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We evaluated problem behavior and appropriate behavior using the matching equation
with 4 individuals with developmental disabilities. Descriptive observations were con-
ducted during interactions between the participants and their primary care providers in
either a clinical laboratory environment (3 participants) or the participant’s home (1
participant). Data were recorded on potential reinforcers, problem behavior, and appro-
priate behavior. After identifying the reinforcers that maintained each participant’s prob-
lem behavior by way of functional analysis, the descriptive data were analyzed retrospec-
tively, based on the matching equation. Results showed that the proportional rate of
problem behavior relative to appropriate behavior approximately matched the propor-
tional rate of reinforcement for problem behavior for all participants. The results extend
prior research because a functional analysis was conducted and because multiple sources
of reinforcement (other than attention) were evaluated. Methodological constraints were
identified, which may limit the application of the matching law on both practical and
conceptual levels.
DESCRIPTORS: matching, descriptive analysis, severe problem behavior, functional

Choice may be defined as the emission of among concurrently available response alter-
one of two or more alternative and usually natives in the same proportion that reinforc-
incompatible responses (Catania, 1998). In ers are distributed among those alternatives.
operant laboratories, choice has been evalu- The matching law may also be expressed
ated typically in concurrent-schedule ar- mathematically as follows:
rangements (e.g., Herrnstein, 1961) under
which two or more schedules operate simul- R1 r1
5 , (1)
taneously but independently, and conse- R1 1 R 2 r 1 1 r 2
quences are delivered for different response
alternatives. Herrnstein provided a quanti- where R1 represents the rate of Response 1,
tative description of behavior on concurrent R2 represents the rate of Response 2, r1 rep-
schedules of reinforcement now known as resents the reinforcement rate for R1, and r2
the matching law. The matching law states represents the reinforcement rate for R2.
that organisms will distribute their behavior A number of basic and applied studies on
choice have shown that both nonhuman and
human behavior generally conform to the re-
Preparation of this manuscript and portions of the
data collection were supported in part by Grant lation described by the matching equation
HD38698 from the National Institute of Child when reinforcement schedules are precisely
Health and Human Development. We thank Jennifer controlled (Baum, 1979; Davison & Mc-
Asmus, Jesse Dallery, and Brian Iwata for their assis- Carthy, 1988; Mace, Neef, Shade, & Mauro,
tance with an earlier version of this manuscript. We
also thank Jason Bourret, Anibal Gutierrez, and Carrie 1994; McDowell, 1988; Neef & Lutz, 2001;
Wright for their assistance with various aspects of this Neef, Mace, & Shade, 1993). In addition,
study. transformations of Equation 1 allow the in-
Reprints may be obtained from Timothy R. Voll-
mer, Department of Psychology, The University of corporation of additional variables known to
Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. influence response allocation, such as mag-


