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smf(5): Solaris 10

Service Management Facility

Liane Praza
Solaris Kernel Development
25 May 2004
● What is smf(5)?
– (“The service management facility.”)
– Motivations
– Key capabilities
– Tour
– Examples
● Interesting adjustments
● Next steps

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

● Typical usage show there is a difference between a
service and a mere program: one must always be
running to meet business objectives
● Little operating system support for service-based
– No connection between boot-launched services,
“metaserver”- or “superserver”-launched services
● Lack of knowledge of service boundary and interservice
relationships limits error handling ability of system

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

Motivation, 2
● Hard to articulate “thousands of different text files” as
a design principle
– Can we split configuration and “metaconfiguration”?
● Parallel startup is a subproblem
– But take advantage of faster hardware
● Where can we remove opportunities for error from the

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

Goal 0: Reassurance
Everything still works*
● Preserve compatibility
– ISVs packages delivering SysV scripts will just work
– Documented /etc/init.d scripts work or return
correct invocation
– No configuration files absorbed (except inetd.conf)
● Conversion may be done piecemeal and is a
lightweight act
– Only need a service manifest; no other changes to
configuration source
– rc.d scripts replaced by (or reinvoked as) service
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.
Goal 1: Improve “pilot model”
● Simplify and secure system administration:
– reduce human error by preventing bad configs
– provide administrator “undo” button
– disaster recovery using safe snapshots
– provide fine-grained RBAC security for admins
– use directory-based configuration  leverage
● Make Solaris services self-healing:
– automatic fault diagnosis using Solaris FMA
– automatic restart in response to various faults
● kill(-1, SIGKILL)

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

Goal 2: Unify application deployment
● Create base system abstractions for services and
“bake” into Solaris OE
– applications and descriptive meta-data
– hardware devices and layered software config
● Single deployment model for software developers
– stability (uniform way to express dependencies)
– virtualization (blades, domains, zones)
● Foundation for service-based resource mgmt
● Modern, flexible configuration
– Easier to develop management applications

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

Greenline services
● What's a service?
– Abstract description of a long-lived software object
– Each instance of a service has a well-defined state and
a well-defined error boundary [process contract]
– Each service defines “methods” and “dependencies”
● Start, stop, refresh, etc.; interservice relationships
● A consistent specification
– Can state dependencies stably (unavailable today)
– Generic restart facility provided by default; customized
restart capabilities available to vendor
● Admins can get a meaningful system view

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

Greenline repository
● All data (services, methods, etc.) stored in persistent,
transaction-based repository
– Transactions/snapshots allow “undo”, rollback to safe
– Repository can be local, in directory [later], or mixed
● NOT a giant registry: mainly svc mgmt properties
● Can contain simple configurations through property
– All configurations in repository can be read/written
using a common API  lowers management s/w
development times
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.
Software delivery
● Each package delivering services does so via a “service
● Manifest contains descriptions of each service, which
in turn specify
– Names of services
– Dependencies on other services and methods for
service instance start/stop/refresh
– Default properties and “service template”, which
provides support for administrative apps via
● Localized property descriptions
● Links to documentation
● Soon: meaningful property values (valid ranges,
definitions, etc.)
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.
● All core daemons/start-up converted to services
– Stable milestones for existing run-levels as well as
new, more fine-grained stages
(milestone/network/basic, milestone/name­
– Boot/restart fully parallel
– Goal is to have all Solaris init.d scripts converted
● Public configurations placed on EOF/compatibility
– Based on impact; surveying administrator population
now, looking for developer feedback

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

Component overview
● General commands:
– svcs(1) service status listings
– svcadm(1M) administrative actions
– svccfg(1M) general property manipulation
– svcprop(1) property reporting (scripting)
● inetd(1M) management commands:
– inetadm(1M) administrative actions/property mods
– inetconv(1M) conversion of legacy inetd.conf entries
● Daemons
– svc.startd(1M) dependency engine, master restarter
– svc.configd(1M) repository, authorization
– inetd(1M) delegated
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietaryrestarter
and confidential.
Component overview, 2
● Contracts subsystem:
– ctrun(1M) execute with process contract
– ctstat(1M) display active contracts
– ctwatch(1M) monitor contract events
– libcontract(3LIB) Contract APIs
– /system/contract contract filesystem
● Other Libraries
– libscf(3LIB) repository APIs
● Directories
– /var/svc manifests, profiles, logs
– /etc/svc binary repository
– binaries,
/lib/svcCopyright 2004 methods,
Sun Microsystems, seeds,
Inc. Proprietary and confidential. support files
Architecture schematic
management observability
agent inet-service service

repository API

svc.configd(1M) svc.startd(1M)

process repository init(1M)

contract client


Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

svcs(1) in action
● List active instances, sorted by state, time
● Show dependencies (-d) and dependents (-D)
● Show member processes (-p), additional details (-v)
$ svcs
online 18:18:30 svc:/internet/http:apache
online 18:18:29 svc:/internet/smtp:sendmail
$ svcs -p internet/smtp:sendmail
online 18:18:29 svc:/internet/smtp:sendmail
100180 18:18:29 sendmail
100181 18:18:29 sendmail
$ svcs -v internet/smtp:sendmail
online - 18:18:29 21 svc:/internet/smtp:sendmail
$ svcs -d internet/smtp:sendmail
online 18:18:27 svc:/milestone/single-user:default

