The Bread of Salt

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Literary Piece #5

Learning Targets/ Objectives

Lower Order Thinking Skills

1. Name the character (antagonist and protagonist) in a Philippine literary piece. (Remember)

2. summarize what the story is all about. (Understand)

3. Relate the values shown in the literary piece to some Filipino values. (Analyze)

Higher Order Thinking Skills

4. visualize and illustrate the context/ setting of the story. (Apply)

5. Make a critical assessment of the value, worth, or meaning of the work both negative and positive. (Evaluate)

6. explain the most important lesson that the literary text wants you to learn. (Create)


N.V.M Gonzales
Bread of Salt talks about a teenage boy who buys bread of salt or pandesal, which is its original name. Because of
that, he always passes by the old Spaniard’s house to see Aida, the girl she adored. On his way to school, he would
stalk Aida, he’s also thinking of a plan to confess his feelings to the girl. He wanted to give Aida a brooch, so he
then decided to join Pete’s, his friend, orchestra in order for him to save money. He practiced learning how to play
the violin because that was also one of his dreams, to be a violinist. Another night of performance came, and
things didn’t go so well. He made a very embarrassing act after performing and Aida was there to see it. He went
out of the place as fast as he could, full of shame and disappointment to himself because he thought there’s no
way Aida would like him back anymore after what had happened. Pete walked with him when they decided to
buy pandesal and he insisted to pay for it. Them, alone in the counter, waited for the pandesal which wasn’t ready

The story revolved around the narrator’s point of view. The name of the character wasn’t introduced. The boy was
a round character. His emotions changed when he saw Aida and it changed again when Aida saw what he did and
in the end he came to his original self. The rest of the characters in the story are all flat characters including Aida
because it wasn’t really mentioned in the story what Aida thought about the boy’s embarrassing action. All the
other characters were just there to support or put down the boy. The conflict of the story was his aunt didn’t
approve of him joining the orchestra. Another thing was, the story has a concept of man vs. society. The story also
showed a dramatic or progressive plot because even though the boy felt down after what happened that night,
Pete still cheered him up and the story ended there. There was no symbolism in the story, but the story was
titled Bread of Salt because the story started there. He wouldn’t had seen the girl if he didn’t went to the bakery
in the first place. And like the pandesal that wasn’t ready yet mentioned in the end, the boy wasn’t also ready to
face society’s truth.

Name the character (antagonist and protagonist) in a Philippine literary piece

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade and Section:_______________________________________ Score:____________________


(Traditional test-Interpretative exercise)


Directions: Fill in the box to describe the protagonist and antagonist from a story you just read.

Character’s name: Character’s name:

Describe them: Describe them:

Physical Appearance: Physical Appearance:

Social Attributes Social Attributes

What makes them the protagonist? What makes them the antagonist?

Summarize what the story is all about.

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade and Section:_______________________________________ Score:___________________

(Traditional test-Short answer-Completion type


Direction: Use the 5 Ws

to summarize the main
ideas in the text you are




Relate the values shown in the literary piece to some Filipino values.

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade and Section:_______________________________________ Score:____________________

(Traditional test-Essay-Extended Response)


Directions: The provided text below highlights some of the values reflected in the story “The Bread of
Salt”. From the text provided, relate and reflect the values shown in the literary piece to some Filipino
values in today’s generation.

The Bread of Salt by NVM Gonzalez is Filipino to its very core. One only needs to look at the
apparent elements of the short story to see that it was written by a Filipino for Filipinos. The
tradition, the thinking and other cultural elements of the story reflect the way people live in a
particular period. The pan de sal being one of the staple foods of the masses and the title of
the story is one of the many manifestations of the story’s local color. The story opened and
ended with it; the life of the protagonist daily revolved around the task of buying it and with
his own money he decided to purchase some, though this time it was only for himself.

A gap difference. The story entitled “bread of salt” simply Filipinos call, pan de sal eaten
during breakfast. The story revolves in the reality of the protagonist’s awareness in his
present social class that hinders his ardor of a girl named Aida whom is the old Spaniard’s
niece. He’s a boy full of aspirations yet deep and innocent intentions to Aida.

However, a Filipino can understand how things or attitudes like these take place in the
environment in which they exist. And the writer, whose ingenuity is remarkable, was able to
depict the sad facets of the tradition of his people with the aim of providing a reason to

The Bread of Salt shows how society or situations open to a realization beyond purity and
innocence of intentions. Life, in its purest and most significant form should be regarded as an
experience of waking up from one’s untold, internal realities to face what lies ahead – what
really lies ahead. Social, intellectual, and physical differences may be bitter setbacks against
an individual’s ambition or dreams yet reality has always been this harsh.

Visualize and illustrate the context/ setting of the story. (Apply)

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade and Section:_______________________________________ Score:_______________

(Product - Illustration)


Directions: Draw your favorite event from the story. Share something about your work.


Make a critical assessment of the value, worth, or meaning of the work both negative and positive.

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade and Section:_______________________________________ Score:____________________

(Product - Illustration)

Directions: As you’ve read the story “The Bread of Salt”, make a critical assesmment of the value, worth,
or meaning of the work by answering the following questions.

1. What view of life does the story present? Which character best articulates this viewpoint?


2. Does the writer challenge or support the values of her contemporaries?


3. How does it reflect the time in which it was written?


4. How does the story reflect the attitudes and beliefs of the time in which it was written or set?
(Consider beliefs and attitudes related to race, religion, politics, gender, society, philosophy, etc.)

5. __________________________________________________________________________________
Does the story reveal or contradict the prevailing values of the time in which it was written?
5. 5. Does the story reveal or contradict the prevailing values of the time in which it was written?

6. Does it provide an opposing view of the period’s prevailing values?

7. How important is it the historical context (the works and the reader’s) to interpreting the work?


8. What is the relationship between the characters and their society?


9. Does the story address societal issues, such as race, gender, and class?


10. How do social forces shape the power relationships between groups or classes of people in the
story? Who has the power, and who doesn’t? Why

Explain the most important lesson that the literary text wants you to learn. (Create)


Explain the most important lesson that the literary text wants you to learn.

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:____________________ _

Grade and Section:_______________________________________ Score:____________________

(Product - Illustration)

Directions: Accomplish the GRASPS, and create the expected output based on the scenario given below.


You are a realist artist and you own a small art studio that offers Painting Workshop for all ages. As
you’ve read the story entitled “The Bread of Salt” you became interested of opening a painting
competition for the aspiring artist to create an entry of a realist painting of a bread. Your goal is to
help and encourage those aspiring artist to showcase their skills in the field of arts. The painting must
meet the standards: subject matter is believable; composition, lighting, and color should be
displayed; and pleasing. You are in charge of evaluating the painting according to the attached rubric

Goal – Your goal is to help and encourage those aspiring artist to showcase their skills in the field of arts.

Role – Realist artist and owner of the Painting Workshop

Audience – Aspiring Youth Artist

Situation – After reading the story entitled “The Bread of Salt” you became interested of opening a
painting competition for the aspiring artist to create an entry of a realist painting of a bread.

Product - Realism Painting

Standard - The painting must meet the standards: subject matter is believable; composition, lighting,
and color should be displayed; and pleasing

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