nitude of reinforcement, quality of reinforce- ments based on the relative rates of rein-
ment, delay to reinforcement, and duration forcement available for each response alter-
of reinforcement (Baum, 1974b). Although native.
it is clear that each of these variables may Collectively, the experiments by Conger
control response allocation, in the current and Killeen (1974), Beardsley and McDow-
investigation we have chosen to analyze rate ell (1992), and Schroeder and Holland
of reinforcement during interactions be- (1969) demonstrated the robustness of the
tween primary care providers (usually par- matching law with humans under tightly
ents) and individuals who engage in severe controlled experimental conditions. Howev-
problem behavior. er, there have also been attempts to describe
Historically, the matching law has been naturally occurring behavior–environment
evaluated in experimental analyses (i.e., di- interactions in terms of matching. In what
rect manipulation of an independent vari- may be the first evaluation of matching out-
able). In a seminal experiment, Herrnstein side the basic operant laboratory, Baum
(1961) measured the allocation of responses (1974a) measured response allocation in a
among concurrent variable-interval (VI) flock of wild pigeons using a standard lab-
schedules for 3 pigeons. Results showed oratory apparatus. Pigeons could receive
that the proportion of responses that were grain by pecking one of two response keys
emitted on either the left or the right key that were controlled by separate VI counters.
equaled the proportion of reinforcers deliv- Results showed that the combined propor-
ered as a result of pecks on the respective tional response rates of the flock on the two
keys. response alternatives matched the propor-
Results of experimentation with nonhu- tional reinforcement associated with those
mans have been extended to humans. For alternatives. In a recent study evaluating ath-
example, Conger and Killeen (1974) dem- letic performance, Vollmer and Bourret
onstrated that college students distributed (2000) applied a version of the matching
statements within a conversation to a con- equation to evaluate the allocation of two-
federate in direct proportion to the rate of and three-point shots made by male and fe-
positive statements delivered by the confed- male basketball players from college teams.
erate. In a similar study, Beardsley and Mc- As predicted, the overall distribution of two-
Dowell (1992) evaluated time allocation and three-point shots matched the overall
based on naturalistic social reinforcement distribution of reinforcement associated with
during interactions between college students the two alternatives when reinforcer magni-
and an experimenter using the single alter- tude was weighted into the matching equa-
native formulation of the matching equa- tion.
tion. Results showed that the matching Although the potential therapeutic sig-
equation accounted for a significant propor- nificance of the matching law has been not-
tion of the variance in the distribution of ed (McDowell, 1981; Myerson & Hale,
time allocation. In a novel evaluation of 1984; Noll, 1995; Pierce, Epling, & Greer,
matching in humans, Schroeder and Hol- 1981), very few demonstrations of the
land (1969) arranged reinforcers (i.e., sig- matching law with clinically significant be-
nals) in a concurrent-schedule arrangement havior problems have been reported in the
contingent on macrosaccadic eye move- literature. In an attempt to extend the gen-
ments. With the addition of a changeover erality of the matching law to socially sig-
delay between response alternatives, partici- nificant human behavior, McDowell (1981)
pants matched the relative rate of eye move- evaluated data collected on the self-injuri-

ous scratching of a normally developing 11- the proportion of reinforcement made con-
year-old boy. McDowell reevaluated data tingent on each response.
that were originally reported by Carr and Current research on matching relations
McDowell (1980) on the naturally occur- and severe problem behavior may be extend-
ring rates of self-injurious behavior (SIB) ed in at least three ways. First, previous eval-
and verbal reprimands. In the initial inves- uations of matching in the natural environ-
tigation, Carr and McDowell conducted ment have assumed the reinforcing efficacy
four 20- to 30-min observations in the par- of attention (e.g., Martens & Houk, 1989).
ticipant’s home and identified verbal repri- Given the recent increase in research using
mands as a reinforcer for the participant’s functional analysis methods to identify re-
SIB. Results showed that the matching inforcers, it is no longer necessary to assume
equation accounted for 99.7% of the vari- that some events serve as reinforcers; rein-
ance in the observed rates of SIB. forcement effects can be identified empiri-
Martens and Houk (1989) also conducted cally. Second, matching evaluations of prob-
a study on severe behavior problems to assess lem behavior have not considered the pos-
matching relations in the natural environ- sibility of multiply controlled problem be-
ment. Martens and Houk evaluated match- havior in an experimental analysis of
ing based on time allocation between dis- consequent events (e.g., McDowell, 1981;
ruptive behavior and on-task behavior in an Oliver et al., 1999). Several studies have
18-year-old woman with developmental dis- shown that problem behavior reinforced by
abilities. The investigators conducted obser- attention can be maintained by other sources
vations in the participant’s classroom during of reinforcement, such as access to tangible
academic work periods with either the par- stimuli or removal of instructed activities
ticipant’s teacher or a classroom aide, using (e.g., Iwata, Pace, Dorsey, et al. 1994; Piazza
both teacher attention and aide attention as et al., 1997; Smith, Iwata, Vollmer, & Zar-
presumed reinforcers. Results showed that cone, 1993). Third, there has been an im-
the matching equation provided a useful de- plicit assumption that reinforcement rate
scription of response allocation between the drives (i.e., controls) response rate. In this
two alternatives as a function of adult atten- study, we provide evidence that in some cas-
tion. es, high reinforcement rates may drive high
More recently, Oliver, Hall, and Nixon response rates, but high response rates may
(1999) evaluated time allocation between also drive high reinforcement rates. Thus,
communicative behavior and problem be- the purpose of the current investigation was
havior in an individual with Down syn- to extend prior research on problem behav-
drome. First, the authors conducted descrip- ior and the matching law by identifying re-
tive observations of the individual during inforcers via functional analyses and by iden-
various school-related activities. Next, the tifying limitations of a matching account
authors conducted an experimental anteced- during descriptive analyses of human behav-
ent assessment of two variables hypothesized ior.
to maintain problem behavior, alternated
with a control condition. Finally, the authors
evaluated time allocation between appropri-
ate behavior and problem behavior across 1- Participants
hr observations using a variation of Equation Participants were 4 individuals with vary-
1. Results showed that problem behavior ing degrees of developmental disabilities
and communicative behavior conformed to who had been referred for the assessment

