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Module 1: Learner’s Behavior

Lesson 1: Learner’s Social Behavior

Learning Outcomes: Classroom Social Learning Theory Learning Plan
Hello Students,
Welcome to Lesson 1. In this lesson, you are expected to observe learners and how they behave
in a class environment. You must look into the different aspects considered and document your
observations on the tables provided. In order to process your feelings and thoughts together with
linking it to practice, series of questions and situations are provided for you to answer.
Happy Learning!
I must be able to identify and understand the behavior of learners in different aspects and how
these imply to the teaching and learning process.

Observation Guide for the Learner's Social Behavior
1. Interview three elementary students undergoing face-to-face classes. Look into their behavior.
2. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
3. Can the learners already work independently?
4. Do they act appropriately with other learners? How about with their teacher?
5. You can ask for teacher's assistance for more detailed information.
6. Look into the different aspects and use the Activity sheet provided for you to document your
Please use the ratings 1 to 5 and comment further.
1 = always 2 = most of the time 3 = sometimes 4 = infrequently 5 = never
My Learner’s Observation List
Student A Student B Student C
Age range:9 Age range:14 Age range:10
Gender: Male Gender: Female Gender: Male
Level: 4 Level:4 Level: 4
General Behavior Rating Observation Ra Observation Ratin Observation
tin g
▪ Attends School/Online 1 He is always 1 She is always 1 He is always
present in class. present in class. present in class.

▪ Arrives on time for 1 He arrives on 3 Sometimes she 3 Sometimes he

time at school. arrives at class late. arrives at class
lesson late due to some

▪ Observed desirable 2 Sometimes he 3 She always has an 1 Very behave,

displays excuses, like for very intelligent
behavior during class undesirable example “to pee or and he always
behavior but to get spoke English
nevertheless he something”aside language.
will listen if the from that, she is Participative in
teacher will tell always standing and every class
him to behave. not so participative discussion.
Very during class
participative discussion
and jolly.
▪ Tries hard with 1 He always has 2 Most of the time she 1 Always have an
an assignment. doesn’t have an assignment.
homework assignment.
▪ Dresses and prepares 1 Very tidy and 3 Sometimes she wear 1 Very neat and
presentable. uniform, but usually presentable.
for the class she wears civilian.

Learning Behavior Rating Observation Ra Observation Ratin Observation

tin g
▪ Able to settle at the 1 He is always 4 It is rare for her to do 1 Always
prepared, like this, as per as my prepared
beginning of lessons for instance observation he
their first always talks, go
period is outside, and not
science, he will minding whether she
prepare it and has an assignment
review the past and all.
▪ Able and willing to 3 This is the part 3 Sometimes. 3 This is the part
where most of where most of
follow verbal them have them have
instructions difficulty, difficulty,
because he is because he is
always asking always asking
again and again again and again
about the about the
instruction instruction
given but all in given but all in
all he is good. all he is good.
▪ Can begin a task 3 Sometimes, 4 As per as my 1 What I love
because there observation towards about this
quickly, e.g. at the same are some cases, her, she finishes the student is that,
time as other students where they find task very late, he is very quiet.
it very arduous maybe there are That is why he
and that is the reasons about it, but is the first
time, the I think she needs
teacher will more focus and to be person to finish
repeatedly more attentive. the task.
reiterate the
▪ Can stay on task 1 He is always 4 Cannot stay on task, 1 I like the
having the and most sadly she audacity of this
(within her/ his capabilities to will not finish the student, the
capabilities) excel and to do task, if she thinks capabilities to
better. Not that is very arduous do beyond
easily for her to do, then expected level
distracted by she will not try is outstanding.
other harder.
▪ Can complete a task 1 Very well. 3 It depends, 1 Because of his
Prior he will his sometimes if the task quietness, he
other is simple and she can can able to
classmate, he complete it. finish the task
first does the right in time.
task or finish
the task.
▪ Gives effort to her/his 1 The effort in 4 Shows no effort, she 1 He always gave
making his task will put effort but his best in
written work is outstanding. not too much. doing the task.
▪ Presents work well 1 The outcome is 4 infrequently 1 The outcome is
presentable and above expected
accurate. level.
Classroom Behavior Rating Observation Ra Observation Ratin Observation
tin g
▪ Works well in a group 1 Yes, he will 3 Sometimes, if the 1 Yes, he will
always groups will ask her always
contribute and or shall I say contribute and
shows interest. pressure her. shows interest
▪ Participates well in 1 Very 4 Very passive. 2 If the teacher
participative will ask him
class discussions and very about the ideas
attentive. or answer that
is the time he
will participate
but most of the
time he is quite.
▪ Can work without 3 Sometimes, the 3 Sometimes, the 1 Yes, he always
teacher will teacher will does. He can
direct supervision supervise and supervise and guide comprehend
guide them. them. easily and that
is why he can
work anymore
▪ Requests help 1 Very 1 Very respectful. 1 He always ask
respectful. He help that is only
appropriately always asks related to the
help in an topic and very
appropriate respectful.
tune of voice
and used po and
▪ Can work without 1 He can work 4 The teacher will 1 He always does
without asking always give her work without
constant reassurance/ the attention of attention to do so. asking
attention the teacher. attention.

