting sport of

4. Use a quotation: A quotation is an easy way to introduce your topic. You can quote an
authority on your subject or use an interesting quotation from an article. You can also be more
informal and use a proverb or a favourite saying of a friend or relative. Study this example: "I have a
dream." Many readers may think that this hook will lead into a discussion of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s
life or his struggles. In fact, this hook begins an essay on the topic of sleep patterns.

5. Present a surprising or shocking fact and statistics: Presenting some interesting facts or statistics
establishes credibility. Here are two examples:

Over 20,000 people in the United States are killed in alcohol-related traffic accidents every year.
If world temperatures continue to rise, Singapore and New York may be under water by the year
PRACTICE 2. Read the following hooks and match them with their types.
a. an anecdote b a question c. a quote d. a surprising fact

Hook 1: On a recent anonymous survey, over ninety percent of high school males
admitted to secretly enjoying drugs.
Hook 2: How would you feel if you found out the murderer of the person you loved
most in the world was about to be set free after only two years in prison?
Hook 3: The other morning, my brother Danny – who just got his license last month –
was driving me to school. Danny’s cell phone started beeping and he checked
the incoming text message, dropping the toast he was eating and nearly
driving off the road in the process.
Hook 4: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we
are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, which most
frightens us,” says Nelson Mandela.

Connecting information
After the hook, the writer usually writes connecting information, or three to five sentences
that help connect the reader to the topic. These sentences can be background information about
the topic or they can be examples.

I met my husband on a student trip to Honduras. After four years of letter writings and
visits, we finally announced our engagement and planned for the event.

► The Thesis Statement

One important difference between a paragraph and an essay is that an essay has a thesis
statement. It is usually the last sentence in the introduction, and it is very important because
it contains the topic and the controlling idea of the entire essay. The topic sentence in a
paragraph tells what the paragraph is about, but a thesis statement in an essay states the
and gives a preview of how the information in the essay is presented. Any reader who reads
your thesis should get a clear idea of what you are trying to accomplish.

My wedding day was the most thrilling day of my life.

Topic Controlling idea
There are two types of thesis statements:
Implied thesis (Indirect thesis): The main points are not stated. Instead, they are implied in
the thesis statement.
Buying a car is not as easy as it sounds because there are
many factors to consider.
From this statement, the reader expects to find a discussion of factors buyers need
to consider when buying a car. The reader is not given the specific information that will follow
in the essay, but the general topic is clear. In this case, the reader must continue reading to
find the supporting ideas of the argument.

Stated thesis (Direct thesis): Some writers want to give a specific outline of their essays in
their thesis statements. The main points are clearly stated in the thesis statement.
Buyers should keep in mind many factors when purchasing a car: price, gas mileage, and

The underlined words are called points of development. Many writers use points of
development in their thesis statement because they greatly simplify organizing the essay.
These points of development become the three points that you will use in topic sentences for
the three body paragraphs of your essay. From this statement, the reader also knows that the
body of the essay has three main parts. The first part will discuss the price factor when
purchasing a car, the second part will talk about the factor of gas mileage, and the last part
will talk about functionality.
Some rules to keep in mind while writing a thesis statement:
1. Write your thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph, that is, thesis
statement is the last sentence of your introduction.
2. A thesis statement is not a fact or observation
Fact or observation: People use many chemicals. X
Thesis statement: Chemicals that people use have some bad effects on our nature. √
3. A thesis statement has one main idea rather than several main ideas. More than one idea
may be too difficult for the reader to understand and for the writer to support.
More than one point: Knowing a foreign language has many benefits, It also has some
disadvantages. X
Thesis statement: Knowing a foreign language has many advantages for university students.

4. A thesis statement should neither be too broad nor too narrow.

Too broad: The World War II changed the history. X

Too narrow: I grew up in a small village. X
Thesis statement : The World War II changed the life style of people of 40s.
Thesis statement : The village I grew up helped me develop myself in three important ways.

PRACTICE 3. Read the following sentences. Some are thesis statements, and some are just
details. Put a tick next to the thesis statements.

1. People can sometimes be highly superstitious about cats.

2. In certain parts of Asia, people believed that they became cats when they died.
3. It was thought that to cut your nails on Sunday would bring you bad luck.
4. There are many superstitions that are similar in several countries around the world.
5. There is a superstition among sailors that says wearing earrings will save a sailor
from drowning.
6. It is believed that our health and physical condition have an effect on our dreams.
7. It is said that to knock over the salt on a table is to meet trouble.
8. Throughout history, the luck of old numbers has been a matter of superstitious
9. Dreams of field, sea, country, and difficult roads and journeys are believed to be a
sign of heart trouble.
10. Many superstitions can be traced to ancient civilizations.

Study the following example.