and treatment of severe problem behavior.1 haviors for Max included requests for atten-
To participate in the analysis, individuals tion (e.g., gently tapping the arm of a person
had to display both inappropriate and ap- in the room), requests for tangible items
propriate behavior under some circumstanc- (e.g., pointing to an item, then to himself ),
es. Appropriate behaviors of interest were se- and compliance, which was defined as com-
lected based on the function of problem be- pletion of a specified instruction.
havior identified via functional analysis. For Dan was a 9-year-old boy who had been
example, if problem behavior was shown to diagnosed with moderate mental retardation
be reinforced by the contingent presentation and cerebral palsy. Dan had been referred for
of tangible stimuli, the functionally equiva- the assessment and treatment of aggression
lent appropriate response would be a vocal and disruptive behavior, which consisted of
or a gestural request for the tangible item. hitting and kicking others, banging against
Linda was a 14-year-old girl who had walls, throwing materials, and property de-
been diagnosed with mild mental retarda- struction. Appropriate behaviors included
tion. Her primary target behaviors were ag- vocal requests for tangible items (e.g., ‘‘toys
gression and disruption, which consisted of please’’).
hitting, kicking, property destruction, and
spitting. Appropriate behaviors for Linda in- Data Analysis
cluded vocal requests for attention (e.g., To evaluate matching relations, we con-
‘‘Mom, I have a question’’) and vocal re- ducted two prerequisite analyses. First, we
quests for tangible items (e.g., ‘‘Can I have conducted descriptive observations and re-
my radio, please?’’). corded data on the occurrence of each par-
Mandy was a 24-year-old woman who ticipant’s behavior and subsequent environ-
had been diagnosed with Sticklers syndrome mental events (potential reinforcers). Next,
and mild mental retardation. Her primary we conducted functional analyses for each
target behavior was self-injurious behavior participant using methods similar to those
(SIB), which consisted of head banging, described by Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman,
nose punching, chin punching, and head and Richman (1982/1994). The descriptive
hitting. Appropriate behaviors for Mandy analysis was conducted before the functional
included vocal requests for attention (e.g., analysis to capture behavior during natural
‘‘Mom, let’s talk about weddings’’) and vocal interactions without previous exposure to
requests for tangible items (e.g., ‘‘May I have test contingencies during a functional anal-
that magazine?’’). ysis. Finally, when reinforcers had been iden-
Max was a 7-year-old boy who had been tified via functional analysis, we were able to
diagnosed with autism and moderate mental evaluate the descriptive data using the
retardation. Max had been referred for the matching equation.
assessment and treatment of aggression,
which consisted of hitting, slapping, and Descriptive Analysis and Settings
pulling the hair of others. Appropriate be- Descriptive analyses were conducted for
1 Descriptive data for Linda, Mandy, and Max were
all participants using the methods described
derived from the raw data from Vollmer, Borrero,
by Vollmer, Borrero, Wright, Van Camp,
Wright, Van Camp, and Lalli (2001). Vollmer et al. and Lalli (2001). Briefly, observers used a
calculated conditional probabilities of reinforcement computerized data-collection program to re-
given the occurrence of problem behavior but did not cord three potential reinforcers (attention,
report response rate or reinforcement rate. Comput-
erized printouts of the data were examined to calculate instruction termination, and access to tan-
reinforcer rates. gible items), problem behavior (see individ-