Social and Emotional Rating Observation Ra Observation Ratin Observation

tin g
Behavior g
▪ Able to remember and 2 Most of the 3 Sometimes 2 Most of the
times, because times, because
follow school/class he forgot about there are some
rules the rules that do instances where
not play inside he disobeyed
the classroom, their rules,
which he such, the
oftentimes teacher told
disobeyed. them not to sit
the teachers
table, but he did
it only once
▪ Able to speak 1 He always used 1 Displays positive 1 He is able to
the “po and behavior towards the speak
appropriately to opo”. teachers. appropriately to
teachers teacher by
saying po and
▪ Able to interact 1 Very friendly 1 What I love about 2 Most of the
and jolly this student is that, times he only
appropriately with she is very sat in his chair
peers approachable and and draw. But,
friendly. he is friendly
and can interact
with his peers
in a nice way.
▪ Is respectful of peers 1 He always 1 Very respectful. 1 Displays
displays respect respect towards
towards his his peer.
▪ Is respectful of teachers 1 Always 1 Very respectful and 1 Always
Other comments:
 As per as my observation, these there (3) students has distinct personality which requires
understanding. And, it is impressive to think that in order to address the problem of each, you
need first to understand the situation, understand the students, and understand the cause of their
behavior which is very tiring yet interesting.


Implications to the Teaching-

Salient Behavior Observed
Learning Process

Therefore, the teacher must ensure that

 Students display undesirable all of the students are displaying
behavior during class. desirable behavior during class by
 Some student hates homework imposing such rules to be followed.
 Some students arrive late Next is. The teacher should encourage
the students about the positive
ramification of doing an assignment
General Behavior and will impose a consequence if a
student will not do the assignment.
Lastly, in order to ensure the students
to arrive on time, the teacher will orient
them about the possible consequences
if they will arrive late.
Therefore, the teacher will encourage
and motivate the students to do better
and put effort in every task, will give
 Exhibit effortless work high grades for those who do the tasks
 Has difficulty in beyond expected. Next, the teacher will
comprehending instruction give instruction that is clear and brief
 cannot begin a task right away and is easy to comprehend in order to
avoid repeated questions. Lastly, give a
time-bounded task so that the students
Learning Behavior will do the task right away and can
complete right on time.
Therefore, to lessen the passive
students inside the classroom, the
teacher must present a more engaging
 some students show no interest
instructional materials with ICT
in class.
integration, to invigorate the student to
participate. And, will use formative
Classroom Behavior assessment to know how far the
students have understood.
Thus, the teacher must have
Social and strengthened what it is being imposed.
 tend to disobeyed the class
Emotional Behavior Provide a more effective consequence
in order to motivate the students to not
disobeyed the rules.

1.) While you were interviewing the learners, did you recall your own experiences? What similarities
or differences do you have with the learners you observed?
 while having the interview, I somehow remembered myself like them. The similarities
are that, like them I am talkative yet participative during the class discussion and the
distinction is that, they are lazy to copy or to write, they will only write if their teacher
says “I will check your notebook right after the discussion” that is the time they will write.

