Manifest With The Moon Workbook

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Moon Magic

A Free Guide to
Manifesting with the Full Moon
by The Suffolk Circle
Welcome to Manifesting
with the Full Moon
A workbook designed to guide you through a
transformative journey of harnessing the powerful
energy of the full moon.

In this book, you will find rituals, affirmations, and

practices that will assist you in manifesting your
desires and embracing your inner strength.

Gather your circle of wild women or create a sacred

moment at home and let the moon be your guide on
this mystical journey.

Setting Intentions

Begin by creating a sacred space: Clear the

area and arrange candles, crystals, and
natural elements that resonate with you.

Write down your intentions for the upcoming

lunar cycle. Be specific, clear, and concise.

Share your intentions within the circle, offering

support and encouragement to each other.


"I am open to receiving the abundance and

blessings the full moon brings."

Releasing What No
Longer Serves You

Reflect on what you wish to release from your

life—limiting beliefs, negative patterns, or
emotions that hold you back.

Write these aspects on separate pieces of


In a fire-safe container, ignite each piece of

paper, visualising the release of these burdens
from your being.


"I release what no longer serves me, making

space for new beginnings."

Charging Crystals

Select crystals that align with your intentions,

such as clear quartz for clarity or rose quartz
for self-love.

Place your chosen crystals under the light of

the full moon overnight, allowing them to
absorb the moon's energy.


"I charge these crystals with the intentions of my

heart. May they amplify my manifestations."

Moon Bathing
On the night of the full moon, find a
comfortable spot outside, preferably in a
secluded area.

Close your eyes, feel the moon's gentle rays,

and imagine them enveloping you in a
luminous glow.

Allow the moon's energy to wash away any

stress or negativity, replacing it with calmness
and renewed vitality.


"I bathe in the moon's radiant light, cleansing my

body, mind, and spirit."


Reflect on the blessings and abundance that

already exist in your life.

Create a gratitude list, expressing

appreciation for both big and small things.

Share your gratitude with the circle,

amplifying the positive energy.


"I am grateful for the blessings in my life. I attract

more abundance with a grateful heart."

Immerse yourself in the magic of the New Moon by delving into
the guided meditation thoughtfully crafted by Lisa at Roots to
Healing. This transformative meditation is included in your
workbook, allowing you to read and absorb the soothing words
at your own pace. For an enhanced experience, scan the QR
code provided at the end and let Lisa's soothing voice guide you
through the meditation, amplifying the healing energies of the full
moon. Choose your preferred path, whether reading or listening,
and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and

Welcome to this New Moon meditation, where we gather to

embrace the illuminating energy of the Full Moon in the
intellectual and forward-thinking sign of Aquarius. Today, we
come together to honour the ancient festival of Lammas and to
release what no longer serves us. As the moon shines brightly, let
us open our hearts and minds to the transformative energy that
surrounds us.

Begin by finding a comfortable position, either sitting or lying

down. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing yourself
to relax and let go of any tension or stress. Feel the earth
supporting you, grounding you in this present moment.

Visualise the Full Moon, radiant and powerful, casting its light
upon the world. See its gentle glow enveloping you, filling you
with its wisdom and clarity. As you breathe in, imagine that you
are inhaling this lunar energy, drawing it deep into your being.

Now, bring your attention to your heart centre. Feel the warmth
and love that resides within you. Connect with the desires and
dreams that stir in your heart, the yearnings that make you feel
alive. Embrace these passions and acknowledge that they are a
part of who you are.

Next, turn your focus to your mind. Acknowledge the rational

thoughts, the practical considerations, and the intellectual
pursuits that occupy your thinking. See them as valuable
companions on your journey, providing guidance and structure.

Now, imagine a bridge forming between your heart and your

mind. This bridge represents the integration of your desires and
your thoughts, your passions and your intellect. With each breath,
allow this bridge to grow stronger and more vibrant, connecting
your heart and mind in perfect harmony.

As the bridge solidifies, envision any doubts, fears, or limiting

beliefs rising to the surface. These are the things that no longer
serve you, the patterns and attachments that hinder your growth.
With each exhale, release them to the moon's gentle light. Let go
of anything that holds you back, surrendering it to the universe.

Feel a sense of liberation as you release these burdens. Sense the

weight lifting from your shoulders, making room for new
possibilities and fresh beginnings. Embrace the freedom that
comes from aligning your heart's desires with your rational

Take a moment to bask in the serenity and clarity that fills your
being. Feel the interconnectedness of your heart, your mind, and
the energy of the Full Moon. Know that you are a vessel of infinite
potential, capable of manifesting your dreams and making a
positive impact on the world.

