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The 'sweet deal' is that you don't have to do anything. You have to neither act nor react.

You don't even

have to deliberately drive your intention anywhere -- your One-All-Person-self already knows what you
want and will take care of the rest. You can trust yourself to do that, can't you?

If you feel like you need to do anything else (like meditate) -- you are exactly correct: this is a Covert
Expansion Demand.

If you are looking to WHO you are and a thought (or lots of thoughts) occurs to you, it doesn't matter --
you don't need to react to it -- this is also a Covert Expansion Demand.

If you're looking to WHO you are and you feel your mind expand, or angels come crawling out of the
woodwork, or you suddenly find yourself in somebody's body -- none of that matters -- you don't need
to worry about it.

All you have to do is remember WHO you are. That this is your Dream and you're the Dreamer, so of
course you can have whatever kind of Dream you want.

Here's another way to maybe think about it (just a maybe utilitarian viewpoint, not an absolute truth) --
see if this helps?

Your current Lisa self has an identity. You see yourself as a human being on a planet called Earth and you
live in a country. If I asked you to tell me who you are, you'd have a whole laundry list of qualities like
male or female or tall or short or conservative or liberal or whatever.

This identity is what builds your world. Your external world is a representation of your internal world. So
if you see yourself as primarily a material being, you deal primarily with material things. If part of your
identity is you are a gorgeous person, you are going to encounter things in your exterior world that
confirm this to you. If your identity has you being poor, your world will prove this back to you.

Take just a second to look at how you identify yourself and then look at your immediate world to see if it
lines up. Are you stuck in a situation you hate? Is it because you feel trapped? (Note that the cause is
inside and the effect is 'outside')

Now, imagine that your identity isn't that you're a human being on earth. Imagine your identity is that
you're God and you're playing a game of being a human on one of a thousand-million-trillion worlds you
call Earth. You're just pretending! You are the All-Present All-Thing, squeezed into a tiny Lisa shape and
pretending you're not all the rest of the things and people too.

How does that change your point of view about everything you do? How does that change your view
about everything in your world?

"Well why would I as God pretend to be little old Lisa?"

Why would you as God do anything?

Imagine, just for an instant, if you can, the supreme satisfaction that YOU have, being exactly how you
are. You did this on purpose! Everything about your life that you're living right now, YOU did this
deliberately! You did it because it's fun! Yes, even the 'bad' parts! Stop and look at how beautiful your
life is! Look outside and know you created the night sky. You did that! You made that sunset! You are in
those mountains! You are the cricket's night song! WOW!
You just looked to WHO you are.

Now granted, that particular looking was perilously close (and a little over the line) to DOING
SOMETHING, but if it feels good and gets you there, there's no reason you can't do it. But you also don't
have to do it that way. You don't have to do anything at all, as long as you can remember WHO you are.

We use these words like 'know' and 'understand' and 'intend' and they always seem slippery to me.
They're words that don't include enough context for someone to follow the 'mental gestures'. You have
to make your own path.

When I say you need to 'know' something, I don't mean you need to know something like, 'Paris is a city
in France.' All that statement means is that there is the possibility of a place called Paris and we have
given it an arbitrary classification of city and it exists in a potential place called France.

You can accumulate a whole library of 'facts' like that and still know nothing. (John might call this 'Lightly

But let's say you study a map of France -- you commit it's shape to memory, you learn about all the
other places in France, you study the history of the country and then the history of France itself.
Ultimately, you get on a plane and you travel to France and you get off of the plane and walk around
Paris. You don't just see the touristy spots, but you eat at cafés the locals eat it, you eat breakfast like
they do, you learn French. You live there for six months or a year. At the end of that, you know Paris,

Know WHO you are in that way and you effortlessly command everything without ever having to do a

You are already perfect exactly as you are. You are already creating your private dream 100% of the
time. All John is asking you to do is to realize that you're doing it. You don't need to do anything more
(like meditate).

You already are God -- do you know that you are?

Does that help?

Wow. This is amazing. I really appreciate the response. I just have another thing to ask right now.

I didn’t think I was supposed to be conscious walking around in the feeling of being God/UL/one all
person? Are you telling me it’s okay to go into this? Is this what command is? Place us into the “driver
seat” to command line during the 10 minutes?


It's okay to do whatever you want. It's your Dream.

I would reiterate that what I said above is one potential way to think about it -- not the only way.

I would also describe Command as subtler than that. I'm going to use some extremely fuzzy language
here, so I apologize.
Commanding is like the metaphor of using your hand to touch your nose. There's not really anything to
it. You just know you're a human being with a hand and that it will do what you tell it to. When your
identity is no longer a mere limited being, but instead a deliberately playful All-Pervasive All-Thing, the
entire universe is 'your hand'. You don't have to work at it, you're not 'expecting' something to happen,
there are no angels required, no long suffering meditation sessions, no 'belief' or 'steps' or 'living in the
end' or anything like that. 'Reaching out' is automatic and effortless. You just do it because that's WHO
you are.

You don't necessarily 'feel' it (though you can -- as you are the Experiencer, you will almost certainly
always have an Experience (note: our mileage may vary, and that Experience may come in many
different forms) and you certainly don't need to 'occupy' that sort-of perspective or consciousness at all
times. You may find that the more you work with this, the more often it happens, and that's okay. It's
also okay if that doesn't happen and that doesn't mean anything is wrong.

Live your life -- that's probably part of why you're playing the game, right?! And just remind yourself of
who you are twice a day or as often as you feel like. You can make it up as you go -- again, it's your
Dream so you can change the rules if you like.

If you're mixed up about what you want, that's okay. It doesn't really matter. You know what you want,
right? You want $10K and to see a giraffe (Giraffe's -- yet another feather in YOUR cap, am I right?). You
could equally look to WHO you are with no conscious intention and things would likely only improve.

Anytime you get hung up on 'what' -- 'What am I doing? What should I be doing? Did I do all the steps
right? What if I forgot a step? Am I doing this right? Is my mind blank enough for this? What if my
subconscious gets in the way?' -- All of these are Covert Expansion Demands. You don't need any of that
and you don't need to go to that place in yourself (unless you want to, of course).

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