2.) Having these known, do you think that there are factors affecting these behaviors? Enumerate
and explain.
 Yes, there are numerous factors that affect the behaviors of the students. To begin with,
not participative in class discussion, due to Covid-19 it causes a cessation of f2f class,
which leads the students to be passive mainly because they are only answering modules,
and this factors clearly affect the behavior of the students to be lazy during class
discussion. Next is, displaying undesirable behavior, as per as my observation some are
very hard headed, and naughty, which is obviously distracting the teachers and the rest
of their classmate. Lastly, tardiness. Because of the reason stated above, the students have
difficulty of waking up early because they are not already accustomed to it anymore, and
that is why they came or come to school late or very late.
3.) Do you consider that these "behavior" is learned? By how?
 Definitely learned. Most behavior displayed in the class is learned and not taught. It
depends on the environment of the students that they are in. that is why it is very crucial
for the teacher to decipher first the situation of the students why they are being like that
prior giving judgement to it.

4.) How does this relate to your knowledge of Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura?
 It can be correlated or related to the Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura. In view
of the fact that, the behavior is caught and not taught, might be the displayed behavior of
one’s students is learned by their family or the society which he/she currently in.

5.) Describe the behavior of the learners in general. What is the effect of this to the teaching-learning

 Inside the classroom we should not expect that all of them are uniformed in terms of their
behavior and all. Because inside the classroom they are diverse and distinct, so it goes
like this one teacher versus 40 different students and how to deal with them one by one?
Well, in general the students exhibit different kind of behavior, and if the teacher does
not know how to control it then, it has its high possibility that it can ruined the teaching-
learning process. That is why, it is very significant for a teacher to be more firm and
dedicated to teaching because it really requires a lot of patience in dealing with them. For
instance, if the students keep on talking, keeps on peeing and more excuse during class
discussion, then it can surely delay the discussion because the teacher will get disturbed
by it. Thus, the teacher should discipline effectively the students to behave accordingly.
If the parents of the students cannot discipline their child, then it is our job as a teacher
to take charge, because being part of their growth is another level of achievements as a


Linking Theory to Practice

Here’s a quick review quiz to see how much you have learned about Social Learning Theory. The
questions are designed to get you thinking about how the theory applies to your classroom.
1. In order for observational learning to occur, the observer must pay attention to the occurring
behavior, be able to remember observed behavior, and be motivated to produce the behavior.
Which of the following is missing from the above list?
a. Recognize the behavior c. Ignore the behavior
b. Describe the behavior d. Replicate the behavior
2. Determining human behavior can be influenced by all factors EXCEPT which of the following?
a. Cognitive factors c. Behavioral factors
b. Environment factors d. Physical factors
3. Which of the following is one way a teacher can model a skill or behavior by giving verbal
instructions on a daily basis?
a. Verbal instruction modelling c. Symbolic modelling
b. Live modelling d. No modelling is being used
4. Social Learning Theorist believe that behavior is determined by
a. Cognition c. The ID, Ego and superego
b. Learning from the environment d. Genetics
5. A boy in the class of Teacher Chia is known to play violent video games. He started showing
aggressive behavior towards his classmates. What word describes this boy demonstrating such
a. Modelling c. Imitation
b. Observation d. Vicarious learning
6. To get the attention of the teacher, everyone is answering out loud. But only Ivy quietly raised
her hand and was recognized. Next thing happened, everyone is already in silence and raising
their hands. This refers to what modelling process?
a. Retention c. Reproduction
b. Attention d. Motivation
7. The students were all eyes and ears at the Reading class of Teacher Michael during his story
telling lesson. What modelling process this refers to?
a. Attention c. Reproduction
b. Retention d. Motivation
8. Miguel saw his classmate rewarded with extra credit for being to class on time. The next few
days, he show up to class a few minutes early each day. Which modelling process is engaged?
a. Attention c. Reproduction
b. Retention d. Motivation
9. Sasha's teacher in Mathematics uses mnemonic to remember the steps in solving problem. That
is why, during their quiz she applied it. Which modelling process is engaged?
a. Attention c. Reproduction
b. Retention d. Motivation

A. As a Future teacher how would you establish an environment that promotes a positive
behavioral effect to the learner's teaching-learning process?
 As a future educator, I would create an environment that my students feels console
whenever they are inside. Next is, promote equality to everyone notwithstanding the
differences, in order for them to feel that they are welcomed and loved. I will also create
a safer and clean environment for my students so that when it is time for learning, they
are comfortable and not to feel discomfort. As a teacher, it is my job to know them better,
that is why I must first know their background, I will always monitor them and will ensure
that, everyone can learn and I will ensure that my students and I will create a harmonious
relationship inside and outside the classroom. Because I firmly believed that, learning
starts from the teacher, that is why I should learn it first prior I will teach it to them. In
order to have an effective learner, you should become first as an effective teacher.

