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By: Kimverly O. Lozano

Have you heard about the name Ellizabeth? Senior high school student, second year. She was killed at the
street because she fought back with a man who was robbing her. Ellizabeth was loved by the school. Being kind,
responsible, and a joyful person. Since everyone missed her, they pretended she was there. This went on, not only
for the students, but for the teachers as well. Soon she appeared, as if she was back from the dead, but this didn’t
frighten anyone, it’s quite the opposite, it even made them forget that she was dead. They talked, played, and
carried on in the school as if nothing ever happened. But this didn’t go for long. One day, a student suddenly got
killed by a falling window from a classroom. It scared everyone, made them more cautious about their
surroundings. Suddenly, one by one, students from the senior high, is being killed, not by people but their
surroundings. One student, named Klein and Poach had an idea as to why this is all happening to them, only in
the senior high second year. It’s because there is an impostor who lives among them, a person who shouldn’t be
there. That’s why they came to the solution to... remove her.
“Jake, wake up!” my aunt said. I stood up and answered, “I’m up!”. My aunt sighed and just went to cook
our breakfast. I walked to the living room to sit down, going past my grandfather and my grandmother who were
mourning for someone. “My Jenny, my poor Jenny” mourned by my grandpa. “Come on let’s go eat dear, we can
pray here again after breakfast” Spoked softly by my grandma.
I was back here in the province to transfer, all that I remember was the last time I’m here, I was still 6.
Now I’m 17, growing old fast. After finishing up my breakfast, I showered and prepared my things before going
to school. My aunt offered me a ride, and I agreed because I forgot about which path leads to the school I’m
transferring to.
At school we arrived, my aunt was also a teacher there where she teaches Literatures. The bell rang just
after I walked out of the car, so I rushed to our classroom, my aunt guided me there. Arriving in time, our teacher
came in and called me to go to the front to introduce myself. I stood up to the front and said "Hello everyone! I
am Jake Winslow, 17 years old, I like to read and listen to music, that's all thank you!". After finishing I sat down
at the chair that was empty. Sitting next to a cute girl, with a ribbon tying her hair up. After the two subjects,
break time arrived, where I thought that I should make as many friends as possible! So, I approached my seatmate
and said hi. She just stared and went on to grab her snack and ate it without replying to me. It made things
awkward, so I started to walk away from her, little by little, but she suddenly grabbed my hand. "Sorry I was just
so hungry, I'm Diane, nice to meet you." She replied. My face slowly brightened with joy and had a long
conversation until the break ended. Our teacher, Mr. Weinstein, invited us to go on a field trip to his grandmother's
mansion on Saturday. Of course, because of the eagerness to have a field trip with my new classmates would be
a good way to make them be one of my friends. Saturday arrived, we all came to Mr. Weinstein's grandmother's
mansion to learn about a new environment and how it affects us. My aunt, or ma'am Jennifer came with us to
handle the girls meanwhile Mr. Weinstein handled us boys. After going in, I felt an eerie feeling, as if anytime I
could die, and as if everything feels too dangerous. I just ignored this and went on with the tour of the mansion.
Night came, and we were having our dinner in the kitchen down here on the first floor when. *Screams*.
We all heard a loud scream coming from the second floor. Most of us boys came rushing up, along with Mr.
Weinstein. We saw Justine, one of my classmates, unconscious on the ground. Mr. Weinstein carried her to his
car to go to the hospital meanwhile Ma’am Jennifer took charge of us. After Mr. Weinstein drove off, a chandelier
fell and crushed three of my classmates. This caused us all to panic, Ma’am Jennifer ran to catch up to Mr.
Weinstein, but he had already left. Then it rained.
Meanwhile we carried the big chandelier and blood spurted out. Most girls screamed and ran back to their
rooms meanwhile others were too scared to move. A radio suddenly started to play... “Attention! Attention! To
whoever listens to this clip, be warned, this is a pre-recorded audio made to play when the chandelier falls. Let
me get to the point, I’m Klein, and you who are listening are in a curse, you must find the impostor among you!
It’s either the impostor or you. The impostor is already dead but doesn’t remember it, all it remembers is the
things it did after it revived.” The radio stuttered and died. We all looked at each other, confused, then *Boom! *
The kitchen blew up. A lot was injured, and it caused everyone again to panic. The 40 students who came was
instantly reduced to 31. A lot ran outside, but they all didn’t escape, one slipped out a deep hole, one got struck
by lightning, one slipped on a branch and hit his head. People who stayed try to solve the curse, two of those
people are me and Diane. One of the people, Lilia, said, “I think it’s better to kill anyone I see, it’s either kill or
be killed.” Then she pulled a knife out and stabbed one of our classmates. Scared, we ran to the second floor, and
saw bodies lying on the floor. Then Lilia came running behind us, so we had no choice but to go past the dead
bodies. We ran up to the attic to hide. I found a cabinet and there I hid Diane, where she pulled me, “What are
you doing!?” She asked, “I’ll try to fight her, so hide here for now” I replied. Before she could answer, I ran to
get a bat on the chest we walked past. And hid behind the door. Lilia came in and I swung a bat on her head, but
she ducked and dodged. She swung her knife but then suddenly the wires got shaken and fell, she got caught in
the wires up above, she kept on moving but the more she moved, the more the wires tangled on her body, I didn’t
get to move because of the shock. She moved and moved trying to get it off, but the wires were still getting more
and more messy, until she got strangled by it.
I grabbed Diane and ran down the stairs, where I found Ma’am Jennifer lying on the floor, with a stabbed
knife in her right foot. I shook her to force her to wake up, and there she woke up, *Screams* But stopped after
noticing that it was just me. She thanked me for saving her, though I didn’t. Before I could help her get up, Diane
stopped me. “Jake? Is it not questionable how everyone is dead, but the curse is still here. It can’t be me because
I remember when I was five, I used to draw flowers.” She said, and I replied “Well, I remember this town when
I was a kid, I lived here.” Then I looked at Ma’am Jennifer. “No, it can’t be...”. Diane grabbed the knife stabbed
at her foot and tried to stab her, but I stopped her. “Wait! We aren’t sure yet!” I spoke. “Ma’am Jennifer, you are
my aunt, so you must remember what you gave me when I was six, right?” I added. She looked at me curiously.
Tears then started pouring down. “I’m sorry... I’m sorry... Forgive me.” I swung the knife in her chest, and it
pierced her heart. The feeling of death came away, and the rain stopped. Me and Diane waited until Mr. Weinstein
came back.
That night was the worst, that night was scary, and that night was the saddest I had been. I blame myself
for letting me be greedy for my happiness. It was me, all this time, who made my aunt exist. I couldn't bear the
thought of her dying so I pretended she was there. Until she appeared. I forgot. How could I have forgotten? All
these deaths were my fault. So, on the night of December, I finished everything.
This curse had taught me to learn to let someone go if it is their time, no matter how much you will miss
them, it’s better now that they had an eternal rest. And disturbing them just makes their souls angry, giving you
a lesson you won’t ever forget.

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