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before showing you the method that's

making me win at roulette here's my

current account

here you can see my latest transactions

there are various bets including the

various winnings that yesterday led me

to withdraw two and a half thousand

pounds while still leaving money on the

account so I don't have to deposit again

but let's immediately see in detail how

to win roulette with this method

there are many ways to win it roulette

but what's allowed me to win

consistently is to use the series of

numbers five to eight that covers the

numbers you'll see in the video and

gives you about 33 chance of winning

every time you win you win 17 pieces

plus one

now clearly this method doesn't work

based on all casinos I've tried several

and I've put the description of this

video the only one that's never given me

any problems with respect to payments

and which is really serious

we select here on the left the roulette

selection and click on this roulette

which has given me great satisfaction

because it only has one zero and above

all has the ability to do a quick spin

we select standard stake and play now

to make everything as simple as possible

and to explain how the method works I

created this table in the column I

represented the progressive bets

in the second the winnings

and in the third the actual winnings in

the fourth is the number of Chip that

you'll bet in progression in the Box

five eight

this is the only thing you'll have to


also there's a rule that's to make the

empty roulette spin quickly for three

consecutive times soon we'll see

together what that means the budget I

use for this method is one thousand four

hundred and forty three pounds but I've

also created a table where the method

can be used even with only 198 pounds so

choose the one that best suits your

budget in relation to how you want to

start if first slowly or starting

immediately with the BET and the

security that I use myself and that I

show you in this video you'll see soon

with your own eyes why this method is so

strong and how it actually works well

okay let's get started here we are let's

see how a game session Works in practice

now I have here on the left the settings

where you can put well I've removed the

music because I prefer it like that and

here you can put the fast play to do


this is my current budget of course you

can also have a lower budget as seen


the numbers you need to be careful with

I'll put them here

and then we start to spin click on quick

spin to spin the roulette

the 25 in this case is part of a number

that's not included in our table you

have to make three empty ones

the 30 instead is part of our numbers

and then we start from scratch

let's do a quick spin

the 23rd came out and it's Again part of

our numbers so let's start again doing

quick Spin and having a good 33 chance

of winning

in this case our number came out again

but for safety sake it's always good to

have three empty spin before starting

our series

in this case the four is not among our


not even the two and let's see not even

the 19. at this point they've come out

three that have nothing to do with our

series and at this point following our

scheme we take a chip of a pound and put

it into this session

the numbers are positioned precisely in

the desired series

and at this point we make a quick spin

now 20 has come out and that is not or

rather is not part of our series of


and then we continue to follow our

pattern by inserting a chip and a half

so that you go to bet nine pounds in


again you spin here and if it does not

come out

the number goes on the next sequence

reminding us from time to time the

chances of winning increase more and

more let's see what happens at this

point the bet is inserted we do quick


and in fact this time it came out and

we've obviously regained all the initial

investment plus a gain of nine pounds

exactly as the scheme says

so at this point we do clear bit

and if we go with it for a while just to

show you how well this method works the

only thing I'm going to do is not always

wait for the three empty spins because

having gained some confidence in the

method I tried and saw that this casino

and this roulette the system works more

than well even so

this in my experience is definitely a

method to win very surely but guys let

me know in the comments of the video

what you think and if the method works

with you

but now we're going to follow the

pattern and one

quick spin

and we won

clear bet

again one quick spin

we didn't win

one and a half

we won

by the way look at the speed of gain

we're having thanks to this method of

winning at roulette we won again and yes

we're now clearly having very fast

series but with this method the

statistical chances of winning are in

our favor and in addition increase as we

go forward in the betting and especially

the gain with this method is well above

the average of most techniques often

sold to try and explain how to win a


great we won again

well we've already passed 1500 pounds in

no time
at this point I'll speed up the video

and continue to play uh to show you how

great the results can be achieved with

this technique to win at the online

roulette of this site okay let's go


now we're already at 16 15 pounds which

is therefore a good result but nothing

compared to what this method can really


maybe some of you'll think I was lucky

but then let's see it together

is it luck or does this technique at

winning roulette really work let's keep






okay let's take a little break we've

gone over 2 000 pounds and I'm sure many

of you already understood the power of

this method but some of you may think

you were lucky again let's see it now

let's see if it really is luck that's

