The Washington Post - March 5, 2024

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With ‘anti-monuments’ on power corridor Paseo de la Reforma,
activists are trying to exert control over who gets remembered
Supreme Court
keeps Trump on
ballots nationwide
unanimously reverses Colorado ruling
States ‘have no power’ to block national candidates

Decision shows
the supreme court on Monday
unanimously sided with former courts unlikely
president Donald trump, allow-
ing the 2024 Republican presiden- to slow Trump
tial front-runner to remain on the
election ballot and reversing a col- BY S ARAH E LLISON
orado ruling that disqualified him AND T OLUSE O LORUNNIPA
from returning to office because of
his conduct around the Jan. 6, When 2024 dawned, the presi-
2021, attack on the U.s. capitol. dential race appeared destined to
the justices said the constitu- play out as much in the courts as
tion does not permit a single state on the campaign trail.
to disqualify a presidential candi- Former president Donald
date from national office. the trump faced a pair of federal
court warned of disruption and a indictments. two state cases
chaotic state-by-state patchwork brought the total criminal charg-
if a candidate for nationwide of- es against him to 91. challenges to
fice could be declared ineligible in his ballot eligibility proliferated,
some states, but not others, based with the supreme court being
on the same conduct. asked to weigh in on whether
“nothing in the constitution re- trump could even be a candidate.
quires that we endure such chaos two months later, the federal
— arriving at any time or different cases have been slowed to the
times, up to and perhaps beyond point where verdicts before no-
the inauguration,” the court said vember are considered unlikely.
in an unsigned, 13-page opinion. one of the state cases has been
the court’s decision to keep derailed by a sex scandal. the
trump on the ballot applies to other is due to go to trial later this
other states with similar challeng- month, but is widely seen as the
es to his candidacy and, for now, least significant of the bunch.
removes the supreme court from And the challenge to trump’s
directly determining the path of ballot eligibility was settled deci-
the 2024 presidential election. sively Monday, with the supreme
While the decision was unani- court unanimously ruling that

mous, the court’s three liberal jus- states lack the power to disqualify
t’s been called one of the “world’s
coolest streets.” slicing through
the capital, Paseo de la Reforma
Bringing ers of the extreme violence of recent
these “anti-monuments” aren’t just
tices also wrote separately, saying
the conservative majority went
too far and decided an issue that
to anyone hoping that trump’s
efforts to overturn the last elec-

painful history
is a european-style gem, a leafy a protest. Mexico’s leaders have long was not before the court in an tion would lead the judicial sys-
boulevard of graceful fountains tried to control the historical narrative attempt to “insulate all alleged tem to meaningfully penalize him
and historic bronze statues. to legitimize their rule — from the insurrectionists from future chal- before the next one, recent devel-

to the fore in
it’s Mexico’s power corridor. the Mexican-American War of the 1840s lenges to their holding office.” opments have proved sobering.
country’s main parade route. And a to the Revolution starting in 1910. the justices fast-tracked the “the real takeaway is that the
symbol of a city exploding with bike now, a movement of artists, grieving challenge from voters in colorado courts aren’t going to save us

Mexico City
lanes, charming Airbnbs and insta- families and feminists is trying to and issued their decision one day from ourselves,” said stephen
grammable meals. wrest that narrative away. before super tuesday, when that Vladeck, a professor at the Uni-
But the 19th-century avenue has Mexico’s fight over monuments be- state and more than a dozen oth- versity of texas school of Law,
been swept up in a very 21st-century gan in the wake of a notorious case of ers hold nominating contests. in a “and that the only surefire way to
conflict, centered on questions famil- police abuse. on the night of sept. 26, sign of the high court’s awareness ensure that an anti-democratic
iar to people in the United states and STORY BY M ARY B ETH S HERIDAN 2014, officers detained 43 students of the election calendar, the jus- candidate for president doesn’t
europe: Whom should a country’s PHOTOS BY L UIS A NTONIO R OJAS from the Ayotzinapa teachers college tices took the unusual step of an- succeed is to beat him at the
statues honor? Who gets to write his- in Mexico citY in southern Mexico as they headed to a nouncing the opinion on the su- ballot box.”
tory? in the United states, that debate demonstration. then, the young men preme court’s website on a day see trump on a6
has focused on memorials to confed- vanished. when the court was not in session,
erate leaders, enslavers and christo- Demonstrators protest in front of an Authorities said that the police instead of issuing it from the super Tuesday: Former president
pher columbus. in Mexico, activists “anti-monument” to 43 missing students were in league with a drug-trafficking bench later this month. expected to make clean sweep. A7
have lined Reforma with grim remind- on mexico City’s paseo de la reforma. see mexiCo on a12 trump praised the ruling as
“well-crafted” and “extremely im- The Fix: takeaways on the ruling
see Court on a6 and justices’ disagreements. A8

U.N. builds case alleging All eyes on

sexual violence on Oct. 7 Va. senator
as clock ticks
on arena deal
the 23-page report said the
team also found “clear and con-
Report finds ‘clear and vincing information” that some of
convincing information’ the women and children taken
back to Gaza that day by Hamas as BY L AURA V OZZELLA
on Hamas hostage abuse hostages were subjected to “rape AND G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER
and sexualized torture and sexual-
ized cruel, inhuman and degrad- RICHMOND — Gov. Glenn Young-
BY K AREN D E Y OUNG ing treatment.” there were “rea- kin’s plan to lure the Washington
AND S AMMY W ESTFALL sonable grounds to believe,” it capitals and Wizards across the
said, “that this violence may be Potomac to northern Virginia is
A team of United nations ex- ongoing.” back where it began — behind
perts tasked with gathering infor- Hamas has denied that its forc- closed doors, in the hands of a few
mation on sexual violence linked es sexually abused any of the more powerful figures.
to Hamas’s oct. 7 attacks on israel than 1,200 israelis killed or 253 But this time, the Republican
found “reasonable grounds to be- captured on that day. the issue governor and the billionaire team
lieve” that some victims were has been among the most volatile owner who secretly negotiated an
sexually assaulted, including rape of the israel-Hamas war, sparking arena deal late last year do not
and gang rape, according to a U.n. extensive media accounts, out- have seats at the table. chief
report released Monday. rage and suspicion, but little con- among those who do: sen. L. Lou-
“in most of these incidents, vic- clusive information. ise Lucas (D-Portsmouth), a re-
tims first subjected to rape were the release of the report, which JaHI CHIkWendIu/tHe WasHInGton Post lentless Youngkin antagonist who
then killed,” a press release an- also discussed allegations of hails from a poorer part of the
nouncing the report’s findings “conflict-related sexual violence A solemn honor for an ‘absolute hero’ state and expresses grave doubts
said. “the mission team also by the israeli security forces and The body of Loudoun County firefighter Trevor Brown is carried from the back of a firetruck about the $2 billion arena for
found a pattern of victims, mostly see report on a4 Alexandria’s Potomac Yard.
before his funeral at Cornerstone Chapel on Monday in Leesburg. Brown was killed by a house
women, found fully or partially Lucas, who rose to a powerful
naked, bound, and shot across Tonal shift: Harris increases public explosion caused by leaking propane in Sterling on Feb. 16. Story, B1 position this year as chairwoman
multiple locations.” critique of Israel’s war in Gaza. A4 see virginia on a20

in the news ThE ECONOmy

two big-box retailers
authorities released
rep. Lauren Boebert
BusINEss NEws.........................A15
OpINION pAgEs..........................A17
are joining a host of in- footage of the fatal Feb. 1 has a chance at a fresh OBITuArIEs..................................B4
alternate-elector plot As part of a legal ThE NATION ThE wOrLd dustry peers in invest- shooting of a man inside start after a divorce, but TELEvIsION...................................C4

settlement in Wisconsin, two pro-Trump texas gov. Greg Abbott the economy is expect- ing in smaller-format his apartment by a she’s not ready to leave wOrLd NEws.............................A10

endorsed challengers to ed to dominate China’s stores. A15 Prince George’s County the House behind. C1
lawyers released a trove of communications Republicans who op- annual Two Sessions JetBlue and Spirit police officer. B1 CONTENT © 2024

about their work after the 2020 election. a8 pose school vouchers. A3 meetings this week. A10 dropped plans to merge, maryland transit au- hEALTh & sCIENCE The Washington Post
Jack teixeira pleaded Haiti declared a state a decision that follows a thorities are seeking an Delayed diagnoses of Year 147, No. 53781
super Tuesday The Post’s live coverage of guilty to a massive leak of emergency after judge’s ruling that their additional $425 million mild cognitive impair-
ment aren’t unusual, but
today’s primary elections across the country of intelligence docu- armed gangs led a mass $3.8 billion deal violat- for the long-delayed Pur-
experts say that needs to
ments on Discord. A20 prison break. A13 ed antitrust laws. A16 ple Line project. B1
begins at 7 p.m. at change. E1
A2 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

for home delivery comments
Even in a meaner GOP, his insults stand out
or concerns contact us at or pect of Robinson leading the tick-
send us an email at or call
N.C. governor candidate “Listening to Republicans on
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 has lots of fans, and stirs and off Jones Street” — the hub of
state government in Raleigh —
TO SUBScRIBE lots of worry in party there’s a sense that “while he may
be the voice of the party, he’s not
TO ADVERTISE the voice of North Carolina,” said
Classified: 202-334-6200
BY H ANNAH K NOWLES Jonathan Bridges, who managed
display: 202-334-7642 GOP former congressman Mark
OCEAN ISLE BEACH, N.C. — Sur- Walker’s now-shuttered cam-
MAIN PHONE NUMBER rounded by fans at a beach town paign for governor.
bar, Mark Robinson addressed his The GOP has swept Senate and
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM absent critics. “Mark Robinson is presidential races in the Tar Heel
Metro: 202-334-7300; not running to be governor to be a State in recent years, yet Demo- bully over anybody,” he said. crats have won the governor’s
national: 202-334-7410; Left unmentioned: the deluge mansion in seven of the past eight of offensive comments that made election cycles.
Business: 202-334-7320; such a declaration necessary. The last Republican governor, There was the time he called Pat McCrory, faced massive blow-
sports: 202-334-7350; school shooting survivors “media back for signing a 2016 bill that prosti-tots” for advocating for required transgender people to
investigative: 202-334-6179; gun-control policies. The meme use the bathroom matching their mocking a Harvey Weinstein ac- sex at birth. The law cost the state
style: 202-334-7535; cuser, and the other meme mock- billions in business and was ulti- ing actresses for wearing “whore mately repealed — and Robin-
dresses to protest sexual harass- son’s critics say he will regret
ment.” The prediction that rising pushing LGBTQ+ issues to the
letters to the editor: or call acceptance of homosexuality Madeline gray for the Washington Post forefront again.
202-334-6215 would lead to pedophilia and “the North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, the front-runner for the GOP gubernatorial nomination, at a A ban on gender-affirming care
opinion: END of civilization as we know campaign event in Ocean Isle Beach, N.C., on Feb. 17. He has a history of making offensive remarks. for minors took effect in North it”; the talk of arresting transgen- Carolina last year with much less
Published daily (issn 0190-8286). der people for their bathroom in a statement. He said Robinson bombastic insults. years later, in 2020, he sailed to public pushback. And Democrats,
PostMaster: send address changes to
the Washington Post, 1301 K st. nW, Washington,
choice; the use of antisemitic presents a sharp contrast with He chafed at assumptions that the GOP nomination for lieuten- who see Robinson as a formidable
d.C. 20071. tropes; the Facebook posts calling Stein as “a conservative outsider” Black people were Democrats. He ant governor. rival, are largely focusing this
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, d.C., and Hillary Clinton a “heifer” and Mi- who understands voters’ eco- railed against Barack Obama’s “We’ve pushed back against the year on his record on abortion.
additional mailing office.
chelle Obama a man. nomic struggles and “will work unconventional presidential por- narrative that North Carolina’s a “I don’t care if you’re 24 hours
Even in a Republican Party every day to make our state a trait — “a reflection of the night- racist state, that America’s a racist pregnant. I don’t care if you’re 24
that, under former president better place to live, work and raise mare of Marxist Socialism” — and nation,” he told a local news sta- weeks pregnant. I don’t care. If
cORREcTIONS Donald Trump’s leadership, has a family.” embraced false claims that tion that fall. you kill that young’un, it is mur-
often rewarded crude insults, GOP foes regard his ascent as a Obama was not born in the Unit- He alluded to the family story der,” Robinson told a church in
baseless claims and incendiary damaging departure from other ed States. He joked that DACA, of hardship and perseverance 2021. (Robinson has said he paid
l A March 4 Sports article about language, Robinson stands out contests where party leaders the acronym for Deferred Action that now features in his guberna- for the abortion of his “unborn
an MLS game between Toronto among candidates this year for boxed out risky candidates, and for Childhood Arrivals, a program torial campaign pamphlets. They child” in 1989 — a decision that he
FC and the New England the volume of his bigoted attacks they note that efforts to restrict for undocumented immigrants introduce Robinson as the ninth says was wrong.)
Revolution incorrectly said and vicious diatribes. The lieuten- transgender rights have been an who arrived in the United States of 10 children who grew up amid He “will be the most extreme
Toronto won the match, 2-0, that ant governor of North Carolina albatross for Republicans in as children, actually stood for poverty, alcoholism and domestic candidate that is nominated for
Federico Bernardeschi scored a and the first Black person to hold North Carolina. “Dumb Ass Communist Ameri- abuse and, at multiple points, governor by either party in the
goal and that Toronto goalie the office, Robinson is heavily Wealthy attorney Bill Graham cans.” declared bankruptcy. last 50 years in North Carolina,”
Sean Johnson made four saves. favored to clinch the GOP nomi- said he jumped into the guberna- At a time when many Republi- “Only in America could a story said Morgan Jackson, chief strat-
Toronto won the match, 1-0, nation for governor in Tuesday’s torial race believing that national cans in North Carolina believed a like that exist, and I just count it egist for Stein, the state attorney
Lorenzo Insigne scored the lone primary and, at a Saturday rally Republicans would help sideline bitter fight over transgender peo- as a huge blessing from God,” general who is likely to face Rob-
goal and Johnson had six saves. with Trump, got the former presi- Robinson, and he felt betrayed ple’s restroom use had cost them Robinson said. inson in the fall.
dent’s formal endorsement. when they didn’t step in. “They’ll the governorship, Robinson was Lonergan, the spokesman for
l A Feb. 14 recipe for Flourless Robinson is expected to ad- just play the Mark Robinson top- Praise from Trump, Robinson’s campaign, retorted
Peanut Butter and Chocolate vance to a November showdown 10 hit parade. They won’t need to concern from others that Stein “will be nothing but a
Cookies that appeared in the against Democratic Attorney say a word,” said Graham, predict- When Trump rallied in Wilm- rubber stamp for Joe Biden and
Food section listed an incorrect General Josh Stein, who has a ing the Democratic strategy if “He is history’s latest ington, N.C., before a crowd of the Democrats’ failing, far-left
nutritional analysis. The correct much more measured tone — set- Robinson is the nominee. thousands ahead of the 2022 mid- agenda.”
analysis is below and available at ting up a clash that echoes the Supporters shrug off the re- example of someone terms, he declared Robinson “one choice between Trump and Presi- porting on Robinson’s most out- of the hottest politicians” in the GOP frictions
Calories: 127; Fat: 9 g; Saturated dent Biden. To many Republicans, rageous comments as smear jobs trying to rise to power country. At a rally on Saturday in Robinson’s rivals have tried to
Fat: 3 g; Carbohydrates: 9 g; Robinson, 55, is a conservative and “fake news.” When asked Greensboro, Trump made his sup- convince Republican leaders and
Sodium: 61 mg; Cholesterol: Christian firebrand with Trump- about one of Robinson’s most- through hate.” port official — offering Robinson voters that he is damaging to their
19 mg; Protein: 3 g; Fiber: 2 g; like appeal — a charismatic, bra- scrutinized Facebook posts — a Dale Folwell, state treasurer, who is his “full and total endorsement” brand. Graham said he met with
Sugar: 6 g. zen outsider who burst onto the 2018 screed against the film running against Mark robinson in the in the governor’s race and declar- the Republican Governors Associ-
political scene just a few years ago “Black Panther” that references republican primary ing him “Martin Luther King on ation last summer to explore a
with a viral video. To others, he is Israeli currency and uses a Yid- steroids.” candidacy — offering himself as
the Washington Post is committed to a glaring liability in a battle- dish slur for Black people — Ed Trump retold a favorite story an alternative but arguing that he
correcting errors that appear in the ground race where centrist voters Broyhill, a Republican national defiant. Responding to a trans about once telling Robinson that could succeed only with major
newspaper. those interested in are influential, and critics are committeeman from North Caro- protester with a poster asking he was better than the Black civil third-party spending against
contacting the paper for that purpose alarmed at what he could do in lina, said, “I can’t help but think where they should go to the bath- rights leader — and not being sure Robinson.
the state’s top job. that that’s been manufactured by room, he uploaded a picture of that Robinson liked the compli- “The RGA was worried about
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be “He is history’s latest example some opposition.” himself smiling with his own ment. (Robinson has criticized Robinson. They may deny that,
connected to the desk involved — of someone trying to rise to power The post is still accessible on- cardboard sign: “OUTSIDE King as a “communist.”) but they were,” Graham said.
national, foreign, Metro, style, sports, through hate,” said Dale Folwell, line. WITH THE DOG!” Robinson’s appeal on the right Graham said he moved ahead
Business or any of the weekly sections. the Republican state treasurer, Robinson says he has “never In February of that year, a gun- has resonated well beyond North under the impression that an out-
Comments can be directed to the who is waging a long-shot cam- been antisemitic,” and allies point man killed 17 people at a high Carolina. His reception at nation- side spending campaign against
Post’s reader advocate, who can be paign against Robinson. to his trip to Israel last fall and school in Parkland, Fla. Robinson al conservative conferences has Robinson was in the works. His
reached at 202-334-7582 or With the general election near- talks with Jewish leaders as evi- began posting near-daily retorts rivaled that of some presidential chief strategist, Paul Shumaker, ing, Robinson is trying to move dence he has sought to address to celebrities, politicians and sur- candidates. said the same and added that the
past his most inflammatory com- concerns. viving students who wanted new Campaigning at home, Robin- RGA sought the Graham team’s
ments and focus on issues such as Some of Robinson’s comments firearm laws. son has tried to focus on bread- input on a team to lead the effort.
the economy. “It’s sad but not have left a negative impression When his hometown of Greens- and-butter issues. At his rally last But no such spending material-
surprising that there’s no low the with voters that might be hard for boro, N.C., considered canceling a month in Faison, he spoke at ized.
Democrats and their allies in the him to undo. Nell Casper, 74, an gun show in response to the Park- length about the economy and Courtney Alexander, a spokes-
media won’t stoop to smear Mark independent voter from the Ra- land outcry, Robinson showed up lamented students’ low levels of woman for the RGA, said the
Robinson,” Robinson campaign leigh area, wasn’t moved by Rob- to a city council meeting and gave proficiency in reading. He saved group has “traditionally stayed
spokesman Mike Lonergan said inson’s recent efforts to back off a fiery, four-minute speech. his sharpest rebukes for the me- out of non-incumbent primaries”
from some old comments he “I’ve heard a whole lot of peo- dia, gazing around to find the and “has had no involvement” in

called “poorly worded.” She said ple in here talking tonight about reporters present and accusing the GOP contest in North Caro-
she would probably support the this group and that group and them of fixating on hot-button lina. She said that the RGA has
Democratic nominee. domestic violence and Blacks,” he topics. met with all of the Republican
“You can’t feel one thing and said. “These minorities and that “Notice,” he said, “I haven’t said candidates and that any of them
say it in front of the public … and minority. What I want to know is, anything about transgender peo- would be a stark contrast to the
then draw it back and not have when are you all going to start ple. I haven’t said anything about likely Democratic nominee.
people think about what you said standing up for the majority?” He any bathrooms. I talked about our Graham put his own money
Oil Heat Natural Gas in the first place,” Casper said.
“Because you’ve hurt those peo-
pushed a finger to his chest. “I’m
the majority. I’m a law-abiding
economy, and now I’m talking
about our education system.” The
behind primary ads attacking
Robinson for, among other
Winter is HERE! ple.” citizen who’s never shot any-
audience whistled and cheered as
he grew combative.
things, “demeaning women” and
“defending sexual predators.”
Installing Multilayer From factory worker A video of Robinson spread on “Lick your pencil and write Robinson asserted on a 2018 pod-
to firebrand candidate social media and caught the at- facts!” he yelled. cast that the political left is going
Foil Attic Insulation,
Blown Insulation and In 2018, Robinson was a long- tention of the National Rifle Asso- But the audience cheered loud- after “the Harvey Weinsteins and
time factory worker who raged ciation, which put him in a com- ly when he raged against “diversi- the Bill Cosbys” to replicate Sovi-
Air Sealing Can Have against the political left on Face- mercial and brought him to Dal- ty, equity and inclusion” and et-era intimidation.
an Immediate Impact book with homemade memes and las to address its convention. Two “agenda-driven junk” in schools. They also highlight Robinson’s
on Your Energy Bill! Down-ballot candidates — who 2022 suggestion at a church that
flocked to campaign with Robin- men, not women, are meant to be
ATTENTION DEATH NOTICES CLIENTS: son — warned that the “family leaders. Acknowledging that he
Special event unit is under assault” and called was “getting ready to get in trou-
going on now! Death Notice placements on Sundays to put “Bible and prayer back in ble,” Robinson exclaimed to the
the schools,” like in the early congregation: “Called to be led by
No Interest if Paid in and federal holidays to be self-service only 1960s. men!”
Full within 12 months. Starting May 1, 2024, The Washington Post Paid Death Notices “I like how outspoken Mark is When “it was time to face down
Interest will be charged to your account from the
purchase date if the purchase balance is not paid in Department will utilize a self-service only system on Sundays and about values,” said David Crum- Goliath,” he added, God “sent Da-
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With a minimum purchase/down payment of $4,500. event in Faison. He said he thinks He later suggested that it was
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tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation

Texas governor targets Republicans who oppose voucher
In the Texas legislature, the an- ly close with the former president.
ti-voucher coalition’s numbers Trump has also aided Paxton and
Abbott is pushing a dwindled last year, but it held firm Patrick by backing a challenger to
proposal that critics say enough to keep a voucher propos- Phelan, who presided over Pax-
al from reaching Abbott’s desk. ton’s impeachment.
will hurt public schools The final version of the initiative Despite the school-voucher
would have created “education push, polling continues to show
savings accounts” where parents Texas primary voters are far more
BY P ATRICK S VITEK could use $10,500 in taxpayer concerned about the border,
funds annually to put toward pri- something Abbott acknowledges.
The national movement for vate school expenses. Campaigning for LaHood, Abbott
school vouchers has burgeoned in Ultimately, 21 Republicans in said the challenger’s “No. 1 focus is
recent years, riding the momen- the House voted to strip the pro- my No. 1 focus” — the border —
tum of Republican championing gram out of an omnibus education and that he did not trust Allison
of parental rights during the bill in November. Sixteen of them on that issue either.
covid-19 pandemic. More than 30 are seeking reelection, and Abbott In the interview, Allison chal-
states have programs that let par- has endorsed primary challengers lenged Abbott to say where Alli-
ents use taxpayer dollars to take to 10 of them. He has also en- son has been weak on the border
their children out of public dorsed candidates for the open and suggested Abbott was making
schools. Yet there remains a stub- seats. the attack because “the voucher
born holdout, one particularly no- Abbott kicked off the primary issue isn’t playing as well as he
table because it’s a red state: season by landing a $6 million anticipated.”
Texas. campaign donation from Jeff Yass, Other Abbott-targeted law-
Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and his a Pennsylvania billionaire who makers have sought to leverage
allies are mounting a campaign to champions alternatives to public border politics by bragging that
change that in the state’s Republi- education. The Abbott campaign they killed a program that would
can primaries Tuesday. They are called it the largest known cam- have given “tax dollars to illegal
pouring tens of millions of dollars paign contribution in Texas his- immigrants.” The voucher pro-
into an effort to unseat a group of JABin BoTsford/The WAshingTon PosT tory. gram would have been open to any
state House Republicans who Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) tours the Texas-Mexico border with former president Donald Trump last Abbott’s campaign and two oth- current student, including those
blocked a voucher proposal last week. Abbott and his allies are trying to unseat lawmakers who blocked a voucher proposal last year. er pro-voucher groups are set to in public schools, which accord-
year, echoing long-held concerns spend nearly $10 million on TV ing to Supreme Court precedent
that it would devastate public voucher program in Texas. to fight for me and to fight for you.” sizable number of Republicans advertising alone through Tues- must educate undocumented
schools. Abbott’s effort is unfolding The lawmakers in Abbott’s representing largely rural dis- day, according to the media-track- children.
“It’s been a pretty big fight and alongside that of another state- crosshairs have not shied away tricts have stood in the way. The ing firm AdImpact. The firm has Abbott’s push resonated
an uphill battle, but this is defi- wide official, Attorney General from their opposition to school rural Republicans represent areas tracked more than $30 million Wednesday in San Antonio with
nitely an inflection point,” said Ken Paxton, who is seeking to vouchers. Allison, a former public where public schools are seen as total flowing into the state House Rey Gonzalez, a 37-year-old father
Brendan Steinhauser, a Texas Re- dislodge dozens of state House school board member, said in an the lifeblood of the community primaries. who said private school options
publican strategist who has Republicans who voted to im- interview that his position is far and their government support is Anti-voucher Republicans are were “really important” to him.
worked in the national voucher peach him last year. But it is the from new, and while he has “done closely guarded. being defended by traditional pro- He said he has a 12-year-old
movement for more than a dec- voucher issue that has drawn the a lot of work” researching pro- In recent years, other big states incumbent groups — like the cam- daughter in public school and
ade. “This is the time right now most money to the primaries — grams in other states, “I just can’t with Republican majorities, such paign of House Speaker Dade sends his 3-year-old son to a pri-
when supporters have the re- and prompted stark attacks by a get there.” as Arizona and Florida, have far Phelan — but also getting help vate Christian school, in part, be-
sources and buy-in from the pow- governor previously known for his “I’m absolutely dumbfounded” outpaced Texas by creating new from Texas grocery chain owner cause he worries public schools
ers that be to really make a change political caution. by the intensity of Abbott’s cam- voucher programs or expanding Charles Butt. Since September, he are exposing students to certain
in the Texas House of Representa- Abbott has been campaigning paigning, Allison said. Besides existing ones. Iowa recently gave has pumped at least $4.1 million social issues too early.
tives.” enthusiastically for the challeng- this policy, he added, “I’ve been Abbott a political blueprint when into a political action committee “It causes confusion and makes
The school voucher fight head- ers, headlining multiple events for with the governor on every single its governor, Kim Reynolds, suc- for the cause. the dinner talks a lot different,”
lines a Texas primary that other- each of them in recent weeks. He issue and every single request he’s cessfully campaigned against fel- The biggest wild card may be Gonzalez said.
wise features little drama at the arrived Wednesday in San Anto- made since I’ve been in the legisla- low Republicans who stood in her the other political forces animat- For Abbott, the campaign is a
top of the ticket. Former president nio for his third stop for Marc ture.” way on the issue. ing the primary. While Paxton possible legacy-making moment
Donald Trump is expected to LaHood, an attorney running Other incumbents have been “Texas is the biggest state left,” supports school vouchers, he is as he looks to a political future
romp in the state’s presidential against state Rep. Steve Allison, less diplomatic in their pushback. said Nathan Cunneen, a spokes- more broadly trying to remake a that could include running for
primary, while Rep. Colin Allred is and made a case against a fellow State Rep. Glenn Rogers said man for the American Federation House GOP majority that he sees reelection in 2026, which would
the front-runner for the Demo- Republican that went far beyond Wednesday on X that the major for Children. “When we talk about as too deferential to the minority set him up to be the longest-serv-
cratic nomination to challenge his resistance to school vouchers. donors of his Abbott-backed op- Republican-trifecta states” — party. ing Texas governor, or serving in a
Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. “I cannot trust your current ponent want the “COMPLETE states where the GOP holds the Trump has most notably inter- second Trump administration.
Trump has doled out dozens of representative, Steve Allison, to DESTRUCTION OF OUR PUBLIC governorship and both legislative vened by endorsing challengers Trump toured the Texas-Mexi-
down-ballot endorsements in the have my back,” Abbott told a SCHOOLS.” chambers — “all around the coun- who have the support of both Ab- co border Thursday with Abbott
primary, including to some Ab- crowd of nearly 100 people inside School vouchers have long try, when I’m traveling, people say, bott, Paxton and Lt. Gov. Dan Pat- and later said the governor was on
bott-backed challengers who a tavern on the city’s northern faced a steep climb in the Texas ‘I can’t believe Texas doesn’t have rick, a longtime critic of state his shortlist for possible running
share his zeal for establishing a outskirts. “I do trust Marc LaHood House, where Democrats and a school choice yet.’ ” House leadership who is especial- mates.

D igest

Man guilty of killing
woman for insurance
A New York man was
convicted Monday for killing and
dismembering a woman after
fraudulently taking out a life
insurance policy in her name —
then trying to collect the benefits,
federal prosecutors said Monday.
Cory Martin watched crime
shows including “Dexter” and
“The First 48” for tips on how to
get away with killing the woman,
a sex worker whom he managed,
a co-conspirator testified during
the two-week Brooklyn federal
court trial. Andy BArron/AP

The 36-year-old Queens Pat Setter uses a snowblower to dig out his trash container outside his
resident was charged in the 2018 home at Donner Lake in Truckee, Calif., on Monday. A powerful blizzard
death of Brandy Odom, a 26-year- closed highways and ski resorts as it moved through the Sierra Nevada.
old whose body was found
scattered in a park in Brooklyn.
Prosecutors said Martin,
Odom and the co-conspirator,
Adelle Anderson, lived together then fled the scene in the car. NORtH CAROLiNA
in Queens. — Associated Press
They say Martin and Anderson Two Venus' flytrap
fraudulently obtained two life MiCHigAN poachers face arrest
insurance policies in Odom’s
name the year before Martin Man sentenced in Authorities in North Carolina
threats against Jews
strangled Odom in her bedroom have obtained arrest warrants for
in April 2018. two people in a poaching case
Anderson, who has pleaded A 20-year-old Michigan man involving hundreds of Venus’
guilty to charges related to the who admitted to using social flytraps, which grow naturally in
life insurance scheme and
murder plot, testified in Martin’s
media to make violent threats
against Jewish people was
the eastern part of the state.
Officers with the North
trial. sentenced Monday to a year and Carolina Wildlife Resources
— Associated Press a day in prison.
Seann Pietila, who has been
Commission obtained arrest
warrants for two people accused Windows All Doors
CALiFORNiA locked up since June, was of stealing nearly 600 of the rare
accused of using Instagram to plants from conservation land in
Masked shooters kill 4 spread neo-Nazi ideology, discuss Boiling Spring Lakes, WECT-TV
at outdoor party plans to kill people and praise reported. It is not clear if the
mass shooters. people have been arrested.
A group of men in masks Pietila admitted that he told Venus’ flytraps are native to
opened fire at an outdoor party in someone last summer about a southeastern North Carolina.
central California, killing four plan to kill or injure Jewish “They only grow naturally
people and wounding seven people and wanted to post the within a 100-mile radius of
others, police said. attack online. The FBI said Pietila Wilmington,” Sgt. Matt Criscoe
Police responded to a reported also had written the name of the with the North Carolina Wildlife
shooting around 6 p.m. Sunday Shaarey Zedek congregation in Resources Commission told the

25% 25%
in King City and found three men East Lansing, near Michigan news station. “This time of year
with gunshot wounds who were State University, on his phone they start to bud flowers,”
pronounced dead in a front yard, along with a 2024 date. making it easier to find them and OFF OFF
the King City Police Department Pietila moved to the Lansing prompting increased patrols for
said. area from the Upper Peninsula poachers, Criscoe said.
A woman also died after
someone took her to Mee
when he was 16 years old.
Prosecutors had sought a
He said the plants are sold on
the black market or locally.
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Memorial Hospital in King City, prison sentence of nearly three Wildlife officers responded to
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Several people were at the days, along with $10,648 in Boiling Spring Lakes. They were
party outside a home when three
men with dark masks and clothes
restitution to the synagogue for
security. Pietila will get credit for
stopped at a gas station and their
backpacks searched. They’re
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the group. The suspects, who in jail. 590 plants, Criscoe said.
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were not immediately identified, — Associated Press — Associated Press

A4 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

Harris takes the spotlight in calling out Israel over Gaza

BY C LEVE R . W OOTSON J R., dan. Israel has agreed to elements
T YLER P AGER, of the cease-fire deal, and now the
Y ASMEEN A BUTALEB onus is on Hamas, Harris said
“Hamas claims it wants a cease-
Vice President Harris has be- fire,” she said. “Well, there is a deal
gun taking a more public role in on the table. And as we have said,
the Biden administration’s effort Hamas needs to agree to that
to handle the Gaza war, bluntly deal.”
criticizing Israel on Sunday for for months, Harris has private-
limiting humanitarian aid and ly expressed concerns about the
meeting monday with Prime min- plight of Palestinians, and she has
ister Benjamin Netanyahu’s chief also told advisers that younger
political rival. voters view the Israeli-Palestinian
monday’s White House meet- conflict through a different lens
ing with Benny Gantz — a centrist than older ones, according to peo-
member of Israel’s war cabinet ple familiar with her views, who
who traveled to the United States spoke on the condition of ano-
in defiance of Netanyahu — came nymity to describe private talks.
after Gantz previously spoke with Some activists saw an added
various American officials who significance in the setting of Har-
have visited Jerusalem. But a ris’s remarks on Sunday, part of a
Washington visit, particularly one prepared speech that aides said
that included a meeting with Har- was cleared by Biden’s team. The
ris, was seen as twisting the knife, vice president was speaking in
given Netanyahu’s own strained Selma, Ala., during a commemo-
relations with the president. ration of “Bloody Sunday,” when
A White House summary of the state troopers in 1965 brutally at-
meeting said Harris reiterated tacked civil rights marchers.
U.S. support for Israel but “ex- Some liberals have sought to
pressed her deep concern about link the plight of Palestinians with
the humanitarian conditions in equity movements that involve
Gaza and the recent horrific trag- marginalized communities, in-
edy around an aid convoy in cluding Black Americans in the
northern Gaza.” That was a refer- Jim Crow South, citizens of color
ence to the death Thursday of in apartheid South Africa and,
more than 100 Palestinians after more recently, the Black Lives
an aid convoy was swarmed and matter movement.
Israeli soldiers opened fire. Still, some activists were skepti- elIjAH nouvelAGe/Getty ImAGes

A day earlier, Harris declared cal monday of Harris’s more pub- Vice president Harris speaks at an event Sunday commemorating the 59th anniversary of the “Bloody Sunday” bridge crossing in Selma,
during a speech in Alabama that lic outspokenness. “To me, this is a Ala. Harris has ramped up her rhetoric on Israel in recent days, including during the Selma event, where she called for a cease-fire.
“the Israeli government must do public relations and messaging
more to significantly increase the shift,” said Waleed Shahid, a Dem- The vice president has also of nearly no aid reaching northern skeptics that she is a firm leader. ing to members of his party, ac-
flow of aid.” She added, “No excus- ocratic strategist who has been pushed Biden to address the con- Gaza. And they were met with Harris’s recent actions reflect a cused Gantz of letting himself be
es.” critical of the White House. “I cerns of the Arab and muslim gunfire and chaos.” fundamental shift in the adminis- used by Biden administration fig-
Although Harris’s calls for a don’t see a policy shift.” community in America since the Harris is not the only high- tration’s posture as the war has ures who wanted “to drive a
cease-fire echoed President He said the venue of Harris’s beginning of the conflict. Shortly ranking Democrat to ratchet up unfolded over the past five wedge between Israelis” to push
Biden’s comments over the past remarks was more revealing than after the oct. 7 Hamas attacks, her rhetoric on Gaza in recent months. Shortly after the oct. 7 their plans for a Palestinian state.
week, she took a notably sharper her words. Harris convinced the president to days. “The collective punishment attacks, Biden took a whirlwind Netanyahu, who openly em-
tone, which comes as a growing “It’s significant that Vice Presi- add a line addressing Islamopho- in Gaza has got to stop, and Israel trip to Israel, sharing a brief hug braced former president Donald
number of Democrats are voicing dent Harris made her messaging bia in a speech promising uncon- must do more to protect civilian with Netanyahu, attending a Trump, has long had a frosty rela-
their displeasure over Biden’s shift addressing a Black audience ditional support for Israel. life,” Sen. Patty murray (D-Wash.) meeting of the Israeli war cabinet tionship with Biden. As Biden and
handling of Gaza in television in- in Selma, which makes me think Israel launched its military said on the Senate floor late last and speaking with survivors of the Harris have ramped up their criti-
terviews, protests, sternly worded the White House is not only wor- campaign after Hamas militants week. attacks. cism of Israel’s prosecution of the
statements — and at the ballot ried about losing Arab Americans, rampaged through the Israel- Sen. Chris murphy (D-Conn.), a In speaking with Gantz on war in Gaza and its failure to
box. muslim Americans and young Gaza border fence on oct. 7, and its member of the foreign relations monday, Harris was meeting with facilitate more humanitarian aid,
“People in Gaza are starving. people, but also older Black vot- war has now killed more than Committee, called scenes from the a centrist politician who angered more Israelis are accusing Netan-
The conditions are inhumane,” ers,” he said. 30,000 Palestinians, according to stampede and gunfire “appalling.” Netanyahu by coming to the Unit- yahu of mishandling relations
Harris said. “And our common This is not the first time Harris the Gaza Health ministry, displac- Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-md.), ed States this week. Harris told with the country’s most important
humanity compels us to act.” has seemed to take a sharper tone ing more than 80 percent of the decrying the lack of aid getting reporters on monday that there is ally.
Biden’s staunch support of Isra- than Biden on the Israel-Gaza war. population as people shelter in into Gaza, said, “Enough is no dissonance between her views Gantz’s trip appears to be exac-
el has long prompted criticism In a speech in Dubai in Decem- squalid conditions. enough.” and Biden’s. erbating those tensions. Numer-
from human rights activists that ber, Harris used forceful language The United States conducted its for Harris and the Biden ad- “The president and I have been ous outlets reported that Netanya-
the administration is complicit in in calling on Israel to limit civilian first airdrop of food into Gaza on ministration, the stakes are not aligned and consistent from the hu had instructed Israel’s embas-
what they see as Israel’s extreme casualties, and she spoke in more Saturday, although aid groups just about a conflict nearly 7,000 very beginning,” she said as she sy in Washington to boycott
reaction to the oct. 7 attacks, detail about Palestinian suffering, said it does not fundamentally miles away. Harris is the under- headed to her meeting with Gantz. Gantz’s meetings.
when Hamas militants surged which Biden had seldom done at address what is needed to prevent study to an 81-year-old president, Gantz did not clear his travel Netanyahu has plummeted in
over the border, killing about that point. famine. and polls show that many Ameri- plans with Netanyahu in advance, the polls in the wake of the Hamas
1,200 Israelis and taking about Her aides said she has made her “We have seen reports of fami- cans have questions about his according to Israeli media re- attack, and Gantz is increasingly
250 hostages. The counteroffen- views known privately as well. lies eating leaves or animal feed, ability to continue in the most ports. Instead, Gantz briefed Ne- seen as his likely successor. A sur-
sive has disproportionately affect- Harris has been particularly fo- women giving birth to malnour- demanding job in the world. tanyahu on his itinerary on friday, vey released by Israel’s Channel 13
ed civilians and children, with dis- cused on the “day after” in Gaza, ished babies with little or no medi- Coupled with those concerns provoking an angry retort that on monday showed Gantz’s Na-
turbing images from the escalat- they said, as the United States and cal care, and children dying from are worries among some voters “Israel only has one prime minis- tional Unity party winning more
ing humanitarian crisis ricochet- Israel have conflicting visions malnutrition and dehydration,” about how Harris would perform ter,” according to Ynet, which than twice as many seats in the
ing around the world. over what the future of the enclave Harris said Sunday. “And just a if she found herself at the top of broke news of the spat over the Israeli parliament as Netanyahu’s
U.S. officials are urgently trying will look like, with Biden strongly few days ago, we saw hungry, des- the Democratic ticket or in the weekend. Likud party.
to secure a six-week cease-fire in embracing the idea of a Palestin- perate people approach aid White House. on issues from re- Netanyahu’s allies also have
Gaza before Sunday, the start of ian state and Netanyahu dismiss- trucks, simply trying to secure productive rights to the Ukraine criticized Gantz’s trip. finance Hendrix reported from jerusalem. liz
the muslim holy month of rama- ing it. food for their families after weeks war, Harris has sought to reassure minister Bezalel Smotrich, speak- Goodwin contributed to this report.

U.N. adds credence on sexual violence

report from A1 body and an independent panel cized Israeli military actions in
headed by french former foreign Gaza. “The U.N. claims to care
settlers” against Palestinians in minister Catherine Colonna. about women,” he said. “Yet as we
the West Bank, came on a day of Since then, Israel has released speak right now, Israeli women
swirling charges and counter- video from oct. 7 showing a man it are being raped and abused by
charges. identified as an UNrWA social Hamas terrorists. … Deafening si-
In a fiery address to the U.N. worker helping to put the body of lence. Sure, we have heard the
General Assembly, Philippe Laz- a slain Israeli into a car, ostensibly empty words of U.N. officials call-
zarini, the director of UNrWA — to be taken back inside Gaza. Al- ing for the release of the hostages.
the U.N. agency for Palestinian though more than 100 hostages But have we seen any of them take
refugees that has worked in Gaza were released during a negotiated action? Nothing.”
and the West Bank for the past 75 week-long pause in the fighting in The U.N. report did not assign
years — accused Israel of a “delib- November, and there are ongoing specific blame to Hamas, Palestin-
erate and concerted campaign to negotiations to release the rest, an ian Islamic Jihad or what it said
undermine [UNrWA] operations unknown number of those in were “other Palestinian paramili-
and ultimately end them” with Hamas captivity are believed to be tary organizations … [and] armed
misinformation, targeted attacks dead. and unarmed elements” entering
on its infrastructure, and restric- on monday, Israel released Israel from Gaza in three “cumula-
tions on its movements in the what it said was a declassified tive waves” on oct. 7 and did not
West Bank and Israel. recording of an intercepted tele- “gather information and/or draw
“The repeated calls by the gov- phone call by an UNrWA teacher conclusions” of responsibility.
ernment of Israel to eliminate the “bragging” about the oct. 7 at- “Such attribution,” it said,
agency are not about neutrality,” tacks. The government also re- “would require a fully-fledged in-
he said. “The campaign against leased an additional three names vestigative process,” which it
UNrWA is intended to shift the of “terrorists employed by called for in its recommendations.
long-standing political power in- UNrWA” and said that more than But Israeli foreign ministry Henry nIcHolls/AFP/Getty ImAGes

terests for peace in the occupied 450 of the agency’s employees are spokesman Lior Haiat said mon- protesters wear fake blood as they take part in a demonstration outside BBC headquarters in London,
Palestinian territory set by the “military operatives in terror day on social media that Israel on Feb. 4, to bring attention to the plight of kidnapped Israeli women in Gaza.
[U.N.] General Assembly and the groups in Gaza.” Those claims “welcomes the explicit recogni-
Security Council without consult- could not be immediately inde- tion” of a U.N. body on “the com- 50 hours of footage of the attacks, wide area and multiple perpetra- The report, in occasionally
ing either body.” pendently verified. mission of sexual crimes by and visited a morgue, a military tors; the high number of burned graphic detail, concluded that
If it succeeds, he said, “the en- Israel has previously said that Hamas.” base and the locations of several bodies; the loss of “potentially there were “reasonable grounds”
tire humanitarian response in UNrWA itself is a terrorist organi- Pramila Patten, the U.N. special attacks. valuable evidence due to the inter- to believe that sexual violence had
Gaza will crumble.” zation. representative on sexual violence The mission team’s mandate ventions” of first responders and occurred, including rape and gang
Lazzarini said, in remarks that In an earlier General Assembly in conflict, led the report team of was to gather, analyze and verify soldiers without training in col- rape, in at least three locations,
were met with widespread ap- session monday, called to discuss technical experts — including a information on incidents of lecting forensic evidence, leading including the Nova music festival
plause in the massive assembly the most recent of three U.S. ve- forensic pathologist and special- conflict-related sexual violence in to “erroneous interpretations” of site, road 232 and Kibbutz reim.
hall, that UNrWA’s ability to fulfill toes of Security Council resolu- ists in ethical treatment of survi- the context of the attacks, though what they found; and religious “Credible circumstantial informa-
its U.N.-ordered mandate is al- tions demanding an immediate vors of sexual violence. The team the report’s authors caution not to sensitivities that led to dressing, tion, which may be indicative of
ready “seriously threatened” by humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza, interviewed survivors and wit- interpret the document as “an in- covering, repositioning or quickly some forms of sexual violence,
the withdrawal of funding by robert Wood, the alternate U.S. nesses of the oct. 7 attacks — vestigation.” burying bodies. including genital mutilation, sex-
16 countries, among them the representative, said that such a although the report notes that The mission team adopted the It also cited a “lack of access to ualized torture, or cruel, inhuman
United States and Germany. measure “would not achieve the they did not speak directly with standard of proof of “reasonable first-hand testimonies” of surviv- and degrading treatment, was
The funding cuts came after goal of a sustainable peace and any of the survivors of the alleged grounds to believe,” based on “its ing victims. Instead, the report also gathered,” it said.
Israel said it had evidence that 12 may in fact run counter to it.” sexual violence on that day. own assessment of the credibility said, team members met with “a It determined that at least two
of UNrWA’s 13,000 employees in Instead, he urged members to sup- The number of survivors is un- and reliability of the witnesses it small number” of oct. 7 survivors alleged instances of sexual vio-
Gaza had been involved in the port a U.S. draft resolution back- known, but a “small number” of met” and by verifying the sources and witnesses “who provided in- lence reported in the media were
oct. 7 attacks. After Israeli author- ing negotiations for a temporary them are reportedly undergoing and methodologies of reports pro- formation on instances of sexual unfounded, including the “graphi-
ities informed Lazzarini verbally cease-fire that would allow in- treatment and are experiencing duced by others, cross-referenc- violence,” including some whose cally publicized case of a pregnant
of the charges on Jan. 18, he fired creased humanitarian aid to Gaza severe mental distress and trau- ing information and assessing recollections differed from earlier woman whose womb had report-
the accused because of the “gravi- and the release of hostages. ma, the report says. “Despite con- whether “there was sufficient accounts. edly been torn open.”
ty of the situation,” he said, but “no At the same meeting, held be- certed efforts to encourage them credible and reliable information The report noted that “trust in “The mission team was unable
further information has been pro- fore the release of the sexual vio- to come forward, the mission … to make a finding in fact,” the ... international organizations, to establish the prevalence of sex-
vided to me.” Two of the men lence report, Israeli Ambassador team was not able to interview any report said. such as the United Nations, are at ual violence and concludes that
accused are believed to have been Gilad Erdan called out the coun- of these survivors/victims,” ac- Among the challenges the team an all-time low amongst many the overall magnitude, scope, and
killed. The charges and overall cil’s repeated failure to explicitly cording to the press release. faced, the report said, were “the survivors and/or witnesses … specific attribution of these viola-
UNrWA operations are being in- condemn the attacks by Hamas, The team also reviewed over magnitude of the situation,” with making them reluctant to come tions would require a fully-fledged
vestigated by an internal U.N. even as it has extensively criti- 5,000 photographs and about many casualties spread over a forward.” investigation,” the report said.
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A5


Schi≠ ’s insider support trumping Porter’s outsider appeal in Senate race

tute of Governmental Studies, super PAC backed by major play- had people who are powerful spe-
even though the onetime first ers in the cryptocurrency indus- cial interests push back; they fund
The Democrat has baseman for the Los Angeles try. While Porter avoided taking these people’s campaigns and it
pushed ahead in part by Dodgers and the San Diego Padres corporate PAC donations, the ads affects what they do.”
has not aired any of his own ads from Fairshake have noted that But Schiff noted this weekend
promoting GOP rival and has barely been visible on the she has taken contributions from that it was unusual for so many of
campaign trail. Data from Ad Im- people who worked at banking, his House colleagues to get in-
pact shows that 60 percent of pharmaceutical and oil compa- volved in a primary where three
BY M AEVE R ESTON Schiff’s recent broadcast airings nies. members of the delegation are
have mentioned Garvey as Schiff “I don’t think Rep. Porter has running against one another:
lONG BEaCH, Calif. — As Katie and his allies have spent more been fully clear about her own “They know who has the ability to
Porter high-fived her way to the than $11 million on the airwaves record of taking thousands of dol- get things done.”
microphone at a recent rally here elevating Garvey’s profile. lars from people in the oil indus- “Congress is a place where you
with Taylor Swift’s “The Man” Porter, who is also being target- try, thousands from Wall Street can’t do anything on your own.
pumping from loudspeakers, two ed with nearly $9 million in bankers, thousands from people You have to be able to work with
front-row fans greeted her bear- spending by a crypto industry- in the Pharma industry, as other people,” Schiff said after a
ing mini versions of the accessory backed super PAC, noted the irony OpenSecrets has revealed,” Schiff rally Sunday morning in San Di-
she made famous: whiteboards, of her situation Saturday after six said. “The problem with purity ego. “If you can’t work with other
theirs bearing the hashtag #Team- years in Congress fashioning her tests, as Rep. Porter would like to people, you can’t be effective. So
KatiePorter. agenda around fighting corrup- establish, is that invariably the this is a race about results versus
“I just love how she stands up tion and the way in which corpo- mARk RightmiRe/AP people establishing them don’t just rhetoric.”
and represents like a middle-class rate PAC donations influence poli- Rep. Katie Porter (D) is in third place in the polls leading up to meet them.” The recent Berkeley poll, co-
liberal,” gushed LeAnne Wunsch ticians. California’s jungle primary for the state’s open U.S. Senate seat. Touting the endorsements of sponsored by the Los Angeles
of San Pedro, her custom white- “People in their 20s and 30s Pelosi and more than 300 current Times, underscores that Porter
board dangling from a string like and 40s feel like elections are managing Trump’s first impeach- ideological differences between and former elected officials in could pose a threat to Schiff in
a necklace as she recounted about big money; they’re about ment trial, a role that Pelosi select- him, Lee and Porter. Though California, Schiff has framed his November — and that Garvey
watching Porter shred the argu- shady money and dark money,” ed him for. As the former presi- Schiff was a member of the Blue relationships with his colleagues would be a much weaker oppo-
ments of banking and pharma- she said, the frustration palpable dent has continued to attack him Dog Coalition — a caucus of mod- as an asset — highlighting his nent. In a hypothetical two-candi-
ceutical CEOs in congressional in her voice as she dropped off her over the past year, Schiff has used erate House Democrats — during ability to work within the system date race in November, Schiff led
hearings. “She stands up to corpo- ballot and accompanied her 18- those slights, including Trump’s his earlier years in Congress, he to advance legislation while with 53 percent to Garvey’s 38
rations, to rich people. She’s just year-old son, Luke Hoffman, to nicknames for him like “pencil shifted left over the years — align- obliquely referring to Porter’s percent, with 9 percent undecid-
so relatable.” vote for the first time at a polling neck” and “shifty Schiff,” to fuel ing himself with many of the pri- more adversarial positioning as a ed. But if the race were between
But Porter is finding that the location in Irvine. “We’ve seen a his small-dollar fundraising. “We orities championed by the Con- problem. Schiff and Porter, they essentially
outsider credentials she built in lot of that in this election cycle in beat him before; we will beat him gressional Progressive Caucus, in- “There’s nothing easier than begin the contest in a tie.
those viral moments as the relat- this Senate race. That is discour- putting your name on a bill,” The low rate at which Califor-
able, minivan-driving, suburban aging to younger people, because Schiff said, suggesting Porter nia’s more than 21 million voters
mom-turned-interrogator in Con- it makes them feel like — what’s lacked legislative accomplish- are returning mail-in ballots thus
gress are no match for the insider the point of voting if $10 [million] “You can’t buy my vote. You have to earn it ments during a recent debate. far could spell trouble for Porter
advantages of Adam Schiff, a long- or $20 million in dark ads are “Where you see the real legislators on Tuesday. A plurality of the
time lieutenant of Rep. Nancy going to influence the outcome of by showing me how you’re going to is they write their own legisla- ballots returned have been from
Pelosi, the former speaker of the the election?” tion.” voters who are 65 years or older, a
House, who locked down the sup- In one final plot twist, Porter deliver for Californians.” Some of Schiff’s establishment dynamic that is likely to favor
port of much of California’s Dem- and her allies are incensed that Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.), candidate for U.S. Senate backers, such as former senator Schiff and Garvey. Polls have con-
ocratic establishment early last after helping engineer Garvey’s Barbara Boxer, have also mocked sistently shown a generational di-
year. rise, Schiff has spent the final days Porter’s promise to “shake up the vide among Democrats — with
The two popular Democrats, of the primary race fundraising again,” Schiff said Saturday at a cluding the Green New Deal and Senate” — stating that kind of younger Democrats favoring Por-
who are both prodigious fundrais- off the surge that he helped fund, union hall in Orange, “and he will Medicare-for-all. Both Porter and disruption is unnecessary at a ter and Lee, and older voters fa-
ers, had long been viewed as the dispatching texts asking for dona- never set foot in the Oval Office Lee have helped lead that group — moment when members are more voring Schiff.
probable victors Tuesday in Cali- tions by warning a “MAGA ex- again.” and have been quick to point out often struggling to find consen- Porter has pleaded with her
fornia’s jungle primary, in which tremist” could be California’s next Though Garvey has refused to they championed some of the sus. backers to ramp up turnout, argu-
the top two vote-getters will ad- senator. “That’s the cynical cycle,” say whether he will vote for group’s priorities before Schiff During a recent debate, Porter ing it will be critical to ensuring
vance to the general election re- she said. Trump again, Schiff has tried to did. was also pressed to explain why 27 that “California has a warrior in
gardless of party. But with Schiff, Schiff is campaigning in his paint the two men with the same Schiff has also avoided engag- members of California’s House Washington.”
Porter and their Democratic col- final sprint across the state as brush: “He voted for Donald ing with Porter on her criticism delegation had endorsed Schiff “We need a leader who doesn’t
league, Rep. Barbara Lee, splitting though his contest with Porter Trump repeatedly even after wit- that he took corporate PAC money and only one, Rep. Robert Garcia just talk about being a hero for
their party’s vote, Schiff has wield- and Lee is already over — keeping nessing the chaos and extremism in earlier races, except when she of Long Beach, had endorsed her. democracy, we need a leader who
ed his enormous war chest to his focus on what he views as the of Trump’s four years in office,” has directly challenged him on Porter, who has said she didn’t go is doing it by changing how Wash-
boost support for their top Repub- threat to democracy posed by Schiff told his supporters. “We’re that topic in debates. (He has not to Washington to make friends, ington runs,” she said at the Long
lican rival, former Major League Trump in his potential return to going to make sure he never sets accepted corporate PAC money in reiterated that she is “not behold- Beach rally, contrasting her ap-
Baseball player Steve Garvey. the White House. foot in the Senate.” this race). en to corporate special interests” proach with Schiff’s. “You can’t
Garvey surged to first place, He became a celebrity to many Schiff has been able to keep his In a recent debate he echoed and noted that her opposition to buy my vote. You have to earn it by
ahead of Schiff, in a poll released Democratic voters — and a night- campaign focused on Trump in the attacks that have been aired earmarks sets her apart from showing me how you’re going to
Friday by the UC Berkeley Insti- ly presence on cable news — while part because there are so few on television by Fairshake, the many of her colleagues: “I have deliver for Californians.”

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A6 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024


Fearing ‘chaos,’
high court keeps
Trump on ballots
CourT frOm A1 er Trump engaged in insurrection.
It also did not list a single justice as
portant” in remarks from mar-a- the primary author and was in-
Lago, his florida home and pri- stead issued “per curiam” in an
vate club, on monday afternoon. effort to show unanimity.
Trump’s eligibility to return to The justices drew a clear dis-
office is not the only question be- tinction between state and nation-
fore the justices that could affect al elections, writing that “States
the electability of the former presi- may disqualify persons holding or
dent, who is facing four criminal attempting to hold state office. But
indictments, two of them related States have no power under the
to his efforts to block Joe Biden’s Constitution to enforce Section 3
2020 election victory. The high with respect to federal offices, es-
court next month will hear pecially the Presidency.”
Trump’s claim that he is protected five of the six conservative jus-
from criminal prosecution by tices then went further, writing
presidential immunity. The jus- that the disqualification clause
tices’ decision to take that case can be enforced for national office
delayed Trump’s D.C. federal trial only through federal legislation —
for allegedly trying to overturn the not a federal court challenge or
2020 election results until at least nonlegislative action by Congress.
late summer, just a few months “responsibility for enforcing Sec-
before the general election. tion 3 against federal officehold-
The justices separately have ers and candidates rests with Con-
agreed to review the validity of a gress and not the States,” the ma-
law that was used to charge hun- jority said. Jahi chikWendiU/The WaShingTon PoST

dreds of people in connection with Legal analysts said that require- Gabriel Chambers outside the Supreme Court on Feb. 8, the day of oral argument on the ruling from Colorado’s top court.
the Jan. 6 riot and is also a key ment would presumably prevent
element of Trump’s four-count Congress from trying to enforce The three justices also ap- the national temperature down, He also said the voters, not the cratic candidates.
federal election obstruction case the statute by refusing to count peared to call out Chief Justice not up,” Barrett wrote. courts, would have to pass final Trump’s lawyer, Jonathan
in Washington. Trump electoral votes at the Jan. 6, John G. roberts Jr. for not taking a Language embedded as “hid- judgment on Trump’s conduct. mitchell, told the court that en-
Trump is the first former U.S. 2025, joint session to certify the more narrow path in the Colorado den text” in the digital version of “The Supreme Court removed forcement of the disqualification
president ever charged with a election results. case. Their concurrence opens the court’s opinion, but not visible an enforcement mechanism, and clause is up to Congress, not state
crime. The high court’s involve- The three liberal justices, in with a quote from roberts’s own in the public-facing document, in letting Trump back on the bal- courts or officials. In addition,
ment in his legal and political their sharply worded concur- concurrence in the 2022 Dobbs suggests there may have been lot, they failed to meet the mo- mitchell said Section 3 does not
future as he campaigns to return rence, said the majority’s ap- decision upholding mississippi’s even more disagreement among ment,” Bookbinder said in a state- apply to Trump because a presi-
to the White House has made the proach “shuts the door on other 15-week abortion ban, when the the justices initially. The text — ment. “But it is now clear that dent is not an “officer of the United
2024 election an unprecedented potential means of federal en- chief justice urged his conserva- hidden at the top of the concur- Trump led the January 6th insur- States,” which is one of the terms
test of America’s judicial and dem- forcement. We cannot join an tive colleagues not to take the ad- rence and first reported by mark rection, and it will be up to the the section uses when discussing
ocratic institutions. opinion that decides momentous ditional step of overturning Roe v. Joseph Stern of Slate — lists Soto- American people to ensure ac- potential insurrectionists. The
In the Colorado case, the jus- and difficult issues unnecessarily.” Wade. mayor as “concurring in part and countability.” justices did not embrace that ar-
tices were reviewing a decision The majority, they said, had “If it is not necessary to decide dissenting in part,” suggesting Trump’s legal team said the gument in monday’s opinion.
from Colorado’s top court that re- foreclosed enforcement through more to dispose of a case, then it is that earlier in the process the con- court’s ruling is a “victory is not Jason murray, the lawyer for the
lied on a long-dormant post-Civil the courts if, for instance, “a party necessary not to decide more,” currence might have included a just for President Trump but for Colorado voters, urged the justices
War provision of the 14th Amend- is prosecuted by an insurrection- roberts wrote at the time. partial dissent. the integrity of our electoral sys- to definitively resolve the question
ment to declare Trump ineligible ist and raises a defense on that Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a The court did not respond to a tem and the rights of voters across of Trump’s eligibility. He warned
to return to the White House. The score.” conservative, agreed with the lib- request for comment about the the country.” that if they did not do so, Congress
case thrust the Supreme Court By dictating how Section 3 is erals in part, writing separately to hidden text. “The attempt to use the 14th could still try to disqualify Trump
into a pivotal role not seen since enforced, Justices Sonia Sotomay- say that the lawsuit before the The challenge to Trump’s candi- Amendment in this manner was a and prevent him from taking of-
2000, when the high court’s deci- or, Elena Kagan and Ketanji court “did not require us to ad- dacy was brought by six Colorado dangerous overreach that, if left fice if he won the general election.
sion in Bush v. Gore handed the Brown Jackson added, the majori- dress the complicated question of voters — four republicans and unchallenged, could have set a Derek muller, a Notre Dame
presidency to George W. Bush and ty “attempts to insulate all alleged whether federal legislation is the two independents. The Colorado perilous precedent for future elec- Law School professor closely fol-
bitterly divided the nation. insurrectionists from future chal- exclusive vehicle through which Supreme Court found that Trump tion,” attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon lowing the case, said the court’s
The provision prohibits anyone lenges to their holding office. In a Section 3 can be enforced.” engaged in insurrection when he said in a statement. decision “does not resolve the con-
who previously pledged to sup- sensitive case crying out for judi- But she also appeared to chide summoned his supporters to At oral argument on feb. 8, tentious insurrection issues,
port the Constitution as “an officer cial restraint, it abandons that the liberals for the tone of their Washington and encouraged an justices from across the ideologi- which will remain live and disput-
of the United States” from return- course.” concurrence, saying this fraught angry crowd to disrupt Congress’s cal spectrum warned of troubling ed in the public domain in the
ing to office if they betrayed their They criticized the majority for political moment was not a time to certification of Biden’s victory. political ramifications if they per- months to come. But it shuts the
oath by engaging in insurrection. creating what they called a “spe- “amplify disagreement with stri- Noah Bookbinder, president of mitted Colorado to order the lead- door on any exclusion of Trump
The text of Section 3 does not cial rule” for disqualification, not- dency.” Citizens for responsibility and ing republican presidential can- from the ballot in any state, either
specify who is supposed to enforce ing that other sections of the 14th “The Court has settled a politi- Ethics in Washington, which didate off the ballot. Several jus- in the primary or the general.”
the clause or when it should be Amendment, including due proc- cally charged issue in the volatile helped bring the lawsuit, posited tices suggested that such a deci- The case is Trump v. Anderson.
invoked. ess and equal protection guaran- season of a Presidential election. that by not addressing the insur- sion would throw the presidential
The court’s opinion monday did tees, do not require specific imple- Particularly in this circumstance, rection question, the high court let race into turmoil and lead other chris dehghanpoor and amy b Wang
not address the question of wheth- menting legislation. writings on the Court should turn that finding from Colorado stand. states to try to disqualify Demo- contributed to this report.

Supreme Court ruling darkens critics’

hopes for a judicial curb on Trump
Trump frOm A1 ars, with some championing the United States,” Luttig said. “The
case and others expressing decision is stunning in its over-
While the court had been wide- doubts about either the legality or reach.”
ly expected to rule in Trump’s the practical impact of keeping The impact of monday’s deci-
favor, the decision came amid a Trump from running — or both. sion was immediate, effectively
string of setbacks in efforts to mark Graber, a University of nullifying efforts in states across
hold Trump accountable for his maryland constitutional law the country to ban Trump from
efforts to disrupt the transfer of scholar who last year published a running. Within hours of the rul-
power after the 2020 vote. Trump book on the history of the 14th ing, maine Secretary of State
is also outpolling President Biden Amendment, said the justices ap- Shenna Bellows withdrew her
in many head-to-head matchups peared focused on the real-world earlier determination that Trump
and continues to dominate the implications of a ban but that the should be barred from the ballot
republican primary, with the legal basis of the decision was in her state. The maine primary is
chance to put the intraparty con- thin. Tuesday.
test effectively out of reach on “The opinion makes sense as a In comments shortly after the
Tuesday as 15 states cast ballots. matter of policy,” Graber said. ruling, Trump praised the court’s
The court’s 9-0 decision over- While it might be “a good idea decision and quickly pivoted to
turned a December ruling from to have a rule that states cannot another case “of equal impor-
Colorado’s Supreme Court, which disqualify federal officers or can- tance” before the court, one re-
barred Trump from appearing on didates for federal office,” Graber viewing his sweeping claim of
the state’s ballot under Section 3 said, there is nothing in the text of immunity from prosecution over
of the 14th Amendment. The Civil the fourteenth Amendment that actions taken while president. ScoTT MUTherSbaUgh For The WaShingTon PoST

War-era provision prohibits those says that “states can disqualify The Supreme Court agreed last Former president Donald Trump attends a rally at the Special Events Center in Greensboro, N.C., on
who have taken an oath to the state officers, but not federal offi- week to review Trump’s argu- Saturday. The Supreme Court unanimously decided that Trump should stay on the ballot.
Constitution and then engaged in cers.” ments in that matter, setting oral
insurrection from holding office J. michael Luttig, a conserva- arguments for late April. The de- Senate majority leader Norma certainly supported an insurrec-
again. The Colorado court cited tive former U.S. Court of Appeals cision was a blow to special coun- Anderson, a republican who was tion. No question about it. None.
Trump’s role in the events around judge who co-wrote with Lau- sel Jack Smith’s efforts to move a plaintiff in the case, said the Zero.”
the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection as rence H. Tribe a piece for the the federal Jan. 6 case quickly to court’s ruling “does not change Still, Biden has framed much of
the basis for its decision. Atlantic in August that helped to trial, and cast doubt over whether this fact: Donald Trump engaged “The real takeaway is his bid for reelection around the
Trump is the first former presi- galvanize interest in the 14th there will be a verdict before the in insurrection against the Unit- idea that he is uniquely posi-
dent to have been charged with a Amendment as a means to dis- November election. ed States Constitution.” that the courts aren’t tioned to protect the nation’s de-
crime. He is facing four separate qualify Trump, cited the language Trump allies cheered the mon- She added that she now be- mocracy by defeating Trump and
cases, two of which relate to his of the three liberal justices in day ruling. “The Supreme Court lieves that “the court cases going to save us from preventing him from returning to
efforts to overturn the 2020 elec- their concurring opinion, which unanimously showed us today against Donald Trump do noth- the Oval Office. Biden’s aides and
tion. critiqued elements of the majori- that we cannot silence the voice of ing to hinder him. The thing to do ourselves and that the allies have described the prospect
All nine justices — the six con- ty’s decision. The liberals agreed the American people and stop is to get to the ballot box.” of a second Trump term as an
servatives plus the three liberals with the conservatives that states democracy,” Alina Habba, one of The sentiment was echoed by only surefire way to existential threat to Americans’
— said an individual state should should be prohibited from kick- Trump’s attorneys, wrote in a post Biden’s deputy campaign manag- fundamental freedoms and sense
not be able to ban a candidate ing candidates off the presiden- on X. er, Quentin fulks. In an appear- ensure that an anti- of security — a message they say
from running for federal office. tial ballot under Section 3, while The court pointedly did not ance on mSNBC, he said that, “we they can deliver more effectively
They warned of the consequences disagreeing with the majority address whether Trump engaged don’t really care,” about the Colo- democratic candidate when it becomes clear that nei-
of a nationwide patchwork in specifying Congress’s role in any in insurrection. In Colorado, Sec- rado decision. “Our focus since ther the courts nor the republi-
which candidates were barred in disqualification. The standard, retary of State Jena Griswold (D) day one of launching this cam- for president doesn’t can primary will keep the former
some states but not others. Luttig argued, makes it function- said that while she welcomed the paign has been to defeat Donald president off the ballot in Novem-
“Nothing in the Constitution ally impossible to disqualify in- clarity the decision would give Trump at the ballot box.” succeed is to beat him at ber.
requires that we endure such surrectionists from holding fed- millions of Americans preparing Asked about the case in De- Biden and his allies say they
chaos — arriving at any time or eral office. to vote, she said she was “disap- cember, Biden said it was “self-ev- the ballot box.” are eager for another one-on-one
different times, up to and perhaps “The court today decided that pointed” by the ruling. ident” that Trump was an insur- matchup between the two men
Stephen Vladeck,
beyond the inauguration,” the no person in the future will ever “It means that federal oath- rectionist — though he stopped that will again offer voters a stark
University of Texas
court said in an unsigned, 13-page be disqualified under Section 3 of breaking candidates will have a short of saying how the court choice.
School of Law professor
opinion. the 14th Amendment regardless pass to run for office again given should rule. “Now, whether the “I’m the only one who has ever
The push to disqualify Trump of whether he or she has engaged the nonfunctioning in Congress,” 14th Amendment applies, I’ll let beat him,” Biden told the New
under the seldom-used Section 3 in insurrection or rebellion she said. the court make that decision,” the Yorker in an interview published
had divided constitutional schol- against the Constitution of the former Colorado House and president told reporters. “But he monday. “And I’ll beat him again.”
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A7


Trump poised to dominate Super Tuesday, which may be Haley’s last stand
BY H ANNAH K NOWLES Idaho. she led by nearly 10 points with ida Gov. Ron DeSantis to run for
AND M ARIANNE L E V INE “Republican voters have deliv- college graduates and 25 points president, believing he would be
ered resounding wins for Presi- with independents. Her team has strongest at the top of the ticket
Donald Trump is poised to dent Trump in every single pri- argued that Super Tuesday states and lift his down-ballot clients.
continue his march to the GOP mary contest, and this race is with similarly open primaries — But he said he doesn’t see votes
presidential nomination on Tues- over,” said campaign spokesman where non-Republicans can vote for Haley as a red flag and point-
day, when 15 states will vote to Steven Cheung. “Our focus is now — offer more favorable terrain. ed to recent general-election
award more than a third of the on Joe Biden and the general Haley’s coalition, which draws polls of swing states.
party’s delegates and test how election.” heavily on independents, does “Trump’s winning,” he said
quickly Republicans are coalesc- Holding a rally on Saturday in not indicate that a large swath of simply. Other surveys have had
ing behind the former president. Raleigh, N.C., before blitzing Republicans will oppose Trump Biden leading but consistently
Trump has decisively won all Massachusetts, Vermont and in November, said Charles Frank- show a close race.
but one contest so far and is Maine, Haley continued her lin, who runs Marquette Law In the GOP race, Haley faces
expected to make a clean sweep sharp criticism of Trump before School’s polls of the 2024 race. rising pressure to step aside.
of Super Tuesday, a normally an enthusiastic crowd. She said The latest national Marquette Trump warned after his New
high-stakes moment in the pri- his comments about NATO and survey, released in February, Hampshire victory that anyone
mary calendar that the former Russia showed that he was “will- found that 7 percent of registered who donated further to his rival
president’s dominance has ing to side with a thug,” and she Republicans would vote for would be “permanently barred
stripped of its suspense. But de- scoTT MuThersbaugh for The WashingTon PosT lamented that it’s “not normal” to Biden over Trump if they had to from the MAGA camp.”
spite Trump’s near-incumbent Supporters at a rally for Donald Trump in Greensboro, N.C., on call opponents “vermin,” as pick between those options — Trump has a long history of
status in the race, a significant, if Saturday. North Carolina is one of 15 states voting Tuesday. Trump has. slightly less than the 9 percent of abruptly ending his feuds with
losing, percentage of voters has Trump directed most of his fire registered Democrats who would opponents who change their tune
opted for another candidate in coalition that delivered him a each congressional district, but on Biden at his own North Caro- choose Trump. to praise him; he declared his
several contests — underscoring narrow victory in 2020. Trump allies successfully pushed lina rally this weekend and fo- “He’s dominant in the party, mocking nickname for DeSantis
some voters’ reservations and the At the same time, the pri- last year to adopt new rules that cused on the southern border, but there are minority views in “retired” the day that DeSantis
potential general-election chal- maries have demonstrated Ha- they believed would help Trump which attendees repeatedly the party as well that have kept dropped out of the 2024 race and
lenges ahead. Trump’s last stand- ley’s appeal to independents and quickly amass the 1,215 delegates named as their top concern. He Haley in the mix,” Franklin said. endorsed him. When DeSantis
ing GOP challenger, Nikki Haley, college-educated voters as she he needs nationally to secure the was not done with Haley, howev- Trump posted a wider lead criticized the former president in
has pointed to this trend as she lays out a forceful argument nomination. Many Super Tues- er, declaring her “bad news” and over Haley last week in Michigan, a February call with supporters,
has made a case for continuing against Trump. Super Tuesday day states have winner-take-all “very average.” where he won 68 percent to however, the Trump team quickly
her campaign. will provide more snapshots of provisions, but the details vary. One attendee, 67-year-old John Haley’s 27 percent. That suggests punched back.
In many ways, a rematch be- who is in Trump’s camp and who The states that vote Tuesday Wayne Lambeth from Winston- that his advantage in the pri- It’s not clear how Haley will
tween President Biden and may need persuading in the account for some 865 Republican Salem, said Haley should drop maries may grow as the race approach Trump in the long
Trump is effectively underway, months ahead. delegates and will test Trump and out and tell her followers, “I am nationalizes and moves to places term. Asked on Friday if she
and observers and strategists ex- behind Trump 100 percent.” An- where Haley has not campaigned would keep criticizing the GOP’s
pressed mixed views of what the other, 64-year-old Ben Hamilton intensely, some political observ- direction under Trump even if
margins in the GOP contests from Lexington, suggested that ers said. she drops out, Haley said, “I don’t
portend for Trump in November. “The next chapter of this race will be about how Haley was trying to “be a spoiler.” Independent pollster Richard know.” On “Meet the Press” on
The incumbent and his allies are But Hamilton also said he Czuba took note, however, that Sunday, Haley said she no longer
ramping up criticism of Trump as Trump treats Nikki Haley and her supporters.” wanted to hear how Trump Haley garnered a third of the vote felt bound by a pledge to support
a threat to democracy, abortion Scott Reed, republican strategist would “join the Republicans to- in places like Oakland County the eventual nominee, which the
rights and other freedoms, while gether.” and Kent County. “That’s where RNC required of all debate partic-
the ex-president has hammered Haley has stayed in the race as Donald Trump lost the election in ipants last year.
Biden over immigration and the “The next chapter of this race Haley’s strengths across very dif- a vessel for dissatisfaction with a 2020 in Michigan,” he said, “be- George Andrews, a GOP con-
economy. Trump’s 91 criminal will be about how Trump treats ferent electorates — from red Trump-Biden matchup, arguing cause those suburban voters sultant in California, argued that
charges, which he has used as a Nikki Haley and her supporters,” stronghold Texas to battleground that more voters deserve an op- came out in droves in a way they Haley can wield influence even in
rallying cry in the primary con- said veteran Republican strat- North Carolina to solid-blue Mas- portunity to support a GOP alter- didn’t in 2016.” defeat. “Bernie Sanders lost in
test, are also expected to factor egist Scott Reed. “He’s on track to sachusetts, where the Republican native. She won 43 percent of the How Haley voters there might 2020, but his influence on Joe
into the fall campaign. be able to unite the party,” Reed population is more moderate. Al- vote in New Hampshire and vote in November is hard to say, Biden’s policy — holy cow,” said
Trump’s team expects to lock added, “but he has to treat the abama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colora- 40 percent in her home state, he said. For some, “we don’t know Andrews, who worked for a pro-
down the nomination by March Haley voters with respect.” do, Maine, Minnesota, Okla- South Carolina, and pointed to where they’re going to go because DeSantis super PAC and has now
19, advisers said. Haley, a former The biggest prize up for grabs homa, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont those performances as evidence they don’t know where they’re volunteered as a delegate for
U.N. ambassador, has only com- on Tuesday is California, where and Virginia will also vote. of broad hesitations about going to go.” Haley in California.
mitted to staying in the race Trump has a good shot to take The Trump team says he could Trump, even as he leads with Still, many Republicans dis- Saul Anuzis, a former chair of
through Tuesday, setting the home all 169 delegates by win- win the nomination as early as almost every demographic in the missed the Haley team’s argu- the Michigan GOP, said Trump
stage for a potentially quick exit. ning more than 50 percent of the March 12 and will get there by GOP. ment that primary results are a would be smart to be magnani-
Recent polling shows that vote. The delegates formalize the March 19 even under their most In South Carolina, where Ha- “flashing warning sign for Trump mous toward his critics but add-
more than 90 percent of regis- pick by voting for their candidate generous modeling for Haley, ley served as governor, she had in November.” ed, “Trump is going to be Trump.”
tered Republicans back Trump at the Republican National Con- which is based on her best show- the strongest support in more Constantin Querard, a GOP
over Biden, who is struggling vention in July. ing so far, in New Hampshire. On urban, educated and affluent ar- consultant in battleground Ari- scott clement and Dylan Wells
with low enthusiasm on the Dem- California Republicans used to Saturday, Trump swept GOP cau- eas, though Trump still led in the zona, once traveled the state contributed to this report. LeVine
ocratic side and cracks in the award delegates to the victor of cuses in Michigan, Missouri and suburbs. In statewide exit polls, gathering signatures urging Flor- reported from greensboro, n.c.

