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IN SI D E ar t zine # 11 maximum artscum A4 4 0p .

4 Q

jk potter


New artscum from the depth of this lost planet! First time in English (sorry, Rdiger Sa used his own language on page 33, this isnt German!), first time without any regrets! Hope it haunts you in your dreams...... Maximum thanks: Ni Gudix & Sha-Lee ( & Susanne Erschfeld ( for translations, Jon Beinart (Australian Underground Art Collective:, Shantaller, Djzz Duisburg, Birgit und Tanne, Celtic Frost, Michael Hutter and of course 100! Check out our website for back issues (online-store). Still hot: Special issue INSIDE artzine #10 1/2 about TERROR. All rights reserved by the artists. --------jenzzzzzz, winter 2006 David Aronson (USA) Fabrice Lavollay (BEL) Fiara (GER) Franoise Duvivier (FRA) Jan Off (GER) Jan Schleevogt (GER) jenz (GER) JK Potter (USA) Karl Persson (AUS) contact: Lucja Romanowska (POL) Marcel Herms (HOL) Marcel Ruijters (HOL) Michael Hutter (GER) Microbo (ITA) Mike Bohatch (USA) Mike Diana (USA) Monobrain (HOL)/Zeke (UK) Naoto Hattori (JAP) Navette (FRA) mxNihil (GER) Olger (HOL) R.S. Connett (USA) Roland Adelmann (GER) http://undergroundpress Rdiger Sa (GER) Sandro Castelli (ITA) Urs Bke (GER) Addresses on request

I Sr Dn e P. O. Box 2266 Na It z iE Trier Germany

This is a light version of the INSIDE artzine #11. Paintings, (Digital) Collages, Sculptures, Stories, Reviews from Europe, USA, Australia, Japan, Outerspace, +++ (A4, 40p., full color, full sickness, quality paper, english) Order your printed copy on: GERMANY/EUROPE/WORLD: >>direct shoplink: USA: PROFANE EXISTENCE AUSTRALIA: POLYESTER Contact:


Urs Bke

Who do not find themselves

Many a man stands short before closing time in the neon enamel of alienated cities bottle at throat a knife at the veins runs past full of rests of dreams an orgasm duel in life having got nowhere further back they say hello before they die on metallic park benches todays power is called sheriff cleansed shopping malls and sometimes still intercourse (more and more seldom people get together without violence) others are trained to see poverty

as criminal it is prescribed deported force-fed (these times will never end) in the shadow of a dark republic grow ulcer and ulcer and murder and murder together sometimes happiness and money too or money and happiness what is left to hope in sight is no end in sight is good weather warm itll be the sun will light up the victims stink resembles annoyance noone revolts theres no doctor left to say: powerlessness is only the symptom the disease is Germany
(Translit, 17.10.06) aus: Das Land gefhrden / PO EM Press

Michael Hutter
I must admit that this is the first interview I have ever made for the INSIDE. However, nobody could have sensed that it would turn out as such an infernal trip to hell. Sometimes I have the feeling that everything that happened during my conversation with that Michael Hutter guy is just the result of my frayed nerves or my wounded fantasy, but even in retrospective, the events dont come across to me less frightening or bizarre. For a while I resolved to forget the whole thing, to destroy all notes and tapes. On the specified pages of this issue I would have published a report about CIA camps of torture in Rumania instead. But the more I think about this frightening terror, which has been lasting on me for a couple of days, the more I come to the point where I have to note down each blasphemous trifle in order to not lose my mind. .come to Salm if you want an interview. Small words. Shit. Would I just have made an Interview Mike Diana. Though he is in NY; the Eifel (hillbilly region in Germany) could not be any worse. But what should I say; this email was the starting point for some dark happenings you rather should find in police files or patients records than in a fanzine. The first time I came across the name Hutter was, when I researched for a series of advertisements in a fast-food chain in Trier. They wanted something fancy with the Romans. In the oldest city of Germany, there are actually guides about the burning of witches. I already had pictures of burning pyres in front of the Porta Nigra in my eyes, when the photograph of a very old poster of an exhibition caught my eyes.

