Research 1 For Torts

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Globus An International Journal of Management & IT

A Refereed Research Journal

Vol 6 / No 1 / Jul - Dec 2014 ISSN: 0975-721X


Suman Tomar*
Subodh Kumar**
Healthy environment is the need of life. Pollution in regarding hazardous waste produce and its
environment effects to all the living beings management the problem is continue.
irrespective of the man made boundaries. Man is
learning new technologies to facilitate the life. In the Definition of Hazardous Waste
process of facilitating the life style the environmental A waste is any substance for which no use can be
protection has been challenged and the large quantity found by the organism or system that produces it and
of Hazardous Wastes has been generated. In India for which a method of disposal must than normally
environment became a major issue only after the first be devised.6 In this sense all of society discards
United National Conference on the human whether they are air emissions, liquid or solid
environment (the Stockholm conference) held at materials are wastes. Waste are considered hazardous
Stockholm in June 1972. when they pose a substantial present potential hazard
to human health or living organisms. 7 Examples of
The conference raised the environment consciousness typical hazardous waste include organics, pesticides,
of the nation. As a result comprehensive legislative herbicide residues, acids, alkalis, heavy metals oils
attempts were made to control environmental and cyanides. These wastes usually take the forms of
pollution in the country. The Water (prevention and solid, liquid, sludge, sludge solid and liquid sludge.
control of pollution) act 1974;1 The Air (prevention However several conceptual and technical difficulties
and control of pollution) Act 1981,2 and the arise in classifying a waste as hazardous; First, unlike
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986,3 came into force a pure substance hazardous waste have no set
to chek the environmental pollution. The EPA was chemical identity. They may impose the hazardous
followed by the Public Liability Insurance Act, effect intrinsically or extrinsically. 8 Second, a
1991,4 and the National Environmental Tribunal Act, decision on whether a waste is hazardous or not does
1995,5 which were enacted by the parliament to not solely rest on its composition but on its potential
implement the decisions reached at the United to harm the environment.9 Therefore, apart from the
Nations Conference on the environment and tric constituents of a waste, several other factors have
development (“the UNCED”) held at Rio le Janeiro to be taken in to account in deciding when a waste is
in June 1992. As far as the problem of hazardous.10 For eg. in determining a waste’s
environmentally safe disposal of hazardous wastes potential to harm the environment, It is critical how a
and their trans- boundary movements are concerned, waste is managed. Thirdly, considerable scientific
there is no separate Act of parliament on the subject. uncertainty surrounds the concepts of a threshold to
The issue is mainly addressed by. The Hazardous toxicity itself.11 Finally there are quantitative and
Wastes (Management handling) Rules, 1989 formed qualitative differences which hamper any attempt to
under the EPA. The Indian judiciary has also come a reach a universally acceptable definition of hazardous
long way in protecting the public health environment
from legal import of hazardous waste to the country.
India also become a party to the 1989 Basel Louis Theodore, Joseph Reynolds and Kevin Morris
Convention on June 24, 1992. Despite the concern (eds), Concise Dictionary of Environmental Law (
Phillip W. Powers, “How to Dispose of Toxic
Substances and Industrial Wastes 1(1976)
1 8
Act No. 6 of 1974. Came in to force on March 23, W.C Blackman, Jr., “Basic Hazardous Waste
1974 Management” 29-31 (1995)
2 9
Act No. 14 of 1981.came into force on May W.F Paderson, Jr. “The Future of Federal Solid
16,1981. Waste Regulation”, 16 CJTL 109,115(1991).
3 10
Act No. 29 of 1986. Came into force on November W.C Blackman, Jr., “Basic Hazardous Waste
19, 1986. Management” 36 (1995)
4 11
Act No. 6 of 1991. Came into force on April 1, 1991 J.H. Exner, Detoxication of Hazardous Waste,
Act No. 27 of 1995. Introduction pg no. 28 (1982)
* Supervisor, Head of Law Department, M.M.H. College, Ghaziabad, U.P.
**Research Scholar, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Raj.39
wastes. For eg incinerator ash which is classified as a 2000, it was alleged that more than 160 containers of
non- hazardous waste in the united states is a hazardous wastes were illegally imported in India
