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Foot Plate

Single footing - Subjected to Compressive & Tensile Force (±P), Shear Force (±V) (No Moment)
Design Code TIA/EIA 222 F, ACI 318-99)

1 Tower Height (m) = 72 m
2 Soil Class =

B. LOADINGS, Unfactored
Vertical load (kN) All VALUES ARE UNFACTORED
Condition Hx - kN Hy - kN F - kN
Max Compression = 47.939 46.269 745.950
Max Tension = -48.016 -48.228 -617.464

1 Soil angle of friction / frustum angle (Φ) = 25 0 [But this value should be EXACTLY 30º per TIA 222F
2 Soil density (gs) = 1600 kg/m3 = 15.70 kN/m3 [But this value… EX
3 Allowable soil bearing cap (σall) = 1 kg/cm2 = 98.10 kN/m2
4 Concrete density (gc) = 2400 kg/m3 = 23.54 kN/m3
5 Surcharge (If any) Sur = 0.1 kg/cm 2
= 9.81 kN/m2
6 Soil Type = Clean fine sand, silty or clayey fine to medium sand.
7 Soil angle of friction (Drained condition) (Φ') = 25 0
8 Soil angle of friction (Undrained condition) (ΦT) = 0

1 Pad / Footing
Footing Outer width / Length (BO) = 4.25 m
Footing Thickness (hp) or (T) = 0.5 m
2 Overall soil depth, above pad (h) = 2.45 m
Ba h1
Height of chimney above GL (h1) = 0.4 m
3 Chimney / Pedestal size/width (bc) = 0.6 m
h Φ
4 Min of tower base width (Bb) = 7 m
5 Total depth (hp+h) = 2.95 m hp



5 Checking of free space between soil frustum, at GL

Add, width, due to soil frustum (Ba) = 1.14 m
Free space (sf) = -1.61 < 0 use eff frustum angle
Effective add width, due to soil frustum (Ba') = 1.14 m
Effective soil frustum angle (Φ') = 25 O
Width total frustum (Bt) = 6.53

1 Concrete
Volume above GL (Vch1) = 0.14 m3
Volume within frustum (Vch2) = 0.882 m3
Volume below frustum (Vp) = 9.03125 m3
Vol. chimney / Pedestal (Vch1+Vch2) = 1.03 m3
Counter Weight (Not Surcharge) (Cw) = 0.00 m3
Vol concrete total (Vc) = 10.06 m3
Concrete weigth (Wc) = 236.79 kN
2 Soil Weight Calculation
A Method A
Volume Soil Cone (Vcone) = 29.05 m3 Eq OK
Volume of Soil just above the footing (Vsoil) = 43.37 m3
Total Volume Soil (Vs) = 72.42 m3
Soil weight (Method A, W s) = 1137 kN

B Method B

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Foot Plate

Volume Soil Cone Qu = 14.73 m3

Volume of Soil just above the footing (Vsoil) = 43.37 m3
Total Volume Soil (Vs) = 58.10 m3
Soil weight (Method B, W s) = 912 kN [Coefficient of lateral earth pressure K = 0.5]

Total Soil Volume (Smaller of Method A & B) 912 kN

So Final Soil weight (Ws) = 912 kN
3 Checking of uplift Capacity
Total weight resisting uplift (Wc+Ws) = 1149 kN > 617.464 kN 1.86
222F Code provision for uplift Check - 1 (Wc+Ws)/1.5 = 766 > 617.464 ...OK
222F Code provision for uplift Check - 2 (Wc/1.25+Ws/2) = 645 > 617.464 ...OK

1 Vertical Load from tower base (Downward) (Fc) = 745.95 kN
Concrete weight (Excluding soil weight) (Wc') = 78.93 kN
Maximum vertical load - (Compression Force) N max = 824.88 kN
Minimum vertical load - (Tension Force) N min = Tension force need NOT to be checked for bearing, if compression passes
Wind load combined with Load Combination? = Yes

2 Bending momnet, due to Sliding / Shear force

My = 160.60 kN e1 or ex = 0.195 Bo/6 = 0.708
Mx = 155.00 kN e2 or ey = 0.188 Bo/6 = 0.708
A Remember, Here footing has been designed for ONE WAY ECCENTRICITY (Uniaxial Moment), SO it should be checked for Mx,ex first
then again in another calculation the footing should be checked for My, ey (Here calculation for My, ey has not been shown)

  6e 
 P 1  L  L (σmax) = 67.59 < 130.47 kN/m2 ...OK
    q  0.15 
 w s  T , for e 
q MAX  BL s
6 qs = surcharge
 2P L T = Footing thickness
  q s   0.15  w s  T , for e  (σmin) = 43.36 < 130.47 kN/m2 ...OK
 3B(0.5L  e) 6

B For TWO WAY ECCENTRICITY (Biaxial Moment) , below eq 1 must be satisfied FIRST. Most tower has biaxial moment for single
footing / Pile. If eq 1) passes then use eq 2) to calculate the footing's 4 corner pressure, otherwise increase footing size.

