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Scand J Med Sci Sports 2010: 20 (Suppl. 1): 1–13 & 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2010.01108.x


Recreational football as a health promoting activity: a topical review

P. Krustrup1, P. Aagaard2, L. Nybo1, J. Petersen3, M. Mohr1, J. Bangsbo1
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Section of Human Physiology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Amager Hospital, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Corresponding author: Peter Krustrup, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen
Muscle Research Centre, The August Krogh Building, Universitetsparken 13, Copenhagen 2100, Denmark. Tel: 145 3532
1624, E-mail:
Accepted for publication 31 December 2009

The present review addresses the physiological demands aerobic power, blood pressure, muscle capillarization and
during recreational football training and the effects on central intermittent exercise performance, and those effects are
health variables that influence the risk of life-style diseases of similar to interval training and more pronounced than
young and middle-aged men. Recent studies have established moderate-intensity continuous running and strength training.
that recreational football, carried out as small-sided games Further, recreational football training enhances fat oxidation
can be characterized as having a high aerobic component with during exercise and results in a higher fat loss than interval
mean heart rates of 80–85% of maximum heart rate, which training and strength training, and results in marked muscle
is similar to values observed for elite football players. In hypertrophy and elevates bone mass, more than interval and
addition, the training includes multiple high-speed runs, continuous running. Taken together, recreational football
sprints, turns, jumps and tackles, which provide a high impact appears to effectively stimulate musculoskeletal, metabolic
on muscles and bones. Recreational football training in and cardiovascular adaptations of importance for health and
untrained men results in marked improvements in maximum thereby reduces the risk of developing life-style diseases.

Poor physiological fitness arising as a consequence of lar adaptations and insulin sensitivity (Tresierras &
a physical inactive lifestyle is a major contributor to Balady, 2009). In addition, in the last decade, the
the increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, effect of concurrent aerobic and strength training has
type 2 diabetes and musculo-skeletal disorders, and also been examined (Arthur et al., 2007; Karavirta et
metabolic-related risk factors have become a large al., 2009). However, few studies have investigated the
and expanding health problem in modern society health effects of regular participation in a variety of
(Lee & Skerrett, 2001; Mokdad et al., 2004; Hu et al., sports and physical activities, which involves aerobic
2005). Thus, epidemiological studies and comprehen- high-intensity training and anaerobic training, includ-
sive meta-analyses of controlled randomized training ing sprints and specific actions with a high impact on
studies have provided evidence that factors such as muscles and bone, such as football, team handball,
poor cardiorespiratory fitness, adiposity, insulin re- basketball and ice-hockey (Saltin et al., 1979; Krustrup
sistance and arteriosclerosis are independent threats et al., 2007, 2009a, b). The present review will deal with
to health and it is well established that exercise the health and performance aspects related to regular
training may lower the risk for several cardiovascular participation in football training and compare the
and metabolic diseases (Halbert et al., 1997; Klar- effect with other types of training.
lund & Saltin, 2006; Jeon et al., 2007). Most studies Football is a popular sport traditionally played as
looking at the effect of physical activities on health 11 against 11 (11 vs 11), but it is also conducted as
have focused on the cardiovascular and metabolic small-sided games, such as 3 against 3 (3 vs 3), 4 vs 4,
effect of aerobic exercise training such as walking, 5 vs 5 and 7 vs 7 (Hoff et al., 2002; Impellizzeri et al.,
jogging, running and cycling (Klarlund & Saltin, 2006; Folland & Williams, 2007; Jones & Drust,
2006, Cornelissen & Fagard, 2005; Kiens et al., 2007; Kelly & Drust, 2008). It has been established
2007; Nybo et al., 2009). There has also been some that the aerobic demands in recreational football are
interest in effects of strength training focusing on the roughly similar to those in elite football training with
risk of falls and fractures related to changes in bone periods of near-maximal heart rate values (Krustrup
strength and muscle function as well as the relation- et al., 2007, 2009a, b). It has furthermore been shown
ship between muscle mass and qualitative myofibril- that the activity profile during small-sided games is

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Krustrup et al.
Effects of physical training on life-style diseases

Training categories Areas of fitness Measures Life style

Aerobic mass
low-intensity Type 2
Metabolic diabetes
Aerobic mode-
rate intensity Cardio-
Fat per-
centage vascular
Aerobic high Cardio-
intensity vascular Blood
fitness pressure

Speed endurance VO2max

Risk of falls

Speed, strength Osteoporosis

Bone impact fitness

Fig. 1. Overview of the impact of different types of training on various fitness capacities and their relationship to the risk of
certain life-style diseases. Full lines denote comprehensive effects and/or well-known relationships. Dotted lines denote sub-
optimal yet positive effects.

