2223 S2 2nd Term Quiz ANS

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The ELCHK Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School

S.2 History

Quiz 1 – Reasons for the European colonial expansion

Name:______________________ Class: 2_____ ( ) Marks: ___________/ 30

Time limit: 20 minutes

A. Multiple Choice Questions (16 marks)

Choose the best answer. Write the answer in the box provided for each question.

1. Which of the following was not a reason for European powers to expand to Asia?

A. They wanted to spread Christianity.

B. They wanted to find markets for industrial products

C. They were passionate in Oriental culture. C

D. They wanted to find raw material in low price

2. During the Geographical Discoveries, which two countries came first to be the sea powers?

A. Portugal and Spain

B. Britain and France

C. Spain and Germany A

D. The US and Canada

3. Which of the following were products that Europeans imported a lot from Asia before the new routes
to the East were discovered?

A. Apple

B. Porcelain

C. Water B

D. Chicken
4. Why did European countries have to find new sea routes to India and China in the 15th century?

A. They had never developed land routes to the East.

B. The routes to the East were controlled by others

C. There was war broke out on the route to the East. B

D. They were influenced by the voyages of Zheng He's fleet.

5. Which of the following did not control the trade between the East and the West before new sea routes
were opened?

A. Muslims

B. Italians

C. Turkish D

D. Chinese

6. Which of the following was the first colony Europeans set up in America?

A. China

B. Cuba

C. Mexico D

D. Isle of Spain

7. Who was the first person to discover America?

A. George Washington

B. Prince Edward

C. Christopher Columbus C

D. Bartholomew Diaz
8. Which of the following technological advancement greatly enhanced the ability of long voyages?

A. Compasses

B. Phone

C. Missionaries A

D. Books

B. True or False (10 marks)

Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” in the box next to the
statement if it is TRUE. Write “F” in the box if it is FALSE.
Statement True or false?

1. Britain was the first sea power. F

2. Before the late 15th century, some people had already travelled F
from Europe to India and China by sea.
3. The travels of Marco Polo encouraged Europeans to explore T
4. Europeans were eager to make voyages, the phenomenon was T
called the Geographical Discoveries.
5. America was discovered by Columbus and was named after the T
Italian Amerigo Vespucci.

C. Short Questions (4 marks)

1. State the meaning of ‘the white man’s burden’.

European believed that they had better development in culture (1), so it was their duty to rule the

coloured peoples (OR taught them their cultures) (1)

2. What was the purpose of the missionaries making the voyages to colonies?
Their aim was to convert more people in the east (1) and spread the influence of Catholicism
/Protestantism/ Christianity (1).
D. Fill in the blanks (20 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words, which have been given to you below. Write the
answers in the boxes provided on the answer sheet.

navigation maps missionaries Ferdinand Full-rigged Cape of Good

Magellan Hope

Extreme cane sugar Victoria Vasco da Gama Indians


1. Since the 15th century, compasses and _____ navigation maps ____ have been commonly used. __
Full-rigged __ sailing ships were also made. All these helped provide better technological conditions for
Europeans exploring the East.

2. __ Extreme Nationalism __ suggested that nationals should be loyal to the country absolutely. They
should support the country to expand overseas and make it powerful.

3. In the Medieval Times, in order to spread the influence of Catholicism, the Roman Catholic Church
encouraged __ missionaries __ to follow the fleets and preach overseas.

4. Before the Industrial Revolution, European trade was mainly about buying spices and __ cane sugar _
from Asia and Africa.

5. When _ Ferdinand Magellan ___ arrived at the Philippines, he was killed by the natives. __ Victoria
___ of his fleet continued to sail across the Indian Ocean and around the __ Cape of Good Hope __.
Finally, they returned to Spain in 1522.

6. After many years of efforts of the Portuguese navigator _Vasco da Gama _____, Europeans
successfully opened a new sea route to India in 1497.

7. Columbus thought that he had reached India, so he called the native people as _____ Indians _____.


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