Jan Off

Straight outta Schweinekoben

An attentive scout at the invisible front recently felt obliged to send me the both unedifying and bizarre message that a hip hop unit would crawl about in our velvety parish Dessau whose stated objective was to transport Fascist thought. Yo, Sieg Heil, nigger, this is where we obviously can find lyrics that may help to overcome the gap between the generations at least for a short time: Were the members of the master race, we sing and booze and wank and haze, But when we have the greatest fun, when Ricos kisses make me spunk, then Heim ins Reich! the trumpet calls, Ricos tears fall on my balls, Mommy, Daddy, aye, he howls. Former professional teenagers like us, who have administered a fair kick into the too full bladder of the native sprechgesang years ago, at the latest when those Punch-and-Judy show actors with their head cunt, the masquerade fetishist Sido (this is my flat, this is my block, this is my bed-wetter self-help group), had appeared, can do nothing more than smile mildly and wisely about this new metastasis in the putrefaction accelerator show business before we call out to those senile lunatics together with the greatest free style star alive, Dr. Helmut Kohl: Wipe out Germany off the map, Poland must reach France instead!
(Translation 12.10.06)

The extensive grave grounds mainly buried in the mountain slopes have, according to Mrs Hemets meagre notes, been designed in an uncommon architecture. Most of the found corpses had definitely been tattooed. She didnt mention whether or not they had to be connected with the partly destroyed grave estate. During the expert war that broke out later it was possible to, by means of simple X-rays, examine the pictures on the nine mummies by the middle of the 1970s. Despite justified doubts especially from Spanish experts one can notice some connections: in addition to the, for an age of more than 450 years, admirably brilliant crafty quality of the tattooing it is also interesting that, besides the common ritual pictures, some of the corpses show unmistakably modern symbols like beetles, fire, or, the most controversial one, the bomb head. The position of the corpses and the circular ground plan of the grave estate have also never been geographically clarified. More probable than mere chance is the assumption of an, admittedly unexpected, system structure: a GPS examination carried out by the army in 2003 at the nine mummy sites secured by Hemet showed an exact congruency between the mummies position and the structure of Plutonium, a substance which had been discovered no sooner than in 1941. Of course the small percentage had been scientifically unnoticed up to now! The files disappeared in the archives in the following years. Only since 2005 there are again efforts of Museo Etnogrfico Bolivia to apply for means for the further examination of the findings and especially the lost graves. Up to now, the Bolivian government has not given permission; instead they have built up a closed nature conservation area (although the mummies have to be kept, because of their high radioactivity level, as toxic waste in the capital.) One could easily foresee that the discussions about Hemets too quickly published research results would turn into agitated and irrelevant arguments soon. Were the pictures of fire on his face a symbol for what he had seen or what he had exuded? Why were the arms of the cockroach-covered corpse in the grave never found? Of object number 215/tsg has also, so it seems, no more than the head been mummified. Obviously it is still in a very good condition. The bomb head symbol is for most of the experts a proof for fake. The body was found in a 0bjekt 374//gsh (Bombhead)

Dr. Margret Hemet (2. f. right) 1877 in London

Object 156/gdh (Dancer)

Object 404//fyk (Fireface)

closed chamber, lying very deeply in the mountain. It was the only finding without burial objects. It seems as if the person had locked himself up last. Now is this a fairground show from Dickens London, or did the Spanish conquerors really already know about the atomic bomb? Translation Ni Gudix, 14.10.06 Many thanx to the restorer of the Museo Etnogrfico Bolivia Senor Tom Crites for his essential help and graphical guidance. Inquest & graphics: jenz





Object 215/tsg (Facemask)

My love ...

How often do I have to endure all this protruding shite called mankind again? How often do I have to listen to unqualified comments and advices of wee-brained would-like saviours again? How many days do I have to endure the repulsive reek of my fellow creatures stupidity again? How often do I have to watch a crowd cheering hideous and grotesque snarlers like a pack of idiots again? Pishing oneself and wanking each other out of unimaginative horniness. Tis brill to shag and chop up ones own childrens corpses, to gas ones own parents, to spit into friends graves. Rests of bodies, shagged to blood. Fragments of brains, covered in shite and puke. Battle dresses wrapped in polyester, rainproof, with Messiah Karl Marx in their luggage. Adolf Hitler lives in Florida hes fine. In a little housing estate for senior citizens. I want to ride the atomic bomb, baby. Ride it hard and dirty. I want to see napalm in suburbs. Burning children, screaming mothers, exterminated villages destroyed by uniformed corpses. The new golden gangs. Plundering and killing and only leaving ruins behind. To give the world a new make-up. Fear will be the new God. I fear therefore I am. I hate therefore I am. I kill therefore I am. I am therefore Ill rather sod off now. Ill open every prison and mental asylum, Ill provide the inmates with weapons well see whos mad here, you arseholes. Well see whether your democracy can take this. Lets venture more murders. Six milliards is the aim. Lets cut out their tongues so that its finally silent here... lets sew up their mouths so that they can finally hold their gobs. Some people need help. The only way to improve a man is to kill him. Mene, mene, tekel, chinchin.
(translation 13.10.06)

