Thi Speaking HPTA1 06122022

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Unit 1: Task C, page 10

Student A is an interviewer. Student B is an interviewee

Student A Ask Student B:
Offer tea or coffee 1. if he /she would like to
Ask Student B to tell about work abroad;
himself / herself 2. if there are any hours he /
Find out Student B’s ability to: she wouldn’t be able to work
1. speak any languages; 3. for the best phone
2. use Excel, PowerPoint or number to contact him / her
Publisher; 4. to repeat the phone
3. drive number
Bài nói:
A: Hello, B. I’m A. Thanks so much for coming.
B: It’s my pleasure. Thanks a lot for meeting with me.
A: How are you doing today?
B: I’m doing really well. It’s such a nice day out there.
A: Of course. Would you like some tea or coffee before we start?
B: I’m so fine. Thanks
A: Well, let’s start. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?
B: My full name is Nguyen Van B. I’m 23 years old. I graduated from UEH
University with majoring International Business Law. I have 1 year experience
for the position of Legal staff. I’m interested in legal issues, human rights and
interests. People usually describe me as a honest, frank and progressive
A: That’s so great. Can you tell me about your ability to foreign languages?
B: Well, I can speak fluently English. In addition, I’m currently studying French.
A: I hope you will be proficient in it soon. Let’s another quetion? Can you use
Excel, Powerpoint or Publisher?
B: Not very well. But I’m doing a course next week.
A: Can you drive a car?
B: Oh, I just received B2 diploma yesterday.
A: It’s great. If you have the opportunity to go abroad to work, what do you
B: Well, I think it’s very attractive. It gives me the chance to meet different
people, explore different cultures and even learn various skills such as
problem solving, independent thinking skills,...
A: Are there any hours you wouldn’t be able to work?
B: I’m focusing on career path, so I am willing to work anytime. So, I hope to
have the chance to work for you.
A: It’s so good. Could you tell me for the best phone number to contact with
B: It’s 0999 666 123
A: Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part. Did you say 122?
B: No, It’s 123
A: Ok, thanks. It's nice to meet you. I can tell that you are a good candidate.
Expect to hear from us within a week or so about the job.
B: Nice meeting you, too. Thanks for your time.
Unit 1: Task F, page 11 (Role play 2)
Student A

Student B

Bài nói:
Unit 2: Task C, page 18

Bài nói:
Unit 2: page 21:
-You are Directors of Dino Conti Ice Cream.
-Summarize the reasons for falling profits (use information in CD1.24) and talk
about your investment plan, with reasons for your choices.
Reasons for falling profits:
*Price: Looking high
*Products: Not a very wide range of flavours; packaging not very exciting;
need more new, exciting products; more health-conscious products
*Equipment: Needs upgrading, especially fleet of trucks
*Environment: Recycle containers; take fat out of waste products; give pure
water to local communities
*Outlets: Need more

Bài nói:
A: Good morning, I'm A, the director of marketing. Thanks for coming to the
meeting today.
B: Hello A, I'm B, the production manager. It's nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you too. So let's get straight to the topic today. Recently, the
company has seen a significant drop in profits since the number of sales didn't
seem to be positive in the last 6 months. You've probably known it, right?
B: Yes, I did know about it. After some careful research, I've concluded some
main reasons. First of all, we don't offer a very wide range of flavors and our
packaging is not very exciting. Therefore, we ought to make more new, exciting,
and health-conscious products. What is more, it's the lack of customer access. This
means that we should expand the outlets to sell our products.
A: I completely agree. We should also take a look at our equipment. It needs
upgrading, especially the fleet of trucks. Besides, our prices are beginning to look
rather high.
B: I agree with you, and we should consider environmental issues too. It
would be great to do more for the environment. For example, recycle our
containers, take the fat out of our waste products then give pure water to local
A: Okay I think that's enough. Let's move to the next part. Now we have to
pick out the most efficient investment plan. The cost must be limited to 3$ million
and our goal is to solve our current problems and enable Dino Conti to become a
competitive international business.
B: I would recommend buying out our biggest competitor, Tutti Frutti Ice
Cream. After the buyout, we will be the biggest ice cream company in the
Californian market, and number two in the US as a whole. With the buyout, we can
enter the Chinese market. Tutti Frutti already manufacturers in China. We will move
most of our production to -Tutti Frutti 's factories in the US and China. Their
equipment is more modern than ours. This corresponds to our main objective: to
become a competitive international business. What do you think?
A: That's amazing. I'm thinking about the next step. Increase our advertising
budget. Following the buyout, we will advertise all our products in most markets
under the Dino Conti brand. A big campaign will increase awareness of our products
in parts of the US where we are not well-known. In Asia, we will sell under the Tutti
Frutti brand, as consumers know this brand there. Bill Kingsley will choose a new
advertising agency in time for new campaigns to begin after the buyout is
B: The total cost of the two plans is about $2,5M. That's well fit our budget.
A: That's awesome. I think that's all for today. We'll set another day to discuss
the plans in more detail. Thank you so much. See you soon.
B: Yes thank you.
Unit 3: Task D, page 27
Student A Student B
You are Martin. You want to: You are Chen. You want:
1 . sell Chen some deluxe four-seater 1. to buy an additional five deluxe
models of your cars. four-seater cars. Negotiate on the
-Price: €20,000; discount of 5% for price. Try to get a 10% discount on
first order the order;
2 . offer only two colors for your
four-seater cars: white and black. 2. ask for four colors for the four-
-Extra colors will raise the price by seater cars: black, white, red and
5%. blue;
3 . send a Pulse mechanic to China
every six months to service the cars. 3. after-sales service: a Pulse
-You can train local mechanics at a mechanic visits every three months;
cost of €200 per hour. -a training course for a local car-
repair firm.
Bài nói:
B: Hello, I’m A. Today, I want to buy an additional five deluxe four – seater
cars. Can you introduce your car’s prices?
A: Each five deluxe four – seater car costs €20,000, we offer a discount of 5%
for first order
B: Oh, I think that price is too high. Can we get a 10% discount on the order?
A: Sorry, I can’t. It’s our company policy.
B: Ok. I take a 5% discount.
A: What color do you want for your four – seater cars?
B: Four color: black, white, red and blue.
A: Sorry, we offer only two colors for your four-seater cars: white and black.
However, if you want other colors like red and blue, the price will increase by 5%.
B: Let’s talk about after-sales service. We want a Pulse mechanic visits every
three months to service the cars.
A: I’m afraid we can’t afford that. It’s our company policy to send a Pulse
mechanic to China every six months to service the cars
B: That’s Ok. So what about a free training course for a local car-repair firm?
A: We can train local mechanics at a cost of €200 per hour.
B: I think it’s would be better if you could reduce the fee.
A:We can offer you a discount of 10% the fee.
B: Great. I think that we’re covered everything.
Unit 4: Task E, page 41 (students C and D)
GLP of Buenos Aires has developed a new wallet, code-named ‘The Hipster’. It
will be launched in the US. The marketing department holds a meeting to discuss a
strategy for selling it.

Bài nói

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