ual definitions provided above), and appro- Descriptive observations were conducted
priate behavior (see individual definitions during interactions with their primary care
provided above). Potential reinforcers were providers (parents, staff from their group
recorded as duration measures for all partic- homes) for Linda, Mandy, and Max. The
ipants (e.g., duration of attention delivered). care providers were asked to come to the
Problem behavior (e.g., SIB) and appropri- hospital for these observations. Hospital
ate behavior (e.g., requests for attention) rooms were equipped with a couch, a table,
were recorded as frequency measures. In the chairs, fold-away beds, and additional ma-
event that a potential establishing operation terials such as televisions, videocassette re-
(e.g., low attention) was not observed, par- corders, and radios when requested or upon
ents or staff were prompted to set up a par- availability. Observers were bachelors and
ticular environmental event. For example, if masters behavior analysis interns and clinical
a primary care provider had not exposed a specialists. All observers received at least 20
participant to an instructional demand sit- hr of training in behavioral observation, at-
uation by the end of the scheduled descrip- tended a 2-hr seminar on descriptive analysis
tive analysis, the care provider was asked to data-recording methods, completed at least
instruct the child to complete a self-care task 5 hr of training in a natural setting, and had
or a similar task. high interobserver agreement scores (.90%)
In addition, it was possible for up to three with previously trained observers. Observers
potential reinforcers to be scored for a single were seated behind a one-way mirror and
instance of behavior. For example, if a par- used laptop computers to collect data. Total
ticipant hit his mother after being instructed descriptive observation times were 2.1 hr,
to place his chair beneath a table, and the 2.5 hr, and 1.7 hr, respectively, for Linda,
mother responded by reprimanding the Mandy, and Max. The number of sessions
child, removing the instructional demand, conducted per day ranged between two and
and providing the child with a cup of milk, four, and the duration of sessions ranged be-
attention, instruction termination, and ac- tween 10 and 40 min. Observations were
cess to tangible items were scored. Whether conducted when primary care providers were
those consequences were counted as rein- available. These observations were a standard
forcers was determined after the reinforcers component of the assessment process at the
that maintained problem behavior were hospital.
identified via functional analysis. Attention Descriptive observations for Dan were
was defined as physical or verbal interaction conducted during interactions between his
between the participant and primary care mother and siblings throughout various lo-
providers, including hugging, manual re- cations of the participant’s home (e.g., living
straining, comfort statements, reprimands, room, kitchen). Observers were undergrad-
and so forth. Instruction termination was de- uate students enrolled in an applied behavior
fined as removal of demands and instruc- analysis laboratory class and graduate behav-
tional materials for longer than 3 s, or the ior analysis students. All observers attended
absence of instructions if the participant five 1-hr training seminars on descriptive
stopped engaging in the previously specified analysis data-recording methods, completed
task for at least 3 s. Access to tangible items at least 2 hr of training in a natural setting,
was defined as the availability of previously and had high interobserver agreement scores
restricted tangible items or previously re- (.90%) with previously trained observers.
quested items for manipulation or consump- Observers were seated as unobtrusively as
tion. possible throughout various locations of the

home. Total descriptive observation time for of access to the preferred tangible item. The
Dan was 2.4 hr. Descriptive observations for tangible condition was designed to test
all participants were arranged based on care whether problem behavior was reinforced by
provider availability, but usually occurred preferred tangible items.
three times per week for 30 min per day During the escape condition, participants
(range, 10 to 60 min). were asked to complete an instructed activ-
ity. Instructions were delivered approximate-
Functional Analysis ly every 30 s using a three-prompt sequence
Functional analyses were conducted using (Horner & Keilitz, 1975). Contingent on
procedures similar to those described by problem behavior, instructional materials
Iwata et al. (1982/1994). Clinical specialists, were removed, and a 30-s escape period was
behavior analysis interns, and graduate stu- provided. The escape condition was de-
dents in behavior analysis served as thera- signed to test whether problem behavior was
pists. Functional analysis sessions were con- reinforced by escape from instructed activi-
ducted in hospital rooms similar to those de- ties.
scribed above (Linda, Mandy, and Max) or During the control condition, the partic-
in a vacant classroom at a local elementary ipants had access to preferred tangible items
school (Dan). Three test conditions and one (e.g., magazines, milk), attention was con-
control condition were alternated in a mul- tinuously available, and no demands were
tielement design. A fourth test condition presented throughout the session. During
(the alone condition) was included for Man- the alone condition, Mandy was observed in
dy. an austere environment, and no pro-
During the attention condition, the par- grammed consequences were provided for
ticipants had access to an activity but did SIB. All functional analysis sessions lasted 10
not have access to attention unless problem min.
behavior was observed. The therapist divert- Interobserver agreement. Interobserver
ed his or her attention from the participant agreement was assessed by having a second
and proceeded to engage in paperwork. Oc- observer simultaneously but independently
currences of problem behavior resulted in a score each potential reinforcer (e.g., atten-
brief reprimand followed by statements of tion), problem behavior (e.g., aggression),
concern totaling 30 s of attention. The at- and appropriate behavior (e.g., compliance)
tention condition was designed to test during 50% of all descriptive observations
whether problem behavior was reinforced by for a total of 4.7 hr of observation time.
adult attention. Each observation was divided into consecu-
During the tangible condition, partici- tive 10-s bins, and the smaller number of
pants were permitted to engage with a pre- observed responses was divided by the larger
ferred tangible item for approximately 1 to number of observed responses (Iwata, Pace,
2 min before the item was withheld. Stimuli Cowdery, & Miltenberger, 1994). The
incorporated in the tangible condition of the smaller number of seconds was divided by
functional analysis were identified via a free- the larger number of seconds within the 10-
operant preference assessment using meth- s bins and the obtained values were averaged
ods similar to those described by Roane, for the entire observation session for all du-
Vollmer, Ringdahl, and Marcus (1998). The ration measures. Agreement averaged 81.1%
therapist interacted with the participant on (range, 69.5% to 94.3%) for attention,
a fixed-time (FT) 30-s schedule, and occur- 88.6% (range, 83.5% to 93.6%) for escape
rences of problem behavior resulted in 30 s from instructed activities, and 85.4% (range,