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A8 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

Pro-Trump lawyers central to alternate-elector plot settle lawsuit in Wis.

BY Y VONNE helped bring them to fruition. The organizing the pro-Trump elec- volved with national strategy each other, with Trump’s cam- In another email, Ward on
W INGETT S ANCHEZ records trace the evolution of a tors. He has since met with other ASAP.” Chesebro added: “We’re paign officials and key Trump al- Dec. 12 asked that the Trump cam-
kernel of a legal theory that began state investigators — including in only 7 days away now.” lies, and with state party officials paign create and produce the doc-
Two attorneys who advanced a in Wisconsin in the days after Nevada and Arizona. In a garbled emailed response, around the nation as they scram- uments and transmit them.
strategy to try to overturn the Trump’s defeat and rapidly grew Chesebro, who aided the Trump Troupis indicated that he had “by- bled to implement the plan and “I spoke directly to Rudy and
2020 presidential election by or- into what prosecutors have called campaign with legal challenges passed” the campaign staffer and then ensure that the paperwork told him we were working to make
ganizing rosters of Republicans to a multistate conspiracy to prevent after the November 2020 election, was working on the issue. Troupis arrived in Washington on time. sure we accomplish what we need
falsely portray Donald Trump as Biden from taking office. has testified under oath that Trou- also texted Chesebro on Dec. 7: “I On the eve of the Dec. 14 gather- to do,” she wrote.
the winner of several states have While Troupis’s early involve- pis brought him into the former have sent it to the White House ing of electors — as Republicans in Emails show that Chesebro sent
reached a legal settlement in Wis- ment in the operation was known, president’s sphere. He was eager this afternoon. The real decision- Pennsylvania said they were un- Ward, Safsten, Wilenchik and an-
consin with two of the state’s the extent of his role and the vol- to lend his expertise, records makers.” He texted that he had comfortable portraying them- other Arizona attorney detailed
rightful electors and a Democratic ume of his communications with show. also given it to Trump’s former selves as legitimate electors — instructions on how to carry out
voter, ending a lawsuit. those in Trump’s orbit have been In the immediate days after the chief of staff, Reince Priebus, who Chesebro wrote to two Trump the plan and a draft of a news
As part of the settlement, the less understood. Troupis’s contri- election, Troupis and Chesebro was from Wisconsin and had once campaign advisers that the cam- release, which was “borrowed
two lawyers — James Troupis, a butions to the elector plan were mostly communicated about rou- led the state party there. paign “should indemnify electors from what the lead lawyer in WI
former Dane County judge who largely overshadowed by the at- tine legal issues involving legal “So he might talk with the presi- against any legal costs,” even (Jim Troupis) wrote & expects to
oversaw Trump’s legal efforts in tention paid to the work per- challenges and the recount Trou- dent,” Troupis wrote. though he thought they had no release.” He instructed them to
Wisconsin, and Kenneth Chese- formed by two chief architects of pis was heading up for Trump. The Troupis also made contact with legal exposure. ensure that envelopes were sealed
bro, an architect of the plan to try the elector strategy, Chesebro and first inkling of the elector strategy Trump campaign adviser Boris “A state might be able to punish and labeled and to retain copies of
to invalidate Joe Biden’s win by California attorney John East- appears in the documents on Epshteyn. He described the faithless electors” who do not back ballots “as proof that the Electors
convening Republican electors in man. Both men’s roles have faced Nov. 8, a day after the Associated Chesebro memos to him as docu- their candidates, Chesebro wrote. did actually cast ballots for Presi-
seven states — released on Mon- significant scrutiny. Press had called the race for Biden. ments that “I had prepared for me “It can’t punish electors for being dent & Vice President.”
day a trove of their communica- “By publishing these docu- Chesebro wondered whether on appointing a second slate of faithful, and backing their candi- The communications also in-
tions about their work after the ments and restricting the defen- there were legal grounds to chal- electors in Wisconsin.” The plan, date through speech acts that ex- clude photos taken by Chesebro of
2020 election. The attorneys also dants from submitting fake votes lenge the result in Wisconsin Troupis said, could be replicated, pand congress’s options.” Trump electors meeting to sign
agreed to not facilitate or send again we are providing Wiscon- based on various issues. If so — and the “key nationally would be Late that night, hours before documents in Wisconsin, a video
documents on behalf of future sinites with the transparency and and if court proceedings were on- for all six states to do it so the electors gathered, Troupis texted taken of the meeting, and of Re-
presidential electors who are not accountability they deserve,” said going during the deadline for election remains in doubt until Chesebro: “Is everything under publican lawyers and officials
certified as true electors — unless Scott Thompson, an attorney with states to certify results, he wrote, January.” But, he wrote, pro- control for tomorrow electors gathered inside an aircraft during
there is explicit language that the the liberal nonprofit firm Law For- “I don’t see why electoral votes” Trump electors had to meet, vote vote?” a trip to Washington in mid-De-
electoral votes would be counted if ward, which represented the certified by the governor “should and transmit their results on Chesebro, who had flown to cember. On that trip, which hap-
legal challenges resulted in chang- Biden electors. “Today is a win for be counted over an alternative Dec. 14. Wisconsin to attend the signing pened after the electoral college
es to electoral outcomes. our democracy.” slate sent in by the legislature.” Two days later, Epshteyn wrote ceremony for GOP electors there, met, they met with Trump in the
Troupis and Chesebro did not The documents could help in- The two attorneys became in- Troupis with a question from replied that it was. Wisconsin’s Oval Office and discussed the elec-
admit to liability or culpability for vestigators and prosecutors Supreme Court decided a case in- tor strategy. After that meeting,
their roles in the elector strategy, across the country. Republicans in volving the recount about an hour Chesebro texted Troupis a tweet
records show. Troupis agreed to five states that Biden won — Ari- before Republicans met to sign from a conservative figure that
pay an undisclosed financial set- zona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada “By publishing these documents and restricting the their paperwork. The court up- referenced Trump’s Dec. 19, 2020,
tlement to the plaintiffs. and Wisconsin — filled out paper- held Biden’s victory, and Trump tweet about a “big protest”
Troupis and Chesebro did not work in December 2020 claiming defendants from submitting fake votes again we said he would appeal to the U.S. planned in Washington ahead of
immediately respond to requests Trump had won. Republicans in Supreme Court. the Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of
for comment. Pennsylvania and New Mexico are providing Wisconsinites with the transparency He said that he had fielded Congress.
The agreement comes on the also filled out elector paperwork; questions from those involved in “Be there, will be wild,” Trump’s
heels of another legal settlement theirs included caveats that said and accountability they deserve.” Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylva- tweet had said.
in Wisconsin by the same plain- their votes were to be counted only Scott Thompson, an attorney with the liberal nonprofit firm Law forward, nia. Chesebro texted Troupis:
tiffs with the 10 Republicans who if they prevailed in litigation over which represented Biden electors in the lawsuit In Arizona, Chesebro had been “Wow. Based on 3 days ago, I think
falsely purported Trump was their the 2020 election outcome. working with then-state Republi- we have unique understanding of
state’s winner. In December, they Trump’s supporters used the ma- can Party Chair Kelli Ward and the this.”
agreed to withdraw their inaccu- terial to try to prevent Congress creasingly focused on the elector Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani. party’s executive director, Greg Troupis sought information
rate filings, acknowledge that from certifying Biden’s victory. theory after Chesebro sent Trou- Epshteyn wondered whether Safsten, who was also an elector, from Chesebro on what to expect
Biden won the presidency, and not Congress confirmed Biden had pis a memo in late November that Troupis could “prepare a sample according to a Dec. 12, 2020, email as objections to the official certifi-
serve as presidential electors in won on Jan. 6, 2021, hours after a pushed for the idea of a pro-Trump elector ballot for Wisconsin? If the from Arizona-based attorney Jack cation of electoral votes in Con-
2024 or in any election where pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. roster of electors organizing in answer is yes,” wrote Epshteyn, Wilenchik, who was also working gress played out. Chesebro invited
Trump is on the ballot. That civil Capitol. Wisconsin. “how would you feel about prepar- with them. Troupis to stay in an extra room he
settlement marked the first time Special counsel Jack Smith has Troupis emailed Chesebro’s ing same sample ballots for PA, “Kelli knows how to get in touch had booked at the Trump hotel,
pro-Trump electors had agreed to been investigating the attempt to analysis to a Trump deputy cam- Georgia, Michigan, AZ, Nevada with all the electors and has been but Troupis was not planning to
revoke their untrue filings and not overturn the 2020 results for the paign manager on Nov. 25: “Here and New Mexico? If that’s difficult, coordinating with them I believe,” travel to Washington for the Jan. 6
repeat their actions in the 2024 Justice Department, and last year is the memo we discussed about we can have counsels in those Wilenchik wrote. certification.
presidential election. a federal grand jury indicted potentially moving the drop dead states do it. Thank you!” In other emails, Ward asked On that day, Troupis encour-
The cache of records from Trou- Trump for his alleged involve- date back by several weeks in Troupis forwarded Epshteyn’s about the process used to deter- aged Chesebro in a text to “Enjoy
pis and Chesebro reveal addition- ment. Meanwhile, prosecutors in naming electors,” Troupis wrote. message to Chesebro and others: mine drafts of elector certificates the history you have made possi-
al details about the heavy involve- Michigan, Georgia and Nevada “This requires some very careful “KEN — would you be able to do that showed that GOP activist ble today.” Soon after, they learned
ment of both men in the alternate- have obtained felony charges research for a given State, and this for the other States?” Chese- Nancy Cottle would serve as secre- that Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)
elector strategy as they sought to against some Republican electors. some very precise actions the bro agreed, and Troupis contin- tary of the effort and that Tyler could not get the elector paper-
give Vice President Mike Pence a An investigation by Arizona’s at- Trump electors must take in those ued to provide direction, asking Bowyer, a Republican national work he was supposed to deliver
reason to declare that the outcome torney general into the GOP elec- states.” him to draft ballots and instruc- committeeman from the state and to Pence “because it is not sealed,”
of the election was somehow in tors is ongoing. The records shed As the calendar ticked toward tions for Trump electors on how executive of a conservative group Troupis texted. Chesebro texted
doubt on Jan. 6, 2021, when he new light on how the plan was Dec. 14, when electors were to and where to meet and how to that targets young voters, would photos of himself on the ground,
presided over the congressional assembled there. The settlement meet in each state to cast their mail paperwork to official govern- serve as chair. Chesebro replied smiling among a crowd and wear-
counting of the electoral college agreement indicates that Chese- votes for president, Chesebro sent ment offices. that he had drafted the elector ing a red Trump 2020 hat.
votes. bro gave the documents to Wis- a new memo that Trump’s electors Pages of emails and text mes- certificates and said that the cer- “Tear gas in the Capitol,” Trou-
The text messages, emails and consin’s attorney general. should meet in what he described sages over the course of about tificates should “be edited to re- pis texted. Chesebro replied that
other records released Monday Chesebro has pleaded guilty in as “six contested States, and send three months — between early flect who is actually elected to he had caught a whiff.
show how Troupis helped give Georgia to a single felony count of in the certificates” to official chan- November and early February — those positions.” Cottle became
Chesebro’s legal theories a vital participating in a conspiracy to nels. He urged Troupis to get it to detailed extensive portions of the the chair, and another GOP activ- Patrick Marley and adriana Usero
audience: Trump’s allies, who file false documents for his role in Trump’s campaign “and others in- attorneys’ correspondence with ist became secretary. contributed to this report.

Four takeaways from the Supreme Court’s ruling on 2024 primary ballots
States’ efforts to that congressional enforcement importance of at least looking as
The Fix disqualify former was “critical” to the 14th if they’re speaking with one
aaron president Donald Amendment. And they voice.
Blake Trump from their suggested the court’s majority But the price of that
primary ballots was insulating both Trump and purported unanimity is that it
for “engaging in other alleged insurrectionists. leaves the matter somewhat
insurrection” have come to an They said the five justices unresolved.
end, with the Supreme Court “decide novel constitutional By not weighing in on
ruling that states cannot enforce questions to insulate this Court whether Trump engaged in
the 14th Amendment for federal and petitioner” — Trump — insurrection, that remains open
candidates. “from future controversy.” to interpretation — and
The ruling in Trump v. “By resolving these and other specifically, Congress’s. What if
Anderson reverses the Colorado questions, the majority attempts Trump won in November, for
Supreme Court’s disqualification to insulate all alleged instance, but Democrats
of Trump. It also means Trump’s insurrectionists from future controlled both chambers of
disqualifications in Illinois and challenges to their holding Congress and moved to
Maine won’t be allowed to stand. federal office,” the three justices disqualify him?
The overall judgment that wrote. The ruling also creates some
Colorado could not disqualify The three justices began tension with other writings of
Trump was unanimous. But four their non-dissent dissent by the court, in which it found that
justices took issue with how far quoting Chief Justice John G. other Reconstruction-era
the ruling went in saying Roberts Jr. When Roberts amendments — one of which
Congress must pass legislation agreed with the court’s includes similar language to
for the 14th Amendment to be judgment in Dobbs v. Jackson Section 5, and even the 14th
enforced against a federal in 2022 but wanted to stop Amendment itself — were self-
candidate. short of overturning Roe v. executing.
Wade, Roberts said, “If it is not In South Carolina v.
States can’t decide; Congress necessary to decide more to Katzenbach in 1966, the court
must act dispose of a case, then it is ruled that the 15th Amendment
The ruling says that a state JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT necessary not to decide more.” was self-executing. That
can’t disqualify a presidential The Supreme Court’s overall judgment that Colorado could not disqualify Donald Trump from its Barrett’s concurrence was amendment states, “The
candidate, in part because it primary ballots was unanimous, but some justices said the ruling went too far. much briefer. She did not join in Congress shall have power to
doesn’t have that power and in the section in which the enforce this article by
part because having such power endure such chaos — arriving at No discussion of whether come close to accusing Trump of majority calls Section 5 “critical” appropriate legislation.”
would lead to chaos. any time or different times, up Trump actually ‘engaged in that. to Section 3. That means she The court even previously
“It would be incongruous to to and perhaps beyond the insurrection’ effectively agreed that states said, in 1883 in the Civil Rights
read this particular Amendment Inauguration.” The ruling provides precisely Four justices say the court can’t disqualify federal Cases, that the 14th Amendment
as granting the States the power Five justices went further, zero clarity on the underlying went too far candidates, though she declined “is undoubtedly self-executing,
— silently no less — to disqualify ruling that the 14th issue of whether Trump actually The judgment is one thing; to embrace the idea that only without any ancillary legislation,
a candidate for federal office,” Amendment is not “self- engaged in insurrection — the scope of the ruling is Congress can. so far as its terms are applicable
the ruling says. executing” — that it needs neither ruling that he did nor another. Five justices went But she seemed to take issue to any existing state of
The ruling notes that allowing Congress to enforce it. that he didn’t, or even engaging further than the full court by with the tone of the three liberal circumstances.”
the states such power could lead While Section 3 of the 14th in discussion about it. declaring that Congress must justices’ concurrence, saying The three liberal justices in
to a “patchwork” approach, in Amendment bars people who Both a Colorado district court enforce the insurrection clause. that “this is not the time to Monday’s Trump v. Anderson
part because states handle such have “engaged in insurrection” and the Colorado Supreme The three justices from the amplify disagreement with opinion wrote that the ruling
matters in varying ways. from holding office, the ruling Court ruled that Trump had court’s liberal wing strongly stridency.” “simply creates a special rule for
“An evolving electoral map cites Section 5 as limiting states’ engaged in insurrection, citing objected to this, and Justice Amy Notably, none of these the insurrection disability in
could dramatically change the power. Section 5 says that both his Jan. 6, 2021, speech that Coney Barrett objected less disagreements is labeled a Section 3.”
behavior of voters, parties, and “Congress shall have power to preceded the attack on the forcefully. Each of the four dissent. It’s clear the court The ruling also invites Trump
States across the country, in enforce, by appropriate Capitol and his lack of indicated that the court need wanted to speak unanimously — to continue arguing that liberal
different ways and at different legislation, the provisions of this immediate action when it began. not have gone that far. even as it was not unanimous on activists have gone too far in
times,” the ruling says. “The article.” The state Supreme Court said The concurrence from some key issues. trying to take him down in the
disruption would be all the more “Congress’s Section 5 power is Trump’s “actions constituted Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena courts. (Though it’s worth
acute — and could nullify the critical when it comes to Section overt, voluntary, and direct Kagan and Ketanji Brown Where it leaves us noting the Colorado suit was
votes of millions and change the 3,” the ruling says. participation in the Jackson is full-throated on this The fact that the justices brought by Republican and
election result — if Section 3 The ruling did say that states insurrection.” point. wanted to maintain at least the unaffiliated voters.)
enforcement were attempted may, however, disqualify A judge in Illinois and Maine’s They agreed that allowing appearance of unanimity is Shortly after the ruling was
after the Nation has voted.” someone from holding state secretary of state also found that Colorado to disqualify Trump important. They will be taking handed down, Trump quickly
It added: “Nothing in the office under the 14th Trump engaged in insurrection, would lead to “chaos,” but they up other divisive Trump-related scheduled a news conference at
Constitution requires that we Amendment. and several other judges have disagreed with the argument issues, and they recognize the Mar-a-Lago.
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post ez re A9

Kerry, stepping down as climate envoy, remains optimistic on global e≠ort

BY M AXINE J OSELOW called for changing the U.N. rules
so that petrostates wield less in-
Soon after he was tapped to fluence. Environmental cham-
help save the planet, U.S. special pion and former vice president Al
climate envoy John F. Kerry Gore, for instance, has argued
found himself on another planet that a supermajority of 75 percent
entirely. of countries should approve final
It was April 2021, during the decisions.
depths of the coronavirus pan- Kerry said he is “willing to look
demic, and Kerry had flown to at” such proposals. But he cau-
Shanghai to meet with his Chi- tioned that there could be unin-
nese counterparts. He was greet- tended consequences, such as
ed on the tarmac by dozens of developing countries muscling
people in hazmat suits who through deals over objections
resembled astronauts wearing from developed nations such as
“moon suits,” Kerry recalled in a the United States.
recent interview with The Wash- “Putting it bluntly, you could
ington Post. wind up with some outcomes that
“They were completely anti- Al Gore and people in the United
septically sealed from us,” he said. States might really oppose and
“It was like going into some weird hate,” he said. “So you’ve got to
otherworld.” look at this very carefully.”
Those early talks with Chinese
climate diplomats — who sat at Taking on Trump
the opposite end of a long table Former president Donald
from Kerry and his staff — paved Trump, the front-runner for the
the way for a key agreement last Republican presidential nomina-
year. As part of the deal, Beijing tion, has pledged to repeal Biden’s
agreed to collaborate with Wash- signature climate law, the Infla-
ington on reducing planet-heat- tion Reduction Act. Trump’s for-
ing methane emissions and tran- mer advisers say he would also
sitioning from fossil fuels to re- use a second term to again aban-
newable energy. don the Paris climate accord.
Analysts say the U.S.-China Kerry hopes to head off that
deal helped clinch a historic out- outcome by campaigning for
come at last year’s U.N. Climate Biden, while also teaching at the
Change Conference in Dubai. elizabeTh franTz for The WashingTon PosT Yale Jackson School of Global
There, negotiators from nearly John F. Kerry, 80, credited with “bringing some sanity back to the climate discourse” after the Trump administration, plans to campaign Affairs. But regardless of the elec-
200 countries agreed for the first for President Biden this year while also teaching at the Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs. His last day as climate envoy is Wednesday. tion results, he said, America
time to phase out fossil fuels, the won’t reverse its clean-energy
main cause of rising tempera- able reserves of energy” at the ry and Congress for not fulfilling tionship with Xie Zhenhua, who Scientists say the world must rap- transition.
tures that have wrought devasta- U.N. climate talks, where bleary- President Biden’s pledge to pro- recently retired as Chinese cli- idly phase out coal, the dirtiest “During [Trump’s] first term,
tion across the globe. eyed negotiators run on just a few vide more than $11 billion annu- mate envoy, for helping to rekin- fossil fuel, to avert the worst 85 percent of the new electricity
Now, Kerry, who turned 80 in hours of sleep, said Sue Biniaz, ally in international climate aid. dle climate cooperation between consequences of a warming at- in the United States came from
Dubai, is stepping down from his the U.S. deputy special climate “However you want to think of the two economic superpowers. mosphere. renewables,” he said. “Why? Be-
post after more than 40 years of envoy. John Kerry, he hasn’t delivered The two men forged an unusual “They do have coal plants that cause governors of states — Re-
public service, including as a sen- “Even when the rest of us were the serious gains to those of us on friendship built on mutual re- are coming online, and they have publicans and Democrats alike —
ator from Massachusetts and as ready to give up on things, he the front lines of the climate spect, even as relations between coal plants that are planned, and have renewable portfolio laws
secretary of state during the would always want to keep try- crisis,” Adow said. their two countries soured over we’ve raised those plants with that they have to follow. So in
Obama administration. His last ing,” Biniaz said. “He would some- Because of his regular travels, trade, technology, Taiwan and them very, very directly,” Kerry effect, Donald Trump may have
day in the role will be Wednesday. times lapse into ‘the sky is falling,’ Kerry spends little time at his other issues. said. “They insist that they may left the Paris agreement, but the
President Biden has tapped sen- but then that would propel him to State Department office, which is “We were able to separate the not need to bring many of those United States did not.”
ior adviser John D. Podesta to do more, and then he would get sparsely decorated, with the ex- very legitimate issues of conten- plants online because of the level Kerry also noted that the ma-
replace Kerry, although Podesta optimistic again.” ception of a helmet emblazoned tion … from what we think is not a of renewables that they are de- jority of clean-energy invest-
will be based at the White House Jennifer Morgan, the German with “SPEC” — an acronym for bilateral issue at all, but a univer- ploying. And we know for a fact ments spurred by the Inflation
rather than the State Depart- climate envoy, agreed. “When I “special presidential envoy for sal issue,” Kerry said. “We were that China is building and deploy- Reduction Act are in Republican-
ment. think of him, I think of a tireless climate” — that he wears when able to compartmentalize in a ing more renewables than the led districts, according to data
The move marks the end of an energy, like an Energizer bunny,” riding electric scooters around way that allowed us to be con- rest of the world put together.” compiled by the advocacy group
era in climate diplomacy. Kerry, at she said of Kerry. Washington. structive. And Xie Zhenhua and I Climate Power.
6-foot-4, has literally and figura- Mohamed Adow, the director It was there The Post sat down have known each other for about Reworking U.N. climate talks “For a man who claims that he
tively towered over global climate of the Nairobi-based environ- with Kerry last month to discuss 20, 25 years. We built up a level of The U.N. climate summits are values making money and knows
talks. He was seemingly omni- mental think tank Power Shift his legacy, the 2024 election and trust and knowledge and respect run by consensus, meaning any how to make money, I will be
present at the 2022 talks in Sharm Africa, credited Kerry with the future of global efforts to for each other. I think that was single country can scuttle a deal. stupefied if he’s going to pull the
el-Sheikh, Egypt, before he con- “bringing some sanity back to the stave off a climate catastrophe. central to being able to get things Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest rug out from under a whole
tracted the coronavirus and was climate discourse” after the done.” oil exporter, had historically bunch of his supporters who are
sidelined to his hotel room during Trump administration withdrew Compartmentalizing with Still, the U.S.-China deal is si- blocked language on phasing out investing in and making a lot of
the final days of negotiations. the United States from the Paris China lent on Beijing’s plans to continue fossil fuels. money in clean energy,” Kerry
Kerry has drawn on “unbeliev- agreement. But he criticized Ker- Kerry credited his close rela- building coal-fired power plants. Some climate advocates have said.

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The World

VIsual ChIna group/getty Images

Chinese national flags flutter at Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Thursday ahead of the annual Two Sessions meetings, a highly choreographed event where Communist Party leaders declare their goals.

iN BeijiNg Economy expected to dominate to “work secrets.”
What’s Xi up to during all

hina is facing a tricky year
ahead, with economic
growth slowing, the popula-
tion — and more importantly, the
annual political confab in China Although Xi is not formally in
charge of proceedings at the Two
Sessions, China’s most powerful
leader in decades tends to make
workforce — shrinking, markets his presence known throughout
in turmoil and tensions with the Congress (NPC), the rubber- vealed plans to pass a “national ers, to nationalist grandstanding What about China’s view of the event with comments that of-
United States remaining high. stamp legislature, and the Chi- security law” to curb dissent in over issues like cutting english the world? ten get top billing in state media.
The American presidential cam- nese People’s Political Consulta- Hong Kong, and removed term lessons from the school curricu- Pronouncements from top Through drop-ins with provin-
paign will probably see an in- tive Conference (CPPCC), an advi- limits for the presidency, clearing lum. leaders are also watched closely cial delegations, industry bodies
crease in anti-Beijing sentiment. sory body without legislative the way for Xi to rule for life for subtle shifts in language that and military representatives, he
How will the ruling Commu- power. should he choose to. What is special about this may signal more military aggres- could present new slogans or hint
nist Party deal with these chal- According to the Chinese con- Li, the premier, is heading the year? sion toward Taiwan, the island at shifting priorities — all of
lenges? We will get a good handle stitution, the lawmaking NPC is meeting for the first time since Xi’s historic third term, which democracy of 23 million that Bei- which gets folded into his person-
on policies and approaches when the highest organ of state power. being appointed in last year’s ses- officially began in March last year jing claims as its territory. al ideology that is meant to guide
the “Two Sessions” begin in Bei- But real decision-making authori- sion. He will open the proceedings after he broke norms of succes- in the latest example of these Chinese policymaking.
jing this week. ty remains firmly in the grasp of Tuesday with a speech that sums sion and stacked the top leader- pressure tactics, the Chinese coast experts on Chinese politics
The meetings will probably last the Chinese Communist Party’s up the past year and sets priorities ship with his political acolytes, guard has in recent weeks started track Xi’s movements closely to
about nine days and will see about Politburo and its seven-member for the year ahead. has had a rocky start. to patrol near Taiwan’s outlying signs of who is in or out of favor.
5,000 delegates from around the standing committee. it is here that important eco- China’s ending of harsh “zero island of Kinmen after a Chinese Attendance at a province’s session
country descend on the great Hall The NPC session involves near- nomic goals are revealed, includ- covid” restrictions did not result fishing boat capsized while being can be a stamp of approval for the
of the People — the palatial build- ly 3,000 delegates, mostly officials ing the closely watched gross do- in the anticipated economic re- chased from Taiwanese- local party chief and their ap-
ing on one side of Tiananmen and Communist Party members, mestic product target. Li is in bound, shaking confidence and controlled waters. proach.
Square — many of them wearing who will ratify legislation, finalize effect giving the country’s sprawl- weakening its stock markets, The meeting could unveil a new it’s also a time for Xi to burnish
the traditional dress of their peo- personnel reshuffles and approve ing bureaucracy its marching or- which began the year with a Chinese foreign minister, too. his populist image through sup-
ple. The event is high on pomp the government budget for the ders. 10 percent slump. Qin gang, who was chosen as posedly spontaneous interactions
and ceremony, and also on con- year. This year’s meeting kicks off After a week of meetings — The Chinese economy expand- the face of Chinese diplomacy in with people beyond his inner cir-
trol: Traffic is rerouted and secu- Tuesday and is expected to last where lawmakers (nominally) de- ed by 5.2 percent last year, and December 2022, disappeared af- cle.
rity is dramatically tightened. about a week. bate the policies and (more often) many analysts expect Li to set a ter only six months on the job and For outside observers, the trick
The political proceedings will The 2,000-odd representatives praise the top leadership — the growth target of around 5 percent was removed from his post in july. is extracting hard policy signals
be highly choreographed, with to the CPPCC meet at the same work report is passed, usually for 2024, an ambitious goal given Qin and ousted defense minister from the propaganda and pag-
most of the decisions having al- time in the same place to offer with only cosmetic changes. The the property market weakness Li Shangfu were both removed as eantry.
ready been made by Communist policy suggestions, although their delegates also vote on laws and and insipid consumer demand. state councilors last week. in a bid to rebuff international
Party leaders in advance, but the input rarely translates into signif- bills drawn up in advance by the While that is high compared Oxford-educated diplomat Liu concern about repression in Xin-
events give those leaders an op- icant shifts in policy. top leadership. with developed economies, it is jianchao, a fluent english speak- jiang, Tibet and inner Mongolia,
portunity to declare their inten- Bringing in business leaders, everything passes, although already far lower than the more er, is the front-runner, analysts Xi is often shown meeting and
tions to the country. They’re also celebrities and other influential sometimes there are delays or than 6 percent target of five years said. Liu and the recently appoint- receiving gifts from delegates
closely watched by outside ob- people from outside the party symbolic protest votes when del- ago — and a far cry from the ed defense minister, Dong jun, from the country’s periphery, who
servers looking for clues about the elite as representatives is meant egates want to signal displeasure 10 percent mark recorded before are expected to replace their dis- attend wearing colorful tradition-
direction in which China is head- to show engagement with the with controversial policies. Xi came to power in 2012. graced predecessors and become al dress.
ing. broader society. Previous del- in 2013, almost a third of del- This year’s legislative meeting state councilors, a senior role in in 2017, as a mass internment
it’s particularly important this egates have included NBA star egates voted against a new lineup is a chance for the Chinese leader- the official hierarchy. campaign targeting Uyghurs and
year because China’s economy, Yao Ming and actress gong Li. for the environmental Protection ship to show it has a plan to The upcoming U.S. election will other mostly Muslim groups in
the world’s second-largest, is and Resources Conservation prevent a sudden economic slow- hang over the proceedings, ac- the far northwest was taking
struggling. Li Qiang, the new pre- Why do these meetings Committee out of protest over the down. Li is expected to unveil cording to analysts and state me- shape, Xi joined a delegation led
mier and a loyal lieutenant of matter? government’s poor handling of air stronger stimulus measures and dia. To preempt potential upheav- by Chen Quanguo, often consid-
leader Xi jinping, will give his While laws pass with over- pollution. The appointment went more government spending. al from a Donald Trump victory, ered the architect of the crack-
first government “work report,” whelming majorities, the Two ahead, though that opposition The reality of the slowdown, Beijing is expected to double down.
setting out the Communist Party’s Sessions are where Beijing signals slowed a later revision of the envi- driven primarily by a shrinking down on plans to ensure “self- in state media, though, the fo-
growth target and economic strat- its priorities for the year. They ronmental protection law. real estate sector that still ac- reliance” in critical technologies cus was on Xi being given a tradi-
egy, as well as foreign policies. may be scripted, but the meetings Delegates also use a system of counts for a fifth of the economy, like semiconductors. tional Uyghur hat from the de-
are often a vehicle for important proposals to publicly raise pet is- has led some Chinese economists in a sign of national security scendants of a man who once,
What is the ‘Two Sessions’? announcements. sues, with policy solutions rang- to suggest scrapping an economic concerns, a revised law on state according to Communist Party
The Two Sessions, or “lianghui” it was at previous Two Sessions ing from practical ideas, such as target altogether, which they fear secrets, expected to take effect in mythology, rode a donkey from
in Chinese, is the annual gather- meetings that China formally reforms to parental leave or rais- helps fuel unsustainable levels of May, will broaden the scope of Xinjiang to Beijing to visit Mao
ing of China’s National People’s ended the one-child policy, re- ing minimum wages for gig work- debt. restricted sensitive information Zedong.


iRan seats in the first round, interior seeking his arrest. powerful family of former Greenland women sue Ramses statue found in Egypt:
Ministry spokesman Mohsen Kony faces 12 counts of crimes premier Thaksin Shinawatra. Denmark: A group of indigenous An egyptian-U.S. archaeological
Hard-liners keep hold eslami said. against humanity, including The action comes shortly after women in greenland have sued mission has uncovered the upper
in low-turnout vote — Associated Press murder, sexual enslavement and Thaksin, Yingluck’s brother, was Denmark for forcing them to be part of a huge statue of King
rape, and 21 counts of war crimes released on parole for corruption fitted with intrauterine Ramses ii during excavations
iranian hard-line politicians tHe Hague including cruel treatment of offenses. Last year, he returned contraceptive devices in the south of the egyptian city of
dominated the country’s vote for civilians, pillaging and enlisting home after more than a decade 1960s and 1970s and demanded Minya, egypt’s Tourism and
parliament, results released International court child soldiers, allegedly of self-imposed exile, and was total compensation of nearly Antiquities Ministry said
Monday showed, maintaining plans hearing on Kony committed in 2003 and 2004 in detained in a hospital six months $6.3 million, their lawyer said Monday. The limestone block is
their hold on the legislature in a northern Uganda. before being granted clemency Monday. The 143 inuit women about 3.8 meters (12½ feet) high
vote that saw a record-low international Criminal Court — Associated Press due to age and ill health. say Danish health authorities and depicts a seated Ramses
turnout amid boycott calls. prosecutors will present it was the latest favorable violated their human rights wearing a double crown and a
interior Minister Ahmad evidence to back up charges of verdict for Yingluck, 56, who was when they fitted them with the headdress topped with a royal
Vahidi said Friday’s vote saw war crimes and crimes against tHailanD prime minister from 2011 until devices, also known as coils. cobra, Bassem jihad, head of the
25 million ballots cast — a humanity against fugitive she was forced from office in Some of the women — including mission’s egyptian team, said in
turnout of just under 41 percent. Ugandan rebel leader joseph Former prime minister 2014. in December, the same many who were teenagers at the a statement. The upper part of
it took several days for iran to Kony at the global court’s first in- acquitted of fraud court cleared Yingluck of abuse time — were not aware of what the statue’s back column shows
announce turnout statistics, absentia hearing later this year. of power linked to a personnel happened or did not consent to hieroglyphic writings that glorify
without explanation. The court announced Monday A Thai court on Monday transfer she had overseen. it. each is demanding up to the king, one of ancient egypt’s
it’s unclear whether turnout that it will hold a “confirmation acquitted former prime minister in 2017 she was sentenced in $44,000, the women’s lawyer, most powerful pharaohs, he said.
was depressed by voter apathy or of charges” hearing starting Oct. Yingluck Shinawatra, who is absentia for alleged negligence in Mads Pramming, told the Also known as Ramses the great,
a desire to send a message to 15 against Kony, the alleged living in exile, on charges of implementing a rice subsidy Associated Press. The purpose he was the third pharaoh of the
iran’s theocracy. leader of the Lord’s Resistance mishandling funds for a program that lost a massive was allegedly to limit population 19th Dynasty of egypt and ruled
Of 290 races held for Army, a brutal rebel group, government project in 2013, the amount of government money. growth in greenland. from 1279 to 1213 B.C.
parliament, voters decided 245 nearly two decades after first latest legal victory for the — Associated Press — From news services
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A11

Explosion at rail bridge deep inside Russia demonstrates Ukraine’s reach

BY I SABELLE K HURSHUDYAN ity to resupply its forces at the rences. Some are done with
front. Ukrainian President Volod- drones, while others require op-
KYIV — Ukraine hinted Monday ymyr Zelensky said recently that eratives on the ground to plant
that its agents were responsible Russia maintains a significant explosives.
for an explosion on a Russian ammunition advantage, firing Russian officials confirmed an
railway bridge used to transport seven times as much as Ukrainian explosion on the bridge but said
ammunition, in what appears to forces. Though Kyiv is no strang- the damage was minimal. Al-
be the latest successful operation er to shell shortages, the deficit though train traffic was suspend-
targeting infrastructure deep be- has become especially acute as ed, Russian emergency services
hind enemy lines as Ukrainian security assistance from Wash- told the Russian Interfax news
forces struggle against advancing ington has stopped with the agency that the bridge supports
Russian troops. White House’s requested $60 bil- were not damaged and that re-
Ukraine’s military intelligence lion aid package stalled in Con- pairs would take just several
agency, the GUR, said Monday gress. hours.
that the explosion on the railway The resource issues on the “Sappers have found and neu-
bridge in Russia’s Samara region battlefield — Ukrainian com- tralized another explosive device,
— about 650 miles from the manders have said they also lack a dud, at the location where the
Ukrainian border — occurred sufficient personnel — have al- railroad bridge over the Chapa-
about 6 a.m. local time. “Its use in lowed Russia to advance in recent yevka River was blown up,” Alex-
the next few weeks is impossible,” weeks, capturing the eastern ander Khinshtein, a member of
the agency said in a post on the Ukrainian city of Avdiivka and parliament for the Samara re-
Telegram social media app. several surrounding villages. gion, said on Telegram.
The GUR did not directly as- Ukrainian officials have privately The GUR also said Monday
sert responsibility for the attack, cautioned that Kyiv is unlikely that its hackers gained access to
but this wouldn’t be the first time to attempt another counter- Russian Defense Ministry serv-
Ukraine’s security services have offensive this year, especially ers, swiping secret military docu-
targeted military rail routes in without an increase in Western ments. The claim could not be
Russia — a hybrid warfare tech- aid soon. independently verified.
nique that has increased as Rus- Guerrilla tactics, such as Mon- “The information obtained al-
sia has regained the offensive arden arkman/aFP/getty Images day morning’s explosion on the lows us to establish the complete
initiative along the front line in Flowers at a war memorial in the Russian city of Samara in January 2023. The rail bridge hit Monday rail bridge, have taken on height- structure of the system of the
Ukraine. in the Samara region was used to transport ammunition, according to Ukrainian military intelligence. ened importance as a result. Russian Ministry of Defense and
The Security Service of While attacks on Russian terri- its units,” the GUR said in a post
Ukraine, or SBU, was responsible Ukraine, according to Ukrainian destroyed — that is, everything the government-run National In- tory were rare during the first on Telegram.
for December explosions on rail- intelligence officials. that allows the Russian Federa- stitute for Strategic Studies in year of the war — and were once
way links between Russia and “Such actions are important in tion to create, provide and use an Ukraine. considered out of the realm of anastacia galouchka in kyiv and
North Korea in the Buryatia re- any case. These are legitimate amassing of troops,” said Mykola It’s unclear how much the at- Ukraine’s capabilities — they natalia abbakumova in riga, Latvia,
gion, about 3,750 miles east of military objectives that must be Bielieskov, a military analyst at tacks have hindered Russia’s abil- have since become regular occur- contributed to this report.

Gang rape of foreign tourist seizes India’s attention crimes against women.
Yet violent crimes against
women continue to rise, accord-
ordered them returned to cus-
India’s female wrestlers staged
ing to national statistics, and demonstrations starting in Janu-
BY A NANT G UPTA their throats and took turns sexu- 200,000 followers — focused na- very different does it make a dent high-profile rape cases continue ary last year against the chair of
ally assaulting the woman while tional attention to an unusual in our conscience,” she said in a to surface with alarming regulari- the wrestling federation, accusing
NEW DELHI — Police in eastern beating and restraining her male degree. phone interview. “Otherwise our ty, largely as a result of what many him of repeatedly groping women
India say they have arrested three partner. National newspapers covered bodies, our minds, our autonomy say is a culture of downplaying over the previous decade. But the
men and are pursuing four others Local police in Jharkhand state the case, and women’s rights ac- does not matter at all.” sexual harassment and violence powerful BJP politician faced no
in the gang rape of a Brazilian said in a news release that they tivists, politicians and even Bolly- In December 2012, thousands — and of giving impunity to the consequences until a court or-
tourist, a case that has drawn cries had taken the victims to a nearby wood celebrities weighed in on of Indians took to the streets to perpetrators — in a patriarchal dered police to investigate the
of fury and shame from those in hospital and confirmed the out- social media to condemn what protest the gang rape and death of society. case in April 2023
Indian society who say sexual vio- lines of their account. All seven they described as an intractable a 22-year-old student, a case that Last year, India’s Supreme The chief of India’s National
lence against women remains a men have been identified and a problem despite efforts at cultur- prompted the Indian government Court criticized the Gujarat gov- Commission for Women, Rekha
stubbornly endemic problem. special investigation team has al and legal reform. to expand the legal definition of ernment, led by Modi’s Bharatiya Sharma, was herself accused of
The attack on the Brazilian been set up to arrest the four still Karanjeet Kaur, a writer who rape and introduce the death pen- Janata Party (BJP), for the early downplaying sexual violence
travel blogger and her Spanish at large, police in the Dumka published an op-ed Monday alty as a possible sentence for release of 11 men convicted of soon after the Brazilian blogger’s
partner took place in a forest late district said. about her outrage over sexual vio- rapists. gang-raping a Muslim woman, experience became public.
Friday, as the couple were camp- While cases of rape targeting lence against Indian women, said When Prime Minister Naren- Bilkis Bano, during riots in the When an American journalist
ing while traveling by motorbike Indian women from lower castes the case sparked so much discus- dra Modi first ran for the office in state in 2002. Upon their release, retweeted the couple’s account of
across eastern India to Nepal. and Indigenous tribal communi- sion because the survivor stood 2014, women’s safety featured the convicts had been garlanded their assault and told of experi-
Struggling to fight back tears ties are rife, and often receive out by sharing an experience all prominently in his outreach to with flowers by well-wishers and ences of his own, saying he had
and showing bruises on their fac- little notice and aren’t pros- too common for Indian women. female voters, and nearly a decade praised by a BJP lawmaker as never witnessed so much sexual
es, the couple said in an Insta- ecuted, the incident involving a “We have become so inured to later, his administration remains good Brahmins, the highest Hin- aggression as in India, Sharma
gram post Saturday morning that foreigner — who went public on violence against women that only sensitive to any potential political du caste. In January, the Supreme took him to task for “defaming”
seven men held knives against social media to her more than when the contours of a case are blowback from controversies over Court canceled their release and India.


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A12 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

to painful
history in
Mexico City
MExICO from A1

group, which had “disappeared”

the students. But independent in-
vestigators found that state and
federal officials were involved in
the crime, too — and they alleged a
coverup. As mexico was rocked by
its biggest protests in decades, a
small group of activists decided to
put a memorial in a place where
the government couldn’t ignore it:
The protesters formed a clan-
destine network — including ar-
chitects, welders, engineers and
construction workers. In a ware-
house far outside mexico City,
they secretly fashioned a 1,870-
pound sculpture. It was a giant 43,
with a plus sign nodding to the
growing number of people disap-
pearing, allegedly at the hands of
criminal groups, the police and
the military.
“We thought the story would
end with the plus-43. That the
government would take it down,”
said one of the activists, who only
gave his code name, Juan. But
after the statue was installed in
2015, he said, “people began to
claim it as their own.”
In the years since, activists have
installed anti-monuments up and
down reforma, as well as in near-
by plazas. The sculptures protest
government repression, deaths
blamed on bureaucratic or corpo-
rate indifference, pervasive vio-
lence against women in a machis-
ta culture.
Alexandra Délano, a scholar at
the New School in New York, said
activists “are trying to create a
space where memory does not
mean closure.” Instead, she said,
“memory means continuous
That’s true for Cristina Bautis-
ta, who often visits the plus-43
monument with other parents of
the missing Ayotzinapa students.
“Every month, we are there,” she
said. “Demanding the govern-
ment return our children alive.”
reforma has long been mexi- PhoTos by Luis anTonio rojas for The WashingTon PosT

co’s national stage, the site of pro-

tests and celebrations — whether
for a new president or the winner
of a soccer championship. But for
years, the avenue’s luster was
dimmed by street crime, eco-
nomic crises and the effects of the
1985 earthquake.
Lately, the mexican capital has
been experiencing a renaissance.
Leftist city governments tamed
the downtown crime. mexico’s re-
laxed covid-19 protocols contrib-
uted to a boom in tourism. Now,
on Sundays, reforma is thrown
open to bicyclists, runners and
exercise classes. Glittering five-
star hotels offer $250 tequila tast-
ings and host fashion Week. In
2021, reforma made Time out
magazine’s list of the “world’s
coolest streets.”
The contrast between the anti-
monuments and mexico City’s
new vibe couldn’t be starker. The
memorials are in-your-face re-
minders of institutional failure
and widespread impunity.
one statue, outside the mexi-
can Social Security Institute, re-
calls a 2009 blaze that ripped
through one of its day-care cen-
ters, killing 49 children. Another,
in front of the Stock Exchange,
commemorates 65 workers buried
by an explosion in 2006 at a coal
mine owned by a major company,
Grupo mexico.
The activists behind the instal-
lations have mostly remained
anonymous — to evade the police,
to allow victims’ families to take
center stage, to keep the govern-
ment on edge. Authorities “don’t
know when or how an anti-monu-
ment will appear,” Juan said.
In late 2020, George floyd’s
murder in police custody in min-
neapolis sparked global protests
against racial injustice, leading to
the toppling of statues commemo-
rating the Confederacy. As the tar-
gets spread to Spanish colonial TOP: In September 2021, activists installed an “anti-monument” on the pedestal where a Christopher Columbus statue had once stood on Mexico City’s Paseo de
icons — viewed as symbols of op- la Reforma. ABOVE: A demonstration in August on Reforma by relatives and friends of students from the Ayotzinapa teachers college who went missing in 2014
pression of Indigenous peoples — after they were detained by Mexican police. Protesters include Cristina Bautista, left, and a student at the school.
mexican authorities removed a
statue of Christopher Columbus
from a traffic circle on reforma.
months later, feminists and
mothers of the disappeared joined
veteran anti-monuments organiz-
ers in seizing the plaza. on top of ments alone, mexico City mayor “In New York, if a group took be forgotten,” he said. tary parade confront reminders of fronting this monopoly of legiti-
the empty pedestal, they placed a Claudia Sheinbaum — López ob- over the Statue of Liberty and said In may 2022, activists seized human rights abuses that the macy that the president and his
silhouette of a girl with her fist rador’s protégé and a hopeful in it would become the statue of another traffic circle on reforma, army was accused of having taken movement want.”
raised. They painted the site with the 2024 presidential race — drew some movement, would the U.S. known as the Plaza of the Palm. part in. The government hasn’t agreed
names of women who had battled the line at the Columbus circle. government allow it?” he asked. They renamed it the Plaza of the Authorities say they’re not try- to cede the Plaza of the Disap-
for justice. They christened it the City workers painted over the As in the United States, the Disappeared and plastered it with ing to downplay the country’s vio- peared. But last summer, after
Plaza of the Women Who fight. names on the anti-monument. debate over memorials has divid- photos of their missing loved ones. lence; a memorial garden honor- more than a year of legal skirmish-
The takeover was an open chal- The women repainted them. The ed mexicans. As López obrador nears the end ing victims was opened in 2013 in es and protests, the city gave up its
lenge to President Andrés manuel city announced it would replace “They’re taking away so many of his term, violence remains near mexico City’s main park, fight to put a new statue in the
López obrador, who built his ca- Columbus with a statue represent- of the beautiful things we have in record levels, with fresh reports of Chapultepec. But few people visit circle where Columbus once
reer on confronting the authori- ing Indigenous women. The activ- mexico,” said Genoveva Illescas, disappearances nearly every day. the out-of-the-way site. The activ- stood.
tarian, one-party state that domi- ists called it a distraction from as she strolled down reforma on a No one has been convicted in the ists want to keep the issue front If you look for the site on Google
nated mexico, and who had taken their protest. Sunday. Ayotzinapa case. and center. maps, it’s clear who has won this
office in 2018 pledging to improve ricardo ruiz, a top city official, Alfredo Cruz, who had just fin- The anti-monuments have be- That means reforma. small battle over mexican history.
the lives of the poor and bring says demonstrators can’t simply ished a race on the avenue, de- come a permanent j’accuse. Their demands go beyond a me- It’s now known as the Plaza of the
justice in disappearance cases. rename plazas or replace monu- fended the anti-monuments. Politicians pass them on their morial, said Jorge Verástegui, a Women Who fight.
Although authorities, for the ments — no matter how legitimate “People should not allow the dis- way to work. Soldiers marching member of a group searching for
most part, had left the anti-monu- their cause. appeared, the 43, the children, to down reforma in the annual mili- the disappeared. “We are also con- Lorena ríos contributed to this report.
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A13

What to know about

a potential cease-fire
deal between Israel
and Hamas
Sides have accepted general framework,
U.S. officials say, but not all of the details

BYB EN B RASCH, said Saturday in a background

L IOR S OROKA briefing. “The Israelis have basi-
AND D ANIEL W U cally signed on to the elements of
the arrangement. And right now,
After weeks of negotiation, the ball is in the court of Hamas.”
Israeli and Palestinian authori- On Sunday, Harris said it was
ties may be nearing a cease-fire up to Hamas to accept the plan.
agreement that would allow for “Hamas claims it wants a
the release of hostages in the cease-fire,” she said during a
custody of Hamas — which gov- speech in Alabama. “Well, there
erns the Gaza Strip — and prison- is a deal on the table.”
ers detained in Israel. Both sides Details have bedeviled the
have accepted the general frame- progress of negotiations since
work that includes more aid for January, The Post reported, and
Gazans, U.S. officials say, but not Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
all of the details. Israel, Hamas Netanyahu rejected a cease-fire
and their mediators are trying to framework in February.
make a deal before Sunday, the
start of the holy month of Rama- Who would be released?
dan. One of the White House offi-
cials said Saturday that “vulner- JohnSon SAbin/ePA-eFe/ShutterStock
How long would the cease- able hostages” would be available Inmates are seen at the Haitian National Penitentiary on Sunday, hours after armed gangs attacked the prison in Port-au-Prince. The
fire last? for release in the first phase of assault allowed a large number of the prison’s estimated 4,000 inmates to escape, according to Haitian Finance Minister Patrick Boivert.
Vice President Harris said over the agreement. Defining that
the weekend that the agreement group has been a point of conten-
would include an immediate
cease-fire to last at least six
weeks, the longest pause in fight-
tion, but it loosely includes the
sick, the wounded, the elderly
and women.
Haiti declares emergency after mass prison break
ing since a week-long period that The Israeli government as of
ended in December. The humani- Feb. 27 estimated that about 100 BY W IDLORE M ÉRANCOURT Port-au-Prince, amid a surge in court ruled that a 2023 agree- international force in Haiti, in-
tarian pause facilitated hostage- hostages remain in Gaza, though AND A DAM T AYLOR violence that led to 4,789 homi- ment to send police officers to stead focusing on providing other
for-prisoner exchanges and aid it has not given the full basis for cides last year, according to the Haiti would be unconstitutional types of aid. In a security alert
deliveries. Cease-fires generally its estimates. It is unclear how PORt-aU-PRiNCE, Haiti —Haiti United Nations. because Kenya’s National Police issued Sunday, the U.S. Embassy
last longer than such pauses, The many prisoners Israel would re- is under a nighttime curfew after It was not immediately clear Force cannot be deployed outside in Port-au-Prince said U.S. citi-
Washington Post reported in No- lease in exchange for some hos- armed gangs led a mass prison how many people died in the of the country and the two na- zens should “depart Haiti as soon
vember. tages. Hamas has said it would break and demanded the resigna- weekend’s violence, though a tions did not have reciprocal as possible” and said its opera-
White House officials, who release all hostages if Israel with- tion of the country’s prime minis- journalist at Spanish news agen- agreements. tions may be affected by “gang-re-
spoke on the condition of ano- draws all of its troops. Israel has ter, who is abroad seeking sup- cy EFE recounted seeing at least In a lecture at Kenya’s United lated violence and its effects on
nymity under ground rules set by said it will not stop fighting until port for a U.N.-backed interna- 10 dead bodies at the National States International University transportation and infrastruc-
the White House to brief report- it has destroyed Hamas. tional security force for the Carib- Penitentiary. on Friday, Henry said elections ture.”
ers, said Saturday that the frame- At least 30,534 people have bean nation. Henry, a neurosurgeon who were needed to stabilize the coun- State Department spokesman
work would include freeing hos- been killed and 71,920 injured in The curfew is part of a renew- has served as Haiti’s top official try. “We need democratic govern- Matthew Miller told reporters
tages held by Hamas and allow- Gaza since the war began, ac- able 72-hour state of emergency since the 2021 assassination of ance in order to have people to Monday that the United States is
ing more aid. cording to the Gaza Health Min- imposed Sunday, following an President Jovenel Moïse, left the come and invest in Haiti,” he said. monitoring the situation and
Gazans are enduring a desper- istry, which does not distinguish attack by gunmen on the coun- country last week to try to rally Haiti has no elected officials in condemned efforts by gangs to
ate and worsening humanitarian between civilians and combat- try’s largest prison, the National support for an international secu- power and has not held elections “further destabilize and take con-
crisis, partly because of Israeli ants. Israel estimates that about Penitentiary, late Saturday. The rity force. In Nairobi, he attended in almost a decade. Caribbean trol of Haiti.”
restrictions on aid. Harris and 1,200 people were killed in attack allowed a large portion of a signing ceremony for reciprocal leaders said late Wednesday that “It’s our understanding that
President Biden said recently Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack and says the prison’s estimated 4,000 in- agreements that could help send Henry had agreed to hold general the prime minister is returning to
that Israel should allow more aid 246 soldiers have been killed mates to escape, according to 1,000 Kenyan police officers to elections by mid-2025, though the country,” Miller said. “We
into Gaza. since the start of its military Finance Minister Patrick Boivert. Haiti to lead a U.N.-backed inter- security concerns hang over any think it’s important that he do so,
operation in Gaza. In a statement, Boivert ac- national police force. such pledges. and that he be allowed to do so.”
What is the status of cused Haitian gangs of numerous Henry’s trip to Kenya came The Biden administration has
negotiations? Why do mediators hope to violent criminal acts, including after the African country’s top refused to commit troops to an taylor reported from Washington.
Talks involving Egypt, Qatar reach a deal before kidnapping, assassinations, and
and the United States were un- Ramadan? violence against women and chil-
derway Sunday in Cairo, but a Ramadan is the holiest period dren, as well as attacks on pris-
deal did not appear to be immi-
Israel will not send a high-level
of the Islamic calendar, observed
by a month of fasting. From dawn
to dusk during Ramadan, adult
“The police were ordered to
use all legal means at their dis-
delegation to Egypt until Hamas
responds to questions about the
Muslims abstain from food,
drink, smoking and sexual rela-
posal to enforce the curfew and
apprehend all offenders,” Boivert
framework, an Israeli official tions. said. He wrote that the curfew
with knowledge of the negotia- The holy month, which begins would run from 8 p.m. until 5 a.m.
tions told The Post over the this year at sundown on Sunday, The dramatic escalation of vio-

weekend, speaking on the condi- is celebrated by Muslims around lence comes after Jimmy Chériz-
tion of anonymity to discuss the world as a time for religious ier — a former police officer
sensitive talks. gatherings and prayer but has turned gang leader known by the
The questions were about the
number and identities of Hamas-
held hostages and Israeli-
historically been a flash point in
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Last year, Israeli police raided
nickname “Barbecue” — called
for Haiti’s warring criminal fac-
tions to unite to oust the coun-
$500 OFF
detained prisoners who would be al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem try’s acting prime minister, Ariel

swapped, Israeli media reported. and arrested Palestinian wor- Henry.

White House officials said a shipers during Ramadan, Gangs, such as Chérizier’s G9 NO MONEY DOWN
deal was close.
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A14 EZ RE the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

France enshrines right to abortion as ‘guaranteed freedom’ in constitution


PARIS — With the endorsement

of a specially convened session of
lawmakers at the Palace of
Versailles, France on Monday be-
came the first country in the
world to explicitly enshrine abor-
tion rights in its constitution —
an effort galvanized by the roll-
back of protections in the United
The amendment referring to
abortion as a “guaranteed free-
dom” passed by a vote of 780 in
favor and 72 against, far above the
required threshold of support
from three-fifths of lawmakers, or
512 votes.
French President Emmanuel
Macron announced that a “seal-
ing ceremony,” a tradition re-
served for the most significant chRiSToPhE PETiT TESSon/EPa-EFE/ShuTTERSTock abdul SabooR/REuTERS

laws, would take place Friday, French lawmakers applaud after voting to enshrine abortion rights in the country’s The Eiffel Tower is lit up with the message “My Body My Choice” after the vote.
coinciding with International constitution in a specially convened session at the Palace of Versailles on Monday. France’s effort to protect the right to abortion was in response to U.S. restrictions.
Women’s Day.
“We’re sending a message to all for any reason through the 14th been happening in the United rights movements. just how difficult it is” to change that kind of change.
women: Your body belongs to week of pregnancy; that’s more States since the Supreme Court “U.S. activists, don’t give up the it, said Melissa Murray, a law “It’s up to Parliament to regu-
you, and no one can decide for restrictive than in nearly half of overturned Roe in 2022 and de- fight,” said Lola Schulmann, an professor at New York University. late in this field,” Hennette-
you,” Prime Minister Gabriel At- U.S. states, where abortion is pro- termined that the right to abor- advocacy officer with Amnesty “It’s even more difficult today to Vauchez said. But, going forward,
tal told lawmakers assembled in tected well past 14 weeks. This tion has no constitutional stature International in Paris who was at come up with a supermajority “Parliament cannot do exactly
Versailles. amendment won’t in itself loosen — that it could no longer be Monday’s gathering. given the political divisions.” By what they want. They need to
Thousands of Parisians gath- any laws. inferred from constitutional pri- contrast, the current constitution legislate in a particular direction.
ered to watch the proceedings But while other countries have vacy protections. What would it take to change of France, adopted in 1958, has And that direction is one that
live on a giant television screen at inferred abortion rights protec- France has moved in the oppo- the U.S. Constitution, too? been amended 24 times. would preserve the idea of a
Le Parvis des Droits de l’Homme tions from their constitutions, as site direction, with its politicians In both the United States and State constitutions in the Unit- guaranteed freedom.”
— or Human Rights Square — in the U.S. Supreme Court did in Roe saying that abortion is indeed a France, polls show that a majority ed States can be amended more It would now be more difficult
central Paris, with the Eiffel Tow- v. Wade, or implied it, as Slovenia matter of constitutional rel- of people broadly support abor- easily than the U.S. Constitution. for a new government to ban
er looming dramatically over the does with a line about the free- evance. And more than that: The tion rights. But abortion is more And so, “for people supporting abortion at anything less than 15
scene. dom to choose to have children, right to an abortion should be a divisive in the United States than women’s rights, the strategy has weeks, or even to decide that
When the amendment passed, France is the first to explicitly “guaranteed freedom.” in France. The largest of the anti- been to go incrementally through abortion was no longer fully cov-
the crowd erupted in celebration, codify in its constitution that the “It’s interesting to see French abortion protests Monday ap- the states, and hope to build ered by the country’s health in-
and the tower lit up with twin- voluntary termination of preg- politicians saying, ‘We’re going to peared to be a “March for Life” eventually towards something surance system.
kling lights. Mothers and daugh- nancy is protected. take the constitution into our demonstration near Versailles in- nationally,” Ziegler said. But Hennette-Vauchez noted
ters embraced. People cheered “March 4, 2024, is now en- own hands and away from the volving several hundred people. Since the end of Roe, six states that judicial interpretation is
and waved French flags. The graved in the great history of courts, or at least limit how much That may be in part because — California, Kansas, Kentucky, hard to predict. “In that sense, the
square immediately transformed human rights and women’s rights discretion the courts are going to France is proud of its commit- Michigan, Vermont and Ohio — word ‘guarantee’ is very impor-
into a massive street party, with as a historic turning point‚” said have in this area,’” said Mary Ruth ment to secularism. It may also be have approved abortion-related tant, but it’s also relatively unde-
revelers singing the lyrics from a Sen. Mélanie Vogel, one of the Ziegler, a law professor at the because abortion in France has constitutional amendments. At fined.”
Beyoncé song, “who run the main backers of the bill. University of California at Davis long been framed as a public least 13 additional states are try- France’s constitutional amend-
world, girls.” The outcome was “also a prom- and the author of “Roe: The His- health issue, rather than a privacy ing to get abortion amendments ment doesn’t safeguard abortion
Laurence Beldowski, 53, ise for all women who fight all tory of a National Obsession.” issue, said Stéphanie Hennette- on their ballots this year. rights in France for eternity. Rec-
turned to her daughter, Eugenie, over the world for the right to The overturning of Roe was a Vauchez, a professor of public law ognizing a right doesn’t eliminate
22, and hugged her tightly. A have autonomy over their bodies “major shock around the world,” at the University of Paris- The future of abortion rights all of the questions about that
topless woman danced through — in Argentina, in the United said Floriane Volt, a spokeswom- Nanterre. in France right. There will still be judicial
the crowd with the words, “Bless- States, in Andorra, in Italy, in an for the Fondation des Femmes Changing the U.S. Constitution In France, nothing will change interpretation over what a “guar-
ings, abortion is finally in the Hungary, in Poland,” said law- (Women’s Foundation), a wom- would be harder — it requires not immediately as a result of the new anteed freedom” means.
constitution,” painted across her maker Mathilde Panot, who had en’s rights organization that orga- only two-thirds majority support constitutional amendment. And as lawmakers this year
bare torso. introduced the bill in the Nation- nized Monday’s gathering. in both houses of Congress, but The amendment does not have shown, constitutions can be
“It’s incredible,” Beldowski al Assembly. “This vote today tells “In France, it helped us so that also ratification by at least 38 of change the status quo or the changed.
said. “It’s a long fight for all them: Your struggle is ours; this French politicians understood 50 state legislatures. content of legislation as it stands Far-right leader Marine Le Pen
generations, my mother, my victory is yours.” what we were saying to them for “The obstacles are more signif- today. For instance, it is not sud- dismissed the historic nature of
grandmother, my daughter; it’s years and years. … We have to icant,” Ziegler said. denly legal for any reason to Monday’s vote, saying that it did
for every woman. It’s incredible to A reaction to the United fight for abortion rights,” she Since the U.S. Constitution was terminate a pregnancy after the not respond to any particular
be the first country to protect this States said. ratified in the 1780s, it has been 15th week of pregnancy. The difficulties in France and was
fundamental right of all women.” Activists and politicians have She added that she hoped the amended only 27 times, including French National Assembly and merely “a day that [President]
France decriminalized abor- been transparent that this is, success of the French campaign with the Bill of Rights. “That sort the Senate would need to pass Emmanuel Macron organized for
tion in 1975. Abortion is legal here above all, a response to what has would strengthen other abortion of perspective gives you a sense of legislation if they wanted to make his own glory.”

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tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A15

Economy & Business

Apple hit with nearly $2 billion E.U. antitrust fine for ‘abusing’ app store
antitrust violations. at what price to buy music cent commission on such transac- the realities of a market that is Fortnite video game series, al-
The commission said it found streaming subscriptions.” tions, an approach it said “dis- thriving, competitive, and grow- leged the tech giant had abused
Tech giant says it will that Apple violated European In 2019, Spotify accused Apple torts competition.” ing fast.” its monopoly by forcing develop-
appeal commission’s competition rules by preventing of abusing its power over its app The commission said Monday Spotify said in a statement ers to use Apple’s payment pro-
app developers from informing store and unfairly “taxing” com- that its investigation uncovered Monday that the commission’s cessing service without inform-
decision in Spotify case users about “alternative and petitors’ apps. “unfair trading conditions.” decision marks “an important ing consumers about alternatives.
cheaper” music services. By placing fees on companies Apple said in a statement in moment in the fight for a more A federal appeals court last
The fine is the result of a years- offering rival products, Apple was response that it will appeal the open internet for consumers.” year affirmed a decision that Epic
BY C RISTIANO L IMA- S TRONG long investigation stemming “essentially acting as both a play- 1.8 billion euro fine. But the company said that Games had failed to prove its case
from an antitrust complaint by er and referee to deliberately dis- “Today, the European Commis- while it was “pleased” with the that Apple violated federal anti-
The European Commission rival Spotify. advantage other app developers,” sion announced a decision claim- move, “it does not solve Apple’s trust laws.
fined Apple nearly $2 billion Margrethe Vestager, executive CEO Daniel Ek wrote at the time. ing the App Store has been a bad behaviour towards develop- The Justice Department is also
Monday for “abusing” its control vice president and antitrust chief The European Commission barrier to competition in the digi- ers beyond music streaming in currently investigating whether
over music streaming services by for the commission, said in a post took up charges against the tech tal music market,” the company other markets around the world.” Apple violated U.S. antitrust law
squelching competition through that Apple’s conduct “had an im- giant in 2021, criticizing the com- said. “The decision was reached Apple prevailed over a separate by stifling competitors; it could
its app store, a major broadside as pact on millions of [E.U.] consum- pany for requiring that develop- despite the Commission’s failure antitrust challenge against its app face a lawsuit as early as late
regulators around the globe push ers, who were not able to make a ers use its in-app payments sys- to uncover any credible evidence store in the United States, where March, according to media re-
to rein in the tech giant’s alleged #free choice as to where, how, and tems and for imposing a 30 per- of consumer harm, and ignores Epic Games, maker of the popular ports.


wo of the biggest names in
big-box retail have boosted
their bets on a growing
trend for bricks-and-mortar sales:
smaller stores.
Best Buy and Macy’s last week
announced plans to add small-
format stores in a strategy that
could help the companies cut
costs while answering customers’
demand for convenience. They
join Nordstrom, Target, Kohl’s
and other national chains in scal-
ing back their locations with tens
of thousands of square feet that
anchor malls and shopping cen-
ters, while focusing on more com-
pact and efficient stores.
“Consumers use stores differ-
ently than they used to,” Moody’s
Investor Services analyst Christi-
na Boni said, adding that shop-
pers want stores nearby and ac-
cessible, and often see them as
ways to complement their online
shopping with pickups and re-
turns. “All of those things merit
itself to thinking about a box that’s
different than what it was before.”
Small-format stores address a
modern shopping experience, one
very different from the days be-
fore e-commerce, Boni said. Con-
sumers are no longer discovering
products by browsing through
100,000-square-foot stores —
they’re doing it on social media as
well as on the brands’ apps and
For example, Nordstrom is
slowly growing Nordstrom Local,
a store primarily focused on ser-
vices including alterations, pick-
ups and returns. In 2022, Kohl’s
announced that it was adding 100
small-format stores that are about
35,000 square feet in size. Furni- yukI Iwamura/bloomberG News/Getty ImaGes

ture retailer Ikea has at least 26 Macy’s flagship location is seen last month on Herald Square in New York. The national chain recently announced that it would focus on more compact and efficient stores.
mini stores, including ones just
for picking up orders and others
that resemble a showroom called
“Plan & Order.”
The most recent example is
Best Buy, which said Thursday
Trying to stay relevant, big-box stores and figuring out where that
makes sense,” she said. “The more
inventory they take out of stores,
the more they’re almost forcing
that it will open small-format lo-
cations in new markets and down-
size in existing ones, though
didn’t specify where or how many.
chains turn focus to smaller formats the consumer online.”
Some retailers — like Best Buy
— are also looking to expand into
new markets, leveraging the data
That announcement came two they have collected on their cus-
days after Macy’s said it would tomers to find small locations
close 150 namesake locations to The strategy could help retailers such as Best Buy and Target cut costs and meet customers’ with higher consumer interest.
focus on small-format stores un-
der its Bloomingdale’s and Blue-
demand for convenience, analysts say, but downsizing brings its own set of challenges Retailers see opportunities to fol-
low customers who moved during
mercury brands. Fourth-quarter the pandemic from large urban
sales at Macy’s department stores centers to rural and suburban ar-
fell 2.5 percent year over year, department stores and consumer director of U.S. retail analytics at new leases from 2021 through limited inventory. Over the past 15 eas, Hottovy said.
while Bloomingdale’s and Blue- electronics. “It’s all these catego- real estate analytics company Co- 2023 shrink 35 percent, Svec said. years, there has been almost no “All of a sudden, these markets
mercury sales rose 3.5 percent ries that saw a pull forward in Star Group. New retail leases of Smaller-format stores can be new development of open-air with a population smaller than
and 7.8 percent, respectively, the demand [during the coronavirus more than 25,000 square feet fell more cost-effective because they shopping centers, he said. 100,000 people are a lot bigger,” he
company said. pandemic] and now are normaliz- 12 percent from 2022 and made have lower rents, carry less inven- Downsizing brings a new set of said. found that the ma-
Chains embracing the small- ing and maybe figuring out they up 22 percent of all new retail tory and require fewer employees. challenges, said Katherine Black, jority of households that moved
format strategy are those in cate- don’t need as much square foot- square footage — the lowest share But with that comes mounting who leads the food, drug and have a higher income, “so when
gories that “have been under age,” Hottovy said. since CoStar started tracking competition for those storefronts, mass-market retail division at you get these markets that saw a
more pressure,” said R.J. Hottovy, Store downsizing has been hap- these metrics in 2006, according Svec said, as big-box retailers seek consulting firm Kearney. lot of growth and higher house-
head of analytical research at foot pening across the industry for to Svec. the same types of spaces as dis- “The real crux for these retail- hold incomes, it starts to present a
traffic analytics firm years, but it accelerated in 2023, One notable large retail chain, count, off-price, and food and bev- ers is picking the right merchan- pretty attractive proposition for a
That includes home furnishings, said Brandon Svec, the national Target, saw the average size of its erage tenants in a market with dise for these smaller-format lot of retail brands.”


AViAtion Alaska Airlines jet were able to the Journal reported. aircraft between Boeing, Airbus launch later this autumn. Pricing overcharging credit and debit
safely land the plane despite the X, the social media platform and Embraer in a move designed for the service — which would card customers on transactions
FAA: Boeing failing to hole in its side. formerly known as Twitter, did to meet growing travel demand have rights to the National made in foreign currencies. U.S.
meet quality standards — Associated Press not immediately respond to a and increase the airline’s supply Football League, the National District Judge Patricia Tolliver
request for comment. of premium seats. American said Basketball Association, Major Giles in Alexandria said
The Federal Aviation soCiAl MeDiA — Reuters it placed options for up to 193 League Baseball and college cardholders in the proposed
Administration said Monday more planes over the next competitions — could be higher class action did not identify
that its audit of manufacturing Former Twitter execs RAil several years. The airline and than what people have talked language in their card
at airplane-maker Boeing and its sue Musk for $128M Amtrak boosting aircraft-makers did not disclose about, Murdoch added. agreements that was “clear and
key supplier turned up “multiple financial terms for the orders. unambiguous” about what rates
instances” of the companies Four former top Twitter service on East Coast The package of orders includes Whole Foods Market and fees Capital One would
failing to make sure executives, including former 85 Boeing 737 Max 10s, a larger announced Monday that it is impose. Four plaintiffs said
manufacturing met quality CEO Parag Agrawal, have sued Amtrak said Monday that it version of the Max that has not introducing a new, quick-shop Capital One sought to maximize
standards. Elon Musk for more than will boost passenger service on yet been certified by U.S. store format designed to provide profit by charging “fictional”
The FAA said it found $128 million in severance, the the East Coast as it vows to regulators. The plane is already customers in urban rates when it converted foreign
“noncompliance issues” with Wall Street Journal reported double ridership by 2040. years behind schedule, and neighborhoods a convenient currency transactions into
Boeing’s manufacturing-process Monday. The railroad is increasing United Airlines — which has 100 shopping experience with easier dollars. They said the McLean,
control and parts handling and The other plaintiffs are Ned Northeast Regional service on order — is planning as if it access. The new Whole Foods Va.-based bank ignored rules
storage. Segal, Twitter’s former chief between Boston and Washington will never receive the planes, Market Daily Shop format will set by card processors Visa and
The FAA said it gave a financial officer; Vijaya Gadde, by as much as 20 percent on according to its chief executive. initially launch on the Upper Mastercard that it use
summary of findings from its six- its former chief legal officer; and weekdays and adding 1 million East Side in Manhattan, with wholesale market rates or
week audit to Boeing and Sean Edgett, its former general additional seats over the next The sports streaming venture additional locations in New York government-mandated rates.
supplier Spirit AeroSystems, but counsel, according to the report. year. Congress approved formed by Walt Disney, Warner to follow. The first store is The judge said the plaintiffs
it did not make the summary The executives, who led the $66 billion for rail as part of the Bros. Discovery and Fox Corp. expected to open this year. failed to show that their card
public. A spokeswoman said the company during a lengthy and at 2021 infrastructure bill, with expects to have 5 million Following the New York launch, agreements incorporated the
FAA can’t release details because times hostile takeover process in $22 billion dedicated to Amtrak. subscribers in its first five years, Whole Foods plans to bring the processors’ rules or created an
its investigation is continuing. which they sued Musk to follow — Reuters Fox chief executive Lachlan format to other cities across the “objectively justified
The agency has stepped up its through with the acquisition Murdoch said Monday. The country. expectation” that their
scrutiny of Boeing since Jan. 5, after the billionaire changed his Also in Business companies last month exchange rates would resemble
when a panel blew off a Boeing mind, say Musk fired them citing American Airlines announced a announced plans for the sports- A federal judge in Virginia those incurred by Capital One
737 Max 9 as it flew 16,000 feet gross negligence and willful massive order for new planes centric service, which is hoping dismissed a lawsuit Monday or the processors.
above Oregon. Pilots of the misconduct, which they deny, Monday, splitting 260 new to get younger viewers and will accusing Capital One of — From news services
A16 ez Re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

Longtime Trump Organization executive pleads guilty to perjury in N.Y.

BY E L M . C ALABRESE paign while seeking to keep adult- them of participating in a finan- to the attorney general’s office does not include any language pleaded guilty to 17 total counts
AND M ARK B ERMAN film actress Stormy Daniels — cial fraud by lying on financial during another deposition, falsely requiring Weisselberg to testify across the two cases.
whose real name is Stephanie Clif- statements to get better terms claiming he was not involved in during Trump’s upcoming crimi- Trump and his associates have
NEW YORK — Allen Weisselberg, ford — from publicly alleging that from lenders and insurers. A trial valuing properties. Then, the nal trial. long assailed scrutiny from inves-
the former longtime top financial she had an affair with him years in that matter began in the fall and complaint continued, he lied “Allen Weisselberg looks for- tigators and law enforcement, say-
officer of Donald Trump’s compa- earlier. Jury selection is scheduled concluded this year, and a judge again in October 2023, this time ward to putting this situation be- ing he and others have been treat-
ny, pleaded guilty Monday to per- to begin March 25, which would last month handed down millions while testifying during the civil hind him,” Seth L. Rosenberg, an ed improperly. He is seeking an-
jury, admitting that he lied under mark the first criminal prosecu- of dollars in penalties and other fraud trial spurred by James’s law- attorney for Weisselberg, said in a other term in office while facing
oath to the New York attorney tion of a former president. punishments to Trump, Weissel- suit. During his testimony, the statement released by his law four pending criminal cases.
general’s office while it was inves- Neither side in that coming tri- berg and other defendants. complaint alleged, Weisselberg firm. Trump has denied wrongdoing in
tigating the former president. al has suggested plans to call Weis- James’s office and her 2022 law- falsely said he “never focused on Weisselberg has faced repeated all matters and argued that he is
The plea added to the web of selberg to testify, leaving it un- suit accused the defendants in the triplex” and “never thought legal and investigative scrutiny being politically targeted.
Trump-related legal and financial clear whether his plea Monday that case of knowingly lying on the about that apartment,” even recently, including in another Christopher Kise, an attorney
peril that Weisselberg has faced in could affect those proceedings. financial statements. In one ex- though emails and conversations criminal case. In 2021, he and the for Trump, said in a statement
recent years, a period that saw In his case, Weisselberg, 76, ample included in the lawsuit, a disproved that. Trump Organization were indict- Monday that Bragg “continues to
him plead guilty to multiple felo- faced five counts of perjury in the Trump Tower triplex apartment “It is a crime to lie in deposi- ed and accused of carrying out a waste public resources in a tyran-
nies in a different case, serve first degree — a felony — and was described as being 30,000 tions and at trial — plain and long-standing fraud aimed at hid- nical attempt to impede President
months behind bars as a result agreed to plead guilty to two of square feet — about three times its simple,” a spokesperson for ing income from tax authorities. Trump’s ongoing ascent to the
and then face stiff sanctions, in- them. His sentencing is scheduled actual size. Bragg’s office said in a statement. Weisselberg pleaded guilty in White House.”
cluding a $1 million penalty, fol- for April 10. Bragg’s office said According to the complaint By pleading guilty, the statement 2022 to committing more than a “This plea was no doubt extort-
lowing a separate civil fraud trial. Weisselberg is expected to receive filed by Bragg’s office in the new said, Weisselberg is “being held dozen felonies. He was sentenced ed by threatening an elderly and
The developments Monday a five-month sentence. perjury case, Weisselberg was de- responsible for his conduct.” to five months in jail and five years innocent man with immediate
came through an agreement with The counts Weisselberg plead- posed in July 2020 during the The agreement signed by of probation, then released after and lengthy incarceration,” Kise
the office of Alvin Bragg, the Man- ed guilty to stemmed from com- attorney general’s investigation Bragg’s office and Weisselberg about three months. The company said.
hattan district attorney. The plea ments he made in 2020 while and questioned about the triplex’s stated that he was pleading guilty was convicted in 2022, then or- The upcoming criminal trial in-
also marked the latest legal loss testifying before the office of New size. The complaint said Weissel- specifically to perjury counts re- dered to pay $1.6 million in fines. volves Trump’s alleged misclassifi-
suffered by Trump or someone in York Attorney General Letitia berg testified that he did not know lating to his July 2020 testimony. An attorney said at the time of cation of reimbursement pay-
his orbit, this time only three James (D) during its investigation the square-footage figure was in- He also admitted “that he commit- Weisselberg’s previous guilty plea ments to Michael Cohen, a former
weeks before Bragg’s office is set of Trump and his financial state- correct and said he only learned ted the conduct as alleged” in May in 2022 that the decision was Trump associate turned nemesis,
to prosecute Trump in a separate ments. this from a news media article 2023 and then October 2023, meant “to put an end to this case who paid the adult-film actress
criminal case. That investigation led to later. But that was untrue, the while not pleading guilty to those and the years-long legal and per- $130,000 to keep her from speak-
In that case, Trump is accused James’s 2022 lawsuit against complaint said. counts. sonal nightmares it has caused for ing out.
of falsifying business records dur- Trump, his company, Weisselberg According to the complaint, The plea agreement signed by him and his family.” Monday’s plea
ing the 2016 presidential cam- and others, in which she accused Weisselberg also lied in May 2023 Bragg’s office and Weisselberg means Weisselberg has now berman reported from Washington.

