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All of the following properties or processes are associated with

living things, EXCEPT?

✓ living things do not require food for energy to perform
different activities.

Which of the following sequences represents the hierarchy of

biological organization from the least to the most complex
✓ molecule, cell, organ system, population, ecosystem,

Which of the following is a false statement regarding

✓All forms of life are composed of cells that have a
membrane enclosed nucleus.

In terms of the hierarchical organization of life, a

bacterium is
at the __________ level of organization, whereas a human is
at the __________ level of organization.
✓ single celled organism; multicellular organism

The lowest level of biological organization that can

perform all the activities required for life is the
✓ cell–for example, a skin cell.

Which of the following is a false statement

regarding deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?
✓ DNA is an enzyme that puts together
amino acids to make a protein.
Once labor begins in child birth, contractions
increase in intensity and frequency until
delivery. The increasing labor contractions of
child birth are an example of
✓ positive feedback.

When blood glucose level rises, the pancreas

secretes insulin, and as a result blood glucose
level declines. When blood glucose level is
low,the pancreas secretes glucagon, and as a
result blood glucose level rises. Such regulation
of blood glucose level is the result of
✓ negative feedback.

Which of the following is a major cause of the size limits

for certain types of cells?
✓ the need for a surface area of sufficient area to allow the
cell’s function

Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that

specialize in producing which of the following molecules?
✓ proteins

Which type of organelle is primarily involved in the

synthesis of oils, phospholipids, and steroids?
✓ smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Which structure is the site of the synthesis of

proteins that maybe exported from the cell?
✓ Rough ER
In animal cells, hydrolytic enzymes are packaged to
prevent general destruction of cellular components.
Which of the following organelles functions in this
✓ lysosome

The liver is involved in detoxification of many poisons and

drugs. Which of the following structures is primarily
involved in this process and therefore abundant in liver cells?
✓ smooth ER

Which of the following produces and modifies polysaccharides

that will be secreted?
✓ Golgi apparatus

Which is one of the main energy transformers of cells?

✓ mitochondrion

Which of the following contains its own DNA and

✓ mitochondrion

Cells can be described as having a cytoskeleton of internal

structures that contribute to the shape, organization,
and movement of the cell. Which of the following are
part of the cytoskeleton?
✓ microfilaments

Which structure is not part of the endomembrane system?

✓ Mitochondria

Which of the following types of molecules are the major

structural components of the cell membrane?
✓ phospholipids and proteins

Which of the following is true of integral membrane proteins?

✓ They are usually transmembrane proteins.
Which of these often serve as receptors or cell
recognition molecules on cell surfaces?
✓ glycoproteins

What kinds of molecules pass through a cell membrane

most easily?
✓ small and hydrophobic

Which of the following statements is correct about

✓ It is a passive process in which molecules move from a
region of higher concentration to a region of lower

Water passes quickly through cell membranes because

✓ it moves through aquaporins in the membrane.

Which of the following statements correctly describes

the normal tonicity conditions for typical plant and animal
✓ The animal cell is in an isotonic solution, and the plant cell
is in a hypotonic solution.

What are the membrane structures that function in

active transport?
✓ integral proteins
An organism with a cell wall would have the most
difficulty doing which process?
✓ phagocytosis

Which of the following is NOT one of the levels of

structural organization of the human body?
✓ ecosystem

The term that specifically refers to the maintenance of a

relatively stable internal state is _____.
✓ homeostasis

A negative feedback mechanism _______________.

✓ acts to oppose the effect of the initial stimulus

Which of the following statements is correct?

✓ The heart is medial to the lungs.

In humans the directional term posterior is

synonymous with the term ________.
✓ dorsal

Which of the following planes divides the body into two

equal lateral halves?
✓ midsagittal

The two major body cavities are the

✓ dorsal and ventral cavities.

The parietal pleura lines

✓ the walls of the thoracic cavity.

Gross anatomy includes all of the following except

✓ cellular anatomy.

Epithelium is an example of which of the following levels of

✓ organ

Structures found within the mediastinum include the

✓ lungs

Structures found within the right iliac region include

✓ appendix

An MRI involves
✓ exposing the body to a strong magnetic field.

Which of the following is primary source of energy

for body cells?
✓ carbohydrates

The basement membrane is located between which of the

following tissue types?
✓ epithelial and connective tissue

Embryonic ectoderm develops into which of the following

major tissue types?
✓ nervous tissue and muscle tissue

What type of tissue forms tendons?

✓ dense regular connective tissue

What is the role of mucus in the nasal cavity:

✓ trap incoming bacteria and other foreign debris
The gas exchange that occurs between blood and tissue
cells at systemic capillaries is called:
✓ internal respiration

The flap of elastic cartilage that protects food from

entering the larynx when swallowing is the:
✓ epiglottis

In order to inspire:
the intrapulmonary volume must increase

Which of the following types of epithelial tissue line the

interior of blood vessels?
✓ endothelium

Which of the following is a unicellular gland associated

with mucus production?
✓ goblet cell

Which of the following apical epithelial cell structures

functions in the movement of materials across the surface of
the cell?
✓ cilia

Which of the following descriptions best describe a

squamous-shaped cell?
✓ a flattened, scalelike cell

Which of the following epithelial tissue types is best adapted

for the rapid transport of materials across its
✓ simple squamous
Which of the following is NOT a function of areolar
connective tissue?
✓ movement of body parts

Which of the following is NOT a function of epithelial tissues?

✓ control

Which of the following is NOT an example of connective

✓ transitional

Which of the following tissues lines the majority of

the digestive tract?
✓ simple columnar

Which of the following types of epithelial tissue provides the

greatest amount of protection from rubbing, wear, and
✓ stratified squamous

Which of the following indicates the proper sequence of

tissue repair?
✓ inflammation, blood clotting, organization,

Which of the following are functional characteristics of

epithelial tissue?
✓ secretion, protection, absorption, filtration

Mucous that protects your stomach lining is secreted by

which type of epithelial cell?
✓ simple columnar.
A type of connective tissue that provides primary support
and protection for body structures is _____.
✓ osseous tissue

Which of the following tissue types controls body

✓ nervous tissue

Which of the following is found on the surface of the skin?

✓ stratified squamous epithelium

Microvilli are found on the ________ of the epithelial

✓ apical surface

Epithelial cells have all of the following properties

EXCEPT ___________.
✓ poor regeneration

The presence of keratin provides a tough protective

characteristic to ___________.
✓ stratified squamous epithelium

Connective tissue arises from which of the following

embryonic tissue?
✓ mesoderm

What is the chief purpose of the Golgi apparatus?

✓ Prepare and package proteins in vesicles for export
to other parts of the body
Which tissue is a continuous sheet of tightly packed
cells and covers the body’s surface, lines body cavities
and many of its organs, and forms certain glands?
 Epithelial tissue

Which of the following statements about epithelial tissue is

✓ Epithelial tissue has no blood supply and depends
completely on the connective tissue beneath it to supply it with
oxygen and nutrients.

Which tissue is the most widespread and varied of

all the tissues?
✓ Connective

Which type of cartilage makes up the discs in the

✓ Fibrocartilage

Which part of the neuron transmits impulses to

other cells?
 Axon

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