68% to 95.4%) for access to tangible items. the total observation time. For example, if
Agreement for Linda’s aggression and disrup- 60 instances of problem behavior were ob-
tive behavior averaged 93.5%, whereas served over a period of 2 hr, the rate of prob-
agreement for appropriate communicative lem behavior would be 30 per hour. Rate of
behavior averaged 94%. Agreement for reinforcement was calculated using a similar
Mandy’s SIB averaged 84% and averaged procedure. Next, we calculated the propor-
96.4% for appropriate communication. tional rate of problem behavior versus ap-
Agreement for Max’s aggression averaged propriate behavior and the proportional rate
96% and averaged 83.4% for appropriate of reinforcement for those alternatives in the
behavior. Agreement for Dan’s aggression context of Equation 1.
and disruptive behavior averaged 96% and
averaged 89.7% for appropriate communi-
cation. RESULTS
Interobserver agreement was assessed dur- Functional Analysis
ing 23.3% of all functional analysis sessions
for Linda and averaged 97.3% (range, Figure 1 displays the functional analysis
81.1% to 100%) for aggression and disrup- results for all participants. Results of Dan’s
tive behavior. Agreement was assessed during functional analysis showed the highest levels
26.7% of all functional analysis sessions for of aggression and disruptive behavior in the
Mandy and averaged 92.4% (range, 85% to tangible condition, suggesting that problem
100%) for SIB. Agreement was assessed dur- behavior was reinforced by access to tangible
ing 20% of all functional analysis sessions items (M 5 1.10 responses per minute).
for Max and averaged 99.2% for aggression. Max’s aggression occurred at high rates in
Agreement was assessed during 81.3% of all the attention, tangible, and escape condi-
functional analysis sessions for Dan and av- tions of the functional analysis, whereas zero
eraged 87.6% for aggression and disruptive instances of aggression were observed during
behavior. the control condition. These results suggest-
ed that Max’s aggression was reinforced by
Data Preparation adult attention, access to tangible items, and
We calculated the rate of responding for escape (Ms 5 1.38, 1.67, and 1.20 responses
both problem behavior and appropriate be- per minute, respectively).
havior as well as the reinforcement rates for Although Linda engaged in problem be-
both problem behavior and appropriate be- havior to some extent across all assessment
havior from the descriptive observation data. conditions, the highest rates were observed
An instance of problem behavior or appro- in the attention and tangible conditions (Ms
priate behavior was scored as ‘‘reinforced’’ if 5 2.97 and 3.84 responses per minute, re-
the reinforcer identified via functional anal- spectively), suggesting that problem behavior
ysis was delivered within 10 s of the behav- was reinforced by adult attention and access
ior. Although it is unknown how long after to tangible items.
a response occurs an event might function Similar results were obtained for Mandy,
as a reinforcer, 10 s was considered a reason- in that problem behavior (i.e., SIB) occurred
able starting point for analysis, and other to some extent across all conditions; how-
values could be subjected to similar analyses. ever, the highest rates of SIB were observed
To calculate the rate of both problem be- in the attention and tangible conditions (Ms
havior and appropriate behavior, we divided 5 3.95 and 3.48 responses per minute, re-
the total number of problem behaviors by spectively), suggesting that problem behavior