A Common Fear
beginning of
According to several recent surveys, the biggest fear of most introductory
people is their fear of making a speech in public. More than a fear of paragraph

spiders or death, public speaking is something that often causes people

to break out into sweat, start shaking uncontrollably, and even feel as
though they are about to die. Fear of public speaking can come from a
number of sources, including childhood events and continuous media connecting
attention to the problem. Perhaps more important than the causes of
this phobia are the strategies for overcoming fear of public speaking.
Many people are unaware that the fear of speaking in front of others
can be overcome by visualization exercises, deep breathing, and thesis statement:
preparedness. end of introductory
PRACTICE 4. Read the introduction and label its parts with the words from the box.

Hook Thesis Statement Connecting Information Controlling Idea

A dictionary contains a definition of friendship somewhere in the F’s between the words “fear” and
“Friday.” An encyclopedia supplies interesting facts on friendship. But all the definitions and facts do not
convey what friendship is really all about. It cannot be understood through words or exaggerations. The
only way to understand friendship is through experience.

PRACTICE 5. Read the short essay. The thesis statement is missing. Choose the best thesis
statement and write it down.
Imagine having a job that fits your class schedule. You do not have conflicts with studying
because you only work at night and on the weekends. In addition, you can work in a beautiful
room with paintings on the walls, candlelight, and beautiful music playing in the background.
First, restaurant work is a great job for a student because the hours are different. Most
restaurants are busiest during the weekends in the evening. Since students have got classes
during the week and during the day, a restaurant job gives them time for classes.

The second reason why restaurant work suits students is that students can eat at the
restaurant. Students are short on time. They don’t want to go shopping, cook, or clean up, so
they need to get meals in a hurry. It is perfect if they can eat at work.

Students can make money, eat, and still have time for class if they work in a restaurant.
For these reason, many eating places are staffed by students. It is a great job for those who
need to work while they are in college.

a. A restaurant job is good for college students for several reasons.

b. Many restaurants hire college students.
c. College students can make a lot of money working in an expensive restaurant.
► Body Paragraphs
The body of an essay is the essay’s main part. It usually consists of three or four para-
graphs between the introduction and the conclusion. Each of these paragraphs is based on
and will explain one of your points of development in the thesis statement, whether it is
stated or implied. The topic sentence will state your point of development for that
Supporting sentences follow the topic sentence. The topic sentence is often the first
sentence of the paragraph. It may start with a signal word such as First, Second, Finally . . .
Each supporting sentence has a specific function: to describe, to give reasons, to give facts,
to give examples, or to explain. All the supporting details aim to expand the idea in the thesis
statement and therefore, they must relate to each other and support the topic sentence of
the body paragraphs. The concluding sentence of each body paragraph may either bring the
idea of the paragraph to a close or suggest the content of the next paragraph.

e.g.: Thesis Statement: People can reduce the risk of heart- attack by exercising regularly,
eating healthy food and not smoking.

PARAGRAPH – A Exercising regularly

PARAGRAPH – B Eating healthy food

PARAGRAPH – C Not smoking

In this essay, the first body paragraph will explain how exercising regularly can reduce the risk
of heart- attack. The second body paragraph will explain how eating healthy food can reduce
the risk of heart-attack and the third body paragraph will explain how not smoking can reduce
the risk of heart-attack. That is, all of these subtopics support the thesis statement.

PRACTICE 6. Writing Topic Sentences for Body Paragraphs

Work with a partner. For each thesis statement, write topic sentences for three supporting
body paragraphs.

1. There are three types of movies that I especially enjoy watching.

A. I love watching fast-paced action movies.
B. I am also a big fan of animated films, in particular 3-D animation.
C. My absolute favourite movie genre is comedy.
2. My city/ country has several interesting places to visit.
B. _
C. _

PRACTICE 7. Read the introduction and the body paragraphs. Then circle the thesis statement
and write a topic sentence for each body paragraph.

Watching Too Much Television

Watching television is an experience shared by most adults and children. It is cheap, appealing,
and within the reach of the general public. In this way, TV has become an important mass media around
the world. Sadly, this resource isn’t used in a way that people could get the best possible benefits from
it. Therefore, people shouldn’t watch too much television because the content of many TV programs is
not educational; it makes people waste time, and it negatively affects people’s mental development.

The first reason

Nowadays, we can see movies, series, and shows that present scenes of violence, sex, and drugs. This
has established wrong concepts among the audience that influence them into having a negative
behavior. Moreover, the impact on children is worse because they grow up with the idea of a savage

The second reason

. The
time we spend watching TV could be applied to useful activities like exercise, reading, interacting with
friends and family, activities that are important for a healthy lifestyle.

