Multi Language Pharmacy Management System-1

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The Multi language pharmacy management system provides functions on identify

medication usage instruction, minimize human error in medication safety, facilitate

accessibility of drugs information and information management among employees, providing

optimal drugs movement In pharmacy unit, enable report with in significantly short period of

time despite simultaneous usage of database for the purpose stated about. The system will

solve the problem of current system by minimizing time wastage and reduce resources which

simply change manual based system to computerized system

The project helps in real time feeding of details on the system, instead of maintaining

and entering the details in the ledger. It reduces the man power and time consumption. It also

helps in keeping the track of the product in each and every stage of manufacture .From the

knowledge of the status of the product the date of the release of the product can be






Processor : Intel Core Duo 2.0 GHz or higher.(gigahertz)

RAM : Minimum1 GB or Greater (Giga byte)

Hard disk : 20 GB Free Space ( Giga byte)


Software : XAMPP.( X-Multiplatform ,A- Apache Server, M-

MariaDB ,P-Perl,P-PHP)

Operation System : Windows 7 or higher.

Web Browser : Mozilla, Google Chrome, OPERA, firefox

Front end : PHP

Back end : MYSQL



PHP stands for PHP Hypertext Pre-processor. It is a server-side programming

language specifically designed for creating dynamic web pages. The language was originally
developed in 1994 by Ramus Leadoff and has since been expanded to become one of the
WWW's most popular scripting languages. According to 2005 Net craft statistics, PHP is
currently being used in over 23,000,000 domains. Like other types of server-side languages
such as ASP, ASP.NET, and JSP, PHP code is processed on the web server and generates the
XHTML code or other output that can be viewed in the browser. Unlike other server-side
languages, PHP is an open source product, meaning everyone has access to the source code
and can use, alter, and redistribute it all without charge.

PHP 5 can be run on just about any type of operating system and Web server. However,
in order for PHP scripts to be processed, the PHP interpreter must be installed. The software
is available in two forms - complete source code and executable binaries. These days, most
Linux systems come with the PHP source code. For non-Unix/Linux systems, binaries can be
downloaded at

PHP provides support for MySQL through an array of functions that can be used to
manipulate MySQL data. The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce those functions
commonly used in PHP data-driven applications for retrieving, updating, inserting, and
deleting data.


The MySQL database has become the world's most popular open source database
because of its consistent fast performance, high reliability and ease of use. It's used in more
than 6 million installations ranging from large corporations to specialized embedded
applications on every continent in the world. MySQL is an open source Relational Database
Management System. MySQL is very fast reliable and flexible Database Management
System. It provides a very high performance and it is multi-threaded and multi user
Relational Database management system.

MySQL Features

MySQL are very fast and much reliable for any type of application. MySQL is very
Lightweight application. MySQL command line tool is very powerful and can be used to run
SQL queries against database. MySQL supports indexing and binary objects. It is allowed
changes to structure of table while server is running. MySQL has a wide user base. It is a
very fast thread-based memory allocation system. MySQL code is tested with different
compilers. MySQL is available as a separate program for use in a client/server network
environment. The MySQL available for the most UNIX operating platform.

MySQL are the available for window operating system window NT, window 95, and
window 98. MySQL available for OS/2. Programming libraries for C, Python, PHP, Java,
Delphi etc. are available to connect to MySQL database. MySQL is very reliable and high-
performance relational database management system. It can used to store many GB's of data
into database. MySQL source code is available that's why now you can recompile the source

code. In the standard MySQL supports more than twenty different platform including the
major Linux distribution. Mac OS X, UNIX and Microsoft windows.

MySQL is very popular and it is world most popular open source Database. So, it is
easy to find high quality staff around the world. The MySQL has most capabilities to handle
most corporate database application and used to very easy and fast. Simple in using scalable.
It does not need database administrator. It performs with more space. Huge range of data
model. Cassandra is programmed for dealing with the failure of hardware. Reduced data
redundancy. Improved data integrity. Easier updating of data, data and program
independence. Improve strategic use of data. Improved security.




The existing system is offline (VB.NET) process. Even though computerized systems
are used in some places, they are not web-based and are very insecure and improperly
managed. So, the current pharmacy management procedure is very uneconomical and
inflexible to meet user demands. The pharmacist faces problem in searching the products
from the self as it is not an easy method to remember about the place of each medicine. There
is no Multi language pharmacy management system which can alert the pharmacist about the
end of the medicine.


 Required information cannot be retrieved easily.

 Risk of mismanagement and of data when the project is under development.
 Less Security.
 No proper coordination between different Applications and Users.
 Due to these drawbacks of the existing system, there is a need for


The transactions related to purchase, sale and returns are maintained manually at
present. These are to be automated and an application is required to relate all of them
relatively and logically so that the current system can be replaced and accepted without major
changes and problems.

The design of the Multi language pharmacy management system is based on the
computer which will simplify the maintenance of the information, accessible and efficient.
The Multi language pharmacy management system will provide the information about the
medicine in the medical . The pharmacist and nurses will get more accurate results at the time
sales, about the details of the use of medicines and the dosages so that the system will
become more reliable to use than the present system. The records of each work will be secure
as to access the information the user must have to provide the “USER ID” and “Password” in
the systemBThe transactions related to purchase, sale and returns are maintained manually at
present. These are to be automated and an application is required to relate all of them
relatively and logically so that the current system can be replaced and accepted without major
changes and problems.

