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Nama : Martini Cahaya Pratiwi

NIM : 2310911220001

My favorite place

The bedroom is my favorite place in the house. Here, I can feel completely at ease
and detached from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. The walls decorated with
calm colors create a calming atmosphere, and the soft bed is always ready to welcome
sweet dreams. My room is also a place where I can reflect, watch a movie, study quietly,
or just relax with my favorite music. Rooms are places full of memories and stories,
making them a special part of my home.

My favorite person

My best friend is a very special figure in my life. They are the people who have
always been by my side through thick and thin, listened to my stories without ever getting
bored, and provided unconditional support. My friends are not just friends, they are the
family I choose for myself. We share laughs, tears, and adventures together, and I feel
lucky to have them as true friends. I can't think of life without their presence. My
friends are an invaluable treasure, and I am grateful to have them as the closest people in
my life.

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