Figure 1. Functional analysis results for Dan (upper panel), Max (second panel), Linda (third panel), and
Mandy (bottom panel).

was reinforced by adult attention and access for Dan because he engaged in a minimum
to tangible items. of 10 behaviors across multiple 30-min ob-
After identifying the reinforcers that servations. These data also show that the rel-
maintained problem behavior for all partic- ative rate of responding for problem behav-
ipants, we were able to evaluate the descrip- ior closely matched the relative rate of re-
tive analysis data according to the matching inforcement for problem behavior, even on
equation. We could now identify the relative a session-by-session basis.
response rates for problem behavior and ap- The middle right panel of Figure 2 shows
propriate behavior as well as the relative re- a more fine-grained matching analysis for
inforcement rates for problem behavior and the 3 individuals with multiply controlled
appropriate behavior. problem behavior (Max, Linda, and Man-
dy). The open circles represent the results of
Matching Analysis the matching analysis if attention was con-
Figure 2 shows various graphic represen- sidered to be the sole reinforcer. Recall that
tations of the matching analysis for all par- previous research had either identified one
ticipants. The upper left panel shows scatter reinforcer (e.g., McDowell, 1981) or as-
plots for the proportion of problem behavior sumed the efficacy of attention as a rein-
over total behaviors emitted (i.e., problem forcer (e.g., Martens & Houk, 1989). With
behavior plus appropriate behavior) against attention considered to be the only reinforc-
the proportion of reinforcers obtained (i.e., er that maintained problem behavior, the
reinforcers for problem behavior over rein- relative rate of responding for problem be-
forcers for problem behavior plus appropri- havior consistently exceeded the relative rate
ate behavior) for all participants. The broken of reinforcement obtained for problem be-
diagonal line represents perfect matching as havior. When all sources of reinforcement
described by Equation 1. Each data point are entered into the matching equation
represents the data for 1 participant. The rel- (filled circles), the data points fall close to
ative rate of responding for problem behav- the matching line. The lower left panel
ior closely matched the relative rate of re- shows the results of the analysis presented in
inforcement for problem behavior for all the middle right panel for attention only,
participants. To remain consistent with pre- presented as response ratios. When expressed
vious analyses of matching, we plotted the as response ratios, the regression line does
data as log response ratios as a function of not match the dashed diagonal line, indicat-
log reinforcer ratios (upper right panel) ing poor adherence to the matching equa-
(Baum, 1974b; McDowell, 1989; Vollmer tion (r2 5 .085). The lower right panel
& Bourret, 2000). Again, the broken diag- shows the results of the analysis presented in
onal represents perfect matching. The solid the middle right panel for all reinforcers,
line is a best fit line, which closely matched presented as response ratios. When expressed
the dashed diagonal line, indicating close ad- as response ratios, the regression line closely
herence to the matching equation (r2 5 matched the dashed diagonal line, indicating
.997). adherence to the matching equation (r2 5
The middle left panel is a scatter plot of .996).
the proportion of problem behavior over to-
tal behaviors emitted against the proportion
of reinforced problem behavior and appro- DISCUSSION
priate behavior, obtained across four 30-min The allocation of responding between
observations. This analysis was conducted problem behavior and appropriate behavior

was evaluated from a matching perspective describing behavior reinforced on concur-

