Report of 3D House Printing Technology Findings

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Kaunas university of technology

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design

The Rise of 3D Printing in Construction:

Opportunities and Challenges

Problem solving assignment

Algirdas Linauskas, Gvidas Kubilius,

Artiom Malouškin, Erikas Sabatis,
Arminas Ambrazevičius

Dalia Venckienė

Kaunas, 2023
Executive summary:
The construction industry has been rapidly evolving with the integration of
advanced technologies, and one such technology that has gained traction in
recent years is 3D printing. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing
in construction involves using specialized printers to create three-dimensional
objects or structures layer by layer, using various materials such as concrete,
plastic, or metal. [1] This report aims to provide an overview of the current
state of 3D printing in the construction industry, including its opportunities and

This report will look at:
● the issues associated with current building methodology
● the reason why an 3D house printing technology is needed
● imperfect aspects of 3D house printing technology
● recommendations connected with 3D house printing technology

1 Challenges of traditional house building methods
While reading different sources and reports, our team encountered several
challenges related to the traditional house building methods used by other
construction companies:
a) Firstly, the construction industry is one of the sectors with the
highest accident rates and the most serious accidents.
Construction is the sector that shows the highest levels of
occupational injuries with more than three days of absence, and
one of the sectors with the highest rate of fatal accidents at work.
b) The construction process of traditional houses can result in the
unnecessary consumption of energy and resources. The process
typically involves a significant amount of waste, with excess
materials such as lumber, concrete, and insulation being
discarded at various stages of the construction process. [3]
c) Traditional house building methodology often involves a high cost
due to the use of expensive materials, skilled labor, and lengthy
construction times. Additionally, the transportation of materials to
and from the building site can add to the overall cost, as can the
expenses associated with obtaining building permits and
complying with building codes and regulations. [4]
2 The benefits of 3D house printing technology
Due to mentioned negatives, the solution that we found is the emerging 3D
house printing technology, which come with numerous positives:
a) Design Flexibility: 3D house printing technology allows for
complex and intricate designs that may be difficult or costly to
achieve with traditional construction methods. This enables
architects and designers to explore new possibilities in building
shapes, geometries, and aesthetics. [5]
b) Affordable Housing Solutions: 3D house printing technology
has the potential to address affordable housing challenges by
offering cost-effective construction methods, reducing labor costs,
and enabling faster construction times, which can make housing
more accessible and affordable for communities in need. [5]
c) Reduced Construction Time and Costs: 3D house printing
technology has the potential to significantly reduce construction
time and costs. The automated and precise nature of 3D printing
can streamline the construction process, minimize material waste,
and optimize labor and resource utilization. [6]
d) Improved safety: 3D house printing technology can enhance
safety in construction by reducing the need for human labor in
hazardous tasks, minimizing the risk of accidents, and improving
overall construction site safety. [7]
e) Sustainability: 3D printing can be a more sustainable option for
construction, as it can use eco-friendly materials and produce
less waste than traditional methods. Additionally, 3D printed
buildings can be designed with energy efficiency in mind,
reducing the overall environmental impact. [7]

3 The drawbacks of 3D house printing technology

However there are some negatives that come from 3D house printing
a) Workforce Disruption: The adoption of 3D printing in
construction may have implications for the workforce, as it can
potentially disrupt traditional construction practices and require a
different skill set. This may result in the need for retraining or
redeployment of workers, and may also raise concerns about job
displacement or automation. [7]
b) Size and Scale Limitations: Although 3D printing can enable the
fabrication of complex shapes and geometries, there may be
limitations in terms of the size and scale of structures that can be
printed. Large-scale construction projects may require multiple
printing runs or assembly of smaller printed components, which
can increase the complexity and time required for construction.
c) Regulations and Standards: The use of 3D printing in
construction may face regulatory challenges, as it is a relatively
new technology that may not yet have established industry
standards or building codes. This can create uncertainty in terms
of compliance with existing regulations, permitting processes, and
approvals, which can vary by location and jurisdiction. [7]
d) Limited Material Options: Although 3D printing in construction
has made significant advancements in material options, the range
of materials that can be used for 3D printing is still more limited
compared to traditional construction methods. This can restrict
the variety of structures and finishes that can be achieved, and
may not be suitable for all construction applications. [8]
e) Quality Control and Certification: Ensuring the quality and
structural integrity of 3D printed structures can be challenging, as
it may require rigorous testing, inspection, and certification
processes. Quality control measures, such as monitoring print
parameters, material properties, and structural performance, may
need to be implemented to ensure the durability and safety of 3D
printed constructions.[9]

The current technologies that are being used today in
construction did not change for decades, even though the
demand for it is only getting higher. Furthermore there are some
important challenges that should be resolved.
Our findings indicated that, even though 3D house printing
technology is just emerging and has its flaws, the positives that
come with this technology outweigh them, thus it can be stated
that 3D house printers can and will revolutionize the construction
Therefore we would like to make the following recommendations:
1 3D house printing house technology can help to speed up the
construction process significantly. It can take a fraction of the time to print a
house using 3D printing technology compared to traditional construction

2 3D house printing technology can help to create affordable housing

solutions by reducing the cost of construction. The technology allows for the
use of less material and less labor, making housing more accessible to people
who may not be able to afford traditional construction methods.

3 3D house printing technology allows for the creation of custom designs

and shapes that may be difficult or impossible to achieve using traditional
construction methods. This can help to create unique, personalized homes.

4 3D house printing technology allows for the use of environmentally

friendly and sustainable materials in construction. This can help to reduce the
carbon footprint of the construction process and create more sustainable
housing solutions.

5 3D house printing technology can help to create quick and affordable

housing solutions in areas that have been affected by natural disasters, such
as earthquakes or hurricanes.
1. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. "3D Printing in
Construction: A Review of the Practice, Applications, and Opportunities." Vol.
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2. MELIÁ, J.L., MEARNS, K., SILVA, S.A. and LIMA, M.L. Safety Climate
Responses and the Perceived Risk of Accidents in the Construction Industry.
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3. National Institute of Standards and Technology. "Sustainable Construction:
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projects/sustainable-construction-waste-reduction [Accessed 21-Apr-2023].
4. Daum, Kevin. "Why Building a House Can Be So Expensive." [Online].
Available at:
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5. DELGADO CAMACHO, D., et al. Applications of Additive Manufacturing in
the Construction Industry – A Forward-Looking Review. Automation in
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0926-5805. DOI 10.1016/j.autcon.2017.12.031. [Accessed April 21, 2023].
6. PERKINS, I. and SKITMORE, M. Three-Dimensional Printing in the
Construction Industry: A Review. International Journal of Construction
Management, 2015, vol. 15, no. 1. pp. 1-9. Available from: ISSN 1562-3599. DOI
10.1080/15623599.2015.1012136. [Accessed April 21, 2023].
7. BUCHANAN, C. and GARDNER, L. Metal 3D Printing in Construction: A
Review of Methods, Research, Applications, Opportunities and Challenges.
Engineering Structures, 2019, vol. 180. pp. 332-348 ISSN 0141-0296. DOI
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8. STANSBURY, J.W. and IDACAVAGE, M.J. 3D Printing with Polymers:
Challenges among Expanding Options and Opportunities. Dental Materials,
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9. MELINA.BLUHM. How to ensure quality in 3D printing - Replique. Replique
[online]. 10 May 2023 [viewed 21 April 2023]. Available from:

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