05 Task Performance 1 - ARG DDC

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05 Task Performance 1 - ARG

Prince Ivan V. San Buenaventura 29/11/2023


In this video, Tinkernut explained that there are a variety of things you can do with SSH, one of
which is Tunneling. To begin, SSH stands for Secure Shell, and as mentioned in the video, it is
the command line's favorite remoting tool. To understand more about tunneling, it's necessary to
know first how networking ports work. The video presented this in a realistic scenario: Imagine a
seaport with a large number of vessels; the seaport organizes its docks according to their berth
numbers. If a boat wishes to dock, it is allocated a berth number, which directs it were to dock in
order to deliver its packages. This is comparable to network ports. Depending on the type of data
being sent, networking protocols allocate each shipment a unique port number, which indicates
the destination of the data. Port 84 is frequently used for web traffic, while port 22 is used for
SSH transmission. Tinkernut used the Command Line Interface since the commands are identical
in Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. There are Three examples of SSH Tunneling are explained
in this video.

 The first example shown in the video is "Local" Port Forwarding or "Local" Tunneling.
Imagine that you are at work and you want to remote desktop into your computer at
home, but your work blocks the remote desktop port 3389. In order to do this tunneling,
you need to:

1. Type ssh -L
2. Type the new port that you want to use.
3. Type the name of the computer that you want to remote into.
4. Open up the remote desktop application
5. Type in localhost followed by the port number that you chose.

 The second example shown in the video is “Dynamic” Port Forwarding or “Dynamic
Tunneling. Imagine that you run across a blocked website at work because your work has
installed a web filter on port 80. In order to do this tunneling, you need to:

1. 1. Open up the terminal and type ssh -D

2. Type a custom port number
3. Type your home ssh server credentials.
4. Go to settings
5. Search for proxy > land settings > check proxy server

The Third example shown in the video is "Reverse" Port Forwarding or "Reverse" Tunneling. In
order to do this, you need to:
1. Type SSH -R for Remote Port Forwarding
2. Type a random port number.
3. Type the name of the computer that you want to remote into.
4. Type the remote desktop port client.
5. Type in localhost and then the port number you chose.
6. Enter and you will be connected.

 Finally, if an error occurs, you need to check your ssh configuration settings on your
home server.

1. Go to SSHD_config
2. Set the Gateway Ports and Allow TCP Forwarding to YES.

In conclusion, Video Tunneling is the application connects to the application server via an SSH
connection. When tunneling is enabled, the application connects to a port on the localhost that is
waiting for SSH connections. The SSH client then forwards the program to the server over its
encrypted tunnel. The server then establishes communication with the application server, which
is typically located on the same machine or in the same data center as the SSH server. The
communication between the application and the end-user is thus secured without modifying the
program or end-user workflows. The disadvantage is that any user who can log onto a server can
enable port forwarding. Internal IT staff frequently use this to log into their home workstations or
cloud-based servers by forwarding a port from the server back into the company intranet to their
work machine or suitable server

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