Eq 1) If this don’t satisfy then increase footing size

Here, Wf Weigth of footing
c1 & c2 B and L

Eq 2) ( another eq is σ max = P / Az + P*e1*c1/I1 + P*e2*c2/I2)

(σmax) = 70.34 kN/m2 < 130.47 kN/m2 ...OK

G. SLIDING (Sliding is important for Tower, specially Monopole or guyed pole or tapered pole)

Coefficient of friction, From table μ = 0.35 - 0.45 Input manually

Coefficient of friction, From Eq μ = tan (0.7*φ')
= 0.296
Finally use μ = 0.35

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Foot Plate

Allowable Coefficient of friction (SF = 1.5 ~ 2) μa = μ / SF

μa = 0.233
Alloable equivalent passive fluid density λa = Page 278, Donald P. Coduto
λa = 113.193 lb/ft2 Foundation Design, Pprinciples and Practices
Note Factor of safety for μ is 1.5 to 2
Note Factor of safety for λ is 2 to 3
Here γ is 110 cft
Vfa =

Case 1, Considering Compression Force, Down Downward P = 167.70 kip Page 278, Donald P. Coduto
Case 2, Considering Tension Force, Upward Upward P = -138.81 kip Foundation Design, Pprinciples and Practices
Footing Weight = 17.74 kip
Footing Length B 13.94 ft
Footing Depth 9.68 ft
Developed shear at tower / pole / guy leg. V = 10.79 kip
Case 1 Vfa, case 1 = 117.20 kip < V ok
Case 2 Vfa, case 2 = 45.68 kip < V ok
Factor of safety SF (Min 1.5 by TIA 222F code) SF (Case 1) = = 10.86
Factor of safety SF (Min 1.5 by TIA 222F code) SF (Case 2) = = 4.23

1 Resultan horizontal load (HR) = 66.63 kN
2 Moment overturning (Mov) = 223.20 kN < 1128.92 kN
3 Moment resisting (Mres) = 1128.92 kN
4 Factor of safety SF (Min 1.5 by TIA 222F code) SF = 5.06 > 1.50 ok

Below parts havent yet been checked.

1 Concrete cover (d') = 70 mm
2 Material Grade
Concrete K-175 (fc') = 20.68 MPa 3.00 ksi
Steel Reinforcing Bar (U-39) (fy) = 413 MPa 59.90 ksi
3 Bending Moment
Pad cantilever length (lc) = 1.825 m
Soil pressure at the perpendicular side of chimney
Maximum (σc)max = 67.59 kN/m2
Minimum (σc)min = 43.36 kN/m2
Ultimate bending moment (Mu) = 99.11 kNm for 1 m' span
Soil pressure at the perpendicular side of chimney
Design uplift pressure (σup) = -34.18 kN/m2
Ultimate bending moment (Mu) = -56.93 kNm for 1 m' span
4 Reinforced concrete design for bending

ρmin = 0.00366
ρmax = 0.75*ρb
ρmax = 0.01607
β = 0.85
φ = 0.8
Upper pad
Mn (Mu/φ) = -71.16 kN db = 16 mm
Design width (b) = 1000 mm As1 = 201.06 mm2
Effective depth (d) = 430 mm
Rn Rn=Mn/bd2 = -0.38
Required area ratio of bar (ρreq) = -0.0024
Required area of bar (Asreq) = -1042.35 mm2
Spacing s=As1/Asreqxb = -192.89 mm Use D 16 - 136
Lower pad
Mn (Mu/φ) = 123.89 kN db = 16 mm
Design width (b) = 1000 mm As1 = 201.06 mm2
Effective depth (d) = 430 mm
Rn Rn=Mn/bd2 = 0.67
Required area ratio of bar (ρreq) = 0.0042 Use 0.004220356
Required area of bar (Asreq) = 1814.75 mm2
Spacing s=As1/Asreqxb = 110.79 mm Use D 16 - 136

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Foot Plate

nos = 30.22 Use 22

Development length
Minimun development length = 300 mm
Basic 0.02.As.fy/(fc')0.5 = 365 mm
Minimum 0.06.db.fy = 11 mm
Available development length ldb = 430 mm

5 Concrete Bearing Capacity

A1 = 0.36 m2 ab = 2
A2 = 18.0625 m2 f = 0.7
Max load on the center of cap, (Fc)ver+Wch = 766.72 kN
Concrete Bearing Capacity f.0.85.fc'(ab.A1) = #REF! kN #REF! (Fc)ver+Wch #REF!
6 Checking of one-way shear along Section A-A (eff. Face chimney)
Strength reduction factor (f) = 0.65
Web width (bw) = 4250.00 mm
Effective depth (d) = 430.00 mm
Factored shear force (Vu) = 79.25 kN
(Vc) = 1024.596 kN
V c=
√ f 'c b w d (fVc) = 665.987 kN > Vu ...OK

