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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, Rajasthan

First Semester 2022-2023

Comprehensive Exam (Open Book)

EEE F311 Communication Systems

Date: 30-12-2022, Duration: 3 Hours, Maximum Marks: 60

1. (a) Find the FM bandwidth (using Carson’s rule) for a message signal m(t) = 200sinc(200πt)
with kf = 1 vol/Hz. Take carrier signal as 10 cos(10000πt).
Solution: 600 Hz [Marks: 2].
(b) Find the modulation index for an amplitude modulated signal is given as x(t) = 25 +
i=1 cos 200iπt cos 200000πt.
Solution: µ = 0.4 [Marks: 2].
(c) Draw minimum number of orthonormal basis signal for the signal set as given below:

s1(t) s2(t) 2 s4(t)
1 1
t t t -1 0 2 t
0 2 -1 1 0 1 1

(d) For a WSS noise process x, the double-sided noise PSD is given as Sx (f ) = N0 /2. Find
the autocorrelation of the output process y as shown in the figure. Take R = 10Ω and
C = 1F.

x R C y

N0 − |t|
Solution: Ry (τ ) = 40
e 10 [Marks: 2].
(e) Find the channel capacity with transition probabilities as shown in the figure. Assume
equally probable input i.e. P (x1 ) = P (x2 ) = 1/2.
Solution: C = 0.2858 bits/symbol [Marks: 2]. Partial Mark [Mark: 1] if all steps are
carried out.
(f) Find mutual information of a continuous channel y = x + n if the output signal y is
uniformly distributed y ∼ U (−2, 2) and the additive noise n is exponentially distributed
with PDF fn (x) = e−x , x ≥ 0.
Solution: C = 2 − log2 e bits/symbol [Marks: 2].

2. (a) There are two messages with probabilities 0.9 and 0.1. Find the coding efficiency (in %
upto two decimal points without rounding off) with the third-order source extension using
Huffman encoding.
Solution: Codes= 0, 100, 101, 110, 11100, 11101, 11110, 11111 [Marks: 2]; Entropy= 1.4070
[Marks: 2]; Average Length= 1.598 [Marks: 1]; η = 88.05% [Marks: 1].
 
1 0 0 1 0 1 1
(b) The generator matrix for the (7, 3) linear block code is given as 0 1 0 1 1 1 0.
0 0 1 0 1 1 1
List all the code words and determine the error-detecting capability of the code. Also
decode the data from the received codes 0101010, 1101011, and 1110111.

Solution: Codes= 0000000, 0010111, 0101110, 0111001, 1001011, 1011100, 1100101, 1110010
[Marks: 2]; dmin = 4; detection capability =3 bits[Mark: 1]; Rx1 = 010 [Marks: 3] or
Cx1 = 0101110 [Marks: 2]

3. A signal m(t) = 10sinc2 (10πt) is to be transmitted over an ideal channel with impulse response
h(t) using both analog and digital schemes.

(a) For analog transmission, the transmitter uses DSB-SC at a carrier frequency of 500 KHz
and the receiver uses synchronized detector. The receiver is impacted by AWGN with
double-sided passband PSD N0 /2 = 4. Find the noise power and the SNR at the output
of the synchronized detector.
Solution: Noise Power: 40 [Marks: 4]; Signal Power =0; SNR=0 [Marks: 2].
(b) For digital transmission, the transmitter uses baseband polar signaling and the receiver
uses the matched filtering. The receiver is impacted by AWGN with double-sided PSD
N0 /2 = 4. find the signal power at the output of the matched filter.

Solution: Amplitude of the signal 6.6 [Marks: 4]. Signal power 44.44 [Marks: 2].

4. A transmitter uses 8-QAM constellation (as shown in the figure) for digital communications.
The distance between adjacent symbols is 2 and the symbols are equi-probable. At the receiver,
the symbols are disturbed by the AWGN modeled as nx ∼ N (0, 1) and ny ∼ N (0, 1).

(a) Determine the SER in terms of Q function without any approximation.
Solution: Pe1 = 52 Q(1) − 23 Q2 (1) [Marks: 6]. No partial marking.
(b) If the noise component in the y-direction is ignored (i.e., ny = 0), determine the SER in
terms of Q function without any approximation.
Solution: Pe2 = 23 Q(1) [Marks: 6]. No partial marking.

5. A wireless communication link over free-space is to be established from your hostel room to a
nearby base station situated at a distance of 95 m. The assigned carrier frequency is 100 MHz
and the channel bandwidth is 1 MHz. The antenna gain for transmitter and receiver are equal
at 0 dB, i.e. Gt = Gr = 0 dB. The information source is voice signal of a 3 minutes duration.
The A/D uses 4-bit quantizer at the minimum sampling rate. You are given the task to design
a digital transmitter to transmit the data in 1 second. The AWGN has a PSD N0 = −100
dBm/Hz and the signal power Pt = 30 dBm.

(a) Determine the source information in bits?

Solution: 8000 × 720 = 5760000 [Marks: 4]. Different sampling rate other than 8000
i.e. 6600, 40000, and 44100 will also be considered without deducting any marks.
[Marks: 4]
(b) Determine is the channel capacity in bps?
Solution: C = 6 × 106 bps [Marks: 4]
(c) Determine the maximum constellation size used.
Solution: Rs = 2 × 106 symbols per second [Marks: 2]. Constellation size M = 8
[Marks: 2]

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