Handicraft - 8-Q3-LAS3&4 - B

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Learning Activity Sheet WEEK 3 & 4
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) 8
TOPIC: Embroidered Article
Name of Learner: _____________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _____________________________ Date: _________________

I. Background Information for Learners

In this lesson, you will focus on the creation of embroidered article. You are expected to observe
good working habits while performing the task. The skills acquired will be beneficial in maintaining
orderliness and safety while working.
II. Learning Competency with code:
L O 2: Create Embroidered Article
II.4 Observe good working habits.
III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites
1. Department of Education-K to 12 Handicraft Making Learning Module for Exploratory Courses. Principles
and Elements of Design, and Good Working Habits on Handicraft Production. Pages 37-39
2. youtube.com. TLE M. Huliganga Technology and Livelihood Education. “TLE Handicraft Exploratory Course
for Grade 7&8 Lesson 1.3 Create Embroidered Article”. Accessed November 19, 2020.
IV. Activity Proper
1. Directions/Instructions
Read Principles and Elements of design, and good working habits on K to 12 learning modules on Handicraft
Production, pages 37-39.

Activity No. 1: Agree or Disagree

Directions: Below is a table that contains statements of a working habits. Your task is to agree or disagree whether the
following are good working habits. Please check (/) into the next column if you agree on the statement and (X) if you
Working Habits Agree (/) or
1. Put your scraps of cloth and thread in a plastic bag.
2. Assemble all needed materials.
3. Clean your working area once a month.
4. Do not fold keep your fabric in plastic after working each day.
5. Use only available needle for all types of cloth.
6. Have clean sewing box with complete sewing tools.
7. Wash your hand while working.
8. A meter length of thread is appropriate to use for easier sewing.
9. Follow the step-by-step procedure.
10. If scissors are not available, use your teeth in cutting thread to
make your task easier.

ACTIVITY 2: Do it right!
Directions: Using your answer in exercise number 1, list down all the statements that you disagree and re-
write these statements to be agreeable. Complete the table below.
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Statement Good Working Habit
1.Wash your hands while working 1. Wash your hand before working

ACTIVITY 3: Check them out!

Directions: Observe any member of the family or watch a video doing stitching and embroidery task.
Guide Questions
1. What are the good working habits you observe from any member of the family while performing the
embroidery task?

2. What is likely to happen when these good working habits are not observe when forming the task?

V. Reflection

Directions: Share your thoughts. Write your answer on the space provided.

What it is in you?

a. What are your realizations while performing the activities?

b. As a student, how can good working habits help you in dealing with task and challenges?

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VI. Answer Key

Activity No. 1 Agree or Disagree

Working Habits Agree (/) or

Disagree (X)
1. Put your scraps of cloth and thread in a plastic bag √
2. Assemble all needed materials. √
3. Clean your working area once a month. X
4. Do not fold keep and your fabric in plastic after working each day. X
5. Use only available needle for all types of cloth. X
6. Have a clean sewing box with complete sewing tools. √
7. Wash your hand while working. X
8. A meter length of thread is appropriate to use for easier sewing. X
9. Follow the step-by-step procedure. √
10. Use your teeth in cutting thread to make your task easier. X

Activity No. 2 Do it right!

Suggested answer. Learners may use their own words.

1. Clean your working area once a month.

Correct: Clean your working area before you leave.
2. Do not fold and keep your fabric in plastic after working each day.
Correct: Fold and keep your fabric in plastic after working each day.
3. Use only available needle for all types of cloth.
Correct: Use appropriate needle for each types of cloth.
4. A meter length of thread is appropriate to use for easier sewing.
Correct: An elbow length of thread is appropriate to use for easier sewing.
5. Use your teeth in cutting thread to make your task easier.
Correct: Use scissor in cutting thread.

Exercise No. 3: Check them out!

Answer may vary.

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