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Short answers

v(. Explain the concept of Minimum Wages, Fair Wages and Livil~g Wages. II
.V.,»· . What _is '. Disablement' under Employee's Compensation Act, 1923 ? I
Explain 1n brief the purpose ofthe Payment of Wages Act.
\)I.' Explain in brief the procedure for fixin g and revising Minimum Wages under the
Minimum Wages Act. I ,.
5~ efine the term "Factory· under Factories Act, 1948. I
Discuss in brief th e concept of wages as defined under Payment of Wages Act. I936.
7. Explain the concept of Social Insurance. •,
8. What do you understand by Occupational di sease und er th e Workmen Compensation
V Act, 1923? ,.
-9. \!.'rite a net@ 011 Ii" ing wa"e£
. I 0. Expl ain the concept of bonu s. j
11 . Elaborate the health provisions under the. Factories Act.
12. Write note on Emp loyee's Provided Fund Scheme.
L,J:') lain iR briefl)'J:')es ef Disab lement 1:111 Eler Ern pl0y@@s C0111pensati on Act, 1923.
Define the term "Employee" under Minimum Wages, Act, I 948.
15. Discuss th~ concept of Social Security. If I
-16 . What de ye1:1 n'lean by set eff an El set on of all ocabl @surp lus 1:1 11Ele r Paynrn nt of Bo1H1s
Aet, 1965?
-17. What does tl~e term soeia l s@e~1rity sig,~ ify? Exp lain.
18. What dees the tern'! F'aeteF)' 1:1nder the F'aetories Act, 194 8 Ifl ea n? '51,p lain.
19. Write a note on the recommendations of the Whitley Commission. Ill
Wiren ea,1 Gratu ity ef a11 ernJ:') le1 ee be Ferfc iled 2
~ I . Forfeiture of Gratuity. fl
• 22. Powers and Jurisdiction of EPF tribunaiJ.
\23. ESI corporatioir /Ill -
24. Temporary and Permanent Disablement.
25 . Rights 0fel~ild bind er Indian Co1istitHti s11
26. Set on - set off of allocab le su rplus mt"
t 27. Objects and Scope of Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 1111
,,.:-2 8. SicKaess-.Benefit unaer E.S.I. Act, 1948.
29. The eensti!tttienal pro\·is ioris regarEli rig cli il d lal:>s u+:
30. ExJ:')laiR : Par-tial Disablemen~ . ,
31 . The Constitutional Goal is to achieve the Living Wage as enshrined und er Article 43 . '
- Explain.
32. Salient feat1:1res of Malern ity Benefil Aet, 196-1-. .
33 . Discuss elig ibil ity for bonus under the Pay ment of Bo nu s Act. 1965 . I
34 . e1lp lain the r:nann@r and procedme offo·ing ari.d rev ising minimum rates sfwag@s.
35. Explain the follo wing: a)Authorised deduction . b)Penal Liability und er Payment of'
Wages Act, I936. • II
36 . Explain 'Hazardous Process ' nnder The ril'.s Act. I~
37 First Aid Appliances.
Minimum wages. I
39. Autherised Dedueliens.
40. Accident arising out of and in the course of employment.
-4-1 . Writ e a HOie OH lh.i Wh itl ey Co1rnn iss ion C pe nsati o n Ac t 1923 ? \I
42. What 1.s the role ofC01111111ss1oner
. -
--43 . '.Vhflt are tli e eenefils give1i 10 a wama n t ill erie
un der the Employees
Hf!lernil)om BefleFil' Ael. 1961 '
-44. \Vhat are th e e0nsti t1,Hional rights ofa el1ilEI ? •
45. Explain the concept of social insurance. 8?""1 I
f""4o.Wfi o is a dependent und er tneE111ployees State In sura nce ~er,-194 f . 1· ·1d ? ,ur
~"'Q> 47 - Wh at are the constitutional prov1s1ons·· wit·11 respe ctto the nohtso
"' ac11 --111 1
Explain the term Gratuity. 1111 ·· ·
49 . Explain the following: / _ · tA
_/ _a)Total Di sa ble1l1ent b)Partial D1 sablc111ent. li'- E: I
'->O . Explau1 the compone nts ofwa_ges und er ~1n1mu111 Wages ~:t. 1948 .ig J{(I
5~ ~:xp la1n the tern1...:.:M anufactunng prQ1:cs_s: und er th e r-acto11 cs Act. 19 ·
~ · Explain the term wages under the Payment o f Wages Act. 1936.
53. What is the concept of Social Assistance? Explain. . ~
-5-4. lui11 the ee1ieel"1 nf Tata l Elisabl e1He1H and Partial disalile111eRl 111 h 11 1~loye•' •
-GerA1"e1tsatie11 /\et, 1923.
¢ . Examine the definition of an employee under the Payrnent of Gratuity Act. 1972. Does
a teacher come within the ambit of the terrn ? Explain. '
-5-6 . Rule efCe1nniissien t1nEler workmen's eompensat ion "et, 19:2)
--5=/. Tetal ElisaliilitY-
-48. biviqg w1gelul
Powers of Inspector under Minirnum Wages Act, 1948.
--{;Q_ MiRi1ttt11'fl \I/ages,.
61. Full Bench Formula on Bonus. fl
-42. C0Rstilt1ti ona l 13ro><isi0As relat ing 10 ehilEI labor .
--{;3 _faA13 loyees State IRst1ran e@ Co"r13o rat ioA.
Short Notes