The third reason

According to several scientific studies, watching TV for long periods of time has a negative effect over
the intellectual development of children and leads to deterioration of the mental capacity in older
people by causing both attention and memory problems in the long term.
Concluding Paragraph
The concluding paragraph is the last paragraph of an essay. It has three purposes:
1. It signals the end of the essay.
2. It reminds the reader of what the writer wants to say in the essay.
3. It leaves the reader with the writer’s final thoughts on the topic.
Just as the introductory paragraph has parts, the concluding paragraph has two parts:

In the first part of the concluding paragraph, you

● repeat the thesis statement in different words,
● and / or summarize the main points of your essay.

You many need one or more than one sentence to do this. In the second part of the
you add a final comment. You might
● state your opinion
● offer a recommendation or suggest a solution
● make a judgement or a prediction
● provide new insights or discoveries

about the topic. Try to write at least three sentences that are related to the information you
have already presented in the essay.
The conclusion usually starts with a signal word:
In conclusion, To summarize, In summary,

To conclude, To sum up, Briefly,

In brief, In short, Shortly,



The summary statement is an effective way to start your concluding paragraph. Look at your
thesis statement again and rewrite it in different words. Avoid repeating the same words and
phrases from the thesis statement because if you do, it may sound boring or repetitive. Here
are some examples of thesis statements and summary statements:
Thesis Statement: Many people are buying Volvo because of its price, fuel economy, and high
resale value.
Summary Statement: Reasonable pricing, low fuel consumption and an attractive resale value
have all contributed to the popularity of Volvo in today’s market.

Thesis Statement: Italy is a stimulating place to visit because of its magnificent location,
and art galleries, and many fine restaurants.
Summary Statement: If you love beautiful surroundings, theatre and art, and an excellent
then Italy is the best place for you.

In this part, you may write your comments on the subjects of your essay. This is the place to
express your opinion, make a judgement or give a recommendation. However, do not add
any new ideas in the conclusion because it is the end of the essay.

Thesis Statement: Many people are buying Volvo because of its price, fuel economy and high
resale value.
Final Thoughts: Because of these features, Volvo is the type of car many people prefer to have.
We will have to wait and see to what extent the popularity of Volvo will increase in the near
Thesis Statement: Italy is a stimulating place to visit because of its magnificent location,
and art galleries, and many fine restaurants.
Final thought: Perhaps it’s because I am of Italian ethnicity, still Italy is my favorite country to
visit. I don’t really understand the language much, but it is “bellisimo!”


Using a provoking question in the concluding paragraph is optional, but you have to
summarize the main points discussed in the body parts and add a final thought. A question
like in the introductory paragraph grabs reader’s attention. The question should be related
to the points you have made in the essay.

Thesis Statement: Many people are buying Volvo because of its price, fuel economy, and high
resale value.
Question: Wouldn’t it be great for you to have one?
Thesis Statement: Italy is a stimulating place to visit because of its magnificent location,
theatres and art galleries, many fine restaurants.
Question: Why don’t you go and take a one-way ticket to Italy now?
So, a concluding paragraph should look like this:

In conclusion, reasonable pricing, low fuel consumption and an attractive resale value
have all contributed to the popularity of Volvo in today’s market. Because of these features,
Volvo is the type of car many people prefer to have. We will have to wait and see to what
extent the popularity of Volvo will increase in the near future. Wouldn’t it be great for you to
have one?

In summary, if you love beautiful surroundings, theatre and art, and an excellent meal,
then Italy is the best place for you. Perhaps, it’s because I am of Italian ethnicity but Italy is
my favorite country to visit. I don’t really understand the language much, but it is “bellisimo”.
Why don’t you go and take a one way ticket to Italy now?

PRACTICE 8. Read the following essay and answer the questions.

My Angel

"You can do anything you want to do as long as you set your mind to it and stick with it." I
remember hearing those words from my mother ever since I was a little girl. Through the years I've
grown up believing in them and using them as my inspiration. All people have different role models,
but for me, there is no one I admire more than my mother.
When I was four years old, my mother and father got divorced, although he didn't live with us
since I was two. At the time, my brother was only eight. Being a single parent is a hard enough job
in itself but my mother also worked full time. Now most people who hear about this situation
automatically assume that at least one if not both children ended up getting into some kind of
trouble whether with the law or something else, but in this case that never happened. My mother
taught both of us about morals, goals and rules, along with many other things. Granted my brother
and I got into fights with one another, but, hey, kids will be kids.
Even though she works all week, my mom always had time for us, whether it was to take us to
our baseball and soccer games or if we just needed someone to talk to. At one point I remember
clearly that I had a speech problem, and she made me practice every night over and over again until
I got it right.
All in all, I feel I can talk to my mother about anything, with her acting more as a friend than a
parent. My mother is my role model and I realize that not everyone has a mother like mine, which
makes me appreciate her even more. After everything she has done for me, I want to make her
proud by being the first female in my family to go to college and get a degree.

