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Product & Services

3.1 Product or Service Description

Describe the Product or Service Experience i.e. how the product works. Use Visuals. Detail
Features, Benefits and Functions. Explain what is unique about it.


Describe the technologies, services, or material used to deliver your product or service.

Intellectual property
Is your product or service patentable? If yes, describe your intellectual property strategy.

Are there risks associated with the creation of your product? If yes, describe how you will
mitigate them.

3.2 Full Lifecycle use case

Describe the full life cycle use case with the help of following table. Summarize your table with
some supporting text.
Create a use case life cycle with relevant touchpoints as shown in the class (Example of
Stage # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Action How do How How How How How How How do How How
they do they do they do they do they do they do they they do they do they
determine find analyze acquire pay for install use and determine buy tell
the need out their your your or set get the value more others
and the about options product product up your value they get of your about
catalyst their product out of from product your
to take options your your product
action product product
Who is



Show the features- function – benefits of your product

Show how your offering matches with the persona’s priorities

How will you deliver a What features address this What functions address this What benefits address this
new level of value with priority priority? priority?
respect to the priority?

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 3

3.3 Development Timeline

Explain at which development stage you are e.g. idea, validated idea (with research, blog, …),
demo (e.g. powerpoint), prototype, MVP, … and what you will need to do to take your product
or service to market.
 If applicable, describe you development roadmap to fulfill customer priorities that are
not met by the current product or service version.
4. Value proposition

• Present the needs, wants and fears of the Customer Persona Canvas to the Value
Proposition Canvas. Complete remaining fields.
• Explain in 1-2 paragraphs how you meet the needs, wants and fears of the Customer, with
your features, benefits and experience –
• Explain in 1-2 paragraphs the additional benefit your Value Proposition offers compared
to existing alternatives/substitutes
• Prepare a quantifiable value proposition: Based on the priority, what is the ‘as-is’
situation of your customer and what ‘possibilities’ does your product/service offer, the
quantifiability could be in terms of money, time, resources etc.

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