B. How will you incorporate Social Learning Theory in your future class as part of the learner's
teaching-learning process? Identify and describe these strategies.

Classroom SLT learning Plan

SLT strategies
How to do it?
(you can name & create your own)
Group work activity The teacher will group the students. And,
will allow each group to collaborate in
order to foster socialization towards one
Small Group Interaction Short term teamwork is great for this
form of interaction. This interaction
format is also a good way to practice
communication and interpersonal skills.

You are halfway to finish Module 1. Get ready for the next Task!
Module 1: Learner’s Behaviors
Lesson 2: Behavioral Support Management
Learning Outcomes: Behavior Management Intervention Strategies: Case Study

Hello Students!

This will be your final lesson in Module 1. In this task, you will observe the consequence
patterns of the learner's behavior. In what behavior will the student elicit positive and negative support
from the teacher, and how will the teacher do that? Is it successful or not? In the end, you will be asked
to make a behavioral plan and intervention strategy to a case you have just observed, applying the
Behavioral Learning theories.

Happy Learning!

Learning Objectives:
I will examine how positive and negative support can be properly applied in the teaching-
learning process.


Observation Guide
1. For your next class observation, choose a teacher, preferably an elementary teacher who is
holding classes. Ask permission to join the teacher’s classes.
2. Observe the teacher-student interactions. Spend some time observing their interactions.
Focus your attention on the scenario and response consequence patterns. Describe what
you observe. Use the activity sheet presented.

Teacher-Student Interactions
Who are involved? Scenario
The teacher will group the students and each group
will be given an activity to do. While the teacher
A. Teachers and whole students
will roam around assessing the students queries
while doing the activity.
Lecture: the teacher will lecture about the updated
B. Teacher topic, and the lecture will be students centered
where the students will be the recipient.
Question and answer sessions: Wherein the teacher
Teachers and whole students will ask questions to the student regarding the
lessons. And, the student also has the opportunity
to ask clarifications.

Cooperative learning activities: as per as my

D. observation, it promotes student-student
Teacher and whole student
Full-class interaction: The teacher will give
E. differentiated activities such as, debates,
Teacher and whole student
discussions, or review games.

Stimulus Sample Students’ Response
(elicit or not)
❖ Something introduced into the Cooperative learning the students’ response is
environment that the students can elicit. Mainly because,
respond to by introducing
cooperative strategy it
enhances their social
skills on how they will
collaborate with one
another. Through
cooperative learning it
can aid the students
develop their
psychological and
emotional aspects.
❖ Variety of Media: recordings, Introduce with Audio Through audio and
videos, photos, text, etc.(multiple or Video anchored to video-based world, the
ways to introduce new material) the topic. students are used to
flashy things to get their
attention. Therefore, by
integrating audio or
video the student’s
response is elicit.
❖ Variety of Strategies: Audio, Visual (Interactive It is facts that inside the
Visual, Kinesthetic, etc.(Multiple simulations) classroom we have
ways to teach a desired behavior) Kinesthetic(Demonstr diversity type of
ation, boardwork, role- learners. In order to
playing, and group teach a desired behavior,
works). the must also integrate
differentiated ways.
Through interactive
simulations it succor the
visual learners to learn
best, since they learn
better when they are
being immersed to the
topic. Next is,
kinesthetic way,
kinesthetic learners
absorb information best
through touch,
movement and motion.

a. Is there a stimulus being presented to the students that elicits a response alongside a stimulus
that does not? What kinds of stimuli for teacher-student interaction did you observe?
 Absolutely. There are stimuli that elicit a response from the learners and there are learners
that did not. As per as my observation during my field, the teacher always reinforced
rewards and punishment to obtain desired behaviors. Furthermore, to manage the
inessential movements and unrelated gushing of the learners, the teacher always ensures
to give appropriate punishment to those learners either by calling out their names and ask
questions or threatened them that if they do not pay attention, they cannot take their recess
instead. These mentioned punishment or consequences consistently introduced by the
teacher to inculcate awareness to the learners to act accordingly inside the classroom.

