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Should students be given the chance to grade their teachers?

Does grading teachers necessary to students? Having the ability to grade teachers, it allows teachers to
see their progress and how adequate their classes are. Some argue that it would provide valuable
feedback to teachers and improve their quality of teaching. Some other believes it could lead to biased
evaluations. In my opinion, students should be given the chance to grade teachers.

First, Allowing students to grade teachers could provide feedback to the teachers. This give students
opinions and give information on how effective their teaching method is. This also helps to use the
information they gather to help teachers improve and have better understanding of what methods are
most effective.

Students being able to evaluate their teachers and rate them based on their opinion is important
because it shows how teachers perform when not monitored. This also gives the school better ways to
improve and pick teachers. According to Rachana Thapa, “Yes, students grading their teachers would
provide teachers with information on how to improve their teaching styles. Students need teachers to
help them learn better and this would be a good way of making that process faster.”

One of the problems are student’s understanding. Not all teachers impart knowledge in an
understandable way. Some teachers discuss a topic that is perplexing. Hence, students will still claim to
understand the lesson even though they don't understand it. Letting students grade their teacher is an
effective way to show the opinion of their students and rate them based on their teaching method.

Therefore, students ought to be able to evaluate teachers objectively. Students ought to assess them
according to their work ethic, demeanor, and mode of instruction. They should use this grading system
to enhance their instruction and the way they impart knowledge to their students.

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