HW 1

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ME 5224: Signals and Systems

Spring: 2022
Instructor: Dr. I-Fan Lin

Homework 1 –Signal Properties

Spring 2022

Exercise 1. Complex Numbers

Express the following complex number in the polar form z = Aejθ .

(a) z = 1 + j 3
(b) z = a + jb for a > 0
(c) z = (a + jb)3
(d) z =
ejπ/3 − 1
(e) z = √
1+j 3

Exercise 2. Complex Numbers

Express the following complex number in the rectangular form z = a + jb.
(a) z = ejθ
(b) z = ea+jθ
(c) z =
(d) z =
c + jd
e + jf
(e) z =
c + jd

Exercise 3. Rectangular to Polar Conversion

Let Aejθ = a + jb for a2 + b2 > 0. Precisely specify a function θ = f (a, b) which is correct for all values of
a and b and results in a positive value of A.

Exercise 4. Transformations of Independent variable

Let x(t) = sin(2πt)u(t + 1/2)u(−t + 1/2). Sketch and label carefully the following signals.
(a) x(t)
(b) x(t/2)
(c) x(−t − 1/2)

Exercise 5. Signal Propertr: Fundamental Periods

For each of the following continuous-time signals, determine if the signals are periodic, and specify their
fundamental period.
(a) x(t) = b cos(2πf t + θ)
(b) x(t) = b cos(ωt + θ)
(c) x(t) = b cos(ω1 t + θ) + c sin(ω2 t + φ) where ω2 = 2ω1

(d) x(t) = b cos(ω1 t + θ) + c sin(ω2 t + φ) where ω2 = 2ω1

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Exercise 6. Signal Propertr: Fundamental Periods
For each of the following discrete-time signals, determine if the signals are periodic, and specify their funda-
mental period.
(a) x[k] = b cos[2πf k + θ] where f = 2
(b) x[k] = b cos[2πf k + θ] where f = 8
(c) x[k] = b cos[2πf k + θ] where f = 8
(d) x[k] = b cos[2πf k + θ] where f = 8
(e) x[k] = b cos[2πf k + θ] where f = 11

Exercise 7. Signal Property: Energy and Power

Calculate the energy and power for the following signals

(a) x(t) = e−t u(t)

(b) x(t) = cos(t)
π π
(c) x[n] = ej[ 2 n+ 4 ]

(d) x[n] = cos[ π4 n]

Exercise 8. Discrete-Time Impulse and Step Functions

(a) Calculate n2 δ(n − 3)

(b) Sketch the function x[n] = n2 δ[n − T ] for T = 0, 1, · · · , 4.

(c) Show that u[n] = u[k]δ[n − k]

(d) Show that for all functions x[n], x[n] = u[k]δ[n − k]

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