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Chapter 5 Two Degree of Freedom Systems @ Equations of motion rm, Kit (Kit Ke) %y— Ky Ky 2X4 kX, — KX, = 0 with x; (t) = X; cos(wt +9); c2 42, Ezs- (Es) give the freguency eguation ° 2 = st mgt yt & - 4 2 kee =o = kp — ust mg + 2 | k, kK, *, *: or wt - ( meh y Byer + SS (E2) ™ ™ ma ™2 Roots of €-(€2) are 2 92 _ kt ke to fap eitte | key 2g wo = See et e(BerR am H tf 3) x) (2) x® x= ; ) and KO = ee 4) x) 2g XE xP on X x” amy ost + «t+ ke ke ye 22 2 SS Ss > xo) Ke —myit + ke L 2) OP ++ Ke Ae xp) am a + tit Ke 5 (es) xD Ke =n, oF + ke General solution of (E1) is x(t) = x cos (crt +t) + x2 cont + 2) xalt) = Vy XY cosCost + #1) + BXP cos (wt +4) where x0, x), dy and g, can be found using Es.(s.48). 9) For msm, msam, ky= « and £,= 2k, (E3) gives ei=@-H)£ , w= G+ FE () When = |000 N/m and m= 20 &g, y= 39-6603 rad/see and 2 = 13-6603 rad/sec =f * leg = 136604, B= 2 = - 0.36602 — — —m, ue + Kk, =m, 2 + Kp With x0) = 1, kle)=0, x2(0)= 4 and (0) = 0, Es. (5-19) ive (4) Fi ONL oo accon, x@) = —136603, Apso, g= 0 Response of the system is %(t) = — 0-36602 ws 3.66034 — 1.36603 cos 13.6603 ¢ %2(t) = 0-5 cos 3-6603t + 0-5 cos 13-c603t Taxing moments about 0 and mast m, my hE 6, = — 1 (Li sin 84) + 3m ©, (L, cos 04) - & cor & (fy Sin @) = Le + WL (0,-0,) assuming @ 2 W,- (es) mat Be + male (0,8, = — We Ula tin 0) = -whe, Using the relations o, &yt- (Ex) and (Ex) become x “4 and 0,= Wy 2 (2) Aa wate Ke + Dna Me (BEE) oy waht x = 2 ma hz X2 — We Xt + WX =0 ° (6s) €) When mizmzam, fy=f2=f and Wy= W2= mg, €ps.(Ey) and 4) give . mh X4 + 3mz %1— me xX. = 0 (es) 1 2 mi, — me %y + me x, = 0 For harmonic motion x(t) = Xz; cos Wt 5 i= 4,2, Es-(Es) become — tml Kea ame Xy - mg X, ° — chink x, - my X1 + mgeX, = 0 from which the freguency eguation can be obtained as cst mf? — (4 P89) oo + 2 weg? 2 ge hee or, =o (Es) Ratio of amplitudes is given by Ep. (E¢) as Xo - 4 X20 atmo ame ~ ak +3) In mode 1, U% = 0/7654 & T?OTe No node. In mode 2, w,= revs fF, Z ne (YP 2-24) En one node Located at 4: % 2 42% y 320-2930 t 243 Let Ri, R, and R, be the restoring forces in springs, Equations of motion of mass m in x and y directions are mee BR, cos (1) asa nj = Bene, ® A where Rp= — kp ( ¥ cosa: + Yoin x; ) (Es) Egs-(Ex) to (£3) give met Elk: (x cote ty Sint; Bes) = 0 (4) ist WE + Bk: (x sin cose, + ¥ seta) = 0 (es) For y= 45°, X,= 135°, oy = 270° and = kg= ky =k, Eps: (Ey) "1 reduce to “ and (£5) reduce minke no _— mp+2ey =o (7) These equations are uncoupled. For harmonic motion, xe) = X cos (wt +8), ¥lt)= Y cos (wt +9), and fence Wye E for motion in x direction @,= [Fe for motion in y direction Natural modes ore given by yay x cos (Et + #4) yt) = ¥ ws (EE t + 4) L conditions. where X, #4, Yand @ can be determined from init @) Equations of motion in terms of x and @: mkt k(x-Le)+ *2(x+40) 20 (,) % Bt hs (x L0)+ Kale (et La) For free vibration, vo) x(t) = X ws (wt +8) (©3) elt) = @ sor (wtt A) &%) and &ys-(E,) and (E,) become Lm est tet Ke (ey = #2) x ° 7 2. = &) —(& Ri= ee £2) G+ &, 8+ ke e ° Freguency epuation is 2 ame Ket Ke = (K&L — 2 82) ( =o E, h - 2 2 Chi = 2) Gate ke Oe ete ) bey — + 5000 too = 0 Joo — 0-3 W* 4 2030 be, 03094-3530 «s* + lol x10 = 0 ies w*= 6785.3373, 4981-3293 “0 = 70.5785 radfrec , 9, = 82-3732 radfee Mode shapes: Ctoco a7 + 5xt0%) X + oxo @ =0 é a, zy _ Hort x10! ‘ iS) =t000 G+ Sx ies ~~ 7347 and 6 x ot X10 sle = = v0 een =te00 09 + 5 x 10° : . AE _ A (30 (10°) ky =stifiness of rope = —Z~ = 4S = 12.5 (10*) A tb/in m, = mass of trolley = 800/388. my = mass of load = 2000/3886. = 20.7039 Ib—sec” /in 5.1780 Ib—sec” /in Desired frequency value: wy >20Hs. Let u, = 25 Hz = 157.08 rad/see or cH = 24674.1264 (rad/sec)?. Fundamental natural frequency is given by (see Eq. (E3) in solution of Problem 5.1): 2 mt hah, a [kitke | ke kik, w= () “om + oe, 4 ™, my m My 2 1 Using the known values of'k;, mj, and mg, a series of trial values of A are given and Eq. (2) is evaluated to find the corresponding values of w3. The results are given in the table below. It can be seen that A = 1.1 in? yields a frequency that satisfies the specification. A (in?) | ke (Ibfin)_| wi (rad/sec)?_| wy (rad/sec) 0.6 0.7500 (10) | 0.1434 (105) | 119.7 ky 0.7 0.8780 (105) | 0.1715 (105) | 131.0 0.8 0.1000 (10°) | 0.1946 (10°) | 130.5 ™ 0.9 0.1125 (10°) | 0.2176 (10°) | 147.5 T 1.0 0.1250 (10°) | 0.2406 (10°) | 155.1 & x Ad 0.1375 (10°) | 0.2662 (10°) | 163.2 2 12 0.1500 (10°) | 0.2918 (10°) | 170.8 13 0.1625 (10°) | 0.3123 (105) | 176.7 m2 T 14 0.1750 (10°) | 0.3379 (105) | 183.8 1.5. 0.1875 (10°) | 0.3610 (10°) | 190.0 a 1 35 = er 202) gs. .9 x16 N/m (40 Kr 013 210° N/m, mss 1000 kg > m2 = 5000 Ky &.(Es) in the solution of problem 5.1 gives (1-725 = 16704) 10% y= 73992 vad/t, 9, = 38-2704 rad/s From €ps-(Eq) and (Es) of solution of problem 5-4, as eulees = welt? Tm OP s be 000 (54.6007) + < te on3 x10 = G = - 001799 =m, wi + 2 7 $000(3395- 4046) + 0-3 X10 Mode shapes are bo } OO a bo @ meen ge alia}, 2 aL ornee fm @) Frequency equation: |[- oF taj +a]| =0 or (un - 4? mi) ke =0 L Kens (kez — a? m)| 0) Expansion of the determinantal equation (1) gives: (my mg) oo — (omy Kae + my kus) a? + (leas Kea — kha) = 0 @ Roots of Bq. (2): (my Kea +m ki) VJ (ons Kae mg Hera)? +4 my my ke 2m Mg uh, wi = @) Substitution of known expressions for ki1, kz, and kgp into Eq, (3) yields: of, ag = 48 BI (cay +8 ng) + Viemy =8 my)? + 25m, mm (4) 7 mm Eguations of motion : mA se my |= 1000 #3 my % 44%) — ky, = 0 ‘5 ‘ } €) =H A00 N/m my dy + (Kir ee) xa- ky m1 =0 t Let x,(t)= X, cos(wt+): ajo 39 a G2) re 3. CE.) becomes o-fm ES 6974 te, ~k x, 3 oh amy ky + ey aon } Freguency eguation is =m, 4 Ky - =o 2 7K mm, + Kit keg wen mm; 4 — (mk) +m, kz) Oo — km, 4 Krk, = 6 ke, 2 [Ctr me a mate) # (mee + meee mie) + 2m? ky ke “ ~ ammatite + 2mm ke) ] ame (&) Since m= 1000 €9, ™2> 300 Kg, k= 4x10" N/m and k= 5x1 N/ms &. (Es) gives = 14-4539 rad/sec 5 G5, = 56-4897 7 ile $j2 4:4539 Hy = 4% (1008) = ar sens arte (2) Bre where f= 6m and & is in km/hr. A= critical velocity #1 = Met539 (21-6) 2 49-6887 km/be ~ 564397 $= 5S:49397 4 tooo * oa a a(t) ~ 6 Bye critical velocity #2= 56: 36.4997 (auc) = 1941968 tm/he. Epuations of motion for rotation tok oand A mg li 8, =— WL, sine, 4. @ sin 0, (L, of.) —@ cot 9, (f, Aino) = - Wh, + @U(2- 41) = her + wf, (e2- 0,) since @ = Wa. - (1) = W, 2; sino, —W, hz 6, ---- 2 Roa k, es (ord (62) become |) Famg e, -— mg 6 =O oe . myhe @ +m, by (2, 6, For m=msm and mf mL 6+ mL o, + mg 6. =0 Assuming 9.