been making me gain my money in the past

six months let's move on





we're almost at two and a half thousand

pounds we're making the last passes

together at normal speed

one one and a half


two and a half thousand pounds above

guys as you've seen the method works

I've been using it for quite some time

and I hope that you can make the most of

it too I'm already very satisfied for

today and honestly I would stop here but

um since I really want to give you a

proof on this casino this method to when

it really really works we will go on

what do you say maybe we should try to

double our initial budget

see you later


okay let's close this series together

okay you can see that sometimes the

series are long enough but for this

reason it's useful to have an initial

security budget


the more the bets go on the more chances

of winning increases


and in fact we won and we just exceeded

three thousand pounds we started from

1440 pounds and I'd say that we've

already largely doubled and for today I

will stop here because I'm more than

satisfied and if someone still doesn't

believe it he only has to try it and you

will see with your own eyes

as I told you before let me know your

opinions in the comments if you think

the method can still be improved and how

let me know in the comments as well

in this video you will understand how to

win at roulette and thanks to this

roulette strategy my account moved from

745 dollars to over five thousand

dollars now I suggest you see the entire

video in order to apply these roulette

tricks in the best possible way good

hey how's it going guys now look I

select from the gambling table roulette

where the strategy works so firstly I

bring my

745 investment to the gambling table now

to be clear you don't invest your money

and time in another online casino all

right don't do it because many times you

can be blocked and sometimes they don't

pay you and you don't want to be in that

position so I have already been there

that has happened to me and I don't want

it to happen to you therefore you have

to go to the website where you can find

in the description and it doesn't give

me any problems whatsoever ever so

here's the roulette system that

perfectly works and that's what you're

going to see in this video

well let's get started in this point

below you will see the budget that you

have inserted these are very useful

options for example with this you can

change the camera I set this one with

blue color because I preferred it and I

like it more but these are less

important roulette tips the most

important are the options so you have to

click on game setting and on fast play

otherwise you will lose time playing

okay so how does this roulette strategy

work for example take the chips from one

this is my old section previous

chronology based on the colors that come

out you will decide which one to start

with red or black this is different from

Martingale but this strategy works over

the long term and now you will

understand it in detail so click on spin

and if you have one you will only bet

again clicking on rebet and spin

I'll wait twice

now Thrice and I win now what does this


it means that now our budget has reached

746 dollars so I gained one dollar only

with three spins

now I could lose three or one spins or

one one or three spins these are the

options in this case I won one Spin and

now I continue in the same way so I put

the chip on the black and I click on


practically you play with goals in

series in this case my goal is to reach

747 dollars with my three spins

considering that I had

746 ones therefore I made my first Spin

and came out red so I bet a second time

with rebet and spin and I win

a third time and I win again I achieved

my goal of 747 dollars so I continue in

this exact way

for an example I continue on red this is

not very important because you can

decide based on the colors that get out

but I suggest alternating red and black

The Secret of this roulette strategy is

to think of it as trading you will

gradually understand it during the video

and for this reason I suggest you to

entirely watch it to Perfection and

really understand how this roulette

betting strategy works at this best in

every single situation therefore I click

on clear bet to make it all clear and

now my aim is winning another spin to

achieve 748 dollars so for an example I

put another chip on red and click on

spin the first series then re-bit and

spin second series

rebit and spin

third series I gained three dollars

therefore I achieved my aim of 748

dollars and I also passed it achieving

750 dollars

so now my next three spin goal will be

to achieve 751 dollars now let's move on

before I had to bet on three red so now

I will bet on black for an example


I win the first

I lose the second

I win the third and the result is

751 dollars

goal reached now let's move on now it

will surely happen in a short time that

I will lose and will explain to you what

to do in this case it comes out red and

my goal now is 752 dollars so I click on

re-bet and spin and I win re-bet and

spend and on this one I lose therefore

having lost I move on the second series

of three spins let's call it that at

this point I want to redouble so double

and spin the first series and I

immediately win this doubling I click on

clear bets now I achieved my goal having

752 dollars and so I blocked my spin

series and I start over with one

for example one



I win and now clean the roulette table

obviously you don't have to do this

passage each time I do it only to

explain better to you this roulette

system anyway we gained

754 dollars now let's continue

the goal now is to achieve

755 dollars with three series

rebet and spin

the second one and the third one

clear bits and now I gain