highly intermittent, with multiple turns, jumps and ing, i.e. sprinting, acceleration, side cutting, rapid
sprints, which provide a high impact on muscles and decelerations, maximal jumping, rapid foot strike
bones (Rampinini et al., 2007b; Coutts et al., 2009; patterns, etc appears to evoke significant adaptive
Krustrup et al., 2009a, b; Pedersen et al., 2009). On changes in a number of physiological systems in the
the other hand, football training and game play are body, altogether resulting in improved cardiovascular
also characterized by long periods of standing or function, enhanced bone mineralization, elevated max-
walking, which is considered to have minimal or no imal muscle force output and postural balance as well
influence on physical fitness. On this basis, it appears as altered fat and glucose metabolism.
highly relevant to examine how effectively regular
football training may affect cardiovascular and mus-
culoskeletal factors of importance for health and The effect of recreational football training on
physical performance. systemic blood pressure and muscle capillaries
Figure 1 provides a model of the highly complex
relationship between the physical loading during Twelve weeks of regular recreational football train-
physical activity, the effect on metabolic, cardiovas- ing of untrained males two to three times a week for
cular and metabolic fitness, the changes in measur- 1 h lead to a lowered resting systolic and diastolic
able health variable such as muscle mass, glucose blood pressure of 8 and 5 mmHg, respectively
tolerance, fat percentage, blood pressure, maximal (Krustrup et al., 2009a), which is similar to what
oxygen uptake, balance and bone mass and ulti- has been observed after a period of endurance train-
mately the relationship between the three areas of ing of the same duration and volume (Krustrup et al.,
fitness and the risk of lifestyle diseases. The combi- 2009a). However, not all endurance and intermittent
nation of different types of exercise may be important training studies have shown a positive effect on blood
for stimulating the various areas of fitness that are of pressure and often the effect is less than observed in
importance for health (see Fig. 1). the football training study (Table 1). In a meta-
The aim of the present review is to describe the analysis including healthy sedentary normotensive
effects of regular football training on cardiorespiratory or hypertensive adults with an intervention duration
capacity, metabolic fitness as well as muscle and bone of at least 4 weeks involving 72 trials, 105 study
strength, and compare these effects with those of groups and 3936 participants, Cornelissen & Fagard
isolated strength, endurance and interval training. As (2005) found that training induced significant net
discussed below, the combined usage of a large num- reductions in both resting systolic and diastolic blood
ber of different training components in football train- pressure of about 3 mmHg. The lowering of blood

Table 1. Effects of short-term training for untrained subjects on blood pressure and cholesterol

Studies Year Training Training-program: intensity (%) BPsys BPdia CHOLtot HDL LDL Total training Remarks
duration frequency (per week), duration (rest) (rest) (rest) (rest) (rest) duration (h)
(weeks) of session (min)

Aerobic training
Krustrup et al. (Football) 2009a 12 82% HRmax, 2–3 per week, 50 min 6%#* 6%#* 5%# 8%" 15%#* 30
Krustrup et al. (Cont Run) 2009a 12 82% HRmax, 2–3 per week, 50 min 6%#* 6%#* 7%# 8%" 4%# 30
Van Hoof et al. 1989 16 ?, 3 per week,? 3%# 6%#* – – – –
Jennings et al. 1986 4 65% (Wmax), 3 per week, 30 min 10%#* 7%#* 3%# 5%# – 6
Stein et al. (low intensity) 1990 12 65% HRmax, 3 per week, 30 min – – 3%# 3%# 1%# 18
Stein et al. (moderate intensity) 1990 12 75% HRmax, 3 per week, 30 min – – 5%# 20%"* 11%#* 18
Duncan et al. 1985 16 70–80% HRmax, 3 per week, 45 min 9%#* 8%#* – – – 36
Bonanno et al. 1974 12 70–85% HRmax, 3 per week, 35 min 2%" 7%#* 13%#* – 21 VO2max 6%"*
Ross et al. 2000 12 77% HRmax, 7 per week, 700 kcal 4%# 7%# – – – VO2max 22%"*
Schjerve et al. (moderate intensity) 2008 12 60–70% HRmax, 3 per week, 47 min – 6%#* – – 4%# 28
Kim et al. (low intensity) 2001 24 50% VO2max, 3 per week, 1 hour – – 0%# $ 3%" 72 VO2max 8%"*
Donovan & Brooks (low intensity) 2005 24 60% VO2max, 3 per week, 1200 kcal/week – – 3%# 7%" 5%# – VO2max 16%"*
High-intensity training
Nybo et al. 2010 12 4 90% HRmax, 3 per week, 5  2 min 6%#* 1%# 2%# $ 3%# 6
Stein et al. 1990 12 85% HRmax, 3 per week, 30 min – – 0% $ 13%"* 2%" 18
Schjerve et al. 2008 12 85–95% HRmax, 3 per week, 4  4 min – 10%#* – – 7%#* 10
Kim et al. 2001 24 85% VO2max, 3 per week, 1 hour – – 2%" 2%" 4%" 72 VO2max 8%"*
Donovan & Brooks, 1983 2005 24 80% VO2max, 3 per week, 1200 kcal/week – – 9%#* 1%# 13%#* – VO2max 22%"*
Strength training
Nybo et al. (strength) 2010 12 14 ! 8 RM, 2 per week, 50 min 6%# 9%# 10%" $ 12%# 20
Cortez-Cooper et al. 2008 13 70% 1RM, 3 per week, 35 min $ 3%# $ 7%" 3%# 23 VO2max 2%#
Kawano et al. 2006 16 50% 1RM, 3 per week, 45 min 3%# 7%#* – – – 36
Miyachi et al. 2004 16 80% 1RM, 3 per week, 45 min $ 4%# – – – 36
Schjerve et al. (strength) 2008 12 90% 1RM, 3 per week,? – 2%# – – 8%#* –
Kokkinos et al. (low rep . hi res) 1988 10 4–5 RM, 3 per week,? – – 8%" 2%# 10%" – VO2max 6%"
Kokkinos et al. (hi rep . low res) 1988 10 14–16 RM, 3 per week,? – – 10%# 5%" 5%# – VO2max 4%"
Hurley et al. 1988 16 10–20 RM, 3–4 per week,? $ 6%#* $ 13%"* 5%#* – VO2max 5%"

