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1. Matt:What is your name?

Frank: ____________ .

a. My name is Farnk. c. I am 32.

b. Nice to meet you d. Long time no see. 10. Kate ______________ .
a. likes horror films c. hates action films
2. It’s _____________ . b. enjoys documentaries d. loves comedy films
a. seven o’clock
b. half past seven 11. Joe: Excuse me! __________________?
c. quarter to eight a. How are you today
d. quarter past seven b. What is your name
c. Where are you from
3. Jamie: Where is Garcia from? d. How can I get to the zoo
Cindy: She is ___________ .
a. a dentist c. from Australia 12.Abby:Hello! ________________?
b.19 years old d. studying engineering Melinda:Melinda.
a.What is your name
4. Gulia: _______ you got a car? b.Where are you
Maria:No, I haven’t. c.How old are you
a. Do c. Did b. Are d.Have d.How are you

5. Tom:Excuse me! ________ a stadium near here? 13.Tim: _________________?

Gina:Yes,the stadium is over there. Jill:Yes,it is.
a. How old c. Have you got
b. Is there d. How many a. Have you got any brothers
b.What is your name
c.Is it your book
d.How is it going
6. Van is ________ than İzmir.
14. Mark: Is there a hotel near here?
a. colder c. shorter b. fatter Amanda:_________.Go ahead,turn left.It’s on
d.slower your left.
a. It’s good to see you
7. China is the ___________ country in the world. b.It’s very hot today
a. crowd c. crowded c.Yes,I feel good
b. most crowded d. more crowded d.Yes,there is.

15. Joshua is ___________ student in the class.

a. the most hardworking
b. hardworking than
8. The dogs are ________ the cars. c. as hardworking as
a. in c. under d. more hardworking
b. behind d. between
16.An elephant is __________ a cheetah.
9. a. slow b.slower
c.slower than d.the slowest

18. Stephan:What is Ahmet’s __________?

Caroline: He is Turkish.
a. movies c. occupation
b. country d. nationality
a. big c.easy b.long d.good

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