GED109 FA1 Kharboutlli

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Kharboutlli, Manal B.

The prime element for effective communication in the 21st Century

Effective communication involves not only pass on information but also ensuring that the
message is received and interpreted correctly. In a world where information flows endlessly
and connections are made with just a tap of a screen, effective communication has become
more vital than ever before. However, to truly grasp the complexity of effective
communication, we must be able to recognize the pivotal role of context.

Imagine pouring water into a broken mug? No matter how much water you pour into it, it will
never be able to hold it all. The same principle applies to communication, you can keep
pouring content (water) into people, but the message will never be received if you have a
broken context (mug). (Segovia, 2023).

Communication is not just about the content, it's about the entire environment in which the
communication takes place. In order to pass on information, we should consider the context
we`re trying to present. - What are the circumstances? What does the audience need to know?
How will they receive the information?

Context has dimensions including physical, historical, social, cultural, and psychological.
These dimensions shapes the way messages are conveyed, interpreted, and received.

The physical dimension for instance is the location (face-to-face or virtual) and time, in which
communication occurs plays a significant role in shaping its effectiveness. Sarcasm for
example, according to Bradley, S. (2014). “When it’s delivered in writing, without the context
the human voice provides, the meaning is usually lost.” Because sarcasm is usually delivered
in such a rhythm of tone, change in the pitch of voice or change in face expressions. For
example the phrase, “sana all”, a lot of our generations today uses this quote on their captions
without us knowing if they are really hoping or not because of the absence of tone.

On the other hand, Cultural diversity permeates every aspect of communication, from
language and gestures to values and beliefs. What might be acceptable in one culture could be
deemed offensive in another. For example for us muslims calling people with an intention on
asking for something should start with “hi, how are you”, but with other cultures, you can
straightly say what you want. Context allows us to navigate these complexities with
sensitivity and respect, fostering cross-cultural understanding and harmony.

To properly establish this element we must first put yourself in the other person`s shoes, then
ensure that your tone matches the intent of your message, third proactively answer their
questions, lastly is to take feedback (Kika, 2021).

In conclusion, context serves as the foundation upon which effective communication in the
21st century is built. By recognizing and understanding the dimensions of context,
communicators can navigate the complexities of human interaction with clarity, empathy, and
purpose. Ultimately, embracing context enables us to bridge divides, foster meaningful
connections, and create shared understanding in an increasingly diverse and interconnected

Segovia, J. (2023). The Importance of Context in Effective Communication.

Bradley, S. (2014). The Importance Of Context.

Kika, J. (2021). The Importance of Context in Communication.

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