Whitley Co1Hm iss io11 Rseom1He11Eia1ions-

C01ist i1t11i 01ial Ri,;lns ef a Ch i Is
3. ES I Ca rl"o ratieR ,
BeAefils tlREler ~4atern it_y ,l:lenefit ," et, 19s I.
! 5,
Bas ic Wages"
1952 . as defin ed unde r th e Emp loyees Prov id en t Fund and Mi sc Provisi ons
C lai1As LIAser the ~4 i1ii11.t11A Wa.;es Aet. 19'18 .
V. Compulsory Insurance under the Payment of Gratuity Act. I 972.
8. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
&1 9. C0Ree13t of Gratuity •
Cl:5 10. Child Labour I\
I I. Eligibilit) ta C laim
11. CeRe@i;it ef Secial s~cb1rit:,,,
HaRt1tt1elt1ri1lg l"raeess unser Faetaries Act. 1948.
14. G ratt1ity.
15. Bonus.
16. Em 1i le) ees Stale ln st1nmes Ce r~e r::Hi .i+l.
17. Coneel"t er Fair Wn 6 e ans Liv iAg Wage.
I g_
J::eatures of tile Haternil) Be1iefit Act. I96 I.
19. Full be1,eh fo r1mil t1 -:-
2 1.
,' ag@ c'---0under Em PIoyees State Insurance Act,J 94o .

22. Set OR !IRS Set off

¢. Cla:m_s und er S.20 of Minimum Wages Act. I\
24 . Be1,efos t1 ns er Malernity 8@n0fi1 /\cl.
25. C0 ncept 0f Gratn it~r
2a. Chila Lobo~r
27 . Welfare pro vi sions un der the Factori es--Act
28. Full Benel~ f0rnn1la 0n 8 0nus.
29 . Define tl:ie term E1T1p l0yee under Ernp l0yee C0111psnsa1i011 /\el, I 91 3.
39. M1mufaeturing prneess u19der Faeleries Ael, 1948.
3 I. \Vlial are ll9e powers ef the Co,flm iss ioner 1,md er 1he Empl oyees Co m13 ensatio11 /\e~.
32. Sel M lll9d set offefa ll oeab le st1rp lus u19der tlie Pay,ii e,91 of Bo,9t,s Aet, 1965.
33. CoReept of Gratu it)'.
34. Cemstitutional pro~·isioRs with regard 10 cl, il d lab_o~, r..
35. Standing _<;:01J1mittee and Medical Benefit Council.
-t' 36. Conditions for claiming benefits under Maternity Benefit Act. 1961 . '
V1f. Explain the eligibility for Gratuity . I J

@ 38. State the working hours of children.