The design of the Multi language pharmacy management system is based on the computer
which will simplify the maintenance of the information, accessible and efficient. The Multi
language pharmacy management system will provide the information about the medicine in
the medical . The pharmacist and nurses will get more accurate results at the time sales, about
the details of the use of medicines and the dosages so that the system will be secure as to
access the information the user must have to provide the “USER ID” and “Password” in the


 Reduces the amount of time taken for preparing courier statements and maintaining
 All possible reports are being generated.
 It also minimizes the errors in the data entry.




A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to

serve many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective to make information access
easy, quick, inexpensive and flexible for user.

The Objective of Database Design

 Control redundancy
 Easy of learning and use
 Data independency
 Accuracy and integrity
 Recovery from failure
 Privacy and security


The data, which is input to a computer – based information system, must be correct. If
data is carelessly input and errors enter the system, it will lead to incorrect results whose
consequences will be expensive and embarrassing to the designer. In data processing, the data
entry operator often makes errors. This can be controlled by input design by using menu,
interactive dialogue, consistent format etc.

In this system the users are provided with user friendly pages to give the input and if
the user gives any wrong input validations are done and message boxes are provided in the
necessary places. The message specified in the message box is specified in a polite and in an
informative manner.


It is necessary that the output reports be compatible format with the manual reports. The
output has been designed in mind. Output design is the basis by which many users evaluate
the usefulness of the system. The output forms used in this software are required for query
response and reports. The emphasis is required for producing the hard copy of the
information requested or displaying the output on a CRT screen. Output design means that
what should be the format presentation of the result. First of all for designing of various
forms to be present which is the front end of our software.

Output creates intelligent and user-friendly websites which allow the customers quick
and easy access to the information they need. For this website to be successful, all aspects
from design through to the code that makes it run need careful consideration. Focusing on the
core user experience website interfaces that are easy to use and beautiful to look at.


A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve

many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective to make information access easy,
quick, inexpensive and flexible for user can retrieve stored information and efficient manner.
Create a new database named “travel”. Import database travel. sql file through phpMyAdmin
dashboard. In designing the database of this system, a two-level process was followed. In the
first step the user requirementwas gathered together and a database which meet these
requirements as clearly as possible. This step is called information level design (Mark
Bradley,2006). In the second, the user requirement is transferred into a design for the specific
DBMS that will be used to implement the system in question. This step is called physical
level design (Mark Bradley 2006).




This Moduleholds Admin id, Admin name, Admin password.The Admin manages the
website on whole.


This Module holds the Brand id and the Brand name.


This Module holds the Category id and the Category name.


This Module holds the Customer id, Customer Name, Product Name, Product Price,
Order id, Order Quantity, Order Date and Total Amount.


Whenever we purchase the product from the supplier this module holds the details
about Invoice Number, Product Name, Purchase Quantity, Purchase Date and Total Amount.
Here we can edit the Purchased product’s quantity update it.


To maintain the stock this module holds about the Product id, Product Name and
Stock Remaining. And also generate a Report based on the month.




The quality of the applicationcan and normally does vary widely from system to
system but some of the common quality attributes include reliability, stability, portability,
maintainability and usability. Testing objectives includes. Testing is a process of executing a
program with the intent of finding an error. A good test case is one that has a high probability
of finding an as yet undiscovered error. A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet
undiscovered error.Testing should systematically uncover different classes of errors in a
minimum amount of time and with a minimum amount of effort. A secondary benefit of
testing is that it demonstrates that the software appears to be working as stated in the
specifications.The data collected through testing can also provide an indication of the
software's reliability and quality. But, testing cannot show the absence of defect -- it can only
show that software defects are present.


At the end of Integration Testing, software is completely assembled as a package,

interfacing errors have been uncovered and correction testing begins.This system consists of
tutorial section, this section is highly secured by disable the right click option and copy paste
options using JavaScript because no one can be able to copy the content of tutorial. The
process of evaluating software during the development process or at the end of the
development process to determine whether it satisfies specified business requirement.
Validation testing ensures that the product actually meets the client’s needs. It can also be
defined as to demonstrate that the product fulfills its intended use when deployed on
appropriate environment. Validation testing can be best demonstrated using V-Model. The
software/product under test is evaluated during this type of testing. It always involves
executing the code. It uses methods like blacks box testing, white box testing, and non-
functional testing. Target is an actual product.


The various files and database tables are also highly secured in this system. The data
encryption standards engine is attached to all files and database tables associated with the
system, which will facilitate encryption and decryption of files. Backup of the system are also
tack en as a preventive measure.


After each program passes its own test, it is linkage to the other programs is
scrutinized with a program integration test. This ensures that the program work together as
intended. Before the implementation phase the designed system should be tested with raw
data to ensure that all modules of the system work correctly and satisfactorily. If some bug is
found they can be removed before the implementation phase. The testing has the four kind of
testing that is as follows.


White box testing, sometimes called glass-box testing is a test case design method that
uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. Using white box
testing methods, the software engineer can derive test cases.

 Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have exercised at least once.
 Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
 Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.
 Exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity


Black box testing, also called behavioural testing, focuses on the functional
requirements of the software. That is, black box testing enables the software engineer to
derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a
program. Black box testing is not an alternative to white box techniques. Rather it is a
complementary approach that is likely to uncover a different class of errors than white box
methods. Black box testing attempts to find errors in the following categories.


The system implemented and conversion is completed, a review of system is usually

conducted by users and analyst this is called post implementation review. The most
fundamental concern post implementation review is determining the system has met its
objective that is analyst want to know if the performance level of the system has improved
and if the system is producing the result intended. If neither is happening, one may question
whether the system can be considered successful. By using current system, all the
requirements of all users are fulfilled. Security and authentication is maintained in both user
level as well as the management level. The data is stored in is highly reliable and simpler to
use, the user level security is managed with the help of password options and sessions, which
finally ensures that all the transactions are made securely.


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