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Power BI Desktop 

Tickets Open
Agent Performance Overview

Quick measure
Tickets Handled by Agents Over Time (2022)
User Information


Count of Tickets
0 630 Valid Users Invalid Users 1,000

22 354
Tickets Closed

Earliest create_time Latest create_time

10/5/2023… 2/5/2024… ril st r r r r

5756 ry ry ay ne ly
ua rua arc Ap M Ju Ju ugu mbe obe mbe mbe
n b M e ct e e
Ja Fe A pt O v c
Se No De
0K 12K Month
Ticket Priority
Number of Tickets Opened in 2023 by Month Agent's Latest Ticket Operation
300 Year Quarter Month Day Count of id

2.33 (41.33%)
2024 Qtr 1 January 11 5
Count of ticket_state_id

2024 Qtr 1 January 17 3

200 2024 Qtr 1 February 5 2
2023 Qtr 4 October 5 3
2023 Qtr 4 October 6 2
100 2023 Qtr 4 October 12 1
2023 Qtr 4 October 14 315
2023 Qtr 4 October 15 8
3.31 (58.67%) 0 2023 Qtr 4 November 7 1
ry ary arch ril ay ne ly st r r
Ju ugu mbe tobe mbe mbe
r r
2023 Qtr 4 November 8 4
nua ru Ap M Ju
Ja b M A te c ve ce
Fe p O
No De
Normalized Prioritized Se 2023 Qtr 4 November 10 1
2023 Q 4 N b 20 2
Month Total 376

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