Texas migrant law set to take e≠ect Sunday put on hold by Supreme Court
suit filed by the states of Texas
Enforcement is blocked and Louisiana that said the U.S.
government should target all
until at least March 13 undocumented immigrants for
after frenzy of rulings deportation.
And in 2022, the Supreme
Court ruled 5-4 that the Biden
administration could end a
BY M ARIA S ACCHETTI Trump administration policy
AND A RELIS R . H ERNÁNDEZ that required asylum seekers to
await their hearings in Mexico.
The Biden administration and In court filings Monday, Prel-
immigrant advocates rushed to ogar said the Texas law tramples
the Supreme Court on Monday to on federal responsibilities that
prevent Texas from enforcing Congress has laid out; could
one of the harshest immigration inflame tensions with Mexico,
laws in the United States, saying the largest U.S. trading partner;
the new statute would disrupt and could lead to the deportation
more than a century of federal of migrants whose lives are in
control over international bor- danger, a violation of federal law.
ders. The Texas law, she wrote, “pre-
The sprint to the nation’s high- vents the Nation from speaking
est court is the latest chapter in ‘with one voice’ in matters in-
an ongoing battle between the volving foreign affairs.”
Biden administration and Texas The Supreme Court rulings
over whether states can play a reinforcing that immigration en-
role in immigration enforce- forcement is a federal responsi-
ment. It follows a frenzy of bility have not deterred Texas
judicial rulings over the law and other states from challeng-
known as Senate Bill 4, which ing Biden’s border policies. Offi-
takes the extraordinary steps of cials in those states say their
making it a state crime for communities have been upended
migrants to cross the border by record numbers of migrants
illegally and authorizing Texas to being taken into custody at the
deport undocumented individu- U.S.-Mexico border since Biden
als. took office in 2021, with many
Republicans have defended released to await asylum pro-
the law with incendiary language ceedings in the United States
claiming migrants are invading MiChael Robinson Chávez/the Washington Post because of a lack of detention
the state, but a lower-court judge A constable directs Honduran migrants on where to await Border Patrol personnel in 2021 in Mission, Tex. The Biden administration capacity and strict rules about
found no evidence of that and on rushed to the Supreme Court on Monday to prevent Texas from enforcing a law that makes it a state crime to cross the border illegally. who can be deported.
Thursday blocked the law from Officials say they are acting
taking effect. because Biden has failed to con-
Two days later, a panel of the effect at 12:01 a.m. on March 10, state judges to order deporta- Circuit late Friday, seeking an The 5th Circuit decision sets trol the border.
conservative U.S. Court of Ap- 2024, profoundly altering the tions to Mexico and allow local administrative stay of Ezra’s or- the stage for another Supreme Abbott has deployed the state
peals for the 5th Circuit reversed status quo that has existed be- law enforcement personnel to der blocking the law. The appeals Court ruling to settle an ongoing National Guard and state troop-
that decision 2-1 without expla- tween the United States and the carry them out. Judges could also panel issued its decision about a debate about Texas’s border pol- ers to guard the border, urged
nation, clearing the way for the States in the context of immigra- drop the state charges if the day later, giving the Biden ad- icies. state law enforcement agencies
Texas law to take effect this tion for almost 150 years.” migrant agrees to return volun- ministration seven days to ap- The Biden administration has from other states to join them,
weekend unless the Supreme On Monday, Texas Gov. Greg tarily. peal to the Supreme Court. notched several victories in re- and cordoned off the Rio Grande
Court intervenes. However, on Abbott (R) said on X that the A pair of immigrant advocacy Ezra’s ruling came on the same cent years, despite the conserva- with miles of razor wire to pre-
Monday evening, Supreme state was preparing to enforce groups, the Las Americas Immi- day President Biden and former tive tilt of the Supreme Court, vent adults and children from
Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., the law, “unless the Supreme grant Advocacy Center and president Donald Trump, who is which has a 6-3 conservative crossing illegally. He has also
who oversees matters that origi- Court intervenes.” American Gateways, sued along again seeking the White House supermajority with three justices paid to bus tens of thousands of
nate in the 5th Circuit, put the The Texas legislature passed with El Paso County and the and is the leading Republican appointed by Trump. In January, migrants to cities such as New
law on hold until at least March S.B. 4 last year as part of Abbott’s Biden administration to block candidate, made separate visits the Supreme Court voted 5-4 that York and Chicago, forcing local
13. push to expand the state’s role in the law from taking effect. to the U.S.-Mexico border, each the Biden administration could governments to pay millions to
Solicitor General Elizabeth B. border security, which historical- On Thursday, days after hold- emphasizing their policies on remove razor wire that Texas had shelter and feed them.
Prelogar had earlier in the day ly has been the responsibility of ing a hearing, U.S. District Court immigration. After that visit, installed on the U.S.-Mexico bor- The Biden administration and
urged the justices to wipe out the federal law enforcement agen- Judge David A. Ezra in Austin Trump, who favors aggressive der, until the courts determine if other plaintiffs contend that S.B.
appeals court decision, warning cies. The statute criminalizes issued a 114-page ruling that immigration enforcement, told it is legal for the state to erect its 4 gives law enforcement overly
that the law could impose “pro- illegal migration as a misde- signaled the state law is probably Fox News that Abbott is a possi- own barriers. broad powers to arrest anyone
found harms” on U.S. foreign meanor, punishable by up to six unconstitutional and “could ble contender to become his In June, the Supreme Court they suspect of having crossed
policy and federal immigration months in jail. Anyone accused open the door to each state running mate. ruled 8-1 that Biden has the the border illegally, no matter
laws. of reentering the country illegal- passing its own version of immi- “He’s done a great job,” Trump authority to set the federal gov- how far they live from the border
“Absent this Court’s interven- ly could face felony charges. gration laws.” said, according to the Dallas ernment’s immigration enforce- itself or the details of their
tion,” she wrote, “SB4 will go into Lawmakers also empowered Texas appealed to the 5th Morning News. ment priorities, rejecting a law- immigration status.

JetBlue and Spirit drop plans to merge after judge raises antitrust hurdle
BY L ORI A RATANI partment prevailed in a case in- “We are disappointed we can- agreement. Spirit stockholders re- Some analysts, however, think pressure on the four biggest air-
volving U.S. airlines. not move forward with a deal that ceived approximately $425 mil- JetBlue may ultimately benefit lines, it would hurt consumers
JetBlue Airways and Spirit Air- Even so, executives from Jet- would save hundreds of millions lion in prepayments while the from the failure of the merger. who rely on Spirit’s low fares. He
lines announced Monday that Blue and Spirit continued to por- for consumers and create a real merger agreement was in effect. “Airline mergers are lengthy, noted that when Spirit enters a
they have dropped plans to merge, tray the $3.8 billion deal as pro- challenger to the dominant ‘Big 4’ Monday’s announcement now messy and complex to execute,” market, rival airlines reduce pric-
a transaction that would have consumer. U.S. airlines” — United, American, leaves the two carriers with the said Henry Harteveldt, an aviation es by 7 to 11 percent on average.
created the nation’s fifth-largest “We believed this merger was Delta and Southwest — Christie formidable challenge of navigat- analyst and president of Atmos- Consumer advocates said the
carrier. worth pursuing because it would said in a statement. “However, we ing on their own through a market phere Research. “They distract a failure of the JetBlue-Spirit merg-
In a statement, JetBlue said that have unleashed a national low- remain confident in our future as a dominated by four major airlines. lot of the acquiring airline’s man- er would promote airline competi-
while the two companies still be- fare, high-value competitor to the successful independent airline.” Spirit in particular is facing finan- agement’s time and focus. Now, tion.
lieve in the “procompetitive ben- Big Four airlines,” Joanna Ger- Attorney General Merrick Gar- cial and operational challenges. JetBlue can proceed unencum- “The decision by JetBlue and
efits of the combination,” it was aghty, chief executive of JetBlue, land pushed back on the carriers’ The Florida-based carrier has bered.” Spirit to call off their merger is
unlikely they would be able to said in a statement. “We are proud view that the merger would have been forced to ground dozens of However, Harteveldt said Spirit good news for the flying public,”
reach the necessary legal and reg- of the work we did with Spirit to been good for consumers, charac- its Airbus jets because of a Pratt & may continue to struggle. said Diana Moss, vice president
ulatory approvals by July 24 as lay out a vision to challenge the terizing JetBlue and Spirit’s deci- Whitney engine issue. Last week, the two sides filed a and director of competition policy
called for in their agreement. status quo, but given the hurdles sion to drop their plans to merge JetBlue has grappled with cuts brief in their appeals case outlin- for the Progressive Policy Insti-
The two carriers were in the to closing that remain, we decided as a “victory for the Justice De- in the number of flights it operates ing why they thought the judge’s tute. “The district court opinion
midst of appealing a decision is- together that both airlines’ inter- partment’s work on behalf of in and out of the New York area, decision blocking the merger was backed up DOJ’s strong case for
sued this year by U.S. District ests are better served by moving American consumers.” the result of staffing shortages at a flawed. However, JetBlue’s an- why the merger would raise fares
Judge William G. Young, who forward independently.” “The Justice Department key air traffic control center. The nouncement Monday was not a and eliminate important consum-
blocked the merger on the Ted Christie, Spirit’s chief exec- proved in court that a merger be- carrier also has a new chief execu- complete surprise. Shortly after er choice. It sets a mark for how
grounds that it violated antitrust utive, also cited regulatory obsta- tween JetBlue and Spirit would tive in Geraghty, who took over Young’s decision, JetBlue execu- further consolidation in the U.S.
laws. Young’s ruling was a signifi- cles as a key factor in his compa- have caused tens of millions of last month after Robin Hayes re- tives indicated they might not ap- passenger markets will get close,
cant victory for the Biden admin- ny’s decision to terminate the travelers to face higher fares and tired. Hayes was the architect of peal the case and received strong close scrutiny.”
istration, which has sought to merger agreement, but he ex- fewer choices,” he said in a state- the JetBlue-Spirit merger, outbid- pushback from Spirit. In December, two other U.S.
block mergers in industries it pressed optimism about Spirit’s ment. ding Frontier Airlines, which had In his 113-page decision, Young carriers, Alaska Airlines and Ha-
thinks are too concentrated. It was future, even as it faces financial JetBlue will pay Spirit $69 mil- previously announced plans to wrote that while a combined waiian Airlines, announced plans
the second time the Justice De- and operational challenges. lion as part of the termination merge with Spirit. JetBlue-Spirit carrier could put to merge.
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re a17

ERs have become
so e∞cient, they’re
killing people

ith a gentle squeeze of the 84-year-old
patient’s swollen calves, I confirmed my
diagnosis: She had congestive heart fail-
ure. It was causing fluid to accumulate
in her lungs and legs, leaving her breathless and
fatigued. As an emergency doctor, I see many
patients with congestive heart failure; like most of
them, this woman needed to be hospitalized to have
the excess fluid removed. I put in an order to admit
her to an inpatient floor upstairs.
But two nights later, when I arrived for my next
shift, I found my patient bleary-eyed on the same
stretcher where I’d left her. “Dr. Z,” she implored me,
“I’ve been here for two days! I haven’t slept, and I
feel worse than when I came in. When do I go
Her predicament alarmed me, but it did not
surprise me. Emergency patients who need hospital
admission routinely wait hours, even days, for a bed.
It’s called “boarding” — and though boarding is not
new to the U.S. medical system, ripple effects from
the pandemic have transformed it from a problem
into a crisis.
It has been well-documented that covid-19 took a
devastating toll on emergency departments nation- Molly MAgnell For the WAshington Post

wide, revealing and exploiting the fragility of our

acute-care system. Less has been written, however, Daniel PinK
about the side effects of hospitals’ attempts to
recover from that era — one of the most serious of
which is the proliferation of boarding. As hospitals
scramble to regain their footing (and their profit
margins), the financial incentive structure that un-
Why not require a civics test
dergirds U.S. medicine has gone into overdrive.
Inpatient beds that might previously have been
reserved for patients, such as the 84-year-old wom-
an, who require essential care but generate very little
for all Americans?
money for the hospital, are increasingly allocated for
patients undergoing more lucrative procedures. ne morning this January, Yulia Wardani The 14th Amendment holds that anyone born on 2018 poll found that only 1 in 3 Americans could
The consequences of this systemic failure cannot stepped into a small office in downtown U.S. soil is a citizen. Neither a jackbooted federal pass, actual applicants receive the 100 possible
be overstated. Four hours is supposed to be the Newark to change her identity. marshal nor a well-meaning newspaper columnist questions in advance. Eighty-eight percent of aspir-
maximum time spent boarding in an emergency Across the desk was an officer of the can revoke that status or force you to renew it by ing citizens pass on the first try. All but 4 percent
department, but recent data shows that hospitals U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who passing a quiz. pass by the second attempt.
nationwide are failing to meet that goal when began posing questions from the USCIS naturaliza- But citizenship is more than a legal category. It The real value is in the preparation, not the
occupancy is high (which it routinely is). In my tion civics test. carries a broader significance that the United States’ performance. Test-takers review the questions and
experience, the problem is worse than the data Name the U.S. war between the North and the 24 million naturalized citizens inevitably consider, practice their answers. Family members quiz them
indicates. I worked at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens South. but that native-born Americans rarely ponder. around the kitchen table. They read. They learn. The
when it was dubbed “the epicenter of the epicenter” What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge “We ask a lot of immigrants. We ask them to think exercise demands they carve out space to stop and
of the U.S. covid outbreak, and at two of the most of Allegiance? about what their duty is in joining our community,” think.
prestigious academic hospitals in the country. At all Twenty-seven years earlier, Wardani, born and Sara Wallace Goodman, a political scientist at the “Rituals prompt reflection on shared values,”
three hospitals, my emergency patients have rou- raised in Jakarta, Indonesia, had married an Ameri- University of California at Irvine, told me. “But we Michael Norton, a Harvard Business School profes-
tinely waited 10 or even 20 hours for an inpatient can man. They had built a happy life together: two don’t turn that lens around.” sor, told me. As he explains in a forthcoming book on
bed. Predictably, the most vulnerable suffer dispro- kids, a house in the Jersey suburbs, a cluster of close Inserting a basic civics test into a few corners of the topic, rituals enhance our lives and deepen our
portionally; a majority of emergency doctors report friends. But she had never become a U.S. citizen, American life might reposition that lens. emotions by transforming behavior from “automat-
psychiatric patients waiting days for a bed. On any because doing so meant relinquishing her citizen- For example, every year, about 3.5 million Ameri- ed” to “animated.”
given shift, hallways in the emergency department ship in Indonesia, where much of her family lives. cans graduate from high school, crossing the thresh- Citizenship is a concept rich with meaning. It
are lined with patients on stretchers. Boarding leads This year — her trips to Asia becoming less frequent, old into adulthood. Why not require a civics test for confers rights, imposes responsibilities, establishes
to a cascade of harms — including ambulances her American children now young adults — she graduation, as some states already do, to remind identity and promotes belonging. But most Ameri-
diverted to hospitals far from patients’ homes, decided it was time. young people that their new status brings both cans seldom stop and think about it. For us,
patients charged for beds they haven’t yet occupied To pass the test, applicants must correctly answer opportunities and obligations? Goodman would go citizenship is automated. A ritual like a civics test
and overwhelmed emergency medicine personnel six of 10 questions. Wardani nailed the first six in a further and ask graduates to take the oath of might animate it.
leaving the field because of burnout. Most alarming- row like Caitlin Clark draining jump shots. By early citizenship as an additional rite of passage and a And if a lot more people experience this ritual, a
ly, evidence, including a 2023 study in JAMA, shows afternoon, she stood in an auditorium, right hand signal of their fresh civic responsibilities. few more might tackle topics that now are easier to
that emergency department boarding is associated raised, to recite her citizenship oath. Moments later, Or consider another domain, like naturalization, sidestep.
with higher rates of in-hospital death. she was posing for family photos, waving a miniature where the bureaucratic and the patriotic briefly How should our system of government work?
Many narratives around boarding focus on the American flag. twine. Today, a record 48 percent of Americans have Whom should it serve? Which rights are inalienable
patients themselves, shaming some for inappropri- For Team USA, adding Wardani to the roster is a a passport, according to the State Department. Why and which duties are inviolable? What do we owe one
ately using the emergency department. Proposed huge win. I know that for sure. Because Yulia is my not offer a voluntary civics test as part of the another? And, ultimately, what does it mean to be an
solutions include pushing patients to urgent-care sister-in-law. And now she — Yulia Wardani Pink — is application process — with the incentive that the American?
centers or modifying “patient flow.” But the issues my fellow American. applications of those who pass will be expedited? That final question is one our country has
with boarding cannot be addressed with such minor For more than 100 years, the United States has After all, when Americans travel abroad, we act as confronted many times — during the Civil War, amid
tweaks. used a civics test as a gentle screen for naturalizing citizen ambassadors, representing Americanness the waves of European immigration in the early
The solution is actually clear: use data from past new citizens. The idea behind the brief exam is overseas. 20th century, and now again with a U.S. population
years to predict future admission needs, then save straightforward: To participate fully in the life of the We could also install the test as a speed bump on that each day becomes more racially, religiously and
that number of beds on inpatient floors. Studies republic, newcomers must first evince some knowl- the road to public office. We already require senators, ethnically diverse. As pride in being American has
have shown this is feasible, and it has already been edge of the values and mechanics of that republic. House members, judges, military personnel and fallen, and as some challenge who really is an
successfully implemented in a handful of health Sensible enough, right? It’s an ideal whose clear many others to repeat an oath of fealty to the American, the matter has become more urgent.
systems. Administrators plan less-emergent pro- logic and simple implementation make it easy to U.S. Constitution. Why not ask people running for What does it mean to be a citizen of this beautiful,
cedures around the inpatient bed capacity. So, support. But watching a close relative navigate this office, from county auditor to U.S. president, to sit for complicated, sprawling nation of 336 million people?
instead of having knee replacement surgery on a process got me thinking. a test that verifies their understanding of that My sister-in-law — my fellow American — had to
Monday, a patient would be scheduled for a Thurs- Why not deploy a civics test more widely — as a foundational document? contend with that question in ways I was never
day, when the hospital is generally less busy. The modest hurdle other Americans must surmount Whatever the exact approach, the aim isn’t exclu- required to. That ought to change. Maybe the point of
doctors who perform these procedures sacrifice a before enjoying some of the many privileges of sion. It’s the opposite. a citizenship test should not be to keep some of us
degree of control over their schedules, but the payoff U.S. citizenship? The USCIS test isn’t very difficult. Although a out, but to keep all of us together.
is substantial for the many patients with acute care
So why haven’t we implemented this strategy
across the country? Because that would require
administrators to change the way the health-care Karen attiah
business runs. When efficiency and profitability are
the guiding values, empty hospital beds are seen as
waste, not crucial buffers facilitating acute care.
This model dictates that lucrative elective admis-
Texas, where big hair is beautiful but Black hair is hated
sions and high-revenue procedures are prioritized
at the expense of acute emergency admissions. nce again, Texas is making Black hair history, was intended to protect Black people from discrimina-
Thus, that knee replacement takes priority over my but this time, for all the wrong reasons. tion, this reversal, slipped into view on the question of
patient’s congestive heart treatment, and both get The Crown Act — “creating a respectful and hair length, has the potential to affect other groups for
an inpatient bed before an unhoused person need- open world for natural hair” — became Texas whom long hair on boys and men is a marker of
ing psychiatric care. Boarding is not an unfortunate law last year after Black legislators and activists spent cultural and spiritual significance. Last year, a Kansas
byproduct of our health-care system; it is baked into years trying to protect ethnic and natural hairstyles school forced an 8-year-old Native American boy to cut
the design. from discrimination. The law, intended to safeguard his hair short. A state-funded charter school in North
To meaningfully effect change, we need new braids, locs, twists and other features associated with Carolina made the same demand of a first-grade
financial incentives that better align the essential Black style, declares that “any student dress or groom- Native American boy. In 2016, a Sikh soldier fought
public good with our privatized health system. To ing policy adopted by a school district . . . may not and won the right to wear his long hair while serving in
start, we must acknowledge that boarding is not an discriminate against a hair texture or protective hair- the U.S. military. Captain Simratpal Singh was re-
emergency department problem, as it is often treat- style commonly or historically associated with race.” quired to pass $32,000 worth of tests to prove he could
ed, but rather a systemwide failure. We need to All good, right? Not so much, unfortunately. The function with the same long hair worn by Sikh war-
rethink how hospitals can (and should) make mon- law took effect in September, and yet Darryl George, a riors for centuries.
ey. If they were rewarded financially for holding a junior at Barbers Hill High School near Houston who MichAel Wyke/AP But hair isn’t the only nefarious strand at work
certain number of inpatient beds open, change had been suspended in August for having locs and Darryl George, a junior, enters Barbers Hill High here. When Barbers Hill won the state judicial order
would follow — not only for emergency department refusing to cut them, was suspended again in Decem- School in Mont Belvieu, Tex., on Sept. 18. to require the cutting of George’s hair, the school
patients, but also for when the next public health ber. School officials claimed that their dress codes district superintendent, Greg Poole, drew a huge
crisis strikes and demand for hospital beds surges. focused on hair length, not hair style, and that Arguably, the length of a high school student’s conclusion from his victory. “The U.S. Supreme Court
To figure out the financial incentives, hospitals George’s neatly styled locs contained hair long enough neatly styled hair should not be a federal case, but recently ruled that affirmative action is a violation of
will have to find partners. Engaging experts in to violate the code if he let his hair down. “Male regulating Black hair has a long history, not limited to the 14th Amendment,” he crowed, “and we believe the
finance, behavioral economics and the insurance students’ hair must not extend below the top of a Texas, or America for that matter. same reasoning will eventually be applied to the
industry would be a good start, but there are limits t-shirt collar or be gathered or worn in a style that Enslaved Africans were typically forced to cut their CROWN Act.”
to what private industry can accomplish alone. would allow the hair to extend below the top of a hair to remove traces of their original identities. It was A hair-raising warning if there ever was one.
Public-private models have been successfully imple- t-shirt collar, below the eyebrows, or below the ear one step in the process of breaking their spirits. George’s removal from school because of his hair is a
mented in other areas where the public good is lobes when let down,” the manual declared. While Colonizing powers in Africa applied similar rules. Even reminder that Black students are much more likely to
dependent on the private sector. Think of the George cooled his heels in detention, his mother filed today, in a number of African countries, including my be suspended and expelled from school than White
electrical grid or the military, in which the govern- a discrimination lawsuit against the school district. fatherland of Ghana, girls are often required to shave students. Because whether it’s about hair at the grade-
ment partners with private industry to provide our He was transferred to a disciplinary school in October their hair, and boys are not allowed to wear dreadlocks school level or admissions at the collegiate level, it is
basic needs and protection. and had just returned to Barbers Hill when he was or other styles. Blogger Nambe Patrick wrote that about using whatever reason necessary to deny Black
To those of us working on the ground, it is clear suspended again. African girls attending European-run “castle schools” students access to education and opportunities. Cou-
that we are failing to meet our communities’ basic A state judge recently ruled that the Crown Act in the colonial era were forced to shave their hair to ple this with the fact that there are concerted efforts to
needs. This is a national health-care crisis, and it didn’t, well, extend far enough. According to the distinguish them from mixed-race children. attack diversity initiatives and Black-focused issues.
requires a national response. ruling, a right to style one’s hair does not include a The idea that Black hair — and, by extension, At the root of this all is a White backlash to efforts to
right to have hair long enough to style it. But how can Blackness — is confusing, distracting and incompati- promote Black progress.
the writer is an emergency medicine physician and a that be? The “protective” part of a hairstyle law surely ble with education is global. How insulting is it that we The Crown Act was a monumental achievement,
scholar in the national clinician scholars Program at includes protection against cutting it off. are the only race considered to be so dumb that we but we cannot be complacent. Fight on, Darryl George.
UclA. he previously was chief resident in the emergency George’s family has said they intend to seek protec- cannot learn unless our hair is cut? It’s unfair that you, a teenager, must carry the burden
department at Mount sinai hospital in new york. tion in federal court. But back to the United States. While the Crown Act of forcing fully grown adults to play fair.
a18 EZ RE the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024



Keeping Mr. Trump on the ballot is the right call

O, THERE is no one weird trick to keep exclude Mr. Trump from presidential politics was limit the former and strengthen the latter. “It would the provision disqualifies. The three liberals called
former president Donald Trump off the always a bit too good to be true. The arguments in be incongruous,” they pointed out, “to read this this judicial overreach, designed to “insulate this
ballot and out of the White House. That is favor contained multiple points of failure: Did the particular Amendment as granting the States the Court and petitioner” from future political
the unanimous opinion of the Supreme insurrection clause even apply to the presidency, as power — silently no less — to disqualify a candidate firestorms.
Court, which ruled Monday that the 14th Amend- opposed to the “offices” it explicitly named? Had the for federal office.” They have a point: The 14th Amendment is far
ment does not authorize states to disqualify presi- rule against rebels returning to power in Washing- from clear on the matter, and Section 3 does become
dential candidates from seeking the office based on ton, approved soon after the Civil War, already been harder to employ if only Congress can do so. The
alleged oath-breaking and insurrection. This settles expunged with the Amnesty Act of 1872? Was the court leaves no room for Congress to refuse to certify
a legal controversy whose answer former president even an insurrectionist, and who The framers designed the presidency the election of an alleged insurrectionist, for
EdiTORiaL ought always to have been clear, should decide? As it happened, the Supreme Court instance, and no room for courts to consider
leaving primary responsibility for didn’t need to bother with these intricacies. The as a uniquely national office, so it lawsuits against a president or their appointees on
preventing Trump 2.0 in the hands of voters. justices turned instead, sensibly, to federalism. the grounds that they’ve been improperly installed.
Nearly as important as the substance of the The framers designed the presidency as a unique- made little sense to suppose that the Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a Trump appointee,
Supreme Court’s decision this week was its speed. ly national office, so it made little sense to suppose agreed with the liberals. What she objected to,
The justices expedited review of the Colorado that the authors of the 14th Amendment could have authors of the 14th Amendment could however, in a short concurrence that read more like
Supreme Court’s Dec. 19 ruling that Mr. Trump was intended to make eligibility subject to a de facto a blog post than a legal opinion, was the “stridency”
ineligible thanks to the Constitution’s “insurrection state veto. The justices accordingly noted that have intended to make eligibility with which the three expressed their quibble. “All
clause.” Thus their opinion arrived one day before federal officers “owe their existence and functions to nine Justices agree on the outcome of this case. That
Super Tuesday’s nominating contests. That allows the united voice of the whole, not a portion, of the subject to a de facto state veto. is the message Americans should take home.”
voters to choose from among all the candidates people.” They warned against the “patchwork” that Justice Barrett might not be the right messenger
without worry that their preferred option will be would result from allowing various states with — spin is not part of the court’s job description — but
removed by the time of the general election. The various rules to make various determinations about To be sure, the court’s unanimity was not perfect. it was the right message. This often bitterly divided
country would benefit from similar promptness in who may or may not run for federal office. In a disgruntled joint concurring opinion, liberal Supreme Court managed to reach the same bottom
another matter under the high court’s consider- More compelling still, the justices put these justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji line: Whatever else it might do, the 14th Amend-
ation: Mr. Trump’s weak claim that he is immune precepts in historical context. The 14th Amend- Brown Jackson took their conservative colleagues to ment does not authorize states to cull the presiden-
from criminal prosecution. ment, drafted in the immediate aftermath of a task for declining to limit their rationale to federal- tial ballot. It struck a blow both for federalism and
Of course, the substance of the 14th Amendment rebellion carried out under the bogus “states’ rights” ism. Instead, the court’s majority opinion went on to for democracy — albeit ironically, given Mr. Trump’s
case was what matters most. The notion that an banner, was at its core a rebalancing of power say that nobody can enforce Section 3 against own antidemocratic tendencies. The way to prevent
arcane Civil War-era provision could be used to between the states and the federal government — to anybody without an act of Congress detailing whom his comeback remains clear: to vote.

LETTERs TO ThE EdiTOR michaEL RamiREz against Russia.

Meanwhile, some analysts and policymakers are
D.C. recall is distracting from issues Dropping like a stone starting to question whether eastern Ukraine really
is the civilizational fault line the Biden
Connor Kurtz’s assessment in his Feb. 28 letter, administration makes it out to be, Mr. Tharoor
“The D.C. Council recall petitions,” which used D.C.’s reported. But Republican reluctance to help pay for
failure to address homelessness as justification for Ukraine’s defense might not be as it seems as long as
recalling D.C. Council member Brianne K. Nadeau military funding for Ukraine is bundled with Israeli,
(D-Ward 1), was a clear illustration that those Western Pacific and other military assistance.
pushing the recall effort pay very little attention to Mr. Tharoor pointed out that Israel is already in
what actually happens in the Wilson Building. the dock at the United Nations’ top court over
As a Ward 1 voter who has worked to solve charges that it might be conducting a genocide in
homelessness in D.C. and nationally, I know Gaza. That court has already found those charges
firsthand that Ms. Nadeau is a champion for ending plausible and ordered protective measures, which
homelessness in Ward 1 and across D.C. As chair of the Israelis have rejected. Any further U.S. funding
the Human Services Committee, she funded for the Israeli war effort could open members of
programs that will end homelessness for thousands Congress voting for it to being charged at the United
of our neighbors. Sadly, D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser Nations as accessories to genocide by countries that
(D) has failed to move with urgency to spend this don’t get along with the United States. Instead,
lifesaving and homelessness-ending money, which, House Republicans insist they will fund Israel but
in turn, means more people are sleeping outside. not Ukraine and want border changes, and House
It seems to me that those behind these recall Democrats insist on bundling the funding. This
efforts forget — or are not well-versed enough in the keeps both parties from prosecution at the United
D.C. policy arena — that it is Ms. Bowser, not D.C. Nations’ top court without having to directly
Council members, who is to blame for D.C.’s failure challenge the powerful Israel lobby.
to meet the needs of its residents, both housed and Dino Drudi, Alexandria
unhoused. Still, Ms. Nadeau continues to put Ward 1
first, even if she does not have a partner in the
mayor’s office. From Michigan to Jerusalem? If only.
Jesse Rabinowitz, Washington
Regarding the Feb. 29 front-page article “For
As a Ward 1 resident, I’m deeply concerned that Biden, is Michigan a mountain or molehill?”:
the recall effort facing D.C. Council member Brianne More than 100,000 residents of Michigan voted
K. Nadeau (D-Ward 1) will distract us from “uncommitted” in last Tuesday’s Democratic primary.
implementing policies that will increase safety. Do they really think it will make a difference to Israeli
The mayor, the D.C. Council, the city’s public Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the man who
safety agencies and experts have spent years leads the onslaught in Gaza? Mr. Netanyahu seems to
developing plans to grow key safety solutions to care little about President Biden’s situation. And,
address the instability that emerged from the indeed, he has to date rejected the world’s cease-fire
pandemic. We need to implement the plans city entreaties as ineffective and unreasonable.
leaders have developed and voted for (often Mr. Netanyahu appears to be playing the long
unanimously) to address the safety gaps in crisis game, preferring that incompetent former president
response, affordable housing, violence interruption Donald Trump be returned to the White House.
and income support for people at risk of violence. Mr. Trump appears to be managed, manipulated and
These approaches are desperately needed at a coerced. The former president, who has a long history
much larger scale. of animus toward Muslims (with the apparent
Just two years after my neighbors and I exception of the Saudi crown prince), once called for a
overwhelmingly reelected Ms. Nadeau, the total ban on residents of some majority-Muslim
distraction of a recall election will make us less safe countries entering the United States. Is Mr. Trump the
if it means our city won’t be as focused on candidate whom some Arab Americans and Muslims
implementing consensus-driven plans to reduce our are willing to restore to the Oval Office? If so, their
safety gaps. hubris will never be forgotten or forgiven.
Rather than a recall, people who want to increase David Kahn, Palm Beach, Fla.
safety in Ward 1 should be supporting Ms. Nadeau’s
efforts to solve homicide cases and increase support
for victims of crime — practical solutions to our Shoot for the stars — in expectations
safety challenges. The United States can hardly handle “$7 trillion The U.S. and the rules-based order
Jason Ziedenberg, Washington more” than the current, bloated economy that is Regarding the Feb. 29 news article “NASA calls
threatening our countryside, our way of life and In his Feb. 27 WorldViews column, “In Ukraine Odysseus landing a success, despite problems”:
even the climate we so fundamentally depend on. and Gaza, twilight for the ‘rules-based order’,” I hope these “shots on goal” by Intuitive
A ‘roaring’ economy is not good What we need is a conservation ethic, some Ishaan Tharoor missed the point about a rules- Machines, Astrobotic and other companies under
ecological economics and a political cure for the based order. The most basic principle of that order NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services
“The economy is roaring, and immigration is a obsession with GDP growth. is exactly why the world community was so unified program come closer to full-blown, without-a-
key reason,” read a Feb. 28 front-page headline. And Brian Czech, Arlington in its opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — doubt, total successes on their missions. Otherwise,
these two clauses offer a clue to President Biden’s countries cannot attack other countries without I fear expectations might start diminishing, and a
low approval ratings. provocation — and those that are attacked have the culture of accepting partial successes as “good
Does “roaring” bring serenity? The The meaning of a sacrifice right to defend themselves. That is exactly why the enough” might take hold, just as Artemis ramps up.
“extraordinary recent growth” of the labor market is Biden administration has been so supportive of We don’t need a more casual mentality creeping
jacking up gross domestic product, which is The Feb. 27 Metro article about Aaron Bushnell, Israel’s right to defend itself against the brutal, in, especially when the big players in Artemis, such
“projected to grow by $7 trillion more over the next “Who was the U.S. airman who burned to death in unprovoked Hamas attack of Oct. 7. as Boeing, are having their own quality-control
decade.” Why isn’t everybody cheering the protest?,” buried the lede. The headline asked who What is hypocritical and really threatens the issues these days.
administration? he was and then answered the question. He grew rules-based order is the world’s reaction to Israel’s Clinton Thacker, Fairfax County
Yet, as I recall Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) stating in up in a religious group and identified as an defensive actions.
the Democratic presidential primary debates a few anarchist. A good portion of the article was about Ester Scheibel, Bethesda
years ago, “GDP doesn’t speak to my constituents.” the troublesome religious group that he left. Guest opinion submissions
Mr. Booker was pushing back against President Midway through the article, it focused on this Ishaan Tharoor gently pointed out that global The Washington Post accepts opinion articles on any
Donald Trump’s obsession with growth. young man, who served homeless people and was reaction to a U.S. double standard for responding to topic. We welcome submissions on local, national and
Most people couldn’t care less about GDP. For going to leave the Air Force. He was becoming the Russian invasion of Ukraine vs. the Israeli international issues. We publish work that varies in length
people in the MAGA crowd, especially, the things disenchanted with the military and the U.S. invasion of Gaza is hamstringing U.S. diplomacy and format, including multimedia. Submit a guest opinion
they thought were great are going the way of the government’s use of force. He sounded like and risking the denouement of a rules-based order at or read our guide to writing an
dodo. They’re being lost to all that “growth.” someone I would like to have met. — as if the world did not already understand that opinion article at
It’s not just the MAGA crowd worried about I think we all are revolted by the violence of the the United States considers these rules applicable
where we’re losing. I’m an independent, and I am Hamas attack and the “over the top” Israeli only to countries with White European populations Letter submissions
appalled by all the surges in noise, traffic, housing response. Many people in the United States do and that nominally making them appear to be Letters can be sent to
developments, red lights and congestion in general. small things to ameliorate events across the ocean. universally applicable was a mere nicety to facilitate Submissions must be exclusive to The Post and should
I love the mix of people from all countries, but the Few give the final measure. Perhaps the headline their passage through rulemaking international include the writer’s address and telephone numbers.
“extraordinary recent growth” scares me. Not the might have read: “Man gives his life trying to save organizations. Mr. Tharoor quoted Western foreign Letters are subject to editing and abridgment. Please do
individuals, mind you; it’s the sheer number innocent lives.” policy experts lamenting how “U.S. hypocrisy” not send letters as attachments. Writers whose letters are
thereof. Henry P. McEntee, Arlington undermines Western efforts to enforce the rules under consideration for publication will be contacted.

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tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE a19

ruth MarCus

One unanimous
ruling does not
bridge the court’s
deep division
“If it is not necessary to decide more to dispose
of a case, then it is necessary not to decide more.”
— Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.,
concurring in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s
Health Organization (2022)

“What it does today, the Court should have left

— Retired Justice Stephen G. Breyer,
dissenting in Bush v. Gore (2000)

hose quotations, which bookend the concur-
ring opinion released on Monday by three
liberal justices on whether former president
Donald Trump can be removed from the
ballot in Colorado, amount to the judicial equivalent
of fighting words. They constitute a two-part slap
across the face of their supposedly conservative
colleagues, accusing them of outrageous judicial
activism in shielding Trump from being disqualified
from holding office under Section 3 of the
14th Amendment.
“In a sensitive case crying out for judicial re-
straint,” write Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan
and Ketanji Brown Jackson, the court “abandons that FRANcES cOcH/iStOck

course. . . . Today, the majority goes beyond the

necessities of this case to limit how Section 3 can bar
an oathbreaking insurrectionist from becoming
The justices aren’t this explicit, but I’ll be their
Abused women are resorting to violence
anger translator: You guys are in the tank for Trump
in a way that is unnecessary, unseemly and — take
that, Chief Justice — hypocritical.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett took a similar position,
to survive. They aren’t criminals.
but with a far more soothing tone. She didn’t join the
court’s broadest holding, but she implicitly lectured BY E LIZABETH F LOCK America’s Love Affair with Lethal Self-Defense,” woman who shot and killed her rapist and was

her liberal colleagues for stirring up the masses. “In put it, these laws, despite their seemingly neutral charged with murder. When claiming self-
my judgment, this is not the time to amplify disagree- y the time Deven Grey shot her boyfriend language, were “crafted in a way that would slam defense, Smith was told by the prosecutor that
ment with stridency,” Barrett wrote. Stridency, real- in 2017, he had been isolating and abus- the door on abuse survivors while enabling more her rapist had not had a weapon on him. Smith
ly? Gendered much? ing her for years. The night she killed him homicidal violence, especially armed violence, by protested that the man’s hands and penis had
“The Court has settled a politically charged issue in at their home in rural Alabama, he had the usual suspects.” been weapons. Her rape kit documented
the volatile season of a Presidential election,” Barrett fired a gun at her, pistol-whipped her and Many people call for peaceful ways out of 33 wounds. She said she was afraid she would die
cautioned. “Particularly in this circumstance, writ- strangled her with a hose. In court, she filed a abuse. The problem is, these often don’t work. — but the court wasn’t convinced. She pleaded
ings on the Court should turn the national tempera- “stand your ground” self-defense claim — which Some women never report the violence out of guilty to murder and was sentenced to 20 years
ture down, not up. For present purposes, our differ- she was denied because she had shot her abuser fear of retaliation from their abuser. Others in prison.
ences are far less important than our unanimity: All five minutes after he had lain on the couch. “I just report it but no action is taken — or they report it, Though no national data exist, White-Domain
nine Justices agree on the outcome of this case. That didn’t want it to be me,” she said. or attempt to leave their abusers, and are killed estimates that since the creation of U.S. prisons,
is the message Americans should take home.” She took a guilty plea for manslaughter and before the authorities respond. When a woman tens of thousands of women have been criminal-
To translate again: Simmer down. The children can was sentenced to 15 years in prison. does fight back, she is often treated not as a ized for defending themselves. The legal system
hear us. For years, I have interviewed women around longtime victim but as a criminal. has begun to evolve to address female defen-
This is the surprising, and surprisingly furious, the world who resorted to violence to survive. I dants with abuse histories, but not fast enough.
denouement of a dispute that was both high-stakes have studied hundreds of cases of abused women Since the 1970s, some attorneys have used a
and lacking in evident suspense, especially in the who were prosecuted for defending themselves theory and defense called “battered-woman syn-
wake of an oral argument in which the justices and interviewed dozens more in prison. The Self-defense laws must expand drome,” which helps courts give proper consider-
seemed unanimously disinclined to bounce Trump more I’ve learned about these women, many of ation to an abused woman’s experiences. Today,
from the ballot. whom picked up a gun or knife after decades of to acknowledge the dynamics more defense attorneys are arguing that their
I confess to being somewhat perplexed, as were a abuse, the better I’ve come to understand that abused clients’ actions constitute self-defense.
number of liberal legal scholars with whom I spoke sometimes, the vulnerable must turn to violence of intimate-partner violence, But our self-defense laws must expand to
after the ruling, about the apparent magnitude of the to live — and that the American legal system is acknowledge the dynamics of intimate-partner
rage. There is an infuriating tails-Trump-wins, heads- not built to conform to this reality. especially around timing and what violence, especially around timing and what
his-critics-lose aspect to the decision in Trump v. An- One U.S. study found women are twice as constitutes reasonable fear. When the law does
derson: Where exactly is the forum in which Trump is likely as men to be convicted of a crime after constitutes reasonable fear. not acknowledge this, it is much more difficult
finally held to account for his actions? claiming self-defense; the odds are even worse for attorneys to invoke self-defense laws for their
But the practical implications of the ruling, for for a woman of color. (Grey, for instance, is Black; abused clients. The fact that they can’t is a double
reasons I’ll get to, aren’t enormous. What helps ex- her abuser was White.) Women are asked why This conundrum of “criminalized survival,” as standard that hurts survivors.
plain the level of anger here, I suspect, is the liberals’ they did not leave an abuser, why they were an it is known, is not new. Advocates have been Some state laws have sought to redress the
fury not just at this decision but also at the continuing imperfect victim or why they did not seek help raising the alarm for decades. problem during or after sentencing. Since 2012
conservative power grab, all under the bogus cloak of from the police or courts — institutions that Rachel White-Domain, who heads the Women in California, “sin by silence” laws, building on
judicial modesty. And this is pure speculation, but I failed to protect them in the first place. & Survivors Project at the Illinois Prison Project, earlier legislation, have allowed courts to consid-
wonder whether the liberals’ frustration over other These cases should be treated as self-defense. said that some of her clients have been “in er new evidence for women whose abuse might
aspects of the court’s behavior, such as the undue delay But our self-defense laws — written originally by constant positions of terror and violence,” and not have been adequately presented at trial. In
in hearing the Trump immunity case, might be boiling and for White men defending their property, not that after enduring so much, it’s no wonder some 2016 in Illinois, an amended law added abuse as
over and manifesting itself in the Colorado ruling. for women who might be experiencing domestic see no other way out. Because women and men a mitigating factor at sentencing. And in New
The court’s unanimous bottom line in Trump or sexual abuse — require a threat to be are often different sizes and strengths, women York, the Domestic Violence Survivors Justice
v. Anderson, that a single state doesn’t have the imminent. They do not take into account that an are more likely to defend themselves with guns Act of 2019 has allowed for reduced sentences for
authority to use Section 3 to disqualify a candidate abused woman often cannot defend herself at or knives, while men more often use hands and those who experienced domestic violence.
for federal office, was correct, as a matter of constitu- the precise moment of an attack. And they do not fists. But prosecutors and judges, “people on the More states need to pass similar legislation.
tional law, the structure of our federal system and the take into account that she might have been under other side of the looking glass, just don’t live Even better, law enforcement and prosecutors
broader public interest. Section 3, enacted in the assault for years. those kinds of lives” of continuous violence, and must be better informed so that fewer women
aftermath of the Civil War to deal with the problem of Stand-your-ground laws are even more so fail to put a woman’s response in its proper with abuse histories are arrested or tried in the
ex-Confederates seeking to return to power, prevents flawed; their application has been found to be context. first place.
former officials who “engaged in insurrection” from colored by racial and gendered biases in ways It is a common prosecutorial tactic to try to
holding state or federal office. that fail to protect abused women. As Caroline discredit an abused woman by making her seem Elizabeth Flock is a journalist and the author of two
The Colorado Supreme Court, concluding that Light, a Harvard University lecturer and author unreasonable for believing she was in danger. books, most recently “the Furies: Women, Vengeance,
Trump was an insurrectionist within the meaning of of the book “Stand Your Ground: A History of Consider the case of Brittany Smith, an Alabama and Justice.”
Section 3, ordered him kept off the Super Tuesday
primary ballot as a result. “States have no power
under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with
respect to federal offices, especially the Presidency,”
the court said in its per curiam ruling. As the liberal Colbert i. King
justices noted: “Allowing Colorado to do so would, we
agree, create a chaotic state-by-state patchwork, at
odds with our Nation’s federalism principles. That is
enough to resolve this case.”
The blank spaces in Relisha Rudd’s story
Where the two sides diverge is with the majority’s
digression into the arena of federal enforcement of
Section 3 — “musings,” the liberal justices said, that
are the most horrifying
“are as inadequately supported as they are gratuitous”
and that would “insulate all alleged insurrectionists en years after Relisha Rudd’s disappear- 51-year-old Tatum was a convicted felon who had for Relisha on March 19, 2014. Tatum and his wife,
from future challenges to their holding federal office.” ance, it remains an agony to imagine her been incarcerated from 1993 to 2003 and again from Andrea, lived in an apartment on N Street SE, but
The majority asserts that, for Section 3 to be enforced, fate. What we know is a horror. Worse is 2004 to 2011 for burglary, larceny, and breaking and that isn’t where he and Relisha would be seen in
Congress must enact further legislation outlining how what we are forced to suppose. entering. The column also noted that a 2012 videos gathered by authorities.
and to whom it applies — a hurdle that the court hasn’t Sunday’s front-page Post article on the 2014 D.C. inspector general report found that the Com- Such as on Feb. 26, when he and Relisha can be
required for any other section of the 14th Amendment. disappearance of Relisha, then 8, from a makeshift, munity Partnership employed people to work in viewed walking down the hall at a Holiday Inn
Not just that, the majority instructs, any such dilapidated and bug-ridden shelter at what used to direct contact with families and children at the Express in Northeast.
legislation must reflect “congruence and proportion- be D.C. General Hospital in Southeast Washington, shelter who had not undergone criminal back- Such as days later, on March 1, when Relisha is
ality.” What gives with making pronouncements on portrayed some of the people who knew and ground checks or drug and alcohol testing, as the seen walking past the fountain in front of the Days
issues that aren’t remotely implicated by Colorado’s interacted with her before she city contract required. The Community Partnership, Inn on New York Avenue. She is observed in the
action? went missing. It recaptured the according to the inspector general, acknowledged lobby and entering a room with Tatum.
I get that the court would prefer to nip future disgraceful conditions under that it had “grandfathered in” six workers with Think about it.
challenges to Trump’s legitimacy in the bud; it wants which the little second-grader criminal convictions. A senior law enforcement official, speaking to me
out of the unpleasant and seemingly unending busi- lived. And it touched briefly on Further, in a March 2014 article soon after on background, asked at the time: “What’s a grown
ness of deciding Trump cases. Could Congress refuse Kahlil Tatum, the janitor em- Relisha’s disappearance, The Post reported that man doing with a little girl in motels?” The official
to certify Trump’s election on the grounds that he is an ployed by the nonprofit Com- D.C. General rules prohibiting social contact and voiced a strong opinion that Tatum was “pimping”
insurrectionist not entitled to hold office? Could an munity Partnership for the Pre- interaction were regularly flouted, “in particular by Relisha “for himself and others.” “People in this city
executive order by an insurrectionist president — call vention of Homelessness, Tatum, who several mothers said had offered money have no idea how many kids are being taken
him Donald Trump — be challenged on the grounds which the D.C. government to their daughters in plain view of other shelter staff.” advantage of by predators,” the official added. The
that he is not entitled to hold office? Could a prosecu- D.c. POlicE DEPt. hired to operate the shelter. But this column is not about what the D.C. gov- official also speculated that Tatum’s wife “found out
tion by an insurrectionist attorney general — call him Relisha Rudd Tatum, the prime suspect in ernment did or failed to do for Relisha and her about what he was doing and he killed her.”
Jeffrey Clark — be similarly called into question? Relisha’s disappearance, was family. About that much can be said. Or where her None of that would ever be established in a court
Confronted with these questions down the road — wanted by the FBI in connection with his wife’s family fell short in their responsibility for her care of law — or anywhere else. Tatum was found dead
say, once Trump was back in the White House — there’s murder but apparently killed himself before author- and support. That, too, is a story. from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His wife was
little chance the court would declare a sitting presi- ities could question him. I’m taking the liberty of repeating some of what I found shot to death with the gun authorities believe
dent constitutionally disqualified from holding office. The Post article explored the impact and conse- learned, two years after Relisha tragically disap- Tatum used on himself.
All of which helps explain why the liberal justices quences of Relisha’s disappearance on the commu- peared, concerning Relisha while in Kahlil Tatum’s Relisha has never been found. The mind is left to
are fed up with a court that professes judicial restraint nity and beyond. I was around at the time, too, hands. fill in the blanks about the fate of an innocent child
but consistently arrogates power for itself. The most asking questions and publishing columns of my own Her family said Tatum, with their knowledge, who brought none of this horror upon herself.
telling aspect of Trump v. Anderson might be the about that tragedy. Some of what I learned makes it brought Relisha gifts and took her for sleepovers, as We need the truth about what happened to
glimpse it offers behind the scenes of a court that, even hard to speak of Relisha in the present tense. well as to the movies and malls. Relisha, and why, and by whom, living or dead. This
when it appears unanimous, is bitterly divided. In a 2016 column, I noted reporting that the The D.C. police launched a missing-person probe city must learn the truth.
A20 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

Teixeira pleads guilty to leaking classified intelligence documents on Discord

BY S HANE H ARRIS, revealed that, while Teixeira was flected the severity of Teixeira’s on, and the government gave him olsen, the assistant attorney gen- took advantage of Discord’s data
S AMUEL O AKFORD serving in the massachusetts Air crimes and would send a message time to be cooperative, and that eral for national security. retention policies to cover his
AND D EVLIN B ARRETT National Guard, he shared hun- to others who also took an oath not probably earned him substantial As Teixeira awaited a possible tracks. He also deleted an entire
dreds of classified documents as to disclose government secrets. time off a sentence,” Aaron said. trial, the tightknit members of server, called Thug Shaker Cen-
BOSTON — Jack Teixeira appeared well as his own summaries of clas- The leaks were seen as one of the “That being said, he transmitted a Thug Shaker Central remained in tral, where The Post found that
in a federal district court monday sified reports on Discord. most serious breaches of U.S. na- lot of really sensitive stuff, and did touch on a new server, which in- Teixeira had been sharing classi-
and pleaded guilty to the massive In court, prosecutors explained tional security in recent years. it over a period of time.” cluded a channel devoted to up- fied material with a group of most-
leak of U.S. intelligence docu- that Teixeira would write down Some U.S. and European officials Teixeira had posted informa- dates on the case. At times, some ly teenage boys in an attempt to
ments last year on Discord, an classified information inside the said the information could risk tion about a vast range of topics, users claimed the government’s impress them. Discord officials
online chat platform popular with secure facility, then remove it and lives if it were widely known. including the war in Ukraine, in a case was weak, but they seemed said Teixeira’s actions left them
video gamers. post the transcriptions to Discord “Jack Teixeira will never get a small Discord server called Thug not to appreciate the strength of without an archive of the server to
Dressed in orange inmate fa- under his handle TheExcalibur- sniff of a piece of classified infor- Shaker Central that he formed the evidence. provide to law enforcement. A
tigues and wearing a rosary, his Effect. Audit data also showed mation for the rest of his life,” with friends during the coronavi- on monday, friends expressed a “thread” of messages containing
ankles shackled, Teixeira stood be- that Teixeira accessed and printed Joshua S. Levy, the acting U.S. rus pandemic. The group was mixture of sympathy for Teixeira information about the war in
fore Judge Indira Talwani and ac- hundreds of classified documents attorney for the District of massa- united by a mutual interest in and frustration with the govern- Ukraine also disappeared from
knowledged that the evidence at the base, primarily using an chusetts, told reporters. “But we guns and military hardware, as ment’s insistence on a lengthy another server where Teixeira was
would show he knowingly shared isolated workstation in the base- also bring these cases for general well as a distrust of law enforce- prison term. active, according to users.
classified information on Discord ment of the intelligence facility, deterrence. The message goes out ment agencies and embrace of rac- “It’s cruel and unusual. Eleven Investigators first became
with people who weren’t author- prosecutors said. to anyone who may be tempted to ist and antisemitic views. to 16 years for exposing govern- aware of Teixeira’s actions early
ized to have it. Teixeira had pleaded not guilty violate their position of trust like Teixeira also posted classified ment secrets kept by taxpayer dol- last year. on feb. 28, 2023, a teen-
Teixeira made no formal state- after his arrest last April. His law- mr. Teixeira that there are very, information about the war as early lars just shows how the govern- age member of Thug Shaker Cen-
ment and responded to the judge’s yers spent the past several months very severe consequences.” as february 2022 in another, larg- ment is willing to silence you,” said tral with the online handle “Luc-
questions usually with a simple reviewing the evidence, including David Aaron, a former national er server, called Abinavski’s Exclu- a now 18-year-old former member ca” began posting to a different
“Yes, your honor.” classified documents, that pros- security prosecutor who worked sion Zone, with hundreds of active of the server, who agreed to speak server several dozen photographs
Teixeira pleaded guilty to all six ecutors intended to use at trial. on leak cases, said the range of a users. The Post found that some of on the condition that he be identi- of classified documents that Teix-
charges against him, including the “He is significantly remorseful potential prison sentence agreed the members of the servers includ- fied by his middle name, Charles. eira had taken. five days later, yet
willful retention and transmission for his conduct. He has accepted upon by the two sides reflects the ed foreign nationals, a fact that “It was nice being able to read another Discord user posted 10 of
of national defense information full responsibility for his conduct,” significance and potential harm of prosecutors have emphasized to accurate info on the war, but was the photographs on minecraft
that the government had classi- Teixeira’s attorney michael K. Teixeira’s disclosures — more show how Teixeira may have facili- unsettling that he was so ready Earth map, a server devoted to the
fied as top secret. Bachrach told reporters after the egregious than of NSA contractor tated classified U.S. intelligence and willing to post it all,” said popular video game. Soon the doc-
Teixeira was accused of using hearing. He said that Teixeira reality Winner, who gave a single ending up in foreign hands. Jeremiah, a moderator on Abi- uments were swirling around the
his top-secret security clearance would address the court at a sen- document to a news organization, “mr. Teixeira enabled hundreds navski’s Exclusion Zone who internet, and Pentagon and fBI
to access classified government tencing hearing in September. but less harmful than CIA em- of members of his online chat agreed to speak on the condition officials scrambled to find their
computer networks on an Air Teixeira has asked the judge to ployee Joshua Schulte, who gave a groups, including individuals it that only his first name be used. source.
force base in Cape Cod, where he impose a sentence of 11 years. raft of sensitive information to was clear to him were located It’s unclear whether investiga- After Teixeira’s arrest, authori-
worked with a unit providing in- But prosecutors are seeking a WikiLeaks. overseas, to further disseminate tors were able to fully re-create the ties struggled to track the spread
telligence support to the military. stiffer penalty of more than “It really looks as though [Teix- national defense information extent of what Teixeira shared on- of classified material linked to
A Washington Post investigation 16 years, which they argued re- eira] was very cooperative early across the internet,” said matthew line. Before his arrest, Teixeira him.

In showdown on arena plans, key state senator keeps Richmond guessing

viRGinia from a1 and phone calls. While Scott has
been one of Youngkin’s sharpest
of the Senate finance and Appro- critics, he has entertained the
priations Committee, has blasted governor’s efforts to court him
what she’s labeled the “Glenn this year. They joke about a
Dome” as a gift to team owner Ted shared fondness for Dr Pepper;
Leonsis and a threat to state fi- Youngkin attends Scott’s morning
nances. As the plan enters its next Bible study every Wednesday.
phase — at the mercy of a small Youngkin has not spent quite
conference committee called to as much time wooing Lucas lately,
hash out the state budget — all but his spokesman said the gover-
eyes are on an intense game of nor has had to play catch-up with
chicken between Lucas and Scott, who only ascended to the
Youngkin. The governor has hint- chamber’s top spot this year.
ed he might veto unrelated bills if Lucas said that she hardly feels
the arena plan goes down. neglected and that every week,
The wild card in their standoff Youngkin calls, texts or sends
is House Speaker Don L. Scott Jr., someone from his team to see her.
another Portsmouth Democrat But she has said she felt snubbed
who considers Lucas a mentor that the administration did not
but struck up an unlikely friend- bring her in on the arena project
ship this year with the governor. Kristen Zeis for the Washington Post John mcDonnell/the Washington Post earlier.
He says he understands Lucas’s State Sen. L. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth) has voiced opposition to Washington Wizards and Capitals owner Ted Leonsis, left, and It didn’t help when Youngkin
skepticism but thinks the arena is the plan to bring two professional sports franchises to virginia. virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) announced their plan last year. insulted Democrats with a speech
worth considering. at a mock presidential nominat-
Adding to the intrigue: It’s not ing convention in february, say-
entirely clear, even to Senate col- ing the party does not believe in “a
leagues, if Lucas really wants to strong America.”
kill the arena or is merely trying In the immediate aftermath,
to drive the hardest possible bar- Lucas killed the Senate’s stand-
gain with Youngkin for Demo- alone arena bill without a hearing
cratic priorities related to high- — contrary to Senate practice and
way tolls, marijuana and the min- without buy-in from Democratic
imum wage. colleagues. She did so even as
Lucas declined to speak at Senate majority Leader Scott A.
length to The Washington Post Surovell (D-fairfax), who had
about her intentions. sponsored the bill at Youngkin’s
Youngkin’s office declined to request, was reworking it with the
make him available for an inter- goal of increasing the legislature’s
view but said in a written state- oversight and better protecting
ment that he continues to work taxpayers.
with all parties, including Lucas. “I had a rewrite ready to go,”
“my relationship with Sen. Lu- Surovell said in an interview with
cas is underpinned by my respect The Post, noting that traditionally
for her and our shared desire to in the Senate, every bill gets dock-
move Virginia forward,” Young- eted for a hearing. He said Lucas
kin wrote. has occasionally objected to hear-
Time is running out on a Gen- ing bills she dislikes. “In the past,
eral Assembly session scheduled we’ve been able to work through
to wrap up Saturday. The House it,” he said. “But this year, she
version of the budget contains wasn’t willing to talk about it.”
language authorizing the arena; After killing Surovell’s arena
the Senate’s, thanks to Lucas, does bill, Lucas did the same to the
not. Such differences will be rec- House version once it crossed
onciled in committee, with six over to the Senate. She also
lawmakers picked by Lucas on the stripped arena language from the
Senate negotiating team and six Senate budget bill and included
picked by Scott for his chamber. no new funding for the metro
Even if the full House and Sen- transit system, whose expansion
ate ultimately agree to a budget would be critical for the project.
bill without arena language, michael s. Williamson/the Washington Post (The House, by comparison, in-
Youngkin still has a path forward. The Potomac Yard site in alexandria where Leonsis and Youngkin hope to relocate the District’s professional basketball and hockey teams. cluded $149.5 million for metro.)
He could insert arena language in as of now, virginia’s House budget includes language authorizing the arena, while the state’s Senate budget does not. The only public pushback came
a budget amendment, forcing a over her actions on metro fund-
floor vote on the plan at the legis- ing, widely considered critical to
lature’s April 17 “veto session.” or dential ambitions. Washington Post outside the Sen- limits of ties she’s forged over crushing burden for low-income the Northern Virginia economy
the governor could call a special ate chamber friday, Lucas said three decades in richmond, de- workers who have to travel back irrespective of any arena. She got
session to consider a new arena a Youngkin-Lucas showdown the governor’s offer had come a ploying a string of highhanded and forth daily. The tolls are col- a visit from metro leadership the
bill. With great fanfare in Decem- month ago — “old news,” she said. procedural tactics aimed at the lected by a private firm under a next day and softened her tone.
But it’s far from certain that he ber, Youngkin and Leonsis an- “my position hasn’t changed,” arena. long-term contract inked more Youngkin has begun signaling
has enough support from legisla- nounced a handshake deal to she said. “I still don’t think [the Is Lucas trying to kill the proj- than a decade ago with the state. that he can play hardball, too,
tors on both sides of the aisle to build an arena for the teams, arena] is a good idea for the state. ect or just bargaining? “I have no “You have a 58-year toll on one perhaps taking revenge on a host
approve the project. The North- which now play at Capital one To think that I would cave when idea,” said one Senate Democrat, of the poorest communities in of Democratic legislation with his
ern Virginia delegation — like Arena in the District. this [toll relief ] just really takes who spoke on the condition of Hampton roads,” Scott said. “She veto pen. While the governor typi-
legislators across the state — Early on, Lucas wrote on X that care of just a few people. . . . I need anonymity for fear of offending has some scar tissue from these cally avoids weighing in before
seems split, with some embracing she might play ball in exchange more people to be helped by what- Lucas. “Nobody does.” types of . . . quasi-public-private measures get to his desk, his
it as an economic development for lowering highway tunnel tolls ever we do.” partnerships.” spokesman recently volunteered
win and others sharing Lucas’s in her part of the state and estab- richmond has been bracing for Scott in the middle He said his own approach is that Youngkin has concerns on
concerns. lishing a legal marketplace for a Lucas-Youngkin showdown Stylistically and biographical- different, in deference to House bills related to slots-like machines
How the drama plays out could marijuana. other Democrats since the republican moved into ly, Scott is in the middle — a man Appropriations Committee known as “skill games” — a meas-
shape Youngkin’s political trajec- wanted metro transit system the Executive mansion two years who served a stretch in prison for Chairman Luke E. Torian (D- ure Lucas has supported.
tory as much as Alexandria’s land- funding, affordable housing and a ago. a youthful drug-related convic- Prince William) and majority All was cordial, though, as the
scape. Delivering a major devel- higher minimum wage. A combative former shipyard tion, but rebuilt his life as a prom- Leader Charniele L. Herring (D- budget conferees from both the
opment deal that draws two ma- Lucas’s tone has grown harsh- worker — Lucas once nearly came inent defense lawyer before this Alexandria), whose Northern Vir- House and the Senate met with
jor professional sports teams to a er, with warnings that the project to blows with another female year becoming Virginia’s first ginian constituents are directly the governor friday for a tradi-
state with none would constitute could jeopardize the state’s prized Democrat on the Senate floor and Black House speaker. affected by the plan. tional breakfast as they prepared
a legacy-making coup for the re- AAA bond rating and leave tax- belittled a republican leader with Scott, who has privately repre- “So if my leadership team is to launch negotiations. Scott is
publican, who cannot run for re- payers on the hook for $1.5 billion a cutting fashion critique — she sented Lucas in court cases, says saying that they want to continue not a budget negotiator but also
election next year because Vir- in bonds if it fails. routinely targeted the new gover- her reluctance to issue bonds for to have a conversation, we’ve got attended.
ginia bans its governors from Lucas made it clear that Hamp- nor on what was then Twitter. the arena stems from her experi- to continue the conversation,” Lucas said the governor re-
serving back-to-back terms. ton roads toll relief alone would By contrast, Youngkin, who ence with another public-private Scott said. minded them of all the things he
failure to pull it off, however, not win her over after news broke made a personal fortune in the partnership: highway tolls on two He pointed out that Northern called for at the end of last year
could reshape the former private- last week that the governor had cutthroat but mannerly world of tunnels under the Elizabeth river Virginia’s traffic problems are go- when he unveiled his budget plan,
equity chief ’s image from rising offered Lucas and Scott a stun- private equity, made a show of between Norfolk and their home- ing to require a major state invest- which included the arena.
republican star to flash in the pan ning $322 million for that pur- giving Lucas one of his signature town of Portsmouth. ment regardless of whether the “At breakfast this morning he
— just as last November’s elec- pose in exchange for arena sup- red vests even as he pushed cul- While the amounts are low by arena gets built. maybe arena rev- said, ‘Well, I told everybody what
tions, when Youngkin’s party lost port — well above the $92 million ture-war issues that enraged her. Northern Virginia standards — enue could help cover those costs, my priorities were in December,’ ”
control of the House and didn’t that Lucas included for tolls in the While the governor tries to around $3 during rush hour for he said. Lucas said that afternoon. “I said:
flip the Senate, killed the buzz Senate budget. build relationships to sell the deal EZPass holders, $7.57 for non- Youngkin has been making ‘I did, too. Go back and read my
about his long-teased 2024 presi- In a brief interview with The in the Capitol, Lucas is testing the pass holders — they can be a that case to Scott in regular texts Twitter feed.’”

METRO tuesday, march 5 , 2024 eZ su B

approx. 4 p.m.
The supreme Court will howard h. hiatt, 98, was a guy alexandre, 89, was a
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
63° not review a defunct bias- former harvard dean and transplant surgeon who
Precip: 60% reporting program at influential champion of helped usher in a new era
50 55 63 56
° ° ° ° Wind: WNW
6-12 mph Virginia Tech. B4 global health initiatives. B4 for medical ethics. B5

of police
man was fatally
shot in his home
Officer was responding to
reported break-in in Md.


In the moments before a

Prince George’s County police
officer burst through the door of
Melvin Jay’s apartment with his
gun drawn, the man was stand-
ing in the middle of his family
The lights were off. The blinds
were drawn. The TV in the corner
Jay, according to body-camera
footage released by authorities,
was facing away from the front
door as the uniformed officer —
who did not identify himself as
police — yelled repeatedly for the
31-year-old man to show his
hands. Jay walked around a cor-
PhoTos by Jahi ChikWeNdiu/The WashiNgToN PosT ner into his kitchen. The officer
fired a single shot, hitting the
man in the face.

‘Our absolute hero’ The encounter between the

two men, from the moment Offi-
cer Braxton shelton entered Jay’s
apartment to the moment he
fired his gun, lasts roughly seven
Thousands mourn Trevor Brown, a Virginia firefighter killed in a house explosion last month seconds.
In the month since the Feb. 1
shooting at the Windham Creek
BY J USTIN J OUVENAL enforcement officers came from Apartments on suitland Road,
across Maryland, Virginia and law enforcement officials have
Thousands of firefighters and West Virginia. released little information about
law enforcement officers sud- Brown, 45, is one of 13 fire- what may have prompted shel-
denly stood straight and saluted fighters killed in the line of duty ton to fire.
the moment six pallbearers in in the United states this year. sEE SHOOTinG On b2
crisp uniforms and white gloves The news media was not allowed
lifted the casket of firefighter inside the chapel, but the service
Trevor Brown from the back of a was streamed online.
fire engine Monday.
The procession slowly
marched the flag-draped coffin
Youngkin spoke first, saying
Brown, who is survived by his
wife and three children, loved his
past the sea of mourners in blue
who came out to honor the
sterling Volunteer Fire Company
family, community and country.
He enjoyed the outdoors, coach-
ing youth soccer and baseball,
firefighter who died in a massive
explosion Feb. 16 that destroyed
a home and injured 14 others in
and was a “beacon of light.”
He said Brown was finishing a
12-hour shift Feb. 16 and was
needed for
Loudoun County.
About 3,000 people attended
the funeral at Leesburg’s Corner-
ready to go home to his kids
when he got the call about a
propane gas leak at a house in
Purple Line
stone Chapel, including Virginia the 300 block of silver Ridge
Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) and Drive in sterling. He and his
members of the General Assem- “fellow heroes” responded,
bly and the Loudoun Board of
TOP: A firetruck bearing the coffin of firefighter Trevor brown leaves
Cornerstone Chapel in leesburg after his funeral Monday. AbOVe: brown is Youngkin said.
Request puts project,
supervisors. Firefighters and law one of 13 u.S. firefighters killed in the line of duty this year. sEE FunerAl On b2 delayed until late 2027,
$4 billion over budget


Maryland transit authorities

are seeking an additional
$425 million to fund construction

Md. lawmakers drop aid-in-dying bill, dashing patients’ hopes of the Purple Line, putting the
long-delayed project more than
$4 billion over budget.
The Purple Line, a 16.2-mile
It was probably the last test of light-rail line with 21 stations that
the bill until the composition of would run through Montgomery
Senate panel chooses the state senate changes, senate and Prince George’s counties, has
not to vote on legislation, President Bill Ferguson (D-Balti- faced numerous hurdles because
more City) said last week. That of lawsuits, unfavorable economic
citing insufficient support potentially delays the bill until conditions and logistical issues,
2027 when the next legislative like hard rock that limited drill-
term begins. ing.
BY K ATIE S HEPHERD The bill’s fate devastated pa- The request from the Maryland
tient advocates who want to die Transit Administration, issued
For nearly a decade, dying pa- on their own terms. Friday, is the second-largest single
tients have asked Maryland law- “I am worried sick that I may request for additional funding to
makers to consider allowing peo- not live long enough for them to date for the Purple Line. The only
ple with terminal illnesses to end pass it during the next legislative bigger request came in 2022,
their own lives through self-ad- session,” said Lynn Cave, a silver when the MTA asked for $3.4 bil-
ministered medication to avoid spring resident with incurable lion after the pandemic had
the immense suffering that can eye cancer that has metastasized caused rising material costs, sup-
come in their final weeks. to her liver and will eventually ply chain issues, labor shortages
Despite initial optimism that cause her organs to shut down. and more expensive insurance.
the End-of-Life Options Act A week before the bill stalled The state’s Board of Public Works
might pass this year, Democratic on Friday, Diane Kraus still be- approved this request in 2022. It
leadership on Friday decided the lieved lawmakers might clear the sEE PurPle line On b3
bill would not get a vote because it way for her to access medical
did not have the support needed aid-in-dying before her metastat- Petula
to move out of the senate Judicial ic breast cancer — which has
Proceedings Committee, dashing spawned several tumors in her Dvorak
hopes that the bill would finally brain — robs her of her identity.
become law. The decision came “I’m afraid I’m going to lose
down to one or two votes, said who I am,” she said. JoNaThaN NeWToN/The WashiNgToN PosT

state sen. William C. smith Jr. Kraus said she wants the Maryland Sen. William C. Smith Jr. (D-Montgomery), center, said he told members of the Senate She is away. Her column will resume
when she returns.
(D-Montgomery). sEE bill On b3 Judicial Proceedings Committee that, “on issues like this, that it’s a vote of conscience. it’s so personal.”
B2 eZ su the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

Thousands, including Youngkin, attend firefighter’s funeral


The governor stood next to

Brown’s flag-draped casket, near
the center of the altar, and ad-
dressed the fallen firefighter’s
family: “The words ‘I am so sorry’
seem wholly, wholly inadequate.
Your loss is unimaginable.”
David Short, the Sterling Vol-
unteer fire Company chief, said
Brown had a special way of
saying goodbye to his children
before each shift and always sent
them pictures when the firefight-
ers ate at five Guys because his
children, ages 6, 9 and 11, loved
to eat there. Short said Brown’s
children and godchildren asked
him to read a poem to remember
The day you left and gained
your wings,
My heart just broke in two.
I wish you could have stayed,
But heaven needed you.
Thomas Brown, the firefight-
er’s father, said those children
are his son’s legacy. Trevor Brown
was a stay-at-home dad and for-
mer marine who had a “unique,
clever humor which made us
laugh uncontrollably at times.”
Thomas Brown said his son’s love
of humanity was “given freely.”
“Trevor Bryan Brown is our
absolute hero,” his father said.
The packed church gave
Thomas Brown a long round of
applause after he spoke.
The deadly incident began
about 7:40 p.m., when a resident
of Silver ridge Drive called 911.
“There’s a smell of gas outside,” a
man said, according to a record-
ing of the call.
firefighters dispatched to
the scene found a leaking, 500-
gallon underground propane
tank at the home next door to the Jahi ChikWendiu/The WashingTon PosT

caller. Loudoun County fire Firefighters salute a vehicle carrying the remains of Loudoun County firefighter Trevor Brown after his funeral at Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, Va., on Monday. Brown
Chief Keith Johnson told the died and more than a dozen others were hurt Feb. 16, when leaking propane at a residence in Sterling led to a massive explosion, authorities said.
Board of Supervisors in an up-
date last week that propane had his home to fall on his head and of the home. By 9:15 p.m., the plosion continues. Laura rine- damage caused by the explosion
seeped into the home. that of his 2-year-old son, and trapped firefighters had been hart, a spokeswoman for the is $2.5 million. Loudoun fire
firefighters evacuated the that the bedroom windows shat- rescued and the others account- “The words ‘I am so Loudoun fire department, said officials said six homes were
homeowner, her roommate and a tered inward, spraying his wife ed for. monday that the fire marshal’s damaged, including three that
number of pets and began inves- with glass. “I don’t believe we have any sorry’ seem wholly, office has wrapped up work at are no longer inhabitable.
tigating the leak when some- The blast caused a blaze and statistics on the survival rate of the scene but is still trying to monday’s funeral ended with
thing caused the propane to rained insulation, clothing and firefighters calling mayday wholly inadequate. determine what sparked the firefighters removing the U.S.
explode shortly before 8:30 p.m., other debris on surrounding that are trapped, but I can tell blast. flag from Brown’s coffin and
leveling the home in a massive trees. Two firefighters trapped you now it’s not very high,” Your loss is rinehart said Johnson is presenting it to his relatives.
blast that could be heard across by wreckage sent desperate Johnson told the supervisors scheduled to meet this week with firefighters then delivered three
the Potomac river in montgom- maydays by radio. last week. unimaginable.” the National Institute for occu- teddy bears to Brown’s children,
ery County. Brown, who was outside the The injured included 11 fire- pational Safety and Health as and Youngkin got on one knee to
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R),
“We just had a catastrophic home, was killed in the explo- fighters, a sheriff ’s deputy and part of an independent probe of give the family a Virginia flag
to Trevor Brown’s family
explosion!” a firefighter shouted sion, and a number of other two civilians. one firefighter, how firefighters handled the re- framed in a wooden box.
into a radio at one point. firefighters were injured, John- who was trapped in the base- sponse to the blast. The effort, Then, as thousands silently
A neighbor described the ex- son said. The crews on scene ment, remains hospitalized in a which is expected to take watched, a firefighter rang a bell
plosion as sounding like a “sonic called for backup and began a burn unit, but the others have months, is being led by the fire nine times. Each peal echoed in
boom.” He said that it caused the rescue operation to find the fire- been treated and released. chief of frederick County, md. the hushed chapel, signaling the
ceiling of the master bedroom of fighters trapped in the basement The investigation into the ex- An initial estimate of property end of Brown’s watch.