The Meat Socket (CD-ROMzine exe.datei/englisch) Ordeal IV - Serial Killer & Cannibals ($5 incl. S&H) Ordeal V - Porno Hurts ($6 incl. S&H) Splatter! I said: SPLATTER! Even worse: a sexist, nihilistic, abysmal, pimple-causing total-massacre. An infernal CD-ROMzine pulled WAY deep out of the John! Something like this can only be produced/consumed/liked under the influence of bad drugs! Watch countless trailers of various underground splatter-movies, watch the movie where the lips are cut off, puke, read the manic interviews with producers and mutilated victims, be astonished at the interactive almanac of female mass-murderers, puke once more piling on the pressure and (if thats not enough to lose your poise) simultaneously listen to the internal sap-metal-, noise-, grind-soundtrack. Send it to the Censorship of Publications Board, use it for cutting off your hemorrhoids, pile it up with powder . . . but: DEAL WITH IT! NOW! 666% illegitimate. Everyone will hate you for that, incl. even yourself. You cant disclaim your ideals, your education, your incarnation any way faster. The Meat Socket, Suite 206, 995-A, Elgin Street West, Cobourg, ONT, CANADA, K9A 5J4

Dr. Randall Phillip Fuck - Fanzine (A4, b/w, englisch, 5$) Rabbies - Fanzine (A4, b/w, englisch, 5$) Shiggy Digg Dee - CD (16 Tracks, englisch, $ask) FUCK! Provocation has a fucking name. Everything thats ugly, fucked-up, ill-conceived, fucked together in sick fuck-collages, fuck-victim-photos distorted by padded-room-scribbles, fucktastically absurd dilettante-comix. Sense-blowing crackpot-wit to the fore, the subversive dadaterror unnoticeably spreads in your corte-fuck-x and lets you despair of the sunshine. Theres nothing left but the cynical beauty of FUCK! RABBIES is a new wazoo-birth of the Doctor. A feverish dream of his youth on his account: a movie-zine about 70-80ies trashhorror-films. Contrary to FUCK its really sick, but no ill fuck-shit. SHIGGY DIGG DEE unsettles with getting beyond control larynx-microphones, feedbacks using moms juice squeezer, sound-collages of/with brainsounds. Dark soundscapes decomposed by cauterizing comments and sounds from the mouth of the very chief (in command). Dont ask me if this man is just a wacked-out, nihilistic agitator or do so. Dr. Randall Phillip P.O. Box 2217 Phila.; PA 19103 USA

De Hndenkoekjes Fabriek (DVD - 12 Tracks Eask, english/dutch): Mastermind Monobrain aka Truck Van Tental aka Hoogwater devastates us with various live-performances, clips and other quaintnesses of his chaos-collective FCKNBSTRDS: tight sick wall of noise, infernal feedback, distortion-, noise-orgies. Performing live in such grotesque costumes made by GWAR, from the very bottom of the waste dump. Partially even naked, in parts in the audience, full-contact-chaos with the masses so to say. Pure energy, sometimes at the edge of a test of how much the offense is endurable. Harmony? Melody? Foreign words from another faroff galaxy! Pure power! All this is added by collage-y clips of exploding heads, dutch suburbia and the mayo-man himself wallowing in the latter ones. Not to forget, the moving pictures being interspersed with the incomparable scribble-art of mister own-mind himself. The collective also presents concerts/performances/film-festivals in their factory in the northern part of the Netherlands. Check the website for dates! Be desperate to use this DVD as a test beforehand. If you dont bear this, seeing them live, you will die fast! De Hndenkoekjes Fabriek P.O. Box 68, 7700AB Dedemsvaart, The Netherlands.

Green Anarchy An Anti-Civilisation Journal of Theory and Action - #22: Technology - #23: Strategy & Tactics (A4-Zine, b/w, english) $4 USA, 6$ EU, 7$ World If we dont do something soon, this society, together with our beautiful cosmos-sattelite will end up ALL FUCKED UP!!! Then the few left neo-liberal multi-cock-orate enterprises will grab the last still respectable cutlet and you and I are just reeking, faceless slobber, chained to the pathologically mutated yet nearly hysterically propagated growth. You do as well believe its a load of bullshit, that only few will have almost everything (or the rest of it, they could save behins their video-secure garden walls), that visible inequity is being legitimized through debatable, often corrupt and loyal to the lobby, that we are all covered over with mindless consumption-shit, only to bewail our fate as exploited and deceived voting-brute?!? Then read this here! Besides theory (there are alternatives way beyond globalization and prevention-attack) theres loads of info on what is/can be done globally, to unmask and stop the raid of a few which is camouflaged as steady progress! Now! Read! You! Green Anarchy P.O. Box 11331, OR 97440 USA

