Assignment - 1 Shaft (2015) Highly Advanced

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Subject: Machine Elements I AMEM 316 – AUTO 308

Academic Year: 2015 (Fall Semester)

Instructor: Dr. Antonios Lontos (

Assignment No 1: Shaft Design


In the following figure a simple gear box with various machine elements and components is
presented. Shaft 2 is rotating through gears by shaft 1 which is rotating through two pulleys
by an electric motor. The transmission shaft 1 stands on two bearings and the rotational
speed is transfer by the belt. The two shafts are made of hot-rolled alloy steel with yield
strength σy=400-600 MPa and σuts=1200 MPa. The belt transmits (a) …....KW of power at (b)
….... rpm. The belt is prestressed with a ration of (c) …..... The two gears are spur gears
with 200 pressure angle. The bearing distance for the shaft 1 is (d) L1=….….... mm and for
the shaft 2 is (e) L2=…... mm. The output pulley has to be design for (f) Nb=.….... number of
belts. For both shaft the safety factor is (g) SF=….....
- Data for each student: (a/a ……....)

A. Calculations
1. Calculate the smallest safe shaft diameter for the shaft 1 and 2. Provide a free body
diagram and all necessary bending moments and torque diagrams.
2. Calculate the dimensions of the keys and the keyways at shaft 1 and 2 for the two gears
and the pulley.
3. Determine the critical speed of rotating shaft 2.
B. Drawings and Assembly
1. Make the construction drawings of all different parts (2D).
2. Design the two shafts (Shaft 1 and 2) with all components and explain in details how to
make the assembly (Assembly manual).
3. Design two different cross sections of the device with all components (2D).
4. Design the gear box with all components in 3D.


* Estimate all dimensions that are not given.
** Useful documents: Cover for Assignment, Drawing template example
*** You must submit one hard copy and one pdf file with all calculations and drawings

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Assignment No.1


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6820_Georgiou Georgios (Assignment 1)

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Georgiou George
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Fig. 1: Gearbox with the motor, the transmission shafts and the pulleys

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Shafts Gears

Bearings Seals

Electric motor Pulleys

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Assignment No.1

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