Body-cam footage released in fatal shooting by Prince George’s police o∞cer

SHOOTING from B1 camera video footage and audio expert on police shootings. “Just ment for this article but were to patrol officers. “Show me your —” the officer
from the 911 call, providing more because you can’t see someone’s able to view the body-camera Shelton responded, arriving at continued, cut short by the pierc-
The state’s Independent Inves- details of the deadly encounter hands doesn’t mean that the footage before it was made pub- the quiet Hillcrest Heights apart- ing pop of his own gun, firing one
tigations Division (IID), an arm that, experts say, will force inves- individual constituted immedi- lic, authorities said. The family ment complex at 5:27 p.m. shot at Jay’s face.
of the maryland Attorney Gener- tigators to untangle a web of ate threat.” has retained the Baltimore-based The dispatcher relayed what The man immediately fell to
al’s office that investigates police miscommunications and possi- The caller who lived in the civil rights law firm murphy she had heard: “A caller saying the ground.
shootings, had initially said the ble police policy violations to apartment was not home when falcon & murphy to represent he’s being told by the neighbor once additional officers ar-
officer was responding to a 911 determine if the shooting was he called 911, officials said mon- them. that someone’s breaking into his rived, Shelton cleared the rest of
call of a breaking-and-entering in justified or a crime. day, but the caller did not disclose In a statement monday, Thom- apartment.” the apartment, then began ren-
progress at a unit in the apart- “The primary issue in regards that two men were in his apart- as Lester, spokesperson for IID, “Copy,” Shelton replied. “I’m in dering aid to Jay. Shelton does
ment complex. to whether this shooting was ment when he left home and that said the state investigation into the complex; hold me out.” not say why he shot Jay — only
But on monday, the attorney justified is whether or not the a family member had called him the shooting is ongoing. Video from Shelton’s body that the man ran from him and
general’s office and the Prince officer reasonably perceived an earlier threatening to take his Shaun owens, a fraternal or- camera shows the officer stepped “grabbed something” in the
George’s County Police Depart- immediate threat to his safety,” property. der of Police attorney represent- out of his police cruiser and kitchen.
ment publicly released body- said Ed obayashi, a national Jay’s family declined to com- ing Shelton, did not respond to jogged up to the apartment com- “What’d you go in there and
an email requesting comment. In plex. He climbed a flight of stairs get?” Shelton asked Jay, who
a statement, foP President Ange- and walked up to the 911 caller’s could not speak, in the video. The
lo Consoli said that union offi- apartment door, which was video also shows Shelton check-

Your Deck,
cials “await the findings of the slightly ajar. The officer did not ing the coat Jay was wearing,
Attorney General’s Independent wait for backup and did not pulling a gun from the right side
Investigations Division” but that announce he was there — or with pocket.
they are “confident” investigators the police department — before “Yeah, there we go,” the officer

just the way you like it.

will find “exactly what the video he pushed open the door, gun can be heard saying.
and the known information drawn, and entered the apart- Along with the 911 call audio,
shows in that while no one wants ment, according to the video. Prince George’s police officials
to see the tragic loss of life, the Those two choices, obayashi also published a video of Police
officer was justified in his ac- said, deviate from the standard Chief malik Aziz providing addi-
tions.” protocols of most U.S. police tional information police learned
The 911 call that drew Shelton departments. after the shooting. What is not
to the apartment was placed at “It would have been standard shown in the video, Aziz said, is a
Free advice. A detailed scope of 5:23 p.m. on feb. 1, authorities operating procedure to wait for second gun that was found in the
said. In it, the caller — who police backup, for obvious reasons,” kitchen sink area, near where Jay
work with a fixed price. Passionate have not named but identified as obayashi said. “And then an- was shot.
and background checked team the apartment’s lease holder — nounce your intentions and then The 911 caller, Aziz said, had
told a dispatcher that he was not see what develops.” not been fully transparent about
members. All backed by a 5-year home but a neighbor had called Instead, the body-camera vid- the alleged burglary at his home.
workmanship warranty. Offering him to say someone was actively eo shows that Shelton’s first The burglar was not a stranger,
breaking into his home. words were: “Show me your Aziz said, but an unrelated family
peace of mind since 1961. “I got somebody breaking and hands!” member who had said he would
entering in my house,” the caller “Show me your hands!” he be coming over to take the caller’s
said, stating that the alleged thief shouted again. belongings from the apartment.
was taking something out of the When Jay began rounding “This fact was not shared dur-
apartment and that the neighbor around a corner to walk toward ing the 911 call for help,” Aziz
had said the man had “dreads.” the kitchen, the video shows, said.
The caller told the dispatcher Shelton yelled again: “Bring your The 911 caller also did not
that he was making the call from a-- over here!” reveal that two other people —
a firehouse, where he was “get- Then Shelton, who still had Jay and the other man from the
SCHEDULE TODAY! ting taken care of ” for an injury, not identified himself, followed body-camera footage — were in-
VA 703.691.5500 but that he would be heading Jay around the corner with his side the apartment when the
MD 301.388.5959 back to his apartment soon. gun raised in one hand. caller had left, about 25 minutes
DC 202.770.3131 moments later, at 5:25 p.m., “Show me your . . . hands,” before he reported the alleged dispatch relayed the information Shelton yells with an expletive. burglary to 911.
A DIVISION OF VA #2701039723 | MD MHIC #1176 | DC #2242

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tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re B3

Aid-in-dying bill stalls, frustrating terminally ill patients

BiLL o'Leary/tHe WasHiNgtoN Post

FrOM LeFT: Lynn Cave, of Silver Spring, has incurable eye cancer that has metastasized to her liver. “I am worried sick that I may not live long enough for them to pass it during the next legislative session,”
she said of the aid-in-dying bill. Diane Kraus, of Baltimore, was hopeful that lawmakers would clear the way for her to access medical aid-in-dying before her metastatic breast cancer robs her of her identity.

BILL from B1 states, including oregon, Califor- about vulnerable people and have States, including in maryland. voting against something, it is
nia and New Jersey — was felled been unable to convince myself The movement, sometimes harder to then change your vote,”
option to end her life, but she by a vote or two. that this is the answer here in termed “death-with-dignity” or he said.
hasn’t given up on living yet. In “I really felt betrayed last year,” maryland,” Sen. Charles E. Syd- “aid-in-dying,” came closest to Democratic leaders also said
her Baltimore apartment, sur- Lampkin said. “There was a lot of “I really felt betrayed nor III (D-Baltimore County), succeeding in 2019 when a bill that the party put no pressure on
rounded by lovingly pruned lip service, and then it didn’t hap- who is on the Senate Judiciary passed the maryland House of anyone to vote one way or the
houseplants and a vast collection pen.” last year. There was Committee, said in an email. Delegates, then failed in a tied other.
of carefully sorted Lego bricks, The votes on this issue have The campaign, driven largely vote on the Senate floor. Since “I told every member of this
Kraus said she is committed to always been tight in the state a lot of lip service, by patients and a national advoca- then, many lawmakers have been committee, that on issues like
treating her cancer with experi- Senate, where lawmakers have cy group called Compassion and reluctant to take a vote on the bill this, that it’s a vote of conscience.
mental drugs as long as she can. expressed divided opinions over and then it didn’t Choices, has faced similar hurdles without assurances that it will It’s so personal,” said Smith, who
Still, if the time comes when there the ethics of allowing terminal in other states, where efforts to pass. supported the legislation and had
is nothing else to do except suffer patients to end their own lives. happen.” legalize medical aid-in-dying Sen. Ariana Kelly (D-mont- been a bill sponsor in years past.
as her cancer continues to grow Pressure from the Catholic have sometimes taken decades to gomery), a judicial committee Sen. Chris West (r-Baltimore
Linda Lampkin,
and spread, Kraus said she wants Church and constituents from succeed. oregon was the first to member who said she would have County), a co-sponsor of the bill
whose husband, ron Dickey, died
to make a choice about how and Black communities with historic enact the measure in 1997, but the been a strong supporter of the and one of few republicans to
in November 2022 after months
when to die. distrust of the medical system movement gained significant mo- legislation, said that the commit- back the measure, said he came to
of lobbying for aid-in-dying
for people such as Linda have swayed some legislators to mentum about 10 years ago when tee is “notoriously conservative support the movement after wit-
Lampkin, the wait has already oppose the bill. Some lawmakers terminally ill Brittany maynard on some issues and not represen- nessing the end of his mother-in-
been too long. also expressed concerns during became an advocate after finding tative of the opinions of the full law’s life. She struggled desper-
Lampkin’s husband, ron Dick- bill hearings that the legislation out she would die of a malignant Senate.” ately to breathe through fluid and
ey, died in November 2022 after did not go far enough to protect brain tumor at age 29. maynard ferguson, who has publicly damage in her lungs caused by
months of lobbying for aid-in-dy- vulnerable marylanders from be- moved from California to oregon supported the legislation, said chronic obstructive pulmonary
ing. She has continued his push, ing coerced or pressured into us- to access medical aid-in-dying friday that party leaders chose to disease, he recalled; it was as if
enduring the tyranny of hope ing the option to end their lives. and inspired her home state to avoid voting on a bill to create she had drowned in open air and
with each new session. “While I sympathize with peo- change its laws the year after her space for hesitant senators to died mid-gasp.
This year is not the first time ple who are dealing with extreme- death. maynard’s husband, Dan change their position in the fu- “Because I had a very bad
that the measure — which has ly difficult medical conditions, I Diaz, has continued to advocate ture. death, I know exactly why this is
been passed in the District and 10 have been and am concerned such measures across the United “If somebody goes on record needed,” he said.

Long-delayed Purple Line needs additional $425 million

PurPLe LIne from B1 Line, including zero-emissions
electric vehicles, noise-reducing
will vote on the $425 million pack- technology and low floors allow-
age next week. ing for easy boarding.
The mTA says the funds are maryland state Sen. malcolm
needed to extend a contract with Augustine (D-Prince George’s)
Purple Line Transit Partners, the said the years-long construction
private manager of the Purple delays have hurt his neighbors
Line, to run the line until the end along University Boulevard.
of 2057 amid project delays “They’ve had to live with roads
caused in part by the departure of that are basically impassable for
a construction contractor in 2020. years,” he said, adding, “It’s cost a
The project also faced a rocky start lot of people a lot of money and
in 2016 when a lawsuit from oppo- convenience.”
nents of the line prompted a feder- But he’s still optimistic about
al judge to suspend a key environ- the project’s ability to address
mental approval. traffic congestion.
The latest funding request “for marylanders who do not
comes as transit systems across want to be in a car, you have to be
the country struggle to recover able to get from one point to an-
from plunging ridership follow- other,” he said. The Purple Line
ing the pandemic. A November “remains critical for any sort of
report from metro, which is not growth that can occur in this cor-
involved with the Purple Line ridor of Prince George’s County.”
project, shows metrorail rider- Angela D. Alsobrooks (D), the
ship and parking usage have not Prince George’s executive, shares
yet returned to pre-pandemic lev- Augustine’s optimism.
els. “Construction challenges and
former governor Larry Hogan adjustments that have caused de-
(r) launched the Purple Line proj- lays and added costs to the Purple
ect during his first term while Line are concerning, but we re-
scrapping Baltimore’s red Line. main committed to and excited
State and local officials said they about delivering a reliable solu-
hoped the Purple Line would tion for Prince Georgians,” she
transform car-dependent regions said in an emailed statement.
of maryland, particularly in “our transit-oriented develop-
montgomery and Prince George’s ment plans around the Purple
counties, into public transit ha- Line will bring new amenities,
vens and spur development of CaroLyN VaN HouteN/tHe WasHiNgtoN Post homes and jobs to Prince George’s
apartments, stores and restau- An abandoned Purple Line construction site is seen at the intersection of Kenilworth Avenue and riverdale road in Prince George’s County.”
rants. County in 2022. Despite the inconvenience — and cost — to residents, lawmakers in the county remain optimistic about the project. Still, with all the delays and cost
Had everything stayed on overruns, Augustine isn’t sure
schedule, the Purple Line, which year, the project was 4.5 years ther delays. that is no longer worth its price budget. Elrich recently proposed a what to tell his constituents about
started construction in 2017, behind schedule and the budget montgomery County Executive tag. He would have rather spent separate $580 million, 28-mile ex- the Purple Line.
would have begun carrying pas- had ballooned from $5.6 billion to marc Elrich (D), who has long the funds on a bus rapid transit pansion of BrT in the county. “There’s only so many times you
sengers throughout the Washing- $9.28 billion. Now it is anticipated been critical of the project, said system, which operates in dedicat- Kathryn Lamb, an mTA spokes- can go back to the well and tell
ton suburbs by now. But by the to open in late 2027 — more than monday that the Purple Line is a ed lanes and which he said would woman, responded by highlight- them something is coming up,” he
end of Hogan’s second term last five years late — barring any fur- “colossally mismanaged” project cost a fraction of the Purple Line’s ing several benefits of the Purple said.

Stories of the past, rediscovered.
B4 eZ Re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024


Supreme Court declines to rule on bias-reporting program at Virginia Tech

BY R ACHEL W EINER But Speech First argued the pol- obligation, it created “uncertain- It’s hard to tell whether its
icy nevertheless made students ty” that “can cause students to fall working, he said, because none
The Supreme Court has de- afraid to voice conservative views silent rather than speak up.” of the litigation has involved a
clined to review a defunct pro- such as support for Donald Speech First has successfully disputed intervention by a bias-
gram at Virginia Tech that al- Trump or opposition to affirma- challenged university anti-dis- reporting team. Instead, anony-
lowed students to anonymously tive action, illegal immigration, crimination policies in three oth- mous students have said they fear
report allegations of biased be- same-sex marriage and transgen- er appellate courts after losing at such action.
havior, frustrating two of the der rights. the district court level, where a “There has never been a single
most conservative justices. Speech First provided no evi- single judge reviews the evidence instance of actual disciplinary ac-
The school disbanded the pro- dence that anyone had been disci- and would oversee any trial. The tion in any of these cases,” Soucek
gram in early 2023 when the dean plined or threatened with disci- 4th Circuit majority wrote that said. Instead, he said, “Judges are
who created it left Virginia Tech pline by the bias team. While the those courts were “seemingly ig- just filling in this absence of facts
and told the Supreme Court it group highlighted bias com- noring the factual findings” of with their own views about the
would not be revived. For that plaints it deemed unfair — such district court judges who found speech climate on campuses
reason, the Supreme Court de- as a claim of gender discrimina- no concrete evidence speech was these days; they are really basing
clared the case moot and vacated, tion after some male students being chilled. One appellate these standing decisions on vibes
or undid, a lower-court ruling dismissed the athleticism of fe- court, the 7th Circuit based in about what the state of free
deeming the policy constitution- male students during a snowball Chicago, ruled against the group, speech is on campus right now.”
al. But circuit courts across the fight — there was no evidence the saying the lawsuit was based on Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson,
country have split over similar cHRiS Keane/ReuTeRS school took any action in re- “speculation.” But the University one of the Supreme Court’s liberal
anti-bias programs at other uni- Advocacy group Speech First argued Virginia Tech’s bias-reporting sponse to those reports in the of Illinois settled that lawsuit members, also dissented, saying
versities. These offices, created at program made students afraid to voice conservative views, though court record. before it could be appealed to the briefly that the court should have
hundreds of schools across the the group gave no evidence of disciplinary action by the bias team. For those reasons, the U.S. Supreme Court, in part by affirm- denied the petition to reconsider
country in recent decades, were Court of Appeals for the 4th Cir- ing its bias team has “no authority the ruling from the 4th Circuit
intended to address claims of reporting policies on behalf of Posters on campus encouraged cuit concluded last year that to impose any form of discipline because the challengers had not
discrimination on campuses but conservative students who say students to “make a report . . . if Speech First did not have stand- on any student.” Several other made a compelling case, rather
have been accused of chilling they are being silenced. Several you hear or see something that ing to challenge the policy. schools have changed their pol- than declaring it moot because of
unpopular speech — particularly other influential organizations feels like a bias incident, state- “The First Amendment does icies or disbanded bias-reporting the change in policy.
by conservatives. on the right backed the challenge, ment, or expression.” not stand in the way of modest offices after being sued. In a statement, Speech First
“This petition presents a high- including the powerful Christian The team had no power to efforts to encourage civility on Brian Soucek, a law professor Executive Director Cherise
stakes issue for our Nation’s sys- legal group Alliance Defending discipline students accused of college campuses,” the 4th Circuit at the University of California at Trump said the group was “disap-
tem of higher education. Until Freedom. bias or even to require them to majority, made up of Democratic Davis, said universities have “a pointed” that the Supreme Court
we resolve it, there will be a Virginia Tech’s “Bias Interven- discuss an incident with school appointees, wrote. “Just as uni- tricky line to walk” in balancing did not hear the case but took
patchwork of First Amendment tion and Response Team” was officials. It could refer allegations versities may legitimately strive competing legal obligations — credit for ending Virginia Tech’s
rights on college campuses,” Jus- created in 2018 by the then-dean of criminal activity to the police, to promote intellectual curiosity, students’ free speech rights and bias-reporting policy. “The battle
tice Clarence Thomas wrote in of students. He said in a court and claims of school code viola- so too they may legitimately their right to be protected from a for campus free speech is bigger
dissenting from the decision. He filing that he wanted to make the tions to the appropriate adminis- strive to promote civility and a racially or sexually hostile cam- than ever before and we will
was joined by Justice Samuel A. reporting process simpler, more trators, but with no more authori- sense of belonging among the pus environment. “I see the bias- continue to defend our students’
Alito Jr. efficient and easier to track. ty than any individual on campus. student body.” In dissent, a Re- reporting teams as a way to navi- right to free speech across the
The case is one of nine filed “BIRT serves as a sort of ‘air Complaints that involved protect- publican appointee on the court gate that dilemma,” he said, “to country,” she added.
by the advocacy group Speech traffic control’ for bias-related ed speech were not pursued by argued that even if the bias sys- resolve incidents without disci- A spokesperson for Virginia
First challenging university bias- complaints,” he wrote in 2021. the office, administrators said. tem resulted in no discipline or pline.” Tech declined to comment.

Howard H. Hiatt, 98

Former Harvard dean became champion of global public health initiatives

BY J OSHUA B ROCKMAN needed fresh perspective. one-megaton bomb exploding in
“Over the years there has been a Washington and destroying
Howard H. Hiatt, a former dean distortion of priorities in the George Washington University
of the Harvard School of Public health fields,” Dr. Hiatt said, add- Hospital, the medical center
Health who mentored genera- ing that he hoped health profes- where the president had been
tions of physicians and scientists, sionals would shift their focus treated after an assassination at-
campaigned against nuclear pro- away from “curative prevention” tempt that March.
liferation, and became an influen- and toward prevention. “I tried to personalize it for the
tial champion of global health ini- Over the next 12 years, he nearly President,” Dr. Hiatt recounted to
tiatives, died March 2 at his home doubled the school’s endowment. the New York Times. “I told him
in Cambridge, Mass. He was 98. In an effort to expand the school’s there would be 800,000 people in
His daughter-in-law, Pooh Sha- portfolio beyond traditional pub- shock from burns and radiation. …
piro, confirmed the death but did lic health issues, he took a multi- Given these facts, those people
not note a specific cause. disciplinary approach. He estab- who talk about winning or surviv-
As a physician, educator and lished a center for the analysis of ing a nuclear war don’t under-
administrator, Dr. Hiatt had a sub- health practices, bolstered statis- stand what they are talking
stantial impact on medicine as a tical sciences and created a De- about.”
professor at Harvard Medical partment of Health Policy and In a commentary published in
School, dean of the public health Management. the New England Journal of Medi-
school and senior physician at “He was meticulous and cine in 1982, he criticized the Rea-
Boston’s Brigham and Women’s thought through what he wanted gan administration’s five-year
Hospital. to accomplish,” said Alfred Som- plan to spend $1.6 trillion on de-
His research career included a mer, dean emeritus of the Johns fense. Dr. Hiatt argued that cut-
stint in the early 1960s at the Hopkins Bloomberg School of backs in essential biological, be-
Pasteur Institute in Paris, where Public Health. havioral and health services — in-
he collaborated with future Nobel Dr. Hiatt also recruited public cluding what he described as mas-
laureates on the identification of health experts, including Donald sive reductions in federal child
messenger RNA, a discovery that Berwick, a future administrator of nutrition programs — “will ad-
helped lay the groundwork for the the Centers for Medicare and versely affect the health of our
Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Medicaid Services, and Harvey generation and of future genera-
coronavirus vaccines. Fineberg, who succeeded him at tions” and that physicians had a
Nearly denied entry to Harvard Harvard as dean of the public responsibility to speak out in op-
in the 1940s because of quotas health school. position.
limiting the number of Jewish stu- Around 1980, Dr. Hiatt began to Dr. Hiatt stepped down as dean
dents, Dr. Hiatt was deeply at- turn his attention to what he in 1984 and joined Brigham and
tuned to injustices in medical ac- called the “last epidemic” threat- Women’s Hospital the next year as
cess. As physician in chief from ening the world: the nuclear-arms a senior physician. He had been a
1963 to 1972 at Beth Israel Hospi- race between the United States professor of medicine at the hospi-
tal in Boston (now Beth Israel and the Soviet Union. With other tal since 1985.
Deaconess Medical Center), he de- high-profile scientists and physi- He co-founded the hospital’s
veloped programs that brought cians, he served on a special com- Division of Global Health Equity,
medical care to underserved com- mittee convened by Pope John and, in 2004, the hospital estab-
munities in the city. Paul II to study the consequences lished a residency in global health
In 1972, he was appointed dean to humanity of the nuclear threat equity and internal medicine
of the Harvard School of Public and to lobby world leaders about named in honor of Dr. Hiatt and
Health (now the Harvard T.H. the findings. his wife, Doris.
Chan School of Public Health). He When committee members “Throughout his professional
told the Harvard Crimson news- went to the White House in De- life, Howard Hiatt brought com-
paper that he had no background cember 1981, Dr. Hiatt asked Presi- passionate and innovative ap-
in public health but that the field dent Ronald Reagan to imagine a proaches to health and medical
care,” said Fineberg, president of
the Institute of Medicine (now the
ATTENTION DEATH NOTICES CLIENTS: National Academy of Medicine),
in a 2007 ceremony honoring Dr.
Death Notice placements on Sundays Hiatt. “He introduced fresh ana- couRTeSy of HaRvaRd T.H. cHan ScHool of Public HealTH

lytic methods to medical and pub- Howard H. Hiatt was appointed dean of Harvard’s public health school in 1972. He had nearly
and federal holidays to be self-service only lic health education, fostered in- been denied entry to the university in the 1940s because of quotas limiting the number of Jewish
Starting May 1, 2024, The Washington Post Paid Death Notices terdisciplinary approaches to students and was deeply attuned to injustices in medical access.
Department will utilize a self-service only system on Sundays and complex health problems, [and]
cultivated a new generation of so-
federal holidays. There will not be any team members available to
cially responsible physicians.” Years later, when he had access ushered in by James Watson and children, Deborah Hiatt and Jon
speak with on these days. As always, team members will be available Howard Haym Hiatt, the oldest to hospital records at Harvard Francis Crick’s 1953 discovery of Hiatt; eight grandchildren; and
during regular, non-holiday business hours Monday-Saturday. of three siblings, was born in Pa- Medical School, he learned that the structure of DNA, Dr. Hiatt four great-grandchildren; and his
tchogue, N.Y., on July 22, 1925, and his mother’s surgery had not been worked with Jacques Monod and longtime companion Penny
The deadline to place a death notice will remain 4pm on Sunday for a grew up in Worcester, Mass. The necessary: Her hemorrhage re- other Pasteur colleagues to identi- Janeway.
Monday insertion. The photo deadline for a Monday insertion is 1pm on family name had been changed to sulted from a medical condition fy messenger RNA, a molecule in Dr. Hiatt was a past secretary of
Hiatt from Chaitowicz after his that had not been diagnosed. cells that carries genetic code, or the American Academy of Arts
Saturday. On federal holidays, the deadline for next-day insertion will father, a Lithuanian immigrant Dr. Hiatt was valedictorian of instructions, for producing pro- and Sciences and directed its Ini-
be 3pm (photo deadline: 1pm). who eventually ran a small shoe his high school class in Worcester teins. tiatives for Children program. He
company, landed at Ellis Island but was initially denied admission In addition to co-authoring a contributed to “A Measure of Mal-
Our 2024 operational hours for Death Notices will be: alone as a teenager. His mother to Harvard because of the Jewish landmark paper about messenger practice” (1993), a comprehensive
Sunday (& federal holidays) Self-service only* was a homemaker. quotas in place at the time. After RNA in the journal Nature, Dr. survey of the malpractice system.
Dr. Hiatt said he felt called to his principal protested to the dean Hiatt was one of the first scientists Throughout his career, Dr. Hi-
Monday 9am- 5pm medicine at age 12, when his of admissions, Dr. Hiatt enrolled to identify messenger RNA in att never forgot the mentors who
Tuesday 9am- 5pm mother almost died of a hemor- in Harvard College in 1944 and, on mammalian cells. In 1965, Monod helped him: Their photographs
Wednesday 9am- 5pm rhage after surgery at a Harvard an accelerated wartime program, shared the Nobel Prize in physiol- hung on his office walls next to
Thursday 9am- 5pm teaching hospital. graduated from Harvard Medical ogy or medicine with François Ja- images of his grandchildren.
Friday 9am- 5pm “I remember being so grateful School in 1948 without complet- cob and André Lwoff, two col- He acknowledged that he
Saturday 11am-4pm to the surgeon who had taken care ing an undergraduate degree. leagues at the Pasteur Institute, hadn’t heard of Horecker when he
of her and who had seen her Early in his career, Dr. Hiatt for their research on gene regula- arrived at NIH. “But when I went
* through surgery and then her re- worked at the National Institutes tion. into his lab, he opened my eyes to
The self-service platform is always available to you, 24/7, covery that I decided that this was of Health and joined the labora- Dr. Hiatt was married to the what science meant, what it could
and features a full suite of advertising capabilities. a model for me,” he recalled in a tory of Bernard Horecker, a distin- former Doris Bieringer from 1947 be,” Dr. Hiatt told the Boston
2006 video interview for Web of guished biochemist who helped until her death in 2007. Their son Globe in 2013. “That was, in retro-
Thank you for continuing to trust The Washington Post Stories, an online archive docu- him secure a research position in Fred Hiatt, the editorial page edi- spect, probably the most impor-
with the important role of publishing your death notices. menting the lives of renowned sci- 1960 with the Pasteur Institute. tor of The Washington Post, died tant thing that ever happened to
entists and other notable figures. Amid the scientific exploration in 2021. Survivors include two me.”
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re B5


Grace Robinowitz Dody died On March 2, 2024, in Bethesda, Maryland,
peacefully at home on Friday at 105 years old. Beloved wife of the late
March 1, 2024. She was 89. Max Goldman (deceased 1962), devoted
The daughter of the late Wil- mother of Celia Goldman Kirsch (Lau-
liam and Stella Robinowitz, she rence), cherished grandmother of Rachel
was preceded in death by her Kirsch and Max Kirsch (Elizabeth), delight-
late husband Donald Dody. She is survived ed great-grandmother of Arthur Kirsch,
by her brother Max Robinowitz (Carolyn) and beloved member of Max Goldman’s
and two nephews (Mark and David). She extended family.
loved life and tried to live fully, in spite of Kate Goldman graduated from the Uni-
many health challenges. A graduate and versity of Georgia Law School in 1941 and
loyal alumna of the University of Maryland, came to Washington, DC in the following
she was a passionate supporter of the arts year, where she spent her career as an
and of Jewish culture. Graveside service attorney with the National Labor Relations
to be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 1 Board. Following her retirement in 1988,
p.m. at Garden of Remembrance Memori- she dedicated her independent spirit to
al Park 14321 Comus Rd, Clarksburg, MD nurturing the next generation of her family.
20871. in lieu of flowers, donations may In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions
be made to Bender JCC of Greater Wash- may be made to the District of Columbia
ington 6125 Montrose Rd., Rockville, MD Bar Pro Bono Center (
ANNE B. OWEIS 20852 or Edlavitch DC JCC 1529 16th St pro-bono). No services are scheduled at
6/29/1934 – 3/5/2013 NW, Washington, DC 20036. Professional this time.
We miss you, love you services entrusted to Sagel Bloomfield
& remember you today and every day. Dansansky Goldberg Funeral Care, Inc.
Love, Your Family

Vladimir Nikolaivich Dvornychenko passed MUMLEY (Age 88)
away January 23, 2024. He was 82. He was Of Herndon, VA passed March 1, 2024.
born in Kiev, Ukraine July 30, 1941 and Beloved wife of Reginald E. Mumley Jr.
emigrated from Europe at age 10, with his Loving Mother of Mary Mumley of Reston,
mother and sister. James Mumley of Hagerstown, MD, Patricia
He spent most of his life in the Los Angeles (James) Smith of South Riding, Ann Mum-
area, graduating from Belmont High School ley and, Stuart Mumley of Herndon. Also
in Los Angeles in 1959. He graduated Cali- survived by brother-In-Law John Phillip
fornia Polytechnic Institute with a physics Mumley. Preceded in death by Husband
degree. He also earned a masters degree Reginald Edward Mumley Jr.; Son Reginald
in electrical engineering from University of Edward Mumley, III, and Nephew Phillip S.
DEATH NOTICE Wisconsin in Madison. Fluent in four lan-
guages including Russian, Ukrainian, and
Mumley. Mass Service will be at 1130 a.m.
on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at St. Joseph
university of LouvAin Archives German, he also was an advanced chess Catholic Church, 750 Peachtree St., Hern-

Guy Alexandre, a noted transplant surgeon, argued for taking organs from brain-dead patients, which BOGAGE player.
His career included positions at Jet Propul-
don, VA followed by interment at Chest-
nut Grove Cemetery in Herndon. In lieu of
sion Laboratory and in defense contracting flowers, memorial contributions suggested
reduces the biological breakdown that occurs after even a few minutes without oxygen. JOE SOLOMON BOGAGE and aerospace engineering at TRW and lat- to the American Heart Assoc. or the Amer-
8/10/1926 - 3/2/2024 er Northrop Grumman, working on stealth ican Lung Assoc.
Joe Bogage, a father, grandfather, U.S. Navy technology and developing solid rocket
Guy alexandre, 89 veteran, clothier, community volunteer, fuel formula for Goddard Institute.
and all-around decent man, died March 2, In 1994, he moved to Rockville, Maryland

Transplant surgeon challenged

2024 at his home in Columbia, MD, at age and worked in positions at the Federal
97. The cause was complications due to Bureau of Investigation and National Insti-
prostate cancer. tute of Standards and Technology. After his
Mr. Bogage was the patriarch of the
sprawling Bogage family, a tightly-knit clan
retirement, he returned to Los Angeles in
traditional perceptions of death
of aunts, uncles, and cousins clustered in He is survived by his wife Georgia of 55
the Baltimore and Washington suburbs. years and daughter Lisa. He also is sur- DAVID JOHN WACHTER
He is survived by his wife, Shirley; their vived by stepdaughters Anita Seline and David John Wachter of Takoma Park, Mary-
three children, Nancy (Steve), Alan, and Monica Allen; niece Margaret Wierbilis, and land, died peacefully on Friday, February
Barry; and 13 grandchildren, great-grand- members of an extended family. He is pre- 23, 2024. He was surrounded by love with
children, and great-great-grandchildren. deceased by his mother Lucial (Sakovich) his wife and children at his side. Dave is
He was predeceased by his parents, Lazer Werdi, father Nikolai Dvornychenko, sister
BY B RIAN M URPHY London for a medical conference his team would consider a patient and Rebecca; siblings, Ben and Caroline; Tanya Wierbilis, nephew John Wierbilis,
preceded in death by his parents, John J.
Wachter and Jeanne Marie Davis; siblings
on transplant ethics. He em- “dead as long as there was a and granddaughter, Jody Adleman. Private
grandniece Heather, and stepfather Nick
Christine Bonsby, John A. Wachter, Jeanne
In early June 1963, a patient braced the role of lead provoca- heartbeat.” Near the end of the Miller, Kathy Michos; and brother-in-law
He will be interred at Hollywood Forever John C. Bonsby.
with massive head trauma was teur. gathering, attendees were asked Cemetery in Los Angeles at a graveside

rushed to a hospital in Belgium He asked why a heartbeat was to show who backed Dr. Alexan- DAVIS ceremony March 10, 2024 at 1 p.m. He is survived by his wife Jackie, and chil-
dren John (Karin), Thomas, Griffith, and
after a car crash. Surgery was considered the only definition of dre’s definition of “brain death.” DOROTHY L. (ETCHISON) DAVIS
Kate; siblings Louise (Jessica) Parker Kelley
and James (Kathy) Parker; brother-in-life
performed. Yet the injuries were life, asserting that brain activity is “I was the only one to raise my Dorothy L. Davis (Etchison) (98 years old) Peter Michos; and a multitude of loving
so severe that doctors declared an equally relevant measure. He hand,” Dr. Alexandre recalled. “All passed away on March 1, 2024 peace-
fully in her sleep, granting her wish to GILBERT family members and friends. Dave will re-
main in our hearts forever.
the patient “brain-dead” — fully told the conference that he was the others did not.” go home and reunite with her husband.
unresponsive but with a still- “taking organs from a dead per- Still, Dr. Alexandre helped stir Dorothy was born on February 23, 1926 JACKSON B. GILBERT Funeral Mass will be held on Thursday,
in Potomac, West Virginia, she worked at 9/13/1932 - 2/22/2024 March 7, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. at St. John
beating heart. son,” holding the same ethical debate on a “new approach to the the Return Desk for Old Dominion Bank the Evangelist Historic Church, 9700 Ro-
(later known as First Virginia Bank/BB&T/ Jackson B. Gilbert, age 91, of Charlottes- sensteel Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland.
In another ward of the hospi- standard as any other physician. definition of death,” Calixto Truist) where she retired from First Vir- ville, VA, died on February 22, 2024. Inurnment will be held in 2025 at Arlington
tal, a patient was struggling with He used the phrase “heart-beat- Machado, a Cuban researcher in ginia Bank after 24yrs. She is preceded in
death by her husband of 66 years, Ralph
National Cemetery.
He was the son of Mr. & Mrs. C. Randolph
kidney failure and in urgent need ing cadaver.” neurosurgery, wrote in the July Davis, both parents, George and Frances Gilbert of Norfolk, VA. Jackson is survived In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions
of a transplant. Some doctors at the conference 2005 issue of the journal Neurolo- Etchison, and brothers, George and Robert.
She is survived by her daughters, Joyce L.
by his beloved wife of over 62 years, Maria
de las Mercedes Diez y Ponce de Leon orig-
may be made to the American Heart As-
sociation and the Disabled American Vet-
A doctor just back from a fel- were aghast and raised scenarios gy. Davis-Ross of Danville, VA, Linda A. Kidd inally from Jerez, Spain, his two daughters erans.
of Alexandria, VA, and Nancy L. Davis of and their husbands, Allegra and Joseph
lowship in Boston, Guy Alexan- such as cases of barbiturate over- In December 1967, South Afri- Stanley, VA; granddaughters Jennifer L. Helms, Dr. Victoria Gilbert and Christopher
dre, went to the hospital’s head of dose in which a patient had a flat can surgeon Christiaan Barnard Kidd, Jaclyn L. Davis, and Katherine L. Kidd. Maksymowicz as well as his grandchildren,
Known lovingly as Aunt Dot to many, she Marisol Helms and Casimir Maksymowicz.
surgery with an unprecedented EEG but then recovered. Dr. Alex- performed the first heart trans- always made sure to let those around her Funeral services will be held at St. Paul’s
request. Take the kidneys from andre countered that the EEG plant from a donor who had been know she was thinking of them, whether Church, Ivy, VA on March 23, 2024 at 2 p.m.
the crash victim while the pa- was just one of the five metrics he declared “brain-dead.” The next
by phone or mail. Dorothy was a beloved
daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, aunt,
with reception to follow at Westminster
Canterbury. IN MEMORIAM
tient’s heart was still functioning, used to declare a patient “brain- year, the concept of using neuro- and sister.
he appealed. This would reduce dead.” He left London appearing logical criteria to determine Family will receive those that loved Doro-
In lieu of flowers, please consider making
a contribution to the Shriners’ Hospital or BOYKINS
the biological breakdown that oc- to have swayed some doctors and death was supported by the Har- thy at a later date to celebrate her life. UVA Law School.
curs in organs after even a few hospital administrators to con- vard Ad Hoc Committee and the
minutes without oxygen.
The chief of surgery, Jean
sider his side, but critics re-
World Medical Assembly.
Morelle, made “the most impor- Thomas Starzl, an American Nobel mentor as and Hannah Laffey. Mary nurtured others
tant decision of his career” and transplant surgeon at the confer- Guy Pierre Jean Alexandre was as an elementary school teacher, social
worker, and homemaker.
approved the procedure, said Dr. ence, vowed that no member of born on July 4, 1934, in the Brus-
Alexandre, who died Feb. 14 at his sels suburb of Uccle. His father She is survived by her thirteen children: Mi-
chael of Alexandria, VA; Peter, Falls Church,
home in Brussels at 89. worked in government adminis- VA; Margaret, Arlington, VA; Timothy, Annan-
dale, VA; Kathleen, Falls Church, VA; Ste-
The transplant, performed on tration, and his mother was an phen, McLean, VA; Christopher, Rochester
June 3, 1963, would eventually executive assistant. Hills, MI; Edward, Wilmington, DE; John, Falls
usher in a transformation in med- ‘‘In Belgium, the Dr. Alexandre completed his Church, VA; Robert, Columbus, OH; Charles,
Singapore; Andrew, Austin, TX; and David,
ical ethics, challenging percep- medical studies in 1959 at the Brooklyn, NY. Mary was grandmother to 27
tions of death and testing the coroner was University of Louvain, where he
grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband,
boundaries of a fundamental received additional training as a Richard T. McBride, and siblings Joseph, The- DANTE’ A. BOYKINS
principle of medicine, “do no allowed to perform transplant surgeon. In 1961, he
resa Newton, Ambrose, and Rita.
Family and friends are invited to pay their
March 5, 1979 - July 6, 2012
Happy 45th Birthday
harm.” was granted a Harvard University Your life was a blessing
But first, Dr. Alexandre faced a an autopsy and fellowship and studied state-of-
respects at the wake on Wednesday, March
6, from 5 to 8 p.m., at Murphy Funeral
Homes, 1102 W Broad St, Falls Church, VA
Your memory a treasure
You are loved beyond words
And missed beyond measure
torrent of questions and recrimi- the-art transplant procedures at
nations that put his reputation remove and Peter Bent Brigham Hospital Mary C. McBride, beloved mother, grand-
mother, great-grandmother, died of natural
22046. The funeral service will be held at
noon on Thursday, March 7, at St. John the
Beloved Church, 6420 Linway Terrace, Mc-
Love, Mom, Dad and the Family

and career on the line. Dr. Alexan- (now part of Brigham and Wom- Lean, VA 22101, followed by burial at Colum-
examine organs
causes on February 27, 2024, at her home
dre stood firm. He noted that the en’s Hospital), one of Harvard’s in Falls Church, Virginia, at the age of 102. bia Gardens Cemetery, 3411 Arlington Blvd,
Mary was born on December 21, 1921, in Arlington, VA 22201.
patient who received the trans- teaching hospitals and where the Providence, Rhode Island, to the late Thom-
plant kidney lived another 87 without first kidney transplant took place
days, which was considered a in 1954. DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICES
significant outcome at a time permission from — Dr. Alexandre worked under MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
when transplant science was still
developing. and even over the
Joseph E. Murray, who shared the
1990 Nobel Prize in physiology or
UTGOFF To place a notice, call:
He also described the physi- medicine for advances in trans- 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
Security Council during the Carter Adminis-
cians who accused him of murder objection of — the plant surgery. During one kidney tration and played an instrumental role as a
strategic advisor to the President, including
as hypocrites. “They viewed their transplant by Murray, Dr. Alexan- on the decision to cancel the B-1 bomber Email and faxes MUST include
brain-dead patients as alive,” he family. So dre was invited into the operating program. He spent decades thinking and
writing about how the world could avoid a
name, home address & home phone #
of the responsible billing party.
said in a 2019 interview with room. He noticed that the donor catastrophic exchange of nuclear weapons. Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
Tablet magazine, “yet they had no shouldn’t a kidney was slightly damaged by He served with distinction at the Institute
for Defense Analysis from 1981 to 2023,
Phone-In deadline
4 p.m. M-F
qualms about turning off the ven- the lack of oxygen after the respi- where he received the Goodpaster Award 3 p.m. Sa-Su

tilator to get the heart to stop surgeon be rator was turned off, waiting for for excellence in research, the think tank’s
highest honor. He was the founding direc-
beating before they removed kid- the patient’s heart to stop. tor of the Advanced Systems and Concepts
neys.” allowed to take an Already, Dr. Alexandre was fa- Office at the Defense Department’s Threat
Reduction Agency. MONDAY-SATURDAY
Black & White
In the end, Dr. Alexandre’s miliar with the concept of coma Vic met his wife Kathy at a Chinese painting 1" - $160 (text only)
views prevailed. By the late 1960s, organ out of a dépassé, literally “beyond coma,”
class in 1974. They married in 1978, and had
two daughters, Anna and Margaret. Vic was
2" - $370 (text only)
3" - $525
he had the support of influential which had been used by franco- a superlative father and husband, who sup- 4" - $575
medical societies. Today, doctors dead body, phone doctors since the late
ported his family during times of need and
cheered them on during times of triumph.
He taught his daughters how to work hard,
5" - $725
are considered within ethical 1950s. SUNDAY

grounds to remove transplant or- similarly without “In addition to ‘killing’ the pa-
We are deeply saddened to announce the
passing of Victor Alan “Vic” Utgoff, a cher-
ished father, grandfather, and friend to
treat people with kindness, and meet the
world with open hearts.
Vic was beloved for his kindness and joy.
Black & White
1"- $191 (text only)
2" - $405 (text only)
gans from patients who display tient, they were giving the recipi- 3" - $580
the permission of many. Vic left us peacefully at the age of 85 He was quick to laugh and slow to anger.
Dr. Alexandre’s five-point criteria ents damaged kidneys,” Dr. Alex- on February 29, 2024 with his daughters and He found himself constantly in awe at the 4" - $610
5" - $790
wife at his bedside holding his hands. beauty of the world and grateful for his time
for determining what he called andre recounted thinking while Vic was born in 1938 to Victor Victorovich here. He got to fly a plane across the coun-
“brain death.” They include no the family, in order watching the Boston transplant. Utgoff and Margaret Sniffen Utgoff. Com-
mander Utgoff was a naval test pilot, so Vic
try; he got to teach his granddaughters how
to play liar’s dice; he got to see whales and
6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
$160 each additional inch Mon - Sat
$191 each additional inch Sunday
reflexes or responses to pain, a Dr. Alexandre returned to Bel- and his siblings (Carl, Alexandra, and Paul) redwood trees and the Eiffel Tower and the
to save another
flat electroencephalogram (EEG) gium in 1963 to become a profes- moved frequently, spending time in Califor-
nia, Hawaii, and elsewhere. Vic learned to
Kremlin. He marveled at the beauty of it all.
Vic spent his last day doing things he loved:
and inability for autonomous sor at the University of Louvain make friends anywhere, later recalling, “I he went for a fried chicken lunch and 3" - $670
breathing. patient’s life?” and transplant specialist at asso- learned to always ask the prettiest girl in
school to the dance. I realized everyone else
stopped at the grocery store for some coco-
nut chocolate macaroons. He fell on his way
4" - $725
5" - $885
When Dr. Alexandre was given ciated hospitals. During the was too scared.” to bed and hit his head, lost consciousness ------
Guy alexandre, Vic dedicated his career to learning, and immediately, and never opened his eyes SUNDAY
the approval for the first “brain- 1980s, he developed techniques serving his country by shaping defense pol- again. He died the next day. Color
transplant surgeon 3" - $710
dead” transplant in 1963, the hos- to help allow transplants between icy. He earned his S.B. in Aeronautics and A celebration of Victor’s life is planned for 4" - $810
Astronautics from MIT in 1960 and his Ph.D. this spring. In lieu of flowers, please honor
pital did not contact the patient’s people with incompatible blood in Electrical Engineering from Purdue Uni- Victor with a contribution to Feeding Amer-
5" - $985
family for permission. “If you types, and performed one of the versity in 1970. He served on the National ica. 6"+ for ALL color notices
$268 each additional inch Mon - Sat
would have asked that, we would first successful interspecies $299 each additional inch Sunday
have [been] refused,” he said in a transplants, known as xenotrans- Notices with photos begin at 3"
2018 interview. He justified the plants, placing a pig kidney in a (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
decision by saying it was “self-evi-
dent” the patient had no chance
His wife of 65 years, Eliane
When the need arises, ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID

of recovering.
‘‘In Belgium, the coroner was
Moens, died in October. Survivors
include five children; 17 grand-
let families find you in the MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
All notices over 2" include
complimentary memorial plaque

allowed to perform an autopsy

and remove and examine organs
children; and 13 great-grandchil-
dren. His son Xavier Alexandre
Funeral Services Directory. Additional plaques start at $26 each
and may be ordered.
All Paid Death Notices
without permission from — and confirmed the death but did not To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, appear on our website through
even over the objection of — the note a cause.

family,” he once said. “So Dr. Alexandre was once asked

please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. LEGACY.COM
Included in all death notices
shouldn’t a surgeon be allowed to whether he thought the early Optional for In Memoriams
take an organ out of a dead body, resistance to his ideas was in-
similarly without the permission grained by art and culture, which PLEASE NOTE:
of the family, in order to save long described the heart as the Notices must be placed via phone or
another patient’s life?” home of emotion and feeling. He email. Photos must be emailed. You can

The family of the donor was looked to his Catholic faith and POST YOUR CONDOLENCES no longer place notices, drop off photos
and make payment in person.
Payment must be made via phone with
told the patient died during the his belief in a soul that lives on. Now death notices on allow debit/credit card.
night. Dr. Alexandre performed “We know that we are dust,” he you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today.
eight other similar transplant said. “And you take organs from a
procedures over the next two patient, from a corpse, so you take GHI
years. In 1965, he was invited to a little bit of that dust.”
B6 EZ RE The washingTon posT . Tuesday, march 5 , 2024

The Weather . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher .

A rainy morning Today Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday OFFICIAL REC O RD
Morning rain Rain Morning rain Mostly cloudy Rain, t‑storm Partly sunny
It could be a rather wet start to the Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

day, but the heaviest rain should be

winding down heading into the
morning commute. Raindrops last
through midday or so before the
precipitation ends. There should be at least a
couple of breaks in the clouds during the
afternoon as temperatures reach highs near 60 or
in the low 60s.
63° 49 ° 58° 48 ° 61° 44 ° 59° 45 ° 57° 48 ° 54° 37 °

FEELS*: 62° FEELS: 58° FEELS: 59° FEELS: 57° FEELS: 56° FEELS: 49°
CHNCE PRECIP: 60% P: 95% P: 55% P: 25% P: 95% P: 25%
WIND: WNW 6–12 mph W: NE 6–12 mph W: N 8–16 mph W: ESE 8–16 mph W: SE 6–12 mph W: WNW 10–20 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: High H: Moderate H: Moderate H: High H: Moderate
Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th
Statistics through 5 p.m. Monday

REGION NATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 69° 2:50 p.m. 69° 3:59 p.m. 67° 3:20 p.m.
Low 49° 4:00 a.m. 46° 12:46 a.m. 47° 4:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
54/45 Normal 53°/35° 51°/30° 51°/31°
56/47 Record high 82° 1983 79° 1974 80° 1923
Hagerstown Record low 4° 1873 –1° 2014 4° 2014
61/45 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (National): this month: +7.7° yr. to date: +3.5°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
68/50 63/49 53/46
59/46 OCEAN: 49°

Charlottesville Ocean City

74/55 56/48
OCEAN: 45°
69/51 Virginia Beach
63/49 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 48°
66/49 Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
Total this month 0.77" 0.55" 1.05"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 0.40" 0.40" 0.48"
OCEAN: 50° Total this year 8.06" 8.00" 9.66"
Normal 5.98" 6.05" 6.57"
Pollen: High Air Quality: Good Snow, past 24 hours 0.0" 0.0" 0.0"
Grass Low Dominant cause: Ozone Snow, season total 8.0" 11.7" 11.3"
Trees High
Weeds Low UV: Low Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Low 1 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 6:34 a.m. 6:05 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, partly sunny. High 57 to 62. Winds Moon 3:27 a.m. 12:22 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Mar 10 Mar 16 Mar 25 Apr 1
west–southwest 7–14 mph. Tonight, patchy clouds. Low Yesterday's National World
New First Full Last
Venus 5:39 a.m. 4:06 p.m.
44 to 48. Winds south–southwest 4–8 mph. Wednesday, High: College Station, TX 85° High: Kano, Nigeria 112° Mars 5:23 a.m. 3:36 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Daniel, WY –23° Low: Mould Bay, Canada –48° Jupiter 9:00 a.m. 10:43 p.m.
periods of rain. High 47 to 51. Winds east 4–8 mph. for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 6:29 a.m. 5:36 p.m.
Thursday, a couple of showers.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 57/34/c 59/38/pc Oklahoma City 63/42/s 66/54/c WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 68/44/pc 69/51/c Rio de Janeiro 89/78/t 85/76/t
Atlantic beaches: Today, mostly cloudy. Rain; in the Detroit 63/38/r 52/36/pc Omaha 59/30/c 62/38/pc Addis Ababa 75/56/sh 76/57/sh Istanbul 57/46/sh 52/40/c Riyadh 81/54/pc 78/62/sh
morning in central parts, any time in the north, and dry in Albany, NY 49/41/r 59/37/r El Paso 73/50/pc 70/55/c Orlando 82/68/t 82/63/t Amsterdam 50/38/r 52/38/sh Jerusalem 66/49/s 63/47/pc Rome 61/44/pc 60/40/sh
the south. High 54 to 66. Winds south–southwest 10–20 Albuquerque 65/37/s 61/40/c Fairbanks, AK 28/9/c 27/2/c Philadelphia 54/45/r 60/49/r Athens 62/47/pc 63/48/s Johannesburg 86/65/s 90/66/c San Salvador 88/66/s 88/68/s
mph. Tonight, mostly cloudy. Low 46 to 50. Winds south– Anchorage 31/24/sn 35/21/c Fargo, ND 36/23/sn 42/21/sn Phoenix 76/54/pc 77/52/pc Auckland 70/59/sh 70/56/pc Kabul 37/27/c 41/26/c Santiago 90/53/s 88/53/s
southeast 6–12 mph. Atlanta 64/59/r 73/53/r Hartford, CT 49/44/r 58/46/r Pittsburgh 74/53/pc 59/40/r Baghdad 74/49/pc 78/57/s Kingston, Jam. 86/77/sh 85/76/sh Sarajevo 57/37/c 55/39/sh
Austin 89/51/pc 80/61/c Honolulu 81/70/sh 81/70/sh Portland, ME 43/37/r 53/39/c Bangkok 100/81/pc 101/80/pc Kolkata 89/67/s 87/66/pc Seoul 52/33/sh 53/33/s
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, a little morning rain, mostly Baltimore 61/45/r 57/46/r Houston 86/65/pc 82/63/pc Portland, OR 49/31/c 48/35/pc Beijing 41/27/s 50/26/pc Kyiv 48/33/pc 38/27/c Shanghai 56/44/r 53/35/pc
cloudy. Wind northwest 6–12 knots becoming south. Waves 1–2 Billings, MT 38/23/c 41/20/sf Indianapolis 65/45/r 58/38/pc Providence, RI 50/46/r 53/42/r Berlin 45/31/pc 48/36/c Lagos 91/80/pc 91/80/c Singapore 87/78/t 88/79/t
feet. • Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, a little morning Birmingham 67/58/t 75/53/c Jackson, MS 74/58/t 79/53/pc Raleigh, NC 75/55/pc 65/50/r Bogota 72/48/pc 74/45/pc Lima 82/72/pc 82/72/pc Stockholm 34/25/c 40/23/s
rain, cloudy. Wind southwest 6–12 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on the Bismarck, ND 31/19/sn 33/12/sf Jacksonville, FL 76/65/t 81/58/r Reno, NV 52/31/sn 51/30/c Brussels 49/35/r 51/37/pc Lisbon 59/42/pc 59/51/c Sydney 78/66/pc 83/72/pc
Boise 40/28/sn 42/22/s Kansas City, MO 59/37/pc 61/44/s Richmond 69/51/r 62/49/r Buenos Aires 75/64/s 77/68/s London 53/35/pc 54/37/pc Taipei City 90/62/s 66/54/r
Lower Potomac; 1–3 feet on the Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The
Boston 46/44/r 55/40/r Las Vegas 68/49/pc 68/50/pc Sacramento 62/44/c 63/45/c Cairo 80/58/s 73/57/s Madrid 54/36/s 58/42/pc Tehran 52/39/pc 57/44/s
stage at Little Falls will be around 5.20 feet today, falling to 5.00 Buffalo 68/43/c 46/34/r Little Rock 79/55/t 70/55/s St. Louis 58/42/sh 62/46/s Manila 93/76/s 94/77/pc Tokyo 45/40/r 49/39/r
Caracas 77/67/s 77/68/s
Wednesday. Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 51/41/r 47/34/r Los Angeles 65/48/pc 63/50/t St. Thomas, VI 83/74/sh 84/75/sh Copenhagen 42/36/pc 42/32/c Mexico City 84/52/s 86/53/s Toronto 61/39/r 45/31/pc
Charleston, SC 75/63/pc 73/56/r Louisville 68/53/r 62/46/c Salt Lake City 49/39/pc 53/39/c Dakar 79/67/pc 78/66/pc Montreal 55/39/pc 42/33/r Vienna 57/38/pc 56/38/s
Charleston, WV 77/55/sh 58/45/r Memphis 73/55/t 70/54/pc San Diego 65/52/pc 63/53/t Dublin 52/38/pc 50/44/pc Moscow 33/11/c 30/11/sn Warsaw 43/40/c 45/25/s
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 73/56/c 67/49/r Miami 82/73/t 82/67/t San Francisco 62/49/c 62/48/c Edinburgh 52/37/c 52/33/pc Mumbai 87/69/s 89/70/pc
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 2:52 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 3:08 p.m. 10:41 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 40/25/pc 51/27/pc Milwaukee 45/35/pc 44/34/s San Juan, PR 85/73/pc 86/73/pc Frankfurt 51/37/c 53/38/c Nairobi 79/62/t 80/60/t sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 48/37/r 51/36/pc Minneapolis 48/28/pc 53/37/pc Seattle 46/29/pc 45/32/c New Delhi 73/52/s 74/54/pc sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 6:04 a.m. 1:08 p.m. 7:31 p.m. none Geneva 49/35/sh 48/32/c
Cincinnati 67/50/r 56/42/r Nashville 67/56/r 67/48/c Spokane, WA 39/22/c 40/21/pc Oslo 41/27/pc 39/27/pc Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 2:35 a.m. 9:06 a.m. 2:55 p.m. 9:01 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 70/64/pc 70/65/s Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 71/41/t 46/37/r New Orleans 76/63/t 78/63/pc Syracuse 58/45/pc 54/36/r Helsinki 36/13/s 38/19/pc Ottawa 62/39/pc 43/30/r quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 4:22 a.m. 11:04 a.m. 4:48 p.m. 10:58 p.m. Dallas 78/53/pc 79/62/c New York City 51/48/r 56/49/r Tampa 81/69/c 78/65/t Ho Chi Minh City 97/77/pc 99/79/pc Paris 48/39/sh 51/36/pc * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 1:23 a.m. 8:46 a.m. 4:08 p.m. 8:43 p.m. Denver 48/32/pc 57/31/pc Norfolk 66/49/c 63/54/r Wichita 60/35/s 62/46/s Hong Kong 79/71/r 75/61/r Prague 46/37/sh 48/36/c measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

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tuesday, march 5, 2024 EZ RE

The Colorado congresswoman moved after a messy divorce.

Will the change do her good?


In ‘Dune: Part both ending

Two,’ a hunk and enduring,
of scary villainy as book fodder
from Butler For a brief period of time
this month, i started to
BY S ONIA R AO wonder whether i was
the only female essayist
it is Feyd-rautha Harkonnen’s birth- in America who was not
day, and his uncle has the perfect gift: either getting or
three drugged prisoners to pummel to Monica considering a divorce.
death, a fun, low-stakes ego boost for a Hesse leslie Jamison’s new
sadistic boy. But as he begins to fight the memoir, “splinters,”
men, it becomes clear one of them hasn’t recounts how the
actually been subdued. The task now unraveling of her relationship coincided
requires some work, and he relishes in with the birth of her daughter. Emily
the savagery. Gould’s union didn’t end, but came
Who do you cast to play this sci-fi awfully close — in an intimate article
villain, heir to the menacing Harkonnen for New York Magazine a few weeks
house in Frank Herbert’s intergalactic ago, she chronicles a painful and
epic “dune”? david lynch took a big prolonged separation. By the end, she
swing in his maligned 1984 film with and her husband have moved toward
sting, the Police frontman who played reconciliation, but it’s millimeter-by-
Feyd with fiery red hair and those millimeter and day-by-day.
winged leather underpants. denis Ville- “This American Ex-Wife,” a blistering
neuve, who on Friday released the new book by lyz lenz, is partly a
second part of his adaptation, turned to memoir and partly an exultation of
Austin Butler. divorce itself, meant to empower
Butler? The guy who couldn’t unstick certain women to leave the certain
his Elvis accent after playing the king of kinds of husbands who are
rock and roll in Baz luhrmann’s extrava- disempowering them. in the passage i
gant 2022 biopic? Well, sure. if there saw most cited online — as in, Oh God,
were a prerequisite to taking on a can you imagine? — lenz describes how
character as relentless as Feyd — a she spent years thinking she was flighty
singularly bloodthirsty villain in this and forgetful because some of her most
universe of profit-seekers and prophets beloved possessions (clothing, coffee
— it would be commitment to the bit. sTEPhEn sPERanZa FoR ThE WashinGTon PosT
mugs) kept going missing. Then one
And Butler has shown he will give a role day, prepping for a garage sale in the

Boebert’s literal
his all. basement, she found all her treasures in
in “dune: Part Two,” that involves a box. it turned out her husband hadn’t
appearing bald with gnarly black teeth liked them, she writes, and his solution
and no eyebrows — the trademark was to hide them from her while
Harkonnen look, and one Butler manag- making jokes about how she was
es to imbue with an unsettling sexiness. scatterbrained.

shift to the right

He might not be as ruthless as his uncle That actually wasn’t the relationship-
— the lumpy baron Vladimir Harkonnen ender, though. The final straw, she
(stellan skarsgard), whose frequent writes, occurred when she came home
baths do not seem to have relaxed him from a work trip to find a bag of
one bit — but Feyd is still a bad, bad garbage on a bench near the back door.
man. Brutality earns him higher stand- This was a recurring fight: her husband
ing in the Harkonnen clan, and Feyd would empty the kitchen trash but
maintains a dead-eyed stare — except never actually take it outside. it would
for when he nears his kill. He betrays B EN T ERRIS iN WiNdsor, Colo. sit on the indoor bench, reeking, until

little humanity while slaughtering his lenz caved and finished the job herself.
former lovers, to say nothing of those This time the bag had tipped over and
standing in the way of his family’s n a recent February afternoon, rep. lauren Boebert’s (r-Colo.) campaign the trash was all over the floor. it had
throne. manager walked into a coffee shop for a gathering of the Pachyderm Club, a been decaying there for God knows how
Butler earned an oscar nomination long, and lenz decided that she could
for his breakout role in “Elvis” following local republican group, and spoke briefly on behalf of his candidate. Boebert not stay in a marriage where she had to
a barrage of stories about the extreme wasn’t there herself; she was back in her old district, figuring out whether her be in charge of the trash even while
measures he took to play the troubled traveling on business, where her spouse
singer. He said he didn’t see his family ex-husband had thrown her belongings into a pond. ¶ That morning, Boebert acted as though a chore was beneath
for three years — some of which over- had driven to her old house to retrieve the last of her things from a farmhouse on their him but not beneath her.
lapped with the pandemic — and “had “it soon became clear,” lenz writes,
months where i wouldn’t talk to any- property, which she’d moved into as their marriage began to fall apart. He still lived in the about the moment she determined that
body, and when i did, the only thing i main house and, according to Boebert, when she called him ahead of her arrival, he told her her relationship was holding her back
was ever thinking about was Elvis.” He rather than supporting her, “i could be
told GQ he was rushed to the hospital she could find her stuff “at the bottom of the pond.” That turned out not to be true, but he successful, or i could be married.”
after wrapping the project: “My body had removed her stuff and put it into a storage trailer without her consent, she said. Boebert Gould’s husband had good
just started shutting down the day after i intentions, she writes, but he also had
finished ‘Elvis,’” he recalled. “The next called the police and got a temporary restraining order. (Jayson Boebert’s lawyers did not the steady job while she worked
day i woke up at 4 in the morning with respond to multiple requests for comment.) freelance. it made sense for him to
sEE boebert oN c2
excruciating pain.” pursue his career while she ran the
As far as anyone knows, Butler did not home and squeezed her own career in
contract a mysterious virus on “dune: around the edges. At least, that’s what
Part Two.” He noted in a recent interview she told herself, until all the home-
sEE perspective oN c8 sEE hesse oN c8

Paris fashion week some began walking, then turned back,

as if to say, “Why am i even doing this,

An explosion of creativity anyway?”

Comme shows are intellectual play-
grounds: You come in and your mind

brought fashion to life in Paris turns on, asked to travel and probe. i
thought about the way people — especial-
ly women — are their own worst critics.
some live in their own reality, which is
BY R ACHEL T ASHJIAN pered with antagonism: leather jacket what brings us imagination and new
sleeves became panniers; a top of ruffled ideas; it keeps them from seeing what
PARIS — rei Kawakubo is angry. bulges looked like boxing gloves, worn everyone else sees. That can be especially
Backstage, the Commes des Garçons over a sparkly and hairy skirt; a dress of painful when you don’t think you’re at
chieftain and sphinx said she is angry at flaps looked like so many discarded ideas your best. You tell me this is good, but i
the world, but also at herself, “because i of dresses bunched together, with the feel something entirely different. The
feel i can’t design anymore,” she said model holding out a pair of flaps as if she dissonance is frustrating. of course, the
through a translator, husband Adrian were preparing to curtsy in court. A dress power of this show is that you can (and
Joffe, who is the president of Comme des of black and olive would be the perfect should) discuss the show with five other
Garçons and CEo of dover street Market. oscars ensemble for a really daring gen- people, and get five other interpreta-
Her mouth was set in a queenly moue. ius. tions. This is invention at its finest.
is there anything she still believes in? Her models walked erratically: one Creativity is surging in Paris. “i’m sick
“No,” she said. paused mid-runway to ball up her fists of these wearable clothes for women,” a
Kawakubo’s was one of her finest and stomp her feet, others stopped and fashion editor practically spat as we left
collections in recent memory. The shapes bent to front-row attendees with menace. Comme. What he meant was the “ward-
shrank, moving close to the body but Were they intimidating the powers that Jonas GusTavsson FoR ThE WashinGTon PosT robe dressing” of the past year or so that
maintaining their push and pull between be? Asking the attendees what business A model walks on the catwalk at the comme des Garcons show, one of the has dominated runways, giving us polite
historical and vernacular dress, tem- they had, thinking this was fashion? highlights of fashion month so far. sEE fAshion oN c8
C2 ez re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

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phoToS by STephen Speranza For The WaShingTon poST

Rep. Lauren boebert, top left, and Jerry Sonnenberg, above left,
both of whom are vying for Colorado’s 4th congressional district
seat, at the Weld County Republican Party Dinner in Greeley.

BUY 2 ‘I needed to get

WINDOWS away,’ Boebert
GET 2 says about move
FREE Offer valid until 3/31/24
boebeRt from C1 electable raises the question of whether
republicans might want a different kind of
Last year, dealing with a messy divorce and politician as a neighbor than they want as a
a real threat of being tossed out of the U.S. president.
House by fed-up voters in Colorado’s western “I think she’s a great representative of my
slope, the far-right congresswoman decided values, but is she a great representative of the
to relocate to a more conservative district on district?” said Bryan mannlein — a Boebert
the other side of the mountains. “I needed to fan who had driven 20 miles through the
get away,” she told The Washington Post in an snow to see her speak — echoing a statement
interview. “Absolutely away. I didn’t want to repeated in various interviews across the
even be in the same county as him. It just was state. “Is she just doing this to hold onto a
not healthy, obviously.” job? Why did she move?”
She landed in the town of Windsor, a

four-hour drive east, and moved into the first hen Boebert was 4 years old, her
house that struck her fancy (“I’m very impul- mother, Shawna Bentz, took her on a
sive,” she said). She found a local charter Greyhound bus from florida to Colo-
school for her boys and has been looking for rado to stay with a man they barely knew.
the kind of church that wouldn’t mind her Before long they were back in florida,
rowdiness. moving in with a different boyfriend, only to
“People were freaking out about me danc- quickly head back to live with the Colorado
ing in the seat at ‘Beetlejuice,’” she said, man.
referring to an incident, caught on a security “my mom could be, in a word, ‘flighty,’”
camera, in which the congresswoman was Boebert wrote in her memoir, “my American
escorted from a Denver theater after vaping Life.” “Perhaps that is where my need for
and getting handsy with a male companion. adventure originates from.”
You shouldn’t have to overpay for windows “Well, they should see me in church.” Her mom could also be, in a word, lenient.
It’s a chance at a fresh start, but there are “She’s basically never had a leash on her,”
take advantage of this limited-time offer. some things she’s not ready to leave behind. Bentz said of Boebert in an interview. “She’s
Like being a congresswoman. still the same way, never leashed down.”
Her new district is red enough that whoev- Bentz, who became a mom at 18, some-
A Great Fit er wins the republican primary in June is
expected to prevail in November, and as a
times acted more like a big sister than a
parental figure, and today she and Boebert
quasi-incumbent with a national profile, call each other their “best friend.” Neither
Our experience installers are local, so your Boebert, 37, became a top contender for the Bentz nor her daughter knows the identity of
windows are fitted perfectly by someone who nomination as soon as she arrived. This has
complicated the Welcome Wagon: Her new
Boebert’s father. Bentz said the closest they
ever came to finding out was when Boebert
knows what’s needed in your area. GoP opponents — there are about nine of took a DNA test and found out that she was
them (the number fluctuates depending on “part whatever Jesus was.”
the day) — are keen to label her a carpetbag- “That’s good enough for me,” Bentz re-
ger with too much baggage. And members of members telling her daughter. “Jesus is the
Precision manufacturing Boebert’s own team had expressed concerns
about how the move from her old district
only father you need.”
After the permanent move out west, the
might look to voters: the mAGA warrior Colorado man became Boebert’s stepfather.
Ensures your windows will open and close running away from a tough fight with a They moved into an Aurora apartment,
smoothly, lock tightly, and stay put every time Democrat. (Her campaign says there was a
“robust internal discussion” but everybody’s
followed by an Aurora house, and then — as
the family grew — to the montbello neighbor-
even in emergencies. now fully onboard with the move.) hood of Denver. Things were tricky in mont-
“I’m not dumb,” Boebert said. “I knew all bello. Bentz said she pulled Boebert out of her
the attacks that would come my way. But I middle school after having problems with a
talked to God, I asked ‘How do I address this? teacher, and one day Boebert was jumped by
Will this be perceived that I’m not fighting?’ classmates on the street and bloodied up.
Built-in quality And God said, ‘Do you have more faith in your Seeking a safer option, they moved to rifle, a
ability to fight or my ability to open a door?’” town in western Colorado that Boebert would
Every window has a 50-point factory inspection It was the day after the Pond Scare, and call home for years.
and a 20-point installation inspection so your Boebert was sitting at the Wide open Saloon
ahead of a campaign event in her new
Home was not necessarily a sanctuary,
though. In her book, Boebert writes that the
windows will work properly for years. district. She had traveled through a blizzard Colorado man was abusive to her mother,
to get back here, passing abandoned cars on yelling at her and slapping her around. It
the side of the road. She wore a belted Stetson took years, until Boebert had moved out
hat and bold red lipstick, and marveled at herself, before Bentz finally left him.
how many people had braved the weather to Bentz says now that she wasn’t as good at see her speak. being a mother as Boebert was at being a
Get your FREE These were her people — a few dozen folks
who like to talk about how there are only two
daughter. “I told her a couple of weeks ago
that I am so thankful that she’s so strong and
For MD 301.329.5216 genders and one rightful president. Some of I don’t have to see the things that should be
quote today! 888.815.1674 them wore shirts from Shooters Grill, Boe- bothering her,” Bentz said. “I don’t think I
For VA 703.543.9684 bert’s old gun-themed restaurant where serv-
ers carried trays in their hands and firearms
could handle it. And she said, ‘mom, that’s
why I disappear sometimes and you don’t
on their hips. They cheered when Boebert hear from me.’”
bragged about carrying a loaded Glock pistol As a teenager Boebert listened to Eminem,
through the halls of Congress, and again and she recalls earning the respect of her
Offer Valid on Potomac and Imperial LS Models. 4 Window Minimum. Cannot be combined with when she spoke about being a leading peers by participating in rap battles after
any other offer. Excludes Labor. Financing offers a no payment - no interest feature (during the advocate for the long-shot effort to impeach school. She even wrote a rap about Eminem
“promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on President Biden. for a contest to appear on the mTV show
your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures, and If recent political history has taught us “fANatic,” where fans meet their idols. It was
you will not have to pay a monthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay
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anything, it’s that republican voters can be “amazing” work, according to her mom, but
charges. You may also prepay your account at any time without penalty. Financing is subject extremely tolerant of flawed, attention-hun- Bentz never actually submitted it. “I wasn’t
to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms gry politicians who ignore rules and don’t the kind of mom to do whatever you had to do
advertised are estimates only. Normal late charges apply once the promotional period has ended. play well with others. But while a lot of to make things happen,” she said, “so I never
281957403 MC MHIC #124358, VA #2705-109436A, DC #420212000037 unlikely figures have risen in the party by did anything with it. But I still make her sing
defending Donald Trump’s outrageous be- it to me today.” (When asked by The Post
havior, the Trump-like antics voters will about this, the congresswoman claimed she
tolerate in other GoP politicians has been couldn’t remember any bars. “Was never
less consistent. recorded,” Boebert said in a text. “maybe a
In Colorado, Boebert’s attempt to remain really good thing!”)
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post ez re C3

phoToS by STephen Speranza For The WaShingTon poST

She never finished high school, dropping keep away with the House speaker’s gavel. As strange as it may sound, Boebert is avannah Wolfson, a former Boebert vol-
out after getting pregnant with her and “Some folks out on the trail, even when they occupying the role of Washington insider. unteer who used to live in Boebert’s old
Jayson’s eldest son. But Capitol Hill is its own run for president, don’t quite have half the She was, according to Gaetz, the first person district, said in a phone interview that
kind of high school, and Boebert came to sparkle Lauren does,” Gaetz said. to suggest that Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) the drama fatigue had set in among some
Washington with Mean Girl energy. Along- Boebert’s “sparkle” is, of course, beside the would make a good speaker of the House. supporters long before the “Beetlejuice” inci-
side fellow MAGA bully Rep. Marjorie Taylor point to anyone worried about the MAGA Earlier this month, Speaker Johnson re- dent.
Greene (R-Ga.), Boebert interrupted assem- threat to reproductive and LGBTQ rights, turned the favor by endorsing her and Wolfson said that last year she and some of
blies (heckling Biden during the State of the democratic institutions, climate policy or showing up to one of her Washington her friends had noticed Boebert had been
Union), name-called their classmates (refer- the nature of truth itself. If Trump wins back fundraisers. Boebert’s move from fringe posting “weird” pictures on Facebook that
ring to a group of their liberal colleagues as the White House, his and his allies’ ambi- candidate to a member of the Republican looked like she was “constantly at frat parties.”
“The Jihad Squad”), and fought among them- tions reportedly include radically reshaping establishment doesn’t mean that she’s One of her friends decided to text Boebert with
selves over who should get to try to impeach the federal workforce in his image, sending changed — it means the establishment has. a warning: I don’t know if this is the road you
Biden first (“You’ve been nothing but a little the Justice Department after his enemies, Trump is the GOP standard-bearer, MAGA want to go down, Wolfson said paraphrasing
b---- to me,” Greene snapped at Boebert on the using the Insurrection Act to crack down on is mainstream, and the main dividing line in the text.
House floor, according to reporting by the political protests and initiating militarized the party is between conservatives who “She just responded with a kissy face emoji,”
Daily Beast. “And you copied my articles of mass deportations. support and defend Trump happily and said Wolfson.
impeachment after I asked you to co-sponsor Running against fellow conservatives in those who do so unhappily. It felt, Wolfson said, like Boebert was saying
them.”) her new district, rather than against a “bye, b----” to the people who helped elect her

Boebert said she and Greene “never had a ABOVE: Boebert Democrat in her old one, means that Boebert y father used to tell me that I was in the first place.
personal relationship whatsoever,” and is poses for a portrait. — one of Trump’s most loyal supporters — born 100 years too late.” “She has a bad reputation with her volun-
happy to try to differentiate herself from her BELOW: will not have to answer to voters who are Jerry Sonnenberg, the man many teers at this point,” Wolfson continued. “She
Georgia colleague. Lately she has been talking Sonnenberg, worried about that stuff. Republicans here believe to be Boebert’s biggest competitor for just kind of uses you and then leaves.”
about a bill she sponsored, the Pueblo Jobs pictured at his are broadly onboard with Trump’s plans for the seat, lives in a one-story ranch house, Boebert has tried framing her move as good
Act, that got folded into the National Defense ranch in Sterling, America. (They are, in a word, lenient.) On situated on 4,000 acres of wheat fields and for everyone except the libs: Leaving a com-
Authorization Act and signed into law by ranks among Saturday, Trump offered what could be a cattle pastures, that has belonged to his petitive seat would stop the flow of “Holly-
Biden, bringing as many as 1,000 jobs to her Colorado’s most Deus ex MAGA, throwing his “Complete and family since 1937. wood” money into elections in her old district,
old district. conservative Total” support behind Boebert on the social Sonnenberg has lived here almost all of where Democratic donors nationwide sense
“I don’t get loud to hear myself talk or just politicians, but media platform Truth Social. “If someone his life, except for a few brief sojourns, like that a well-funded candidate could have
to be heard,” she said. “I do it to be effective stylistically, he’s far gets Trump’s endorsement,” Holtorf had said when he moved to California in the 1970s to bumped her off.
and have an end goal. Everything I do, I do more staid than in an interview before the endorsement, pursue a career as a baseball umpire. He is But the biggest thing, she said, is that she
with a purpose.” Boebert. “this race is probably over.” opposed to the idea of moving. Instead he’s wanted to get away from Jayson, with whom
“Lauren has went through a lot in the past in a constant cycle of rehabbing his house. things had gotten particularly nasty since
year,” Greene told The Post in a statement. Much to his wife’s chagrin, he’s been in the their divorce. In early January, Jayson was
“She faces many challenges ahead, like how middle of a bathroom renovation for six arrested after an argument with Boebert got
to get people to vote for her in the new years. unruly at a restaurant. He accused her of
district.” Once, Sonnenberg was pulled over for punching him in the face, authorities cleared
driving 65 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone. her of wrongdoing and he was charged with

few hours after finishing her event at In those days, if you were pulled over with an disorderly conduct after refusing to leave.
the Wide Open Saloon, Boebert found out-of-state license you had to post a bond. Jayson was charged a second time a few weeks
herself in what appeared to be a large Sonnenberg had a California license, but not later after a physical altercation with their
cafeteria, trying to figure out where to sit. $100. 18-year-old son, Tyler, in which Jayson had
“Picking a table can be like getting in a hot And so, during a recent debate with his grabbed a rifle after the teenager called the
tub,” she said. “You worry that maybe your fellow candidates, he had raised his hand authorities.
presence will send everybody out if you’re when the moderator asked how many people Her opponents note that it would have been
not vibing.” onstage had been arrested. (Six of the nine possible for Boebert to get away from Jayson
This was the Washington County Lincoln candidates present had been, including Boe- without abandoning her current constituency.
Day Dinner, and after grabbing a seat with bert, who was arrested for disorderly con- You could drive six hours, from Grand Junc-
members of her campaign staff, Boebert duct at a music festival in 2015 and again tion to Pueblo, and still be in the 3rd district.
sneaked to the back of the room to eat vanilla after skipping a court date for a careless And some of them have questioned whether
ice cream and gossip about her primary driving infraction.) her decision to remain in the limelight is the
opponents, some of whom were also in “My wife was like, ‘Why did you raise your best thing for her boys right now. (Last week,
attendance. hand? You weren’t really arrested!’” Sonnen- Tyler made headlines after being arrested and
There was Richard Holtorf, an antiabor- berg said, sitting on a leather couch in his charged with 22 counts including vehicle
tion state representative who had recently living room while his wife, Vonnie, graded trespass, property thefts and criminal posses-
been in the news for saying he had once paid her middle school students’ math tests on a sion of ID documents.)
for a girlfriend’s abortion so she could live nearby table. “And the truth was, I wasn’t, Boebert said she has contemplated receding
her best life. “He kept telling me this was his but I spent part of the night in jail. … I didn’t from public life — the way anyone, especially
backyard,” Boebert said. “So how come he’s want to not raise my hand and then have someone with kids, might consider quitting
wearing two name tags?” There was Ted someone dig that up and call me a liar.” their job, but said she thinks it’s important for
Harvey, a Trump-aligned political consultant In important ways, Sonnenberg isn’t very her to continue fighting in Washington to keep
who has, in the past, gotten heat for operat- different from Boebert. As a longtime state the country safe and free for her family.
ing a political action committee that raised representative he was always ranked as one The move, she said, has been “liberating.”
millions of dollars and then spent most of it of the most conservative politicians in Colo- She now has a chance to be the best version of
on operating costs. “He’s been a grifter for 10 rado. He has a house full of guns, is herself — which, to be clear, will be just like the
years,” Boebert said. (Harvey later called this vehemently antiabortion, and won’t say a old version.
comment “desperate” and “unfounded” and bad word about Trump. But stylistically, “The only difference I perceive is that I’m
said his “record speaks for itself.”) Candidate Sonnenberg is pretty much Boebert’s oppo- not weighted down and afraid someone is
Mike Lynch, the former state House minority site. He’s an avuncular pol who calls himself going to be mad at me at the end of the day,”
leader who had stepped down over a 2022 a “coalition builder,” and is so anti-drama Boebert said of her new life. “I can have a
arrest for driving and having a gun while that even his reason for spending time in jail thousand people come and tell me how much
intoxicated, was nowhere in sight. “I hope is boring. they love me, and say ‘Thank you so much.’
he’s not in the clink,” snarked Boebert “I liken myself to a workhorse rather than And if I don’t get it from the one person I’m
between bites of ice cream. a show horse,” Sonnenberg said. But is there really needing it from, then I feel like, you
In politics as in the back of a classroom, even room for such a thing in today’s know, maybe I’m not doing enough.”
Mean Girl energy can seem fun when you’re Republican Party? It’s possible that he’s as There are a lot of different ways to look at
not the one in the crosshairs. Part of what antiquated as the actual workhorses, Finale Boebert’s move. You could see it as a necessary
Boebert’s die-hard supporters love about her and Fred, he keeps on his farm. They are big, step for a divorcee to cope with a legitimately
is her penchant for cracking on others (and beautiful Belgian drafters, around 2,000 harrowing family ordeal. You could see it as a
herself ), and for bringing them in on the pounds of muscle, the kind of horses that strategically convenient way for a politician
joke. used to plow the fields but now have no real who enjoys power and status to avoid losing it.
“She’s fun,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla) a use on a modern farm. You could see it as a way for someone who
close ally of Boebert’s. In early 2023, Gaetz, “If we have a problem as Republicans in grew up without a leash to slip out of some
Boebert and a clique of Republican trouble- Congress, we need to lock ourselves in a room unwelcome restraints.
makers ganged up on then-Rep. Kevin Mc- and solve the problem,” he said, “rather than Maybe it’s as simple as this: She moved so
Carthy (R-Calif.) for a humiliating game of embarrass ourselves across the country.” she doesn’t have to change.
C4 EZ RE the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

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I want to celebrate my That is how the traditional

engagement party used to work:
The parents threw a party and
dine. I’m happy to do this, but
just curious about protocol.
But they are not obliged to serve
it, and you are not obliged to
bring it in the first place.
Are you planning to be part of
this marriage? Or are you only
the couple’s jeweler? Perhaps the

pregnancy without gifts then announced the

engagement by offering a toast
to the new couple. Presents for
Bringing wine was never
required. Traditionally, it was
even considered somewhat
Dear Miss Manners: A friend of
mine has been engaged for
couple sees that ring as
symbolizing the welcome return
of the harmony of their early
an engagement were not insulting, as if the host could not months. Then she and her fiancé engagement. Or as a rock that
Dear Miss party? It’s not a shower; it’s not customary. They do seem to be be counted on to provide a had a misunderstanding and he remains solid despite any
Miss Manners: I’m a gender reveal. What is a name now, as at every self-celebration. decent drink. Flowers or candy asked for the ring back. She troubles. In any case, Miss
Manners pregnant and for this party that conveys the But if you announce your were the usual choices. returned it. He has since found Manners does not consider
JudIth want to have a purpose without being clunky? pregnancy at a party, people will But Miss Manners the error of his ways and gave pressing your unpleasant theory
MartIN, party celebrating protest that if they had known, understands why you thought her the ring again. of The Tainted Ring to be an act
JacobINa this new stage in Why do people believe that they would have brought you otherwise, now that guests I say she needs a new ring, or of friendship.
MartIN aNd life. I do not want parties have to have names? something. Never mind — your assume that they must at least an altered one — have
NIcholas any gifts. I do not Probably because the name object of a non-gimmicky, non- contribute to the actual meals in that one remounted or somehow New Miss Manners columns are
Ivor MartIN want the burden suggests that presents are due. greedy celebration will have their hosts’ homes. Bringing changed. After all, he wouldn’t posted Monday through Saturday on
of hosting to fall But that is not your intention, been achieved. wine — if not a course of the use a ring he had first given to You can
on another person. I definitely and there is no such need. You dinner — has become someone else. I say when he send questions to Miss Manners at
do not want to do a gimmicky can just invite people over for a Dear Miss Manners: I’m newly commonplace, even though it asked for it back, it terminated her website, You
“gender reveal.” I just want to good time, and if you have sober — a long time coming — may not go with the food and the contract of marriage, and can also follow her
host a party celebrating this something to celebrate, you can and wondering if it’s still may not be enough for the therefore this is a new @RealMissManners.
moment. create a sensation by required to bring a bottle of number of guests. It makes hosts engagement and needs a new
What on earth do I call this announcing it to them there. wine when I’ve been invited to feel they must serve it anyway. ring. Who is right? © 2024 Judith Martin


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The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: • Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon • Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon • Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon • Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call Jason Samuel at 202-334-4776.
To reach a representative, call: 202-334-7006 | 22-0776
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C5

Should reader let friends know she was unaware of her ex-husband’s crimes?
Dear Amy: I was that these crimes impacted many your own words and writing Dear Amy: My godson is getting also offer many other important weeks of solitude, away from her
Ask Amy so sad and people far and wide. down the story you want others married soon and since he and reproductive health services to husband. Your answer was
Amy embarrassed to I am now wondering whether to know. But for now, do this only his fiancé live in a small women. If you don’t condemn terrible!
Dickinson learn that my ex- I should remain silent about my for yourself. I don’t think it is apartment, they are not listed on this couple’s stand on abortion, Marriage is about being
husband was departure from the marriage, or wise to publicly note any details any bridal registry. However on then surely you wouldn’t together. Do I sometimes want to
involved in take a few proactive measures to about your ex-husband’s crimes, their wedding website, they condemn their choice to donate be away from my husband of
corporate crimes during the time share with those that were once until these crimes are completely suggest that if guests want to their own money toward four decades? Of course! But
we were married. One of two in our common circle of friends settled through the courts and make a donation to honor their supporting a clinic. And if you we’re married. You never even
cases and the related court and colleagues that I was neither you receive current and wedding, to give their gift to a give them money for their took her husband’s wishes into
dockets and evidence reveal aware nor would I have ever competent legal advice directed local clinic that performs wedding gift, this money will no account.
participation in a complex condoned such illicit and only to you. The last thing you abortions. longer be your money, but their — Upset
scheme that resulted in the predatory acts. From what I am want to do is to somehow I do not condemn their choice money, to spend as they choose.
plaintiff company being awarded reading, a divorce from a white- accidentally ensnare or implicate of being pro-abortion, but to In lieu of cash, you could give Upset: My answer offered several
a huge settlement. collar criminal is often perceived yourself in the situation you are place that on their wedding them your Aunt Bertha’s old ways for her and her husband to
I quietly left the marriage and as a means for the wife to protect trying to maintain your distance invitation is beyond my belief. I gravy boat, but they could then work this out, so, of course, she
took a work assignment halfway her interests, all the while from. will not give to an abortion clinic turn around and sell it and needs to discuss this with him
across the country to escape my standing by her man. Your actual friends know you (my choice). I was planning on donate the proceeds. My point is and take his wishes into account.
former husband’s erratic For better or for worse, I am and understand your situation. giving them a wedding check that you don’t have the right to
behavior, irresponsibility, and not that person, and I am The people in your former circle and will be upset if it goes to an control where the gift you give to Amy's column appears seven days a
terrible work ethic. I had no idea increasingly uncomfortable that who may have “perceptions” abortion clinic. them lands. A gift card to a local week at
he was committing crimes, in my this could be the perception. about your divorce? Didn’t you What should I do? restaurant or establishment that Write to
home and under my nose — a What should I do? leave these perceptions behind — Wedding Dilemma aligns with their interests (aside or Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
common scenario, as I now — Amy in SC when you left your previous life from abortion services) might Freeville, N.Y. 13068.  You can also
understand it, when it comes to behind? Because the fact is, you Dilemma: Many couples suggest make you feel better. follow her @askingamy.
wives of white-collar criminals. A Amy: Because you feel so did leave the marriage in order causes for their wedding guests
second corporate fraud case is strongly about this, you should to protect your own interests. to donate to in their honor. Dear Amy: “Modern Day Greta © 2024 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by
now on the docket. I am aware claim your own narrative, using And — good for you. Clinics offering abortion services Garbo” expressed the desire for Tribune Content Agency.