756 dollars



I have clicked on spin but I make a

mistake because it is useless and it

doesn't change anything so I put the

chip on the red remembering that my goal

is to achieve

757 dollars

first series

second series

third series and now I have achieved

757 dollars so I'll restart again

first series

the second one

the third one

the goal was to achieve

758 dollars in this case I lost so I

click on double and spin remembering

that the goal is

758 dollars now it is out immediately

and then we start again

clearly this is the best way to play

roulette but you have to be patient to

see the whole strategy obviously the

case in which you should bet more will

happen and for this reason I have a high

in the budget in order to provide

excellent security coverage so let's




and three and the goal is achieved I won

all three times my new goal is to


762 dollars

one oops



three and now I lost so I redouble it

now I recommend that now the one on

which I bet didn't come out I am on the

second series the second bedding and my

goal is always

762 dollars so now I click on rebet and

spin without redouble immediately

but I will finish my series otherwise

this roulette betting strategy doesn't


the goal is

762 dollars re-bet and spin

re-bet and spend and the third series is

ended now I don't achieve already my

goal but it is always

762 dollars

therefore I continue betting two

I redouble again to four

and spin one I cleaned the roulette

table I have always 760 dollars and at

this point it is brilliant

look what happens now I play with four

pieces and the third series is ended but

since I only needed two to achieve

762 dollars I'm back to insert two chips

so now I click on spin

and I lost and in this case I need four

chips to achieve

762 dollars and for this reason I read

double immediately because I was already

in the third series

spin nothing

rebet and spin


so as you can see my budget is going

down because I am back almost at the

beginning but I am still in the game and

it is like an investment strategy at

this point I redouble again and I am in

the fourth series my goal is always 762

dollars you win so I am back to four


and look I achieved my 762 dollar goal

we quickly continue
first series

second series

third series and I lost I redouble first

series the second one the third one

I cleaned the roulette table and I

achieved my goal now I bet on red the

goal is

764 dollars so one


three and I am down


I redouble




three the goal is 764 dollars and

nothing I am down again so I decide to

redouble one series and I achieve 760

dollars I always bet four

spin one


I need always four and in this case I

don't need to redouble because for

remaining in the series is enough for


and I win now I have achieved my 764

dollar goal but if it hadn't come out I

would have to redouble as if I were in

the fourth series

I've always wondered how to play

roulette and win all the time now in the

beginning this roulette strategy seems

to be quite slow as you go on and on you

will see the winning it will come faster

and faster now I'll remind you to use

this roulette system only on the website

where it works over the long term and

you have to be sure that the roulette

isn't in any way read now below this

video you can find a website that I have

to use and also for this video and if

you want to let me know in the comments

section what do you think about this

relent strategy and does it work well

for you

guys I have already reached 800 and it's

not bad but I would like to set a timer

to see how long I have to invest to

produce money just for my curiosity so

let's see how much you can win in 30

now I want to take this opportunity to

tell you about another important thing

now you can find on the website a scheme

both simple and complex to understand

how to play at roulette so make sure you

give the thumbs up make sure you share

the video and leave me a comment and

tell me if you consider this method the

best roulette strategy ever



the timer is expired so let's see

okay at this point I would set a

stopwatch to move on and to play a

little bit more

now another small thing guys if you

watch the entire video you will see that

I gained five thousand dollars leaving

another 750 to restart the strategy now

this is because obviously the further

you go on and on the more the method

will work better in fact you will have

to Edge over the limit imposed by

Roulette by winning and increasing the

security budget


I have to finish this series because I'm

a little tired and I had to take a

little break I'll see you later

after the break I started to play and

meanwhile the video slightly speeded up

now I take the opportunity to explain

one of the most important rules of this

roulette strategy to win a long time ago

you could insert almost all of the

budget you wanted and this clearly was a

great Advantage because you can easily

use the classic doubling strategy too so

if you had an infinite budget you could

pretty much win instead now there are

limits but this gambling table has a

great limit because it's one thousand

dollars now in our strategy I start with

a dollar chip having a budget of 750 to

have good security now we can be sure

that even if we start a series with a

double chip because we have one more

than double now in this way it is like

an investment in the money you have one

therefore one of the roulette tricks is

to take some like I did today and try to

increase your budget as much as possible

now maybe you spent the whole day

playing but at least you won some money

right clearly further you go on and more

and more the more you feel secure in

this way you can play roulette online

and win becoming more and more simpler


now look at this budget although the