39. Write note on Welfare Officer.s und er Factories Act.
40. Writs sh0rt not.i 0n chilcl lab,rnr
4\. C011cspt sf s0Gial se~ ,,rit~'
42 . Ma,n,foeturing l"roeess tinEler tlie Factories /\et. I 9•18 /1~
43. Mini1l'lYll'l Wag.i, Fair Wage, Li Hing Wa§e .
44. Set on ancl 0ff 0f all0Gable surplus
4§. Clai1fls uRder Section 20 oftl,e Mini1flYM1 Wages Act. 19 118.
4¤i . Man1,1faGtllring 13rsesss as 13@r the i;:aetories Act, I948 .
47 . clsdllctions as psr !lay11'1 011t of Wages /\et, I936.
48 . Act Liability of the Employer under the Employees Compensati on Ac t.
vet' Explain:
• CoRc ept ofGrat~1i ty
Continuous service under the Gratuity Act.
50. In the Employees Compen sation Act. I923. th e wNd ·work1rn:11 · ha5 been arn e-11 clcd
and the word :/employee'· has been incorporated. In the li ght of above arnendme1it.
explain the term ' Employee' . I
51. De 9eribe iReetai l the constitutio nal prol' isions 11 ith regard to chi ls laliot,r.
52. \I/ rite a Rote OR the E1T1 ployess :iitate ln suranc@ Co q~0rati m1
53. Functi onal Integrity u/s 2A of the Empl oyees· Provi dent Funds and Mi sc . Prov isions
Act, 1952.
5=1 . Occ upier und er Factori es Act. l.9-18 .
5§. Whitley C 01'l'l t'l'ti ss i 0 1~

56. Claims as.per Payment of Wages Act.

[57-. Materni!Y benefit under ESI Act, 1948 1
58. Prov isions fo r,1U1dcr Factorit', Act. 1948
~ 60.-
,1, AimI and object of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936
"l 61 e of Inspector under Maternity Benefit Act.
2- \Vc.lfarc._111easures..w1der factori es Act
-6 · ~ f f ora ll ocae le ~urpl us-
~ ieilitu a1'\4 Forfo iturn ofGrnt t1i ty
~ itlw riseEI DeEl uetie ns t11iEler Pa) 1Hent ef Wai;es Aet, 193 6.
Long Answers

2 Describe in detail the objectives of the Payment of Gratuity Act.

r. Wha t are the objectives of the Employee 's Stale Insurance Ac tJ I
,lP Describe in brief ~he scop~, applicability and extent ? f lhe Pay ment or Bonus Act. .
V 1.· Define the ter111 Deductions ' . What are the per1111tted deductions under Sec. 7 of the
Payment of ~ages Act? J.}trl
S. W.! at are di ffe rent benefits entitled
Miscellaneous Prov isions Act?
lo an employee under the Pro vident Fund and

6. fa 12lain the pro \'.isin ns of the Factories Act. 1948 in re lation to lhc hea lth and safcl) of
worke_rs in the fact or)'., Utf' JIit II
~ 7. Explain the salit:nt features of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 ..tHf Ill
\)r." Explain in detail the object of Minimum Wages Act. 1948. I -..·
9. Examine the provis ions relating to ' Acljudicat1on of disputes and cla ims umler thlfl
Em_p loyees' State Insurance Act, 1948./ I
~ Write short notes : A. Eligibility and disqualification of Gratuity under the Pay111ent of
.,,allGratuity Act, 1972. 8. Forfeiture of Gratuity.
~ - non-pay111ent?
Explain the purpose of.the Pay111ent of Wages Act, 193 What is the re111edy in the case of