b. Is there a reinforcement or punishment being introduced following a desired or undesired

 Yes, there is. For the main reasons, it is to address the undesired behavior of the learners
and to encourage the learners to acquire or to display a most desired behavior.

c. What kinds of behaviors on the part of the student elicit reinforcement and punishment
consequence from the teacher?
 In the classroom, it’s common for students to engage in unwanted noisiness and to do
unlinked tasks. For the teacher to triumphantly teach the students, they have to inculcate
and present the class rules to their minds along strengthening consequences on the
positive and pessimistic behaviors they will do in the classroom. Those students who
participate, interact in the class, and focus on the tasks given will be commend and receive
extra points. While those students who are inattentive, keep chatting with their seatmates
and keep on going outside will receive a deducted points or forbidden to take recess.

d. What are the examples of reinforcement and punishment the teacher used?
 The teacher used point deduction to control the noisy students and the mention of calling
their parents to come at school to settle the bad behaviors of their children.

e. What kinds of reinforcement and punishment seem to be the most successful?

 Public cognizance for good behavior has its always positive repercussions to obtain
desired behavior and also by giving them additional points which motivates them well to
maintain their behavior and as it set as illustration for everyone to follow the behavior. In
terms of punishment, calling out their names, and let them stand in front of their classmate
as he/she answer the question works effectively every time as many students are afraid to
be embarrassed or to answer questions in front of the class so likely they behave

Examples of Reinforcement or
Student’s Behavior Punishment
Not successful
(positive or negative)
One student wears This thing happened during my It was successful as I can say
short during classes first day of observing, the and observe. Because the
hour. teacher saw one of her students student no longer wear short.
wear a short which was not And, I asked him “do you still
allowed, so the teacher told me wear short?” He told me that,
to bring the student in the he is scared of the possible
principal’s office because the punishment that the principal
student did it not just once but told him. Therefore, the
more than thrice. So, I brought punishment is effective since it
the student as per instructed by restricts the student to display
the teacher, and when we undesirable behavior again.
arrived at the office, the
principal told him that if he will
do it once again, he will receive
his punishment, the punishment
is, he will run at the oval
wearing short or worse without
short. That punishment is
positive punishment, in that
way the student will be more
careful not to wear shorts and
instead wear pants.
One student initiate a The teacher commends the The student who received
good behavior by student in front of the class and
acknowledgement from the
arranging the made the student as role model
teacher is motivated to do
classroom chairs and for other students. what it is supposed to do. The
picking up pieces of rest of the students who
papers. witnessed the
acknowledgement are now
motivated to arrange the
chair, to clean, and to sweep
the floor whenever it is dirty.
Students who did not The teacher will call out the Those students who are called
pay attention to the names by letting them stand and are now paying attention
class discussion. answer question to test his/her to the class discussion.

1. Does the teacher provide timely feedback when a student performs appropriate/ inappropriate
 Yes, all the time.
2. Is the teacher consistent with the reinforcement and punishment they are presenting?
 Definitely. The consistency is there every time the learners displays appropriate or
inappropriate behavior.

3. Do the reinforcement/punishment coincide with the behavior the teacher is trying to

 Yes, it is. If ever the learners display a more desirable behavior the teacher will praise
them, and if they get higher score they will receive a reward at the end of the class. While
those students display inappropriate behavior will surely receive its punishment, a
punishment that is not corporal but rather an effective punishment that will surely change
their behavior.

4. What kinds of things you learned through the process of classical and operant conditioning?
 As what I have learned, when we talked about classical conditioning, the stimulus comes
prior the behavior to develop a relationship between the two. While the operant
conditioning on the other hand, the behavior comes first and the negative or positive
reinforcement comes after.

5. Can you think of an example in your life of how classical conditioning has produced a positive
emotional response, such as happiness or excitement? How about a negative emotional
response, such as fear, anxiety or anger?
o The ringing bell. It produced a positive emotional response like happiness or excitement
to the learners, because once the bell will ring, it is time for their recess, and they too
happy excited about it, that it motivates them to finish their task early. The negative
emotional response such fear, anxiety or anger is when the time the teacher will
announced that they will be having a summative test in mathematics, what fear them is
that failure, not all the learners has retention or sustainability when it comes to lesson,
some of them are lucky to remembered it all but some are not. It can create a negative
emotional response along the test.


