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Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad

Faculty of Technology
Department of Computer Engineering
B. Tech. CE Semester - VIII

Report of Work Done during Industrial Project Training

Company Name Cloudmate Technologies LLP.

Project Title ShopON - Ecommerce Web Application

Platform, tools, language, MERN Stack(MongoDB,Expres , React JS, Node JS)

framework, database
Name of student(s) Sohagiya Jay Mukeshbhai
Student(s)Email Id

Student(S) Contact No 9328961097

New RolINo (Semester-VIII) CE038

Student Id. No 20CEUEG095

Sr. From To Work done by the student in brief

No. Date Date

1 19/02/2024 21/01/2024 GraphQL- Lcamed about GraphQland working and benefits of it

also learned about query and mutators ,resolvers.

222/01/2024 23/02/2024 GraphQL/ApolloServer small project - Warking of multiple api

requests at a time with mock json data.
3 26/02/2024 28/02/2024Zuleta API - Worked on backend functionality of CallDialer
component of CRUD operations of it.
4 29/02/2024 01/03/2024 Zuleta API - Worked on Dnd Feature - Do Not Disturb - When
customer messages which present in Opt collection then need to
update DND in that customer document.

External Guide Internal Guide

Name Ravi Jetani Prof. Chíntan R Chatterjce

E-mail ID

Contact No 9624300546 7984816193


(2) Pepas1.

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