12. "Accident alone does not entitle a workman to claim compensation. It must arise out of
and in the course of employment.'' Discuss. II/
H . Wlrnt jg ·1he ebjeet ef tlie Facteri es • 0
10,1g7 Wl,at are tlie vari ous healtl,. safet) aml

we lfare 1+1eas1irns HA~er th e i:::acteries Aet, I9<1 82

Explain the terms 'Wage', 'Minimum Wage ', and ·Fair Wage ' .
-15. Writs an @1. plaAalery ll8!0 SA ti,@ Materni ty Be1,e ici1 Aet, I9ii
db 16. What are the rights provide by the Constitution of India to a child? Explain. Briefly explain
"r::FJ the i111portant features of the Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation)
Act, 1978
\,/(7. Explain the procedure for fixing and revising minimum wages.JHr
18. Write a note on recommendations of Whitley Commission ./
19. Discuss the conditions under which employer is liable to pay compensation undei-
Work;nen 's Compensation Act, 1923. f
1'2Q~ ~ pla in tlie va ri ous ' Benefits ' ava il able to the insured person und er the Empl oyees · State I
Insurance Ag, 194
2 1. WFite a 1rn te e,~ Ma ily lilell ei:it .<\et, 19G I.
22. Elabo rate lh e we lfare (3FO\'isions tmEler th e t:'ae teri es Ae t, 19-4
23. Write a note on_ child labor (Pro~ibition and Regulation) Act, 1978 J#r .
24. Eltt3l ain 1he leg1sla1 1ve scheme fer ea lrn lal1 ell or Bellus wiser the Pa,4-He nt ol 13n nu s A.,;t.
25. 4. \!.'Fite aMe,t13 la1ia!el)' Aele en tl~ e Matern ity Benefo :'\ et, I9G-
ffJf!!E~ plain th e wagt concepts. Has India achieved its Constitutional goal after so many yea rs
of mdepen<lence? I
t.?. E>< j?lai~e-\ltlf-ie-us eenefils 1wailable-Hnder 1he [ 1Hpl0yees ~late lnst1 ranee /\et, 194
28 · Wha~ 1~ the employer's liability to pay under Employees· Compensation Act, I948:
cSxplain 111 the light or General Manager, B.E.S.T. undertaking v/s Mrs. Agnes AIR 1964
·c 193.
Explain the aHlherised dedueliens in til e Payment ef Wages Ael, 193 I
jQ _ Dim1ss briefly the health, safely 01,d we lfare 1t1easmes as pF0\'ided in 11,e ~aeleries Ael.