Factored shear force (Vu) = -62.473 kN
(fVc) = 665.987 kN > Vu ...OK

7 Checking of Punching Shear

bc = 1 (f) = 0.65
as = 20 (for corner colomn)
Chimney width (bc) = 0.6 m
Effective depth (d) = 0.43 m
Perimeter length (bo)=4.(bc+d) (bo) = 4.12 m
Factored shear force Vu=(σc)(B2-(bc+d)2) (Vu) = 1149.19 kN
Concrete shear strength (Vc) is the smallest amount of :

V c = 2+
( 4
βc )√ f 'c b o
= 4028.20 kN

= 2744.13 kN
V c=
( as d
) d
√ f 'c bo 12 (Vc)min
2685.47 kN
1745.55 kN
V c = 4 √ f 'c bo = 2685.47 kN
(fVc) = 1745.55 kN > (Vu) ...OK
Chimney width (bc) = 0.6 m
Effective depth (d) = 0.43 m
Chimney concrete cover (d') = 0.07 m
Perimeter length (bo)=4.(bc+d-2d') (bo) = 3.56 m
Factored shear force Vu=(σup)(bo2-(bc-2d)2) (Vu) = -430.93 kN
Concrete shear strength (Vc) is the smallest amount of :

V c = 2+
( 4
βc )√ f 'c b o
= #REF! kN

= #REF! kN
V c=
( as d
) d
√ f 'c bo 12 (Vc)min
#REF! kN
#REF! kN
d = #REF! kN
V c=4 √f '
c bo
(fVc) = #REF! kN #REF! (Vu) #REF!

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Foot Plate

1 Material Grades
Concrete K225 (fc') = 18.63 MPa
Steel reinforcement bar (fy) = 413 MPa
2 Slenderness Evaluation
bc = 0.6 m k = 1
lu = 2.85 m r = 0.173 m
I = 0.0108 m4 A = 0.36 m2
For a braced frame klu/r = 16.454 < 34 ...OK
3 Axial and Moment Forces
Ru' = 66.63 kN
Pu' = 745.95 kN
Mu' = 189.88 kN.m
Ru = 68.05 kN
Pu = -617.46 kN
Mu = 193.96 kN.m
4 Longitudinal Bar Design
rmin = 0.0034 b = 0.85
rmax = 0.0145 f = 0.8
According to Column interaction chart, available rebar
Number of rebar = 20 nos
Diameter of rebar = 16 mm Asreq = 0.000201062 m2
rmin < r = 0.0112 < rmax OK
Development length
Minimum development length 8db = 128 mm or 155 mm
90 degrees standar hook = 259 mm
Available development length = 1825 mm > 128 mm OK

5 Stirrup Design
Steel U-24 fy = 240 MPa db = 10 mm
f = 0.65 Av = 0.000157 m2

(Vu) = 66.626 kN

1 (fVs) = 133.204 kN
V c = √ f 'c b w d (fVc) = 604.185 kN
Maximum shear load for stirrup (fVs)max = 2134.788 kN > (fVs) OK

Maximum spacing smax = 250 mm Use D 10 - 150

(fVc)+(fVs) > (Vu) OK

K. Sloof
Ps = (60%P) = 447.570 kN
Steel U-39 fy = 413 MPa nos = 8
bs = 0.3 m dbs = 16
hs = 0.5 m
Depth of sloof hsl = 0.3 m
Minimum base width of tower Bb = 7 m
664.309 kN > 447.570 kN OK
Stirrup Design
fy = 240 MPa db = 10 mm
f = 0.65 Av = 0.000157 m2

Maximum spacing smax = 250 mm Use D 10 - 200

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Foot Plate


1 Volume of concrete K-225 One leg = 11.11 m3

2 Weight of steel bar

Lower Use 22 D 16 1.58 kg/m =
Upper Use 22 D 16 1.58 kg/m =
3 Chimney
Longitudinal bar Use 20 D 16 1.58 kg/m =
Stirrup Use D 10 -150 0.62 kg/m =

4 Sloof Use 8 D 16 1.58 kg/m =

Use D 10 -200 0.62 kg/m =

Total =
5 Total 4 (four) leg of lattice tower
Volume of concrete K-175 = 44.43 m3
Weight of steel bar = 2400.83 kg

6 Excavation soil volume

One leg (EVs) = 11.59 m3
One tower (EVs) = 46.37 m3

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Foot Plate

0º per TIA 222F]

[But this value… EXACTLY 16 kN/m3 per TIA 222F]

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Foot Plate

use this SF for RCC building design

pression passes


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Foot Plate

d Practices

d Practices

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Foot Plate

172.76 kg
172.76 kg

90.06 kg
20.15 kg

88.48 kg
56.00 kg

600.21 kg

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