(t) = @; cos (ot +H) s c=n2, we get Poy aoe fbf © pefining y= OmS 2 Sh fre : ined oes OF quency epnation cam be oblained as se A+? a4 = -Att Jz BeMtezo Ais 2-8 = 05858, Dar 24 VE = 39-4142 Wy= 07654 iF > W_ = 19478 For 3, first egpabion in (E3) gives for @,= 4, ls O,= - M42 = VE Hhige aga First mode For «,, first eguation in (Es) gives for @, = 4, O,= -d\o +2 = -J2 = - 4142 Location of node: node ol oe rae = 5% = or 4i4e = qua Second _mode Ey. (3) in the Solution of problem s.1 gives whet = tet, te amg For msm, =m 2 tk 42, = + wy = 03392 & aye event fE, ,> eo fE Mode shapes are given by (see Eps. (4) and Es) of problem 5. a a) y= —— i=. . a) ae ore cre 82 Cheap te none 3 RRS AP ah sm, OF + Ke 0-610 For the system of a 5. 2), 57 pe FO 2 yf 2 2] fete OKO cole Jf} @) = x,? xO (m+ mat te) meme = mem Cts nw HMO) + kat ka /\- mz OF + e+ ks )7D 2 2 2 N= my (= m2 Wt kat 3)(— m2 OF + ka + Ks) + m2 Kr Land D= Com WP + Het 3) Gm OP + 2 + 4) But where By substituting 2 2 ™, e+ Ks) mg +k, (K2+ fe) ™ wat = Chet) 2 + (Ke: aff m+ ket cha amma, mM - 4 Chit #2) (eat 1) = 2 4 we "oct mime = met wr at 2 N= mymz Gg — mim, Ke We - mymz ky WE — mms Kz 09, bom, ke + my Ka Ka — mms fee Oy + my Ha ey em KS KE mnt { (3 yt fapmat (Met a _ s (cries oz amr mma (ky + kay (eat 3) — KF Se Gye kaya + (Hat sm ~4 (GemiGurtn sb] f - mms fore mecteertony kit #2) ma + Chat 4) my rm : 30-5624 rad/s ) E;.(Es) in the solution of problem 5.41 gives + gt $000, 6ooo - fi aooe 2 % “i a (Ae ) 917-2, 13082-9 n= = z y= 30-2353 vad/sec , 3, = 114+3801 rad/s Fes (€4) and (Es) of solution of problem 5-1 give pate es = 2008 = rises 5 X= ae px —m OE + Ke = 917-2 +6000 (1805) — 6000 et Bef sanbe? amon + te = 13082-3+ 6000 Same as example 5.4 with mem, =25 9 and t= t= Ky = 50000 Nm n= f= ee = 44-7214 rad/s + f2# = [F828 = 77.4597 rad/s General mation is given by &%-(E~) of Example 5.4: w(t) = x) ok (44-7214 E48,) + XY cos (77-4597 + #2) X(t) = x6? cos (44-7214 t +1) — xD cos (77-4597E+ #2) @ 3.510) gives at 2 if 2. 4 §3000(2)+ 4000(2)} _ 4 [§3000(2) + 4000(1))”_ freetne) os ah of af fsteo(e eooota 4 [feel + oonld even) wnt = 1633-9746, 3366-0254 Wy= 40-4225 rad/x, W,= 59-0175 rad /s Ke 1000 = = ———____ = 1-660 =m Oly Kit Ks -2 (1633-9746) + 4000 Re = — 3660 "Telia kek 7 oO ms Or + Ket Ks -2 (3366-0254) + 4000 When x,(0) = x, (0) = %,(0-) = 0 and %,(0) = 20 ™/4> Olt r+0- 366 (20) " * €0-366—1-3 66) lecereraee ] = -0-1046 @ 1 1-366 (20) x? 2 4 __ = 0-279 “* sa Epes J ont B= $= towt(co)= = Motion of the tuo masses is given by Ey. (5-15) = x4(4) = 01046 sin 40-4225¢ 40.2719 Sin SR-OLISE %q (4) = +(1-3660) 