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The Divine Total Marks

Education System 100

Final Term (2023-24)
Subject: General Knowledge Marks Obtained

Time allowed: 3 Hours

Grade : 03 District Charsadda

Student Name: ______________________ Roll No. ____________ Teacher Sign: _____________

Question 1:chose the correct option

i. Rehman is coming home _____________ the market
a. From b. on c. Stars
ii. The teacher wrote ___________ the background
a. Up b. on c. down
iii. Quaid-e-Azam was born on 25th __________ 1876.
a. January b. June c. December
iv. Ayesha ran quickly _____________ the hill
a. Up b. in c. Lahore
v. Tony tripped and rolled _____________ the hill
a. In b. down c. scientist

Question 2: write these number as words

10 11
13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

21 22
Question 3: Complete the following sentences in your own words
i. Nasir liked ._________
ii. Nasir caught hold._______________
iii. Nasir’s uncle was a .________________
iv. Nasir was frightened .______________
v. Look.______________ it carefully.

Question 4: Answer any SEVEN of the following questions.

i. What do the birds and trees do?
ii. What does the lighting do?
iii. What happens to the stars sometimes?
iv. Why do you think Dad won’t answer the questions?
v. Do you know the answers to any of the questions?
vi. Why did everyone leave the places?

vii. Who lived in the cracks of the floors?

Viii who agreed to use another path?
Ix what did the elephants remember?

1. What is your Name?


2. Write in weekly Name.


3. Write in Months Name

4. I’m ___________________ year old.

5. I’m a _______________________ boy/ girl

6. I’m studying __________________. class

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