for 4 participants who engaged in severe rent VI schedules. However, the schedules of
problem behavior during interactions with reinforcement in the course of human inter-
primary care providers. Collectively, these re- actions are not pure VI schedules (Nevin,
sults provide further support for the linear 1998).
relation between relative rate of reinforce- Findings of the current investigation must
ment and relative rate of responding de- be evaluated with caution for several reasons.
scribed by the matching equation during First, the procedures described in the current
natural human interactions. The matching investigation are limited in that the reinforc-
equation accurately described response allo- ers that maintained appropriate behavior
cation between appropriate and inappropri- (e.g., compliance, requests for attention)
ate behavior for all participants. were not empirically determined. However,
In addition, the present results suggest the functional equivalence of problem be-
that a failure to identify multiple reinforcers havior and appropriate communicative be-
maintaining problem behavior may lead to havior has been demonstrated repeatedly in
inaccurate predictions using the matching the behavior-analytic literature (Durand &
law. The relative rates of attention following Carr, 1991, 1992; Northup et al., 1991). We
problem behavior erroneously suggested that are currently evaluating procedures to iden-
participants engaged in proportionally more tify reinforcers for appropriate communica-
problem behavior than would have been pre- tive behavior when problem behavior is not
dicted by the proportional reinforcer rates. amenable to standard functional analysis
However, when all sources of reinforcement procedures.
were included in the analysis, the matching Second, the possibility of reactivity effects
law provided an accurate description of re- during the descriptive analysis portion of the
sponse allocation for all participants. It is investigation must be considered. However,
possible that deviations from matching with the problem of reactivity is a limitation of
humans (see Pierce & Epling, 1983, for a not only the current investigation but also
review) may be explained by additional var- of previous investigations in which descrip-
iables (i.e., reinforcers) that were not taken tive observations were conducted (Martens
into account. & Houk, 1989; McDowell, 1981; Oliver et
It should be noted that several difficulties al., 1999; Thompson & Iwata, 2001; Voll-
arise when conducting matching analyses in mer et al., 2001).
uncontrolled environments. In laboratory re- A third potential limitation of the current
search, matching has been most effective in investigation is the possibility that the rate

Figure 2. Scatter plots of predicted and observed response allocation between problem behavior and ap-
propriate behavior for all participants (upper left panel). Log response ratios plotted against log reinforcer ratios
for all participants. The linear equation depicts slope and bias (upper right panel). Scatter plots of predicted
and observed response allocation between problem behavior and appropriate behavior for Dan with the rein-
forcer identified via functional analysis (middle left panel). Scatter plots of predicted and observed response
allocation between problem behavior and appropriate behavior for participants whose problem behavior was
multiply controlled (Mandy, Linda, and Max) with attention as the sole reinforcer (middle right panel). Log
response ratios plotted against log reinforcer ratios for participants whose problem behavior was multiply
controlled (Mandy, Linda, and Max) with attention as the sole reinforcer. The linear equation depicts slope
and bias (lower left panel). Log response ratios plotted against log reinforcer ratios for participants whose
problem behavior was multiply controlled (Mandy, Linda, and Max) with all reinforcers taken into account.
The linear equation depicts slope and bias (lower right panel).