Linking Theory to Practice

Here’s a quick review quiz to see how much you have learned about Behavioral theory. The questions
are designed to get you thinking about how the theory applies to your classroom.
1. In ____________ the stimulus or experience occurs before the behavior and then gets paired
with the behavior.
a. Classical conditioning c. Observational learning
b. Associative learning d. Operant conditioning
2. On a rainy day, Summer went outside the class to go to the bathroom. She hastily used the
ramp instead of the stairs, that's when she slipped and had an accident. The next time she pass
by that area, she avoids the ramp because the very thought of it makes her feel scared.
a. Operant conditioning
b. Classical conditioning
3. Teacher Mari is fond of giving chocolates to her students’ every time they well participated in
her class. Ivo on the other hand is a sweet tooth child. He taught of this idea that when he do
well in class, he'll get more chocolates from teacher Mari.
a. Operant conditioning
b. Classical conditioning
4. Sir Cairo always wear his funny hat during activity day in his Math class to attract student's
attention. So whenever he enters the class with his "funny hat" on, the students already know
this will be an activity day for them.
a. Operant conditioning
b. Classical conditioning
5. Last week, when the teacher was out for a while, Miguel decided to play around with his friends
even though his teacher asked them to stay quiet on their seat. When the teacher came back,
she saw Miguel and his friends running around the room. She then disciplined them. The next
day, when the teacher went away to get some things, Miguel thinks about playing again, but
decided that it is not a great idea.
a. Operant conditioning
b. Classical conditioning
6. It is when you take away a pleasant stimulus to stop a behavior
a. Negative punishment c. Negative reinforcement
b. Positive reinforcement d. Positive punishment
7. While the class is going on, Ethan tells a joke and everybody laughs. Now he is at another class
and is thinking about telling another joke he heard. Everybody laughing at his joke at the first
class is a …
a. Negative punishment c. Negative reinforcement
b. Positive reinforcement d. Positive punishment
8. Fiona comes to class unprepared without any paper and pen. She missed the quiz and never got
the chance to take one. A day after, she went to school with her school materials complete. The
missed quiz is a…
a. Negative punishment c. Negative reinforcement
b. Positive reinforcement d. Positive punishment
9. Axl keeps interrupting the teacher during spelling instruction. The teacher says he has to write
each spelling word ten times for extra homework. The next day, Axl is thinking about
interrupting the teacher again. The extra homework is a…
a. Negative punishment c. Negative reinforcement
b. Positive reinforcement d. Positive punishment
10. Mike makes rude noises in class to make everyone laugh, and when his teacher says he sounds
like a hog, he oinks loudly. His classmates laugh loudly and tell him he is “the funniest dude
around.” The consequences of Jimmy’s rude noise behavior:
a. positive reinforcement c. positive punishment
b. negative reinforcement d. negative punishment
11. Mavi has intense anxiety when he has to speak in front of the class and begins to feel light
headed and nauseous. Whenever it is time for Mavi to give an oral report in class, he goes to
the nurse’s office where she allows him to lie down for the remainder of the period. This is an
example of
a. positive reinforcement c. positive punishment
b. negative reinforcement d. negative punishment
12. Basha wears bell-bottom pants to school, and her classmates tease her about them. As soon as
she gets home, Basha throws the pants in the trash. Basha’s being teased is an example of
a. positive reinforcement c. positive punishment
b. negative reinforcement d. negative punishment
13. Abee enjoys being on the debating team, but she is suspended from the team for a month when
she inadvertently utters an obscene word during a debate. When Abee returns to the team she
does not use obscene language for the rest of the year. Abee’s removal from the team is an
example of
a. positive reinforcement c. positive punishment
b. negative reinforcement d. negative punishment