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

DISTRICT Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

- To the Hashira Training (R)
Land of Bad (R) CC: 1:00-9:50
Laapataa Ladies 9:45
Migration (PG) 11:35-2:05-
Regal Germantown
20000 Century Boulevard
Migration (PG) 1:10-6:50
Madame Web (PG-13) 11:50-
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
- To the Hashira Training (R)
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 10:00-
The Beekeeper (R) 4:55-7:40-
Wonka (PG) 1:40
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:30-
AMC Georgetown 14 12:40-6:20-9:00 Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 12:30- Land of Bad (R) 11:05-1:55-4:45- Joshua: Imai Pol Kaka 1:40- 2:45-5:40-8:30 1:00-2:15-6:30-9:15 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 11:00-1:45- Operation Valentine (Telugu) 12:00-12:30-1:00-1:30-2:30-
3111 K Street N.W. Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 4:40 3:30-6:30-9:30 7:35-10:25 5:00-8:20 Dune: Part Two - The IMAX Expe- Dune: Part Two (PG-13) OC: 3:45 4:45-7:45-10:45 11:35-3:10-6:45 3:30-4:00-4:30-5:00-5:30-6:30-
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 7:00 Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 1:05- Past Lives (PG-13) 7:15 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:20- rience (PG-13) 2:15-6:00-9:40 AMC Potomac Mills 18 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 10:45- The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 7:30-8:00-8:30-9:00
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: MARYLAND 3:30-7:25 Night Swim (PG-13) 2:15-8:05 3:40-6:40 Ordinary Angels (PG) 12:10-3:00- 2700 Potomac Mills Circle 11:30-12:00-1:00-3:00-3:45-5:15- 7-8 (PG) 12:20-4:10-8:00 Migration (PG) 11:10AM
2:25-6:00-9:35 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Laapataa Ladies 10:10 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:00- 6:10-9:00 6:30-7:00-8:00-9:30 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Madame Web (PG-13) 4:20-7:20
AFI Silver Theatre Wonka (PG) CC: 1:40-4:30-7:20- Yaiba - To the Hashira Training
Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 1:20- Cultural Center CC: 12:15-1:00-1:45-3:30-4:30- Ordinary Angels (PG) 11:25-3:15- 12:40-1:20-2:10-3:10-4:00-4:45- Drive-Away Dolls (R) 1:50-4:10- 10:10 Madame Web (PG-13) 11:15AM Ordinary Angels (PG) 11:25-
4:20-7:10-10:00 8633 Colesville Road 7:15-10:00 6:45-9:40 5:00-6:00-7:00-7:50-8:30-9:00 6:30-9:10 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (R) 2:25 12:20-3:15-6:10-9:05
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 7:00 - To the Hashira Training (R) Article 370 10:00
Poor Things (R) CC: 12:50-3:10- Operation Valentine (Telugu) The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 1:00 Migration (PG) 12:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Drive-Away Dolls (R) 5:40-8:15
Some Like It Hot (1959) (NR) 2:10 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
6:20-9:45 1:15-4:30-7:45 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 11:00- Drive-Away Dolls (R) 12:05-2:30- 11:40-2:20-8:10 1:00-5:00-9:00
10:30-4:30-10:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 1:15- Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) Argylle (PG-13) CC: 2:45-6:00- 4:50-7:40 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Argylle (PG-13) 2:30 - To the Hashira Training (R)
(NR) 6:45 7:50-10:10 Migration (PG) CC: 1:10-3:40 11:05-11:40-2:25-7:55
4:00-6:45-9:40 9:10 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 7-8 (PG) 2:10-6:40 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no 11:45-5:05-7:50-10:30 Argylle (PG-13) 4:40-8:10
Holiday 12:10 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 3:30- 12:35-3:20-8:55 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Yaiba - To the Hashira Training Dune: Part Two (PG-13) XD:
The Taste of Things (La passion 11:05-11:20-1:25-1:50-4:10-4:35- The Beekeeper (R) 6:15
de Dodin Bouffant) (PG-13) 5:30 Barbie (PG-13) OC: 4:40 6:15-9:45 Argylle (PG-13) 3:00-6:30 - To the Hashira Training (R) 3:10 3:50-6:40-9:45 (R) 1:30-7:30 11:30-12:15-3:15-4:00-7:00-7:45
Dune: Part Two 70mm (PG-13) 6:55-7:20-9:40-9:55-10:05 Lisa Frankenstein (PG-13) CC: All Of Us Strangers (R) 12:10-
Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 2:00- American Fiction (R) CC: 4:00 Argylle (PG-13) 11:00-4:50-10:40 Operation Valentine (Telugu) Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:00- Angelika Film Center Mosaic Medal of Honor Theater - 2:55
4:15-6:30-9:00 1:20-4:40-8:00 All Of Us Strangers (R) CC: 1:30 1:00-4:30-8:00 12:45-1:15-4:00-4:30-5:00-8:00- 5:30
Barbie (PG-13) 7:00 Operation Valentine (Telugu) Dune: Part Two - The IMAX 2911 District Ave NMMC The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes
Perfect Days (PG) CC: 1:10-6:50 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 4:15- 2:40-6:50-10:30 Stopmotion (R) 8:50 8:20-8:50 18900 Jefferson Davis Highway 7-8 (PG) 12:05
Past Lives (PG-13) 4:30-9:20 Experience (PG-13) CC: 2:00- Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 2:15
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 7:15-10:00 The Beekeeper (R) 11:00-1:45- The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 6:00-10:00 The Taste of Things (La passion We, the Marines (NR) 10:00- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no
CC: 2:10-4:45-10:00 2023 Oscar Nominated Short The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 7-8 (PG) 5:20 5:10
Films - Animation 11:45AM 4:30-7:15-10:00 Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 1:20- de Dodin Bouffant) (PG-13) 11:00-12:00-1:00-2:00-4:00 Yaiba - To the Hashira Training
Kiss the Future CC: 4:05 7-8 (PG) 3:45-7:30 Operation Valentine (Hindi) Chaari 111 12:50-4:10 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 1:30-7:30 (R) 2:35
2023 Oscar Nominated Short 4:10-7:00-9:50 Regal Ballston Quarter
Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:50-9:30 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 11:25-3:05 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - To the Hashira Training (R) Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 1:10- Drive-Away Dolls (R) 1:15-3:20- 671 North Glebe Road Article 370 11:20-2:40
Films - Live-Action 8:45 - To the Hashira Training (R) - To the Hashira Training (R) 12:20-6:20-9:15
American Fiction (R) CC: Mean Girls (PG-13) 11:15-2:10- 3:40-6:00-8:15-10:30 5:25-7:30 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no
4:00-6:40 The Taste of Things (La passion 12:40-6:15-9:15 12:10-5:50-8:40 Wonka (PG) 4:10
de Dodin Bouffant) (PG-13) 1:45 5:00 Xscape Theatres Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Perfect Days (PG) 1:45-4:30-7:20 Yaiba - To the Hashira Training
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba A Hip Hop Story CC: 7:10-9:45 Article 370 2:00 Brandywine 14 Dune: Part Two (PG-13)
Peppa's Cinema Party 11:10AM CC: 1:30-2:20-4:10-5:10-6:50- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 12:00-12:30-1:00-2:00-3:00-3:30- (R) 11:50-5:20-8:05
- To the Hashira Training (R) 4:30 AMC Academy 8 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 7710 Matapeake Business Drive 12:45-3:15-5:35-8:00 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:00-
6198 Greenbelt Road 12:00-1:45-3:15-3:45-6:00-7:30- 7:50-9:30-10:45 4:00-4:30-6:00-6:30-7:00-7:30-
Anyone But You: The Valentine 7-8 (PG) 11:30-2:50-6:40-10:00 6:10 The Land Before Time (G) 1:00- The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 3:00-7:00
9:15; 5:30 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 4:00-7:00 Kiss the Future CC: 11:00 8:00-8:30
Encore (R) CC: 12:40-4:10 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 7-8 (PG) 5:45 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
2:00-4:00-6:00-7:30 - To the Hashira Training (R) 2:50 Migration (PG) 1:35-4:25-6:35 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 4:20-7:30- Migration (PG) 12:25-1:10
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: AMC Magic Johnson - To the Hashira Training (R) 4:40 10:40 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Madame Web (PG-13) 6:50 5:10
12:45-1:30-3:20-4:25-7:00-8:45 Migration (PG) CC: 1:30-4:10 Capital Center 12 Manjummel Boys 12:05-3:20- Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 1:40-
Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 1:50-
Regal Hyattsville Royale The Beekeeper (R) CC: 2:10-4:50- Yaiba - To the Hashira Training Poor Things (R) 12:15 Dune: Part Two (PG-13)
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 800 Shoppers Way 6:35-9:50 6505 America Blvd. 3:10-5:10-6:40-8:40 7:40-10:20 (R) 12:15 2:00-6:00
12:30 4:30-7:40 Madame Web (PG-13) 1:20-3:50- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
The Color Purple (PG-13) CC: Article 370 6:30-10:05 Wonka (PG) 12:45 American Fiction (R) CC: 4:00 2024 Oscar Nominated Short 12:10-2:50-8:20
The Book of Clarence (PG-13) Regal Manassas & IMAX
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 5:00 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) XD: Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:00- 6:20-8:50 All Of Us Strangers (R) CC: Films - Live-Action 4:25 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 3:35- 11380 Bulloch Drive
OC: 7:20 CC: 7:10 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 11:30-3:15-7:00-10:45 12:30-1:00-1:30-2:00-2:30-3:40- Night Swim (PG-13) 6:55-9:25 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:00-
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 1:20-10:50 5:55-8:10 Wonka (PG) 1:40-5:00
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 4:30-6:45-8:15 4:10-4:40-5:10-5:40-6:30-7:30- Ordinary Angels (PG) 2:45- 1:00-3:30-4:30-7:00-8:00
- To the Hashira Training (R) CC: 1:10-4:40-7:20
Cinépolis Gaithersburg
6:15-9:05 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 1:20 Argylle (PG-13) 7:20 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 1:30-
Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 3:15- 629 Center Point Way 8:00-8:30-9:00 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:20
1:40-7:15-9:55 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 2:10- 5:50-8:45 Migration (PG) 3:50 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 8:45 - To the Hashira Training (R) 2:10-2:50-5:20-6:00-6:40-7:55
Anyone But You: The Valentine 4:40-6:50 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) The Beekeeper (R) 1:45-4:15- 7-8 (PG) 3:45-7:30 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Migration (PG) 12:40
Dune: Part Two - The IMAX Expe-
Encore (R) OC: 9:50 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba rience (PG-13) CC: 3:45-7:30 3:00-3:30-4:00-6:00-6:30-7:00- Madame Web (PG-13) 12:40-
6:45-9:15 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 2:40-5:00-7:25 7-8 (PG) 3:30 Madame Web (PG-13) 1:15-
7:30-8:00 3:15-5:50-8:45 - To the Hashira Training (R) 1:15 CMX Village 14 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 4:15-7:20
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) OC: 8:00 - To the Hashira Training (R) 4:20 Night Swim (PG-13) CC: 3:20- Wish (PG) 12:55-3:20 Origin (PG-13) 1:00-3:55
Madame Web (PG-13) 4:15 A Hip Hop Story CC: 6:10-8:30- 1600 Village Market Boulevard - To the Hashira Training (R)
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - A Hip Hop Story CC: 2:20-4:40- 6:10-8:45
Ordinary Angels (PG) 3:15-6:45 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 12:15-4:30- The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 10:50 Wonka (PG) 12:10-3:05-6:10 4:20; 1:20-7:10
Dune: Part Two - The IMAX
DC Bryant Street 6:30 Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 6:50-9:05 7-8 (PG) 2:00-5:30-6:30-9:00 Experience (PG-13) 12:50-
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 1:30- Migration (PG) 12:15-1:20- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 4:30-8:10
630 Rhode Island Ave NE 3:00-5:50 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 5:40
3:45-4:45-7:45 3:00-4:00-8:00-9:30-11:00 3:55-6:20
Chungking Express (Chung Hing Yaiba - To the Hashira Training Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 3:45-
Argylle (PG-13) 4:00 12:10-6:00-8:50 1:10-1:50-3:40-4:20-7:00-9:20
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 2:30-6:30 Regal Dulles Town Center
Land of Bad (R) 8:05
sam lam) (PG-13) 7:30-10:30 (R) 1:30-7:00 6:00-8:15 Argylle (PG-13) 1:20-6:20 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Drive-Away Dolls (R) 6:20
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) American Fiction (R) 3:00-7:15 - To the Hashira Training (R) - To the Hashira Training (R) Madame Web (PG-13) 12:20- 21100 Dulles Town Circle Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 10:00- AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Who Can See Forever 7:15 American Fiction (R) 5:45- 4:15-7:15-8:10-10:15-10:50 3:25-6:40
2:00-6:00-10:15 1020 Annapolis Mall Road CC: 3:05-5:45-8:30 8:20-9:10 1:30-4:10-6:50 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:00- 1:10-4:00-6:50
Argylle (PG-13) CC: 5:35 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Dune: Part Two (PG-13) OC: Ordinary Angels (PG) 1:00- 1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00-6:00-7:00-
Drive-Away Dolls (R) 10:15- Wonka (PG) CC: 12:30-3:20 Landmark Stopmotion (R) 12:25-3:30- 5:30; 7:00 Operation Valentine (Telugu)
The Beekeeper (R) CC: 3:00-8:45 Bethesda Row Cinema Yaiba - To The Hashira Training 4:20-7:10 8:00-9:00 1:05-4:50-8:15
12:45-2:00-4:45-7:45-11:00 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 6:10-8:40 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 12:00-3:40-7:20 Origin (PG-13) CC: 4:00-7:15 7235 Woodmont Avenue The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes (Dubbed) 9:10 AMC Shirlington 7 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:10- Argylle (PG-13) 12:55-4:20-7:40
Outlaw Posse (R) 8:15 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 3:30- Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 1:00- 2772 South Randolph St. 2:05-5:00-7:40 3:20-6:15-9:10
12:15-6:15-9:15-10:45 Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 12:50- 7-8 (PG) 1:00-5:00 All Of Us Strangers (R) 12:45-
Drive-Away Dolls (R) 12:45-3:30- Past Lives (PG-13) 7:30
Madame Web (PG-13) 10:45AM 3:50-6:40-9:30 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 4:30-6:00-7:00-8:00 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 2:30-4:30-6:00-8:00-9:30 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 3:40
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 12:40- - To the Hashira Training (R) 5:45 Poor Things (R) 6:45 - To the Hashira Training (R) 2:50 iPic Pike & Rose 11:15-12:00-2:50-3:20-6:30-7:00 5:45-7:55 The Holdovers (R) 12:45 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) OC: 3:00 The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 11830 Grand Park Avenue Poor Things (R) CC: 3:40 Argylle (PG-13) 1:10-4:40-7:50 Ordinary Angels (PG) 1:30- 7-8 (PG) 1:00-4:35
- To the Hashira Training (R) 3:30-6:30-9:20 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
3:30-9:30; 12:15-6:30 Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 12:00- Ordinary Angels (PG) OC: 8:40 4:45-7:45 3:00 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) (!) 2:30- The Taste of Things (La passion The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 4:45-7:45 Crakk - Jeethegaa Toh Jiyegaa!
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Drive-Away Dolls (R) 4:15-6:15 de Dodin Bouffant) (PG-13) 7-8 (PG) 3:00-6:45 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:00- 5:20-10:00 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 3:00-4:00-4:30-6:00-7:00-8:15- 3:20-7:00
Yaiba - To the Hashira Training Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 12:10-6:50 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 1:15-4:15-7:00
11:30-12:00-2:30-3:00-3:30-3:45- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) - To the Hashira Training (R) 8:45-9:45-10:15 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no
4:15-6:45-7:00-8:00-8:30 CC: 12:00-1:30-4:20-7:10-9:50 (R) 3:00-8:30 4:00-7:15 12:20-5:30-8:10 Madame Web (PG-13) 3:30- Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 10:50- - To the Hashira Training (R) 4:30 Maestro (R) 4:00 Yaiba - To the Hashira Training
American Fiction (R) 3:00-8:15 1:00-3:15-5:35-7:50 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:00- The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes (R) 4:10; 1:20-7:10
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:10- AMC Montgomery 16 Regal Laurel Towne Centre 6:30-10:30 12:30-1:30-2:30-3:15-3:45-4:15-
3:15 2:15-6:10 7101 Democracy Boulevard Origin (PG-13) 3:45 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 3:15 Perfect Days (PG) CC: 1:40- 7-8 (PG) 12:30-6:00
14716 Baltimore Avenue 6:00-6:30-7:00-7:30-8:00 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Regal Springfield Town Center
2024 Oscar Nominated Short 4:35-7:40
American Fiction (R) 11:15AM The Beekeeper (R) CC: 7:30-9:15 Wonka (PG) CC: 1:30-4:30-7:30-
Films - Animation 6:30 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:00- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - To the Hashira Training 6859 Springfield Mall
Angelika Pop-Up at Union The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 10:30 12:30-1:00-2:10-2:50-4:00-4:30- 3:45-6:45-7:30-10:00-10:45 CC: 11:50-2:40-5:20-8:00 Yaiba - To the Hashira Training (R) 3:00 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 10:40-
Market 7-8 (PG) 3:45-7:15 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 7:00 2024 Oscar Nominated Short 5:00-6:00-7:00-8:00-8:45 The Beekeeper (R) 2:45-7:15- (R) 1:50-7:20 11:30-12:00-1:00-1:40-2:30-
Films - Live-Action 3:15 11:00 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 10:45AM Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 5:00
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: Migration (PG) 12:50-3:30 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 3:20-3:50-4:50-5:40-6:10-6:40-
- To the Hashira Training (R) 4:10 American Fiction (R) CC: 10:55- Cinema Arts Theatre
12:00-12:45-2:00-2:45-3:15-4:30- Landmark at Madame Web (PG-13) 1:20- 7:10-7:40-8:40-9:20
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 4:30
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 6:30-7:00-8:15-9:30-10:15 Annapolis Harbour Center 4:20-7:20 VIRGINIA 1:50-4:40-7:30 9650 Unit 14 Main St.
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 9:50-
- To the Hashira Training (R)
12:20-5:45-8:30 Migration (PG) 10:50-12:10
1:00-1:50-2:35-4:40-5:30-6:10- Migration (PG) CC: 12:30-3:00- 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 12:00- AMC Tysons Corner 16
1:45-4:15-6:45 Regal Fairfax Towne Center Madame Web (PG-13) 10:30-
AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 1:00-4:05-7:15
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 1:00- 8:20-9:10-10:00 5:30-8:00 The Last Picture Show (R) 12:40-5:30 2150 Clarendon Blvd. 7850e Tysons Corner Center 11:50-2:50-10:10
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 12:35- 1:30-7:30 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba de The Taste of Things (La passion 4110 West Ox Road
3:00-6:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: Dodin Bouffant) (PG-13) Past Lives (PG-13) 7:20
- To the Hashira Training (R) 3:35-6:35-9:35 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 1:00- 1:10-2:20-4:10-7:10-8:10 - To the Hashira Training (R) Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:20-
Avalon Theatre 12:30-1:00-2:50-3:20-4:20-6:30- 10:05-1:05-7:10 1:20-2:10-3:00-4:00-5:10-6:10- The Holdovers (R) 11:40AM
1:20-7:00-9:40 Land of Bad (R) CC: 12:05-4:00 2:00-3:30-4:30-5:30-6:15-7:00 Argylle (PG-13) 6:20 7:00-8:00 12:25-6:05-9:05
5612 Connecticut Avenue Drive-Away Dolls (R) 10:00- 7:00-8:20 Ordinary Angels (PG) 1:20-
AMC Center Park 8 Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 12:15- Migration (PG) 1:10 The Beekeeper (R) 8:30 Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Tenet (PG-13) CC: 12:35-7:25 4:40-8:00
Poor Things (R) 2:15 3:15-6:15-9:15 12:20-4:10-6:05-8:00 Migration (PG) 3:10
4001 Powder Mill Rd. The Boys in the Boat (PG-13) Origin (PG-13) 3:00-6:30 4:40-7:30 Wonka (PG) CC: 12:05-3:05-6:10 Perfect Days (PG) 9:40-12:00- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
American Fiction (R) 11:30-5:15 The Taste of Things (La passion 1:20-4:00-6:45 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 7:15 Madame Web (PG-13) 1:30-
Wonka (PG) CC: 4:00-6:45 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 12:40- 2:30-5:00-7:30 4:20-7:20 12:20-3:40-6:50-10:00
Perfect Days (PG) 4:45-7:30
2024 Oscar Nominated Short Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 3:00- de Dodin Bouffant) (PG-13) 1:15 Poor Things (R) 3:20 7-8 (PG) 1:30 3:30-6:20 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: American Fiction (R) 12:05- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Argylle (PG-13) 3:10-6:30-9:50
4:30-6:00-7:00-8:00 Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 4:45 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 12:10- 2:00-6:00-10:00 Maestro (R) 3:30
Films - Animation 2:00 1:00-10:25 2:35-7:40 12:10-2:50-8:10
Madame Web (PG-13) CC: Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) - To the Hashira Training (R) 3:10 3:30-5:50-8:10 Migration (PG) CC: 12:40-2:10- Io Capitano 9:45-5:05
2024 Oscar Nominated Short Perfect Days (PG) CC: 1:05-4:05- 1:40-4:20-7:30 Drugstore June 12:20-5:20-7:50 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 4:35 Argylle (PG-13) 12:40-4:10-7:30 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes
Films - Live-Action 8:00 4:15-7:30 Origin (PG-13) 4:00 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 7-8 (PG) 1:30-5:10
Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 3:15 7:05-10:05 Argylle (PG-13) 1:05-4:10-7:10 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba CC: 12:20-3:00-5:40-8:20 Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 12:20- 2024 Oscar Nominated Short
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 7-8 (PG) 3:30-6:40 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no
Landmark Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) American Fiction (R) 7:15 - To the Hashira Training (R) Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:10 3:15-6:25-9:20 Films - Animation 10:10-2:15- Yaiba - To the Hashira Training
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema CC: 12:00-2:45-5:30-8:15-10:30 2024 Oscar Nominated Short 12:10-5:50-8:40 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Dune: Part Two - The IMAX Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no
CC: 3:30-5:00-6:30-8:00 5:15 Yaiba - To the Hashira Training (R) 3:15-9:00; 12:30-6:00
807 V Street Northwest Argylle (PG-13) CC: 3:00 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:15-3:30- Films - Animation 4:10 - To the Hashira Training (R) Experience (PG-13) CC: 12:00- 2024 Oscar Nominated Short
6:45-10:00 Regal Rockville Center (R) 2:40 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 4:00- The Beekeeper (R) CC: 5:30 2024 Oscar Nominated Short 199 East Montgomery Avenue 2:30; 12:45-5:10-7:50 4:00-8:00 Films - Live-Action 12:15-2:45-
5:00-6:20-7:20-8:00 American Fiction (R) CC: 1:15- Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 12:45- 7:00 Flight 404 (Rehla 404) 1:00- 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
American Fiction (R) CC: 7:15 Films - Live-Action 1:10 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:20- AMC Hoffman Center 22 5:50-7:50
Poor Things (R) 4:15-7:10 4:15-7:15-10:15 3:40-6:35-9:25 Wonka (PG) 11:05AM
AMC Columbia 14 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 1:10-2:00-2:40-3:20-4:10-4:50- 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Drive-Away Dolls (R) 8:15 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 12:30- Cinemark Centreville 12 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:30-
10300 Little Patuxent Parkway 7-8 (PG) 3:45-7:30 3899 Branch Avenue 5:50-6:30-7:10-8:00-8:30 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 6:15 6201 Multiplex Drive 5:30 12:00-12:30-1:00-1:30-2:00-
American Fiction (R) 4:30-7:00 Madame Web (PG-13) 2:10- Wonka (PG) CC: 1:30-4:15- 2:50-5:15-7:35-9:55
Wonka (PG) CC: 1:05-3:55- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 3:10-3:40-4:10-4:40-5:10-5:40-
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 3:00 (PG-13) 4:15 5:10-8:10 7:00-9:45 Perfect Days (PG) CC: 6:55-9:50 Wonka (PG) 12:40-3:55 - To the Hashira Training (R)
Drive-Away Dolls (R) 4:50 6:40-9:25 - To the Hashira Training (R) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 1:25- 6:50-7:20-7:50-8:20-9:20
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 7:00 1:30-4:15-7:10-9:45 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 3:30- Past Lives (PG-13) 7:00 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 7:00 3:15-5:10-7:00-8:55 12:30-5:20-8:00 Migration (PG) 12:10
Landmark E Street Cinema 4:30-7:00-8:05 The Holdovers (R) 12:45 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: CC: 1:25-4:10-6:50-9:35
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: Anyone But You: The Valentine Kiss the Future CC: 12:55 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:55- Regal Fox & IMAX Madame Web (PG-13) 12:20-
555 11th Street Northwest 1:00-4:45-8:30 Encore (R) CC: 4:35 Migration (PG) 3:35 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 3:30- 2:15-6:00-9:45
The Last Picture Show (R) Madame Web (PG-13) 5:15-8:15 6:00-8:20 Migration (PG) CC: 2:15-4:45- Argylle (PG-13) CC: 12:10-3:20- 3:35-6:50-9:45 22875 Brambleton Plaza 3:30-6:30
Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 1:10- Dune: Part Two (PG-13) OC: 5:45 6:30-9:40 Ordinary Angels (PG) 1:30-4:25- Joshua: Imai Pol Kaka 11:35- Ordinary Angels (PG) 11:50-
4:00-7:15 3:35-6:25-9:15 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 7:15-9:30 7:20-10:15 2:40-5:45
AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 The Beekeeper (R) CC: 9:10 3:00-5:50-8:40
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 3:30- Dune: Part Two - The IMAX 4:00-7:00-8:00 1:50-5:00-7:50 Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 3:30- Drive-Away Dolls (R) 6:30 Wonka (PG) 10:40-12:00-4:25
11115 Mall Circle American Fiction (R) CC: 4:15 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 8:50
4:30-7:00-8:00 Experience (PG-13) CC: 2:00- The Beekeeper (R) 6:00-8:30 The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) 6:30-9:30
Poor Things (R) 3:45 5:45-9:30
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 12:10 Dune: Part Two - The IMAX The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:30- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
12:00-12:30-3:15-3:45-4:15-7:00- Regal Cinemas Majestic 7-8 (PG) OC: 3:45 10:45 3:20-7:10 11:10-1:50-4:30-7:10-9:50
The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 6:45 Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 1:00- 7:30-8:00 Maestro (R) 3:50 Experience (PG-13) CC: 1:00-
The Taste of Things (La passion 3:50-6:40-9:30
Stadium 20 & IMAX
The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 4:45-8:30 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Operation Valentine (Telugu) Migration (PG) 11:30-2:00 Argylle (PG-13) 2:50-6:00-9:10
de Dodin Bouffant) (PG-13) 7:45
Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 1:00- 900 Ellsworth Drive
7-8 (PG) 12:00 Land of Bad (R) CC: 1:45-9:40 - To the Hashira Training (R) 3:10 1:50-5:15-8:20 Madame Web (PG-13) 10:30- Operation Valentine (Telugu)
Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 1:45- 3:50-6:45 Joshua: Imai Pol Kaka 1:55-5:05 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 1:30-4:20-7:10-10:00 12:40-4:00-7:30
Drive-Away Dolls (R) 8:15 4:20-6:50-9:05 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 1:15- Article 370 12:50-3:55
Perfect Days (PG) 3:15-7:35 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 1:00- Wonka (PG) 1:20 - To the Hashira Training (R) 4:10-7:00-9:45 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 1:00- 7-8 (PG) 2:20-5:50 Dune: Part Two - The IMAX The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes
4:00-7:00 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:15- 1:30-3:00-5:30-7:00-9:00-9:30 Chaari 111 10:25 Experience (PG-13) 10:30-2:00- 7-8 (PG) 11:40-3:20-7:00
Io Capitano 4:15 CC: 1:00-3:40-6:20-9:00 3:10; 12:30-6:10 The Taste of Things (La passion
2024 Oscar Nominated Short Kiss the Future CC: 1:00
Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 1:30 12:30-1:00-1:30-2:00-2:30-3:00-
Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX de Dodin Bouffant) (PG-13) 3:00
The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 5:30-9:00 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 4:15-4:30-5:00-5:15-5:30-6:00- 7-8 (PG) 7:30 - To the Hashira Training (R) 2:15 Laapataa Ladies 2:50-5:50 Yaiba - To the Hashira Training
Films - Animation 4:00-6:00 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 2:50-6:00- CC: 12:30-2:15-5:00-7:45 1419 South Main Chapel Way Drive-Away Dolls (R) CC: 1:30-
2024 Oscar Nominated Short 9:10
7:00-8:30-9:00-9:15-9:30-10:00 4:15-7:00-9:45 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) OC: 5:00 Manjummel Boys 8:50 Drive-Away Dolls (R) 2:30-4:40 (R) 2:20
The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Migration (PG) 12:40 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:00- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Anyone But You: The Valentine
Films - Live-Action 7:25 American Fiction (R) CC: 4:00 1:00-2:50-3:50-4:20-4:50-6:40- Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) AMC Worldgate 9
7-8 (PG) 3:45-7:15 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:25- CC: 1:00-1:45-4:20-6:15-7:00- 1:00-4:55-7:40 11:00-1:40-4:20-7:00-9:40 Encore (R) 9:30
Drive-Away Dolls (R) 3:25 Mean Girls (PG-13) CC: 2:10-5:10 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 3:05-6:10-9:15 7:40-8:10-8:40-9:30-10:00 13025 Worldgate Drive Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Operation Valentine (Telugu)
9:00-9:45 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:00-
Regal Gallery Place The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes - To the Hashira Training (R) 2:45 Dune: Part Two - The IMAX Expe- Migration (PG) 11:40AM Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 2:30- - To the Hashira Training (R) 11:25-2:45-6:10-9:35 2:40-6:20-10:00
7-8 (PG) 3:45-7:30 Kiss the Future CC: 3:45 3:45-5:00-6:15-7:30-8:45
701 Seventh Street Northwest The Beekeeper (R) 12:00-2:45- rience (PG-13) 12:00-4:00-8:00 Madame Web (PG-13) 11:50- 12:35-5:40-7:30-10:10 Argylle (PG-13) 8:50 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 5:30-8:15 3:30-6:40-9:50 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 6:45-10:00 Migration (PG) CC: 2:30
Wonka (PG) 3:50 Past Lives (PG-13) 7:00 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:30- Sundaram Master 3:25-9:40 Yaiba - To the Hashira Training
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:10- - To the Hashira Training (R) 1:30 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba The Holdovers (R) 12:30 Dune: Part Two - The IMAX Expe- The Beekeeper (R) CC: 1:15 Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 3:00- 1:55-2:25-3:45-4:15-6:10-8:00- The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes (R) 11:20-5:20-8:30
2:50-6:30-10:10 A Hip Hop Story CC: 1:20 - To the Hashira Training (R) Poor Things (R) 12:00-3:30 rience (PG-13) 11:30-3:20-7:10 American Fiction (R) CC: 4:00- 5:45-8:30 8:30-9:20-9:55 7-8 (PG) 11:40AM
Article 370 8:00 Past Lives (PG-13) 7:00 4:30-7:15-10:00 Ordinary Angels (PG) CC: 2:45- Smithsonian -
Madame Web (PG-13) 12:20- 12:00-5:30-8:15 Ordinary Angels (PG) 12:05-3:05- All Of Us Strangers (R) CC: Cinemark Chaari 111 1:20-4:40 Airbus IMAX Theater
6:50-9:50 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: 6:20-9:25 The Holdovers (R) 12:00 5:30-8:15 Fairfax Corner and XD Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD 1:45-4:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
Drive-Away Dolls (R) 11:40-2:00- 7000 Arundel Mills Circle Drive-Away Dolls (R) 6:55-9:25 Ordinary Angels (PG) 12:20-3:40- Origin (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:45- 11900 Palace Way - To the Hashira Training (R)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 6:30-9:40 CC: 3:00-5:45-8:30 11:20-2:00 Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
4:30-6:50-9:20 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) XD: Perfect Days (PG) 12:10-3:15 6:30-9:15 Barbie (PG-13) 4:00 3:00-5:05
Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) - To the Hashira Training (R) Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) Drive-Away Dolls (R) 1:20-4:10- Stopmotion (R) CC: 1:15-7:15 Argylle (PG-13) CC: 2:15-5:30 Migration (PG) 11:55-2:25 Manjummel Boys 12:05-6:20-
4:10-6:50-9:30 12:30-4:15-8:00; 11:00-11:15- 7:00-9:20 Operation Valentine (Telugu) 8:45 Joshua: Imai Pol Kaka 10:20 Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the
11:20-2:10-4:50-7:30-10:10 12:20-3:05-4:10-5:55-7:05-8:50- Outlaw Posse (R) 4:00-9:00 7:40-8:50
Argylle (PG-13) 10:00 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) OC: 7:45 1:00-1:30-2:05-2:25-2:45-4:45-
5:15-5:50-6:10-6:30-8:30-9:00- 10:00 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) American Fiction (R) CC: 8:45 Madame Web (PG-13) 12:55- Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Seas 12:40
12:50-4:00-6:50-9:40 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba To Fly! (1976) (NR) 4:30
Mean Girls (PG-13) 12:10-3:20- AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 9:35-10:15 Operation Valentine (Telugu) - To the Hashira Training (R) 3:45 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 3:50-6:55-9:50 Jiya 7:15
6:40-9:40 9811 Washingtonian Center Madame Web (PG-13) 11:00- 6:25-9:45 Argylle (PG-13) 12:30
2024 Oscar Nominated Short 7-8 (PG) 2:00-5:15 Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 1:00- Article 370 12:00-3:15-6:30-9:45 Deep Sky: The IMAX Experience
The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Wonka (PG) CC: 1:10-4:00-6:50 1:55-4:50-7:45-10:40 Argylle (PG-13) 8:15 Maestro (R) 3:30 Films - Animation 1:15 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 1:45-2:30-4:45-5:30-6:15-8:30- Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:00- 10:55-1:20
7-8 (PG) 12:50-5:00-8:30 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 7:00 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba The Beekeeper (R) 3:20-6:05-8:50 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes 2024 Oscar Nominated Short - To the Hashira Training (R) 9:15-10:00 12:30-1:10-4:20-4:50-6:00-6:50- Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
7-8 (PG) 1:00-6:00 5:30; 2:45-8:15 8:00-8:30-9:40 (NR) 11:45AM
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC: - To the Hashira Training (R) Maestro (R) 3:45 Films - Live-Action 5:00 Past Lives (PG-13) 7:15
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba A Hip Hop Story CC: 1:45-4:30- Wonka (PG) 3:10 The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:10
- To the Hashira Training (R) 3:20 1:00-4:45-8:30 11:20-2:00-7:25-10:20 Stopmotion (R) 8:20 Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Ordinary Angels (PG) 12:50-3:45-
Wonka (PG) 12:25 Migration (PG) CC: 12:00-2:25- Barbie (PG-13) 4:00 The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes - To the Hashira Training (R) 6:45 One Loudoun 6:40-9:35 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba University Mall Theatres
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:30- 5:00-9:00 Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom 7-8 (PG) 2:00 4:20; 1:10-7:20-10:00 20575 East Hampton Plaza Drive-Away Dolls (R) 12:00- - To the Hashira Training (R) 10659-A Braddock Road
Dune: Part Two (PG-13) CC:
12:00-12:30-1:00-1:30-1:50-3:10- Madame Web (PG-13) CC: 12:45- (PG-13) 11:40-10:00 Outlaw Posse (R) 12:50-3:40- Regal Westview & IMAX 1:30-3:15-5:15-7:00-7:30-8:00- Chungking Express (Chung Hing 4:25-10:05 4:40-7:20-10:00 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13)
3:40-4:10-5:10-5:40-7:10-7:30- 4:00-7:00-10:00 Joshua: Imai Pol Kaka 9:35 6:40-9:40 5243 Buckeystown Pike 9:00-10:00 sam lam) (PG-13) 7:15 The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 1:00 Regal Kingstowne & RPX 12:20-2:30-4:45-7:30
8:10-8:30-9:10-9:30 Dune: Part Two - The IMAX Wonka (PG) 1:20-4:20-7:15 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Wonka (PG) 3:50-9:25 The Zone of Interest (PG-13) 1:15 12 Monkeys (R) 10:30 Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center Argylle (PG-13) 1:10-4:15-7:00
Madame Web (PG-13) 4:00 Experience (PG-13) CC: 2:45- Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 12:00- - To the Hashira Training (R) Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 11:30- The Chosen: Season 4 Episodes Bob Marley: One Love (PG-13) 12:10-2:55-5:40-8:25 Joshua: Imai Pol Kaka 12:40- Dune: Part Two (PG-13) 1:00-
Argylle (PG-13) 6:40 6:30-10:00 3:45-7:30 1:10; 3:55-6:50-9:45 3:20-7:10 7-8 (PG) 3:45-7:30 11:45-2:45-4:00-6:15-9:30-10:30 Argylle (PG-13) 1:10-6:50 3:50-7:10 4:05-7:15

Stay one step ahead of the weather with the

snow day or school day? Capital Weather Gang
S0141 6x1 • @capitalweather
C6 EZ RE the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024




♠ 10 8 5
♥ K3
♦ A Q 10 5
♣ Q 10 9 4
♠ AQ9 ♠ 7642
♥ Q9654 ♥ 10 8 7
♣ 8532 ♣ 76
♠ KJ3
♥ AJ2
♦ 8743

The bidding:
1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — ♥ 5

“A t least it was only a vul-

nerable game,” North
mourned. “Sometimes the

man’s relentless pursuit of

overtricks costs a slam.”
Joe Overberry believes it’s
nobler to go down trying for
overtricks than to make what
he bid. His habit costs him —
and his unfortunate partners
— thousands of points.
Joe was declarer at today’s
riding to the jack. Joe next
led a diamond: six, 10, jack.
East returned a heart to
dummy’s king.
Joe next led a club to his
hand and a second diamond
... and West threw a club.
Joe frowned, took dummy’s
ace and led a spade to his
jack. West took the queen,
led another heart to Joe’s
ace, won the next spade and
cashed two hearts. Down
“There goes another 700
points,” North grumbled.
Joe starts with four clubs,
three hearts and a diamond.
For one more sure trick, he
leads the king of spades at
Trick Two. If West wins and
leads another heart, Joe wins
set up his ninth trick.
You hold:
♠ 10 8 5 ♥ K 3
♦ A Q 10 5 ♣ Q 10 9 4
Your partner opens one
heart, you respond two clubs,
he bids two diamonds and
you raise to three diamonds.
Partner then bids three
hearts. What do you say?
ANSWER: Your partner
would have stopped at three
diamonds with no game
interest. His three hearts
accepts your invitation and
suggests a six-card or strong
five-card heart suit. You can
afford to play at the cheaper
game: Raise to four hearts.
— Frank Stewart





tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C7



You love adventure
and variety. You
are charming and
smooth, but privately,
you can be emotionally
tempestuous. You have a
sharp wit. This is a year of
learning and teaching. Make
time to pursue knowledge
formally or informally that you
want to acquire. Travel is also
Moon Alert: There are no
restrictions to shopping or
important decisions today.
The Moon is in Capricorn.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
This is an excellent day for
you to make your pitch to
bosses or ask permission from
parents or authority figures,
because the gods are smiling
on you.
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
This is the perfect day to
publishing, the media or
anything related to medicine
and the law. You also might
sign up for a course or check
out new avenues in higher
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Issues related to shared
property, taxes, debt and
inheritances are ideal areas to
explore for you today. You will
be pleased with the results.
Furthermore, bosses and
people in power will help you.
develop a healthy self-interest.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Discussions with close friends,
spouses and partners will go
well today. It’s a good day to
discuss joint travel plans. You
also might explore legal or
medical matters or something
to do with publishing. Groups
and friends will likely help you.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
You will accomplish a lot today
because people are supportive
to ask for an increase in your
budget or better equipment
at work. Whatever you need
might come your way.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Make sure you make time
to have fun today. This is a
playful day for you! Enjoy
social outings, the arts, the
entertainment world, sports
events and fun activities with
kids. Meet friends for happy
hour, coffee, lunch or dinner.


Although your focus is on
home and family today, you will
still make things happen. Life
is supportive to you today. Your
health feels more vigorous,
and people are willing to help
you financially or in practical
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Your creative vibes are hot
today, which is why this is a
great day to write, sell, market,
teach or act. You’re in a playful
frame of mind, and some of
and making improvements at
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Financial matters favor you
today. Go after what you want.
Think of ways to boost your
income or get a better job.
Similarly, you might be pleased
with some purchases that
you make today, which might
be related to home repairs or
helping a family member.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
which gives you an edge over
all the other signs. Therefore,
ask for what you want! Short
trips, conversations with
others and a chance to learn
something new will please you.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
You might do things in a low-
key way today because you
feel the need for some privacy.
With Venus in your sign, you’re
charming, and Mars in your
sign makes you bold and
proactive. Nevertheless, this
and figure out your job scene.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Enjoy schmoozing with friends.
With Mercury in your sign,
you’re eager to share your
ideas, and the Sun in your
sign gives you confidence and
energy. Discuss your hopes for
the future with someone to get
their feedback.
— Georgia Nicols



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775.
c8 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

In Paris, Commes des appear as figurines or on needle-

point pillows were beaded onto
bags or exploded onto bulbous
and orange. She is extraordinarily
intelligent and feels deeply —
things worth pointing out in a

Garçons, Rick Owens dresses. Then there were the lean

and odd gowns, and beaded eve-
ning suits and with snakey long
fashion review because you want
a bit of her in the clothes. Her
collections at times have been

shows make us think tailcoats, exaggerated versions of

the required ensembles for those
“dress for dinner” nights at long
self-consciously cool, not quite
capturing the essence of her and
her house — the latter of which is
tables that look so frigid in films the most unconsciously cool
FASHIon from c1 of two piece ensembles, like a like robert Altman’s “Gosford thing in Paris, and maybe even
dress with a bolero. And I Park” and Jane Austen adapta- the whole world. Every brand
trousers and day dresses and nice thought, how can I do that? Be- tions. You could practically see a wants to be Hermès (even Dem-
coats. If this stuff is going to be so cause I will probably never do a woman in the gown and another na’s hit bag, the rodeo, is a visual
out of reach, as I wrote about in bolero in my life. So I thought, in the tailcoat covered in beaded pun on the Birkin), but no one can
milan, shouldn’t it stun and thrill maybe the tracksuit is my bolero, caviar sitting at two ends of a replicate their particular wit nor
us, make us think? In fashion and then I made it in python ridiculously lengthy table, slurp- their desirability.
these days, you can have the leather. There is a chicness that I ing consommé and yelling These clothes were cool be-
money to buy or the knowledge to wanted to do because it’s a bit the “WHAT?!” across the uselessly cause they foregrounded those
understand — consume the direction I’m taking it from now vast, gleaming expanse. qualities — warmth of spirit and
clothes, or consume the ideas. (A —” He stopped himself, maybe “The idea of an aristocrat is a desire. A rain shower took place
few people have money and wanting to leave room to change foreign thing now,” he said after in the middle of the runway, and
brains. Lucky, lucky!) his mind. “for now. I’m thinking the show. “It’s nearly nonexis- models walked nonchalantly
Demna, of Balenciaga, put it about the future of Balenciaga.” tent.” And yet the obsession with around it. What’s a little rain to
best following his terrific Sunday Demna has not returned to taste, status and objects has never her? And the clothes — leathers in
show. “I think that fashion has to form, but leaped forward. This felt more present. TikTok is over- the most delectable butters, bor-
be radical,” he said. “It has to be collection had few sweatsuits and stuffed with talking heads hold- deaux and blacks, with big broad
on the edge. otherwise it’s a scam. sneakers, and his sense of chic, as ing forth on what rich people shawl collars, worn with fitted
It’s like, you know, we’re trying to he put it — grotesque and elegant, really do, and a corner of the leggings and trousers that were
trap people to buy wallets, and packed with personality and in- internet has developed a paraso- tight in the hottest way. The cloth-
that’s not what I’m doing.” telligence — is very contempo- cial relationship with Emerald ing was aggressive but complete-
As Demna’s collection (techni- rary. fennell’s film “Saltburn,” about a ly composed — a killer combo.
cally Winter 2024) demonstrated, Underneath this new creativity lying middle class oxford student You can’t talk about creativity
that doesn’t mean ridiculous and is an obsession with objects: what who becomes so obsessed with a in Paris without talking about
escapist. Here, it meant sophisti- value do things hold in a digital classmate, and his extravagant rick owens, the only designer
cated, in a strange dance with the world? What is luxury — is it an family and house, that he kills daring to be sensitive, or perhaps
past and the way people live emotional relationship with ob- them off one by one before taking it’s that he’s sensitive enough to
today. He began in conversation jects, craftsmanship, anything possession of their sprawling es- be daring. The colors of his show
with Cristóbal Balenciaga, the that is intelligently designed? tate. It was a profoundly medio- were staid, sad: sharp capes and
mercurial founder of his house, Demna sent all of his guests cre film, but it resonated with the bodysuits in taupes and clay
with gowns and dresses that were strange finds from eBay as invita- old money TikTok crowd. Dare I browns, gowns in a faded pink,
deliberately stiffly crushed and tions — Vogue editor mark say that this Loewe collection is like the color of an unreturned
creased. There were even skirt Guiducci received a copy of Kate like if “Saltburn” was good? kiss, and knits in the gentlest sigh
suits, like a full skirt and blousy moss’s first American Vogue cov- VICTor VIrGIle/GeTTy ImaGes Like Demna, Anderson has left of blue-green. He showed the
track jacket in python, and moved er; Nordstrom’s rickie De Sole a A model walks the runway in a strapless gown made of countless a previous era, where he interro- collection in his Paris home, a
into upcycled sweatshirts turned Paris snow globe; I, a dachshund brassieres during the Balenciaga show on Sunday in Paris. “I think gated what clothing could be in temple to preservation and the
into day dresses and suit linings owner, got a dachshund figurine that fashion has to be radical,” Balenciaga designer Demna said. clean and unstyled looks, and beauty of decay. It was an extraor-
as floppy men’s suits. It made all — because he often does his re- gone somewhere new. Trium- dinary act of gracious intimacy.
the wardrobe clothes of other search on the auction platform. lurched down the runway. Laugh- son at Loewe on friday. He took phant. He is, without a doubt, our finest
designers look mealy mouthed — He loves to see treasure in what ing at fashion can really feel like a the detritus of country house liv- Hermès designer Nadège Van- living American designer, and
you can be pulled together but others see as junk — his finale release. ing and exaggerated and caressed hee also found a new space. Van- one of the best in Paris — a
not boring bourgeois. dress was a gown made of count- No one explored these ques- it: scrollwork from the leg of a hee is a classic Parisian cool wom- madame Vionnet who, with em-
overall, the clothes were more less brassieres. It was strapless. tions of objects and value more Chippendale chair became deco- an — statuesque, with a coy man- pathy, shows us another way to
formal. Cristóbal “used to do a lot (Ha-ha!) I cackled as the model thrillingly than Jonathan Ander- ration for a lapel, those dogs that ner and a talent for wearing red live, to find ourselves, to feel.

Monica Hesse

Are marriages destined to flail or flourish? Depends on the book.

HESSE from c1 things aren’t actually fine? She marriage, or more specifically, wearing a bathrobe and decades doesn’t work for many
cites research and anecdotes how even the most rarefied assembling photo albums of people anymore, and maybe it
running and career-squeezing pointing to the conundrum of couples in the country find home decor, and complaining to never did. The way it will work in
filled her with resentment. modern marriages: Wives may themselves making the same a friend on the phone that she the future is still being hashed
Jamison’s book is more lyrical have entered the workforce, but calculations that less-famous, didn’t want to deal with the out — and it’s worth noting that
than linear: she tells us vaguely husbands still haven’t entered less-powerful married couples official White House Christmas my rosy example, the high-
that her marriage ended because the kitchen to pick up the slack. are making everywhere on a decorations. powered success story of Jill and
her former husband started to be Can marriage be saved? daily basis. Hillary Clinton Whatever you think of Jill Joe, is facilitated by personal
very angry all the time. We don’t Coincidentally, “This American thought she could use her law Biden — as the daughter of an chefs, maids, schedulers, the
know exactly what happened, but Ex-Wife” came out one week degree to help with policy in the English professor, I’m a fan — I Secret Service and Air force one.
the few paragraphs that address before another similarly titled White House, but she ended up also loved reading about the for the rest of us, those of us
the anger’s cause hint at personal book that has also received a lot feeling as if the public just behind-the-scenes back-and- who aren’t married to presidents
and professional jealousy: his of attention. wanted her to “stay home and forth between Jill and Joe as they or to gaslighters, the best we can CourTesy of Warner Bros. PICTures

last book flopped, she writes, “American Woman” by New bake cookies.” michelle obama debated whether she should keep hope for is this: Austin Butler as antagonist
while hers was a runaway York Times correspondent Katie had made nearly $275,000 a year working as a professor at The night before I started this Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen in
success, and he missed receiving rogers, is subtitled “The at the University of Chicago Northern Virginia Community column, I emptied my daughter’s “Dune: Part Two.” Elvis has left
Jamison’s attention that now transformation of the modern medical Center, but once Barack College. In one scene, the diaper pail, and then I set the bag the building.
went to the baby. first lady, from Hillary Clinton to won, she immediately did what president asks how many courses on the front porch while I went
What banal endings. What Jill Biden.” In it, she explores how was expected of her and quit her she’ll teach. only a handful, to grab the bathroom trash, too.
universal ones, too, to anyone
who has ever had to consider the
math of a relationship: what it
five women have navigated one
of the oddest gigs in the United
States: being the professional
job. Her most important role, she
told late-night talk show hosts,
would be helping her family
right? “I’m teaching 15 credits,”
Dr. Biden responds. “It’s a full
course load.”
Then I got distracted by a phone
call, and I forgot all about my
chore, until three or four in the
Butler was
means to add up chores, hours,
patience, unwashed dishes,
career advancement, love — and
spouse to the leader of the free
world. The role is glamorous but
entirely unpaid. It is laden with
adjust to White House life.
In the world of “This American
Ex-Wife,” marriage is what is
She was thrilled, of course,
that her husband had won the
presidency, and she would
morning when I woke up and
realized that the diaper trash was
still on the stoop, that it was now
to then divide those things into
roughly equal parts where each
spouses gets and gives the same.
expectations and protocol but no
actual job description. A chipper
view of the first lady role is that
holding some women back. In
“American Woman,” marriage is
what’s holding the country
support him in almost every way
she could. But she would expect
him to support her, too. Her
pouring down rain, and that by
morning the bag would be
sodden and extra disgusting and
All of these treatises about
divorce are really, no surprise,
about marriage. Who benefits
the job is about tackling a big
issue — physical fitness for
michelle obama, literacy for
together: first lady after first lady
renouncing her own sense of self
in service to her country and to
Instagram account would host
plenty of official first lady
content, and it would also show
maybe picked apart by raccoons.
Instead, when I got up the next
morning the bag was gone. It was
from it? Who carries it? Who gets Laura Bush — with lots of the husband who must lead it. her looping a briefcase over her already in the big trash can. It
to be the show pony and who has funding and national attention. A Whatever you think of melania arm, standing on the NVCC turns out my husband had PERSPEcTIvE from c1
to be the workhorse? What more dour view is that the job is Trump — I’m not a huge fan — I campus, ready for the first day of spotted it after I’d gone to bed
should we make of the statistic keeping one man on an even keel frankly loved reading the school. and — because this is the kind of with the Los Angeles Times that
that Lenz offers us, that 70 so he doesn’t get funny with the chapters in “American Woman” I think there is so much marriage you get if you are lucky, he set a firmer boundary while
percent of divorces are initiated nuclear codes. that depict her not giving a crap marriage content right now the give-and-take kind, the fill-in- playing feyd, because allowing
by wives, while their husbands In this way, “American about the first lady role, because the state of the union is the-gaps kind — carried it out character to bleed into his life
seem shocked to realize that Woman” is also a book about wandering around the residence in flux. The way it worked for himself. “would be unhealthy for my fam-
ily and friends.”
“When the camera was off, you
were still maybe 25 or 30 percent

When stepsiblings are mean to one another, a parent feels guilty feyd,” Villeneuve said in the
same interview. “Just enough to
still be present and focus[ed],
but removed enough that you
Adapted from an friend about how miserable a didn’t kill anybody on set.”
online discussion. disease it is. I was really suffering. According to the director, But-
She wrote back that she didn’t ler was “possessed” when the
Dear carolyn: my have a hard time with it at all, it camera was on. He found a new
partner and I are was just a few days to catch up voice as feyd, speaking in a low
blending families. with her favorite TV shows. No growl designed to mimic Skars-
Carolyn We each have two mention of hoping I’d feel better gard’s performance as his uncle
Hax kids within the 5 soon or could she help in any way. Baron Vladimir Harkkonen. But-
to 10 range. It’s What’s the best way to respond to ler plays an obvious foil to Timo-
going well for the a one-upper? thée Chalamet’s Paul Atreides,
most part, but sometimes it feels — Friend the heir to a rival house, who
incredibly challenging. We are spends much of “Dune: Part 2”
doing all the right things Friend: The obvious response is to gazing at the desert to maintain
according to experts — aligning befriend better people. The moral decency amid a holy war.
routines and rules, spending entertaining response is to offer The more interesting compari-
quality time, giving the kids space congratulations for any and all son might be to a fellow Harkon-
— but sometimes it feels so hard. ways they outperform you. nen: Dave Bautista’s Glossu rab-
The hardest part for me is when “Congratulations on living your ban, the former favorite of Uncle
one kid is being mean to the best covid! I have much to learn Vladimir who murdered most of
others. I guess I start feeling guilty from you.” the Atreides clan. feyd operates
that the kids are going through You probably don’t want in a more calculated manner
this because of our (grown-up) extremes, and that answer hits than his sloppy cousin, and
decision. If anyone has any words nICk GalIfIanakIs for The WashInGTon PosT both of them, but really, the therefore poses a greater threat.
of wisdom, advice or can share any middle-of-the-road answer is the of all the cool kids who joined
resources, we would be so regular source of it, or one is consistent, loving civility and because they let us know — in age- same: Decide whether there’s a Chalamet and Zendaya for
grateful! regularly singled out for abuse, or prioritize your kids’ emotional appropriate ways — that it was friendship here worth having and, “Dune: Part Two” — new cast
— Blended both, or if glancing meanness health. Parents and stepparents work, I had an excellent model of a if there is, decide how to behave members also include florence
escalates into cruelty — then you also need a flexible vision of what functional marriage in my life. within it to maintain your Pugh and Anya Taylor-Joy —
Blended: Kids are just mean to need to get on that. Decisively and that looks like with the kids they Their marriage and commitment integrity and keep them from Butler benefits most from his
one another sometimes. If you now, with sustained supervision. have, vs. a bunch of shoulds and to their blended family have been snuffing out your last flicker of role. Just as playing Elvis dis-
didn’t blend the families, then But that would have been just supposed-tos. the lodestar to my life (I am mid- joy. suaded audiences from pigeon-
each set of two would be mean to as true with the original sibling Here’s a good thought from a 40s now). You sound like you are holing him as a former Disney
each other sometimes, and their sets had you not introduced reader: being thoughtful and doing the Write to Carolyn hax at Channel star, feyd prevents him
friends would come over and be stepsiblings. So while I l I have no idea how to get your right things. It will pay off! Get her column from falling into the biopic trap.
mean to them sometimes, and understand the extra sense of kids to be nice to each other, but delivered to your inbox each morning Butler is poised to keep surpris-
they’d all get together on special responsibility if you, say, caused the biggest thing I took away from Dear carolyn: I have two friends at ing as he charts a path through
occasions and gang up on the family remix that is causing my blended family experience was who have to one-up me at every Hollywood, armed with leading-
someone. the pain at any given time, your seeing how d--- hard my dad and turn, and I don’t know how to  Join the discussion live at noon man looks and character-actor
If there’s a pattern to the job nevertheless has been the stepmom worked on it, respond. for instance, when I was fridays at abilities. Let’s hope he leaves this
meanness — say, one kid is a same throughout: to model themselves, their marriage. I think sick with covid, I emailed one chats. voice behind.

SPORTS tuesday, march 5 , 2024 su D

to get rid
of Wilson
Nine-time Pro Bowl QB,
benched late in season,
will become free agent


The Denver Broncos are releas-

ing quarterback Russell Wilson,
ending their increasingly tempes-
tuous pairing after two seasons
and making the nine-time Pro
Bowl selection available to other
nFL teams next week as a free
The Broncos informed Wilson
of the move Monday, according to
a person familiar with the deliber-
ations. The team later confirmed
the decision, saying it will become
official next week after the start of
the new league year, which marks
the opening of free agency and the
resumption of trade activity.
“We spoke with Russell Wilson
today to inform him of his release
after the start of the league year,”
the Broncos wrote in a statement
attributed to General Manager
George Paton and Coach sean
Payton. “on behalf of the Broncos,
we thank Russell for his contribu-
tions and dedication to our team
and community while wishing
him the best as he continues his
The Broncos benched Wilson
with two games remaining in the
2023 season. According to Wilson
and the nFL Players Association,
the team had threatened in octo-
ber to bench him for the remain-
der of the season if he did not
see wIlSoN on D3

rIch sTorry/geTTy IMages

with an assist from fellow lefty Mackenzie Gore — his self-proclaimed “biggest fan” — Patrick corbin, above, has added a cutter to his arsenal. “It’s real,” Gore said.