Stripburger - Fanzine (A4, b/w & color, eng./slov., 600 Sit) The supreme zine-bench has to admit, this review is definitely objective or yet maybe even impartial!? #13 was thrust by Ivan Stripburger in the flesh on the central place (without any vowels!) in Ljubljana into my hands, when I was sojourning for a couple of days in the city of the nearly same name last summer. Subsequent to this encounter was a sightseeing-tour through dungeon-pubs with plastic skeletons (in chains on the wall resp. in vaults beneath the (glass)floor), exhibition openings with much dry ice-fog, the presidents wife (?!) and beer with the local sketchbook-draftsmen-elite. Just as this wasnt enough as a positive dazzlement of my judgement: between the two pasteboards on the kickass fatty paper is highscore comic-art from Europe and overseas to be found. No sick psychopath-slaughter-waste (like in the usual INSIDE), the dark, delicate and often scurrile thought governs here. Grandiose! Take a look at the website, if you think that the untouchable decree of the supreme zine-bench is corrupt! Striburger/Forum Ljubljana Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Queesch Magazin Magazin fr und ber Selbstbestimmung (Zine, A4, b/w, 5E, plus CD, german/french./letzeburgisch) - #07: Fascism - #13: Sexuality - #14: Decroissance Whoever thought of Luxemburg as a peaceful oasis, where well behaved citizens are satisfied and happy with the accountkeeping charges of rich tax refugees, is WRONG! Here as well are brothers and sisters, who have noted, that somethings foul in their/our society, that even the most mulish egoist shouldnt ignore the flies. The mag (content + core theme mix) impresses with a clear mixture of political statements (capital dominance, dehumanized labour, a jolt to the right, activism), personal thoughts (sexuality-theme book), art/music/info dates and a cool magazine layout. The horizon over the tiny country is huge, as you can see from the consequent mixture of the three local languages in the number. The speculations range from the legendary, up to date mysterious Bommenleer of Luxemburg to the Iran-lie. Along with a CD with guitarsounds, photos/videos of demos/campaigns and art. Booking concerts also. Queesch 53, Ellergron, L-3811 Schifflange, bourg,

Ratriot #10 - 2,50E Vorsicht Schreie #6 - 2,50E Straenfeger #3 - 1,50E A5 Fanzines, b/w, german RATRIOT IS DEAD! Plus: its even smelling. In fact, from the year one. Since billions of years it is the mental soakaway of the killer short-story and the ass-rasure poems. Highest impactspot of the doable throughout. Embedded in a DK/Winston Smithcollagebackgroundfever that was brought to perfection over the years, this is the terrific departure of one of my favouriteto-read-zines (grief-notables: Adelmann, Hbsch, Mnnecke, Heuer, Brker, etc.). Rot in peace, my friend!!!! Barely dired out, already a coequal afterbirth: VORSICHT SCHREIE whips through the cerebral tissues with a passion succeded alike the RATRIOT underground literature. The manning is amazingly analogical, the background collages dont strike yet, therefore theres picturing art at the top. Whoever still cannot cope with his RR-mourning packs STRAENFEGER in: tasty full throttle-poems and stories in/from the fading shadow of the Social Beats, comparable topclass manning and the thing with the background collages comes next! Ratriot, Urs Bke, Hubertstr. 289, D-45307 Essen, Germany Vorsicht Schreie, Krefelder Str. 13, D-41460 Neuss, Germany Straenfeger, Stttgerhofweg 11, D-50858 Kln, Germany

Pussies Vol. 2 - Fanzine (A6, b/w & color englisch, $?) Sexism! Pure! The fact that the doers announced additional theme-zines on mens dicks and dogs asses, doesnt compensate. A mini power-zine dealing with pussies, cunts, quims, love grottos and all the more or less tender words (from the male part) describing the magic, mystical female pleasure centre. In order to provide us, the nonsensitive, 24/7-megahorny penis-porters with an insider view, there are, besides many men (Mike Diana of course, too), a few women as interpreters on board. Therefore, what is presented on 34 b/w and 8 coloured pages is absolutely and definitely pedagogical: you can find pre-pubertal daubry-drawings off the toilet-wall from the cloistral juvieschool, artistically high-grade declarations of love, dinky, humorous expressions of sympathy or even the crude fuck you- or I fuck you-material. As it is the second pussie-edition already, it seems were dealing here with downright admirers of the latter. This is noticed also, as the spirit of homage always gleams through, despite all desire for horniness and sex. Furthermore, it comes in a hand-sprinkled (A6!) cover. Those guys CANT be bad! Pussies, Volume Two, Edited and assembled by Josh Simmons,