~-riefl~· write the sei lienl ftla1~1res ef the ~IHjlloyees Pr0··ide11l Fu11tl a11c:l Hi,E. Prn isio11i;
Ael, 1952.
3t.. Write a 1i01e 011 tlie Oilc:l ans AEl0le,ce11l La00~1r (Pr0h i0iti011 anti Reg~ilati011) Act. 19&.
J,7. Explain the concept of Minimum Wage. What is the procedure of fixing or rev isi~g the
minimum wage under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948? I
34. State ~ lient features of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Ac t. 1986 with
reference to M. C. Mehta v/s State ofTamil Nadu AIR I997 SC 69 '
short notes:
a. Claims under Sec 15 of the Payment of Wages Act, I93
e. A~1th0rised Detlucticms Ullder lh@ Payment 0f Wag~s /\cl, 193-
36. Whal are the health, safety a11d welf.nre measmes provided klr "'0rl;ers under the Fac10ries
Aet, 1948?
37. What are the various schemes enacted under the Employees Provident Funds and Misc.
Provisions Act, 1952? What is the object of this legi slation?
38. 'I s bonus an ex-gratia pay ment' Explain . Explain the concept set on and set off of allocahle
. surplus.
Vf). Explain the object of the Gratuity Act. I972. State the salient features of the Act.
40 . Ex plain the employer's liability for compensation under the [ mpl ovce's Compensation
Act. I923 , in the light of Saurashtra Salt Manufacturing Co. v/, IJai Yalu Raja .- \IR I95~
SC 881 '
41 . Is 1110 e1Hployer li aslc 10 pay cGrnpeA, aliG1i I Q tbe emplo) pp ir 1lw •' rnployec dies in tlw
cGurse gf c1npl0y1ncF1l, but is iRt<l?' icatc.I? Gi··e reasoAs.
42 . Diseuss the pri11ciple "asisi11g i11 cgms~ gf w1plGymelll ·111d /lil t ,,f ernpln_ ·1w111 "~11ppon
y0ur aAS"'GF l''ith case laws.
43. Write a detailed note on family Pens ion under S. 6A of the EPF Ac t.
0 4. Ex plai n in detail the primary 11ability of the employer under the E3 1Ac tr
What are the conditions for eligibility of payment of gratuity') Exp lain .
4e. Wl,at are the Rea llh aAd see~rity pro 1o'is ions in the foetorie s ,'\ et.
47. E1qilaiA IRe preccaure klr fo· iRg and rn•·ising 1ni11imum "'~!!es
48. Defi ne bonus. Write a note on the calculation of Bonus payab le as per the Act. )
49. Write a A0lG 011 Wliithly Cg1n1nissiGF1
.SO, BYfllaiA tlic c0Rcept 0f wages i11 detttil.
51 . What is meant by ·social security'? Enlist the socia l securi ty kgislati ons for workers in
India .
.S2 , Wini am the A11tlrnrisccl Ocdu,ti<ln, frn111 "a~~s u11E10r the 1':P 11m11 or \l 'a_;e•, AEI. IPJh ''
53. Ltplain the pre,eedt11e Fo1 t=i.,i111,, 1111d re, isi 1,_; 111i11imt11n 1111.;c:s tmdcr the Minin ,um v.·~ "
. i;la irn u onu~? , '
. I vc a l{1g/Jt lO 1. , l.Y JLh Ll.u:
. .
~4 . ~ ,scuss th e co nccpl _0 1 Bonus. . u _.1.":
ti , wurl-c1
W ) ~ ~ u --
.. ,. .. n /..J.:l.llf1"'"'7

BX fJla,n lho s.:npo-+~l- ~l-11;,~A~11,.llljpW

~ Q t l < ~ G~ i . J . . , . jl/
56. Di scuss the fun ctio ns of E.S. I. Co rp ro t1 on. ·cl.:u-imJ~ h~~~.rJJJ.i.:b ~~
.!j:/, Enu~cal l¾IM --.u-1 ~l-iit.y-H-1~1;u1:.;i;'<-'~ , iu.J_w.J.:lfo n' qw ••:, i! fl'S im
-58 . E.<p la i11 th e J} ~ e1-lfi-f-tHA l-i1-1g--t,H-l-l.::i,l~h.,..;;.il.cty..a I . - ,·,•l·il ,on to
. . I Doct rim: ol. /\Lld c·d Peri rn ~•
-<-.A ct , I 0,1 •
59. Explain 1hc Dm:trim: o f Nutin1wl l·. xlcnsr,_lll ,llll _ /\ • I <)23.
Empl oye r's liability under Empl,iyccs C.1llllp,·11,·111 ' 011 ' ·
60. Explain : I
a. Soc ia l lnsuran cc b. Socia l /\ssistulll:c, ~µi'!-4l-l-lJ~ Il l), •11· :,, t,w.1
aI. E:tplRi1~ the 1
In surance Act. 19<1 _ , , - how ihc Minimum Wa ge ,~
Explain the lerms Minimum Wage and Fair Wage. 1~xp 1'1111 .,
fixed or rev isi:d und er lhe Act? . '? \
. .JP What ,s
'1""-'· . the co nc ept o l. Gra t1111y'/
. Whal. nn.: .11s. sn . I'" ·nt ll! a lllf'CS
n ,1 MmH- ai~t! pt1 r1111 •1•.1,11t-
. ·,. ,