Old cog learns a new trick This proposal

could be cure
for the NFL’s
As the final year of his contract begins, 34-year-old Nats starter Corbin is trying out a cutter and having success kickoff woes
BY C HELSEA J ANES Hickey was there, watching closely, sneaking glanc- Lab to hone the intricacies of his mechanics and BY M ARK M ASKE
es at an iPad between pitches. new pitching strat- arsenal. This past offseason, Corbin followed Gore’s
WEST PalM BEaCH, Fla. — on a steamy sunday egist sean Doolittle was there, analyzing alongside lead, though Gore was careful not to put it that way. The nFL wanted to reimagine
morning in south Florida, two cameras and a catcher Riley Adams and starter MacKenzie Gore, “I don’t necessarily know if he listens to me,” the kickoff this offseason in per-
crowd of Washington nationals employees stood who mimicked grips and wrist pronation with his Gore said. “I think it was just him wanting to be haps its last, best attempt to keep
around Patrick Corbin as he threw a meaningless water bottle each time Corbin threw his change-up better.” the play in the game. The league’s
spring training bullpen session. He has thrown homeward. They are assembling around Corbin Gore said he watched Corbin focus on cleaning rulemakers are trying to make
hundreds of these sessions, many on this exact this year not because they are trying any harder to up mechanics while trying to recapture what made the kickoff both safer and rel-
mound, and they have long since ceased to be make improvements than they have before but him a success in the past, unpacking the ways his evant, a balance they have been
appointment viewing. The 34-year-old has the rather because they are trying something new. pitches moved and played off each other. He unable to strike in previous ef-
highest eRA of any qualified starter since the start Corbin spent the offseason working out in West watched Corbin rethink pitch design and put new forts.
of the 2020 season. He is in the final season of a Palm Beach with Gore, his obsessively competitive emphasis on getting more creative with his pitch That part of the process is just
six-year, $140 million contract, and he does not friend and fellow lefty. Gore has been a disciple of sequencing. about done. League representa-
seem likely to be a part of the brighter nationals pitch design and detailed mechanical analyses “He’s always worked hard, but he just went into tives, members of the nFL com-
future to which he has served as a bridge. since his days with the san Diego Padres. He makes why things happen, really dove into his pitching. petition committee and special
But on sunday, nationals pitching coach Jim offseason pilgrimages to the Wake Forest Pitching see NatIoNalS on D3 teams coaches from several
teams are applying the finishing
touches to a proposal for an
XFL-style kickoff model that, if
approved, would take effect next
now comes what could be the
trickiest step: selling the proposal
to the traditionalists among nFL

For women’s Finally, a homegrown star for D.C.? Fingers crossed. teams and their owners, who
generally are reluctant to accept

sports, much
anything they consider too gim-
When James The competition committee

more than just Wood of Rockville

was asked two
expects to present the finalized
proposal to the owners at the

a moment
years ago, at 19, annual league meeting this
what it felt like to month in orlando. The measure
be traded to his must receive at least 24 votes
Kevin B. hometown among the 32 teams to be ratified,
IOWa CITY — Blackistone Washington potentially on a one-year trial
On Let’s take two nationals, he basis. If the approval process
Basketball walks in two called it a blessing. becomes complicated, it could
chuck hemispheres. But I’m haunted still by spill over to the next owners’
culpepper The first comes Derrick Rose being drafted no. 1 meeting in May.
down Caxton by his hometown Chicago Bulls. nFL leaders have called the
street in Brisbane toward After being rookie of the year in kickoff the sport’s most hazard-
suncorp stadium in the world’s 2009 and leading the Bulls to a ous play, with unacceptably high
utmost sports country, 62-win season in his third season see Nfl on D3
Australia, on a saturday — when, at 22, he became the
afternoon in August 2023. This youngest player in nBA history to
walk has gotten loaded up with win the MVP award — he later
frenzy and maybe even a few crumpled to the court with a knee baseball
other bloodstream elements. injury and missed what should That long-standing $5
The familiar gold of Australia have been his fifth nBA
shirts has filled the pubs with campaign. He never recovered nationals ticket offer? The
the occasional Australia green fully in Chicago and wound up team has attached some
sprinkled amid, and the air shipped out of town in 2016. He strings this season. D2
feels like nothing else in the never recaptured his all-star
world. ability, either. on the web
There’s a large sporting event Closer to home, there is the
in the vicinity, a World Cup recency bias against building last night’s Wizards game
quarterfinal between Australia around homegrown stars such as in utah ended late for this
and France coming shortly, and Chase Young, from Prince
so outdoors in the winter sun the saul MarTInez for The WashIngTon PosT George’s County and DeMatha
edition. for full coverage,
see oN baSketball on D3 Nationals prospect James wood, above, and USc quarterback caleb williams have D.c. dreaming. see blackIStoNe on D4 visit us at
d2 eZ su the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024


Eagles’ Kelce retires Cavaliers’ Mitchell
after 13 stellar seasons remains sidelined
Philadelphia Eagles center All-star guard Donovan
Jason Kelce announced his Mitchell will miss at least three
retirement Monday, ending a more games after receiving
13-year NFL career that almost treatment for a bone bruise in
certainly will earn him a place in his left knee, the Cleveland
the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Cavaliers said.
“I’ve been asked many times Mitchell missed the past two
what drew me to football, what games with what the team called
drew me to the game. And I knee soreness. The Cavaliers said
never had an answer that gets it he received a platelet-rich
right,” Kelce said during an plasma injection and will be
emotional news conference. “The reevaluated this weekend. . . .
best way to explain it is what Los Angeles Clippers guard
draws you to your favorite song, Russell Westbrook had surgery
favorite book. It’s what it makes on his fractured left hand, and
you feel — the seriousness of it, the team described his status as
the intensity of it. Stepping on “week-to-week.” Westbrook was
the field was the most alive and hurt Friday in the Clippers’
free I have ever felt.” victory over Washington. . . .
Kelce, 36, blossomed into one Damian Lillard scored
of the NFL’s top centers even 41 points as the host Milwaukee
though he was a college walk-on Bucks overcame the absence of
at Cincinnati and a sixth-round Giannis Antetokounmpo (left
draft pick by the Eagles in 2011. Achilles’ tendinitis) to rally past
He was an all-pro in six of his the Clippers, 113-106, for their
final seven seasons and was a sixth straight victory.
seven-time Pro Bowl pick. Kelce
also was one of the league’s most COLLEGE BASKETBALL
durable offensive linemen and
holds the Eagles’ record for Howard men, women
consecutive starts at 156. extend winning runs
— Matt Bonesteel
Wide receiver Mike Evans The Howard men got
agreed to a two-year, $52 million ruI VIeIrA/AssoCIATed Press 24 points from Jordan Hairston
contract to remain with the (Flint Hill) to post their fourth
Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Gunning for more straight win in an 85-66 victory
Evans, 30, is the only player in over Delaware State at Burr
Kai Havertz converted in the 25th minute as high-scoring Arsenal became the first English Premier League team to win three
NFL history to begin his career Gymnasium.
with 10 consecutive seasons with consecutive league road games by at least five goals apiece, with Monday’s match finishing in a 6-0 rout of Sheffield United. Bryce Harris added 23 for the
1,000-plus receiving yards, and he Bison (15-15, 9-4 Mid-Eastern
is Tampa Bay’s career leader in Athletic Conference). Martaz
receptions (762), receiving yards Robinson scored 20 for the
(11,680) and touchdowns (94). Hornets (13-16, 6-7). . . .
In 2023, he tied Miami’s Tyana Walker had 17 points
Tyreek Hill for the NFL lead in as the Howard women rolled to a
touchdown catches with 13; he SPOT LIGH T: B ASE BA LL 61-43 victory over visiting
had 79 receptions for Delaware State. The Bison (13-14,
1,255 yards. . . . 10-3 MEAC) stretched their
The Kansas City Chiefs placed
the nonexclusive franchise tag
on cornerback L’Jarius Sneed.
Nats’ new $5 ticket deal is for D.C. fans only winning streak to five. The
Hornets fell to 8-18, 4-9. . . .
Jeremy Roach (Paul VI) had
The nonexclusive tag allows 21 points to help the No. 9 Duke
Sneed to negotiate with other BY S COTT A LLEN of the promotion. to say ‘thank you’ to our neighbors for men beat North Carolina State,
teams, who then can approach All District Tickets, which range from their support throughout the years and 79-64, in Raleigh, N.C.
the Chiefs about a trade. The Washington Nationals changed a $5 to $25 depending on the game, will be during the 2024 season” and added that
Sneed, a two-time Super Bowl long-standing ticket offer, making it even delivered via the MLB Ballpark app, are more than 400 tickets were sold in the HOCKEY
champion at 27, has easier for D.C. residents to score a dis- non-transferrable and cannot be resold. first two hours after District Tickets went
10 interceptions in 57 career counted $5 seat at the ballpark this sea- The team’s previous $5 ticket offer, on sale Monday. In March, the Nationals Scuffling Devils sack
regular season games and one in son. But non-city dwellers will have to which dated from the opening of Nation- Park box office is open weekdays from Ruff and turn to Green
13 playoff games. If he were to spend a bit more than in past years. als Park in 2008, made roughly 400 day- 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
play the 2024 season for the The new program, called District Tick- of-game tickets in Sections 401 and 402 in Any District Tickets in Sections 401 The New Jersey Devils fired
Chiefs under the tag, he would ets, enables fans who present proof of D.C. the upper deck down the left field line and 402 that do not sell out in advance coach Lindy Ruff and named
be paid $19.8 million. . . . residency to purchase up to four $5 tick- available for purchase two hours before will be available at the box office for D.C. assistant Travis Green as his
The Minnesota Vikings ets in Sections 401 and 402 per game at first pitch. Fans were limited to one ticket residents on game days, beginning with interim replacement.
released running back the Nationals Park box office adjacent to per purchase and, in recent years, were the 2024 regular season home opener General Manager Tom
Alexander Mattison as they the center field gate. The offer is available required to have the MLB Ballpark app, April 1 vs. Pittsburgh. The cheapest tick- Fitzgerald made the move with
continue to seek solutions for a for all home games but is limited to D.C. but the offer was not exclusive to D.C. ets available to all fans are $9 for select less than 30 games left in the
lagging rushing attack. residents, who may purchase tickets for residents. The ballpark is owned by the games. NHL season. The Devils have lost
Mattison, 25, was coming off up to four games per transaction. There is District. Washington averaged 23,292 fans at five of seven to tumble out of
an unremarkable first season as no limit on the number of games for A Nationals spokesperson said the new Nationals Park in 2023, its lowest playoff contention. Ruff was in
the primary ballcarrier in which which a D.C. resident may take advantage program “gives the Nationals the chance non-pandemic-affected total since 2010. his fourth season. . . .
he lost the starting job to Ty Ryan Lomberg had the go-
Chandler for the final four ahead goal in the third period,
games. . . . Sam Reinhart scored twice, and
Former NFL wide receiver T EL E VI SI O N A Nd R Ad I O the Florida Panthers beat the
Braylon Edwards saved the life host New York Rangers, 4-2, in a
of an 80-year-old man who was matchup of first-place teams. . . .
being attacked in the locker NBA SOCCER Kevin Hayes had a goal
room at a suburban Detroit 7:30 p.m. Boston at Cleveland » TNT 3 p.m. uEFA Champions League round of 16, second leg: against his former team before
YMCA, police said. 10 p.m. Phoenix at denver » TNT Paris Saint-Germain at Real Sociedad » WusA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) the St. Louis Blues beat the host
“If it wasn’t for that 5 p.m. Copa Sudamericana, first round: Coquimbo Philadelphia Flyers, 2-1, in a
mLB SPRING TRAINING at universidad Católica » beIN sports
intervention, we could very 1 p.m. New York Yankees vs. New York mets » esPN 5 p.m. Concacaf Champions Cup round of 16, first leg: Robinhood
easily be talking about someone’s 8 p.m. Los Angeles Angels vs. Los Angeles dodgers » MLB Network at Herediano » Fox sports 2
death,” said Jeff King, the police 7 p.m. Concacaf Champions Cup round of 16, first leg: Pachuca IdITAROd
chief in Farmington Hills, Mich. mEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL
Authorities filed an attempted 7 p.m. Providence at Georgetown » Fox sports 1, WTeM (980 AM) 7:30 p.m.
at Philadelphia » Fox sports 2
Copa Libertadores third round, first leg: Palestino
After dog is injured,
murder charge against Malik Ali 7 p.m.
7 p.m.
Virginia Tech at Louisville » esPNu, WJFK (106.7 FM)
duquesne at VCu » MAsN
at Nacional Asunción » beIN sports musher kills moose
Smith, 20, for Friday’s incident. 9 p.m. Concacaf Champions Cup round of 16, first leg: Tigres uANL
7 p.m. Alabama at Florida » esPN at Orlando City » Fox sports 2
Edwards, 41, said he was “just 7 p.m. Syracuse at Clemson » esPN2
A musher had to kill a moose
minding my business” when he 7 p.m. Notre dame at North Carolina » ACC Network TENNIS after it injured his dog shortly
heard a dispute about loud 7 p.m. mississippi at Georgia » seC Network 10:30 p.m. Eisenhower Cup » Tennis Channel after the start of this year’s
music. 7 p.m. Ohio at Buffalo » CBs sports Network Iditarod, race officials said.
“The noise escalates, and then 9 p.m. Kansas State at Kansas » esPN NBA G LEAGuE Dallas Seavey informed
you can hear some pushing and 9 p.m. Florida State at Pittsburgh » esPN2 11:30 a.m. motor City at Capital City » Monumental sports Network officials with the Iditarod Trail
shoving, so you know what 9 p.m. dayton at Saint Louis » CBs sports Network
Sled Dog Race that he was forced
fighting sounds like,” Edwards 9 p.m. St. John’s at dePaul » Fox sports 1 to shoot the moose with a
9 p.m. Georgia Tech at Wake Forest » ACC Network 2:30 p.m. darius Rucker Intercollegiate, second round » Golf Channel
told Detroit’s WDIV. “But once I handgun in self-defense. This
9 p.m. Auburn at missouri » seC Network
hear a thud, that’s when I got up 11 p.m. San diego State at uNLV » CBs sports Network
came “after the moose became
and turned around.” 11 p.m. Nevada at Boise State » Fox sports 1 entangled with the dogs and the
Edwards stopped the assault musher,” a statement from race
of the elderly man, who was in organizers said.
critical but stable condition at a Seavey, who is tied for the
hospital Monday. most Iditarod wins (five), said he
Smith fled on foot before he urged officials to get the moose
was captured. He appeared in off the trail.
court Saturday and remains in “It fell on my sled. It was
custody on $250,000 bond. Jays reach the AL Championship On his new deal, the night when darkness stopped Cincinnati for $172,799 in sprawled on the trail,” Seavey
Edwards, a star at Michigan Series. 33-year-old’s salary will trail play. He was never caught. Back- general allocation money. told a television crew. “I gutted it
who is a Detroit native, was Donaldson earned three those of Los Angeles Dodgers to-back birdies on the 12th and Yedlin, 30, had nine assists in the best I could, but it was ugly.”
selected by the Cleveland straight all-star appearances two-way star Shohei Ohtani 13th holes Monday protected his 65 matches and appeared in This year’s race started
Browns with the third pick of the from 2014 to 2016 and was fourth ($70 million), Texas pitcher Max lead, and a 12-footer for birdie on 82 games overall with Miami. He Sunday in Willow, about 75 miles
2005 draft. He played eight in AL MVP balloting in 2016. Scherzer ($43.3 million) and the par-4 16th pushed his edge to frequently was the team captain north of Anchorage. Seavey
seasons in the NFL. After injuries limited him to Houston pitcher Justin three shots. before Lionel Messi’s arrival last encountered the moose just
113 games in 2017 and 52 games Verlander ($43.3 million). year. . . . before 2 a.m. Monday, 14 miles
BASEBALL in 2018, Donaldson signed a one- SOCCER MLS is going back to having outside the race checkpoint in
year contract with Atlanta and GOLF its All-Star Game feature the Skwentna, en route to the next
Donaldson, AL MVP was 11th in National League Arsenal cruises again league’s top players facing the checkpoint 50 miles away at
in 2015, opts to retire MVP voting after batting .259 Eckroat stays steady at Sheffield United best of Mexico’s Liga MX. Finger Lake.
with a .379 on-base percentage for first PGA Tour win MLS said the July 24 game in Later Monday, Seavey arrived
Josh Donaldson is retiring and 37 homers. Visiting Arsenal delivered Columbus, Ohio, will feature the at Finger Lake, where he
after a 13-year career in which he He then signed a four-year Austin Eckroat waited a long another statement win in its format used in 2021 and 2022. dropped off the dog that was
was the 2015 American League with Minnesota at 34, but his time to become a PGA Tour English Premier League title Arsenal beat MLS, 5-0, in last injured. The dog was flown to
MVP for the Toronto Blue Jays. play tailed off. Minnesota dealt winner. Another day didn’t hurt. challenge by thrashing last-place year’s game at Audi Field. . . . Anchorage, where it was being
The 38-year-old was a three- Donaldson to the Yankees ahead In Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., Sheffield United, 6-0. Australian star Sam Kerr evaluated by a veterinarian.
time all-star. He was a free agent of the 2022 season. He was Eckroat got the first victory of Kai Havertz made it 4-0 in the pleaded not guilty to racially Race officials said every effort
after splitting last season released in August 2023, then his tour career, topping Erik van 25th minute, following strikes by aggravated harassment of a was being made to salvage the
between the New York Yankees finished his career with 17 games Rooyen and Min Woo Lee by Martin Odegaard and Gabriel police officer, prosecutors in meat. Race rules state that if a
and Milwaukee. for Milwaukee. . . . three shots to win the weather- Martinelli sandwiched around Britain said. big game animal such as a
Donaldson was among the top Zack Wheeler and the delayed Cognizant Classic. an own goal by Jayden Bogle. The 30-year-old striker, who moose, caribou or buffalo is
third basemen in baseball from Philadelphia Phillies agreed on a Among his prizes: $1.62 million, Declan Rice slotted home a plays her club soccer for Chelsea, killed in defense of life or
2013 to 2017. He finished fourth three-year, $126 million contract tour status for two years and a fifth in the 39th minute. That was charged with causing a property, the musher must gut
in AL MVP balloting with for 2025, 2026 and 2027, giving trip to the Masters for the first meant Arsenal had scored at police officer harassment, alarm the animal and report it to race
Oakland in 2013 and won the him the fourth-highest average time. least five goals in three straight or distress during an incident in officials at the next checkpoint.
award with Toronto two years salary in MLB history at Eckroat, a 25-year-old former road league games — after wins southwest London on Jan. 30, Race leader Jessie Holmes
later. During that 2015 season, $42 million. star at Oklahoma State, shot a at West Ham (6-0) and Burnley 2023, according to the Crown had a moose encounter as well:
Donaldson hit .297 with 41 home The Phillies ace will receive 4-under-par 67 in the final round (5-0). Ben White finished off the Prosecution Service. The PA “I had to punch a moose in the
runs. He led the AL in total bases $23.5 million in 2024 during the to finish at 17 under. rout in the 58th minute. . . . news agency reported the nose out there,” he said.
(352) and topped the majors in final season of a five-year, Eckroat left PGA National U.S. defender DeAndre Yedlin incident involved a complaint — From news services
runs (122) while helping the Blue $118 million free agent contract. with a one-stroke lead Sunday was traded from Inter Miami to about taxi fare. and staff reports
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post ez su D3

Broncos are releasing Wilson,
A new NFL kickoff could be on the way changing quarterback market
wiLson from D1 make the Broncos’ move with Wil-
nFL from D1 son slightly more manageable
agree to adjust his contract and from a salary cap perspective.
injury rates. They have said the address an injury guarantee tied The Broncos possess the 12th
play could be eliminated entirely to a $37 million offseason pay- pick in April’s draft and could use
if it can’t be made safer. Last ment. it to select Wilson’s replacement.
offseason, the owners approved a Lloyd Howell, the NfLPA’s ex- If they opt for a veteran quarter-
proposal to place the ball at the ecutive director, said during Su- back, the minnesota Vikings’ Kirk
25-yard line — in what amounted per Bowl week that the union Cousins and the Tampa Bay Buc-
to a touchback — on any fair catch believed the Broncos “mistreat- caneers’ Baker mayfield could be
of a kickoff made inside the ed” Wilson. The NfLPA told the available next week as unrestrict-
25-yard line. Broncos and the NfL’s manage- ed free agents. The Chicago Bears
That did make the play safer. ment council in a Nov. 4 letter could trade Justin fields if they
Players suffered only eight con- from attorney Jeffrey Kessler that opt to retain the top choice in the
cussions on kickoffs last season, the team’s threat to bench Wilson draft.
down from 20 in 2022. But NfL if he did not agree to adjust his Jarrett Stidham started the
health and safety officials attrib- contract was illegal and violated Broncos’ final two games last sea-
uted that 60 percent decline al- the collective bargaining agree- son in place of Wilson. They fin-
most entirely to a sharp reduction ment between the NfL and the ished 8-9 and missed the playoffs
in kickoff returns. Teams re- NfLPA, creating the possibility in Payton’s first season as the
turned only 22 percent of kickoffs the union would initiate an arbi- team’s coach.
last season, down from about tration proceeding or litigation “As we move forward, we are
38 percent the previous season. If against the team and the league. focused on building the strongest
teams couldn’t use high kickoffs Howell declined to specify team possible for the 2024 season
just short of the end zone to try to what steps the NfLPA had taken, and beyond,” the Broncos said in
pin opponents deep in their own if any, to follow up on the letter. their statement monday. “We are
territory — since the returning Wilson thanked “Broncos excited to improve this offseason
team could just fair-catch those Country” in a statement posted and will have the flexibility to get
kicks — they figured they might monday to social media. better through the draft and free
as well just kick the ball through sTePhen Whyno/associaTed Press “over these last two years, you agency.”
the end zone and be done with it. An XFL-style kickoff model, resembling a play from the line of scrimmage, could take effect next year. have welcomed my family and me Paton said last week at the NfL
The kickoff became what Troy with open arms and have em- scouting combine in Indianapolis
Vincent, the NfL’s executive vice vote will resemble the kickoff return rate would skyrocket. Vin- could face similar opposition. braced us as members of the Den- that the Broncos had “moved for-
president of football operations, model the XfL once used. The cent spoke last week of getting “You’re always going to have ver community,” Wilson wrote. ward” from the issues involving
called a dead, ceremonial play. kicker would line up alone on his the return rate back to 36 or people that are traditionalists “This city will always hold a spe- Wilson’s contract, adding: “Every-
That was particularly true during side of the field, probably around 38 percent and putting thou- and therefore immediately have cial place in my heart. our family thing we did was above board.”
Super Bowl LVIII last month in the same spot — the 35-yard line sands of active plays per season their guard up,” rich mcKay, the grew here, we made countless Wilson, 35, was the NfL’s
Las Vegas, where the Kansas City — as in the current NfL kickoff back into the game. others con- Atlanta falcons’ chief executive memories and friendships, and eighth-rated passer this season.
Chiefs and San francisco 49ers rule. The other members of the nected to the process say they and the competition committee formed relationships that will last He will seek his third NfL team
combined for 13 touchbacks — kicking team would line up far could envision the return rate chairman, said last week in Indi- a lifetime.” after 10 seasons with the Seattle
and no returns — on 13 kickoffs. down the field, five yards apart being as high as 80 percent. anapolis. “We just have to be Wilson expressed his gratitude Seahawks and two with the Bron-
The NfL eventually could de- from the blockers on the return- “It would feel like an NfL play” open-minded enough to say: Can to Broncos players, other mem- cos. He reached two Super Bowls
cide simply to place the ball at the ing team. That setup would elimi- from scrimmage, one person fa- we bring plays back in the game bers of the organization and caf- with the Seahawks, winning one
25-yard line and be done with nate the issues that lead to such miliar with the deliberations that have gone out of the game? eteria workers, without mention- of them, and was selected to the
kickoffs forever. But the league violent collisions and produce said. According to that person, And if we can in a creative way, we ing those in the team’s leadership. Pro Bowl in all but one of his
wants to avoid that. NfL leaders such high injury rates under the the revised format probably should consider it. It doesn’t “To my teammates, thank you seasons in Seattle.
talk about wanting to “keep the traditional kickoff alignment. would lead to teams putting mean you’re going to get 24 votes. for going to battle together and The Broncos traded for Wilson
foot in the game” and point to The proposal might allow the smaller players on the field for But it means that we’ve got to get for being there through it all,” in march 2022 by sending a pack-
Chicago Bears kick-returning returning team to have as many kickoffs and could result in it on the table and consider it.” Wilson wrote. “There are so many age of players and draft choices —
great Devin Hester being elected as two returners. It perhaps changes to roster construction. NfL Commissioner roger moments I cherish because of you including two first-round picks —
last month to the Pro football would require the ball to land The proposal must address on- Goodell attended last week’s and I am blessed for the impact to the Seahawks. Wilson signed a
Hall of fame. between the goal line and the side kicks. one possibility would meetings in Indianapolis. Good- you have made on my life. I am five-year, $245 million extension
That’s why league health and 25-yard line. There would be a be to require the kicking team to ell said during Super Bowl week beyond grateful for all of you and with the Broncos that September.
safety officials studied the XfL severe penalty for a kickoff into declare its intention, at which that the league needs to “inno- to have been able to run out as That deal was to run through the
kickoff alignment and other pos- the end zone or out of bounds, point the alignment would revert vate” to “find a way to keep the your teammate was an honor.” 2028 season.
sible remedies. It’s why special with the ball perhaps being to the traditional kickoff setup. kickoff in the game.” Wilson’s contract will count Instead, Wilson moves on, and
teams coordinators John fassel placed at the 30- or 35-yard line Another approach could be to The participating special about $85 million against the the Broncos will have to pay him
of the Dallas Cowboys, Darren for a touchback. The idea, after allow the kicking team to attempt teams coaches were scheduled to Broncos’ salary cap, although the $39 million for next season (mi-
rizzi of the New orleans Saints all, is to encourage returns. to convert a fourth-and-15 (or meet over the weekend. The com- team could spread that amount nus any salary amount from a
and richard Hightower of the once the returner catches the fourth-and-20) offensive play to petition committee has a set of over more than one season. The prospective new team). The list of
Bears worked with the competi- ball, the play would resemble a try to retain possession of the meetings in florida before the Broncos avoid paying Wilson the quarterback-needy teams in-
tion committee last week in Indi- play from the line of scrimmage, ball. league meeting in orlando. Vin- $37 million payment that would cludes the Atlanta falcons, the
anapolis on the pending kickoff with similar blocking rules. The That’s where the gimmick as- cent said last week he expected have become fully guaranteed lat- Las Vegas raiders, the Washing-
proposal. setup might prompt coaching pect comes in. Proposals in previ- the proposal to be completed this er this month. It was guaranteed ton Commanders, the New Eng-
The NfL probably won’t refer creativity, with reverses or ous years for the fourth-and-15 or week, and he is hopeful it will be only against injury. land Patriots and perhaps the
to its proposal as the XfL kickoff. across-the-field laterals. The fourth-and-20 alternative to the approved. The NfL salary cap will in- Pittsburgh Steelers and the New
But branding issues aside, the hope is the injury rate would onside kick have gotten nowhere “Everyone was just encour- crease to $255.4 million per team York Giants. The Vikings and Buc-
measure expected to be put be- resemble that of plays from the with the owners. There is a aged,” Vincent said, “that there next season. The record caneers could join that list once
fore the owners for a ratification line of scrimmage — and that the chance that this kickoff proposal are some alternatives coming.” $30.6 million-per-team jump will the reshuffling begins next week.

On BasKETBall

For women’s sports, it’s an organic boost

on bAsketbALL from D1 the planet has reached one both Iowa and the dynastic
wowing juncture. It’s that point South Carolina women’s
street fills curb-to-curb as the at which for some sporting basketball in 2022-23, the
whole big blob edges toward events, you can’t really even tell 9.9 million average viewers for
the stadium. People chant and which gender of sporting the LSU-Iowa national final.
sing and play instruments. At competition the people are “There is no such thing as a
one point they stop and kneel walking and stirring and series of outliers,” he wrote.
and sway in unison and sing, craving to see. The walks look “The world of women’s sports is
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la, we are the the same, feel the same, sound not just having a moment. It is
green and gold . . .” the same, as if the buzzes have living the life that it created.”
Inside, as the seats fill, the merged ideally. He saw the gathering good
great Sam Kerr of Australia’s It can feel as if a new business sense and concluded:
soccer matildas appears on the generation has slid in quietly “Call it a moment if you must.
giant screen — just her face, but unmistakably, and it’s full It’s not momentary.”
sitting on a bench before the of people who lack the fear of After the moment Sunday in
game, nothing splashy — and a powerful women — even those Iowa City, Coach Lisa Bluder
large swell of cheering seems to with some cheek, such as Clark, said: “And next week, are you
stir right out of the guts of cupping her ear to the crowd kidding? It’s going to be an
people who can’t even help it. after another picturesque amazing Big Ten tournament.”
It’s organic, unforced. assist. It’s an era of people who That, too, is sold out — for
The second walk comes like sports, not just certain the first time, in its case.
across Iowa City in the United sports. It’s the generation in And as the firsts go around
States on a warmish Sunday which male basketball stars on their apparent way toward saul MarTinez for The WashingTon PosT

morning in march 2024. It such as Paolo Banchero or becoming seconds and thirds Patrick Corbin said he hopes his cutter, which sat around 88 mph in his last outing, will gain velocity.
starts smack out of a hotel Victor Wembanyama start to and fourths and routines,
elevator and into a breakfast arrive with their basketball-star another state chimed in
lobby with middle-aged men at
three separate tables wearing
shirts reading “Clark,” “Clark”
mothers as first architects of
their games. It’s one in which a
magic-maker with three-point
Sunday. Some 11,975 turned up
in Charlottesville to see
Virginia topple No. 5 Virginia
Nats’ Corbin is trying something new
and “Clark.” It continues across audacity comes whirling out of Tech, 80-75, the largest women’s
town and the Iowa river West Des moines, and soon basketball crowd to date in the nAtionALs from D1 that slider down in the dirt be- into right-handers. That will
without much fanfare, but then every-other-body seems to have commonwealth. cause that’s what I rely on and I help.”
it reaches an arena concourse the name Clark — the very Somebody asked Virginia He’s gotten to see it from a differ- know every hitter knows that,” Just how much it will help
on which so many of the people young, the young, the middle- Tech Coach Kenny Brooks ent perspective,” Gore said. “It’s Corbin said. “Just give them some- Corbin remains to be seen. Spring
seem to have the surname aged, the old. about that, and Brooks, long just been fun to watch him. Every- thing else, maybe get them off that training is always awash in opti-
Clark. They have shared in some since in the running for coolest one knows I’m his biggest fan.” [slider].” mism. Expecting Corbin — one of
Sometimes you see a Clark fresh, unforeseeable guy on Earth, went on a calm- The most visible result of Corb- Corbin said he hopes the cut- the most consistent starting
seated alone or standing in a experience, and their voices voiced rant, if such a thing in’s efforts is a new cutter, some- ter, which sat around 88 mph in pitchers of the past four years, for
long concession line, but more during games blare with their exists. “And I watch the thing he tried under max Scher- his last outing, will gain a few better, in terms of eating innings,
often you see a Clark with want. It’s a time when Clark women’s game get zer’s tutelage in 2021 but never more mph as he gets more com- and worse, in terms of allowing
another Clark, sometimes a heads for the Indiana fever disrespected,” he told reporters, managed to craft into a trustwor- fortable with it. He is also trying, runs — to suddenly reemerge as
Clark and Clark holding hands next season and Indianapolis “by people who have no idea thy weapon. He threw it several as he has in years past, to hone his an ace would be like hoping for a
and then sometimes, if lucky, a Star columnist Gregg Doyel how much work these kids put times last week against the change-up, another pitch that florida spring training without
Clark, a Clark and a Clark, all counts his blessings of future in. And for it finally to be St. Louis Cardinals and even got could help push hitters off his rain. It’s possible, sure. But it isn’t
together. That doesn’t even civic energy and storylines and recognized for what it should annual mVP candidate Nolan Are- more familiar combinations. exactly a safe bet. Besides, Gore,
count the one photo you might texts, “I am sooooooooo lucky.” be as a beautiful sport, kids nado to swing through it for strike Hickey said the change-ups Corb- Hickey and Nationals manager
get of the stands, a single frame He had nine “o’s” in there. who work their asses off, kids three. in threw in his most recent outing Dave martinez made clear that
with, seriously, a Clark and a The great longtime who have so much pride in “It’s real,” said Gore, echoing might have been some of the Corbin hasn’t suddenly flipped
Clark on one row, a Clark, Clark columnist mark Whicker, in what they do, and then you get reviews from other members of better ones he has seen him some switch.
and Clark just in front of that, January on his Substack, jerks sometimes on social the Nationals’ pitching develop- throw. Corbin said he, Hickey and “His mentality has always been
and a Clark, Clark and Clark committed an act seldom seen media trying to downplay the ment staff who cautioned that Doolittle plan to try out some outstanding. He’s always been
just across the aisle. in the country’s chronic women’s game. makes me Corbin is still very new to the new pitch sequences in his spring willing to do anything you ask of
Down lower, as the seats fill, squabbling, especially among angry. And I saw something the pitch. training outings to set up the him,” Hickey said. “He definitely
the great Caitlin Clark appears the killjoys: research. He other day, and Carmelo If it is real, Corbin hopes the change-up better. did a little tinkering. maybe
on the giant screen — headed brought up numbers from Anthony was talking about the pitch will help offer a complement “He’s just exhausting the other there’s a little bit more edge there;
out of the tunnel in a T-shirt everywhere and everything in women’s game, and he talked to the fastball/slider combination avenues to get hitters out,” Hickey it’s possible it’s because of the
and white croc-ish shoes, women’s sports, including about the women’s game as the teams have come to know so well said. “His career, even in 2019, was contract that’s expiring. But that’s
nothing splashy — and a large hockey and including the purest in its form because they that he sometimes struggles to successful because of the slider also unfair because he’s not trying
swell of cheering stirs right out 19,598 for the volleyball final play it the right way. And when fool them. maybe he can throw it swing-and-miss. Teams have be- any harder now than he was in
of the guts of people who can’t four in Tampa, the 59,042 at you’ve got one of the greatest of instead of a fastball in the usual come more familiar with him, so 2021 or 2022.”
even help it. It’s organic, Emirates Stadium in London all time telling you that, it fastball counts. or maybe he can they see the ball low and let it go. He is, however, trying some-
unforced. for Arsenal vs. Chelsea (later makes fools on Twitter look use that instead of a slider to move So the change-up and especially thing different. And the people
However you might define or outdone by the 60,160 for silly.” in on a righty. the cutter plays along with sink. who know him and his arsenal
interpret the moment of Arsenal vs. manchester If only they could go for a “maybe throw them one less He’s down with the two-seam, and best seem to think that is worth
respect for the female athlete, United), the 200,000 fans for walk . . . slider where I can get a chase on now he has something coming watching.
d4 EZ SU the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

keviN b. bLACkiSTONe

Could Wood or Williams finally give the Washington area a homegrown star?
blackistone from D1 fortune with Cal ripken Jr. playing professionally where he’s come back. That’s just my thought pressure, of course. A different his book, “Sixty-one: Life Lessons
But here we are around the from. “It’s hometown, as process behind it. It had nothing sort of pressure than what almost from Papa, on and off the Court,”
High, drafted second by the nation’s capital, staring at the everybody knows. It’d be really to do with basketball, the fans, every player faces anywhere through the Povich Center Book
Commanders in 2020 out of ohio potential of hometown kid Wood, cool to be back there and the city.” except home. Club at maryland that he has a
State, where his talent was so now a 6-foot-6, 240-pound experience that.” Commanders two-time Pro maybe the greatest to ever do new solitude in a condo in the San
undeniable he was the rare slugger who is clobbering the for us, it would pretty much be Bowl defensive tackle Jonathan it, James, said to be successful francisco area, where he is
defensive player named a baseball in spring training like a first. Allen did play at Stone Bridge hometown sports stars, athletes playing this season for the Golden
Heisman Trophy finalist. He was the superstar, franchise-changing We’ve never really had the High in Ashburn. But he was born must focus on the reason they are State Warriors. His family is still
named the NfL’s defensive rookie talent scouts have projected. I hometown star work out for one in Alabama, and Loudoun County there over simply being there. At in the Los Angeles area, where
of the year, too. But then he was mean, if he keeps hitting like this, of our pro teams. Despite all the was his last stop as a kid after least that’s what his short-time they relocated during his Clippers
sidelined and slowed by injury, maybe the Nationals should great basketball talent produced many. teammate Patrick Beverley said. years. But he has never played for
through no fault of his own, and consider bringing back the in and around Washington, none The Washington mystics in “I talked to LeBron, who’s my big the Charlotte Hornets, near his
last season he was traded to the generational talent, Juan Soto, of the Hall of famers played here. 2022 used the third pick in the brother,” Beverley said after hometown of Winston-Salem,
San francisco 49ers. And, of they traded for Wood just to Not Elgin Baylor. Not Dave Bing. WNBA draft to select center joining his hometown Bulls. “I N.C.
course, there’s the tragedy of protect him in the lineup! Not Adrian Dantley. And not Shakira Austin from maryland asked him a lot of questions — Given the bad luck or no luck
Dwayne Haskins, another And the Commanders’ fingers Kevin Durant, a future Hall of and riverdale Baptist High. And ‘How was it playing at home?’ The that has befallen so many
Washington first-round pick. are crossed that somehow, fame inductee, who spurned in her second season, she suffered biggest thing he told me was to superstars who have played
Truth is that coming home for someway, the hapless Chicago arrangements from the Wizards a torn labrum in her hip that prioritize the job, which is playing where they’re from, I guess he has
sports stars has often been more Bears don’t nab Southern to return them to prominence. required surgical repair and will basketball, and have everything been better off.
of a curse than a blessing, though California’s Caleb Williams, “I really just didn’t want to play sideline her for four to six else come after that.” Trying to be the hometown star
not always. LeBron James had considered the best quarterback at home,” Durant told The months, long enough to leave her Players who come home talk isn’t something I wish for star
two stints in Cleveland, about prospect in several years, with the Washington Post in 2017. “I was availability at the start of this about the stress of satisfying athletes. But selfishly, here in
30 miles from his hometown of top pick in next month’s NfL like, I’m trying to build a second coming season in doubt. family and friends with tickets to D.C., I wish it for us. At least this
Akron, after the Cavaliers drafted draft and instead allow Williams part of my life as a man living in a But I’m talking about see them play and rarely having once.
him out of high school No. 1 — from Bowie and Gonzaga different part of the country, just superstars here. The players who the downtime or private time
overall in 2003. In his first run College High in the shadow of the trying to do different things. I did can change a narrative like James they get playing and living Kevin B. Blackistone, ESPN panelist
there, he led the team to the NBA Capitol — to be brought here with everything I was supposed to do and Durant — like Wood and elsewhere. Point guard Chris and professor at the Philip Merrill
finals. In his second run, he won the second pick. in the D.C.-maryland-Virginia Williams are said to have the Paul, another future Hall of fame College of Journalism at the University
Cleveland a championship. And “It’s familiar,” Williams said area, I felt. Now it’s time to do potential to do. inductee, recently told several of Maryland, writes sports
the Baltimore orioles found last week at the NfL combine of something new. I didn’t want to Playing at home is a lot of local high school classes that read commentary for The Washington Post.


P RO b A Sk e T b ALL HO Ck ey C OL LeG e b ASk eTbALL

NbA Timberwolves 119, NHL bruins 4, maple Leafs 1 NCAA men NCAA wOmeN’S AP TOP 25
EAsTERN CONfERENCE Trail blazers 114 ATLANTIC gp w L OT pts gf gA
BOsTON ................................... 2 1 1 — 4 mONDAY’s REsULTs The top 25 teams in the Associated Press’ women’s
TORONTO ................................ 0 0 1 — 1 EAsT college basketball poll, with first-place votes in paren-
Florida......................... 62 42 16 4 88 206 147
ATLANTIC w L pct gB pORTLAND ......................... 26 22 34 32 — 114 fIRsT pERIOD theses and total points based on 25 points for a
Boston ........................ 63 36 13 14 86 212 175 Howard 85, Delaware State 66
y-Boston..................................... 48 12 .800 — mINNEsOTA ...................... 28 27 33 31 — 119 first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote
Toronto ....................... 61 35 18 8 78 225 194 scoring: 1, Boston, Geekie 14 (Lohrei, Pastrnak), 9:43. 2, Morgan State 88, North Carolina Central 79
New York .................................... 36 25 .590 121/2 and previous ranking.
pORTLAND: Banton 7-20 3-5 18, Walker 2-9 0-0 4, Reath Detroit ........................ 61 33 22 6 72 216 195 Boston, Zacha 13 (Pastrnak, DeBrusk), 12:42 (pp). South Carolina State 61, Coppin State 58
Philadelphia................................ 35 25 .583 13 Tampa Bay.................. 63 33 24 6 72 214 213
Brooklyn ..................................... 24 37 .393 241/2 10-14 1-2 26, Murray 6-11 1-1 14, Simons 13-26 3-3 34, sOUTH RECORD pTs pVs
Minaya 1-3 0-0 3, Brown 1-1 0-0 2, Hagans 0-1 0-0 0, Buffalo........................ 62 29 29 4 62 183 187 sECOND pERIOD
Toronto....................................... 23 38 .377 251/2 Duke 79, North Carolina State 64 1. South Carolina (35) 29-0 875 1
Rupert 5-7 0-0 13. Totals 45-92 8-11 114. Montreal..................... 61 23 28 10 56 173 219
scoring: 3, Boston, DeBrusk 14 (Coyle, Marchand), 5:07. Jacksonville 92, Kennesaw State 86 2. Stanford 26-4 822 4
Ottawa........................ 59 25 31 3 53 195 212
sOUTHEAsT w L pct gB mINNEsOTA: McDaniels 3-7 3-6 9, Towns 5-12 4-6 14, Norfolk State 69, Maryland Eastern Shore 50 3. Iowa 26-4 786 6
Gobert 9-10 7-7 25, Alexander-Walker 4-6 2-2 13, Conley
THIRD pERIOD Queens (N.C.) 69, Florida Gulf Coast 63 4. Ohio State 25-4 761 2
Orlando....................................... 35 26 .574 — mETROpOLITAN gp w L OT pts gf gA
Miami ......................................... 34 26 .567 1/
2 6-13 5-5 19, Anderson 3-8 2-2 9, Reid 4-5 0-2 12, Edwards scoring: 4, Toronto, Tavares 19 (Lyubushkin, Rielly), sOUTHwEsT 5. Southern California 23-5 699 7
N.Y. Rangers............... 62 40 18 4 84 206 172 6. Texas 27-4 687 3
Atlanta ....................................... 26 34 .433 81/
2 4-10 4-6 13, Morris 2-8 1-1 5. Totals 40-79 28-37 119. 3:52. 5, Boston, Zacha 14 (Heinen, Pastrnak), 10:35. Lamar 70, Texas A&M Commerce 53
Carolina....................... 61 36 19 6 78 201 172 7. UCLA 24-5 673 8
Charlotte .................................... 15 46 .246 20 Three-point goals: Portland 16-39 (Reath 5-6, Simons Philadelphia................ 63 32 23 8 72 190 186 Southeastern Louisiana 73, Incarnate Word 56
Washington.................................. 9 52 .148 26 sHOTs ON gOAL 8. LSU 26-4 638 9
5-13, Rupert 3-3, Minaya 1-3, Murray 1-5, Banton 1-6, N.Y. Islanders ............. 60 26 20 14 66 180 201 Texas A&M Corpus Christi 73, New Orleans 60 9. Connecticut 26-5 566 10
Walker 0-3), Minnesota 11-28 (Reid 4-4, Alexander- BOsTON ................................. 13 7 10 — 30
Washington ................ 60 28 23 9 65 160 193 wEsT 10. North Carolina State 25-5 526 12
CENTRAL w L pct gB Walker 3-5, Conley 2-6, Anderson 1-2, Edwards 1-3, TORONTO .............................. 10 13 10 — 33
New Jersey ................. 61 30 27 4 64 202 214 Montana 79, Idaho State 65 11. Virginia Tech 23-6 513 5
Milwaukee.................................. 41 21 .661 — Morris 0-2, McDaniels 0-3, Towns 0-3). fouled Out: Pittsburgh .................. 59 27 24 8 62 174 166 power-play opportunities: Boston 1 of 2; Toronto 0 of 4.
Montana State 76, Weber State 64 12. Indiana 24-4 499 14
Cleveland.................................... 39 21 .650 1 Portland None, Minnesota 1 (Gobert). Rebounds: Port- Columbus.................... 61 21 30 10 52 184 223 goalies: Boston, Swayman 20-6-8 (33 shots-32 saves).
Northern Colorado 82, Northern Arizona 74 13. Oregon State 23-6 472 11
Indiana........................................ 34 28 .548 7 land 41 (Walker 8), Minnesota 40 (Gobert 16). Assists: Toronto, Woll 9-6-1 (30-26). A: 18,911 (18,819). T: 2:24.
14. Notre Dame 23-6 470 17
x-Chicago.................................... 28 32 .467 12 Portland 28 (Simons 14), Minnesota 28 (Conley, Morris CENTRAL gp w L OT pts gf gA 15. Gonzaga 29-2 399 16
Detroit .......................................... 9 51 .150 31 7). Total fouls: Portland 26, Minnesota 17. A: 18,024 16. Kansas State 24-6 288 15
Winnipeg .................... 60 39 16 5 83 187 144
(19,356) Dallas.......................... 63 37 17 9 83 225 190 bA SebA LL No. 9 duke 79, 17. Baylor 23-6 273 21

sOUTHwEsT w L pct gB
x-Colorado .................. 62 37 20 5 79 227 194 North Carolina State 64 18.
Nashville..................... 62 35 25 2 72 199 190
New Orleans............................... 36 25 .590 — St. Louis...................... 61 32 26 3 67 176 187 mLb spring training Duke (24-6) 20. Syracuse 23-6 210 19
Dallas.......................................... 34 27 .557 2 Grizzlies 106, Nets 102 Minnesota .................. 62 29 27 6 64 194 208
Mitchell 2-7 1-2 5, Filipowski 4-6 0-0 9, McCain 6-14 1-1 21. Creighton 24-4 199 23
Houston...................................... 26 34 .433 91/2 Arizona ....................... 61 25 31 5 55 180 201 16, Proctor 4-10 0-0 11, Roach 9-17 2-3 21, Stewart 5-7 2-3 22. Utah 21-9 172 18
Memphis..................................... 21 41 .339 151/2 mEmpHIs ........................... 29 24 27 26 — 106 x-Chicago .................... 61 15 41 5 35 125 218 Washington vs. Miami (ss) at West Palm Beach, Fla., ccd. 12, Young 1-2 0-0 2, Power 1-5 0-0 3. Totals 32-68 6-9 79. 23. UNLV 26-2 113 24
San Antonio................................ 13 48 .213 23 BROOKLYN ......................... 31 21 25 25 — 102 Baltimore 5, Pittsburgh 2 North Carolina state (17-13) 24. Louisville 23-8 108 22
Boston 3, Toronto 1 Burns 12-19 3-5 27, Diarra 4-8 1-2 10, Horne 4-8 0-0 8, 25. Fairfield 26-1 60 -
mEmpHIs: Aldama 5-11 0-0 12, Williams Jr. 4-11 2-2 11, pACIfIC gp w L OT pts gf gA Detroit 7, N.Y. Yankees 2
NORTHwEsT w L pct gB Vancouver................... 63 39 17 7 85 224 176 Morsell 4-10 1-2 9, O’Connell 1-3 0-0 3, Taylor 0-1 2-2 2,
Jemison 5-6 0-0 10, Kennard 8-11 3-3 25, Konchar 2-3 4-4 Tampa Bay 4, Minnesota 4 Others receiving votes: Princeton 24, Michigan State 12,
x-Oklahoma City......................... 42 18 .700 — Edmonton ................... 59 37 20 2 76 212 172 Atlanta 3, Philadelphia 2 Pass 1-3 0-0 3, Middlebrooks 1-1 0-1 2, Parker 0-2 0-2 0,
9, Hurt 2-7 0-0 5, Jackson 2-9 2-2 7, LaRavia 4-12 6-8 14, Nunnally 0-1 0-0 0, Ross 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-56 7-14 64. West Virginia 9, Mississippi 9, Duke 3, Columbia 3, North
Minnesota .................................. 43 19 .694 — Stevens 6-12 1-3 13. Totals 38-82 18-22 106. Vegas .......................... 62 33 22 7 73 201 185 St. Louis vs. Miami (ss) at Jupiter, Fla., ccd. Carolina 3, Richmond 1, Kansas 1, Toledo 1, Jackson
Denver ........................................ 42 19 .689 1/
Los Angeles ................ 60 31 19 10 72 188 162 Houston 5, N.Y. Mets 2 (6) Halftime: Duke 33-30. Three-point goals: Duke 9-30
2 State 1, Iowa State 1.
Utah............................................ 28 34 .452 15 BROOKLYN: C.Johnson 6-15 3-4 18, Finney-Smith 3-8 x-Calgary .................... 60 30 25 5 65 189 187 Oakland 5, Texas 2 (Proctor 3-8, McCain 3-9, Filipowski 1-2, Power 1-3,
Portland...................................... 17 43 .283 25 0-0 9, Claxton 8-10 5-8 21, Bridges 4-14 4-9 14, Schroder x-Seattle..................... 60 26 23 11 63 166 171 Kansas City 7, Cincinnati 3 Roach 1-7, Mitchell 0-1), North Carolina State 3-9
5-13 1-3 13, Wilson 1-1 2-2 5, Sharpe 1-3 2-4 4, Smith Jr. Chi. Cubs 5, Cleveland (ss) 3 (O’Connell 1-1, Diarra 1-2, Pass 1-2, Horne 0-1, Nunnally
2-5 0-0 5, Walker IV 5-10 0-0 13. Totals 35-79 17-30 102.
Anaheim ..................... 61
San Jose ..................... 60
3 47 162 216
6 36 129 235 San Francisco 6, Cleveland (ss) 5 0-1, Morsell 0-2). Rebounds: Duke 32 (Mitchell 6), North big Ten women’s tournament
pACIfIC w L pct gB L.A. Dodgers 7, Colorado 4 Carolina State 28 (Diarra 7). Assists: Duke 12 (Proctor
L.A. Clippers ............................... 39 21 .650 — Three-point goals: Memphis 12-37 (Kennard 6-9, Al- L.A. Angels 3, Chi. White Sox 1 4), North Carolina State 12 (Burns 4). Total fouls: Duke
x-Sacramento............................. 34 25 .576 41/2 dama 2-6, Konchar 1-1, Jackson 1-4, Williams Jr. 1-4, x-Late game wEDNEsDAY’s gAmEs
San Diego 12, Seattle 4 14, North Carolina State 7. A: 19,500 (19,772). fIRsT ROUND
Phoenix....................................... 35 26 .574 41/2 Hurt 1-6, Stevens 0-3, LaRavia 0-4), Brooklyn 15-42 sUNDAY’s REsULTs Milwaukee 10, Arizona 4
Golden State .............................. 32 28 .533 7 (Finney-Smith 3-6, Walker IV 3-6, C.Johnson 3-10, Game 1: Purdue vs. Northwestern, 6:30
Schroder 2-7, Bridges 2-8, Wilson 1-1, Smith Jr. 1-3, Arizona 5, at Washington 2 mONDAY’s REsULTs Game 2: Minnesota vs. Rutgers, 9
x-L.A. Lakers .............................. 33 29 .532 7
Sharpe 0-1). fouled Out: Memphis 1 (Jemison), Brooklyn at Los Angeles 5, New Jersey 1 Washington 1, St. Louis 0 NCAA meN’S TOP 25
x-Late game; y-Clinched playoff spot None. Rebounds: Memphis 50 (LaRavia 10), Brooklyn 33 at Minnesota 4, San Jose 3 Minnesota (ss) 7, Baltimore 2 THURsDAY’s gAmEs
The top 25 teams in the Associated Press’ college
(Claxton 6). Assists: Memphis 26 (Kennard 7), Brooklyn Winnipeg 5, at Buffalo 2 Minnesota (ss) 4, Atlanta 3 basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses
sUNDAY’s REsULTs 27 (Schroder 9). Total fouls: Memphis 22, Brooklyn 20. Pittsburgh 7, Tampa Bay 3 and total points based on 25 points for a first-place vote Game 3: Maryland vs. Illinois, 12:30
Vancouver 2, at Anaheim 1
Philadelphia 120, at Dallas 116 A: 15,847 (17,732) Detroit 2, Boston 1 through one point for a 25th-place vote and previous Game 4: Nebraska vs. Purdue-Northwestern winner, 3
at Edmonton 6, Pittsburgh 1 Toronto 5, Philadelphia 2
at Boston 140, Golden State 88 ranking. Game 5: Penn State vs. Wisconsin, 6:30
mONDAY’s REsULTs L.A. Angels 3, Texas 2 Game 6: Michigan vs. Minnesota-Rutgers winner, 9
L.A. Clippers 89, at Minnesota 88 Chi. White Sox 5, Arizona 2
Boston 4, at Toronto 1 RECORD pTs pVs
at Toronto 111, Charlotte 106 Cincinnati 15, Oakland 8 fRIDAY’s gAmEs
1. Houston (52) 26-3 1539 1
at Orlando 113, Detroit 91 Florida 4, at N.Y. Rangers 2 San Diego 2, Chi. Cubs 1 2. Connecticut (6) 26-3 1462 3 QUARTERfINALs
Colorado 12, San Francisco 10
at San Antonio 117, Indiana 105
New York 107, at Cleveland 98
bucks 113, Clippers 106 at Columbus 6, Vegas 3
St. Louis 2, at Philadelphia 1 (SO) N.Y. Yankees 3, Miami 2
3. Purdue (4) 26-3 1459 2 Game 7: Ohio State vs. Maryland-Illinois winner, 12:30
Game 8: Michigan State vs. Nebraska—Purdue-North-
4. Tennessee 23-6 1364 4
Oklahoma City 118, at Phoenix 110 L.A. CLIppERs .................... 35 20 26 25 — 106 Chicago at Colorado, late TUEsDAY’s gAmEs 5. Arizona 23-6 1252 6 western winner, 3
mILwAUKEE ...................... 25 23 25 40 — 113 Seattle at Calgary, late Philadelphia vs. Baltimore, 1 6. Iowa State 23-6 1212 8 Game 9: Iowa vs. Penn State-Wisconsin winner, 6:30
mONDAY’s REsULTs 7. North Carolina 23-6 1201 9 Game 10: Indiana vs. Michigan—Minnesota-Rutgers
Atlanta vs. Detroit, 1
at Utah 127, Washington 115 L.A. CLIppERs: George 10-17 3-7 29, Leonard 6-19 2-3 TUEsDAY’s gAmEs Boston vs. Tampa Bay, 1 8. Marquette 22-7 1056 5 winner, 9
at Minnesota 119, Portland 114 16, Zubac 2-4 2-2 6, Harden 9-16 6-9 29, Mann 1-4 2-2 4, Columbus at Pittsburgh, 7 Houston vs. Miami, 1 9. Duke 23-6 1051 10
Theis 3-6 0-0 7, Coffey 2-6 0-0 4, Hyland 2-4 0-0 5, Powell Pittsburgh vs. Toronto, 1 10. Creighton 22-8 983 12 sATURDAY’s gAmEs
Memphis 106, at Brooklyn 102 Florida at New Jersey, 7 sEmIfINALs
2-8 1-2 6. Totals 37-84 16-25 106. St. Louis vs. Minnesota, 1 11. Baylor 21-8 901 15
at Milwaukee 113, L.A. Clippers 106 Edmonton at Boston, 7:30 Game 11: Game 7 winner vs. Game 8 winner, 2
mILwAUKEE: Beasley 2-11 0-0 5, Crowder 1-4 0-0 3, N.Y. Mets vs. N.Y. Yankees, 1:10 12. Illinois 22-7 834 13
Chicago at Sacramento, late St. Louis at N.Y. Islanders, 7:30 Cleveland vs. Seattle (ss), 3 Game 12: ame 9 winner vs. Game 10 winner, 4:30
Lopez 1-4 3-6 6, Beverley 4-10 1-1 12, Lillard 12-22 13-13 13. Auburn 22-7 746 11
Oklahoma City at L.A. Lakers, late Montreal at Nashville, 8 San Francisco vs. Milwaukee, 3 14. Kansas 21-8 723 7
41, Connaughton 2-3 3-4 8, Gallinari 1-2 2-2 4, Portis Seattle at Winnipeg, 8 Seattle (ss) vs. Texas, 3:10 sUNDAY’s gAmE
TUEsDAY’s gAmEs 12-18 2-2 28, Green 2-4 0-0 6. Totals 37-78 24-28 113. 15. Kentucky 21-8 711 16
Chicago at Arizona, 9 Arizona vs. San Diego, 3:10 16. Alabama 20-9 592 14
Orlando at Charlotte, 7 Three-point goals: L.A. Clippers 16-40 (George 6-10, Dallas at San Jose, 10:30 Kansas City vs. Chi. Cubs, 8 17. South Carolina 24-5 579 18 Game 13: Game 11 winner vs. Game 12 winner, noon
Atlanta at New York, 7:30 Harden 5-10, Leonard 2-8, Hyland 1-2, Theis 1-2, Powell L.A. Dodgers vs. L.A. Angels, 8
Vancouver at Los Angeles, 10:30 18. Washington State 23-7 484 19
Boston at Cleveland, 7:30 1-6, Coffey 0-2), Milwaukee 15-39 (Lillard 4-9, Beverley wEDNEsDAY’s gAmEs 19. Gonzaga 24-6 396 23
3-7, Green 2-4, Portis 2-4, Connaughton 1-2, Lopez 1-2, wEDNEsDAY’s gAmEs
Detroit at Miami, 7:30
Crowder 1-3, Beasley 1-7, Gallinari 0-1). fouled Out: Buffalo at Toronto, 7
Miami vs. Washington, 1:10 20.
San Diego State
ACC women’s tournament
New Orleans at Toronto, 7:30 Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh, 6
None. Rebounds: L.A. Clippers 38 (Zubac 11), Milwaukee Detroit at Colorado, 9:30 Houston vs. N.Y. Mets, 1 22. Utah State 24-5 285 22
Philadelphia at Brooklyn, 7:30
46 (Portis 16). Assists: L.A. Clippers 25 (Harden 8), Minnesota vs. Boston, 1 23. St. Mary's (Calif.) 24-7 268 17 wEDNEsDAY’s gAmEs
San Antonio at Houston, 8 Milwaukee 20 (Lillard 4). Total fouls: L.A. Clippers 21, Ottawa at Anaheim, 10 fIRsT ROUND
N.Y. Yankees vs. Tampa Bay, 1 24. South Florida 22-5 154 25
Indiana at Dallas, 8:30 Milwaukee 20. A: 17,875 (17,500) Game 1: Boston College vs. Clemson, 1
Chi. Cubs vs. L.A. Angels (ss), 3 25. Dayton 22-6 50 21
Phoenix at Denver, 10 Chi. White Sox vs. L.A. Dodgers, 3 Game 2: Pittsburgh vs. Georgia Tech, 3:30
wEDNEsDAY’s gAmEs Panthers 4, Rangers 2 Kansas City vs. Seattle, 3 Others receiving votes: Nevada 42, Florida 39, Boise Game 3: Wake Forest vs. Virginia, 6:30
Cincinnati (ss) vs. Milwaukee (ss), 3 State 26, Texas 10, Texas Tech 10, Indiana Stat 9,
Orlando at Washington, 7 fLORIDA .................................. 0 2 2 — 4 Colorado vs. Texas, 3:10 Appalachian State 6, New Mexico 5, Florida Atlantic 4, THURsDAY’s gAmEs
N.Y. RANgERs ......................... 1 1 0 — 2 James Madison 4, Princeton 3, Michigan State 2, sECOND ROUND
Cleveland at Atlanta, 7:30
L.A. Clippers at Houston, 7:30
SOC CeR L.A. Angels (ss) vs. Oakland, 3:10
Milwaukee (ss) vs. Cleveland, 3:10 Villanova 2, Colorado State 2, McNeese State 2, Rich- Game 4: Boston College-Clemson winner vs. Louisville,
Memphis at Philadelphia, 7:30 San Diego vs. Cincinnati (ss), 3:10 mond 1. 11 a.m.
scoring: 1, N.Y. Rangers, Cuylle 11 (Trouba, Miller),
Chicago at Utah, 9 mLS 16:39 (pp).
Game 5: Miami vs. North Carolina, 1:30
Game 6: Pittsburgh-Georgia Tech winner vs. Duke, 5
Milwaukee at Golden State, 10
Oklahoma City at Portland, 10 EAsT w L T pts gf gA sECOND pERIOD Nationals 1, Cardinals 0 NCAA meN’S Game 7: Wake Forest-Virginia winner vs. Florida State,
Sacramento at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 Inter Miami CF ..................2
D.C. United ........................1
scoring: 2, Florida, Reinhart 43 (Verhaeghe, Barkov), sT. LOUIs AB R H BI wAsHINgTON AB R H BI TOP 25 COACHeS’ POLL
10:11 (pp). 3, Florida, Reinhart 44 (Forsling, Barkov), Donovan dh 3 0 0 0 Thomas rf 2 1 0 0 The USA TODAY Sports Top 25 men’s basketball poll,
fRIDAY’s gAmEs
CF Montréal ......................1 0 1 4 2 1 QUARTERfINALs
12:56. 4, N.Y. Rangers, Kreider 31 (Panarin, Trocheck), Rivas ph-dh 1 0 0 0 Hassell rf 1 0 0 0 with first-place votes received in parenthesis, team’s
Charlotte FC ......................1 0 1 4 2 1
15:26 (pp). Game 8: Boston College-Clemson—Louisville winner vs.
wiz ARd S’ Ne x T T H Ree Columbus ..........................1 0 1 4 2 1 Walker rf
Koperniak rf
Wood lf
Jac.Young lf
records, total points based on 25 for first place through
one point for 25th and ranking in last week’s poll: Notre Dame, 11 a.m.
Cincinnati ..........................1 0 1 4 2 1 THIRD pERIOD
New York...........................1 0 1 4 2 1 Gorman 2b 3 0 0 0 Winker dh 2 0 0 0 Game 9: Miami-North Carolina winner vs. Virginia Tech,
RECORD pTs pVs 1:30
vs. Orlando magic Toronto FC ........................1 0 1 4 1 0 scoring: 5, Florida, Lomberg 5 (Forsling), 6:11. 6, Florida,
Lundell 9 (Ekman-Larsson), 19:01 (en).
Gamboa 2b 1 0 0 0 Green ph-dh 1 0 0 0
1. Houston (28) 26-3 795 1 Game 10: Pittsburgh-Georgia Tech winner vs. North
Philadelphia ......................0 0 2 2 3 3 Arenado 3b 3 0 1 0 Meneses 1b 3 0 1 0
Nashville ...........................0 0 2 2 1 1 Fermín 3b 1 0 0 0 Díaz pr-1b 1 0 0 0 2. Connecticut (3) 26-3 757 2 Carolina State, 5
Wednesday 7 Monumental Chicago..............................0 1 1 1 3 4
sHOTs ON gOAL Contreras c 2 0 1 0 Ruiz c 2 0 1 1 3. Purdue (1) 26-3 745 3 Game 11: Wake Forest-Virginia—Florida State winner
Orlando City ......................0 1 1 1 0 5 fLORIDA .................................. 7 10 12 — 29 Raposo c 2 0 1 0 Millas pr-c 0 0 0 0 4. Tennessee 23-6 705 4 vs. Syracuse, 7:30
Atlanta..............................0 1 0 0 0 1 N.Y. RANgERs ....................... 10 12 6 — 28 Carpenter 1b 3 0 0 0 Senzel 3b 3 0 0 0 5. Arizona 23-6 644 7
vs. Charlotte Hornets New England .....................0 2 0 0 1 4 power-play opportunities: Florida 1 of 3; N.Y. Rangers 2 L.Baker 1b 1 0 1 0 House 3b 0 0 0 0 6.
Iowa State
North Carolina
8 sEmIfINALs
New York City FC ..............0 2 0 0 0 3 of 4. goalies: Florida, Bobrovsky 31-11-2 (28 shots-26 Prieto pr 0 0 0 0 García 2b 3 0 1 0
saves). N.Y. Rangers, Shesterkin 26-13-2 (28-25). A: Burleson lf 3 0 0 0 D.Baker 2b 0 0 0 0 8. Duke 23-6 541 10 Game 12: Game 8 winner vs. Game 9 winner, noon
Friday 7 Monumental 18,006 (18,006). T: 2:30. Gómez lf 1 0 0 0 Vargas ss 3 0 1 0 9. Marquette 22-7 531 5 Game 13: Game 10 winner vs. Game 11 winner, 2:30
wEsT w L T pts gf gA 10. Creighton 22-8 487 12
Winn ss 3 0 0 0 Nunez ss 0 0 0 0 sUNDAY’s gAmE
Portland ............................1 0 1 4 6 3 11. Baylor 21-8 452 14
Saggese ss 0 0 0 0 Robles cf 3 0 0 0
at miami Heat LA Galaxy ..........................1 0 1 4 4 2
Scott cf 3 0 1 0 Crews cf 0 0 0 0 12. Illinois 22-7 423 16 CHAmpIONsHIp
St Louis City......................1
Real Salt Lake ...................1
blue Jackets 6, Siani cf 0 0 0 0 13. Kentucky 21-8 396 15 Game 14: Game 12 winner vs. Game 13 winner, 1
14. Auburn 22-7 376 11
Sunday 6 Monumental Minnesota United .............1 0 1 4 3 2 Golden knights 3 TOTALs 33 0 6 0 TOTALs 27 1 5 1
15. Kansas 21-8 366 9
FC Dallas ...........................1 1 0 3 3 3
Los Angeles FC..................1 1 0 3 2 4
VEgAs ..................................... 2 0 1 — 3 sT. LOUIs 000 000 000 — 0 16.
South Carolina
COLUmBUs .............................. 2 1 3 — 6
Radio: WTEM (980 AM) Sporting KC .......................0 0 2 2 2 2 wAsHINgTON 000 100 00x — 1
18. Gonzaga 24-6 215 22
Vancouver .........................0 0 1 1 1 1 fIRsT pERIOD E: Contreras (1), Winn (1), Ruiz (1), Crews (1). Dp: St. 19. San Diego State 22-7 194 19
Houston ............................0 1 1 1 2 3 Louis 2, Washington 0. LOB: St. Louis 7, Washington 6. 20. Washington State 23-7 182 21 PGA Tour
scoring: 1, Columbus, Danforth 10 (Werenski, Kuraly),
Jazz 127, wizards 115 Austin FC ..........................0
Seattle ..............................0
2 6:16. 2, Columbus, Nylander 2 (Provorov, Texier), 13:11.
2B: Contreras (1). sB: Thomas (1), Jac.Young (1). sf:
Ruiz (1).
21. St. Mary's (Calif.) 24-7 175 17 COgNIZANT CLAssIC
3, Vegas, Morelli 3 (Froese), 17:19. 4, Vegas, Karlsson 22 22. Utah State 24-5 151 23 At PGA National Golf Club Champion Course
washington ........................ 41 34 26 14 — 115 Colorado ............................0 1 1 1 2 5 sT. LOUIs Ip H R ER BB sO 23. BYU 21-8 140 NR
Utah .................................... 35 39 28 25 — 127 San Jose............................0 2 0 0 2 5 (Hague, Stephenson), 18:01. In Palm Beach Gardens, Fla
S.Gray 12/3 1 0 0 0 1 24. South Florida 22-5 88 25 purse: $9 million; Yardage: 7,147; par: 71
wAsHINgTON mIN fg fT O-T A pf pTs sECOND pERIOD Leahy 1/
3 0 0 0 0 1 25. Florida 20-9 42 24
Avdija 35:03 6-18 4-4 5-11 2 2 16 scoring: 5, Columbus, Gudbranson 4 (Jenner, Gaudreau), Matz 1 0 0 0 0 2 Dropped out: No. 20 Dayton (22-6).
Toronto FC 0, at Cincinnati 0 Romero (L,0-1) 1 1 1 1 2 2 Others receiving votes: Dayton (22-6) 31, Texas Tech $1,620,000
Kuzma 35:22 7-18 7-11 0-5 8 3 23 17:21.
Bagley III 23:04 2-7 2-2 2-9 4 0 6 New York 0, at Nashville 0 Gallegos 1 1 0 0 0 2 (20-9) 24, Nevada (24-6) 24, Boise State (21-8) 16, Austin Eckroat (500) ............... 65 67 68 67 — 267 -17
Coulibaly 33:13 2-7 2-2 1-4 1 3 7 Miami 1, at LA Galaxy 1 THIRD pERIOD Hence 2 2 0 0 0 2 Appalachian State (26-5) 13, James Madison (28-3) 10, $801,000
Jones 30:00 8-11 0-0 1-5 6 1 21 scoring: 6, Columbus, Nylander 3 (Sillinger), 3:23. 7, Loutos 1 0 0 0 1 1 Oklahoma (19-10) 8, Northwestern (20-9) 7, Clemson Min Woo Lee (245) .................. 67 70 66 67 — 270 -14
sATURDAY’s REsULTs (20-9) 5, Indiana State (26-5) 5, TCU (19-10) 4, Wake
Poole 28:52 11-18 4-4 0-1 2 2 32 Vegas, Stephenson 14 (Theodore, Amadio), 10:16. 8, wAsHINgTON Ip H R ER BB sO Erik Van Rooyen (245) ............. 66 71 70 63 — 270 -14
Shamet 17:48 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 2 D.C. United 2, at Portland 2 Columbus, Chinakhov 16 (Marchenko, Bean), 11:20. 9, Forest (18-11) 3, Nebraska (21-9) 1.
Columbus 1, at Minnesota 1 Williams 2 1 0 0 0 3 $344,250
Kispert 16:07 2-9 0-0 0-4 1 1 5 Columbus, Nylander 4 (Texier), 18:49 (en). Jake Knapp (104) ..................... 68 66 71 66 — 271 -13
Holmes 9:18 0-3 0-0 1-2 0 1 0 at Real Salt Lake 3, Los Angeles FC 0 Rainey 1 1 0 0 1 2
Kyoung-Hoon Lee (104) ........... 69 66 70 66 — 271 -13
Davis 7:35 1-1 0-0 0-1 1 0 3 at Miami 5, Orlando City 0 sHOTs ON gOAL Law (W,1-0)
NCAA women Shane Lowry (104) ................... 67 67 66 71 — 271 -13
Omoruyi 3:37 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 1 0 Charlotte FC 1, at Vancouver 1 VEgAs ................................... 11 13 16 — 40 David Skinns (104) ................... 65 69 66 71 — 271 -13
Gsellman 1 0 0 0 0 1 mONDAY’s REsULTs
TOTALs 240 40-94 19-23 10-43 26 15 115 Cincinnati 2, at Chicago 1 COLUmBUs ............................ 11 13 9 — 33 Barnes 1 1 0 0 0 1 Cameron Young (104) .............. 65 69 71 66 — 271 -13
power-play opportunities: Vegas 0 of 1; Columbus 0 of 2.
CF Montréal 2, at FC Dallas 1 Perdomo 1 1 0 0 0 0 $210,536
percentages: FG .426, FT .826. 3-point goals: 16-38, .421 goalies: Vegas, Hill 15-7-2 (32 shots-27 saves). Colum- Coppin State 65, South Carolina State 33
(Poole 6-10, Jones 5-8, Kuzma 2-6, Davis 1-1, Coulibaly New York 2, at Houston 1 La Sorsa (S,1-1) 1 1 0 0 0 0 Grambling State 64, Bethune Cookman 54 Billy Horschel (66) ................... 66 71 69 66 — 272 -12
Philadelphia 1, at Sporting KC 1 bus, Tarasov 5-8-2 (40-37). A: 17,338 (18,500). T: 2:31. Martin Laird (66) ..................... 68 69 66 69 — 272 -12
1-2, Kispert 1-6, Shamet 0-1, Avdija 0-4). Team Rebounds: wp: Rainey. Umpires: Home, CB Bucknor; First, Lance Howard 61, Delaware State 43
11. Team Turnovers: None. Blocked shots: 3 (Coulibaly, at St. Louis City 2, New York City FC 0 Barksdale; Second, Ramon De Jesus; Third, Jen Pawol. North Carolina Central 63, Morgan State 58 Peter Malnati (66) ................... 68 68 69 67 — 272 -12
Holmes, Poole). Turnovers: 15 (Avdija 5, Kispert 3, Poole Nashville 1, at Colorado 1 T: 2:15. A: 2,694 (6,500). Norfolk State 52, Maryland Eastern Shore 40 Keith Mitchell (66) ................... 68 70 69 65 — 272 -12
3, Bagley III 2, Kuzma, Shamet). steals: 6 (Poole 2, Avdija, LA Galaxy 3, at San Jose 1 Southern U. 67, Florida A&M 61 Alex Noren (66) ........................ 67 70 68 67 — 272 -12
Bagley III, Holmes, Jones). Technical fouls: None. Austin FC 0, at Seattle 0 blues 2, Flyers 1 (SO) sOUTHwEsT
Andrew Novak (66) .................. 65 69 70 68 — 272 -12
Kevin Yu (66) ........................... 66 67 70 69 — 272 -12
UTAH mIN fg fT O-T A pf pTs sUNDAY’s REsULT
sT. LOUIs ........................... 0
pHILADELpHIA .................. 1
1 — 2
0 — 1
TRA N S AC TiON S Jackson State 75, Prairie View 65
Hendricks 14:13 3-3 0-0 0-2 1 3 8 Texas Southern 71, Alcorn State 63
Toronto FC 1, at New England 0 Tyson Alexander (49) .............. 68 70 69 66 — 273 -11
Samanic 23:01 2-9 0-0 0-2 2 0 5 sT. LOUIs wON sHOOTOUT 2-1 wEsT Doug Ghim (49) ........................ 68 72 67 66 — 273 -11
Collins 34:36 7-11 2-2 3-15 1 5 17 sATURDAY’s mATCHEs fIRsT pERIOD NfL Garrick Higgo (49) .................... 67 65 73 68 — 273 -11
Eastern Washington 72, Sacramento State 59
George 5:46 0-2 0-0 0-1 1 0 0 Portland at New York City FC, 2 Detroit Lions: Re-signed TE Shane Zylstra to a new Idaho 60, Portland State 44 Victor Perez (49) ...................... 67 66 70 70 — 273 -11
Sexton 33:46 11-19 3-3 2-3 7 2 29 scoring: 1, Philadelphia, Laughton 10 (Poehling, San-
Charlotte FC at Toronto FC, 2 heim), 18:52. contract. Montana 67, Idaho State 65 Ben Silverman (49) .................. 68 71 66 68 — 273 -11
Clarkson 36:19 13-26 8-9 2-10 7 1 38 Kansas City Chiefs: Officially placed the franchise tag on Montana State 67, Weber State 65
Dunn 27:53 2-5 0-0 1-5 4 2 4 New England at Atlanta, 7:30 $87,750
sECOND pERIOD CB L’Jarius Sneed. Northern Arizona 67, Northern Colorado 61 Byeong Hun An (37) ................. 67 71 71 65 — 274 -10
Sensabaugh 20:58 3-9 0-0 0-2 2 1 7 Chicago at Columbus, 7:30 Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Signed WR Mike Evans to a
Juzang 20:09 4-8 0-0 1-4 1 1 10 FC Dallas at New York, 7:30 scoring: 2, St. Louis, Hayes 11 (Kapanen), 15:47. Bud Cauley (37) ........................ 66 65 74 69 — 274 -10
two-year contract extension. Nicolas Echavarria (37) ........... 67 69 69 69 — 274 -10
Horton-Tucker 15:28 4-9 0-1 0-1 3 0 9 Minnesota at Orlando City, 7:30 sHOOTOUT
Yurtseven 7:51 0-0 0-0 2-6 0 1 0 Seattle at Philadelphia, 7:30 mLB HiGH S CHO O LS Matt Fitzpatrick (37) ............... 70 67 70 67
Zach Johnson (37) ................... 71 68 69 66

TOTALs 240 49-101 13-15 11-51 29 16 127 St Louis City at Austin FC, 8:30 St. Louis 2 (Thomas NG, Neighbours G, Schenn NG, Detroit Tigers: Traded 3B Andre Lipcius to the Los
Buchnevich G), Philadelphia 1 (Couturier NG, Foerster Rory McIlroy (37) ..................... 67 67 72 68 — 274 -10
Colorado at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 Angeles Dodgers.
percentages: FG .485, FT .867. 3-point goals: 16-40, .400 NG, Frost G, Tippett NG). Sam Ryder (37) ........................ 66 68 74 66 — 274 -10
Tampa Bay Rays: Agreed to terms with C Francisco Mejía mONDAY’s REsULTs
(Sexton 4-7, Clarkson 4-9, Hendricks 2-2, Juzang 2-5, Sporting KC at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 $59,014
to a minor league contract. BAsEBALL
Collins 1-2, Horton-Tucker 1-3, Samanic 1-5, Sensa- Vancouver at San Jose, 10:30 sHOTs ON gOAL Atlanta Braves: Optioned RHPs Allan Winans, Darius Jacob Bridgeman (27) .............. 70 68 65 72 — 275 -9
baugh 1-5, Dunn 0-2). Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turn- sT. LOUIs ........................... 6 13 5 1 — 25 Vines, Ian Anderson, Daysbel Hernandez and LHP Dylan Tom Hoge (27) ......................... 70 69 68 68 — 275 -9
sUNDAY’s mATCHEs Severn School 9, Riverdale Baptist 3 Beau Hossler (27) .................... 69 70 71 65 — 275 -9
overs: 2. Blocked shots: 9 (Collins 6, Samanic 2, Dunn). pHILADELpHIA ................ 11 10 14 6 — 41 Dodd to Gwinnett (IL).
Turnovers: 11 (Collins 3, Dunn 3, Clarkson, George, D.C. United at Cincinnati, 3 power-play opportunities: St. Louis 0 of 3; Philadelphia 0 Los Angeles Dodgers: Placed LHP Clayton Kershaw on BOYs’ TENNIs Chan Kim (27) .......................... 69 71 68 67 — 275 -9
Sensabaugh, Sexton, Yurtseven). steals: 6 (Dunn 2, LA Galaxy at Nashville, 3 of 2. goalies: St. Louis, Binnington 22-16-3 (41 shots-40 the 60-day injured list. pRIVATE Chris Kirk (27) .......................... 67 70 73 65 — 275 -9
Sexton 2, Clarkson, Samanic). Technical fouls: None. CF Montréal at Miami, 5 saves). Philadelphia, Ersson 17-12-5 (26-25). A: 18,728 philadelphia phillies: Agreed to terms on a three-year Bishop Ireton 9, Fairfax Christian 0 C.T. Pan (27) ............................. 66 68 70 71 — 275 -9
A: 18,206 (18,206). (19,543). T: 2:36. contract with RHP Zach Wheeler for 2025-2027. Matthieu Pavon (27) ................ 67 68 70 70 — 275 -9
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ su D5

high school basketball

g ir ls’ to p 2 0 bo ys ’ to p 20

1. st. John’s (26-5) 1. paul Vi (33-2)

last ranked: 2 last ranked: 1
the Cadets toppled sidwell friends the Panthers won a Visaa title for
in the dCsaa title game, with a fourth consecutive season.
sophomore Morgan stewart’s and-
one being the clincher. 2. sidwell Friends
(27-4) lr: 5
2. sidwell Friends (25-6) Junior guard acaden Lewis led the
lr: 1 Quakers with 16 points in
the Quakers lost to st. John’s by sunday’s championship victory.
three in their final game this season.
3. bullis (25-2) lr: 4
3. bishop Mcnamara the Bulldogs, fresh off an
(24-5) lr: 3 interstate athletic Conference
tournament title, have the top
the Mustangs take the top seed in
seed in the Maryland Private
the Maryland Private school state
schools state Basketball
Basketball tournament.
4. bishop ireton (24-9) 4. gonzaga (28-6) lr: 2
lr: 5
the eagles came up just short in
the Cardinals snapped Paul Vi’s the dCsaa semifinals, losing to
16-year Virginia independent sidwell friends by one.
schools athletic association title
streak with a 56-52 win behind 5. st. John’s (25-8)
junior nyla Brooks’s 17 points. lr: 10
5. Woodgrove (28-1) the Cadets fell one win short of a
lr: 4 dCsaa title.
the Wolverines play hampton in the 6. Jackson-reed (33-3)
Virginia Class 4 final friday with a lr: 3
chance to win their first state title.
the d.C. interscholastic athletic
6. osbourn park (24-4) association champs fell to
lr: 6 st. John’s in the dCsaa semifinals.
the Yellow Jackets exceeded all 7. south lakes (25-2)
expectations this season, with their lr: 8
winter ending in a three-point loss to
national power thomas dale. senior Brian Kennedy scored
18 points as the seahawks topped
7. Hammond (23-0) lr: 7 hayfield in the Virginia Class 6
the golden Bears’ path to the
Maryland Class 2a state semifinals 8. patriot (24-4) lr: 9
must go through southern and the
winner of francis scott Key- the Pioneers will return to VCu on
Middletown this week. saturday to play in the Virginia
Class 6 final for a second
8. bullis (22-7) lr: 9 consecutive year.
the Bulldogs are the no. 2 seed in 9. georgetown prep
the Maryland private tournament.
(22-5) lr: 6
9. paul Vi (19-15) lr: 8 the hoyas earned a double bye
the Panthers’ streak of 16 Visaa in the Maryland private
titles came to an end against Bishop tournament.
10. Clinton grace
10. Mount Zion prep Christian (27-6) lr: 11
(21-15) lr: 10 Craig hudson for the Washington Post
the eagles will play in the
the Warriors will be the no. 5 seed Maryland private quarterfinals
The Sidwell Friends boys took down St. John’s, 47-37, at George Washington University on Sunday for their third straight DCSAA title. tuesday.
in the Maryland private tournament.

11. briar Woods (25-2) notes

11. bishop o’Connell
lr: 11 (23-9) lr: 7
the falcons’ dream season came to
an end in the Virginia Class 5 state
quarterfinals with a 36-35 loss to
Patrick henry.
Barbour relishes his taste of winning the Knights were knocked out of
the Visaa division i tournament by
st. Christopher’s.