As a response to the worldwide protests, triggered by the 12 Mohammed caricatures published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten, the Arabian League approached the United Nations with an open request for censorship. The UN Parliament ought to come to a decision which prohibits insulting offensives against religious beliefs. Even if most western politicians appreciate the freedom of opinion, art and press in their statements, they still try to demonstrate in the same breath their deep sympathy for the hurt religious feelings and their disgust concerning the assumed bad taste Mohammed caricatures. (Which, in reality, were far more harmless as for example Monty Pythons Life of Brian.) Even in this subtle way, fundamental civil liberties can be sacrificed on the altar of diplomacy. Today, a clear statement for the values of Humanism and Enlightenment is absolutely necessary. It should be obvious that under the conditions of a highly technical world we rely on the educational nuisance of criticism. Therefore discretion is required, when too much consideration of religious feelings is demanded. First of all, the hint of hurt religious feelings serves to put the own ideological bigotry under monument conservation. The consequences of such criticism immunity are disastrous. Any person who is able to back away from any criticism will barely develop the skills to let wrong ideals die before other people have to die for wrong ideals. As a consequence, we have to demand from any believer not only from the Muslims - that they have to deal with the criticism on their belief. Nobody is allowed to be beyond the fresh wind of criticism, not even when the criticism reveals the absurdity and ridiculousness of the own persuasion. It is granted that nobody likes to hear that, and it is to an extremely high degree political incorrect, but its barely to be dismissed that a large part of what people belief is highly ridiculous. Therefore it is no wonder that criticism on religion often comes in the form of satire. Otherwise, it would barely do justice to its topic. You could either way embrace or regret that, however, one thing is certain: Without the strength of the educational mockery it would not have been possible to tame the European Christianity. Not until humankind started to laugh about the breakneck, intellectual distortions of Christianity, and about the weaknesses of their religious leader, they were able to overcome the fears of hell and the devil, which were learned over more than hundred years, and give the religious missionary zeal a clear refusal. Resume: If the philosophers of the Enlightenment of the past had not taken heart to hurt religious feelings, Europe would probably still burn on the pyre. In the face of the actual danger that we might be on target for an age of religious war, we need a lot more religious critical voices in the public debate in the current situation. The times in which ideological openness got sacrificed for the delusion of manifestation should be final. We request: All attempts to restrict the freedom of opinion, art and press have to be ceased immediately. That means: instead of tighten the 166, it ought to be cancelled without substitution. Religions should not get a charter from the legislator to immunize against criticism. A person, who wants to allow censorship, wants to prohibit thought. Individuals, who (as in Jyllands Posten) criticize foreign religions, should put their own house in order first. Somebody who criticizes the Islam out of educational positions should not omit criticism on other world religions (especially the related religions Judaism and Christianity). Its possible to find the apocalyptic hallucinations, which determine the current Islamite fundamentalism, in a similar way with devote Christians or Jews as well. It creates a wrong image, when you only try to find the bad things in with the Muslims. (In this spirit we recommend Jyllands Posten as well as other one-sided critics of the Islam the caricature Prehistorical museum, mapped below, which was created on behalf of the Giordano Bruno foundation. By the way, there is not much fear that any well-established newspaper will print this caricature. The global booming fundamentalism is not least an expression for serious political, economical and social evils in the world. The western policy should try to remedy these shortcomings, instead of sacrificing the principles of the Enlightenment on the altar of a short-sighted diplomacy. The latter would be missed only because fundamentalists tend to interpret every concession made by their ideological enemy as a sign for their supremacy of their own belief system. Everyone, who feels obliged to the values of Humanism and Enlightenment, should take heart to come clean publicly. It is time to give the people a piece of ones mind, especially in respect of religion. We must not get around any longer formulating explicitly for what we stand and fight for. The continuation of the project of education not only needs masterminds but also the ability to walk upright (Sign this petition online:

featuring tori (jap) Naoto Hat (us) Mike Bohatch(bel) lley Fabrice Lavo lli (ita) Sandro Caste (ger) Michael Hutter (us) JK Potter Ruijters (hol) Marcel R.S. Connett (us) Jan Off (ger) Karl Persson (aus) Navette (fra) ) mxnihil (ger & more Are you still playing with dolls?! - dolls & sculptur Rleih Conclavum - Interview with H.P. Hutter es Ink means eternity - the Tattoo-Mummies Reviews

40 pages, 11 nations, full colour


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