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

svcadm(1M) in action
● Enable, disable, refresh, restart service instances
● Mark in special states (maintenance, degraded)

$ grep sch /etc/user_attr

$ svcs -a internet/http:apache
- ? svc:/internet/http:apache
$ svcadm enable internet/http:apache
online 19:19:01 svc:/internet/http:apache
$ # edit /etc/apache/httpd.conf
$ svcadm refresh internet/http:apache
$ svcs -a internet/http:apache
online 19:19:33 svc:/internet/http:apache
$ svcadm disable internet/http:apache
$ svcs -a internet/http:apache
disabled 19:20:07 svc:/internet/http:apache

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

svccfg(1M) in action
● Import, export manifests; apply, extract profiles
● Interactive mode for modifying properties
$ grep sch /etc/user_attr
$ svccfg -v /var/svc/manifest/http-apache.xml
svccfg: Successful import.
$ svccfg
svc:> select internet/http:apache
svc:/internet/http:apache> listprop
general framework
general/enabled boolean false

start method
start/exec astring "/lib/svc/method/http-apache start"
start/timeout_seconds count 10
start/type astring method
svc:/internet/http:apache> editprop
[$EDITOR launches, allows direct editing of properties]
svc:/internet/http:apache> exit
$ svccfg extract > currently-active.xml

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

svcprop(1) in action
● List properties of services and instances
● Fetch in convenient forms for scripting
● Wait for property changes (­w)
$ svcprop internet/http:apache
network/entities fmri \
svc://localhost/milestone/network/ipv4-local ...
network/grouping astring require_any
network/restart_on astring error
network/type astring service
general/enabled boolean false
refresh/exec astring /lib/svc/method/http-apache\ refresh
refresh/timeout_seconds count 60
refresh/type astring method
stop/exec astring /lib/svc/method/http-apache\ stop
stop/timeout_seconds count 60
stop/type astring method
start/exec astring /lib/svc/method/http-apache\ start
start/timeout_seconds count 10
start/type astring method
$ svcprop -p enabled internet/http:apache

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

coreadm(1M) service description
<service name='system/coreadm' type='service' version='1'>
<single_instance />
<instance name='default' enabled='true'>
<dependency name='configuration' grouping='require_all'
restart_on='none' type='service'>
<service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/minimal:default'/>

<exec_method type='method' name='start'

exec='/lib/svc/share/bin/svc-coreadm %f' timeout='0' />
<exec_method type='method' name='stop'
exec=':true' timeout='0' />
<stability value='Evolving' />
<description><local_description locale='C'>
System-wide core file configuration service.

<manpage title='coreadm' section='1M'
manpath='/usr/share/man' />
<doc_link uri='[stable URL]' />

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

● Dependencies can be “any”, “all”, “optional”, and
● ptree(1M) and pgrep(1M)/pkill(1M) have contract-
awareness through ­c option (ancestor resolving)

$ svcs -v internet/ssh:default
online - 19:34:21 25 svc:/internet/ssh:default
$ pgrep -c 25 -lf
100930 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
$ ptree 100930
100930 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
$ ptree -c 100930
100079 /lib/svc/bin/svc.startd
c100930 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
# pkill -9 sshd
$ pgrep sshd
$ svcs -pv internet/ssh:default
online - 19:37:38 26 svc:/internet/ssh:default
100938 19:37:38 sshd

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

Interesting adjustments
● Now manage a graph of named services and
– Simplify some such graphs from applications and
– Service dependencies can hide single-system/multi-
tier deployment from application
● Now have restarter support
– smf(5) and contracts subsystem allow reduction or
enhancement of restart features
● smf(5) in both global and non-global zones

smf(5)/FMA integration ⇒ software diagnoses

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

What we need from you


Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

Next steps
● Try it out! [Arriving in later EA/Express]
– Identify and address obstacles to adoption
– Identify key ISVs for adoption, where appropriate
– Review documentation; test drive features directly
● Send us feedback
– Additional interfaces; additional milestones
– Discuss restarter possibilities
● For more information
– http://greenline.sfbay

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

Supplementary material
Start-up and configuration today
low-level devices
network interfaces
/etc/init.d/* invocation,

/etc/hostname* properties

file system permissions security

NSS backends repository

local files
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.
Start-up and configuration tomorrow
Today Tomorrow
low-level devices device services
network interfaces
service methods
/etc/init.d/* invocation, service dependencies
termination milestones

/etc/hostname* properties service properties

entity authorizations
file system permissions security delegated roles
security profiles

NSS backends repository DSS datastores

local files local cache

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

What’s a Greenline service?
● A persistently-running application
● A named instance of the service entity
– Start, stop, restart, health/status
service methods
milestone/ – Properties (bundles)
network/ – Restart relationship(s)
● Example: Internet restarter service
– init.d code → method
– inetd.conf → properties
– rc.d order → milestone dependency
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential.

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