1. Circle the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph and write it down.

2. Circle the sentence in the conclusion paragraph that restates the thesis in the
3. Which signal phrase is used in the beginning of the conclusion paragraph?

4. How many sentences are there in the conclusion paragraph?

5. The last sentence of the conclusion paragraph ends with .

a. Some advice
b. A prediction
c. A warning
d. An insight

PRACTICE 9. Identifying Concluding Paragraphs

Read each introductory paragraph and set of topic sentences for body paragraphs. Then
read the possible concluding paragraphs and circle the best one.


Compulsory Attendance in College

Introductory Paragraph

On my first day of class in an American university, I discovered that there are many
differences between universities in the United States and in my country. One difference hit
me immediately when the professor walked into the classroom dressed in casual pants and
a sports shirt. Then he sat down, and I received a second shock. He sat down on the desk,
not behind the desk. The biggest shock happened when he passed out a piece of paper
listing the requirements of the class. I learned that I was not allowed to miss any classes! In
my country, professors do not know or care if students attend lectures, but in the United
States, professors call out the names of students at the beginning of each class meeting to
see if they are present. In my opinion, compulsory attendance in college is completely
inappropriate for two reasons.
Topic Sentences for Body Paragraphs
A. College students are adults, not elementary school children.
B. Students often have other obligations as jobs and family.
Possible Concluding Paragraphs
1. To summarize, attendance in college classes should be optional. Students may already
know the material that the professor will cover. Sometimes the professor lectures on
material that is in the textbook, so students can read it on their own time. Therefore, in my
opinion, compulsory attendance in college classes should be abolished.

2. To summarize, college students are mature enough to take charge of their own learning.
Furthermore, they may have family or work problems once in a while that cause them to
miss a class. They should not be penalized for this. Therefore, in my opinion, compulsory
attendance in college should be abolished.
PRACTICE 10. Read the essay and write a conclusion paragraph.

A Cat is A Man’s Best Friend

"A dog is man's best friend." That common saying may contain some truth, but dogs are not
the only animal friend. For many people, a cat is their best friend. Despite what dog lovers may
believe, cats make excellent house pets as they are good companions, they are civilized members of
the household, and they are easy to care for.

In the first place, people enjoy the companionship of cats. Many cats are affectionate. If
they're not feeling affectionate, cats are generally quite playful. They love to chase balls and
feathers. They especially enjoy playing when their owners are participating in the game. Contrary to
popular opinion, cats can be trained. Using rewards and punishments, just like with a dog, a cat can
be trained to avoid unwanted behavior or perform tricks.

In the second place, cats are civilized members of the household. Unlike dogs, cats do not bark
or make other loud noises. Most cats don't even meow very often. Cats also don't often have
"accidents." Mother cats train their kittens to use the litter box, and most cats will use it without fail
from that time on.

Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats as house pets is their ease of care. Cats do
not have to be walked. They get plenty of exercise in the house as they play, and they do their
business in the litter box. Cleaning a litter box is a quick, painless procedure. Cats also take care of
their own grooming. Bathing a cat is almost never necessary because under ordinary circumstances
cats clean themselves. Cats are more particular about personal cleanliness than people are.

To conclude,
Sample Outline of an Essay
Thesis Statement: Games are as important for adults as they are for children
because they are a way to relax, to maintain good relationships with family and friends
and a good exercise for the brain.
Transition/ Topic Sentence: First of all, games can provide adults with a way to
Detail 1: a chance to take a break
Detail 2: forgetting about the problems at work


Transition/ Topic Sentence: Secondly, when adults play games with others, it will
also maintain good relationship with family and friends.
Detail 1: Bringing people together
Detail 2: Chatting and telling stories
Detail 3: Lots of laughter


Transition/ Topic Sentence: Finally, while playing games, adults exercise
different parts of their brains.
Detail 1: Taboo
Detail 2: Chess, a game of strategy

V. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, game playing is good for adults because it offers them a
form of relaxation, a way to maintain good relationship and a way to engage different
parts of their brains. Although most adults don’t spend as much time playing games as
children, it is possible for them to have fun with games.
While forming our essays we must follow some rules to make our essays more effective:
1. Use A4 paper PARAGRAPH
2. Write your name, class, student number on the
upper right corner of the paper.
3. Write a title in the center of the top of the page.
Capitalize all the necessary words in the
title. Do not capitalize the, a/an, or prepositions unless
they begin the title. Do not underline
the title. Do not use a period.
4. Leave 2,5 cm. (1 inch) margin on four sides of the
5. Indent the first lines of all the paragraphs.


Name Last Name


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