video is very fast in this part I'm

gaining a lot in a much faster way in

fact I exceeded 2 250 and I can now

already start betting three chips and I

guarantee you that in this way you will

really see a significant increase in


instead guys this phase of the game is

fantastic because I was starting to gain

a lot of money and I have a very high

budget of 3 500 so I have started to

play always with five and despite using

this roulette strategy for a long time

it doesn't always happen the past three

thousand dollars because often I'm tired

and I don't want to risk it but I have

to stay focused now one of the roulette

secrets in fact is perseverance and

mental Lucidity now I recommend that if

you're very tired don't continue because

you risk losing everything with mistakes

the strategy doesn't work however we are

almost at the end of the video and you

have to watch it in its entirety because

later I will reveal other important

roulette tips good continuation


finally we are at the end of this video

now I'm really really tired and I have

to stop but this day is ending in an

epic way right like what better way

to really explain to you this strategy

by making a video so clearly I'm playing

with 10 to end this series quickly

because at this point I am tired and my

budget has become enormous do you

understand what I want to gain I guess

right one


two three

and nothing this confirms that I have to




now this strategy confirms to be always

the best way to win at roulette


finally I achieved five thousand seven

hundred and fifty dollars

do you remember I started with only

745 dollars and I'm playing for more

than five hours plus those of the first

wow oh my God

I am playing for more than seven hours

I played a lot now I really have tired

eyes and I have to stop even if I would

like to continue but

that's okay

now I click on home

I use this roulette and this is the

budget I had before

now I update the page and this right

here is my final balance now I must say

what's a pleasure it is

now before saying goodbye I would like

to point out that I tried to play as

much as possible because the further you

go on and the more you go on the

roulette strategy works better above all

if I left the gambling table I wouldn't

have been in a position to gained more

than one thousand dollars and therefore

I wouldn't have given up gaining money

faster now the last thing I want to tell

you that I have been using the most

successful roulette strategy for years

and I guarantee you that there isn't a

strategy that will make you win a

hundred percent of the time for this

reason minimizing the losses and

maximizing the winnings is important now

let me know if you also consider this

the best roulette strategy you have ever

seen but more importantly you don't have

to become addicted to gambling and lay

it all like most players guys you don't

have to do that but you only have to try

it out just for fun and just to go out

there and really experience things now

make sure you give this a thumbs up if

you like it make sure you share it and

and with that being said I will see you

soon goodbye

now what you're seeing right now on your

screen are the results of my game

session that you will see in this video

where I will be explaining to you the

roulette strategy that brought me these

great results now within this video on

how to win a roulette we will analyze

not only one but several types of bets

to win a roulette in the short medium

and especially the long term but

remember that this technique is not 100

foolproof it's still gambling but

however thanks to this roulette strategy

you can get really really great results

and moreover this roulette system work

so well because it uses mathematical

patterns applying them to the roulette

variants which is why this roulette

strategy is an evergreen strategy and

that's important unless of course you're

planning in a biased casino that uses

all of these rigged roulette systems

that understand your gambling pattern

and no matter how you bet it will make

you lose but watch out for these because

it's much more common than you think so

with that being said let's see how this

roulette strategy works right away after

registering at an unbiased Casino look

for advanced roulette which is the best

roulette for applying this roulette

strategy if you aren't 100 sure that

your casino is unbiased or if you don't

know where to play safely to the

advanced roulette you can find a

accurate Casino selection in the

description of this video moreover in

the description of this video there's a

link to the betting schemes and Bets

from 0.10 to 1 euro which you can

download and use for free so as you can

see in my account started this game

session with an initial

384 in my budget now this amount is

clearly not random but based upon

mathematical and statistical

calculations here on the screen you can

see a table of the various Securities on

the left is the initial bet with the

basic chip in which you will want to

start playing now while at the top you

will find the minimum good and extreme

Securities below which you will find in

the recommended budget now I prefer to

use good security however I've seen some

people get great results with even

minimum security now I think this game

is very very easy to understand but just

as an example if you want to start with

the minimum bet of say 0.10 chips and

wish to have minimum security the amount

to bring to the table will be 168.

now that the money is on the table it's

important to go to the bottom left and

enable fast play so you can make very

quick spins optionally you can spend

three in a row without the numbers we're

initially going to bet on showing up in

the first case

the game section is 3 5 7 12 14 16 21 23

25 30 32 34.