12. gwynn park (24-1)

12. bethesda-Chevy
exciting,’ ” Rivers said. “You usu- the Maryland state playoffs in players of the week lr: 12
ally see that in your young guys. perhaps the worst way possible.
Chase (23-2) lr: 12 Senior transfer leads It’s really refreshing to see from On Feb. 23, the Coyotes looked Jordan brown, broadneck: the after a tight win over douglass,
the Barons will play Whitman for the Patriot to Class 6 final an older kid that is finally getting as if they would coast to a senior scored 35 points as the the Yellowjackets will play a highly
an opportunity to show his out- Montgomery County champion- Bruins took down Leonardtown, anticipated playoff game against
region title Wednesday. a win would against South Lakes standing basketball ability from ship, holding a commanding 70-60, in thursday’s Maryland Largo on tuesday.
send them to the Maryland Class 4a
the biggest stage in the state.” halftime lead over Bethesda- Class 4a east ii region semifinals.
state quarterfinals.
— Spencer Nusbaum Chevy Chase. It all fell apart: The he also scored his 1,000th career 13. largo (21-2) lr: 13
13. good Counsel F ROM STAFF REPORTS Barons marched back, and the point last week. the Lions will face gwynn Park
Md. girls get chance to shine would-be victors trudged home.
(14-11) lr: 13 elizabeth Friesen, Meridian: the in a Maryland Class 2a region
Patriot boys’ basketball coach Last winter, four local media Clarksburg’s players said little junior had six threes (and
Sherman Rivers tells his No. 8 members put together a new after the game, Coach Sissy Nato- final.
the falcons’ season ended in the 21 points) in a 59-53 win over Lake
WCaC quarterfinals. Pioneers they will remember the postseason tournament for pri- li recalled, but they showed their
journey, not the wins. A bit vate schools in Maryland. In its desire to improve with a spirited
taylor to lift the Mustangs to the 14. Mount Zion prep
Class 3 state championship game. (26-8) lr: 14
14. elizabeth seton cliché, sure. And yes, maybe it first year, the Maryland Private week of practice. Exactly a week
resonates less for the players who School State Basketball Tourna- later, the Coyotes were the Jalen rougier-roane, sidwell
(17-10) lr: 14 have been to three straight state ment was a success, crowning ones who came back, taking Friends: the junior scored
the Warriors bested Lanham
Christian in the Maryland private
the roadrunners earned a spot in semifinals and are headed to Mount Zion Prep as its cham- down local rival Seneca Valley, 15 points and earned game MVP second round saturday.
the Maryland private tournament. their second straight Virginia pion. 50-46, in front of a packed home honors as the Quakers completed
Class 6 title game Saturday in As part of the setup process for crowd. a d.C. state athletic association 15. rock Creek
15. Archbishop Carroll Richmond. that tournament, one of the “It was pretty loud in the gym. three-peat.
(20-10) lr: 15 But for senior Tey Barbour, founders, Marc Stern, had sev- Sometimes it was so loud you’re Christian White (22-8)
Madisyn Moore-nicholson,
you can tell this feels a bit eral discussions with Bullis Ath- just trying to call a couple lr: 15
the Lions nearly stunned georgetown Day: the lone senior
different. At this point in years letic Director Justin Leith about offensive sets and you have to on the hoppers led her team to a the eagles have a quarterfinal
top-seeded sidwell in the dCsaa past, the Harvard commit was using the Potomac school as a rely on your fingers more so
tournament but fell in the dCsaa Class a title over Jackson- meeting with Bullis after topping
preparing for the AAU season, venue. During one of those con- than your voice,” Natoli said. Bishop Mcnamara in the
semifinals, 44-40. having never played on a team versations, Leith — also the “. . . It was just like Friday night reed on sunday at george
Washington with 23 points. Maryland private second round
with a winning record before school’s girls’ basketball coach — lights: great basketball at the saturday.
16. robinson (26-3) transferring from Osbourn be- raise the idea of a girls’ event. right time.”
lr: 16 fore the season. He’s giddy. Stern liked it right away. The three Turner sisters games to watch
“You see a different level of “I had already been thinking scored 92 percent of the team’s
16. Archbishop
river Hill boys at long reach,
the rams fell to thomas dale in the
bounce in his step,” Rivers said. about the girls’ side of things,” points. Senior Trinity, junior tuesday at 6 p.m. spalding (22-10) lr: 19
state quarterfinals, 64-39.
“It’s funny. I say he’s enjoying the Stern said. “But that conversa- London and freshman Destiny gwynn park girls at largo, the Cavaliers finished as
ride; really, you could say that tion really made it a priority.” had 13, 18 and 15 points, respec- runners-up in the Baltimore
17. severna park (21-2) he’s possibly driving the bus.” Stern knew the first thing he tively.
Wednesday at 6 p.m.
Catholic League tournament.
lr: 17 What Rivers is referencing: needed to do was familiarize The county championship loss Maryland private schools state
Barbour has been one of the two himself with the local girls’ land- made Clarksburg hungry for vic- tournament girls’ and boys’
a threat in the Maryland Class 3a 17. DeMatha (21-12)
best players in Northern Virginia scape. As the founder of Capitol tory, Natoli said, but the Coyotes finals, friday at 6 and 7:30 p.m.,
tournament, the falcons will play
this year, alongside Jordan Scott Hoops, he had mostly covered still fell behind early. The Eagles’ at eleanor roosevelt lr: 17
south river in the region final
Wednesday. of No. 7 South Lakes, which boys’ games over the years. So he fast-paced attack left them just Virginia girls’ and boys’ state the stags will face Clinton grace
Patriot will play Saturday. Both connected with several coaches trying to catch their breath. A finals, friday and saturday, Christian in tuesday’s Maryland
18. south river (21-2) teams are eying their first state and organizers around the area, few timeouts slowed the pace. at VCu’s siegel Center in richmond private quarterfinals.
championship. including Meredith Davis, coor- Seneca Valley took a four-
lr: 18 Early in the season, Barbour dinator of the She Got Game point lead into the final quarter, 18. tuscarora (25-3)
the seahawks, meanwhile, will had to find his way as a leader on Classic series. Together, they when Clarksburg outscored it by if there’s any consolation, the lr: nr
have a chance to avenge an earlier a new team. In spurts, that meant built an eight-team tournament. eight to advance to Wednesday’s county championship defeat
loss to severna Park. he deferred too often. The staff It’s the first time in a while region final — where the Coyotes’ served as a learning experience the huskies will play hampton on
quickly course-corrected, telling there will be an event to crown a postseason journey ended last for a young unit with little post- friday for the Virginia Class 4
19. gwynn park (21-5) Barbour he had to “be who he is” Maryland state private school year — at Frederick. season familiarity. championship.
lr: 19 rather than try to placate others. champion. — Varun Shankar “It made us better,” Hairston
He would find a way to fit into “Most coaches we talked to said. “I told them it’s like a 19. potomac Falls
the Yellow Jackets have yet to lose the up-tempo, ball-sharing, de- seemed pretty eager for an op- Flowers learns from late loss mulligan in golf, where you get (26-1) lr: 16
at the Class 2a level, but getting fensive-minded culture while portunity like this,” Stern said. The day after his girls’ team another crack at it without pen-
past Largo on Wednesday won’t be still getting shots off. The top two seeds in the lost, 52-51, to Gwynn Park in the alty.” the Panthers’ perfect season
easy. Since the new year, he hasn’t tournament are Bishop McNa- Prince George’s County champi- The Jaguars, who earned a came to an end with a loss to
missed a beat, often asking for mara and Bullis. The semifinal onship game Feb. 23, C.H. Flow- first-round bye in the Maryland albemarle in the Virginia Class 5
20. C.H. Flowers (19-2) the top defensive assignment games will be played Wednesday ers Coach Roderick Hairston sat Class 4A playoffs after an 18-2 quarterfinals.
lr: 20 while shooting over 80 percent at Elizabeth Seton, and the down the Jaguars to reflect. regular season, seemed to have
20. blake (19-5) lr: nr
from the free throw line, over championship will be Friday “In that conversation, they learned their lesson.
the Jaguars are the favorite to reach 60 percent from inside the arc night at Eleanor Roosevelt. revealed that they underestimat- At home Friday, Flowers domi- the Bengals will face Wootton on
the Maryland Class 4a state and nearly 40 percent from “We want to give these teams ed Gwynn Park, and they don’t nated Wise, 67-38, to advance to tuesday in a region final.
semifinals from their quadrant. three. And he has had a big smile something else to play for at the want to do that again,” Hairston the region final against Eleanor
throughout. end of the year,” Stern said. said. Roosevelt on Wednesday. The Dropped out: no. 18 friendship
Dropped out: none
“I’m not saying that the other — Michael Errigo No loss is a good loss, Hairston Jaguars beat the Raiders by at tech, no. 20 Potomac (Va.)
on the bubble: Clarksburg,
guys don’t enjoy it; it’s kind of said, especially to a Yellow Jack- least 30 points in both of their on the bubble: fairfax Christian,
georgetown day, Meridian, north Clarksburg rebounds
like a ‘been there, done that’ sort ets team that Flowers beat by regular season meetings. hayfield, river hill, st. andrew’s,
Point, oxon hill
of vibe compared to ‘Man, this is The Clarksburg girls entered 18 points early in the season. But — Noah Ferguson Wise
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2024-3-5 | D 6 | BLACK



815 815 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840
Legal Notices Legal Notices Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC
Pardo & Drazin, LLC Pardo & Drazin, LLC Pardo & Drazin, LLC Pardo & Drazin, LLC
ONE COUNTY COMPLEX COURT Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney
PRINCE WILLIAM, VA 22192 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2
Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015
March 19, 2024
202-223-7900 202-223-7900 202-223-7900 202-223-7900
Public Hearings
2:00 p.m.
1. Rezoning #REZ2023-00010, Casey’s Corner: This is a request to
rezone from B-1, General Business to M-1, Heavy Industrial District to
3528 Park Place, NW Unit 2 at 3526 Park Place, NW 5923 Clay Street, NE 1815 8th Street, NW
allow the continuation of the existing uses and provide for option of Washington, DC 20010 Washington, DC 20010 Washington, DC 20019 Washington, DC 20001
redevelopment under the M-1 standards. The property is located on
the east side of Balls ford Road at its intersection with Merrifield Gar-
Lot 0118 in Square 3036 Lot 2031 in Square 3036 Lot 0038 in Square 5273 Lot 0806 in Square 0417
den Way. The property address is 13039 Balls Ford Rd; and is identified
on County maps as GPIN 7496-99-5193 on approximately ±6.15 acres;
is zoned B-1, General Business and is designated I-4, Industrial (Heavy
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of
Industrial) in the Comprehensive Plan; and is located within the Data (“Deed of Trust”) dated September 14, 2023 and recorded (“Deed of Trust”) dated September 14, 2023 and recorded (“Deed of Trust”) dated February 18, 2022 and recorded Trust (“Deed of Trust”) dated June 30, 2022 and recorded
Center Opportunity Overlay District and Airport Safety Overlay District.
Brentsville Magisterial District
on September 25, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023082513 on September 25, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023082359 from on February 23, 2022 as Instrument No. 2022021053 from on July 5, 2022 as Instrument No. 2022071434 from
from PARK PLACE PARCEL LLC, as grantor, to RUSSELL S. PARK PLACE PARCEL LLC, as grantor, to RUSSELL S. DRAZIN 5923 CLAY ST L.L.C., as grantor, to RUSSELL S. DRAZIN, as Aligned Development LLC, as grantor, to Russell S. Drazin
2. Proffer Amendment #REZ2023-00011, Casey’s Corner PRA:
This is a request to amend the proffers associated with Rezoning
DRAZIN, as trustee, for the benefit of WCP FUND I LLC, as (“Trustee”), as trustee, for the benefit of WCP FUND I LLC, as trustee, for the benefit of WCP FUND I LLC, as beneficiary, (“Trustee”), as trustee, for the benefit of WCP Fund I LLC,
#PLN2014-00095 to the Sheetz portion of the property to reduce the beneficiary, securing that certain Commercial Deed of Trust beneficiary, securing that certain Commercial Deed of Trust securing that certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note dated as beneficiary, securing that certain Commercial Deed of
area subject to approved proffers. The property is located on the
east side of Balls ford Road at its intersection with Merrifield Garden
Note dated September 14, 2023 in the principal amount of Note dated September 14, 2023 in the principal amount of February 18, 2022 in the principal amount of $307,200.00 Trust Note dated June 30, 2022 in the principal amount of
Way. The property address is 13039 Balls Ford Rd; and is identified on $975,000.00 made by PARK PLACE PARCEL LLC, as maker, $555,750.00 made by PARK PLACE PARCEL LLC, as maker, made by 5923 CLAY ST L.L.C., as maker, payable to the order $1,098,000.00 made by Aligned Development LLC, as maker,
County maps as GPIN 7496-99-5193 on approximately ±6.15 acres; is payable to the order of WCP FUND I LLC, as payee, default payable to the order of WCP FUND I LLC, as payee, default of WCP FUND I LLC, as payee, default having occurred under payable to the order of WCP Fund I LLC, as payee, default
zoned B-1, General Business and is designated I-4, Industrial (Heavy
Industrial) in the Comprehensive Plan; and is located within the Data having occurred under the terms thereof, and following the having occurred under the terms thereof, and following the the terms thereof, and following the mailing and recordation having occurred under the terms thereof, and following the
Center Opportunity Overlay District and Airport Safety Overlay District. mailing and recordation of an Affidavit of Non-Residential mailing and recordation of an Affidavit of Non-Residential of an Affidavit of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure mailing and recordation of an Affidavit of Non-Residential
Brentsville Magisterial District.
Mortgage Foreclosure and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Mortgage Foreclosure and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or Mortgage Foreclosure and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of
3. Special Use Permit #SUP2023-00002, Hope Hill Church: This is Real Property or Condominium Unit, at the request of the Real Property or Condominium Unit, at the request of the Condominium Unit, at the request of the current noteholder, Real Property or Condominium Unit, at the request of the
a special use permit request to allow for a religious institution with
a freestanding electronic message board. The property is located on current noteholder, Trustee will sell at public auction at current noteholder, Trustee will sell at public auction at Trustee will sell at public auction at the office of Harvey West current noteholder, Trustee will sell at public auction at
the southern side of Dumfries Road and ±670 ft southeast from the the office of Harvey West Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin the office of Harvey West Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440, the office of Harvey West Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin
center point of the intersection of Dumfries Road and Minnieville Road;
is identified on County maps as GPIN 7991-42-7263 and is addressed Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015, on Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015, on Washington, DC 20015, on Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015, on
as 15024 Dumfries Road. The site is zoned A-1, Agriculture, and is des-
ignated POS, Parks and Open Space, in the Comprehensive Plan, and
it is within the Dumfries Road (Route 234) Highway Corridor Overlay MARCH 19, 2024 AT 2:20 PM MARCH 19, 2024 AT 2:15 PM MARCH 19, 2024 AT 2:10 PM MARCH 7, 2024 AT 2:05 PM
District. Potomac Magisterial District.
THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington,
4. Rezoning #REZ2017-00008, Purcell Road Rezoning: To rezone
±56.35 acres from A-1, Agricultural, to SR-1, Semi-Rural Residential, for District of Columbia, known as 3528 Park Place, NW, District of Columbia, known as Unit 2 at 3526 Park Place, of Columbia, known as 5923 Clay Street, NE, Washington, District of Columbia, known as 1815 8th Street, NW,
the development of up to 22 lots for single-family detached dwellings, Washington, DC 20010 (Lot 0118 in Square 3036), and more NW, Washington, DC 20010 (Lot 2031 in Square 3036), and DC 20019 (Lot 0038 in Square 5273), and more fully Washington, DC 20001 (Lot 0806 in Square 0417), and more
with a 1-acre minimum lot area, or approximately 1 dwelling unit per
2.56 acres. The subject site is located to the west of Purcell Rd., ap- fully described in the Deed of Trust. more fully described in the Deed of Trust. described in the Deed of Trust. fully described in the Deed of Trust.
proximately 300 feet south of the intersection of Purcell Rd. and Hunt-
ers Grove Rd., southeast of the terminus of Silent Wolf Dr., is currently
addressed as 12504 Purcell Rd., and is identified on County maps as The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no
GPIN 7993-42-5999. The site is designated ORPA, Occoquan Reservoir warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions,
Protection Area, with a Transect 1A, which recommends a density of 1
dwelling unit per 5 acres in areas with sensitive environmental features agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting
in the Comprehensive Plan; is partially located within the Environmen- the same – except those encumbrances of record that are the same – except those encumbrances of record that are the same – except those encumbrances of record that are the same – except those encumbrances of record that are
tal Resource Protection Overlay; and is located within the Domestic
Fowl Overlay District and Agritourism and Arts Overlay District. Occo- extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by
quan Magisterial District virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust.
5. Proffer Amendment #REZ2023-00028, Parsons Business Park:
To amend the proffers associated with #REZ2018-00018 to allow an Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes,
increase in the maximum height for data center buildings in Land Bays
1, 2, and 3 up to 85 feet (inclusive of rooftop equipment) and for data
water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if
center buildings in Land Bay 4 up to 80 feet (exclusive of rooftop equip- any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the
ment); to change the base zoning designation in Land Bay 2 to allow
B-1 (General Business) / M-1 (Heavy Industrial) uses; and with other
property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall
associated development waivers and modifications. The subject prop- be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
erty is located on the east/north side of Dumfries Rd. (Rt. 234); east of
its intersection with Independent Hill Dr.; southeast of the intersection
property. property. property. property.
of Dumfries Rd. (Rt. 234) and Six Towers Rd.; is currently addressed
as 14237 and 14209 Dumfries Rd.; and is identified on County maps
as GPINs 7891-69-0322 and 7892-40-6524, respectively. The ±90.88-
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $40,000.00 by cashier’s check TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $40,000.00 by cashier’s check TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $25,000.00 by cashier’s check TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $70,000.00 by cashier’s check
acre property is zoned PBD, Planned Business District; is designated will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale.
I-3, Technology/Flex Industrial, with a T-3 Transect, which recommends
a range of 0.23 to 0.57 FAR; and is located within the Independent
Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME
the Environmental Resource Protection Overlay of the Comprehensive
Plan. The site is also located within the Data Center Opportunity Zone
BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid
Overlay District and is partially within the Route 234 (Dumfries Road) in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid
Highway Corridor Overlay District. Coles Magisterial District on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the
6. Rezoning #REZ2023-00005, Abel Property: This is a request to date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in
rezone ±6.00 acres from A-1, Agricultural, to PBD, Planned Business
District, and with associated development waivers and modifications,
the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser
to include an increase in the maximum height for data center buildings shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs.
up to 80 feet and use modifications to allow Industrial/Transportation
(M/T) uses. The subject property is located at the terminus and south
of Six Towers Rd.; ±1,110 feet east of Dumfries Rd. (Rt. 234); is identified The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be
on County maps as GPIN 7892-50-9839; and is currently addressed as
7901 Six Towers Rd. The site is designated I-3, Technology/Flex Indus-
required to post a deposit or to pay interest. required to post a deposit or to pay interest. required to post a deposit or to pay interest. required to post a deposit or to pay interest.
trial, with a T-3 Transect that recommends a range of 0.23 to 0.57 FAR
in the Comprehensive Plan; and is located within the Independent Hill
Small Area Plan special planning area and within the Data Center Op-
In the event that purchaser does not settle as required In the event that purchaser does not settle as required In the event that purchaser does not settle as required In the event that purchaser does not settle as required
portunity Zone Overlay District. Coles Magisterial District for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such
For additional information regarding the Board meeting, please contact
default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and
the Clerk to the Board at (703) 792-6600. All meeting materials are all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and
posted online when the agenda is published, and at that time, a copy of
all staff reports, proposed resolutions and ordinances, and other doc-
costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall
umentation will be available for review by the public in the office of be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit.
the Clerk of the Board at One County Complex Court, Prince William, Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the
Virginia, 22192.
defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be
Members of the public may appear at the Board of County Supervisors’ entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any
Chamber in the McCoart Building, One County Complex Court, Prince
William, Virginia, at the designated time to express their views. resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable
to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in
ing held at a public facility believed to be accessible to persons with connection with such default. connection with such default. connection with such default. connection with such default.
disabilities. Anyone with questions on the accessibility of the facility
should contact the Clerk to the Board at One County Complex Court,
Prince William, Virginia, or by telephone at (703) 792-6600 or TDD (703) If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s
792-6295. Persons needing translation or interpreter services must sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund
notify the Clerk to the Board no later than 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March
12, 2024. of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void
and of no effect whatsoever. and of no effect whatsoever. and of no effect whatsoever. and of no effect whatsoever.


Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to
BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale
ONE COUNTY COMPLEX COURT at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to
receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to
waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the
March 12, 2024 unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time
Public Hearings for settlement. for settlement. for settlement. for settlement.
2:00 p.m.
Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The
1. Zoning Text Amendment #DPA2024-00001, 2023 State Man-
dated Changes: To amend Part 100 definitions, Secs. 32-280.35, successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver
32-300.06, 32-300.13, 32-304.21, 32-305.05, 32-400.25, 32-506.07, 32- to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the
700.60 and 32-700.61 to incorporate state mandated changes. The
amendments include replacing the term “handicapped” or some varia- conclusion of bidding. conclusion of bidding. conclusion of bidding. conclusion of bidding.
tion thereof with “individuals with disabilities” and amending language
around the notification requirements for public hearings. Countywide
Russell S. Drazin, Trustee Russell S. Drazin, Trustee Russell S. Drazin, Trustee Russell S. Drazin, Trustee
2. Special Use Permit #SUP2022-00029, Sheetz Hillendale: This is a
request to allow a motor vehicle fuel station (retail), quick service food
store/restaurant with carryout- drive-through facility, and signage mod-
ifications in association with a by-right convenience store. The existing
facility and gas canopy configuration will be completely removed and
rebuilt with new design features. The subject property is ±3.24-acre
and located on the southeast corner of the Prince William Parkway and
Hillendale Drive intersection, is currently addressed as 4021 Prince Wil-
liam Parkway, and is identified on County maps as GPIN 8192-67-1073.
The site is zoned RPC, Residential Planned Community (Commercial);
is designated RPC, Residential Planned Community, in the Comprehen- Mar 5,7,11,13,15 2024 0012452253 Mar 5,7,11,13,15 2024 0012452252 Mar 5,7,11,13,15 2024 0012451815 Feb 22,26,28,Mar 1,5 2024 0012450683
sive Plan; and is located within the Prince William Parkway Highway
820 850 851 851 851 853 610 610
Corridor Overlay District and the Dale City Small Area Plan (Parkway
Node) Special Planning Area. Neabsco Magisterial District Official Notices Montgomery County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Calvert County Dogs for Sale Dogs for Sale
3801 Richmond Highway Alex- MARYLAND MARYLAND MARYLAND MARYLAND 15 weeks old, avail now. $200. reg. Peibald and traditional colors
3. Rezoning #REZ2021-00006, Bristow Corner: To rezone ± 7.71 andria, Virginia 22305. The above KEITH YACKO, et al, Call 301-633-7372 Cliff avail. Serious inq only 540-522-7106
acres from A-1, Agricultural, to PMR, Planned Mixed Residential to al- establishment is applying to the CARRIE M. WARD, et al. CARRIE M. WARD, et al. Diane S. Rosenberg, et al KEITH YACKO, et al, Substitute Trustee,
low for the development of 63 single family detached and single family VIRGINIA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 4340 East West Highway, Substitute Trustee, Plaintiff, CAVALIER KING CHARLES PUPPIES
attached homes and a community clubhouse and playground area. CONTROL (ABC) AUTHORITY Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Suite 600 Plaintiff, $1850
The subject site involves 2 parcels located in the northwest quadrant of WEST HIGHLAND TERRIER PUPS,
for a Gourmet Shop Wine and Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, Bethesda, MD 20814 v. Call or text 540-550-5360 hybrid, male and female, white and
the intersection of Nokesville Road and Vint Hill Road and is identified Beer Off-Premises license to Substitute Trustee v.
on County maps as GPINs 7594-28-8497 and 7594-38-1791. The site GOLDENDOODLES F1 STANDARD blacks, shots and wormed, $600.
sell or manufacture alcoholic vs. vs. Plaintiff(s) JOSEPH T. ROBERSON AND 540-645-1962
is designated MU-3, Neighborhood Mixed Use, recommends a density beverages. Cristina Lane, Sec- PATRICIA DELOATCH, et al, ELIZABETH N. ROBERSON, 8 weeks old. Companion, therapy
of 4 to 12 dwelling units per acre in the Comprehensive Plan; and is lo- retary. NOTE: Objections to the ERNEST A. REGENTHAL ROSE MARIE JONES V. Defendants. et al, and family friendly. Low to nonshed.
cated within the Bristow Activity Center, and is partially located within issuance of this license must (DECEASED) (DECEASED) Defendants. Call 301-478-5557
the Nokesville Road (Route 28) Highway Corridor Overlay District and is be submitted to ABC no later DIANA H. REGENTHAL 7617 Fontainebleau Drive Minnie D. Moore Case No. C-16-CV-23-004208
located within the Airport Safety Overlay District and Agritourism and than 30 days from the publishing (DECEASED) Unit 2141 14925 Ashford Court Case No. C-04-CV-23-000464 GOLDEN RET AKC & GOLDEN /
Arts Overlay District. Brentsville Magisterial District date of the first of two required 7802 Fairborn Court New Carrollton, MD 20784 Laurel, MD 20707 NOTICE LAB RET CROSS PUPS & ADULTS
newspaper legal notices. Ob- Derwood, MD 20855 Defendant(s). Defendant(s) NOTICE 8 weeks - 5 yrs. Vet checked, parents
4. Rezoning #REZ2023-00022, Bristow Crossing: To rezone ± 27.78 jections should be registered at Defendant(s). Notice is hereby issued this 13th on prem, health guar. 240-620-2013
acres from A-1, Agricultural, to PMR, Planned Mixed Residential to or (800) Case No.C-16-CV-23-004675 Case No. CAEF20-01901 day of February, 2024, that the Notice is hereby issued this 13th W W
allow for the development of 187 single family detached and single 552- 3200. Case No.C-15-CV-22-003307 sale of the property in this case, day of February, 2024, that the
family attached homes, a religious institution, and nonresidential NOTICE NOTICE 13202 SUNTUM CT, ACCOKEEK, sale of the property inthis case, GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES
events and activities consistent with the Agritourism and Arts Overlay NOTICE MD 20607, reported by Jennifer 12958 OTTAWA DR LUSBY, AKC, vet checked, 1st shots,
District and community events overseen by the homeowner’s asso-
ciation. The Property is located on the west side of Nokesville Road, Montgomery County Notice is hereby given this 15
Notice is hereby given this 14th
day of February, 2024, by the
Notice is hereby given this 13
day of February, 2024 by the
Deardorff, Attorney for the Sub-
stitute Trustee, be ratified and
MD 20657, reported by Jenni-
fer Deardorff, Attorney for the
both parents on site. $650.
Call 540-383-9443
+/- 0.25 miles south of its intersection with Linton Hall Road. The day of February, 2024, by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s Circuit Court for Prince George’s confirmed, unless cause to the Substitute Trustee, be ratified
property address is 11707 Fitzgerald Way, and 11712, 11722, 11718, Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland, that the sale County, Maryland, that the contrary be shown on or before and confirmed, unless cause LAB MIXED PUPPIES
11804, 11808, 11812, and 11904 Nokesville Road. The site is identified
on County maps as GPINs 7595-40-1776, 7595-40-1358, 7595-30-8354,
County, Maryland, that the sale
of the property mentioned in
of the property mentioned in
these proceedings and described
sale of 14925 Ashford Court,
Laurel, MD 20707, made and
the 13th day of March 2024,
provided a copy of this Notice
to the contrary be shown on or
before the 14th day of March,
Black and chocolate. $100. INSURANCE
7595-40-1138, 7595-30-8937, 7595-30-7217, 7594-39-5894, and 7594-
39-3155 is zoned A-1, Agricultural; and is classified as MU-3, Mixed Use,
these proceedings and de-
scribed as 7802 Fairborn Court,
as 7617 Fontainebleau Drive,
Unit 2141, New Carrollton,
reported, will be ratified and
confirmed, unless cause to the
be inserted in Washington Post, a
newspaper published in PRINCE
2024, provided a copy of this
Notice be inserted in Washing-
Ready now. 540-908-5931
which recommends a density of 4 to 12 dwelling units per acre in the LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUPS - Yellow DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
Derwood, MD 20855, made MD 20784, made and reported contrary thereof be shown on or GEORGE’S County, Maryland, ton Post, a newspaper published F, AKC, Champ bloodlines, vaccinat-
Comprehensive Plan; and is located within the Bristow Activity Center, and reported by the Substitute by the Substitute Trustee, will before the 13th day of March, once in each of three (3) succes- in CALVERT County, Maryland, Mutual Insurance Company. Cover-
Highway Corridor Overlay District, and Airport Safety Overlay District. ed, dewormed, health tested parents. age for 350 plus procedures. Real
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, 2024, provided a copy of this sive weeks on or before the 13th once in each of three (3) suc- Manchester MD. $2800. 717-476-9397
Brentsville Magisterial District MONTGOMERY COUNTY, CONFIRMED, unless cause to the unless cause to the contrary notice be inserted in The Wash- day of March 2024. The report cessive weeks on or before dental insurance – NOT just a dis-
MARYLAND contrary thereof be shown on thereof be shown on or before ington Post a daily newspaper states the amount of sale to be the 14th day of March, 2024. count plan. Do not wait! Call now!
5. Rezoning and Proffer Amendment #REZ2022-00024, Route 29 or before the 15 day of March, the 14th day of March, 2024, printed in said County, once in $500,000.00. The report states the amount MINI GOLDEN DOODLES F1B - Farm Get your FREE Dental Information Kit
Commercial Center: To rezone ±3.13 acres from A-1, Agricultural, CARRIE M. WARD, et al. 2024, provided a copy of this provided a copy of this NOTICE each of three successive weeks of sale to be $197,938.30. raised, mother on site. 5 females, with all the details! 1-855-337-5228
to B-1, General Business, and to amend the proffers associated with 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 NOTICE be inserted in some daily be inserted in some daily news- before the 13th, day of March, Mahasin El Amin 3 males. Ready March 13. $2,000.
#REZ2020-00003 on ±1.10 acres, to allow for the development of a new Rockville, MD 20852 newspaper printed in said Coun- paper printed in said County, 2024. The Report of Sale states Clerk Kathy P. Smith Call or text 304-483-1631
commercial/retail center at a proposed floor area ratio (FAR) of ±0.09, Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, ty, once in each of three succes- once in each of three successive the amount of the foreclosure Clerk
to include 2 commercial buildings, a drive-through facility associated sive weeks before the 15 day of weeks before the 14th day of sale price to be $365,534.19.
Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012452233
with a restaurant, and associated signage modifications. The ±4.23- vs. March, 2024. The report states March, 2024. The report states
Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012452490
acre site is located south of Lee Highway (Rt. 29), ±500 feet west of the purchase price at the Fore- the purchase price at the Fore- Mahasin El Amin
the Lee Highway and Baltusrol Blvd. intersection, and opposite/south GLADYS E. BOODHOO closure sale to be $359,000.00. closure sale to be $86,000.00. Clerk of the Circuit Court DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
of the intersection with Carver Rd. The project area is identified on
County maps as GPINs 7297-91-9580, 7397-01-0983, and 7397-01-
14241 Kings Crossing Karen A Bushell Mahasin El Amin
Prince George’s County,
2696; and is currently addressed as 14825, 14813, and 14809 Lee
bo ks?

Boulevard Clerk, Circuit Court for Clerk, Circuit Court for

Highway, respectively. The site is currently zoned A-1, Agricultural, and Unit 205 Montgomery County, Maryland Prince George’s County, Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012452228
B-1, General Business; is designated RN-2, Residential Neighborhood, Boyds, MD 20841 Maryland IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SE DC - Room for rent. No smoking,
with Transect 2, which recommends a range of 0.05 to 0.23 FAR in the Defendant(s). BWW#MD-348841 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, good bus, subway route.
Comprehensive Plan for non-residential development; and is located BWW#MD-364218 MARYLAND Call Ms. Owens 202-534-7881
within the Lee Highway (Route 29) Highway Corridor Overlay District. Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012452463
Brentsville Magisterial District
Case No.C-15-CV-23-000804 Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012452412
For additional information regarding the Board meeting, please contact
Prince Georges County PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY,
Substitute Trustee,
the Clerk to the Board at (703) 792-6600. All meeting materials are Notice is hereby given this 15
posted online when the agenda is published, and at that time, a copy of day of February, 2024, by the v.
all staff reports, proposed resolutions and ordinances, and other doc- ROBERT A. JONES, et al CLINTON, MD - 1 BR bsmt apt, $1300,
Circuit Court for Montgomery Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees all utils incl. Close to metro,
umentation will be available for review by the public in the office of County, Maryland, that the sale THOMAS J. KOKOLIS,
the Clerk of the Board at One County Complex Court, Prince William, 240-571-6161 for more info
of the property mentioned in v. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE
Virginia, 22192. these proceedings and described IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR OF THE ESTATE OF
as 14241 Kings Crossing Bou- THE COUNTY OF ESTATE OF LINDA D. SMITH, et al,
Members of the public may appear at the Board of County Supervisors’ PRINCE GEORGE’S COLLEGE PARK/LANHAM - 2BR
levard, Unit 205, Boyds, MD JAMES D. WILLIAMS Defendants. bsmt $1200. House to shr. All util
Chamber in the McCoart Building, One County Complex Court, Prince 20841, made and reported by MARYLAND
William, Virginia, at the designated time to express their views. Defendant(s) inc. N/S. Male Pref. 240-423-7923
the Substitute Trustee, will be IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Case No. C-16-CV-23-004752
ACCESSIBILITY TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: The hearings are be- less cause to the contrary there- Trustee(s) MARYLAND NOTICE
ing held at a public facility believed to be accessible to persons with C-16-CV-23-000865
of be shown on or before the 15 Plaintiff(s)
disabilities. Anyone with questions on the accessibility of the facility day of March, 2024, provided a CARRIE M. WARD, et al. Notice is hereby issued this 14th
should contact the Clerk to the Board at One County Complex Court, NOTICE
copy of this NOTICE be inserted vs. 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 day of February, 2024, that the FORT WASHINGTON - Lg house to
Prince William, Virginia, or by telephone at (703) 792-6600 or TDD (703) in some daily newspaper printed Rockville, MD 20852 sale of the property in this case,
792-6295. Persons needing translation or interpreter services must Notice is hereby given this 12th share. Free cable. Close to MGM.
in said County, once in each of JESTON T SWANN Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, day of February, 2024 by the 4909 70TH AVENUE HYATTS- W/D. $150/wk. 240-882-8973
notify the Clerk to the Board no later than 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March three successive weeks before ROMAINE C. THOMPSON VILLE, MD 20784, reported by
5, 2024. Circuit Court for Prince George’s
the 15 day of March, 2024. The Defendant(s) vs. County, Maryland, that the sale Jennifer Deardorff, Attorney for
report states the purchase price Mortgagor(s) of the property mentioned in the Substitute Trustee, be rati-
Cars 815
Legal Notices at the Foreclosure sale to be
$198,000.00. CIVIL NO: C16CV23000492
6901 Mumford Street
these proceedings and described
as 7806 Drum Point Lane, Clin-
fied and confirmed, unless cause
to the contrary be shown on or HYATTSVILLE - Furn room $175/wk
There now is pending before Clinton, MD 20735 ton, MD 20735 will be ratified before the 14th day of March,
KAREN A. BUSHELL NOTICE Defendant(s). 2024, provided a copy of this or $600/month+security.
and confirmed, unless cause to
the Superior Court of the Dis- Incl all util inc cable. Near Metro.
trict of Columbia an action, Clerk, Circuit Court for the contrary thereof be shown Notice be inserted in Washington
Montgomery County, Maryland NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this Case No.C-16-CV-23-004019 Post, a newspaper published in No pets. 301-675-2016
case number 2023-CAB-002166, on or before the 12th day of
Wilmington Savings Fund So- 8th day of February, 2024 by March, 2024, provided a copy of PRINCE GEORGE’S County, Mary-
JAGUAR 2001 XK8 Convertible, the Circuit Court for the County NOTICE
Stunning & pampered, 73,350 miles. ciety, FSB, not in its individual BWW#MD-349158 this NOTICE be published at least land, once in each of three (3) SILVER SPRING - Furnished Room.
capacity, but solely as owner of Prince George’s, Maryland and once a week in each of three successive weeks on or before Near Metro. No smoking.
$21,000. Scott 703-725-8901 Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012452466
by the authority thereof, that the Notice is hereby given this 14th
trustee for CSMC 2018-RPL6 successive weeks in some news- the 14th day of March, 2024. No pets. Call 646-956-6098
sale made by William M. Savage, day February, 2024, by the Cir- The report states the amount of
TOYOTA Trust. vs. Shirley Burnett seek-
ing to affect title to the property Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of cuit Court for Prince George’s
paper of general circulation pub-
lished in said County before the sale to be $231,056.40. VIRGINIA
now or formerly owned by Shir-
ley Burnett located at 1109
the Real Property designated
a 5707 Davey Street, Capi-
County, Maryland, that the sale of
the property mentioned in these
12th day of March, 2024. The
Report of Sale states the amount Mahasin El Amin Roommates
Penn Street NE, Washington, tol Heights, MD 20743, and proceedings and described as of the sale to be $386,000.00. Clerk,
DC 20002. A copy of the action reported in the above entitled 6901 Mumford Street, Clinton,
cause, will be finally ratified and MD 20735, made and reported Mahasin El Amin
Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012452405 Sterling - Small room, pvt bath/
is available in the Civil Division confirmed, unless cause to the entrance/ kitch, 22165 Stablehouse
Clerk’s office of the Court. A writ- by the Substitute Trustee, will CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
TOYOTA 2011 PRIUS HYBRID - Gold, contrary thereof be shown on or be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, Dr. no pets, $700/mo. 571-839-7211
80,870 miles, 1 owner, exc cond, lthr ten answer, including any claims FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY,
before the 8th day of March, unless cause to the contrary MARYLAND
or defenses, must be filed in the 245
htd seats, OBD test results good to
9/2025. $11,500 cashiers check. Call Civil Division Clerk’s Office, Supe- 2024 next; provided a copy of thereof be shown on or before Electronics
rior Court of the District of Co- this order be inserted in THE the 14th day of March, 2024, SIWPC File# 80150
240-855-1948, leave message WASHINGTON POST, 1150 15th provided a copy of this NOTICE
lumbia, 500 Indiana Avenue, NW, Street, Washington DC, MD pub- Get DISH Satellite TV + Internet!
be inserted in some daily news- Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012452227
1447 Autos Wanted Washington, D.C. 20001, on or
before the 5th day of April 2024. lished in said County of Prince paper printed in said County,
your print Free Install, Free HD-DVR Upgrade,
80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus
George’s once a week for three once in each of three successive Washington Post newsletters
Give the gift
successive weeks before the 8th weeks before the 14th day of Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift
day of March 2024. The report
states the amount of the sale to
March, 2024. The report states
the purchase price at the Fore-
subscription! Cards. Call Today! 1-855-407-6870
deliver more of what you’re looking for.
be $261,699.51. closure sale to be $350,000.00.
of information
Home & Garden Discover and subscribe for free at
Mahasin El Amin
Lutheran Mission Society of MD CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT
Mahasin El Amin
Clerk, Circuit Court for Gift subscriptions my-post Eliminate gutter cleaning forever!
Compassion Place ministries Give the gift of knowing COURT FOR COUNTY OF Prince George’s County, LeafFilter, the most advanced
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clothing, counseling. Tax deductible.
MVA licensed #W1044. Gift subscriptions Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate
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D 6 | EZ
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840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 850 850
Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Montgomery County Montgomery County
Pardo & Drazin, LLC Pardo & Drazin, LLC Pardo & Drazin, LLC Pardo & Drazin, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 Rockville, MD 20852
Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015 (301) 961-6555
202-223-7900 202-223-7900 202-223-7900 202-223-7900
1505 A Street, SE 1833 L Street, NE Unit 1 at 429 20th Street, NE 400 15th Street, NE
Washington, DC 20003 Washington, DC 20002 Washington, DC 20002 Washington, DC 20002 3 PICKERING CT., UNIT #102
Lot 0039 in Square 1072 Lot 0119 in Square 4474 Lot 2040 in Square 4550 Lot 0090 in Square 1053 GERMANTOWN, MD 20874
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of
(“Deed of Trust”) dated September 28, 2022 and recorded (“Deed of Trust”) dated April 7, 2022 and recorded on April (“Deed of Trust”) dated April 6, 2023 and recorded on April (“Deed of Trust”) dated March 22, 2023 and recorded on Trust dated May 30, 2006, recorded in Liber 32448, Folio
on November 10, 2022 as Instrument No. 2022112310 from 8, 2022 as Instrument No. 2022039082 from LOS NIETOS 10, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023029212 from 42920 NE, June 28, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023054274 from 1452 543 among the Land Records of Montgomery County,
LOS NIETOS GROUP L.L.C., as grantor, to RUSSELL S. DRAZIN GROUP L.L.C., as grantor, to RUSSELL S. DRAZIN (“Trustee”), LLC, as grantor, to Russell S. Drazin (“Trustee”), as trustee, D ST NE LLC, as grantor, to RUSSELL S. DRAZIN (“Trustee”), MD, with an original principal balance of $192,800.00,
(“Trustee”), as trustee, for the benefit of WCP FUND I LLC, as as trustee, for the benefit of WCP FUND I LLC, as beneficiary, for the benefit of WCP Fund I LLC, as beneficiary, securing as trustee, for the benefit of WCP FUND I LLC, as beneficiary, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub.
beneficiary, securing that certain Commercial Deed of Trust securing that certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note dated that certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note dated April securing that certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note dated Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for
Note dated September 28, 2022 in the principal amount of April 7, 2022 in the principal amount of $404,000.00 made 6, 2023 in the principal amount of $375,000.00 made by March 22, 2023 in the principal amount of $882,000.00 Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland
$572,180.00 made by LOS NIETOS GROUP L.L.C., as maker, by LOS NIETOS GROUP L.L.C., as maker, payable to the order 42920 NE, LLC, as maker, payable to the order of WCP Fund made by 1452 D ST NE LLC, as maker, payable to the order Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on
payable to the order of WCP FUND I LLC, as payee, default of WCP FUND I LLC, as payee, default having occurred under I LLC, as payee, default having occurred under the terms of WCP FUND I LLC, as payee, default having occurred under
having occurred under the terms thereof, and following the the terms thereof, and following the mailing and recordation thereof, and following the mailing and recordation of an the terms thereof, and following the mailing and recordation MARCH 22, 2024 AT 3:27 PM
mailing and recordation of an Affidavit of Non-Residential of an Affidavit of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Affidavit of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure and a of an Affidavit of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure
Mortgage Foreclosure and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or Condominium and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
Real Property or Condominium Unit, at the request of the Condominium Unit, at the request of the current noteholder, Unit, at the request of the current noteholder, Trustee Condominium Unit, at the request of the current noteholder, buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery
current noteholder, Trustee will sell at public auction at Trustee will sell at public auction at the office of Harvey West will sell at public auction at the office of Harvey West Trustee will sell at public auction at the office of Harvey West County, MD and described as Unit 3-102 in building
the office of Harvey West Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440, numbered 7 in Phase No. 9, in an expendable condominium
Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015, on Washington, DC 20015, on Washington, DC 20015, on Washington, DC 20015, on regime known as “Esprit, A Condominium” and more fully
described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
MARCH 19, 2024 AT 2:05 PM MARCH 19, 2024 AT 2:00 PM MARCH 7, 2024 AT 2:15 PM MARCH 7, 2024 AT 2:10 PM The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District with no warranty of any kind.
of Columbia, known as 1505 A Street, SE, Washington, DC of Columbia, known as 1833 L Street, NE, Washington, DC District of Columbia, known as Unit 1 at 429 20th Street, of Columbia, known as 400 15th Street, NE, Washington, DC Terms of Sale: A deposit of $9,000 in the form of certified
20003 (Lot 0039 in Square 1072), and more fully described 20002 (Lot 0119 in Square 4474), and more fully described NE, Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 2040 in Square 4550), and 20002 (Lot 0090 in Square 1053), and more fully described check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of
in the Deed of Trust. in the Deed of Trust. more fully described in the Deed of Trust. in the Deed of Trust. the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the
purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid
The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed
warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date
agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees,
the same – except those encumbrances of record that are the same — except those encumbrances of record that the same – except those encumbrances of record that are the same – except those encumbrances of record that are payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the
extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by are extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of
virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds
are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE
Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property
water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any
any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to
property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including
be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted
property. property. property. property. to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $65,000.00 by cashier’s check TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $40,000.00 by cashier’s check TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $25,000.00 by cashier’s check TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $50,000.00 by cashier’s check tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be
will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners
Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the
BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid for obtaining physical possession of the property, and
in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the
on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not
the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered
shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the
loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be
The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or
required to post a deposit or to pay interest. required to post a deposit or to pay interest. required to post a deposit or to pay interest. required to post a deposit or to pay interest. equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest.
If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification,
In the event that purchaser does not settle as required In the event that purchaser does not settle as required In the event that purchaser does not settle as required In the event that purchaser does not settle as required subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property
for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees
default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the
all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
connection with such default. connection with such default. connection with such default. connection with such default. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
and of no effect whatsoever. and of no effect whatsoever. and of no effect whatsoever. and of no effect whatsoever. deposit without interest. (Matter No. 350177-3)
Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale Substitute Trustees
at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to
receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to
waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the
unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time
for settlement. for settlement. for settlement. for settlement.
Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453369
successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver
to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the
conclusion of bidding. conclusion of bidding. conclusion of bidding. conclusion of bidding.
Russell S. Drazin, Trustee Russell S. Drazin, Trustee Russell S. Drazin, Trustee Russell S. Drazin, Trustee

McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC

Mar 5,7,11,13,15 2024 0012451805 Mar 5,7,11,13,15 2024 0012451798 Feb 22,26,28,Mar 1,5 2024 0012451301 Feb 22,26,28,Mar 1,5 2024 0012450684 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800
850 850 850 850 850 850 Laurel, MD 20707
Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 4215 CROSSWOOD DR.
Friedman Vartolo LLP BURTONSVILLE, MD 20866
OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY Garden City, NY 11530 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
IMPROVEMENTS THEREON IMPROVEMENTS THEREON 212-471-5100 from Stephen Matin Gilliam-Achamou, dated April 29, 2016
and recorded in Liber 52307, folio 467 among the Land
13505 SHEARWATER PL. 3305 CAMDEN ST. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE Records of Montgomery County, MD, default having occurred
GERMANTOWN, MD 20874 SILVER SPRING, MD 20902 OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY under the terms thereof and at the request of the parties
secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust 11005 EARLSGATE LN. offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for
Trust dated April 6, 2006, recorded in Liber 32202, Folio dated February 9, 2005, recorded in Liber 29298, Folio ROCKVILLE, MD 20852 Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland

bo ks?
753 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, 317 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on
MD, with an original principal balance of $468,000.00, MD, with an original principal balance of $342,000.00, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. from Michele B. Kraft and Michele B. Kraft as Trustee for the MARCH 22, 2024 AT 3:43 PM
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Michele Kraft Revocable Trust, dated August 16, 2007 and
Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland recorded in Liber 34832, folio 512 among the Land Records ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE
Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on of Montgomery County, MD, default having occurred under IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Montgomery County,
the terms thereof and at the request of the parties secured Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of
MARCH 22, 2024 AT 3:31 PM MARCH 22, 2024 AT 3:29 PM thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling.
sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery The property, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and
buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery Washington Post newsletters MD 20850, on agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any,
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed deliver more of what you’re looking for. and with no warranty of any kind.
of Trust. of Trust. MARCH 22, 2024 AT 3:57 PM Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in Discover and subscribe for free at check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE determine, at their sole discretion, for $26,000 at the time
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Montgomery County, of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $33,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $35,000 in the form of certified S0114 2 X 3
Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. purchase price is to be paid within ten (10) days of the final
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of Property Address (for Informational Purposes): 11005 ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the Earlsgate Ln., Rockville MD 20852 County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid
purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid Tax ID Number: 04-01828730 purchase price at the rate of 5% per annum from date
purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed The foreclosure sale advertised herein has been docketed in of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of
of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland, as Case the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by
of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If

We want
No. C-15-CV-22-003167
payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the The property, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject payment of the balance does not occur within ten (10) days
sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited as liquidated
interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, damages. The purchaser agrees that the property may
are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE and with no warranty of any kind. be resold pursuant to an order of court, waives personal

FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified service upon themselves and/or any principal or corporate
taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may designee of any documents filed regarding the failure to pay
and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to determine, at their sole discretion, for $59,000 at the time the purchase price within ten (10) days of ratification and
the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail of said
water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of documents at the address provided by the purchaser in the

We want
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. the purchase price is to be paid within fifteen (15) days Memorandum of Sale. The purchaser will not be entitled to
Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead of the final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for any surplus or profits arising from the resale even if they are
tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be Montgomery County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the the result of improvements made by the purchaser. There
paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners unpaid purchase price at the rate of 4.75000% per annum will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in
association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the from date of sale to the date the funds are received in the the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, water

purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible office of the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable
for obtaining physical possession of the property, and for obtaining physical possession of the property, and by an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan
assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the payment of the balance does not occur within fifteen district charges to be adjusted for the current year to the
date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the days of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited and the date of sale, and assumed thereafter by the purchaser.
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if
limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest due any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of
into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the from the purchaser in the event settlement is delayed for sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of
loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be Search our database of tested any reason. Taxes, water rent, and all other public charges the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of all documentary
null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or and assessments payable on an annual basis, including stamps, transfer taxes (including agricultural transfer
equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. recipes by ingredient or name. sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges to be adjusted taxes, if applicable), and all settlement charges shall be
If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, for the current year to the date of sale, and assumed borne by the purchaser. The sale is subject to a post sale
subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property thereafter by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or audit of the loan, including but not limited to an analysis
will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by of whether the borrower entered into a loan modification
as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the the purchaser from the date of sale. The purchaser shall agreement, filed bankruptcy, reinstated or paid off the loan
purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, prior to the sale. The Substitute Trustees will convey either
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any if required. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes insurable or marketable title. If the Substitute Trustees are
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten (including agricultural transfer taxes, if applicable), and unable to convey insurable or marketable title or, the post
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service all settlement charges shall be borne by the purchaser. sale audit concludes that the sale should not have occurred,
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and or the sale is not ratified by the court for any reason, the
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted marketable title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law or purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit to the to the refund of the deposit without interest even if the
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser. Upon refund of the deposit, the sale shall be purchaser has made improvements to the property. Upon
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect,
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable further claim against the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser and the purchaser shall have no further claim against
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser shall be responsible
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the the property. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall for obtaining physical possession of the property. The
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the assume the risk of loss for the property immediately after purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 125001-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 355316-1) the sale. loss for the property immediately after the sale. (Matter
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Adam Friedman, Ralph Vartolo, Catherine Aponte,
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Rachel Kiefer, Substitute Trustees Laura H. G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees

Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453371 Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453370 S0115-2x6 Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453361 Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453364

D 7 | EZ
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2024-3-5 | D 8 | BLACK


850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850
Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County
BWW Law Group, LLC McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC Law Offices of BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Gebhardt & Smith LLP 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Laurel, MD 20707 One South Street, Suite 2200 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
GAITHERSBURG, MD 20878 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in BETHESDA, MD 20817 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust the Deed of Trust, Assignment of Leases and Rents, and dated October 8, 2003, recorded in Liber 25872, Folio
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of from Carlos A. Paquete and Alcina B. Paquete, dated Security Agreement dated June 14, 2023 from Thornbear Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust 615 among the Land Records of Montgomery County,
Trust dated March 3, 2003, recorded in Liber 24228, Folio December 12, 2005 and recorded in Liber 32417, folio 718 Holdings, LLC (“Grantor”) to the trustees named therein dated November 4, 2019, recorded in Liber 58497, Folio MD, with an original principal balance of $250,000.00,
776 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, default and recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery 247 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub.
MD, with an original principal balance of $147,000.00, having occurred under the terms thereof and at the request County, Maryland (“Land Records”) on June 22, 2023 at MD, with an original principal balance of $731,000.00, Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for
default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Book 67125, page 408 (“Deed of Trust”), the current holder default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, Avatar Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on
Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Court for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 REIT I LLC (“Noteholder”), having subsequently appointed Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland MARCH 8, 2024 AT 1:02 PM
Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on David V. Fontana and Richard A. DuBose, III as Substitute Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
Trustees (“Trustees”) under the Deed of Trust by a Deed of buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery
MARCH 15, 2024 AT 3:32 PM MARCH 22, 2024 AT 3:47 PM Appointment of Substitute Trustees dated December 4, 2023 MARCH 15, 2024 AT 3:34 PM County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
executed by the Noteholder and recorded among the Land of Trust.
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE Records at Book 67602, page 308, default having occurred ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Montgomery County, under the terms of the Deed of Trust and at the request of buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of the Noteholder secured by the Deed of Trust, the Trustees County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
of Trust. Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. will offer for sale to the highest qualified bidder at a public of Trust. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject auction to be held in front of the main entrance of the The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in with no warranty of any kind.
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and Circuit Court for Montgomery County located at 50 Maryland an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20850 on: and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certified
with no warranty of any kind. and with no warranty of any kind. The property is subject to with no warranty of any kind. check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $7,000 in the form of certified a front foot benefit. Friday, March 15, 2024 Terms of Sale: A deposit of $73,000 in the form of certified the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified at 3:00 p.m. check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed
purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid determine, at their sole discretion, for $65,000 at the time All of the Grantor’s right, title and interest in that certain purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date
purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees,
of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the Montgomery County, Maryland and being more particularly of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the
of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, purchase price is to be paid within ten (10) days of the final described as follows, together with all buildings, structures, of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of
payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery improvements and fixtures affixed or attached thereto (the payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds
sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid “Property”): sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE
interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds purchase price at the rate of 5% per annum from date Lot Numbered Thirty-One (31) in Block Numbered Four (4) in interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property
are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of the subdivision known as “BRADLEY WOODS,” as per Plat are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any
FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by recorded in Plat Book 186 at Plat No. 20552 among the Land FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to
taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If Records of Montgomery County, Maryland. taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including
and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to payment of the balance does not occur within ten (10) days The Property has an address of 5908 Bradley Boulevard, and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted
the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited as liquidated Bethesda, Maryland 20814 and a tax account identification the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted damages. The purchaser agrees that the property may number of 07-03207195. water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. be resold pursuant to an order of court, waives personal TERMS OF SALE: A deposit (“Deposit”) in the amount of to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be
Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead service upon themselves and/or any principal or corporate Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00), payable to the Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners
tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be designee of any documents filed regarding the failure to pay Trustees by cashier’s check or certified check will be required tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the
paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners the purchase price within ten (10) days of ratification and from the purchaser of the Property (the “purchaser”) at paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible
association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail of said the time and place of sale. The purchaser will be required association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the for obtaining physical possession of the property, and
purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible documents at the address provided by the purchaser in the to increase the Deposit to ten percent (10%) of the bid purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the
for obtaining physical possession of the property, and Memorandum of Sale. The purchaser will not be entitled to amount by the close of business on the third business day for obtaining physical possession of the property, and date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the any surplus or profits arising from the resale even if they are following the date of sale by delivering certified funds or a assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not
date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the the result of improvements made by the purchaser. There wire transfer to the Trustees. The Deposit will be held by the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in Trustees in a non-interest bearing escrow account and will status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the
limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, water be applied to the purchase price at the time of settlement. limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be
into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable The balance of the purchase price, together with interest into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or
loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan thereon at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest.
null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or district charges to be adjusted for the current year to the date of sale to the date of settlement, shall be due from null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification,
equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. date of sale, and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. the purchaser by cashier’s check or wire transfer within equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property
If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if thirty (30) days following final ratification of the sale by If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees
subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. Time subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the
will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of is of the essence. If ratification of the sale or settlement will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of all documentary is delayed for any reason, there shall be no abatement of as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further stamps, transfer taxes (including agricultural transfer interest. Settlement shall be held at the offices of Gebhardt purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any taxes, if applicable), and all settlement charges shall be & Smith LLP, One South Street, Suite 2200, Baltimore, liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten borne by the purchaser. The sale is subject to a post sale Maryland 21202, or such other place as may be agreed to by papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service audit of the loan, including but not limited to an analysis the Trustees. If the Noteholder, or an affiliate or subsidiary days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser of whether the borrower entered into a loan modification thereof, is the successful bidder at the sale, such party will by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted agreement, filed bankruptcy, reinstated or paid off the loan not be required to make a deposit or to pay interest on the as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds prior to the sale. The Substitute Trustees will convey either unpaid purchase price. The Trustees and the Noteholder purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from insurable or marketable title. If the Substitute Trustees are reserve the right, in their sole and absolute discretion, to resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. unable to convey insurable or marketable title or, the post reject any and all bids at the sale, to withdraw the Property improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable sale audit concludes that the sale should not have occurred, from sale prior to or at the time of the public auction, to Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification or the sale is not ratified by the court for any reason, the cancel or postpone the foreclosure sale of the Property and title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to extend the time for settlement. of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 347936-1)
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the to the refund of the deposit without interest even if the The Property is being sold subject to: (a) all existing zoning, Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 155007-2) purchaser has made improvements to the property. Upon building, housing, fire and safety code violations; (b) all deposit without interest. (Matter No. 355441-1) Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect, critical area and wetland violations; (c) all environmental Substitute Trustees
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., and the purchaser shall have no further claim against problems, conditions, encroachments and other violations Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser shall be responsible which may exist on or with respect to the Property; (d) Substitute Trustees
for obtaining physical possession of the property. The all senior liens, encumbrances, easements, conditions,
purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of restrictions, agreements, declarations and covenants which
loss for the property immediately after the sale. (Matter are not extinguished as a matter of law by the foreclosure
#2011-15196). sale; (e) any rights of redemption; and (f) such state of
The property will be sold subject to a 120 day right of facts that an accurate survey or physical inspection of Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012451812
redemption by the Internal Revenue Service. the Property might disclose. All liens, encumbrances,
Feb 27,Mar 5,12 2024 0012452745 leases, easements, conditions, restrictions, agreements, Feb 27,Mar 5,12 2024 0012452746
Laura H. G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees declarations and covenants against the Property that are
subordinate or junior to the Deed of Trust will be extinguished
by the foreclosure sale of the Property. The Property is being
sold in an “AS IS” condition and without any warranties
or representations of any kind or nature, either express or
implied, as to the condition, fitness for a particular purpose,
use or value of the Property or the improvements thereon.
Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453060 The purchaser shall be responsible for conducting its own McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
due diligence regarding the Property. 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
All real estate taxes, water and sewer charges and other Laurel, MD 20707 Rockville, MD 20852
McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC municipal assessments by Montgomery County that were
312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 (301) 961-6555
assessed against the Property prior to the foreclosure sale
Laurel, MD 20707 and which are not extinguished by the foreclosure sale shall SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE
be prorated between the purchaser and seller as of the date OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY
of the foreclosure sale and such amounts for which the IMPROVEMENTS THEREON
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE purchaser is responsible shall be paid by the purchaser at
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC settlement. All real estate taxes, water and sewer charges GAITHERSBURG, MD 20879 404 GIRARD ST., UNIT #201
11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 and other municipal assessments by Montgomery County GAITHERSBURG, MD 20877
3009 PIANO LN., UNIT #36 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 that are assessed against the Property after the date of
SILVER SPRING, MD 20904 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
470-321-7112 the foreclosure sale shall be the sole responsibility of the from Marvin A. Mejia and Rodolfo J. Mejia, dated March 1, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
purchaser and shall be paid by the purchaser. The cost of 2006 and recorded in Liber 32060, folio 67 among the Land dated January 19, 2006, recorded in Liber 31687, Folio
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust TRUSTEES’ SALE OF all recordation taxes, transfer taxes, recording fees and
from Ellen M. Aubee, dated October 6, 2006 and recorded Records of Montgomery County, MD, default having occurred 372 among the Land Records of Montgomery County,
VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY other costs associated with conveying the Property to the under the terms thereof and at the request of the parties MD, with an original principal balance of $173,500.00,
in Liber 33542, folio 363 among the Land Records of KNOWN AS purchaser shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser
Montgomery County, MD, default having occurred under secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub.
11204 MIDVALE ROAD and shall be paid for by the purchaser at settlement. offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for
the terms thereof and at the request of the parties secured KENSINGTON, MD 20895 The purchaser shall assume the risk of loss for the Property
thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland
immediately after the foreclosure sale takes place. The Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on
sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust purchaser shall be responsible for insuring its interest
County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, dated September 20, 2004, and recorded in Liber 28411, in the Property after the foreclosure sale. It shall be the
MD 20850, on MARCH 22, 2024 AT 3:45 PM MARCH 15, 2024 AT 3:30 PM
folio 353, of the land records of MONTGOMERY COUNTY , purchaser’s sole responsibility to obtain possession of
with an original principal balance of $240,000.00, default the Property following final ratification of the sale by the ALL THAT FEESIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
MARCH 22, 2024 AT 3:41 PM having occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland in Case No. IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Montgomery County, buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery
Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at C-15-CV-24-000008 and conveyance of the Property by the Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and described as Unit No. 20, Section 1, in “The
IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Montgomery County, Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. Villa Ridge Condominium” and more fully described in the
MARYLAND AVENUE, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON, In the event the purchaser fails to go to settlement as The property, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject aforesaid Deed of Trust.
Maryland and described as Unit Numbered Thirty-Six (36), required or fails to deliver the entire Deposit to the Trustees
Building Three (3), Phase Two (2) of a plat of condominium to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
MARCH 6, 2024 at 1:00 PM as required herein, in addition to any other legal or equitable agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
entitled “Stockbridge at Tanglewood, a Condominium” and remedies available to the Trustees, the purchaser shall
more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The and with no warranty of any kind. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with forfeit the entire Deposit and the Trustees may, subject Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified with no warranty of any kind.
property is improved by a dwelling. any buildings or improvements thereon situated in to further order of the court, resell the Property at the
The property, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may Terms of Sale: A deposit of $9,000 in the form of certified
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD, located at the above address purchaser’s sole risk and expense and retain and apply the determine, at their sole discretion, for $6,000 at the time check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of
to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and and more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Deposit to any deficiency in the purchase price sustained by
agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the
Trust. the Trustees and/or the Noteholder, all costs and expenses bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid
and with no warranty of any kind. of both sales, reasonable attorneys’ fees, and any other
Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified purchase price is to be paid within ten (10) days of the final purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed
TAX-ID# - 13-01027072 damages sustained by the Trustees and/or the Noteholder ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date
check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may as a result of the purchaser’s default, including, without
determine, at their sole discretion, for $5,000 at the time County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees,
The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS limitation, all incidental damages. In the event a resale purchase price at the rate of 5% per annum from date payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the
of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful IS” physical condition without warranty of any kind and of the Property results in a sale in excess of the amount
bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of
subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of originally bid by the defaulting purchaser, the defaulting the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds
purchase price is to be paid within ten (10) days of the final record affecting the same, including any condominium or purchaser waives any and all claims, rights and interest
ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE
homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real to any such excess amount and shall not be entitled to payment of the balance does not occur within ten (10) days FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property
County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid Property Article §11-110 and §11B-117. any distribution whatsoever from the sale proceeds. If the
purchase price at the rate of 5.5% per annum from date of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited as liquidated taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any
Trustees are unable to convey the Property to the purchaser damages. The purchaser agrees that the property may and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to
of sale to the date the funds are received in the office of TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of as described above for any reason, the purchaser’s sole
the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by be resold pursuant to an order of court, waives personal the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including
$17,500.00 by cashier’s/certified check or such other form remedy at law or in equity shall be limited to a refund of service upon themselves and/or any principal or corporate water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted
an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole the Deposit, without interest thereon. Upon refund of the
payment of the balance does not occur within ten (10) days designee of any documents filed regarding the failure to pay to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
discretion, required at time of sale except for the party Deposit to the purchaser, the sale shall be void and of the purchase price within ten (10) days of ratification and Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead
of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited as liquidated secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claim
damages. The purchaser agrees that the property may expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail of said tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be
from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase against the Trustees, the Noteholder or the Auctioneer documents at the address provided by the purchaser in the paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners
be resold pursuant to an order of court, waives personal price together with interest thereon at 6.125% per annum conducting the foreclosure sale. The parties’ respective
service upon themselves and/or any principal or corporate Memorandum of Sale. The purchaser will not be entitled to association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the
from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute rights and obligations regarding the terms of sale and the any surplus or profits arising from the resale even if they are purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible
designee of any documents filed regarding the failure to pay Trustees must be paid by cashier’s check within 10 days conduct of the sale shall be governed by and interpreted
the purchase price within ten (10) days of ratification and the result of improvements made by the purchaser. There for obtaining physical possession of the property, and
after final ratification of sale. The noteholder shall not be according to the laws of the State of Maryland. will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the
expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail of said obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be
documents at the address provided by the purchaser in the the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, water date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event David V. Fontana and Richard A. DuBose, III, rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not
Memorandum of Sale. The purchaser will not be entitled to that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if Substitute Trustees
any surplus or profits arising from the resale even if they are on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered
settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes district charges to be adjusted for the current year to the into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the
the result of improvements made by the purchaser. There and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted For further information, please contact:
will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in date of sale, and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be
as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. David V. Fontana, Substitute Trustee Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or
the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, water If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners Tel: 410-385-5053
rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest.
association dues and assessments that may become due sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification,
on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan after the date of sale shall be purchaser’s responsibility.
district charges to be adjusted for the current year to the the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of all documentary subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property
Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording stamps, transfer taxes (including agricultural transfer will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees
date of sale, and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is
Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if taxes, if applicable), and all settlement charges shall be as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the
responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time borne by the purchaser. The sale is subject to a post sale purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults,
sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of audit of the loan, including but not limited to an analysis liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and Feb 27,Mar 5,12 2024 0012453011 of whether the borrower entered into a loan modification papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of all documentary cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any
stamps, transfer taxes (including agricultural transfer agreement, filed bankruptcy, reinstated or paid off the loan days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and prior to the sale. The Substitute Trustees will convey either by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
taxes, if applicable), and all settlement charges shall be attorney’s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not
borne by the purchaser. The sale is subject to a post sale insurable or marketable title. If the Substitute Trustees are as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
convey title for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return unable to convey insurable or marketable title or, the post purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
audit of the loan, including but not limited to an analysis of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale
of whether the borrower entered into a loan modification sale audit concludes that the sale should not have occurred, resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust or the sale is not ratified by the court for any reason, the improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
agreement, filed bankruptcy, reinstated or paid off the loan including but not limited to determining whether prior to
prior to the sale. The Substitute Trustees will convey either purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
sale a bankruptcy was filed; forbearance, repayment or to the refund of the deposit without interest even if the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
insurable or marketable title. If the Substitute Trustees are other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated
unable to convey insurable or marketable title or, the post purchaser has made improvements to the property. Upon of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
or paid off. In any such even this sale shall be null and refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect, Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
sale audit concludes that the sale should not have occurred, void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
or the sale is not ratified by the court for any reason, the and the purchaser shall have no further claim against deposit without interest. (Matter No. 355891-2)
without interest. File No. (20-047027) the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser shall be responsible
purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited
to the refund of the deposit without interest even if the for obtaining physical possession of the property. The Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Keith Yacko, David Williamson, purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of Substitute Trustees
purchaser has made improvements to the property. Upon Bryson Stephen, Thomas Gartner,
refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect, loss for the property immediately after the sale. (Matter
Substitute Trustees #23-600636).
and the purchaser shall have no further claim against
the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser shall be responsible The property will be sold subject to a 120 day right of
for obtaining physical possession of the property. The sweater or tank top? redemption by the Internal Revenue Service.
purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of
loss for the property immediately after the sale. (Matter Laura H. G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees
#23-600856). Stay one step ahead of the weather with the Feb 27,Mar 5,12 2024 0012452742
Laura H. G. O’Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012449562 Capital Weather Gang
Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012452703
S0141 2x3

Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453362

D 8 | EZ
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2024-3-5 | D 9 | BLACK


850 850 850 850 851 851 851 851 851 851
Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 201 International Circle, Suite 230 201 International Circle, Suite 230 201 International Circle, Suite 230
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 Hunt Valley, MD 21030
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
DAMASCUS, MD 20872 Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Bladensburg, MD 20710
2309 GREENERY LN., UNIT #102
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of SILVER SPRING, MD 20906 By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust
Trust dated July 26, 2007, recorded in Liber 34659, Folio from APRIL U. OWENS, dated August 15, 2016 and from OLIVIA TAYLOR PULLER, dated December 30, 2014 from GEORGE WASHINGTON TRAINUM III AND WILLIAM
405 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust recorded in book 38987 , page 215 among the Land and recorded in book 37145 , page 353 among the Land TODD TRAINUM, dated May 4, 2007 and recorded in book
MD, with an original principal balance of $960,000.00, dated November 1, 2012, recorded in Liber 45923, Folio Records of PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, Maryland, default Records of PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, Maryland, default 27906 , page 335 among the Land Records of PRINCE
default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. 167 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed GEORGE’S COUNTY, Maryland, default having occurred
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for MD, with an original principal balance of $163,271.00, as Case No. C-16-CV-23-003799; Tax ID No. 15-1762210) as Case No. C-16-CV-23-003916; Tax ID No. 15-3459534) thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No. C-16-
Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. the Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction PRINCE the Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction PRINCE CV-23-003709; Tax ID No. 02-0114686) the Substitute
Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for GEORGE’S COUNTY courthouse located at FRONT OF THE GEORGE’S COUNTY courthouse located at FRONT OF THE Trustee will sell at public auction PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY
MARCH 8, 2024 AT 1:00 PM Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 MAIN DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 MAIN courthouse located at FRONT OF THE DUVAL WING OF THE
buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery MD 20772 .
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed MARCH 22, 2024 AT 3:25 PM MARCH 14, 2024 at 2:00 PM MARCH 7, 2024 at 2:00 PM
of Trust. Tax ID #12-00942048 and #12-01680014. MARCH 7, 2024 at 2:00 PM
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions County, MD and described as Unit number 102-1, Building more fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust. more fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust. thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and number 1, in Regime lettered A, in “Glen Waye Gardens more fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
with no warranty of any kind. Condominium” and more fully described in the aforesaid The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and
Deed of Trust. subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $69,000 in the form of certified The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in affecting the same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. affecting the same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions affecting the same, if any and with no warranty of any kind.
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and Terms of Sale: A deposit of $ 27,000.00 will be required at Terms of Sale: A deposit of $ 55,000.00 will be required at
purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid with no warranty of any kind. the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK Terms of Sale: A deposit of $ 36,000.00 will be required at
purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $13,000 in the form of certified OR BY CASHIER’S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. OR BY CASHIER’S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK
of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within OR BY CASHIER’S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within
payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for
sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed purchaser. If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be purchaser. If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the
interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date forfeited and the property shall be resold at the purchaser’s forfeited and the property shall be resold at the purchaser’s purchaser. If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be
are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, risk and expense. The purchaser waives personal service risk and expense. The purchaser waives personal service forfeited and the property shall be resold at the purchaser’s
FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the and accepts service by first class mail and certified mail and accepts service by first class mail and certified mail risk and expense. The purchaser waives personal service
taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of addressed to the address provided by said Purchaser as addressed to the address provided by said Purchaser as and accepts service by first class mail and certified mail
and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or addressed to the address provided by said Purchaser as
the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a Motion Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a Motion identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or
water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. In the to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. In the Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a Motion
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. In the
Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including, entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including, event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be
tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including,
paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may
association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. money at five percent (5%) from the date of sale to the date money at five percent (5%) from the date of sale to the date arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase
purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead funds are received by the Substitute Trustee. There will be funds are received by the Substitute Trustee. There will be money at five percent (5%) from the date of sale to the date
for obtaining physical possession of the property, and tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds are no abatement of interest in the event additional funds are funds are received by the Substitute Trustee. There will be
assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners tendered at the time of sale or any time prior to settlement or tendered at the time of sale or any time prior to settlement or no abatement of interest in the event additional funds are
date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the if the settlement is delayed for any reason. In the event that if the settlement is delayed for any reason. In the event that tendered at the time of sale or any time prior to settlement or
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible the Secured Party executes a forbearance agreement with the the Secured Party executes a forbearance agreement with the if the settlement is delayed for any reason. In the event that
limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered for obtaining physical possession of the property, and borrower(s) described in the above-mentioned Deed of Trust, borrower(s) described in the above-mentioned Deed of Trust, the Secured Party executes a forbearance agreement with the
into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the or allows the borrower(s) to execute their right to reinstate or allows the borrower(s) to execute their right to reinstate borrower(s) described in the above-mentioned Deed of Trust,
loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the or payoff the subject loan, prior to the sale, with or without or payoff the subject loan, prior to the sale, with or without or allows the borrower(s) to execute their right to reinstate
null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not the Substitute Trustee’s prior knowledge, this Contract shall the Substitute Trustee’s prior knowledge, this Contract shall or payoff the subject loan, prior to the sale, with or without
equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered be null and void and of no effect, and the Purchaser’s sole be null and void and of no effect, and the Purchaser’s sole the Substitute Trustee’s prior knowledge, this Contract shall
If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the remedy shall be the return of the deposit without interest. remedy shall be the return of the deposit without interest. be null and void and of no effect, and the Purchaser’s sole
subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes remedy shall be the return of the deposit without interest.
will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes
as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent,
purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis, public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis, condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis,
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees if applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and if applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges,
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall if applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten the property from the date of sale forward. If the Substitute the property from the date of sale forward. If the Substitute property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service Trustee is unable to convey insurable title for any reason, the Trustee is unable to convey insurable title for any reason, the the property from the date of sale forward. If the Substitute
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser Purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to a Purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to a Trustee is unable to convey insurable title for any reason, the
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted refund of the aforementioned deposit without interest. In the refund of the aforementioned deposit without interest. In the Purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to a
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds event the sale is not ratified for any reason, the Purchaser’s event the sale is not ratified for any reason, the Purchaser’s refund of the aforementioned deposit without interest. In the
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit event the sale is not ratified for any reason, the Purchaser’s
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. without interest. (File # 23-001145-01) without interest. (File # 23-000865) sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 361097-1) Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable without interest. (File # 68612.0100)
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification SYDNEY E. ROBERSON, MARC L. MEDEL, NICOLE LIPINSKI, SYDNEY E. ROBERSON, NICOLE LIPINSKI, MARC MEDEL,
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Substitute Trustee (s) Substitute Trustee (s) SYDNEY E. ROBERSON, NICOLE LIPINSKI, MARC MEDEL,
Substitute Trustees Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Substitute Trustee (s)
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 362355-2)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees

Feb 27,Mar 5,12 2024 0012450668 Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012449722

Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012451811 Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012451058

Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453368 Samuel I. White, P.C.

