Types of Bias 1

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3rd Quarter- Preliminary Activity 3

Ask the students to identify whether the following statements shows bias or
1. _________ A mentally disabled person should not be allowed to go to school.
They do not possess the capacity to learn.
2. _________ A big amount of food was shared with his closest neighbor only.

Create a concept map enumerating and explaining the five common types of bias.
3. _________ He's considered dumb because his grades in all subjects are poor.
4. _________ The newly opened hotel in our town accommodates only rich people.
5. _________ Being a new member of the group, his opinion was rejected during
the meeting as the senior officers underrated this
6. _________ The Filipinos were not lucky enough to be selected in the contest
because they were considered incompetent to match other countries'
7. _________ On her birthday, she announces to his classmates that only close
friends are invited.
8. _________ All Asians are considered inferior in the knowledge of the
international language.
9. _________ The spelling bee master gives a difficult word instead of an easy one
to the contestant that he disliked because he wants his bet to win in
the easy round.
10. _________The school director doesn’t want to see any LGBT members in our
3rd Quarter- LAS 3
Classify the biases presented in each situation Write A for anchoring bias, M for
media bias, CN for confirmation bias, CY for conformity bias or HE for halo effect.
1. _____ Amanda won the beauty contest because her mother won the Ms.
Universe beauty pageant in 1965.
2. _____ Despite reading several studies indicating the health risks caused by
vaping, Harry still searches the internet for its health benefits.
3. _____Grace wears stilettoes to work because all female employees wear them.
4. _____ An online newspaper publishes the mugshot of a person accused of a
crime and labelled him as terrorists.
5. _____ Ryan buys a cotton shirt worth P5,000 after seeing its original price of
6. _____ A physically beautiful person is assumed to be generous, smart, or
7. _____ Elaine votes for a candidate because he is popular.
8. _____ News agencies prefer to report about the activities of a celebrity rather
than the plights of marginalized sectors.
9. _____ Even though testing show that he is 40% African-American, the man still
has doubts about his ethnicity. He takes a second DNA test on himself.
10. _____ A trader decides to focus on the price of a stock at the beginning of the
day to estimate future returns and ignores any changes in the market or
the company's performance throughout the day.

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