.64. What is tlrn osj .ict of the Paynwn t .,,:.....w.i~t,--IJ 6 ' 1

cieci11ctions und er th.i Act? Explft-i1r. . _ F d and Mis1.:cllant:o us

Provisions Act, 1952. I'

65 .- Explain the .a im and objecl of the Employees Provident · un

\)6- Discuss the salient features of the Minimum Wages Ac t, I 94

W .· , a no le o n 1he
11 1e
Constitutional Validity of the Act. I' rB A t
67. Wh at is 'Bonus'? How the bonus is ca lcu lated and paid under th e Pay me nt O onus c ·
68 . Di 3euss the liabil ity o f empl oyer fur injury caused to th e worlunen duF++1g th e empl oymen+-
under EmtJ lo:,•ee's Compensat ion Act. 1923.
69. Stal@ tl1@l') ro> ·is ions of Fac1ori1::s 4 ct " 'ith n:gard tg safely and 11u•/lan: g f th e lab o ur.
70. Explain sa lient features of Employees' Provident Fund and Misce llaneous Provis io ns /\ cl.
1952 and schemes fram ed thereunder. Jll
71. Explain the welfare of labour and soc ial sec urity.
72 . Wlrnt RFe the diffeFent benefits u11der th e li:mployees State Insuran ce Act. 19•18? E:,plaill.
n . Diseuss the sa li en t featurns of the Child Laasm (Pro hi bit ion 1111el Re,;ultitic111 ) ,\et. 198
74. Elaborate the concept of wages with the help of case laws.
J}- Exp lain th e prn.:ed~1re fur fi>·ing and revising 1+1i1~i1m1rn " 'a1,1,..:s.
Elaborate the various ty pes of wages. ~
77 . What is the ma in purpose of the Pay ment of Bonus Ac t? Ex pla in the Bonu s f •
the he lp of releva nt case laws. o rm ula \\ tth
78. Euplei_n tlrn pro•,,isiolls of Safety ans lclea lth ~11Hcl er FactoritJs i\ .;.t.,
79 . What 1s Social Security? Explain the Em ploye r's liab iliiy r _ .
80. WFite a deta il eEI note on Maternity Benefit /\ et, ~ or co m pen sa11 011 .
19 1
g I. Ela6orale th e sa lient fea tures of lhe Child I ,l!Wiff-LIL . I ·1· ·
82 . State an d 'I // ustrate !he prrnc,ple . .
of noti onal CXll:ns i
-\- Hl ti Jl+lt+I-H lHt /-1{.-u,, I .. ·
. . . ~l-t,_'fi-t) . \ e1 19,8
M " . C
anu,actur111g ompany vis Ba, Yalu Raia . . un
. /\II{ 1958 Sl ' o 1 111111: 111 1h r li" I1I 1· .
e:- n \ :1ur:1~ht r:1 <.; ,,I t
,.,.., " 'I
"1at ·,s 11@
I l:it,:i
,. ·ec t of th e l:::1Hpl ny1J0• >' i.+t\!-J.
. , 88 I ·
,1 • _, I . . ,, 1-1',Hf'ftn <.:1.~ t,.:LJ.j '
.. ,s1i1,Hos aR .. c aims El o,ie ~mder !he .1 eP Pi, 1,- 11rt'--t1d-' u 1. ,_, _ ,
•• \ t-t'-'t\ ~n 'l+ ,11
v- Q,,{ . I t ,
~- State the obJect or th e Minimum Wa ge~ /\ ct. 11 ,m , . . . .
,11 , , l,1 11 11 •, , 1: 11ll' d II I I
11 , ,·r I 1,· \ ,·I"
-85 . Write an @Knl anat 9 . c: o I Io~+
-&6 "'1'1 P F)' rrnts e n tlis sa li ent fea llrr@s sf th e ~4a lemrly BsrHi HI • 6 • ·
· v. at dses tl'le te nR G 1 ·
<n e r a llll)' mean ? Ex plain th@sa lient f.iaw rns o f tIw,6,st · .
.rr. 8 enRe tl'le C'' "Fe • U /
-le . . " P ~s rerir. ages und er th e Pay mer:it of Wage, Acl I q1> »w " ii f
or_p tb e YO[IOJIS
grtrmate de~r ons 11r:i{ler th e 6 ct? In case ofa bs.ince from duty. sa ri l"age be de du c!e
as a ds{luc(isn-?-
th e e bjeet arid see pe ef th e Employees Prov ident Fl111 d and ~4isc . Prou isis ns Ac t.