Samuel I. White, P.C. VIRIGINA BEACH, VA 23452
448 VIKING DRIVE, SUITE 350 Samuel I. White, P.C.
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC 448 VIKING DRIVE, SUITE 350
KNOWN AS Mount Rainier, MD 20712
6902 Mackson Drive KNOWN AS
OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY Temple Hills, MD 20748 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
certain Deed of Trust to MICHAEL LYON, Trustee(s), dated
11832 HUGGINS DR. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a June 26, 2017, and recorded among the Land Records of
certain Deed of Trust to CAPITOL TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY, Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a
SILVER SPRING, MD 20902 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 39826, certain Deed of Trust to MICHAEL BAYNES, Trustee(s),
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC INC. , Trustee(s), dated April 21, 2015, and recorded among folio 449, the holder of the indebtedness secured by
the Land Records of PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND dated November 16, 2020, and recorded among the Land
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 this Deed of Trust having appointed the undersigned Records of PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber
from Leticia A. Malondras, Eugenio Toralballa and Esther Hunt Valley, MD 21031 in Liber 36978, folio 142, the holder of the indebtedness Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among
secured by this Deed of Trust having appointed the 45044, folio 227, the holder of the indebtedness secured
D. Bacagan dated August 22, 2007 and recorded in Liber 470-321-7112 the aforesaid Land Records, default having occurred under by this Deed of Trust having appointed the undersigned
34798, folio 492 among the Land Records of Montgomery undersigned Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly the terms thereof, and at the request of the party secured
recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, default having Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among
County, MD, default having occurred under the terms TRUSTEES’ SALE OF thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for the aforesaid Land Records, default having occurred under
thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY occurred under the terms thereof, and at the request of the sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY
party secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee the terms thereof, and at the request of the party secured
Court for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 KNOWN AS COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF THE DUVAL WING thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for
Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on 5823 FOLKSTONE RD will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE’S OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 MAIN ST, UPPER
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated MARCH 7, 2024 at 2:30 PM MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON,
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with May 11, 2007, and recorded in Liber 34343, folio 347, of the
the buildings and improvements thereon situated in land records of MONTGOMERY COUNTY , with an original MARCH 7, 2024 at 2:30 PM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements MARCH 7, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Montgomery County, MD and more fully described in the principal balance of $417,000.00, default having occurred thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and
aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #13-01247623. under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements described as follows:
thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in will offer for sale at public auction at THE MONTGOMERY thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 50 MARYLAND AVENUE, described as follows: LAND SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGES IN THE described as follows:
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON, STATE OF MD LOT NUMBERED SIX (6) IN THE SUBDIVISION
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $35,000 in the form of certified MARCH 6, 2024 at 1:00 PM PLAT BOOK 4 FOLIO 17; ONE OF THE LAND RECORDS OF SAID “N” THE SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS SMITH HOME FARM, PER
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of PLAT 98, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE’S PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND.
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with HOMEFARM” AND DULY RECORDED AMONG THE LAND
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final any buildings or improvements thereon situated in The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS” RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND IN
ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD, located at the above address The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS” condition without either express or implied warranty or
condition without either express or implied warranty or PLAT BOOK SJH 248, AT PLAT NO. 72.
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money and more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of representation, including but not limited to the description,
at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the Trust. representation, including but not limited to the description, fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity,
fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS”
date of sale to the date funds are received in the office physical condition, construction, extent of construction, condition without either express or implied warranty or
of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in TAX-ID# - 07-00584612 physical condition, construction, extent of construction, workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision,
workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, representation, including but not limited to the description,
the event additional funds are tendered before settlement environmental condition, merchantability, compliance fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity,
or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS environmental condition, merchantability, compliance with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances
with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances physical condition, construction, extent of construction,
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. IS” physical condition without warranty of any kind and or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision,
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record which
easements, agreements and restrictions of record which environmental condition, merchantability, compliance
be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. record affecting the same, including any condominium or affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances
Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record
all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to
of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other Property Article §11-110 and §11B-117. affecting same including any condominium and of HOA easements, agreements and restrictions of record which
public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount affecting same including any condominium and of HOA assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110.
assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to
survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record
and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at $33,500.00 by cashier’s/certified check or such other form TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY affecting same including any condominium and of HOA
execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH
certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110.
purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All discretion, required at time of sale except for the party WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance
due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance of the purchase price with interest at 4.625% per annum from
of the purchase price with interest at 3.375% per annum from TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY
charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH
assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure price together with interest thereon at 6.250% per annum the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be
TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance
sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute no abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all of the purchase price with interest at 4.625% per annum from
Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Trustees must be paid by cashier’s check within 10 days no abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments
taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within
taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), after final ratification of sale. The noteholder shall not be will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be
and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. There will be no abatement of taxes, public
by purchaser. There will be no abatement of taxes, public no abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event charges and special or regular assessments for any reason. taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if charges and special or regular assessments for any reason. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner association
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner association will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed
loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes dues and assessments that may become due after the by purchaser. There will be no abatement of taxes, public
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted dues and assessments that may become due after the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. charges and special or regular assessments for any reason.
If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner association
title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident dues and assessments that may become due after the
be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If association dues and assessments that may become due to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall after the date of sale shall be purchaser’s responsibility. to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to
of the defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time pay reasonable attorneys’ fees for the Substitute trustees, the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, pay reasonable attorneys’ fees for the Substitute trustees, plus all cost incurred, if the Substitute Trustee’s have filed
plus all cost incurred, if the Substitute Trustee’s have filed forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs
fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property. of the defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to
sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property. The purchasers waives personal service of any papers filed
The purchasers waives personal service of any papers filed pay reasonable attorneys’ fees for the Substitute trustees,
deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and in connection with such a motion and expressly agrees to plus all cost incurred, if the Substitute Trustee’s have filed
property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser attorney’s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not in connection with such a motion and expressly agrees to The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class mail
The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class mail the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property.
or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies convey title for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on The purchasers waives personal service of any papers filed
against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified or if the
the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified or if the in connection with such a motion and expressly agrees to
property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class mail
shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such including but not limited to determining whether prior to Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on
surplus results from improvements to the property by said sale a bankruptcy was filed; forbearance, repayment or is return of the deposit. the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified or if the
defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated is return of the deposit.
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable or paid off. In any such even this sale shall be null and The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy
attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, is return of the deposit.
all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the without interest. File No. (21-116226) but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid
entered into a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit
document filed in connection with such a motion on him/ Keith Yacko, David Williamson, off the loan prior to sale. In any such event, this sale shall of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and Bryson Stephen, Thomas Gartner, off the loan prior to sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sol remedy, in law or
be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sol remedy, in law or but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
expressly agrees to accept service of any such document Substitute Trustees equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. entered into a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid
by regular mail directed to the address provided by said equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. Trustee’s File No. (82169)
Trustee’s File No. (60605) off the loan prior to sale. In any such event, this sale shall
purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees’ be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sol remedy, in law or
file number 22-002673-MD-F-1. Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest.
John E. Driscoll, III, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES
Trustee’s File No. (83621)
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees
Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES
Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012449558

Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012450523

Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012450525
Feb 27,Mar 5,12 2024 0012452794
Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012450522

D 9 | EZ
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2024-3-5 | D 10 | BLACK


851 851 851 851 856 856 856 856 856 856
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County
Samuel I. White, P.C. Samuel I. White, P.C. BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
448 VIKING DRIVE, SUITE 350 448 VIKING DRIVE, SUITE 350 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
VIRIGINA BEACH, VA 23452 VIRIGINA BEACH, VA 23452 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
Brandywine, MD 20613 Fort Washington, MD 20744 UNION BRIDGE, MD 21791
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a NEW MARKET, MD 21774 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust FREDERICK, MD 21704
certain Deed of Trust to HERITAGE TITLE LTD., Trustee(s), certain Deed of Trust to WILLIAM J. PETRINA, Trustee(s), dated August 8, 2003, recorded in Liber 4188, Folio 279 among
dated December 30, 2020, and recorded among the Land dated September 23, 2014, and recorded among the Land Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust the Land Records of Frederick County, MD, with an original Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Records of PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber Records of PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber dated June 21, 2006, recorded in Liber 6105, Folio 1 among principal balance of $184,950.00, default having occurred dated January 19, 2007, recorded in Liber 6436, Folio 519
44709, folio 69, the holder of the indebtedness secured 36560, folio 524, the holder of the indebtedness secured the Land Records of Frederick County, MD, with an original under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public among the Land Records of Frederick County, MD, with an
by this Deed of Trust having appointed the undersigned by this Deed of Trust having appointed the undersigned principal balance of $75,000.00, default having occurred auction at the Circuit Court for Frederick County, at the Court original principal balance of $358,200.00, default having
Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, on occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell
the aforesaid Land Records, default having occurred under the aforesaid Land Records, default having occurred under auction at the Circuit Court for Frederick County, at the at public auction at the Circuit Court for Frederick County,
the terms thereof, and at the request of the party secured the terms thereof, and at the request of the party secured Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, MARCH 8, 2024 AT 9:25 AM at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD
thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for on ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any 21701, on
sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY buildings or improvements thereon located in Frederick County,
COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF THE DUVAL WING COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF THE DUVAL WING MARCH 22, 2024 AT 12:30 PM MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. MARCH 22, 2024 AT 12:28 PM
MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any The property, and any improvements thereon, will be ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
buildings or improvements thereon located in Frederick sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, buildings or improvements thereon located in Frederick
MARCH 7, 2024 at 2:30 PM MARCH 7, 2024 at 2:30 PM County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed restrictions and agreements of record affecting County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
of Trust. the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. of Trust.
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD and an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions Terms of Sale: A deposit of $14,000 in the form of certified an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
described as follows: described as follows: and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. The property will be sold purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase with no warranty of any kind.
LOT 30 IN BLOCK C, IN A SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS ALL THAT PROPERTY SITUATE IN PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, subject to a prior mortgage, the amount to be announced price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money Terms of Sale: A deposit of $33,000 in the form of certified
“CHADDSFORD” AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT ENTITLED “PLAT STATE OF MARYLAND, DESCRIBED AS: LOT NUMBERED at the time of sale, if made available to the Substitute at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
TWO, LOTS 15 AND 16 BLOCK A LOTS 1 THRU 11 AND PARCEL ONE (1), IN BLOCK LETTERED “F”, IN THE SUBDIVISION Trustees. any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
C BLOCK B AND LOTS 16 THRU 34 BLOCK C (RESUBDIVISION KNOWN AS “PLAT ONE, SECTION TWO, STONEGATE”, AS PER Terms of Sale: A deposit of $6,000 in the form of certified funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
OF OUT LOT 4, BRANDYWINE VILLAGE P.B. VJ 186 P. NUMBER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK NLP 103 AT PLAT NO. 98, check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
64) CHADDSFORD, SECTION 1”, RECORDED AMONG THE AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PLAT BOOK MARYLAND. BEING IN THE 12TH ELECTION DISTRICT OF SAID price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
REP 211 AT PLAT NUMBER 70. SUBJECT TO DECLARATION COUNTY. at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
OF DEFERRED WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES CHARGES any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
RECORDED IN LIBER 25950 FOLIO 364 AND 25950/364. The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS” funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
condition without either express or implied warranty or within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS” representation, including but not limited to the description, Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
condition without either express or implied warranty or fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
representation, including but not limited to the description, physical condition, construction, extent of construction, settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
physical condition, construction, extent of construction, environmental condition, merchantability, compliance taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
environmental condition, merchantability, compliance or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances easements, agreements and restrictions of record which front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
easements, agreements and restrictions of record which all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for obtaining physical possession of the property, and ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to affecting same including any condominium and of HOA taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
affecting same including any condominium and of HOA ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance responsible for obtaining physical possession of the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH of the purchase price with interest at 5.4% per annum from property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
of the purchase price with interest at 3.125% per annum from TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within no abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
no abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments by purchaser. There will be no abatement of taxes, public shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed charges and special or regular assessments for any reason. in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
by purchaser. There will be no abatement of taxes, public If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner association interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
charges and special or regular assessments for any reason. dues and assessments that may become due after the ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner association time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
dues and assessments that may become due after the Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be of the defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs pay reasonable attorneys’ fees for the Substitute trustees, as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
of the defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to plus all cost incurred, if the Substitute Trustee’s have filed purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
pay reasonable attorneys’ fees for the Substitute trustees, the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 305020-4) title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
plus all cost incurred, if the Substitute Trustee’s have filed The purchasers waives personal service of any papers filed improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property. in connection with such a motion and expressly agrees to Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
The purchasers waives personal service of any papers filed The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class mail title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Substitute Trustees deposit without interest. (Matter No. 356315-1)
in connection with such a motion and expressly agrees to at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class mail the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified or if the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in deposit without interest. (Matter No. 363573-1) Substitute Trustees
the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified or if the accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in is return of the deposit. Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy Substitute Trustees
is return of the deposit. The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012451808
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, entered into a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453366
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower off the loan prior to sale. In any such event, this sale shall
entered into a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sol remedy, in law or 857
Howard County 857
Howard County
off the loan prior to sale. In any such event, this sale shall equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. Mar 5,12,19 2024 0012453367
be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sol remedy, in law or Trustee’s File No. (85894)
equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest.
Trustee’s File No. (84678) Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES
Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC (301) 907-8000
312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800
Laurel, MD 20707
Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012450518 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE
Feb 20,27,Mar 5 2024 0012450520 Frederick County Frederick County SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 615 HIMES AVE., UNIT #112 GLENWOOD, MD 21738
Rockville, MD 20852 FREDERICK, MD 21703
(301) 961-6555 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Brett Arnold and Marcy L. Arnold a/k/a Marcy L. Hackett
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE from Kaybria Moore a/k/a Kaybria Alexa Moore, dated March dated March 14, 2002 and recorded in Liber 6095, folio 606
OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY 21, 2019 and recorded in Liber 12892, folio 471 among the among the Land Records of Howard County, MD, default
IMPROVEMENTS THEREON Land Records of Frederick County, MD, default having having occurred under the terms thereof, the Trustees will
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC occurred under the terms thereof and at the request of sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Howard County,
11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 8770 BEACON CIR. the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute at the Court House Door, 9250 Judicial Way, Ellicott City, MD
Hunt Valley, MD 21031 WALKERSVILLE, MD 21793 Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit 21043, on
470-321-7112 Court for Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W.
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, on MARCH 15, 2024 AT 9:15 AM
TRUSTEES’ SALE OF dated May 9, 2022, recorded in Liber 15933, Folio 416 MARCH 8, 2024 AT 9:20 AM

bo ks?
KNOWN AS original principal balance of $210,520.00, default having IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Frederick County, buildings and improvements thereon situated in Howard
1603 BERRY ROSE CT UNIT C occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell Maryland and described as Unit No. VII-112, Phase VII County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
FREDERICK, MD 21701 at public auction at the Circuit Court for Frederick County, “Overlook Condominium” and more fully described in the of Trust. Tax ID #04-343727.
at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is improved by a The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated 21701, on dwelling. an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
August 29, 2007, and recorded in Liber 6801, folio 0072, of and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
the land records of FREDERICK COUNTY , with an original MARCH 15, 2024 AT 12:40 PM The property, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject with no warranty of any kind.
principal balance of $318,000.00, default having occurred to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and Terms of Sale: A deposit of $10,000 in the form of certified
under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any agreements of record affecting the subject property, if any, check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
will offer for sale at public auction at THE FREDERICK buildings or improvements thereon located in Frederick and with no warranty of any kind. purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
Washington Post newsletters COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 100 W. PATRICK ST, County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification
FREDERICK, MD 21701 ON, of Trust. Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified of sale by the Circuit Court for Howard County. Interest to
deliver more of what you’re looking for.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant
Discover and subscribe for free at MARCH 20, 2024 at 9:30 AM an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions determine, at their sole discretion, for $14,000 at the time to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful funds are received in the office of the Trustees. There will
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any with no warranty of any kind. bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds
buildings or improvements thereon situated in FREDERICK Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certified the purchase price is to be paid within ten (10) days of are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed
COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the the final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for for any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay
S0114 2 X 3 described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase Frederick County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money unpaid purchase price at the rate of 5% per annum from THE PURCHASER. There will be no reduction of interest due
TAX ID# - 02-192756 at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office to overpayment of deposit. Adjustment of all real property

any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date of the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased taxes (excluding recapture of previously reduced or exempt
The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash by an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If taxes) and any other public charges or assessments, to
State-of-the-art IS” physical condition without warranty of any kind and
subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
payment of the balance does not occur within ten (10) days
of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited as liquidated
the extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, including
water/sewer charges, and ground rent to be adjusted
record affecting the same, including any condominium or damages. The purchaser agrees that the property may to date of sale and paid at execution of the deed, except
PRINTING. homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real
Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 .
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. be resold pursuant to an order of court, waives personal where the secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural service upon themselves and/or any principal or corporate assumed by the purchaser. All due and/or unpaid private
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private designee of any documents filed regarding the failure to pay utility, water and sewer facilities charges, condo/HOA
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive the purchase price within ten (10) days of ratification and assessments and Columbia Assoc. assessments, to the
Impeccable $25,500.00 by cashier’s/certified check or such other form
as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail of said
documents at the address provided by the purchaser in the
extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, are payable by
the purchaser without adjustment. Cost of all documentary
RESULTS. discretion, required at time of sale except for the party
secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
Memorandum of Sale. The purchaser will not be entitled to
any surplus or profits arising from the resale even if they are
stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured taxes (including but not
limited to agricultural taxes), and settlement expenses shall
from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. the result of improvements made by the purchaser. There be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
price together with interest thereon at 5.2200% per annum The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser
from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute
How can we Trustees must be paid by cashier’s check within 10 days
after final ratification of sale. The noteholder shall not be
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
in the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes,
ground rent, water rent, and all other public charges and
assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the
date of sale forward. Additional terms to be announced at
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary the time of sale.
help YOU? obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be
no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
and/or metropolitan district charges, and front foot benefit
charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to
If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall
that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit the date of sale, and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If
settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall
and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all
as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale
If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of all documentary price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
association dues and assessments that may become due shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, stamps, transfer taxes (including agricultural transfer of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s
Booklets after the date of sale shall be purchaser’s responsibility. in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without taxes, if applicable), and all settlement charges shall be fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this
Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of borne by the purchaser. The sale is subject to a post sale sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
Brochures taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is
responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that audit of the loan, including but not limited to an analysis deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. of whether the borrower entered into a loan modification property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser
Posters is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults,
deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by agreement, filed bankruptcy, reinstated or paid off the loan or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further prior to the sale. The Substitute Trustees will convey either against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the
Flyers cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any
deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any insurable or marketable title. If the Substitute Trustees are property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten unable to convey insurable or marketable title or, the post shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such
Business Cards attorney’s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service sale audit concludes that the sale should not have occurred, surplus results from improvements to the property by said
convey title for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser or the sale is not ratified by the court for any reason, the defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall
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BRYSON STEPHEN, THOMAS GARTNER, Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
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HEalth&Science tuESday, march 5 , 2024 . SEction E eZ ee k

hire sleep

since becoming a mother, Jenn Wong

had followed all the usual baby sleep
advice for her son. she kept his room
pitch-black and ran a loud white-sound
machine. she made sure her son had a
consistent bedtime routine. she even
successfully sleep-trained him — a proc-
ess to help babies learn how to fall asleep
by themselves — at 9 months old.
But at 18 months old, after he started
day care, it all fell apart. He woke up
many times a night, sometimes every one
to two hours, and wouldn’t go back to
sleep without her. “I was back at work at
that point and ready to try anything to
get him sleeping longer stretches,” said
Wong, 35, of Ottawa, and it wasn’t work-
ing. “My husband and I were at our wits’
so they hired a sleep consultant with a
large following on Instagram who
charged $500 for two weeks of virtual
support, including an “individualized”
sleep-training plan they hoped would get
things back on track.
Kasia Donohue paid a sleep coach to
help her when her son was 4 months old.
His many nighttime awakenings did
stop, but only temporarily.
“I bragged to everyone my kid slept
through the night … until he didn’t,” said
Donohue, 46, of saugerties, N.Y. “The
sleep-training process as far as the con-
sultant experience was very positive, but
the results weren’t.”
sleep consultants, or sleep coaches,
rachel wISnIewSkI FOr the waShIngtOn POSt are an unlicensed provider group that
offers education, advice and support
services to help improve a child’s sleep —

When it’s not J

and the parents’. “I don’t want to say it
onel Dershem first noticed problems with her memory in 2016 after cures postpartum depression, but get-
her breast cancer surgery. she was only 50 and at first blamed the ting some sleep makes an enormous
lapses on chemotherapy, and then on her busy, stressful life. difference in your life as a mom,” said

just normal
so did her husband and friends — and doctor. sleep consultant Mary Vaughn. “Once
“I kept blowing it off,” said Dershem, an obstetrician from you have your kids sleeping, it’s such a
Voorhees, N.J., whose challenges began with little things like leaving magical thing — and you want to share it
a faucet running and progressed to trouble finishing routine tasks. “I was with everybody else.”
our family’s primary breadwinner. I didn’t want there to be any serious Vaughn sleep-trained her son at 6

problems.” months old using the Ferber method,
In December 2022, nearly seven years after her memory loss began, which instructs parents to let their ba-
Dershem was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Her bies cry alone for a short, predetermined
delayed diagnosis wasn’t unusual, but experts say that needs to change. period of time before going in briefly to
More than occasional forgetfulness, MCI causes problems that disrupt comfort them. Both Vaughn’s and her
daily life but don’t make it impossible to function, said Ronald Petersen, baby’s sleep improved dramatically with-
Cognitive impairment diagnoses are director of the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and the
Mayo Clinic study of Aging. It is often but not always a precursor to
in three nights.
see SlEEp ON E6
scary, but early intervention may help dementia, he added. see cognitivE ON E6

Jonel Dershem, left, is shown with her son Bryce in February. Jonel
Dershem was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment in 2022. Co≠ee may
reduce risk
of diabetes
More than 100 Decades ago, many
scientists believed that
drinking coffee was bad

potential new for your health. But

coffee has experienced a
remarkable turnaround.

species found
Eating Lab study after study has
anahad found that enjoying a
o’Connor daily cup or two of Joe —

o≠ Chile coast either caffeinated or

decaffeinated — may
lengthen your life span and lower risk
for chronic disease.
BY D INO G RANDONI One of the most striking findings is
that coffee drinkers are less prone to
Dr. seuss couldn’t dream this stuff up. developing Type 2 diabetes. Many large
Forests of ancient corals. Clusters of studies have found that people who
undersea urchins with cactuslike spikes, drink three to four cups of coffee daily
as if a desert had been inundated. Gar- have about a 25 percent lower risk of
dens of glassy sponges, clinging to the the disease compared with people who
slopes of an underwater mountain range drink little or no coffee. Your likelihood
soaring up thousands of feet from the of developing diabetes decreases about
seafloor. 6 percent for each cup of coffee you
Deep-sea explorers searching below consume daily — but only up to about
the waves off the coast of Chile may have six cups.
found more than 100 species completely Many of the studies on coffee and
new to science. health come with an important caveat.
The potential discovery of the new They are usually large observational
creatures across 10 seamounts in the studies, which show correlations — not
southeast Pacific does more than just add cause and effect. This means that it’s
to the depth of understanding of the possible that something else could
sheer diversity of ocean life. For the explain the findings. Perhaps coffee
researchers, it shows how ocean protec- drinkers also are more likely to exercise
tions put in place by the Chilean govern- more, drink less alcohol, eat healthier
ment are working to bolster biodiversity, diets or engage in other habits that
an encouraging sign for other countries boost their health.
looking to safeguard their marine waters. But there are other reasons to believe
“every single seamount had a different rOV SuBaStIan/SchmIdt Ocean InStItute that the findings are not a mirage.
type of ecosystem on it,” said Hannah Scientists aboard a Schmidt ocean institute expedition may have found more than 100 new species, including this squat Coffee’s protective effect against
see DEEp SEa ON E2 lobster, in seamounts off chile’s coast. the finds signal that chile’s ocean protections are working to bolster biodiversity. diabetes persists even when scientists
take these other lifestyle behaviors into
account. The effect has been found in
dozens of studies involving more than a
AnimAls pAin your move viAgrA
million participants across europe,
a study found a higher cancer expert share tips for easing exercise plays a role in keeping why the erectile dysfunction North America and Asia. It’s been found
rate in some dogs exposed to chronic backaches, and many weight off after quitting new medication has been linked to in women and men, in young and old
people, in smokers and nonsmokers,
secondhand smoke. e2 don’t involve medication. e3 weight-loss drugs. e4 better brain health. e5 see coFFEE ON E4
e2 eZ ee the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

ScieNce N e w S

The gene that could explain our lack of tails:

Researchers find clue in a Darwinian mystery
B Y C HRISTINA L ARSON that thrived for other reasons?
“It could be random chance,
our very ancient animal ances- but it could have brought a big
tors had tails. Why don’t we? evolutionary advantage,” said
Somewhere around 20 million miriam Konkel, an evolutionary
or 25 million years ago, when apes geneticist at Clemson University,
diverged from monkeys, our who was not involved in the study.
branch of the tree of life shed its As to why having no tails may
tail. from Darwin’s time, scien- have helped, there are many tan-
tists have wondered why — and talizing theories — including
how — this happened. some that link being tailless to
Now, researchers have identi- humans eventually learning to
fied at least one of the key genetic walk upright.
tweaks that led to this change. rick Potts, who directs the
“We found a single mutation in Smithsonian Institution’s Human
a very important gene,” said Bo origins Project and was not in-
Xia, a geneticist at the Broad volved in the research, suggests
Institute and co-author of a study being tailless may have been a
published recently in the journal first step toward some apes
Nature. adopting a vertical body posture,
The researchers compared the even before they left the trees.
genomes of six species of apes, Not all apes live on the ground
including humans, and 15 species today. orangutans and gibbons
of monkeys with tails to pinpoint are tailless apes that still live in
key differences between the trees. But Potts notes that they
groups. once they identified a move very differently than mon-
significant mutation, they tested keys, who scamper along the tops
their theory by using the gene-ed- of branches, using their tails for
roV suBAstIAn/schmIdt oceAn InstItute iting tool CrISPr to tweak the balance. Those apes hang below
same spot in mouse embryos. branches, swinging between

Species Those mice were born without

Xia cautioned that other genet-
them while hanging largely up-
New York University biologist

might be
ic changes may also play a role in Itai Yanai, a co-author of the
losing tails. study, said losing our tails was
Another mystery: Did having clearly a major transition. But the
no tails actually help these ape only way to certainly know the

new to ancestors — and eventually, hu-

mans — survive? or was it just a
chance mutation in a population
reason “would be to invent a time
machine,” he said.
— Associated Press

DEEP sEa from E1

Nolan, an expedition and com-

munity outreach specialist for
the Schmidt ocean Institute, an
oceanographic research non-
profit that undertook the expedi-
14,000 feet under the sea
Deploying an underwater ro- Alex InGle/schmIdt oceAn InstItute

bot that can descend more than FROM TOP: Chaunacops, a genus of bony fish in the sea toad family Chaunacidae, is among more than
14,000 feet, the research team 100 potentially new species that explorers found across 10 seamounts near Chile. The research team
worked from Jan. 8 to feb. 11 to used an underwater robot to retrieve the species, including this urchin, for analysis in a lab on land.
bring specimens from the depths
to the surface. The southeast known as Easter Island, was a addition to corals, urchins, sea tains in international waters
Pacific, a geologically active re- jackpot for sea sponges, said stars and sea lilies. from overfishing and deep-sea
gion, is littered with hydrother- Javier Sellanes, a scientist at the The team explored two marine mining by establishing a new oded BAlIlty/AP

mal vents that help sustain a Universidad Católica del Norte parks — Juan fernández and marine protected area under a skeletons of a human and a monkey await installation at the
wide array of life. who led the research. “only two Nazca-Desventuradas — where United Nations treaty signed last steinhardt Museum of Natural History in Tel aviv on Feb 19, 2018.
only after analyzing the ani- species were previously properly Chile has restricted fishing. But year. Around the world, nations
mals’ body structure and genes at reported for the area and now we they also searched areas outside are aiming to protect 30 percent
a lab on land will the scientists be found about 40 different spe- the country’s national waters — a of the planet’s oceans by the end
able to determine whether these cies,” he said. part of the ocean called the high of the decade to stem the loss of ScieNc e ScaN
creatures are truly new species. Among the potentially new-to- seas where no one government Earth’s remaining wild plants
The trip along the seamounts science marine life are ghostly has jurisdiction. and animals to extinction.
that stretch from the coast of white sponges and lobsters with ocean advocates want to safe- To see more of the species, go veteriNary ScieNce
South America to rapa Nui, also beady eyes and barbed legs, in guard those submarine moun- to
For some dogs, secondhand smoke is linked to
significantly higher risk of developing cancer
Skywatch BY E RIN B LAKEMORE association between cigarette
smoke exposure and urinary

The days grow longer Scottish terriers exposed to

cigarette smoke at home were six
times as likely to develop bladder
bladder cancer in Scottish
terriers in a cohort study

and the stars get dimmer

the Veterinary Journal
cancer as their counterparts in
nonsmoking homes, a recent
analysis found.

as vernal equinox nears The long-term study, pub-

lished in the Veterinary Journal,
followed 120 Scottie dogs over
“If we were to do this study
with mixed breeds of dogs, it
would take hundreds and hun-
three years. The breed is known dreds of dogs to uncover this
BY G EOFF C HESTER 10th. Luna waxes in the evening for its high rates of bladder can- same risk, which is probably
sky, reaching the full phase on the cer: Scottish terriers have 20 there, just more difficult to dis-
march is the month when we 25th. The traditional name for times the risk of most other cern because those dogs are not
emerge from the winter dol- the march full moon is the Worm breeds, and most dogs that do get already inclined genetically to get
drums and welcome the arrival of moon, because the ground is soft bladder cancer have the most bladder cancer,” she added.
spring. The days lengthen at their enough for earthworms to find invasive form of the disease. Knapp said dog owners can
fastest pace and the bright stars their way to the surface, provid- researchers used surveys from reduce their dogs’ smoke expo-
of winter retreat. Importantly, for ing a food source for birds and dog owners and analyzed the sure — and potential cancer risk
sky watchers, the astronomical animals. other traditional names dogs’ urine to look for a nicotine — by quitting smoking or smok-
beginning of spring occurs with are the Crow moon and Sap metabolite that indicates expo- ing outside, and changing out of
the vernal equinox, which falls on moon. sure to cigarette smoke. During smoky clothing before spending
march 19 at 11:06 p.m. Eastern If you want to be on time for the study period, 32 dogs devel- up-close time with their pets.
time. any engagements on Sunday oped bladder cancer. The study was partially funded
At that moment, the center of morning on the 10th, you will Scottish terriers that lived in by a grant from the Scottish
the sun’s disk crosses the celestial need to set your clocks ahead by homes with smokers were six Terrier Club of America. Because
equator into the sky’s northern one hour before going to bed times as likely to develop cancer of their high rates of bladder
hemisphere. This marked the tra- Saturday night. Unless you live in than controls, with seven of the cancer and their sharing many of
ditional beginning of a new year Arizona or Hawaii, U.S. Code dic- Geoff chester 32 dogs with bladder cancer liv- their owners’ environmental ex-
in many cultures until roman tates that we all switch from The March full moon, seen in 2023, is also called the Worm Moon. ing with smokers. Urinalysis re- posures, Scottish terriers are con-
times, and today it sets the dates standard to daylight time at 2 vealed that the dogs living with sidered a model species for study-
of important feasts and fasts in a.m. march 10. In my many years that novice stargazers learn to passes to April. smokers were exposed to an aver- ing the effectiveness of potential
many religions. at the U.S. Naval observatory, I recognize. It is also known as the age of 10 years’ worth of pack-a- cancer detection and interven-
The point in the sky that de- have fielded hundreds of queries Plough (plow) in Britain and Ire- a glimpse of Mercury day smoking, compared with tions for both dogs and humans.
fines the equinox is sometimes as to why this happens every year, land, and the Wain (wagon) in march may be something of a 1.5 years’ worth of pack-a-day
referred to as the “first point of but the rule is not ours to enforce. other parts of Europe. The seven letdown for planet watchers. The smoking for dogs that didn’t get
Aries,” a term still widely used in In the United States, civil time stars are part of the larger con- only bright member of the solar cancer.
astrology. The constellation of is governed by congressional au- stellation of Ursa major, the Great system that’s easy to spot is Jupi- Another significant risk was
Aries, the ram, was the location thority through the Transporta- Bear. The two stars at the end of ter, which dominates the western living within a mile of a marsh or
of the equinox back in Babylonian tion Department. The observa- the Dipper’s “bowl” point north- sky during the evening hours. In wetland — areas that can trap
times, when the basic tenets of tory maintains a single reference ward to the star Polaris, which early march, the giant planet sets pollutants or be treated with
astrological practice were estab- time scale, UTC. We leave it up to marks the north celestial pole. between 11 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., insecticides. Dogs that lived near
lished. others to figure out what to do follow the “pointers” to the but after we switch to daylight marshy land were 21.23 times as
Today, the equinox actually lies with it. south and you will encounter the saving time, you should have no likely to develop bladder cancer
some 30 degrees westward in the constellation of Leo, the Lion, trouble spotting Jupiter shortly than controls. older age and a
constellation of Pisces, the fish, From Big Dipper to arcturus which consists of two distinct star after sunset. history of past urinary tract infec-
thanks to the 26,000-year cycle You can find the winter con- groups. Leo’s brightest star, regu- once Jupiter sets, though, the tions were also associated with
called “precession of the equinox- stellations that have helped us lus, sits below a semicircle of rest of the night lacks any bright higher cancer risk.
es.” In 3,000 years, the equinox through the long winter nights in second-magnitude stars outlin- planets to look for. Just before “We know that Scotties’ genet-
will lie among the stars of Aquari- the western sky by mid-evening. ing the Lion’s head. To the east of dawn, you may be able to spot ics play a huge role in making
us; it will return to Aries some- By the end of the month, they’ll regulus, you’ll find a right trian- Venus in the gathering twilight them vulnerable to cancer,” Debo-
where around the year 23,000. set by midnight. If you enjoy gle of stars that mark Leo’s hind- glow, but it will be very low in the rah Knapp, a veterinarian at Pur-
The term “equinox” implies the looking at orion and its bright quarters. southeastern sky. due University who led the re-
concept of “equal night,” when stellar companions, this is the last Going back to the Big Dipper, if Toward the end of the month, search, said in a news release. a scottish terrier.
day and night are exactly 12 hours month to get a good view until you follow the arc made by its though, we get a chance to see
in duration. In reality, the upper late autumn. “handle,” you will encounter the that most elusive of the planets,
limb of the sun pokes above the After march, a somewhat more signature star of spring, Arcturus. mercury. The best time to look for
horizon a few days before the subdued set of constellations will It’s hard to miss as it is the mercury will be 30 to 45 minutes hea lt h & ScieNc e
equinox. The actual date for 12 rise to take the night. The most brightest star in the northern sky after sunset on the evenings of
hours of daylight and darkness in recognizable pattern among and the fourth brightest overall march 17 through march 31, when
D.C. this year is march 16, when them is the group of stars known thanks to its relatively nearby 37 it will be about 10 degrees above editors: margaret shapiro, mary-ellen deily •
old Sol rises at 7:17 a.m. Eastern to most of us as the Big Dipper. light-year distance and its lumi- the western horizon. If you have art Director: elizabeth von oehsen • Photo editor: maya Valentine •
time and sets at 7:17 p.m. These seven stars form a dis- nosity, which is about 170 times them, use binoculars to look for it copy editor: mike cirelli • advertising information: ron ulrich,
tinctive pattern that outlines a that of the sun. Its rosy tint in the twilight glow. once you’ve 202-334-5289, • to contact us:
Remember that alarm respectable soup ladle, and it is reminds me of the colorful found it, you should be able to email: mail: the Washington Post, health,
The new moon falls on the usually one of the first asterisms blooms that will follow as march spot it with the naked eye. 1301 k st. nW, Washington, d.c. 20071
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE e3

b Ig n u m b eR fRom ConSumeR RepoRtS

How to soothe a chronically achy back

The mortality rate for U.S. women with breast
cancer fell an estimated 58 percent from 1975 to
2019, according to research published in JAMA
that credits the decline to advances in screening
and treatments. Nearly half (47 percent) of the BY H ALLIE L EVINE walking and light stretching.
reduction was attributed to earlier and more “The biggest mistake that people
effective treatment of those with Stage 1, 2 or 3 Does your back often hurt? make is going on bed rest,” says
percent breast cancer. (With staging, generally the
lower the number, the less the cancer has
Some 39 percent of adults and
45 percent of people ages 65 and
Charnoff. “You’ll recover faster if
you stay active. Move in whatever
spread.) In addition, about 25 percent of the drop was attributed to up reported having had back pain way is comfortable, and take slow
improved mammography screening and about 29 percent to better in the previous three months, steps to increase activity you can
treatment of metastatic breast cancer, meaning cancer that has according to a 2021 report from tolerate.”
spread. The findings used analysis of observational and clinical trial the National Center for Health Try heat. You can place a
data from four models within the federally funded Cancer Statistics. heating pad or wrap on the af-
Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network that track breast And a systematic review pub- fected area. Apply it for 15 to 20
cancer screenings and treatments. Using modeling, the researchers lished in 2022 in the Journal of minutes at a time, several times
were able to take into account changes in breast cancer incidence over Pain found that about 36 percent daily.
time. The 58 percent reduction figure represents “what the mortality of adults ages 60 and up had Take this med as needed. Ac-
would have been estimated to be in 2019 if no improvements [in chronic lower back pain (mean- etaminophen (Tylenol and gener-
screenings and treatments] had been made” in the 44 years examined, ing it continued for at least ic) is generally fine to use for
said Jennifer Caswell-Jin, the study’s lead author and an assistant 12 weeks). three to five days, following pack-
professor of oncology at Stanford Medicine. Without modeling, data “Back pain is ubiquitous in our age directions on dosing.
shows that the mortality rate declined by 44 percent from 1975 to society, especially among older iStock Position yourself for sleep
2019, from 48 deaths per 100,000 women in 1975 to 27 per 100,000 adults,” says Peter Whang, an comfort. Try to sleep on your side
women in 2019. An editorial accompanying the research noted that, associate professor of orthope- treatments, unlike active treat- Arthritis Pain and generic), an with an upper knee bent and a
despite the “overall progress in reducing breast cancer mortality, dics and rehabilitation at the Yale ments like physical therapy, OTC anti-inflammatory cream, pillow between your knees. This
reductions have not been equally distributed across all patient School of Medicine in New Ha- which teach you ways to stretch can also provide relief. (But this puts the least amount of stress on
populations,” adding that rural, Black and uninsured patients are still ven, Conn. “It’s usually due to the out your back and keep your core and other anti-inflammatories your spine.
“at greatest risk of dying from breast cancer.” The American Cancer degenerative changes we develop strong.” might not be appropriate for peo-
Society ranks breast cancer as the most common cancer among U.S. as we age, like osteoarthritis or For massage in particular, a ple who are taking blood thin- When to call a doctor
women (aside from skin cancers) and the second-leading cause of worn-out spinal disks.” 2015 Cochrane review of research ners.) Let your doctor know if your
cancer deaths among women, following lung cancer. That said, there are effective concluded that while it helped Another option may be an OTC discomfort is getting in the way
— Linda Searing treatments for the pain, and most improve back pain, the quality of patch that contains lidocaine, a of daily activities. Do the same if
don’t require medication, says the evidence was low. It also numbing agent. For all of the severe back pain lingers for more
Hamza Khalid, a spine specialist found that massage didn’t neces- above, ask your doctor how often than four weeks with little im-
at the Cleveland Clinic. Consider sarily help with overall back func- and for how long you can use provement despite taking some
h eAl t h n ew S these steps: tion. In addition, be aware that them. of the steps above.
the therapies above aren’t always If you see no improvement Call a doctor right away if you
Stay active covered by insurance and can be after treatments like PT or medi- have back pain even while lying
CDC officials say this winter’s flu shots are While exercise might not be expensive. cations like those mentioned down, or if pain spreads into your
appealing when your back hurts, above, the ACP recommends the lower legs or is accompanied by a
around 40 percent effective at preventing flu staying active can actually help prescription antidepressant du- fever, leg weakness, or bowel or
B Y M IKE S TOBBE Another draws on outpatient reduce pain and prevent it in the loxetine (Cymbalta and generic), bladder incontinence. The same
data from urgent care clinics and future. “Movement increases There are effective so check with your doctor. applies if you have a history of
Early estimates suggest flu hospital emergency departments. blood flow to your spinal tissues Prescription muscle relaxants cancer or osteoporosis, or if your
shots are performing okay in the Estimates from four different and joints, which will help them treatments for the pain, such as cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril back pain is due to a fall or an
current U.S. winter flu season. surveillance systems were pre- feel better,” says Colleen Louw, a and generic) can lead to drowsi- accident. These symptoms and
The vaccines were around sented at Wednesday’s meeting of physical therapist and co-founder and most don’t require ness and increase fall risk, so situations may signal a potential-
40 percent effective in prevent- a committee that advises the CDC of Evidence in Motion in San discuss your situation with your ly serious problem, such as a
ing adults from getting sick on vaccines. The findings were Antonio. medication. doctor. Avoid prescription opi- fracture or cauda equina syn-
enough from the flu that they had reported as ranges. A good place to start is with oids, which can lead to depend- drome, where nerves at the base
to go to a doctor’s office, clinic or The adult effectiveness esti- pool aerobics or simply walking ency. They’re no more effective of the spine are compressed. Your
hospital, health officials said dur- mate is similar to what the CDC in a pool, Louw says. These are Use medications wisely than a placebo for short-term doctor may want to see you im-
ing a Centers for Disease Control initially reported for last flu sea- easy on your joints and builds If you sometimes need more low-back pain, according to a mediately or may advise you to
and Prevention vaccines meeting son. The shots proved less effec- strength as well as confidence. relief, over-the-counter anti-in- 2023 study in the Lancet, and can see a specialist.
last Wednesday. Children who tive in some other recent seasons, “Once people realize they can be flammatories such as ibuprofen lead to side effects like constipa-
were vaccinated were roughly 60 the results influenced by what active without pain, it gives them (Advil and generic) can be the tion and dizziness, which can be
percent less likely to get treat- virus strain was dominating and confidence to do things when first choice, according to ACP more pronounced in older
ment at a doctor’s office or hospi- how well the vaccines were they’re out of the water,” she says. guidelines. But they often aren’t adults, Charnoff says.
tal, CDC officials said. matched to it. Other options include gentle yoga appropriate for older adults, who consumer Reports is an
Officials generally are pleased One committee member ex- and the slow, gentle movements may be at a higher risk of side Relieving acute flare-ups independent, nonprofit organization
if a flu vaccine is 40 to 60 percent pressed disappointment at recent of the mind-body practice of tai effects such as gastrointestinal For those times when discom- that works side by side with
effective. effectiveness findings. chi. “They help to stretch and bleeding, says Jesse Charnoff, a fort ramps up, these four strate- consumers to create a fairer, safer,
The shots tend to do better “There seems to be diminish- strengthen back muscles, as well physiatrist at the Hospital for gies may help you feel better, and healthier world. cR does not
when they are well matched ing returns for annual influenza as make you feel more comfort- Special Surgery in New York. according to doctors: endorse products or services, and
against the circulating flu strains. immunization,” said Sarah Long able with movement.” Acetaminophen (Tylenol and Move, but do it gently. When does not accept advertising. cR has
Officials say that’s what’s hap- of Drexel University. You can also ask your doctor if generic) may be a safer bet if you you’re in significant pain, it’s no financial relationship with
pened during this — relatively Long asked whether repeated seeing a physical therapist is ap- stay under 3,000 mg daily, he important to still try to do some advertisers in this publication. Read
typical — flu season. vaccinations, year after year, propriate for you. A PT can pro- says. Diclofenac topical (Voltaren low-stress activities, such as more at
Annual flu vaccines are recom- might be leading to lower im- vide an individualized program
mended for everyone 6 months mune system responses. A CDC of exercises and help you figure
and older in the United States. official said some researchers out ways to move with less pain.
About half of eligible kids and just have been exploring that ques- “Older adults tend to take
under half of adults got flu shots tion, so far without conclusive shorter steps because their center
in the past several months, ac- results. of gravity has changed,” Louw
cording to CDC data. “One thing that does seem to says. “But short, narrow steps can
The CDC uses several systems arise consistently from these worsen back pain. We can work
to track the vaccines. One is a things is that in general you are with them to make them more
network of hospitals that offer better off if you got vaccinated comfortable taking bigger steps,
information on how well the vac- than if you didn’t,” said the CDC’s which will increase blood flow to
cines prevent flu-related illnesses Lisa Grohskopf. their spine area.”
bad enough to require admission. — Associated Press A physical therapist may also
be able to teach you “nerve
glides,” Louw says, which are gen-
tle exercises to stretch and soothe
h eAl t h S CA n irritated nerves in your back.
Use the power of your mind
ARtIfICIAl IntellIgenCe Some doctors may recommend
talk therapies to help change your
Study indicates that ChatGPT isn’t ready to reaction to pain and encourage
recommend complete exercise programs yet you to set and work toward activi-
ty goals.

There’s a perfect place for

BY E RIN B LAKEMORE Comprehensiveness, Accuracy, A small 2021 study in the jour-
and Readability of exercise nal Pain Reports, for example,
You might be tempted to enlist Recommendations provided by looked at psychophysiologic
artificial intelligence for help
with designing an exercise regi-
men, but tools like ChatGPT
an AI-based Chatbot: mixed
methods Study
symptom relief therapy, which
addresses the stress that may
contribute to pain. At the end of
your mom or dad.
JMiR Medical Education

And we’ll help you find it.

might lead you astray, a recent six months of such therapy, near-
analysis suggests. ly 64 percent of patients reported
When researchers examined being completely pain-free.
ChatGPT’s workout recommen- exercise that’s appropriate for “Therapy is a good option for
dations, they found that the tool most within that group. patients who have tried other
didn’t reflect the guidelines con- The AI-generated answers conservative therapies, such as
sidered standard among medical also misinformed readers about physical therapy, but haven’t
professionals, according to an whether they should exercise at been able to find relief,” Khalid
analysis published in the journal all, prompting them to get medi- says. We know that finding the right senior care for your mom or
JMIR Medical Education. The cal clearance before exercising Ask your doctor where you can
researchers used AI to generate 53 percent of the time, even find talk therapy for back pain. dad is a big decision. That’s where A Place for Mom comes
personalized exercise recom- when the population in question You may be able to find a pain
mendations, then evaluated the didn’t need to ask a doctor before management program at a large
in. Our senior living advisory service ensures you’ll get a full
recommended regimens for starting a workout regimen. This medical center. You can search understanding of all the options in your area based on your
comprehension, accuracy and could discourage people from the American Psychological Asso-
readability. working out, the researchers ciation’s therapist finder as well. loved one’s care needs and budget.
A researcher prompted Chat- warn, triggering undue concern It’s also important to get a
GPT to provide exercise recom- and unnecessary doctor’s visits. handle on everyday stressors and You’ll get more than just expert advice and recommendations.
mendations for 26 populations Nor were the recommenda- get enough sleep, says David
identified in the American Col- tions as readable as they should Hanscom, a retired spine surgeon You’ll also get peace of mind.
lege of Sports Medicine’s Guide- have been, the researchers say: and the author of “Back in Con-
lines for Exercise Testing and On average, they were consid- trol: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Start the conversation with one of our expert Senior Living
Prescription, which is consid- ered “difficult to read” and were Chronic Pain.”
ered the gold standard within written at a college level. A 2022 study published in Advisors today.
the field. Populations included Overall, the researchers con- Frontiers in Neuroscience found
healthy adults, children and clude, health-care providers and that sleep problems can trigger Our service comes at no cost to your family.
teens, older adults, people with patients alike should use caution low back pain and vice versa.
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ple with obesity, among others. exercise recommendations, and Don’t rely on massage alone
Most of the ChatGPT recom- future studies should focus on Several complementary treat-
mendations were factually cor- measuring “appropriateness, ments are sometimes used for
rect, with a 90.7 percent accuracy costs, feasibility” and other fac- chronic low back pain. They in-
rate when compared with “a tors. clude massage, spinal manipula-
gold-standard reference source.” tion (where a chiropractor moves
But the researchers write that your spinal joints beyond their
the recommendations weren’t normal range of motion) and
comprehensive enough, covering acupuncture (where very fine
only 41.2 percent of the guide- needles are inserted into specific
lines. points on the body).
The tool also generated misin- Do they work? For short-term
formation when it came to exer- back pain, the American College
cise for people with hyperten- of Physicians (ACP) recommends
sion, fibromyalgia, cancer and acupuncture, heat, massage and
other conditions. The answers spinal manipulation. But “I don’t
were least accurate for people look at massage and acupuncture ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE INDEPENDENT LIVING HOME CARE
with hypertension, even recom- as first-line treatments,” Whang
mending against the vigorous iStock says. “These are more passive
E4 eZ ee the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

Why the long-term success of new weight-loss drugs could depend on exercise
The new weight- typically return almost as
loss drugs that quickly.
suppress appetite But is this rebound inevitable?
and reduce food Torekov and her colleagues
cravings can be devised a multiyear,
quite effective at multipronged effort to find out.
Your Move helping people It began with 195 Danish
GRetchen drop pounds, adults with obesity but no other
Reynolds with many losing major illnesses. They were put on
at least 10 or 20 an extremely low-calorie diet,
percent of their under the supervision of the
body weight while they take the scientists, to rapidly lose about
medications. 30 pounds. Since this was to be a
But in the real world and weight-maintenance study, the
despite the drugs’ effectiveness, scientists wanted them to drop
as many as half of users quit the pounds fast, and then move to
drugs within a year, studies the maintenance phase.
show, because of their expense, for that phase, the researchers
side effects or for other reasons. assigned some of the volunteers
Afterward, the pounds almost to start taking Saxenda, known
invariably creep back, and, generically as liraglutide, an early
almost as worrying, the weight GLP-1 medication, to see if the
people regain tends to be almost drug would help them maintain
exclusively fat, with little and even augment their dieting
muscle. The result is that they weight loss. Saxenda is made by
are often metabolically less Novo Nordisk, the company that
healthy than before they’d begun also makes two similar drugs —
the drugs. the diabetes drug ozempic and
But an important, new, long- the weight-loss drug Wegovy.
term study of people who used (The study was funded in part
and then quit one of the weight- by the Novo Nordisk foundation,
loss drugs suggests there may be a charitable organization
a simple, accessible way to stave affiliated with Saxenda’s maker.
off unhealthy weight regain after The pharmaceutical company
stopping the drugs: exercise. itself had no oversight of the
In the study, people who study or its results, a company
exercised while using a weight- spokesperson said.)
loss drug kept off far more of A separate group of volunteers
their weight after quitting the started the same drug, but also a isToCk

medication than people who supervised exercise program, In a study, people who exercised while using a weight-loss drug kept off more weight after quitting the medication than others.
didn’t work out, and they with twice-weekly, half-hour
maintained more muscle. group spinning classes and 15 those results in 2021 in the New maintained considerably more taken the drug without exercise has similar effects on weight
Signe Sørensen Torekov, a minutes of high-intensity, full- England Journal of medicine. of their weight-loss during this were almost completely maintenance when people stop
professor of biomedical sciences body resistance training, along Then they began the most phase. many remained at least sedentary now, averaging fewer a GLP-1 drug.
at the University of Copenhagen with two at-home jogs or similar revelatory aspect of their study. 10 percent lighter than at the than 30 minutes of exercise a The study has other
in Denmark and senior author of workouts. The exercise was They ended the medications and study’s start, and at least some week. limitations. It used liraglutide,
the new study, said the results mostly vigorous, meaning exercise sessions for everyone, of the weight they’d regained “more of the ones who had which is not as potent as more-
strongly indicate that people strenuous enough that people leaving people to maintain — or was muscle, leaving them with a not exercised while medicated recent obesity drugs. But “I
using the drugs may be able to could barely talk while they were regain — their weight-loss healthier body composition had complained of fatigue” would expect the results to be
“preserve a healthy weight,” even working out. completely on their own. than the other groups. during treatment and directionally similar with the
after they quit the medication. A control group didn’t exercise After a year passed, the afterward, Torekov said, which newer GLP-1 drugs,” Drucker
“But they do need to do and received a placebo, instead of researchers invited all the exercising just two hours a may have contributed to their said.
exercise.” liraglutide. (Although the volunteers back to the lab. one week inactivity now. It also involved relatively
prescribing information for hundred and nine returned and It’s easy to understand why overall, the results make a healthy Danes, who may not be
Weight loss, with a catch Saxenda says it should be used in researchers checked their body the exercisers added fewer strong case for “the importance typical of other people hoping to
most obesity experts agree conjunction with a low-calorie weight, body composition and pounds after stopping the drug, of adding exercise to a regimen lose weight. And the study’s
that the holy grail of healthy, diet and increased physical current exercise habits. Torekov said. “They were still that includes a GLP-1 exercise routine wasn’t merely
long-term weight loss is activity, that recommendation is for some, the year had been exercising,” even without medication,” said Daniel vigorous, which can be
maintenance. Shedding pounds often ignored.) discouraging. Those who’d supervision or nudging from the Drucker, a diabetes expert and challenging. It was also free and
is possible for many people, in After a year, almost everyone earlier taken the weight-loss scientists. According to senior investigator at the closely supervised during the
the short term. Keeping it off who took the drug had drug without exercise regained questionnaires and activity Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum research first year, a luxury unavailable
can seem almost impossible. maintained the lower weight or about 70 percent or more of all trackers, they generally Institute in Toronto, whose to many of us.
The new class of GLP-1 lost more weight. the weight they’d lost since the continued to work out for research helped pave the way Still, for now, the study tells
diabetes or weight-loss drugs, Those combining the drug and start of the study. most of these several hours a week, for the GLP-1 drugs. He wasn’t us that to stave off weight regain
with brand names such as exercise had lost the most, regained pounds were in the voluntarily. involved with the new study. and hold onto muscle during
ozempic, Wegovy, Zepbound though. They’d dropped about six form of fat, not muscle, so they These findings suggest “about “The results are very and after treatment with an
and mounjaro, seem to be pounds more than those on the wound up with relatively higher two hours a week of vigorous encouraging,” agreed robert obesity drug, “it’s really
intensifying that dynamic. GLP-1 drug alone, and more of those percentages of body fat than exercise,” may be a good goal for Kushner, an endocrinologist and important you have an exercise
is short for glucagon-like peptide pounds consisted of fat, instead before starting the drug. staving off weight regain after professor at Northwestern program,” Torekov said.
1 agonist; these drugs mimic the of muscle. “They’d gained weight in an ceasing a weight-loss drug, she University feinberg School of
effects of the substance GLP-1. unhealthy manner,” Torekov continued. mixing aerobic and medicine, who specializes in Do you have a fitness question?
most people lose substantial What happened when they said. resistance exercise is probably weight loss. “But further studies email and
weight rapidly on these drugs. stopped the drug But those who’d exercised best. will need to be performed to see we may answer your question in a
But if they stop, the pounds The researchers published while taking the drug had meanwhile, those who’d if a less intense exercise routine” future column.

Eating Lab

Study after study shows

coffee drinkers are less “One helping of
likely to develop diabetes vegetables is a small
cup of coffee if you
coffee from e1 effects,” said van Dam, who is
also an adjunct professor of compare the amounts
and in people with and without nutrition at the Harvard T.H.
obesity. Chan School of Public Health. of polyphenols they
researchers have also shown
that the risk rises and falls with Is coffee a liquid vegetable? contain.”
changes in coffee consumption. But as any longtime coffee
Hubert Kolb, visiting scientist
In studies that tracked drinker can attest, when you
at the West-German Center of
thousands of men and women consume coffee long enough,
Diabetes and Health in Düsseldorf
over two decades, scientists you build up a tolerance to its
found that when coffee drinkers stimulating effects. The jittery,
increased their coffee intake by unpleasant and seemingly
an extra cup or two a day, their detrimental physiological
risk of diabetes fell 11 percent. response becomes less
But when people decreased their pronounced.
coffee intake by roughly the “Within a week these
same amount, their likelihood of responses are largely gone,” said
developing diabetes rose by 17 van Dam. “You don’t have a big
percent. Scientists did not see stress response anymore, and
the same effect when they you don’t see the effects on
looked at changes in tea blood pressure or glucose
consumption. levels.”
At the same time, coffee’s
Why coffee got a bad rap other properties begin to work
Experts say that coffee is their magic. Coffee is a rich
more than just a delivery system source of polyphenols —
for caffeine. It has hundreds of compounds in fruits, vegetables,
other compounds that can have whole grains and other plants
surprising effects on our that are known to confer health
metabolism. In the short term, benefits.
when you drink coffee — A cup of coffee contains about
especially if you don’t drink it double the concentration of
regularly — the caffeine it polyphenols contained in a cup
contains triggers the fight-or- of green or black tea. “There are
flight response. This stimulates hundreds of phytochemicals in linnea Bullion for THe WasHinGTon PosT

higher adrenaline levels, coffee,” said van Dam.

increased blood pressure and A cup of coffee also contains is chlorogenic acid, which has probably lowers the risk of and other side effects. Drinking much for some people. Doctors
blood sugar levels, and a fiber — up to 1.8 grams, or been shown in some studies to diabetes because it helps to more than two cups of coffee a may recommend cutting back on
reduction in your insulin roughly half the amount you’d improve insulin sensitivity and prevent the deterioration of liver day can also increase the risk of coffee if you have a sleep
sensitivity. find in one serving of broccoli. blood sugar control. Chlorogenic and beta cell function. complications in pregnant disorder, cardiac issues or
“You get a stress response,” Coffee in many ways is akin to acid and other polyphenols in women. glaucoma.
said rob van Dam, an expert on a liquid vegetable, said Hubert coffee help to reduce Avoid too much of a good for these reasons, health If you don’t drink coffee and
coffee’s health effects and a Kolb, a visiting scientist at the inflammation and increase the thing authorities generally don’t particularly enjoy it, then
professor at the milken Institute West-German Center of Diabetes production of proteins involved According to van Dam at recommend that healthy adults don’t feel pressure to start. But
School of Public Health at and Health in Düsseldorf who in repairing and protecting cells George Washington University, consume no more than about for those who do drink it daily,
George Washington University. studies coffee’s health effects. and their DNA. while there are clear health 400 mgs of caffeine daily, which it’s nice to know that your
These physiological changes “one helping of vegetables is Studies indicate that these benefits to drinking coffee, they is equivalent to four or five cups morning coffee — in addition to
are why scientists believed a small cup of coffee if you effects occur in organs are not enough to suggest that of brewed coffee. Coincidentally, tasting delicious and providing a
decades ago that drinking coffee compare the amounts of throughout the body, but in every adult should start studies show that two to five pick-me-up — may be doing
was generally harmful. polyphenols they contain,” he particular in the liver and in the drinking coffee or increase the cups daily is the range in which more for your health.
“At the time, what was mostly added. beta cells of the pancreas, which number of cups they consume. people are most likely to see
available were these trials where produce insulin and play a Coffee certainly has its health benefits such as a Do you have a question about
you give people just coffee or The benefits of chlorogenic critical role in the development downsides. Depending on how reduced risk of diabetes, heart healthy eating? email
just caffeine and you look at acid of Type 2 diabetes. According to much you consume, it can disease and some cancers, said and we
them over a couple hours and one of the most potent and Kolb and his colleagues, disrupt sleep, worsen anxiety van Dam. may answer your question in a future
you see these clear detrimental abundant polyphenols in coffee habitually drinking coffee and cause headaches, nausea But even that may be too column.
tuesday, march 5 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E5

Why Viagra has been linked with better brain health
BY T EDDY A MENABAR likely to be neurologically im-
Viagra can be a wonder drug Brauer said the average “pack”
for men with erectile dysfunc- per prescription is four tablets.
tion, helping them maintain But it’s not clear if the men took
their sex lives as they age. Now all the tablets prescribed and, if
new research suggests the little so, how often.
blue pill may also be beneficial to “We do not know if people
aging brains. used the prescribed drugs as
The findings are based on a intended nor could we measure
massive study of nearly 270,000 sexual activity or physical activi-
middle-aged men in Britain. Re- ty levels,” Brauer said. “We need
searchers at University College further studies to show if our
London used electronic medical results would hold up in a group
records to track the health of the of men without erectile dysfunc-
men, who were all 40 or older tion and — even better — it
and had been diagnosed with would be better to run our study
erectile dysfunction between in a group of men and women.”
2000 and 2017. Each man’s Previous studies on different
health and prescriptions were populations have come to some-
tracked for at least a year, al- what contradictory conclusions.
though the median follow-up A Cleveland Clinic study found a
time was 5.1 years. significantly reduced risk of Al-
During the study, 1,119 men in zheimer’s disease among those
the cohort were diagnosed with using sildenafil, said Feixiong
Alzheimer’s disease. Cheng, the director of the Cleve-
The researchers noticed a dis- land Clinic Genome Center and
tinctive pattern. The men who the principal investigator of the
were prescribed Viagra or a simi- study. But a study by researchers
lar drug had an 18 percent lower at Harvard Medical School and
risk of developing Alzheimer’s the National Institute on Aging
disease, compared with men found “no association” between
who weren’t given the medica- the use of sildenafil, or other
tion. PDE-5 inhibitors, and the risk of
The researchers also found an Alzheimer’s disease, said Rishi
even larger difference in men Desai, an associate professor at
who appeared to use Viagra Harvard Medical School.
more often. Among the highest
users, based on total prescrip- More study is needed
tions, the risk of being diagnosed Rebecca Edelmayer, the senior
with Alzheimer’s was 44 percent george Wylesol for the WashIngton Post director of scientific engagement
lower. (Men with erectile dys- for the Alzheimer’s Association,
function are instructed to take said in an email that it remains
Viagra only before sex, and no
more than once a day.)
The findings show an association between lower Alzheimer’s risk and Viagra use, unclear whether Viagra and sim-
ilar drugs have an effect on
“I’m excited by the findings
but more excited because I feel
but don’t prove cause and effect. Alzheimer’s risk. “Further re-
search and specifically designed,
this could lead to further, high- randomized clinical trials are a
quality studies in a disease area necessary step,” she said.
that needs more work,” said Ruth Why Viagra may be linked erectile dysfunction treatment, itors have shown the drug may Other reasons for the effect For now, the findings don’t
Brauer, a lecturer in pharma- with a lower risk of dementia sildenafil also has been used to help prevent cognitive impair- Stanton Honig, a professor of suggest that men should start
coepidemiology at the University Sildenafil, the generic name for treat pulmonary arterial hyper- ment by, in part, increasing blood urology at Yale School of Medi- taking Viagra if they don’t need
College London School of Phar- Viagra, was never supposed to be tension for both men and women. flow in the brain, but researchers cine, said the newest study is far it. But we do know that Viagra is
macy and the principal investi- a sex drug. Pfizer had developed The link between heart health who conducted a review of the from definitive. “You can’t draw an effective treatment for erec-
gator of the study. the drug as a cardiovascular med- and sexual health is strong. Erec- available research say the efficacy any conclusions” from the study tile dysfunction, and men who
There’s a limit to how much ication to treat hypertension and tile dysfunction can be an early of the class of drugs “remains because “there are so many other are experiencing the problem
we can conclude from the study chest pain called angina. The warning sign of coronary artery unclear.” And Brauer said the factors” at play besides whether should see a doctor and discuss
results. The findings show an company had been conducting disease. And an unhealthy vascu- findings in animals are only “pos- a man takes a pill for erectile both their sexual health and
association between lower Al- clinical trials using sildenafil as a lar system is one of the reasons sible mechanisms” in humans. dysfunction. cardiovascular health.
zheimer’s risk and Viagra use, heart medication when some pa- men start having problems with “There is an idea that if we can “Someone who is more likely “You should not take Viagra to
but don’t prove cause and effect. tients reported an unexpected erections. help with improving blood flow in to take a pill like that at 70, reduce your risk,” Yasar said.
For instance, it may be that side-effect — erections. Vascular risk factors have also the brain, maybe we can also they’re probably more active, “You should eat healthy. You
Viagra use is a marker for better Viagra is part of a class of drugs been linked to certain types of reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s they’re more likely involved with should exercise. There’s plenty of
overall health, and that men who known as phosphodiesterase dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease,” said Sevil Yasar, an asso- their partners, things like that,” evidence for that.”
have more sex also are more Type 5 Inhibitors, or PDE-5 drugs. disease, so researchers have been ciate professor of medicine at Honig said. “There’s too many
physically active as well. Physi- The drugs work by dilating blood intrigued about whether erectile Johns Hopkins University and the confounding variables to make a Do you have a question about
cal activity is independently as- vessels and increasing blood flow dysfunction treatments can affect co-author of an editorial that definitive statement that it’s the human behavior or neuroscience?
sociated with a lower risk of throughout the body, including to brain health as well. accompanied the study in Neurol- pills or it’s the patients that are email
Alzheimer’s disease, Brauer said. the penis. Since its discovery as an Animal studies of PDE-5 inhib- ogy. taking the pills that are less and we may answer it in a future col

On Your
During times of
stress, we often
sense our heart
5 ways to reduce the physical signs of stress stress-fueled symptoms, you can
prepare for challenging
situations in advance and reduce
Jenny taitz racing, jaw stress.
tightening or Take a few minutes to
stomach churning brainstorm the most common
— feelings that sensations you feel when you are
end up heightening our negative stressed — butterflies before a
emotions. Soon, it becomes a work presentation,
vicious cycle where your body breathlessness when you are
and your thoughts magnify each flying or shakiness because you
other. are overwhelmed. Then try re-
The good news is that you creating some of these sensations
don’t have to let that happen. By when you are in a safe
tapping into your body’s innate environment. For instance, you
ability to calm itself, often within might bring on sensations of
minutes, you can improve how breathlessness and panic by
you feel and get better at warding slowly spinning in a circle for a
off stress symptoms before they minute, then intentionally
strike. hyperventilating, rapidly
As a clinical psychologist, I inhaling and exhaling for a
work with many patients who minute. Let yourself feel the
struggle with panic and other sensations for a few minutes,
anxiety disorders. I teach them then repeat the next day for
some of my favorite strategies for several days in a row.
easing the physical signs of stress By intentionally re-creating
so they can face challenging your body’s usual stress
situations more effectively. Here response, you will come to see
are five to try: that even unpleasant sensations,
while distressing, are temporary,
Relax your face with a half- which robs them of their power
smile to rattle you. Then, when
If stressful moments trigger physical symptoms of stress
tension in your face and jaw, you show up in higher-stakes
may be used to clenching your situations, you will find it easier
facial muscles when you feel to uncouple them from
stressed. Your facial expression catastrophic interpretations.
can also influence your This technique is formally
emotional experience. For known as interoceptive
instance, studies have shown exposure, and if it feels daunting
that Botox injections, which to create ways to reenact your
erase stressed brow and forehead panic, try working with an expert
lines, ease tension headaches in cognitive behavioral therapy.
and help blunt negative Many of my patients who have
emotions. struggled with stressful
In lieu of Botox, try a IllustratIon by celIa Jacobs for the WashIngton Post sensations have found that, with
technique known as half-smiling, the right strategies and some
often used in dialectical and your left hand on your belly, pupils dilate, narrowing your you and your senses. One study nose is also a powerful filter, practice, they can approach their
behavioral therapy, which which reduces levels of cortisol, field of vision and making it hard found that brief visual purifying the air you are life with more courage than they
improves people’s ability to your body’s main stress to find perspective, literally and distractions such as looking at ingesting, which can lead to imagined.
accept and cope with distress. hormone. figuratively. But if you can colorful slides can free people better immunity. Breathing If you know how to lean on it,
Raise the upper corners of your In one study, participants who intentionally adopt a more from getting stuck in distressing though your nose also improves your body can be your best
lips slightly, which automatically used the hand-on-heart panoramic view, for instance, by mental loops. sleep apnea and sleep quality, a pharmacy.
releases tension in the brows. technique after giving a short noticing three sights in the boon since fatigue makes Jenny Taitz, PsyD, ABPP, is a
Mindfully relaxing your face speech or counting backward distance, it’s easier to feel less Breathe through your nose everything feel more stressful. clinical psychologist and an
and adopting a serene expression from 2,043 in increments of 17, sucked into what seems Gently closing your lips to If you need extra help assistant clinical professor in
brings on calm from the outside both stressful situations, showed challenging. breathe through your nose has remembering to nose-breathe, psychiatry at the University of
in, paving the way for accepting a faster reduction in cortisol than Improving your point of view, surprisingly rich physiological James Nestor, author of “Breath: California at Los Angeles. She is
what you are facing. those who didn’t use the strategy. among other reasons, may benefits. While stress is The New Science of a Lost Art,” the author of “Stress Resets: How
Psychologically, this subtle self- explain why brief walks in nature associated with high blood recommends applying a postage to Soothe Your Body and Mind in
Comfort yourself with touch compassionate gesture is also a can boost your mood. Looking pressure, nasal breathing lowers stamp-size square of surgical Minutes,” “How to be Single and
From the moment we are nice reminder to bring kindness beyond your stress (or your blood pressure and improves tape to the center of your lips as a Happy” and “End Emotional
born, touch is a source of to yourself in hard moments. phone) to find a broader view heart rate variability. reminder, whether by day or Eating.”
comfort, for instance, holding can also free you from When you breathe through when going to bed at night.
the hand of a loved one. You can Expand your gaze ruminating on all that’s wrong your nose, your lungs extract We welcome your comments on this
replicate that ease by placing When the body’s fight-or-flight and even pave the way for more oxygen more efficiently so you Practice welcoming panic column at onyourMind@
your right hand above your heart response to stress kicks in, your gratitude for what is in front of can take deeper breaths. Your Instead of succumbing to
E6 ez ee the washington post . tuesday, march 5 , 2024

cOgnitiVE from E1

“It’s a subtle condition,” said

Petersen, who in 1999 led the first
Catch MCI early to delay progression couple has since joined the Al-
zheimer’s Association in advocat-
ing for a cure.
if Mci is confirmed
study differentiating patients
with mCI from healthy subjects following an mCI diagnosis, it’s
and those with dementia. If you especially important to take care
miss a golf date once, no worries, of your brain, no matter how old
he said, but if “that happened a you are, said Petersen. That in-
couple of times last week and cludes carefully managing any
people in your family are starting other illnesses, such as diabetes,
to worry about you — well, that and adhering to National Institute
may be mCI.” of Aging guidelines on exercising
“With mCI, people can still regularly, getting sufficient sleep,
drive, pay their bills and do their limiting alcohol and stress, and
taxes — they just do so less effi- maintaining an engaging social
ciently,” Petersen said. life.
A 2022 study in the journal Diet is also important. re-
Alzheimer’s & Dementia project- searchers have found that trading
ed that 14.4 million people in the saturated and trans fats (in foods
United States would have mCI in like beef ribs, sausage, butter, and
2025, and 19.3 million in 2050. An commercially baked cookies and
American Academy of Neurology cakes) for unsaturated fats (think
subcommittee estimated that seafood, walnuts and olive oil) is
about 1 in 10 people ages 70 to 74 associated with slower cognitive
had mCI, and 1 in 4 ages 80 to 84 in decline and decreased risk of onset
2018. of Alzheimer’s disease.
Denial about potentially wors- A 2019 pilot study found that a
ening symptoms may be tempt- PhOTOs by Rachel wisniewski FOR The washingTOn POsT six-week classroom program of
ing, but it’s dangerous, experts LEFt: Anthony Sandone, who was diagnosed with early-onset memory training may help slow
said. Dershem, who grew increas- Alzheimer’s last year, and his wife, Karen. ABOVE: Bryce Dershem decline. It’s also a good idea to
ingly worried about her condition, helps his mother, Jonel, schedule a medical appointment. Jonel fortify your memory-support
said she raised the issue three Dershem was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment in 2022. tools, such as calendars and notes
times with her primary care doc- and daily routines, and to put your
tor and saw two neurologists be- in and say, ‘I have the following 20 her memory loss during an ap- keys, phone and glasses in the
fore she was diagnosed with mCI. problems, and memory loss is pointment with the first neurolo- same place each day.
Both patients and physicians number seven,’ it’s just not going to gist she saw, when his mother was Eventually, a diagnosis of mCI
need to be aware of the symptoms work,” Weisman said. If you feel still wondering whether she might that’s on track to dementia should
of cognitive decline, said Soeren your doctor isn’t taking your wor- have ADHD or even Parkinson’s inspire some hard thinking about
mattke, director of the Brain ries seriously, consider consulting disease. the future, including considering
Health observatory at the Univer- a geriatric psychiatrist or neurolo- “more and more I saw she need- alternative arrangements for driv-
sity of Southern California’s Dorn- gist, he added. ed help, like she’d be stuck in the ing, designating a surrogate deci-
sife Center for Economic and So- middle of making a big dinner and sion-maker for health care and
cial research. “If you wait until practice in January 2023. fighting medications such as preparing for an evaluation get lost not knowing what the next financial affairs, and executing a
someone’s obviously symptomatic “The advantage of catching mCI lecanemab and donanemab, the You can help your doctor and step was,” he recalled. His mother will.
— like they can’t find the door to early is that we can delay progres- latter of which has yet to be ap- get a preview of your condition by had also begun to have trouble
the physician’s office — you’re go- sion. Later on, less,” said David proved by the food and Drug Ad- taking an online test before your typing up her notes from work, it’s not all bad news
ing to be too late.” Weisman, director of clinical re- ministration. The caveat is that the appointment and bringing in the something she’d done routinely Gloomy as all this sounds,
search at Abington Neurological drugs help only when the disease results. The gold standard is the without effort for years. there’s also some positive news
‘time is brain’ Associates in Abington, Pa., and is caught early. Additionally, the downloadable Self-Administered If possible, bring someone with about aging brains. In recent
If you notice a significant de- Dershem’s current doctor. “In neu- medications can come with dan- Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE). (Be- you to all medical appointments, a years, dementia rates around the
cline in memory, reduced ability to rology we learn the same lessons gerous side effects. Leqembi car- ware of others that may be covers lesson Karen Sandone, in Doyle- world have been falling, driven
absorb new information or under- again and again: Time is brain.” ries a warning that it can cause for ads.) stown, Pa., learned the hard way. mainly by improvements in car-
stand social cues (like getting an- Since february 2023, Weisman brain swelling and bleeding. Your doctor may conduct a She noticed that her husband, An- diovascular health. researchers
gry about a joke that wouldn’t have has been treating Dershem with more thorough test or a battery of thony, a 55-year-old sales manager and policymakers are paying more
been upsetting in the past), or an lecanemab (brand name Leqem- Make memory a priority neuropsychological assays before for a chemical company, was hav- attention to the problem, reducing
uptick in clumsiness in yourself or bi), which federal regulators ap- Some deterioration in memory moving on to blood tests or an mrI ing memory issues in spring 2022. the stigma and producing new
someone close to you, it may be proved last year to treat mCI and and processing speed is an inevi- to look for possible physical prob- “He would forget what he was treatments.
time to talk to a doctor. early Alzheimer’s disease. table part of getting older, al- lems. If other causes are ruled out, saying in the middle of a sentence,” “my guess is that within five to
research published last year Lecanemab reduces the buildup of though the pace and degree vary a PET scan or spinal tap may be she recalled. 10 years from now, we will have
suggests approximately 92 per- amyloid beta, a protein in the from person to person. used to search for signs of Al- That April, Anthony Sandone better biomarkers for what’s caus-
cent of people with mCI are undi- brain that is a hallmark of Al- Brain volume shrinks on aver- zheimer’s disease or Lewy body saw a neurologist for a neuropsy- ing mCI and dementia — and com-
agnosed. After analyzing data zheimer’s. Clinical trials have age by about 5 percent per decade dementia, the second-most-com- chological evaluation. About a bination therapies to treat them in
from 40 million medicare recipi- shown it can modestly slow de- after age 40, with the rate possibly mon cause of dementia. New month later he returned, alone, to each patient,” said Petersen.
ents aged 65 and older, the authors mentia’s progress but can’t stop accelerating after age 70. (microb- blood tests promise to make diag- hear how he did, his wife said. Dershem has already gotten
of the study in the journal Al- the decline or make up for lost leeds in the brain due to declining nosis easier in time. “When he came back home, he some good news. During her first
zheimer’s research & Therapy ground. vascular health may also affect Those experiencing serious cog- said everything was fine,” Karen 11 months of treatment for mCI,
found that only about 600,000 of Diagnosis is also valuable be- brain function.) If you find your- nitive decline often won’t be the Sandone recalled. “But he kept she saw no further evidence of
the expected 8 million affected by cause, in a minority of cases, some- self having a little more trouble first to notice, mattke pointed out. getting worse.” mental decline. The twice-month-
mCI had been identified. thing other than Alzheimer’s dis- keeping up with conversations, This makes it all the more impor- In october 2022, Karen San- ly infusions may not be the only
“We expected it to be bad, but ease — or a related incurable disor- losing the keys or temporarily for- tant that you bring a personal “his- done looked over the evaluation reason, Dershem and Weisman
not this bad,” said mattke, the der such as Lewy body dementia — getting the name of that guy you torian” to your appointment, said herself — “and I was like, ‘oh my agreed.
study’s lead author. Detection is causing mCI symptoms. But that worked with for six years in the Weisman: A spouse or friend who goodness, how could he say every- “Being retired helps — there’s a
rates are even lower for historical- doesn’t mean it’s not potentially 1980s, that’s just part of the jour- may have a better idea than you do thing was okay?’ I didn’t realize lot less stress,” said Dershem, add-
ly disadvantaged groups, such as serious, said Petersen. The poten- ney. about the onset and pace of your that Anthony couldn’t understand ing that she was also exercising
Black and Hispanic Americans. tial culprits range from a brain But if you’re noticing more wor- decline. or remember what she was say- more consistently, watching her
By the time of her diagnosis, tumor to medication side effects. risome cognitive gaps, talk to your Dershem’s son, Bryce, now a ing.” Anthony Sandone was diag- diet and spending more time with
Dershem had quit performing sur- many doctors are now buoyed doctor and make it clear that get- junior in college, offered her that nosed with early-onset Alzheim- her two children. “I’m just trying
gery. She retired from her medical by the emergence of amyloid- ting answers is a priority. “If you go support, raising concerns about er’s disease in october 2023. The to do everything I can.”

Are pricey hours of lactation-specific clini-

cal experience and pass a four-
hour certification exam. Consul-

baby sleep tants also must be recertified

every five years to maintain their

consultants “In the lactation world, which I

always think of as a similar area
[to sleep coaching], the lactation

worth it? consultants have done this amaz-

ing job,” said mindell. “They have
an organization and accredita-
tion system that is independent
SLEEp from E1 of any training. There isn’t for
sleep consultants, but I and many
The experience inspired others would love to see the field
Vaughn, now a mother of four, to go in that direction.”
become certified as a sleep con- As a health-care professional —
sultant and start her own busi- a clinical dietitian who works at a
ness, mother Together, in 2019. hospital — Wong said she felt
She has worked with hundreds of uneasy about some of the sleep
clients, typically charging $400 to consultant’s recommendations
$500 for two weeks of text and for her son. for example, the
email support. consultant told her to check in at
In the last decade, Vaughn says, 15-minute intervals, even when
the baby sleep consultant indus- her son was sick with one of his
try “has just exploded. . . . It’s a lot many day-care illnesses.
of, like, ‘I’m going back to work, I “Kids cry because they are un-
desperately need a schedule, and comfortable or want more love
I need to know that my kid is and affection, but their advice
going to sleep,’” she said. was, ‘Give them the medication
The rise of baby sleep consul- and continue with the plan,’” said
tants can be partly attributed to Wong, who tried her best to stick
parents seeking expertise in an to the routine. “That advice did
area that pediatricians report of- not sit so well with me, knowing
ten knowing little about. Since that they’re not a health profes-
2007, the American Board of Pedi- sional.”
atrics has certified 251 sleep sub- Her son, now 3, finally started
specialists, and the American sleeping through the night at 2
Board of family medicine, 138. illusTRaTiOn by elizabeTh vOn Oehsen/The washingTOn POsT years old, after two more months
That’s out of more than 100,000 of staying consistent with sleep
general pediatricians and more there clear guidelines on training country for her 2023 dissertation only a high school degree. A third consider, according to Pennestri training. It took an additional
than 75,000 general family practi- requirements or scope of prac- research for her doctor of psy- of those surveyed had no health- and mindell: How long has the eight to nine months before he
tioners. tice. chology degree. most clients were care experience before becoming person been practicing as a sleep stopped crying himself to sleep.
Pediatric sleep centers accred- Physicians, psychologists, wealthy, White, married hetero- a sleep coach. coach? How many families has But Wong is not sure whether it
ited by the American Academy of nurses and other licensed health sexual couples who live in a sub- A 2015 study looked at the the person served? What is the was the sleep consultant’s plan
Sleep medicine exist, but are professionals are not allowed to urb or large city. She also found websites of more than 100 sleep person’s sleep coaching philoso- kicking in or a developmental
mostly in large metropolitan ar- provide services in states other that, on average, the consultants coaches in the United States for phy? What happens if the plan skill that would have happened
eas and may require a specialty than where they are licensed. charged $213 an hour for an data on training. All respondents does not seem to be working? around 2 years old anyway.
referral. Sleep consulting does not require in-person consultation, $138 an cited a certification or training Both Vaughn and mindell said In Donohue’s case, even
“Pediatricians are not well- state licensing, and with no na- hour for a phone or virtual con- program, but the requirements they hope sleep consulting will though the first consultation
trained in sleep, so parents are tional or international regula- sultation, and $650 for an over- for each varied considerably. take a similar path toward profes- didn’t produce the results she was
left with this vastness of not really tions on who can practice, the night package. Some demand months of online sionalism as lactation consulting. desperate for, she still believes in
having a great resource to go to,” majority of sleep consultants In 2016, mindell and her col- coursework, while others require In the 1970s and ’80s, lactation the value of bringing in an expert
said Jodi mindell, associate direc- serve clients outside their home leagues surveyed 142 sleep coach- only a few days of training. consultation emerged as a profes- to help exhausted parents. But
tor of the Sleep Center at Chil- state or country. es around the world to better marie-Hélène Pennestri, direc- sion in response to growing de- she is convinced that some kids
dren’s Hospital of Philadelphia, “The other concern with sleep understand the landscape of tor of the Pediatric Sleep Labora- mand by mothers for specialized are “just not good sleepers,” in the
who specializes in pediatric sleep consultants is they’re [mostly] sleep consulting services. Half of tory at mcGill University, said breastfeeding support and care. same way that many adults have
disorders. not taking insurance,” said mind- respondents had completed a parents seeking a sleep consul- The International Board of Lacta- trouble with sleep.
“But sleep consultants run the ell. “So they’re unaffordable for bachelor’s degree as their highest tant should find out whether they tion Consultant Examiners “for so long, I’ve beat myself up
gamut — from licensed providers the majority of families, versus a level of education, with the most have any professional training: (IBLCE) was founded in 1985 to for not sticking with the program
to people who may not even have sleep center or licensed provider common major being psychology. “my advice to parents would be to bring standards to the field. or being strict enough with the
a high school education — so who insurance may cover.” A quarter of the coaches’ un- clarify, what is their training? Is To become a lactation consul- rules of sleep training,” said
parents have to be really careful,” Gemma Stern, a clinical psy- dergraduate degrees were in ma- this individual a licensed psychol- tant certified by the board, indi- Donohue, whose child is now 2.
she said. There is no universally chologist at Columbia University jors such as marketing, architec- ogist? Is this person part of an viduals must complete both “But now I know that how he
accepted definition of “sleep con- Irving medical Center, surveyed ture, political science or Ameri- order?” health sciences and lactation-spe- sleeps — or doesn’t — isn’t a
sultant” or “sleep coach,” nor are 100 sleep coaches across the can studies. And 12 percent had other important questions to cific education, gain 300 to 1,000 reflection on me.”
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