the red lines

to make you seem better there are those

being highlighted right now on the table

now take the 10 cent ship and put one on

each of these numbers

now go to Plus

favorite bets and save this bet as 0.10

every time you click on 0.10 you will

place bets of 0.10 cents on each

selected number

now for your convenience also create a

0.50 bet and save just as before

clicking on 0.50 will automatically add

50 cents to each number of the favorite

bet and clicking on 10 will add another

10 cents to the bet on each selected


for orderliness I prefer to have the

0.10 bet at the top so I move it to the

table delete the 0.10 favorite bet and

save it again to have it at the top so

the bets are an order of size

I already did the three empty spins it's

up to you whether or not to do them in

this case I've already done them so at

this point I select the 10 Cent BET and

do quick spins well the BET was not a

winner so I re-bet and as the pattern

implies I place an additional 10 cents

which with the first bet is equivalent

to making a double bet let's make a

quick Spin and here I have one with my

account increasing to 387 and 60 Euro

from the previous 384.

now unless you won the first bet don't

re-bet because you would be betting 0.20

cents on each number and you can't

afford it on this budget yet Claire bet

so I go to plus click on 0.10 and quick

spin otherwise you can decide to do the

initial three empty free spins before

betting since I'm very confident with

this method and I know that it works

very well even without these three spins

I don't do them anymore obviously if you

prefer playing even safer make use of


I do a quick Spin and I win immediately

my account has gone up again at this

point I can do a rebet because I won on

the first spin


nothing so I go to the Second Spin

adding another 10 cents or just doubling

the bet

at this point follow step 3 which is to

add a 0.10 bet

so I add it and do a quick spin

winning the BET mic account again went

up to 393.60
the fundamental rule of this method is

to strictly follow the pattern and to

always start from the initially basic

bet according to the security you are

using now I want to show you this

roulette strategy live so you can really

understand how to win that roulette

using this mathematical system now that

you've understood the mechanism I'll

speed up the video Until I've reached

the necessary funds to increase the base

bet and at that point I'll show you the

next betting schemes see you soon

I would like to point out that this

system exploits the variants of roulette

however it is important to keep in mind

that in the medium and long term it is

possible that a long series of Reds or

blacks will occur so do not only use

this system all right it is for this

very reason that you will shortly see

several other betting strategies to

alternate between in order to have that

advantage over the table now the trick

in this roulette strategy is in fact not

only to use a winning strategy by

increasing The Bets with mathematical

rules but above all to create a variance

of alternating the betting strategies

that you will see in this exact video

now you can start winning at roulette

with any of the betting methods that's

explained in this video using the same

schemes for basic bets from 0.10 chips

now look you'll find all the patterns

you need in the video description so

what is most important is that you have

a good initial bankroll to get adequate

it Security in your roulette strategy

now look that's one of the most

important things

so I've just passed the 800 and I've

more than doubled my initial capital I

also reached and exceeded the necessary

basic stake size to get a base bet with

good security starting with 0.20 chips

on each number and then being able to

earn twice as fast so from now on I'm

going to start betting with the 0.20

base bets to win at roulette even faster

but if you'd rather be extra careful and

be even more confident Beyond making the

initial three spins I advise you to not

increase the stakes but to continue with

the 0.10 bits so as to continue

increasing your security exponentially

at this point I'm going to change the

bedding pattern removing the 0.10 and

placing it with the 0.20 and the 0.50

with one dollar and I'm going to change

my bet by placing 20 cents on these

numbers if you want you can alternate

this betting scheme with the other one

before or after in the order you prefer

for an example if you prefer this

betting strategy instead of the previous

one you can start from this one using

the 0.10 chips that's and not 0.20 this

applies to each game table in this video

after entering all the 20 cents bets

I'll save the BET under my favorite bets

saving it as 0.20

I then make two double bets bringing the

BET to 0.80 cents on each number to

which I add another 0.20 to bring the

BET to one dollar it's obviously twice

as much as before from 0.50

I now rank the two favorite bets by size

and that's it next I'll follow the 0.20

BET table which is exactly double the

previous one

I place the BET and click on quick spin

I immediately went on the first try as

you can see placing a higher bet wins

exactly twice as much as before as usual

remember to start using this strategy

from the 0.20 chips only when you have

adequate budget because you will win

twice as much but you also need to get

more as much Capital as possible to get

more security however pay attention to

