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Group Activities & Discussions

Turn to Your Neighbor and

say.......God is good


Adventist Youth (AY)

Sharing our testimony is an essential part of our Christian journey. Encourage the
church to share the God news of Christ more.
Program Aim
Sharing our testimony is an essential part of our Christian journey. Encourage the
church to share the God news of Christ more.
Scripture References
1 John 5:11
Theme Song(s)
My Maker and my King (15), I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
Preparations and resources


Turn to your Neighbour and Say…..God is good

Scripture Reading
1 John 5:11 “This is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is
found in his Son.”
Psalm 66:16 “Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did
for me.”


Opening Remarks:
The Bible is filled with snippets of person’s lives. The Bible tells of their experiences,
character, victories, shortcomings, and so much more. These men and women were
not chosen because they were special but because they had a story to tell that
would be impactful throughout the ages, even for every Christian who reads the
Bible today.
For a judge to rule in most cases, they need the eyewitness account of someone
who saw the act committed. You see, judges need someone to testify about what
occurred. Turn to your neighbour and say Testify.

The question for today is, whose account would you believe? Would you believe
someone who experienced it for themselves or someone who heard from someone,
who heard from someone, who heard from someone?
As long as you witness God, you should have a testimony about what transpired.
Do you have a testimony an eyewitness account of what God has done for you? I
dare say without apology that every Christian should have a testimony.

If you don’t, you are a LIAR, and you do not know Jesus. Who woke you up this
morning? Who has kept you and your loved ones safe from harm seen and unseen?
Who has preserved your health?
Who gave you a job? Who took you through school?
Who found you a spouse?
Turn to your neighbour and say God is good and He has done something for me.
It is important to keep a testimony on your lips because your testimony can remind
someone that Jesus is real and He will bring victory to them just as He has brought
victory for you.

Have the church give testimonies in any way that comes to mind (song, testimony,
poetry). You could ask persons to prepare testimonies. The AY Leader should start
the testimonies by sharing their testimonies; this would encourage the church to
share their testimonies.

Special Music:
Main Feature: Church in discussion
Break up the church into small groups. Have each group present the best bible
story of victory over a situation and how God came through in a powerful way.
You could ask each group to present in either song, poetry, debate or presentation.

Vespers: The benefits of sharing your testimony


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Zawolo kollie (not verified) , Jan 04 2022 - 7:00am

Very interesting

Fungai (not verified) , Jan 08 2022 - 10:35pm

Very practical and edifying guide, thank you so much!
K.Thomas (not verified) , Jan 09 2022 - 6:16am
I love it... as an AY leader I never knew I would be in this position .. I have a
testimony to share....

Sanfan Rioba (not verified) , Jan 13 2022 - 3:58pm

I love this program, God bless you

Anonymous (not verified) , Jan 16 2022 - 9:24am

I love this idea. Sometimes it is challenging to find inspiring and new idea. Thank
you. God continues to inspire you both.��
Anonymous (not verified) , Jan 21 2022 - 3:56pm
This program is awesome. Thank you so much. Keep up the good work

Benson benny (not verified) , Jan 31 2022 - 5:09am

Well researched .Thank you so much. God bless you

Nobuhle (not verified) , Feb 26 2022 - 1:26am

Thank you so much for this program, as a Sabbath school Superintendent I'm really
Harry Richard (not verified) , Mar 10 2022 - 7:31am
This site has helped me alot to improve my church programs, thank you ��

Mariefe (not verified) , Mar 16 2022 - 4:59pm

Thank you for this inspiring article. May the Lord God continue to bless you with

Louise (not verified) , Apr 15 2022 - 2:37am

I really look forward to your programs..May God bless you and your wife..
Ruthy (not verified) , Apr 23 2022 - 10:29am
Praise God for this program. It helps me a lot…. I’m excited to share this to our
fellow believers in Christ. Thank you so much for this wonderful idea. Good bless
you always

Criselda (not verified) , Jun 25 2022 - 6:38pm

Thank you so much for this, very helpful activity.

Ednah Nkosi (not verified) , Jan 30 2023 - 4:47am

Thank you for this programs
John Amram (not verified) , Sep 08 2023 - 9:49pm
Blessed be the name of our heavenly Father and GOD for this programs that HE
inspired you to share to me with my people here in Nauru in bringing Him honor and
glory to save us from sin and also to share His love, light and truths to others
(neighbours) as well..God Bless you and this ministry Amen��

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