1046) Sin 4o-4.225¢ — (-0-3660)(- 0-2719) Sin 58-01 75¢ = 0+1429 Sin 40.4225 — 009952 Sin 58-0175¢ i) @) wh=917-2, whsi3092-@, = i805, m= 0-847) X10) = 0-2, %2() = %,(0)= %,l0) = &y- (5-18) gives ty 4 co .2)] = 0:08356 x” = cae) {e 0-84 71)(0-2) J ° x” 4 yes LE 186-97 = Oll644 = #5 tav'(e) =0 x CE) = 0108356 cS30-2853E + O-NGEF Cos 114+ 3901 t x,(E) = (11805) (0108 356) cS 30-2953t + (2-847!) (0.11644) cs ME -a301t = 0-09964 Co 30-2953 t - 007864 cof 114-4801 t (b) x0) = 0-2, %2€)= %,(0)= 0, (0) = SO Ey (5:18) gives % x sia [ beeen} + OLY = - ones % ) 4 it. 02} * fo 2 — -_—[f 1805 (eay} + J 2 poe a 50 -1 - = tas! fey CdD OD = tom! (- 09745) 21135-7399 fi 30-2953 aoe ¢ ) eet fe ye, ° f= tows f Ta-sae1 (ores) Gap } = tam (0-185) = 10.4895 x(t) = - 0-67 cof (30-2953 t 4 135-7399") Oe (4-380 t + 10-4995") x,(b) = (11805) 0-167) eh Go-2853E 4135-7399") = 0-847 (-2-1194) cof (14-3801 t + 10-4895") = = 0378 cod (30-2953 t + 135-7399" ) +. 0:1003 cs Cg 3801 4 10-4895") @ Equivalent system is shown in figure: *, k= 2 (24 8b: 2 2] id e yo . Le x,t) k= ks aor smyeim, msm *% (Kit 2) x, - «2.x, = 0 fix, + k,%,. = 0 CE) = Xe cof (EB) 5 mem — For harmonic motion ba, we get Cam + k)+ k2) ~ x ° ~kz (omy + ws) eH ~ \; } 7 |) Frequency eguation is Carm, + «+ £2) = ke —«, Cotmt tay] = ° Gs 34 mm, = O* (maki ma Ket mks) + kya =O a oo (mz ky + make +m ke) + VGr2 Ky my ea + mE = 4 mma ky Ke amma for given data, 7 2 (mk tm ome) t VGak+mk+am kK) — 8m? _« A o= aa £6 vr = 05412 (E' = 3.7455 [Ez w,- +2066 JE = a.0524 [Er " mh From €3- Gi), we get -@) ps ro) 2 x2 rim + eit Ke amet eth — 2(0-2027k) Hak Mh x) Ke * 5 a = balan a n 2 Hs Xt © wim + tithe, — -am wf prt _ -2 (17071) 2k x? Ka ~ % * = 4g Mode shapes are: =) { Le pe x= lvatens' Mo f bo RO = 1h l42 First mode Second mode Location of node: (ne node) Cone node) eo Lo tek, Tatai = “E+ Fe osess Let P be the tension in the string. Horizontal components of tension (along xy direction) in the string fying above and belw m, are - at and cen? » respectively. Newton's second eat ‘Gives Carne) F ™ Ay Similarly gy meat SEP 2 With x(t) = X; cos (ot +4) 5 i=L2,and 2 Lek, meme, 2, 2? P emo + *P) “fr my) ge > + Cros ae Xe 5 This gives the frequency equation Cres 2 ot y - (Ey = Cre t Demet a 4) 0 oO Py ae From serst of eqs (1), ©) rede shapes ares oy 12K | ge moe No node one node at middle of the two masses &) For m= 3m, ma=m, t= 3k and €2= &, &-(E) in Solution of problem 5-17 gives z 2 Ae ta Gre tm time) t (Omer meesmey. 36 4m = AG) om * @= 05657, 167 y= Or 7524 >. O = ba295 “ 2 x ~ Ot my + b+ Ke rose57(3) +341 Ge y= ee 6 + = 23029 2 ne em thet ke -1ETEG) +344 13028 = < ato * Xa. -rsoae a feo o =@ ue w %. ss z i! px » X= Lensoze fp % 23029 No node one node, BL td, seses 3er_3e(pet?) Eat? Eat? ” bP 4b 41> Keantilever f= AES mate + aa mp From problem 5-1, ¥2= Krope 2 = wr = Kit ke Kes fafeiths | ea kee Woe}. % ue zm * 2m, * a( rt RO ae . Eat? aad? 7 = =S + THE)? 