GEPT Elementary Writing Quiz 2

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GEPT Elementary Writing Quiz 1



1.My sister cleans the living room every Sunday.

The living room is cleaned by my sister every Sunday.

這是主動改被動的寫法, 一定要會哦!

2.The Taylors are going to buy a new house.

Who is going to buy a new house?

利用 5W 問你原句如何改寫,這也很常出的題目!


What are the Taylors going to do?

3.People speak English all over the world.

English is spoken by the people al over the world.

同第一題,所以 by the people 可以省略!

4.My mother spent three thousand dollars buying a new coat.

How much did my mother spend buying a new coat?

spend 是在閱讀及寫作中都會出的,所以一定必會;

S + spend + Ving~.

5.I can't fly, because I am not a bird.

If I were a bird, I could fly. 現在假設語氣的改法


6.Jack drank a Coke before lunch.

His mother told him not to it.

Jack's mother told him not to drink a Coke before lunch.

要記得 先把 His mother 改為 Jack's mother

Coke =Coca-Cola

7.The food in that restaurant is delicious.

The food in that restaurant is cheap. (用 not only...but also...)

The food in that restaurant is not only delicious but also cheap .

not only ~ but also ~ 一定會用來連接兩個對等的 (1) 主詞;(2) 名詞;(3)形容詞;


Not only John but also Miachel likes to play basketball.

Ally cleaned not only the bathroom but also the living room.

Ally is not only intelligent but also gorgeous.

Ally not only cooks delicious spaghetti but also washes the dishes.

8.The man is one of my friends.

He criticized the man yesterday. (用 whom)

He criticized the man whom is one of my friends yesterday.

9.Sally can't play the piano.

Sally can't play basketball. (用 neither...nor...)

Sally can play neither the piano nor basketball.

由於 neither ~nor ~是否定的意思了,因此前面的動詞就不需要再用否定寫法了!

10.Jane was reading the book.

Her mother was mopping the floor.(用 while)

While Jane was reading the book, her mother was mopping the floor.
1. Rex finished his report before he played online games. (用…after…改寫句子)
2. Talking in English is not difficult for Sherry. (用虛主詞 It 開頭改寫句子)



1. The weather is cold, so I don’t want to go for a drive.

If the weather ________________________________________go for a drive.

2. Robbie’s humorous stories were entertaining to us.

We ______________________________________________humorous stories.

3. “I like your new shoes.” I said to Tom.

I said to Tom that _________________________________________________.

4. Driving too fast is very dangerous.

It is ______________________________________________________ too fast.

5. Timmy is seven years old.

Timmy is _____________________________________________________ boy.


6. Michael is a dentist.

Sarah is a dentist, too.

ÕBoth __________________________________________________________.

7. Mr. Lee stands in front of the podium (講台).

Mr. Lee is giving a lecture (授課).

ÕMr. Lee ________________________________________________a lecture.

8. The T-shirt is too small.

I can’t wear it.

Õ_____________________________________________________. (用 too… )

9. The white building is twenty stories high.

The gray building is twelve stories high.

ÕThe white building _______________________________the gray building.

10. He broke his arm yesterday.

He was trying to ascending the ladder (爬梯子).

Õ______________________________________________________.(用 when)


11. 2001 / July / 21st / Saturday

It is ______________________________________________________ today.

12. another / can / I / cheese burger / have

________________________________________________________, Mother?

13. the / off / next stop / at / get

I’ll ____________________________________________________________.

14. be / very / this / it’ll / hot

________________________________________________________ summer.

15. a / is / such / quiet / girl

She ____________________________________________________________ .

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