potential hazard in other countries.12 Normally, two from traders in West Asia19 urther in 2001, the
methods are used to define hazardous wastes- the Greenpeace, Toxic link and the Basel Action
“list” and “characteristics” methods. Under the list Network (BAN) in their joint repot stated that 118
method, a list of toxic constituents such as lead, tones of mercury laden wastes were imported in the
cadmium, copper compounds, chromium, zinc, country from the United States.20 Hearing a Public
arsenic and their unacceptable levels are drawn. If a Interest Litigation (PIL) in Research Foundation
waste fits the description of this list, it is classified as Case21 on October 13,1997,the Supreme Court of
a hazardous waste.13 Another commonly used method India, constituted a high powered committee (HPC)
is characteristics based. Under this method a waste is headed by professor M.G.K Menon to examine all
considered hazardous if it exhibits any of the matters pertaining to hazardous wastes and their trans
hazardous characteristics. Characteristics generally boundry movements. Its 14- points terms of
considered as classifiers of hazardous wastes are reference included inter alia the matters pertaining to
toxicity; ignitability; reactivity; corrosivity. 14 imports of hazardous wastes as well as their
However one major shortcoming of these two tests is indigenous management. After examining, in depth,
that they are determinative of the basic toxicity of the the various aspects of hazardous wastes, the HPC, in
waste itself, and not whether that toxicity is likely to the year 2001, submitted its report. Describing the
lead to actual environmental degradation. 15 hazardous wastes situation in the country as “fairly
grim”, the HPC observed that instead of being
Hazardous Waste Management in India properly disposed, hazardous wastes are often
dumped in the open environments which have been
Reality behind the Veil the cause of widespread pollution of ground water. It
As per the annual report 2004-05 of the ministry of was also noted by the HPC that the problems raised
environment and forest (MOEF), 4.4 million tones of by indigenous processing of toxic substance such as
hazardous wastes are being generated in the country lead and wastes oil and by industrial processes that
annually by 13011 industrial units spread over 379 generated these substance are much more serious and
districts of the country. The states of Maharashtra, of far greater magnitude than those associated with
Gujarat and Tamil Nadu together account for over the import of such waste. Noting that there was lack
63% of the total hazardous wastes produced.16 India of vision at the highest level, the HPC stressed the
is the favored destination for dumping of hazardous need to ensure coordination between various
wastes. As the Indian laws currently put strict ministries and state governments regarding
controls over imports of hazardous wastes into the environmental issues, though the key role has to be
country, such imports are now taking place illegally played by the MOEF, which is the focal point in the
and more often in the guise of useful raw materials. government of India for all matters relating to the
2002 report of the Wadhawan Committee, appointed environment.22 Amidst media report about
by the government of India, found that hazardous disappearance of hazardous wastes from authorized
wastes are imported to the country as “normal ports/Indian Container Depots (ICDs), Container
import”.17 In the year 1999, a Greenpeace study Freight Stations (CFS), the Apex court in the research
revealed that more than 100,887 tones of hazardous foundation case directed the government of India
wastes reached the country illegally.18 In November vide order dated December 3, 2001 to enquire into
the matter. The government appointed a 8 member
Lori Gilmore, “The Export of Non- Hazardous committee headed by Mr. A. C. Wadhwan. The
Waste ‘, 27 EL 889(1998). Wadhawan Committee submitted its report on July
W.C Blackman, Jr., “Basic Hazardous Waste 26, 2002. According to the report, the stock of
Management” (1995)
J.H.Exner, Detoxication of Hazardous Waste,
Introduction, (1982) The Times Of India (New Delhi) 6 November
14W.F Paderson, Jr. “The Future of Federal Solid 2000, p.1.
Waste Regulation”(1991). “Greenpeace sees red in zinc ash import” ,The
Annual Report 2004-2005, Ministry of Hindu (New Delhi), 16 July 1999,p3
Environment and Forest, New Delhi. 2003 (9) SCALE 303 Writ Petition No.657 of
Dumping Live Ammmo’,Down To Earth, Vol 13, 1995.
October 31, 2004, p.15. Highlights of the Report of the HPC may be found
“A heaven for hazardous waste”, the Hindu ( New in the judgment of the Supreme Court in Research
Delhi), 12 September 1999, p.4 Foundation Case.