4 matep 4b 4h Jw, akw, = fle iGs- awd? ae o naeg Peat rd® 3 4b Ww 40w, 1626? wy Wo 2) From solution of Problem 5.1, we find that for m, = m, m = 2m,k; = k andk, = 2k, i=@-Va)* 5 gaeevayt x ke = 1 PACS as OX" Tarot ~ a4-V3 nok ke _ ox “Sm sk Vs First mode shape: xf) cos (an t + 41) x{) (24 cos (a4 t + $3) For the motion to be identical with the first normal mode, we need to have X(?) = 0. This requires that (from Eq. (5.18): 2 2 5 =a [- 1 x1(0) + =o} + a fs (0) - ixo} | =o x() | Ex{) cos (wy t + 41) sc] ~ Jos 20 cos (un ¢ + nd] ot (0) 2400) = 0) = . . X; (0) 44(0) =n 0) = FA Let m, = m, m; =2m,k, =k, kp = 2k. Initial conditions: x,(0) = 0, x2(0) = Eqs. (5.18) yield: .1 m, x; (0) = 0, x2(0) =0 1 x = [o_-oap]? -82_ 8 O.1 __ Ot ee 1 Va 3-1 x) = 2]? O01 O41 esta boul! aoa 7 , = tan (0) =0 $2 = tan (0) =0 where w and uy are given by Eq, (B3) of solution of Problem 5.1. Resulting motion: xx(t) =X) cos (a, t + 4) +X" conten +4) = = SE for ronan xa(t) = 11 Xf cos (a4 t+ 41) + ry XP) cos (ue t + on) Jk Sb]essb otal bail cos wy, t — oo? = Grew) = 3947-8602 (rad/sec)* From solution of problem 5-20, this ineguality can be expressed az: a gat? wde) 2 wa*eg Br = ag? ) * 42 zw Blw, Lf(eat i) 2, mate3)? stat? md® 9 RS 4h /™ 4hwe wel b? WW, = 3947-8602 (&) Pata: E=30x10% psi, W= W000 Lb, w= 500 Mb, g = 386-4 ft, =30 in, f=60im. Unknowns = at, d- let a=jot and d=t. For this data, t is incremented from 0.4 im in increments of oot in and the Legt hand side of the ineguality (E)) is evaluated. This gives w value of t= |.5qin for satisfying (E,) - <+ Design is 2054", data 54", a= tot= 15.4” With Key= ke, Kee 2%. T=, 5, =27 ,%,=0 and M,= Mazo, Ege: (5-20) give U6, + 34, 0,-2%1 6, a0 256,-2 e+ 2%, = 0 For harmonic solution, 9.(t) = ©; wt (WEE) 5 i en + 3%) ~2 ky co ° -2K Crean) te} = ( j Freguency epyotion is [:%2 +a ke —2ke “2, 2areot 8yRk om 24 ° . a — + 5 —uk, -2S HH rk, ome + to ag) Kt ota (23 Ss Oy = 0.5176 fe. @,= verig [EE | [s=2- 2680 First mode second mode ) Equation of motion of mass m: mE = -k,(x-1e). ---(@) Equation of motion of cylinder of mass my and mass moment of Zo = -kr'e-*, (rer ~~ (ED inertia = Lmor? : For x(t) = xX cos(t+$) and o(t)=@ cos(wt+9), &e-(Er) and (£2) give the freguency eguation may Kz -*2" | Hk mer ot eye kyr ae Se tint), ete ° 2 7 =o 2 2 of, w= *2, ¥ [= (4 2 + te) 2, Ke 4 \w* me 7 re 7 ie @ For Jj Io, =2%, k= Ky= Ky,= Kyrand Me= Me, = $20) give e ($20) 9 GG,+ the, - Ke, = 0 2056, - #6, + 2k, 0, = 0 For harmonic motion, these eguations give [oes - ®, ° ~te -2¢%+2%-] @, f~ ef from which the Frequency eguation can be obtained a8 2 2 ret- cm, or 43 kL =0 ot, = 40 FF) +e Ke % (2) Eys. (5.20) give + GK O,- 5*E 0, =O 5% 6, —-5t,O) + 5k, O2 = 0 These eguations can be expressed at, fr harmonic notin, = wT 46 Re -5k, e, ° = 5 ky — 5H + 5 ky ofr iet Freguency epyation is wot-Tky ZS +kE =0 = (234%) = 09-1459 3, = 2-61803 = 1708 = - 01708 G) Using =) amd_oft): For translatory motion: ~ K(f) ~c, (22,6) a — K(x the) - (x +6)---€) & For rotational motion mx Il alls = c-@.: 3 a] .8 Z Sat (e-hohve (z-26)%, Fe ree % Ke (x70) bp — Co +86) he --- Ex) Egs-(E,) and (Ex) can be rewritten as (ii) Using 