When you are ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the
present moment. Gently wiggle your fingers and toes, allowing
your body to awaken. Open your eyes, feeling refreshed and

Carry this sense of integration and release with you as you move
forward. Let the energy of this Full Moon in Aquarius guide you in
embracing your individuality, your intellectual pursuits, and your
humanitarian spirit. May you continue to align your heart and
mind, creating a life filled with purpose, authenticity, and joy.

As you go about your day, remember to be gentle with yourself

and others. Celebrate the progress you have made, and embrace
the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Much Love


Roots to Healing

Manifest Your Dream Life

Remember that the power to manifest lies within

you, and the full moon serves as a celestial ally,
amplifying your intentions. May you continue to
nurture your dreams, empower each other, and
embrace the magic of the moon.

Blessed be!

We invite you to continue your spiritual and personal
development journey by joining our exclusive subscription
service. By becoming a member, you'll gain access to a treasure
trove of resources designed to support and nourish your growth.
Immerse yourself in a collection of guided meditations,
workshops, and workbooks tailored to deepen your
understanding and connection.

Our dedicated community provides a space for shared

experiences, support, and advice to uplift you on your path.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to join our vibrant tribe and
unlock the limitless possibilities that await you. Start your next
chapter of growth and empowerment today. Join us, and let's
walk this beautiful journey of transformation together.

Go to for more information and to join

the tribe.

Join us on an incredible audio journey by tuning in to our
engaging podcast on Spotify. Each episode is filled with
insightful conversations, transformative stories, and practical
wisdom to support you on your path of personal growth.

But that's not all!

We also host a weekly Women's Hour on Suffolk Sound every

Friday at 9 am. Tune in to discover a space where women's
voices are celebrated, stories are shared, and perspectives are
expanded. It's a dynamic and enriching hour dedicated to
uplifting and empowering women in all aspects of life.

Don't miss out on these incredible opportunities to deepen your

knowledge, find inspiration, and connect with a community of
like-minded individuals. Scan the QR code to access our podcast
on Spotify, and mark your calendar for our Women's Hour on
Suffolk Sound every Friday at 9 am.

We can't wait to have you join us on these exciting audio

adventures! Spotify

Dive into captivating videos that capture the essence of our
gatherings, allowing you to envision and anticipate the
experiences that await.

Follow our journey and connect with fellow members as we share

inspiration, insights, and the joy of community. Be a part of our
empowering tribe by engaging with our social media content
and staying connected every step of the way.

Instagram TikTok

Twitter YouTube

At the heart of the Suffolk Circle, we believe in the strength and beauty of
women supporting women. That's why we're thrilled to showcase the
exceptional talents of local businesswomen who have graced our journey.
Immerse yourself in a world of brilliance and creativity as you explore the
remarkable offerings of these extraordinary women. Each QR code will lead
you directly to their websites, where you can learn more about their services
and experience their amazing talents.

Because women supporting women lies at the core of our mission, we invite
local businesswomen to join our community and advertise with us. If you're
interested, please get in touch with us at
Together, we can create a powerful network of support, collaboration, and

Join us on this incredible journey of celebrating and uplifting one another.

Together, we can achieve greatness!

Roots to Healing Shanti Yogi Safari

Lisa is the modern day medicine woman Helping you to relax and recharge while
of our tribe. Everything Lisa does comes building a stronger and flexible body
from her heart. A true alchemist of and a peaceful and calm mind. You will
healing wisdom, Lisa is an intuitive be able to easily get into the flow at
mentor and spiritual guide, who draws Aggies classes and you will find a great
upon a range of modalities to offer her variety of yoga traditions, asanas,
clients the tools to assist in their own mindfulness, breathing techniques and
self-healing and personal growth. mudras. All abilities welcome.

The Red Thread Yoga with Cris

Journey with Gemma a Feminine Body A well-rounded yoga class combining

Wisdom coach, to return back to your different powerful techniques ranging from
sacred body wisdom. breathwork, meditation to a dynamic flow of
Helping Women to recognise their worth, physical postures. A practice that instigates
build confidence, learn to love themselves self-reflection, that challenges both body
and step into their power to create the life and mind and helps us in our path towards
they truly desire. health and happiness.

MDM Suffolk - Sanctuary |Sound

Mindfulness, Dance & Therapy
Enjoy a soothing sound bath with Jodie.
Sound healing is reported to enhance
Join Sarah Ann and explore meditation &
immunity, reduce physical pain, stress and
healing through intuitive dance, music,
anxiety, restore emotional balance, improve
gongs, sound & nature.
sleep and amplify creativity.

Labyrinth of Nurture YOUR BUSINESS COULD

Meet Rosie, her aim is to hold space for you
to relax, destress and connect with your Get in touch
inner wisdom.
Rosie runs sound baths, labyrinth walking
workshops & drum circles


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