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Summative assessment

Grade 9
Communication beyond distances

Subject: Physics Global context

Scientific and technical innovation (digital life)

Unit title: WaveLink: Connecting Beyond Distances

Statement of Inquiry

The relationship between waves, acting as carriers of energy, and the environment shapes our digital world, allowing
communication across distances

Instructions for assessment:

1. Carefully read the criteria.

2. The duration of the work is 30 minutes.
3. The work is done independently. It is important to follow the principles of academic integrity.
4. It is forbidden to use cell phones, smart watches and other sources during the assessment.
5. Only blue paste can be used.
6. Corrections are made with a pencil.
7. It is forbidden to retake the work.
8. In case of fixing the write-off or helping others, the work is canceled.




Summative assessment Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding Your result

criteria Strand i

ATL skills

- Research >Make connections between various sources of information

MYP Assessment Criteria Used

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding

To get the maximum level of 8, you should be able to:
i. explain scientific knowledge

Task Clarifications
0 You did not reach a standard identified by any of the descriptors below.
i. state scientific knowledge:
1-2 - State the working process of cell phones
- Define one of the wave property
3 -4 - outline scientific knowledge:
- Outline the working process of cell phones
- Define one of the wave property
- State the method of applying the property in communication.
i. describe scientific knowledge:
- Describe the working process of cell phones within wave concept correctly. The description
4 -6 involves most of the following terms: radio wave, analogue and digital signals, antenna, cell
tower, optical fiber.
- Define one of the wave property that is relevant to the task.
- Describe how it applies in communication
i. explain scientific knowledge:
- Describe the working process of cell phones within wave concept correctly. The description
involves the following terms: radio wave, analogue and digital signals, antenna, cell tower,
7 -8
optical fiber.
- Define one of the wave properties that is relevant to the task.
- Explain how it applies in communication, including reasons and causes.

Explain Give a detailed account including reasons and causes

Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.

Outline Give a brief account or summary

State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

MYP Command Terms Used in This Assessment

Figure 1. The differences in command terms, as an example. Photo credits:

List of questions for the summative assessment

1. a. Describe the working principle of a cell phone.

b. Provide a definition of wave reflection.
c. Explain how wave reflection works in communication through a cell phone.

2. a. Describe the working principle of the Internet.

b. Provide a definition of wave reflection.
c. Explain how wave reflection works in communication through the Internet.

3. a. Describe the working principle of the Internet

b. Provide a definition of wave diffraction.
c. Explain how wave diffraction works in communication through the Internet.

4. a. Describe the working principle of a cell phone

b. Provide a definition of wave diffraction.
c. Explain how wave diffraction works in communication through a cell phone.

5. a. Describe the working principle of the Internet

b. Provide a definition of wave interference.
c. Explain how wave interference works in communication through the Internet (You can explain the
positive OR negative aspects of interference, but provide the explanation in a detailed manner)

Helpful links

1. How does a cell phone work?

How does your mobile phone work? | ICT #1 (
How WiFi and Cell Phones Work | Wireless Communication Explained (

2. How does the Internet work?

How Does the Internet Work? - Glad You Asked S1 (
How does the INTERNET work? | ICT #2 (

3. What is Interference, Reflection, Diffraction?

4. How does wave interference work in communication over distance?
5. How does reflection work in communication over distance?

6. How does diffraction work in communication over distance?

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