4) amd elt): For tramslataty om mh a mig He) FN, 4 (yt te) ~c(5+ G6) - mee For yotational metion : - &) HE = ty (y- 0) & 40,(4- 26) & te (y+ $e) 14 — ca S400 8) Kf -me Eps. (es) amd (&,) cam be ritilfin os oo 4) “a+ é + yO i <6 eK} tg eG © Fae pee my hf @, = — Wf, Sin ©) + & (£202-2,61) L, oof m2 YF 6, = sh him og - &(N0,- Le) Got Oy or mitt 8 + 0) (Wfi+ #97) # ff, 0, <0 MAE, + Or( Wk + KLE) 4S, fe = 0 Ad : 1 h, For harmonic mation, O:(t)= ©, wt (ot +p); ten? , we gt [ants Why + te oP =i be ®, °} — hyde Gatwanwalle le {; Frequency egpation i oot (meng PRE) = 69 [my LE (Mihir KLE) + mm, REC We hee kL] tC ki we + Wee th a wh KLE JT =O ----) Roots of this epuakion give the natin frigumcize ©, and 69, Amplitude rolies ane geen by “w fs 1 oe. Pom f2 + Why + fe RP oe +h oe ot we Kee he Se = Tee mR Rt ER oe wemg, Wem g- ‘ hh Equations of motion: 4mP6 =-klek- «lerxh mx = —k2 — «(lo +x) we. 4mPG42KxPo + khx =0 r me + anx 4+ ke = 0 kex For harmonic motion, these eguations give aml os 420 «KL @ ° el cies] mheted Feeguency equation is amtost io um wg 4 18? <0 rs ) *« Sz o34see HK, 2isig y= 05904 + Oh, = bhgees Amplitude ratios are x? —4mlioe +240) “= 90 = EF = -o0-6oseh XO 4m Post + ak tt a> pt ad = 660s h Mode shapes ore _ay fo 1 3” X= VOT = YW o-gosck +0) o® a fe on { xo f * i Je «-cosed Equations of motion: -e8) =~ 4x =-kpe - Kxe ie. mx+kx — me =o G-me)o+ tpernex=0 For harmonic motion, we get the freguency epuation as —mist4 & me Ke -(%— me? a 4 Ky ° * (%-me)m of (Herm OE # HE Roots of this epuation give the natural freguencies of the system. Speed becomes unfavorable when it is related to £ as vets h ie, VE Th Example 5.6 gives = 5.8593 rad/sec (bouncing) (= 94341 rad/sec (pitching) 1 vs Lr 2 189593) _ 13,5980 m/s (Bouncing) ” 27 aT % pia 3s (3:4341) = ao-sac2 m/s (pitebing) C) 17 *y He) kr » ty ™ ™I]I - Toon * = Ce) #(%.-™) \ [=] mits Equations of motion: T ymane %2(t) im, 5 + (ky +) kee hp y Free body diagrams my Xp —k xy +k x, =0 of masses Since velocity of crane in z-direction = 30 ft/min = 0.5 ft/sec, 7 = time to complete one cycle = 10/0.5 = 20 sec, and w = An 5 eg = 0.31416 rad/see. Base motion for m, (girder motion due to unevenness of rails): y(t) =Ysin wt where Y = 2 in and w = 0.31416 rad/sec. Road surface varies sinusoidally with amplitude, Y = 0.05 m and wavelength, d m, If v = velocity of automobile (m/sec), time to travel one wave length = 7 Qn _ any sec. T= 10/v sec, w= —™ = rad/sec. voo= 50 km/hr ey (50 (10°))/(60 (60)) = 13.8889 — m/sec, 10 jv Jo = m rz = 1000 (0.9)? = 810 kg—m?. Equations of motion: % (de) = Ground or base displacement of front (rear) wheels, dounwards For motion along x: m +x (kr + ky) +4 (ke fp — ky) = ke or the We @) For motion along & Jo 8 +x (ta ky — 6, ke) +8 (ke OF + hy 2) = he Co Ye — ke Ee Tt @) where the ground (base) motions can be expressed as yilt) =Y sin wt = 0.05 sin ae tm (3) y;(t) =¥ ein (wt — 6) = 0.05 sin (2s to arte, +6) m (4) For given data, Eqs. (1) and (2) take the form: 1000 ¥ + 40 (10°) x + 15000 @ = 900 sin 8.7267 t + 1100 sin (8.7267 t — 1.5708) (5) 810 8 + 15000 x + 67500 6 = 1650 sin (8.7267 t — 1.5708) — 900 sin 8.7267 t (6) 6) Natural frequencies are given by: rm. 0 aa kz!) [Xi] _ fo — uF = 1) o fe “| fe 0 i 200 - 500 rx = f pulley = 22 th—sec?