hazardous good lying at various ports /ICDs/CFSs hazardous waste, the National Green Tribunal has
was as follows :23 been told by a panel set up by it.

Name of Ports No. of Containers A bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice

ICD, Ludhiana 63+21747 drums Swatanter Kumar had set up the five-member panel
ICD, Tuglakabad 427 to inspect industries in the two industrial districts and
ICD, Kandla Port Trust 21 report their impact on environment on a plea by
Mumbai Port Trust 34 advocate Ashwani Dubey who opposed the mining
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust 331 and power projects there for allegedly causing
Calcutta Port Trust 1 pollution and serious ailments to residents.
Chennai Port Trust 83+990 drums
ICD, Bangalore 86 The panel was directed by NGT to see if the
industries, which include Essar, Hindalco and
The Committee suggested action against the import Reliance' Sasan Ultra Mega Power project, are
of illegal consignments. adhering to prescribed parameters of emissions and
also assess their cumulative impact on the
In September, 2009, customs at Tuticorin port environment.
detained nine containers of hazardous waste with a
combined weight of 195 metric tones from Spain, The panel, headed by a member secretary of Central
Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. A container imported by Pollution Control Board (CPCB), visited the districts
one Excel Trading Corporation from a Malaysian on February 9 and 10 and found that "procedure
firm contained around 20 metric tones of waste, being followed by the industries regarding
including used condoms and surgical gloves. management of hazardous waste do not conform to
provisions of Hazardous Waste (management)
This is not the first time that containers full of waste Rules".
have been seized in Tuticorin. In September 2005, 40
containers with a weight of about 1,007 metric tones The panel, in its report tabled before the tribunal, has
of “mixed waste paper” were confiscated. Imported also found lapses in the disposal as well as
by ITC, Secunderabad from the US, they were found management of fly ash generated by the power plants
to be heavily contaminated with municipal solid in the area.
waste (waste collected by a municipality, most of
which is generated by households). ITC was Dry abandoned ash ponds in the area were found to
compelled by a court order to send the containers be left open without provision of proper vegetation
back to the US in July.24 cover, the panel has said, adding trucks with excess
loads of coal and without proper cover, were found to
Environmentalists fear that this policy would open be spilling coal and fly ash during transportation. 25
the floodgates of e-waste dumping into India. “India Many Industries in India do not follow the procedure
generates nearly 4 lakh metric tones of e-waste. regarding management of Hazardous Waste but they
When we are finding it difficult to dispose of our are behind the veil and doing everything for their
own waste, why import more from foreign profit even at the environmental risk which is going
countries?” wonders Priti Mahesh, senior programme to be very dangerous for India.
officer at the New Delhi based environmental group
Toxics Link. This is the question every Legal Protection against Hazardous Wastes
environmentally conscious Indian is asking the Remedies under Torts and criminal Laws
government. According to a report of National Green Common law principals of tort and criminal law may
Tribunal on March, 11, 2014, Coal mines and thermal be used against any illegal act associated with
plants in Singrauli and Sonebhadra districts of improper disposal of hazardous wastes. While tort
Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh are not law is helpful in compensating victims of toxic
conforming to waste disposal rules while disposing of wastes under the provisions of Nuisance, Trespass,
Negligence and the rule of strict liability laid down in
Research Foundation Case, at 321
WORLD’S TRASH? Tehelka Magazine, Vol 6, Issue Available at www.articles
42, Dated October 24, 2009, available at www., accessed on 20 sep., accessed on 20 sep. 2014. 2014.

Rylands v. Fletcher26 and to deter the pollutants In addition, Article 253 of the constitution of the
from indulging in improper disposal practices27, empowers parliament to make laws for giving effect
Criminal Law by punishing wrongdoers fulfils to international agreement. Article253 reads as
deterrence goal. Under section 268 of I.P.C for Public follows:
Nuisance, sec. 269 for spreading diseases, sec. 277
and 278 for fouling of water and making atmosphere “Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing
noxious to health, and under Sec.425 of I.P.C for provisions of this chapter, Parliament has power to
Mischief.28 make any law for the whole or any part of the
territory of India for implementing any treaty,
Constitutional mandate agreement or convention with any other country or
The constitution of India is among a few constitution countries or any decision made at any international
of the world which contains specific provisions on conference, association or other body”.
environmental protection.
It is in the exercise of the power conferred by Article
Originally, the constitution did not contain any 253 that the Parliament enacted the Air Act, 1981,
specific provision on environmental protection. The EPA, 1986, The PLIA,1991 AND The NETA,
However, by 1976 constitution (Forty-second 1995.
Amendment) Act 1976,29 Articles 48 A and 51A
were inserted in chapter IV on” Directive principles Environmental statutes
of state policy “. Article 48 A states: The legislature has to develop new rules to keep the
law abreast of change. As already hinted, the
The state shall endeavor to protect and improve the common law doctrines in the field of the law of torts
environment and to safeguard the forests and wild and general criminal law of the land are no longer
life of the country. effective in a bating toxic waste pollution in the
modern era of industrialization. Therefore in order to
Similarly, Article 51A(g) makes it the fundamental fill gaps in the earlier laws, new legislations were
duty of every citizen of India “to protect and improve initiated by the parliament to deal specifically with
the natural environment including forest, lakes, rivers environmental pollution. The Water Act was the first
and wild life, and to have compassion for living important statute of the parliament. The Water Act
creatures “. was followed by the Air Act,1981 and the EPA,
1986. The EPA is an umbrella statute which reflects
Significantly, the Forty-second Amendment also the environmental policies and principles of the
brought changes in the seventh schedule of the country. In fact, it is a skeletal statue containing only
constitution. Seventh schedule contains three lists- 26 sections.
List I( the union List) containing 97 items on which
only one parliament can legislate ; List II (the state Environment Protection Act, 1986 (Hazardous
List) containing 66 items on which only state wastes rules, 1989 as amended)
legislatures can make laws; and List III(the In exercise of the rule making power as conferred on
concurrent List) containing 47 items on which the it by section 6 of the EPA, the government of India
parliament and state legislatures both can legislate. promulgated Hazardous Wastes Rules, 1989 which
Further, by the forty-second Amendment Act, the came into force on July 28 1989.30 These rules were
following subjects were transferred from State List to extensively amended by the central government on
the concurrent List to enable the parliament to January 6, 2000,31 and may 23,2003,32 in order to
legislate on environmental issues. give effect to the legal developments which tookplace
after entry into force of the Basel convention. Based
Forests:17A on the experience gained in the implementation of
these rules, Hazardous Waste( Management,
Protection of wild animals and birds:17B Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules

26 30
(1866) LRI Exch.265. Hazardous Waste (Management and
Philip S. James with Latham Brown, General Handling)Rules, 1989( w.e.f.July 1989)
Principles of the Law of Torts (1978) p.177-178 Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling)
J.S. Sarkar, Indian Penal Code , 1860, Vol.1 654 Amendment Rules, 2000 ( w.e.f.January 6, 2000)
(2001) Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling)
Came into force on January 3, 1997. Amendment Rules, 2003( w.e.f.May 23,2003)

2008,33 have been notified repealing the earlier Rules the applicability of the precautionary approach
with a view to ensuring effective implementation. principle to the case of illegal import of hazardous
The Rules were further amended on 21 july, 2009.34 wastes to the country and observed that the ban
These Rules as amended, prohibit import and export imposed by Indian laws on the import of hazardous
of hazardous waste which include an type of wastes is in conformity with that principle which is
explosive, inflammable liquids, inflammable solids, now a part of customary International law.
constituents or wastes liable to spontaneous
combustion, constituents or waste which in contact, Conclusion
infectious waste, toxic or eco-toxic. Despite a growing concern on Hazardous Waste
management nationally and internationally, the
E. Judicial response problem of trading in Hazardous waste continues. To
The Supreme Court of India has been quick in protect the basic right to life of its people the
tackling the issue of illegal import of hazardous international community has to strictly adhere to
wastes to the country. In the research foundation international norms on waste management. In
case, the court directed as far back as on may 5,1997 hazardous waste management states have to think
that (1) with effect from that date no authorization globally and act locally. Though India has brought its
/permission would be given by any authority for the national legislation in line with the Basel Convention
import which have already been banned by the there is lot of work to be done. There are several
central government or by on order made by any court cities in India, only a few have a systematic sewage
or any authority; and (2) with effect from that date no mechanism. Many cities dispose off their domestic
import would be made or permitted by any authority and industrial waste in near water bodies. With the
or any person of any hazardous wastes which is countries population at over one billion and the
already banned under the Basel convention or to be occurrence of unplanned development and rapid
banned hereafter with effect from the date specified urbanization, the generation of waste has also
therein.35 increased phenomenally. A proper, efficient and
sustainable waste management system is still
In view of the serious nature of the problem, the uncommon in India. The problem, at present, is that
Supreme Court, by order dated October 13, 1997 the enforcement mechanism lacks teeth and has failed
constituted a High Powered Committee (HPC) to in curbing the improper handling of hazardous waste.
study all the relevant aspects of the hazardous wastes The need of the hour is to have stringent
management including import/export of hazardous implementation of the Existing rules, which will lead
wastes to or from the country. By its order dated to proper collection mechanism, sound recycling
October 14, 2003, the court endorsed the report of the technologies, adequate and scientifically designed
HPC and issued several directions to the ministry of disposal sites. Sustainable development concerns or
environment and forests and the Central Pollution enabling recovery and reuse of useful material from
Control Board (CPCB). hazardous waste and thereby reducing the waste for
final disposal is certainly a welcome thought. But the
The Supreme Court also constituted a Monitoring steps, in fact, seem to be more favorable towards
Committee (SCMC) which will oversee that the making India a ‘Dumping Destination’ in garb of
directions of court are timely implemented.36 In its ‘Recycling Destination’.
judgment of January 5, 2005 in the research
foundation case,37 the Supreme Court has examined

Hazardous Waste( Management , Handling and
Transboundary Movement) Rules,2008 (
w.e.f.October 22, 2008)
Hazardous Waste( Management , Handling and
Transboundary Movement) Rules,2009 (w.e.f. July
Order dated May 5, 1997 in Writ Petition (Civil)
No 657 of 1995
Order dated October 14, 2003.
2005(1) SCALE 87


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