the one very Point aspect the winning

chip remains on the table when you win

if you re-bed and you're in the first

step this chip disappears but if you go

to plus and click on 0.20 the chip will

be added to the new BET and in the long

term it could decrease your earnings so

remember to always clean the table

before starting a new betting session

keep the following pattern

first step

I win immediately now I continue to

repeat the bet or you can read back

nothing I go to

step two and double it

and now I win now I like to try and see

if I can show you a longer series from

the video

so I start over

step two


step three

nothing yet I'll add one more bet

and finally I win this roulette strategy

is very simple and easy to apply and now

that you've seen how this second bedding

pattern works I'll play until I reach

the right security to start betting with

the basic 0.30 bet at that point we'll

see another betting strategy see you

soon there are two ways to change the

pattern the first is to set a timer of

20 minutes after which to change the

strategy and the other is to reach the

next goal that is to reach the budget

needed to start using the basic Bets

with higher chips while maintaining the

same level of security exactly as I did

before starting from 384 Euro I.E the

medium security for Bets with 0.10 chips

now I reached and exceeded 768 Euro

doubling my earnings thanks to a double

bet compared to the previous while

maintaining the same security as before

and that security part is very very

important alternatively you can continue

to play with a 0.10 bet further

increasing your balance to achieve even

more Security in the long term guys keep

in mind that 0.10 Euro bet is extremely

important and it's going to help you

further increase that balance to really

achieve the security that you need to

move forward

okay I have exceeded 1100 Euro reaching

the necessary amount to be able to begin

with 0.30 bets on each number winning

even faster obviously I couldn't start

with a 0.30 bet at the beginning of this

video because of the budget was 384 and

with that amount it would have been very

risky I will once again switch the bets

for new ones before doing so I'll

obviously delete the previous two bets

and reverse the order vertically so if I

used to play 3 5 8 and 12 now I'll play

on one five eight and ten I will enter

the bets as opposed to the previous

betting scheme

I saved the first bet of 0.30

now I'm doubling twice and adding a

piece to get a 1.50 bit save this one to

under favorite breaths and as usual I

order my bets amount

now if you want you can do the three

empty free spins or start betting right

away by clicking on quick spin

remember to always follow the scheme

I add more chips

another 0.30 piece

and finally I win and as you can see the

winnings are very good let's start again

and I immediately went over 10 euro at

the first spin

let's go on to continue and see this

roulette system in action as always I

follow the scheme okay

a 32 Euro win covers my previous losses

with a profit of over 10 euros

I'm following the roulette scheme and as

before I win 32 Euros again

let's start

I win at the first try and okay I'll go

on playing remember that I started this

game session with a balance of only 384

and I've already tripled the initial

amount let's see how much I can earn

using this roulette strategy see you in

a bit much as this roulette strategy

maximizes winnings it's still gambling

and hence there could be occasional

losing sessions and of course you could

accept the loss and start again with the

same budget but keep in mind that this

is very rare as it would even be less

common to lose two sessions in a row so

it's advisable to really start a new

session with a higher base bet than the

previous one and at least with good

security the security is important so in

this way by winning one session you will

have recovered the previous loss as well

and that's very very important so make

sure you keep that in mind

perfect I've just passed 15 20 and I

have reached the amount needed to start

with 0.40 bets however I must tell you

that the maximum bet on the single

number is 100 euro while on splits the

maximum bet is 200 meaning that if you

start from higher stakes and you go as

far as doubling it is possible that

roulette will show you the error maximum

at reached from now on I'll split my

bets like this I will first delete my

favorite bets and bet 0.40 on each

number to do so using doubles I'll put

20 cents here another 20 cents here and

40 cents here on the double between

these numbers so that 20 cents will go

on the three and the other 20 cents on

the six this totals 40 cents on each

number I repeat the same procedure and

cover these sequences of numbers


as always I saved the bets double twice

as much add a 0.40 piece

I saved the two Euro bet

and as always I reorder by size the bets

now I'm ready to start again quick spin

double bet

I added chip nothing Next Step

nothing again I follow the strategy I

simply add the chips that the scheme

suggests to add


ly a pretty long series and okay here I


it was a long long series let's do a few

more series together

I win right away and as you can see the

earnings are very good I've won a lot of

money in a very short time I'll start

this bet again I do a quick spin

and I will win again right away since

the pattern is very simple I'll speed up