/in ; mm; = eon 2 where m, mass of pulley = 5° Ib—see"/in ; my = mass of motor = 00 Ib-sec" in X, = amplitude of pulley, X; = amplitude of motor, (30 (10°)) (2 (24 a = ee = 32.3210 Ib/in Frequency equation becomes: (-a m +ku) ae =0 eae (— a? mz + koe) or (mm my) of — (yy my + kop my) o? + (kn ker — kha) =0 (2) From known data, Eq. (2) can be expressed as: 0.6698 a — 11563.2894 u? + 7.3108 (10°) =0 (3) Roots of Eq. (3): u? = 657.26642, 16606.5300 (4) or uy = 25.6372 rad/sec, wy = 128.8863 rad/sec x tN mass (™), mass moment of inertia (Jy) ¥@ 4) 1. Model the bicycle and the rider as a two d.o.f system as shown in figure. 2. Find the equivalent stiffness (k,) and damping coefficient (¢;) of the front wheel in the vertical direction. 3. Find the equivalent stifiness (ky) and damping coefficient (cz), if applicable, of the rear wheel in the vertical direction. 4. Describe the road roughness under the wheels as y;(t) and ya(t). 5. Derive the equations of motion of the system subjected to base excitation. 6. Solve the resulting system of equations to find the steady state response. 3) (3) Choose unknown coordinates as x(t) and 6(t). Equations of motion: m&=—k (x —¢ 6/2) —2k (x + ¢ 0/3) + F(t) Jo 8 =k (x — € 6/2) (6/2) — 2k (x + € 8/3) (¢/3) + F(t) (€/3) or im o}fs| fax kes Pf | i Jo} {gl * le e/e 17 x e/a] [af [eR ‘ $$ 4 where Jo = a> and F(t) = Fo sin wt. a= &(x-be) : ax(xt£e) (b) Blastic or static coupling. kn + Oo, ME Lee) cx (arm)z Free body 7 diagram J a Equations of motion with coordinates x(t) and 6(t): For motion along x: —kx—cx—(m ¢/2) 6 cos 0—m¥ +(m ¢/2) & sin 6 +F(t) (a) For rotation about O: J. 6 + (m €/2) 6 (€/2) +m ¥ (€ cos 6/2) =~ m g (¢/2) sin 8 + M(t) (2) Mx Using J, =4me, cos8~ 1 and sin@*~@ and neglecting the nonlinear term involving 6° in Eq. (1), Eqs. (1) and (2) can be rewritten in matrix form as: [ ; x +f 0 ft -£8,} oo} Ja} ” fo mg ¢/2} [ef [M(t + (M+m) mep in é2 (3, +me*/A) yx, — Te Free body diagram N = normal reaction between cylinder and trailer, F = friction force, Ry, Rp = reactions between trailer and ground. Equation of motion for linear motion of cylinder: DF =mk, or m¥ =—F —k; (x, —m) Equation of motion for rotational motion of cylinder: SMo =Jo$ or Ip G=Fr 2 Xy where Jy =i mF and 0 = Equation of motion for linear motion of trailer: DF =M& or M& =—ky xy tke (xp —x1) + F Eq. (2) gives mg; 2 &—%) Substitution of Eq. (4) into Eqs. (1) and (3) yields the equations of motion as: Bme 1 TR-Zmh—-keo +k, x, =0 (M+) Sa — Fite tx (hy +h) — hea = 0 (1) (2) (3) (a) (8) (8) @) Natural freguencies of the %, * tt [ing [we= 100 000 tb From problem 5-4, p= 6x8 M/in 2 Ky t Fe ka oy, = fit he x i 2m) * ima te[ am, [w= 40000 iE es axial Blin @, = 66. 