C I . . .
· cltp am urrefly t"1e salient fealtrFes of !lie Aet.
-90. \l.1rite sher! rietes en :
,../, tfl) 8eetFi11e ef Added Peril ~ mployee under the Minimum Wages Act._ 194
\)'I · Explain the term Minimum Wage. What are the components of wages under the Mrnrmu:;1
Wages Act, 1948'.) What is the procedure for lixation or revision oi' wages under the Act·
-92 . The empl syeFis liabl e 10 pay comp.insati on und er th e Employ.:.:s Comper:isati on Act 1923•
--ifperssnal ir~ury is caused to an ernploye@ by accident arising out of and in th e course of
employment. Cormmmt.
93. Explain personal injury in the light of Indian News Chronicle V/s Mrs. Lazarus Al R I96 I
Punjab I02
9~ BKamine t"1e salierlt features of Maternity Benefit Act, I9¤i I.'
, . "The Payment of Wages Act. 1936 provides for the timely payment of wages and without
any unauthorized deduction". Examine.
96. E,tplain tl1e "1ealth, safety aml welfare m@asmes under Factories Act, 194
97. Writ1i a detailed note on the Child Labour (Prohibition and Abolition ) Aet. 198 Cite.,
rel!l"ant case laws.
Qg_ Wl:iat is tl«i 09:i1ict gfthe E1:i:iployees' Prollident F1111ds nod Misc Provisions Act !95 7 ')
6tate its !lflplicability. Wlrnt are tl:i@ varioys beneficial schemes that ha"e b1ien 1inacte{l?
Expl;iin ill detail. ~-
99. EnYr:i:ier:ite the varioLrs benefits tl:iat been provided 1mder the E1111~IPyees St;ite l1m1ro111ce
Act, 194 . With what object 1:ias ii been enaeted?
I00. Explain th e concept of bo nus, what is set 0 11 and set olT oi' allocable surplus und er
the Payment of Bonus Act, 196
~ - Explain the salient features of the Act. Explain the circumstances under which
gratuity is forfeited?
.rllfA. Explain the term deduction under Payment of Wages Act. 193 What are the
V exceptions? Is the Minimum Wages Act meant to fix the minimum wage for the
unorganised sector also? Explain the procedure for fixing/revising the rninimum wa!.!es.
I03. Explain the following : ~
a. Social Assistance b. Contributions under the Employees Provident Fund Act. 1952.
I 04. E1tplain the provisions rnlating to welfare of the " 'orlers Lrnder the F'iC'lorit', A.ct.
105. Whal are !Re diffu rnnt berrnfits und er th e Employees State In surance Act. J 9,18?.
' . - ' " .· . ' .· l C CQ LlrS•' OJ' € 11ljJI Oll nl e n!"
What does the term Minimum Wages mean ? Wh Jt is th e 0h,iect ~r th e /4c t'J Ho\\'
can the unpaid minimum wages etc. be clai111etl'.'
I08 . Write short notes 0 11 :
a. Manufrtctur ing process b. h 1ctor).
------~-- -----