of responding might have driven the rate of tive proportion of problem behavior and ap-
obtained reinforcement. In concurrent-ratio propriate behavior should switch when the
arrangements, the relation between response reinforcement rates are switched. Also, if the
rate and reinforcer rate is fixed. That is, re- interval schedules for both appropriate and
inforcer rate is determined by response rate. problem behavior are equated, biases toward
Therefore, it is not clear whether the rate of one response alternative could be identified.
reinforcement drives the rate of responding Similarly, preference among reinforcing con-
or if the rate of responding drives the rate sequences (e.g., attention and tangible items)
of reinforcement. may be assessed by arranging equal VI
In one case, Dan, it is quite likely that a schedules in an experimental analysis. If the
high response rate drove a high reinforcer stimuli are equally preferred, one may con-
rate to some degree (e.g., Baum, 1973). In clude that similar rates of responding would
other words, if the schedules in the natural be observed. However, if one stimulus were
environment were conceptualized as concur- more preferred than another, differential re-
rent-ratio schedules, the rate of responding sponse rates would identify subtle preferenc-
observed would directly influence the rate of es.
reinforcement obtained. The ratio of rein- The current study also suggests implica-
forcers for problem behavior to reinforcers tions for evaluations of treatment integrity
for appropriate behavior was 32.3:1, and the with care providers. Previous evaluations of
ratio of problem behavior to appropriate be- treatment integrity have evaluated the effec-
havior was 32.6:1. Presumably, a similar tiveness of functional communication train-
phenomenon would be observed if the en- ing under optimal (i.e., 100% integrity) and
vironmental event was someone saying less than optimal (e.g., 25% integrity) treat-
‘‘bless you’’ and the target response was ment values using arbitrarily selected sched-
sneezing. On the other hand, the 3 individ- ules of reinforcement (Vollmer, Roane,
uals with multiply controlled problem be- Ringdahl, & Marcus, 1999; Worsdell, Iwata,
havior demonstrated that the reinforcer must Hanley, Thompson, & Kahng, 2000). Sim-
drive response rate to some degree. Most ilar analyses may be conducted using the
likely, some combination is true in most nat- procedures described in the current investi-
ural settings (Vollmer & Bourret, 2000). gation by evaluating response allocation un-
In the current investigation, we did not der schedules derived from descriptive anal-
directly manipulate the schedules of rein- yses while systematically identifying a con-
forcement derived from the descriptive anal- current schedule that favors appropriate be-
ysis data. However, a critical test of the havior. Although care providers would not
matching law will be to evaluate how be- be encouraged to reinforce problem behavior
havior is allocated among concurrently avail- at any time, treatment integrity could be ad-
able response alternatives when the approx- dressed proactively.
imated schedules of reinforcement from de- We evaluated one variable that has been
scriptive analyses are reversed, or otherwise shown to influence response allocation on
altered, in an experimental analysis. We are concurrent schedules of reinforcement (i.e.,
currently conducting experiments to test this reinforcement rate). Future research could
hypothesis. For example, if the approximat- replicate the procedures described in the cur-
ed interval schedule of reinforcement in rent investigation and evaluate additional
place for SIB was VI 20 s and the approxi- variables shown to influence choice, such as
mated schedule of reinforcement in place for quality of reinforcement, delay to reinforce-
appropriate behavior was VI 40 s, the rela- ment, or magnitude of reinforcement. Un-

der some circumstances (e.g., life-threaten- Durand, V. M., & Carr, E. G. (1992). An analysis of
maintenance following functional communication
ing SIB), it may be extremely difficult, if not training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25,
impossible, to alter the rate of reinforcement 777–794.
for SIB. However, it may be possible to alter Herrnstein, R. J. (1961). Relative and absolute
other variables known to influence choice, strength of response as a function of frequency of
reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis
such as duration or quality of a reinforcing of Behavior, 4, 563–573.
consequence. Horner, R. D., & Keilitz, I. (1975). Training men-
The data from the current study provide tally retarded adolescents to brush their teeth.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 8, 301–309.
support for a matching account of human Iwata, B. A., Dorsey, M. F., Slifer, K. J., Bauman, K.
choice responding. However, the data also E., & Richman, G. S. (1994). Toward a func-
highlight the issue of correlation versus cau- tional analysis of self-injury. Journal of Applied Be-
sation when applying the matching equation havior Analysis, 27, 197–209. (Reprinted from
Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Dis-
without experimental manipulation. Despite abilities, 2, 3–20, 1982)
the limitations inherent to naturalistic and Iwata, B. A., Pace, G. M., Cowdery, G. E., & Mil-
descriptive accounts of human behavior, tenberger, R. G. (1994). What makes extinction
work: An analysis of procedural form and func-
such research is necessary to assess the gen- tion. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27,
erality of behavioral principles outside the 131–144.
controlled laboratory environment. Iwata, B. A., Pace, G. M., Dorsey, M. F., Zarcone, J.
R., Vollmer, T. R., Smith, R. G., Rodgers, T. A.,
Lerman, D. C., Shore, B. A., Mazaleski, J. L.,
Goh, H., Cowdery, G. E., Kalsher, M. J., Mc-
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1. What is the general prediction made by the matching law, and how does the current study
extend previous research on matching?

2. Briefly summarize the general experimental sequence.

3. What events were observed during the descriptive analyses, and how were they measured?

4. Summarize the results of the functional analysis for all participants.


5. How were proportional response rates and reinforcement rates for problem behavior calcu-

6. Summarize the results of the matching analysis, particularly those depicted in the middle
right panel of Figure 2.

7. What are some implications of the results for the development of treatments for problem

8. Describe some ways, aside from extinction or the manipulation of reinforcement schedules,
by which response allocation toward problem behavior and appropriate behavior (both con-
currently reinforced) may be influenced.

Questions prepared by Stephen North and David Wilson, The University of Florida

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