3408 vad Jee @, = 208-8557 rad/sec the impact of tup From conservation of momentum principle, ‘momentum of tip pls momentum of anvil just before impact momentum of tup plus momentum of anvil just afer impact €) Mey Veup t Manvel (2) = Meap Yo t Manyit V2 velocity of rebound of tup aster impact bey Where V= Also. Coefficient of restitution (2)=( selative wsleity efter imprehy relative vebcity before impact. es e= Merle © Up er Ve= Ve © Veup 2) From Egs. (€))-and (2), Va = Meup Veu (1+¢) @) st 3 Lup t Manvel For given data, v,= $900 (180) (405) _ a im Jee 105 000 + Initial conditions are: ACL=0, Xe)=0 %e(C)= 0, %, (0) = 12°857t in/sec results of section 5.3 with a) = to ye “el 2 IMO + #t ke - rm (401-096) + 910° ay x 6 xd = 2342 y= Xs? = rm + tke 40 208 (42 620. 676) + axe xo 7 Le ee v 2 Cx woe == 134t Response of the system can be computed using Eys- (5-18): “) t x 4 m= oy (2)- +— (2 ee b Vo, 2/3693 \ 66.3409 xO > a (ee _ 2 23683 eeetice)) eae é,= tan 22) 3 2% = tan! §- %OYIO& fas te" {40} Response is given by Eys-(5-15) x (4) = x cos (,t4+8,) + x! cos (t+) = -0r08183 cos (66-3408 t +E) —0-02597 cos (208-8557 -F) ine le = XM cos (et 9) + my X® cos (wt + pe) = -0-1010 cos (66.3408 + HE) + 0:02947 cos (208-9557 E-T) (0) Natural fre Eguations of motion guencies : me +e ee = (ED ED Mm Xp + (Kt K2)%_— x= 0 (EB) Freguency eguation: 09 my + Ky —*y —*, ee or = Ky Kin te [i (su tt ty Kit 2 zm zm, + Val ™e me Here m= 2x10 5 #9, M= 25x10 kg, k= 150 x10 N/m and k= 75 x108 N/m- wt = 150 x08 225 x 108 Hx? 5x10 = 150, tS00 (red /sec)* 1 (1SOx® | 225 x8 \* 150x75: y (Se + eS) - $ = 16 2x10 25 X10 5x10 = 1212474 rad/see > = 38-7298 rad/sec (Ex) com be willin as mA? (4) + # BHA) = CA) = FA) wp A? Ra) + (tt 2) FA) =, HG) = 0 ee. (mst a er) RCH) — X24) = FG) =, FCA) Cm Are rt 2) FC) = Scullion of, these eppalions giver 2 - zs) -{ Ga P+ + #2) pre ----(€) Time AA BE (my tm Ra ty Hi) + Kite * = 5s) = FG) ~~~ G4) #4) {= Bg SB (m tr + mye meer) + Ke } For the forcing Sunckion given, Fee) A= Fay= REs-e" (L-2)}---€) & For the given data, “ope (€3) to (Es) become 5 gh < ° = 2:5 x0" A? + 225 x10 4) = UA. Ra) (xe? ats e250 4? + 1250 x10") Fe) =) < I50 x 10) = #4) = FG) Sxio? At 4 825 xi! £2 4 0250 x40? 30 = RCD ---- ©) tot at 4 (65 x10" 57 4 225 x10 ~ —o5s hae Fade oe (EE (GE -)I ---- (€*) the inverse transforms of (Eg) and (Er) yield x(t) amd x2(t)- Eguations of motion for free vibration are (from &gs-(su) and (62)): ny p+ Cert Ca) + (ky 2) 1 C2 — He =O } &) ma Xp t (cor cadet Chat Ks) %2- be 1 ax, =O Assuming the solution a4 cA x(b= Tre 3 f=4,2 &s- (£1) cam be rewritten as © mm, B24 (C4 C2) 4 + (4+ 2) = (442) Ir} {} — (424+ «2 mg 5+ Ca+cs) A+ (Kar tay Gy “le For a non-trivial solution of &. (€2), (2) = (c, 5+ #2) |- | mae (reat Kit te m5 (Cnt C2) s+ Ket Ks} — (23+ 2) tes A*C moma) +" [oi (co+ Go) + ma (crrez)] + 4* [mm Cat #3) + Gir ea) (Gata) + me (eit 2-2 J + 4 [G+ cx) (e+ #8) + Gat) (kit ka) — 2622) + [+ fa)(Ka+ &)—*2 J=0 (>) This epyokien cam he expressed as a, B+ a, A +a, sty as4+4+ a, 20 &) Where ag, 45-1 4 Cam be therbipad by comparing &s- (4) amd (£3) -

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