. 1a.<
V"' "· Explain . lhe concepl ofGratui1y. Is ii an ex -grat1a
· paymen ( ?· Whal
' '•ire_1he imporlnnl .
· tieature o t· I11e leg1slat1on
· · ? Can Gratuity . be recovered un der sec. , JJ(c )(2) or 1he lnduslna 1
Disputes Act, 194 7? . -
110 E I
· xp am • the phrase "ans111g
. . out of and 111
. !he course o f emp· Ioy,!ne 11 1··· /-11ah/i<•h1
"' 1:- !h e
role of the Commissioner and his powers in granting com pensation. /I . _. (i •
11 I. ~ late tne object of th e Eme,!oyees State lnsuran ce..Act. ! 94 Ex pla111 th e.pi occcl tref
[of Cl 1sputes ancl c la im s. Why is the Ju riscliction of the civil co urt ous1ea fro m 1hef
@ jud1cat1on of disputes und er tlie.AcL
it' 112. In the light of Municipal Corporation of Delhi vs. Female Workers (Must~! Roll)
2000 I LLJ 846 SC, explain the applicabili ty and highlight the salient fealures ofjlie
Maternity Benefit Act, 196 I.
113. What is the concept of Bonus? Is there any infancy peri od under th e Act? Enlist
4 the important fea tures of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965? 1
-1+ Pi o, igio;:~::~~ 1~~-t 1J:30rtant fea tmes ef th e EmJ:J leyees' Previelent vw1d a11el Misc.

H S. Elabornte 1l1c 1iro ,·isio1n elea lin 6 with safety anel welfar@ ef labeur und@r Faetori@s
-Act. 1948-

116. Discuss the sa lient features of The Payment of Bonus Act. 196 ./
117-1Vages Act,
SY plai11
194 the 1
~rQGe1fore for fo·i11g mid rc,, isi11g 111ini1m1111 " 'ages und er ~4i11inrnm

--l-18 . Elas era te th@ a111horized 1fo.! 11 etig11 5 ,mci th e prnGedure fGr de,f uGt iPn s 1111ci•·r tlw
--!?ay1nent cif Wages A et, 19]
Examine the concept of minimum wages and forced labou'r with special reference
to Article 23 of the Constitution.
120. Describe the Employer·s liability for compensation, when employer is not held
liable under Workman 's Compensation Act, 1923.
Write an elaborate
of child labour. note on Constitutional and Legislative pro vis ions relating 10
-..U? !ii ia borate th e seora and o~eel of Einr loy ee 'g S111 te l11 su1111 1cc Act. 194
~3 4ct,
. Qiseuss
194 "arious 13rg11i, ·ons rnga rdi11g safety of " '9rh:rs as gi11c11 wider Factoric.; .

.. cases Diset1ss tl1e sa lie11t features on4iR i1nt11n Wages Act, 19 118 v·itli th e ilelp efdecided ,

125. Discuss th e ma in objGet i> 'PS '111.I imflorla1H ,~ro uisi>Jn, 1111 ,kr ~fote n1 it_ ' 1.3,,,1,•fit .:.i.,

126. Discuss the sa lient features of Bonus Act, 196 Ex plain lhe pro vision for 111ini1num
and ma xi mum Bonus under the Act.
E1,plain the fellowiRg : a),1 rising 0111 ofm1cJ Ullring Cl>t11-,-, c> f <J1n1~l o_ ·nw111 l>)5>J •i·d--

+-18. Discuss th e concepts of·vagss. EXJ:3 iai11 th e proceElure for fhillg 111i11i111u rates e+
•uag.:s UAd@r Minin1u111 Wages Act, 19<1 111
n9. Qiscuss sa li@11t feat urns efthe Child Labour (Proh ibil-ien and Reg1ila1ion) .'\ct. 1-9,1;
130. - Explain the cmployee·s provident fund schemes and benefits under Eniplovee·s 1
Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Ac1. 1952. ·

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