the video again see you soon

as you can see the earnings are very

high but it is also true that the more

you bet the more money you must have to

stake now something long series can

happen where the section we covered

doesn't show up for seven eight or even

nine times in a row and for this reason

you can use this the three free spins

now don't be surprised by this

eventually and never bet starting with

high stakes based on the security budget

you brought to the table now always you

can remember to never bet money that you

can't afford to lose as gambling you

know it's fun it's a fun thing so you

really play to enjoy and enjoy the

casino and just have fun with it but

don't ever place bets that you cannot

afford okay you just cannot do that and

it's not the best strategy

okay from the initial 384 I have just

reached and exceeded 2 000 and this

allows you to start with basic bets from

0.50 on each number I know this is the

last time I interrupted the speed up to

show you bet changing as you must

already know how to do it by now and you

will find all the betting patterns in

the video descriptions so I'm going to

change the BET by reversing it from the

previous pattern 20 cents

20 cents

and 60 on the double so 30 cents plus 20

cents makes 50 and the same on the other


as always I save the bets

I'm starting to do a quick spin with the

basic bet at this point as you can see

I'm still winning a lot faster so I'm

going to continue playing according to

the pattern as I reach the budget to

increase the BET by another 10 cents

I'll do this without stopping to explain

the whole process again since you will

find all the bedding patterns of this

roulette strategy in the description of

this video see you in a bit now I after

trying your hands at this roulette

winning strategy remember to share your

thoughts and the results that you've

obtained as well as any questions that

you may have using this exact roulette

system make sure you do it in the

comments in this video now this will

really help other people it will help

other users and it will help myself

understand and really have everything

explained to everyone so everyone can

learn and everyone can progress and move

forward and really learn your strategy

now guys look in the next videos we will

explore how to further alternate this

bullet strategy with other roulette

platforms by presenting other methods

and game combinations of the greatest

gambling professionals that's out there

so make sure you subscribe to our

YouTube channel and make sure you give

us some love just give us some likes

give us some comments make sure you

share it with people show love to the

channel and with that being said we

appreciate you and make sure once again

you're subscribed to stay up to date

so I'm going to talk to you again

because I've just exceeded 5 000 and

I've clearly exceeded the budget

required to make bets at one Euro that's

on each issue now this can be very risky

so don't do it at home unless you have a

very large budget to bet from one Euro

you have to wager here in the center

with chips and add 50 cents on the

neighboring numbers

this way you can bet exactly one Euro on

each number without risking exceeding

the limits of the table

I also cover 14 15 18 and 17 as well as

the last section 31 34 35 and 32.

I add the two Central euros and gold to

save bets

let's start quick spin

okay double bet

I'll add a one Euro chip

foreign tip

two chip of one Euro

three one your chips

I add a five euro bet

and this is a very very long series I

won again let's do another quick spin

right away

we went instantly and as you can see the

winnings with these bets are really good

they can of course be long Series so be

sure to be as careful as you may have a

very high amount of money to win a

roulette starting with a one Euro bet

for a single number I do one more

session before spinning up the video

step two

and I win again okay see you in a bit

now a lot of people believe that

gambling is all about luck and that

winning what's a roulette strategy is

purely coincidence now I have hit and

exceeded over 8 and 700 Euro and if you

remember correctly I started from an

initial balance of only 387 Euro meaning

that I made more than 2 250 percent more

than the initial balance now do you

think that was just luck let me know in

the comments and I would like to know

what you think about this roulette

strategy and let me know if it worked

for you as well

okay it's been several hours since I

started recording this game session I

finally reached over

8720 I think that's really good game

considering that I started out about


and finally let's close the roulette

perfect all the money just hit my


okay so before saying goodbye I would

like to remind you that you can find the

unbiased website that I personally use

in this exact list strategy in the video

description below so make sure you check

it out you can also download all the

game patterns shown in this video and

you can use them as you like use them to

your advantage but keep in mind that

it's important that you alternate

between them repeatedly and with that

being said I wish you luck I wish you

great winnings and remember make sure

you subscribe to the YouTube channel

Gambler casino to stay up to date with

all of our new videos and all of our new

content with that being said we wish you

luck and we'll see you soon


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