A. Think of a behavior you have witnessed in a classroom setting
▪ First, use template below to write out the behavior chain.
▪ Second, share with a partner what you have written and see if they can agree with your
conclusion regarding the student’s behavior.
▪ Finally, answer these questions:
⮚ Is this a behavior you want to reinforce? If yes, how would you do that?
o Yes. I want to reinforce behavior of the students such as being respectful,
obedient, and attentiveness during the class. In order to strengthen this kind
of behavior, I will make sure that the implemented rules have fairness,
validity and consistency.
⮚ Is this a behavior that you want to reduce? If yes, how would you do that?
o Absolutely no. Not to reduce but rather to strengthen.
Create your own steps in doing so.
Steps in behavior plan and intervention strategies:
1. Students who did not pay attention during the class discussion will
receive a deduction of points and will summarize the topic in front of the class, to
set as an example and to warn other students about the consequences of such
inappropriate behavior
2. Students who did not pay attention during the class discussion will receive a
punishment such as he/she will be standing until the discussion is over and will give
rationalization after the lesson.
3. Students who did not pay attention during the class discussion is not allowed to
take recess.
Behavior Management Activity
What specific activity or What specifically did the student What happened after or as a
event happened before the do or say? result of the behavior?

The teacher is having an Rather participate that one The teacher called the
interactive group works with learner draw something unlinked attention and let the learner
the whole class. While the to the activity given. participate and get involved of
groups are busy doing the the group activity.
task, the teacher noticed
one learner at the back who
did not participate the group

A. Think of a behavior that you have that you would like to change. How could you use behavior
modification, specifically positive reinforcement, to change your behavior? What is your
positive reinforcement?
⮚ Honestly, I do have lot of pessimistic behavior but there is one that I would like to
change, being a procrastinator. Being a procrastinator has its pessimistic towards me
and my progress, I am very complacent about it, thinking that, I will do it tomorrow,
and another tomorrow, until I accomplish nothing. By procrastinating, I cram a lot,
I punished myself by doing all the task and by multitasking, which is not good at all,
why do it right away if I have vacant time, but because I am a certified procrastinator
why will I do it now if there is still tomorrow? That’s the mindset of being a
procrastinator. Thus, I as an individual are undeveloped. In order to eliminate this
undesirable behavior, I often distance myself from my gadgets, and I will challenge
myself that if will accomplish a task I will treat my own self, and goes by saying that
celebrate small wins. I will always remind myself, that if I want to sleep early do not
procrastinate, that if I want to achieve beyond expected level do not procrastinate.
Eliminating procrastination is not easy as playing candy crush, it requires motivation
and rewards, that if I will do it then you will watch Kdrama, but if do it then, you
will have to install your tiktok app, you are not allowed to have unlidata load, and
you are not allowed to drink coffee which I loved the most through positive
punishment I am motivated not to procrastinate anymore. I keep nagging myself as
if I am crazy, but I am not because no other human being can stop it but only me.
So, procrastination is one of the most contagious temptation that lead us to
destruction and not distraction. I disciplined myself not to procrastinate and will have
its effective repercussions eventually.

You have successfully completed Module 1.
You finished all the task given and incorporated
your understanding on the different theories discussed.
You are now ready to take on Module 2. Good luck!

MODULE ASSESSMENT (After the students have read and studied all the lessons in the module, it
is at the institutional level to decide whether to administer assessment in any forms. This part allows
flexibility within the institution.)

I hope that you see the importance of paying attention to the learner's behavior having an
influence to the learner’s learning process and its various dimension in your work as a future
teacher. Understanding your students as learners – with their diverse behaviors, unique goals,
motivations, beliefs and learning practices will help you become a better teacher in the future.

“The foundation of good teaching is attention to student learning.”

- Dr. Marilla Svinicki
Cora Riley. IDE 621 Principles of Instruction and Learning. Behaviorism
Observation Checklist. Retrieved on July 20, 2020 from

Lou Juanchon, PhD Theories of Learning. Retrieved on Jul 20, 2020 from

OpenStax College. Operant Conditioning.

@5.52:r470BCFb@7/Operantconditioning. License:
45c3-9cbc-2cefd46e68cc@5.48 Retrieved on July 26, 2020 from

Jessica Traylor for Lumen Learning. Classical conditioning Interactive. Lumen

Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution Retrieved on July 26, 2020 from chapter/classical-conditioning/

Jessica Traylor for Lumen Learning. Operant conditioning interactive. Lumen

Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution. Retrieved on July 26, 2020 from

Sarah Mae Sincero (May 10, 2011). Operant Conditioning. Retrieved Jul 25,
2020 from

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