BPsys, systolic blood pressure; BPdia, diastolic blood pressure; CHOLtot, total plasma cholesterol; HDL, High density lipoprotein; LDL, low density lipoprotein.

Recreational football, health and performance

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Krustrup et al.
pressure for football players was also larger than to occur in a number of studies of endurance training
with a comparable period of strength training in a (Goodman et al., 2005). Interestingly, the football
group of sedentary people (Table 1). The improve- group had a lowering of heart rate also during inter-
ments for the football players were of a magnitude mittent exercise, which was not observed in a group
that has been suggested to have significant health performing endurance training with the same average
beneficial effects (Pedersen & Saltin, 2006). Thus, heart rate and duration (Krustrup et al., 2009b). These
based on 61 prospective studies, the risk of cardio- findings suggest that the type of training is influencing
vascular death was found to decrease linearly with the cardiovascular responses to various types of ex-
the decreasing blood pressure until a systolic pressure ercise, and that the adaptations are not only occurring
of 115 mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 75 mmHg in central factors but are also affected by peripheral
(Cornelissen & Fagard, 2005), which correspond to variables.
the levels that were reached after 12 weeks of recrea-
tional football training (Krustrup et al., 2009a; Table
1). It was also observed that the reduction of resting The effect of recreational football training on VO2max
blood pressure was more pronounced in the seven In the study of sedentary males taking part in recrea-
subjects with the highest initial blood pressure (re- tional football training for 12 weeks, the increase in
duction in MAP of 8 mmHg, Krustrup et al., 2009a), VO2max was 13%, which is similar to observations in
which is in accordance with studies investigating the studies using continuous training with a similar
effects of aerobic training (Pescatello et al., 2004; amount of total training hours and investigations
Cornelissen & Fagard, 2005). Thus, Cornelissen and with high-intensity intermittent training with less total
Fagard included 30 hypertensive study groups and amount of training (Fig. 2, Table 3). VO2max contin-
found a reduction in systolic and diastolic pressure of ued, in contrast to a comparable running group, to
6.9 and 4.9 mmHg, respectively, compared with 1.9 increase after the first 4 weeks of training indicating
and 1.6 mmHg, respectively, in the normotensive that the football group maintained the stimuli for
study groups. cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations throughout
The lowered blood pressure in the sedentary males the entire training period. Studies of football players
taking part in regular football training was asso- have also shown that performing small-sided games is
ciated with a reduction in resting heart rate, which effective in improving VO2max. For example, Impelliz-
may reflect a lowering of the sympathetic outflow, zeri et al. (2006) found that VO2max increased to the
and thereby reduced systemic vascular resistance same extent after a period with additional small-sided
(Krustrup et al., 2009a). In addition, muscle capillar- games compared with supplementary interval running
ization (expressed as number of capillaries per fiber) sessions for experienced football players. Thus, it is
was considerably elevated in the football group clear that carrying out small-sided games is effective in
(23%) after the 12 weeks of training (Krustrup improving VO2max.
et al., 2009a, b). It is possible that other vascular
structural adaptations may have occurred (Laughlin
et al., 1996). These include vascular remodeling, i.e. The effect of recreational football training on
increased length, cross-sectional area and/or dia- metabolic fitness
meter of already existing arteries and veins, as
observed in endurance trained rats (Lash & Bohlen, In the study by Krustrup et al. (2009a, b), solid
1992). Furthermore, a lowered precapillary vascular evidence was provided that 12 weeks of recreational
resistance of hindquarters isolated from trained nor- football has a marked impact on metabolic fitness for
motensive (Sexton et al., 1988; Edwards & Diana, untrained men. Thus, fat oxidation during low- and
1978) and spontaneously hypertensive rats have been moderate intensity exercise was elevated with a corre-
demonstrated (Sexton & Laughin, 1994). Together, sponding lowering of blood lactate, indicating a
the elevated number of capillaries and these other marked change in substrate utilization after training
possible training-induced alterations in the vascular (Krustrup et al., 2009b), a finding that may well be
structure may have lowered the peripheral resistance related to peripheral muscular adaptations to football
and in part explain the reduced resting blood pres- training such as a 23% increase in the number of
sure. muscle capillaries per fiber, elevated muscle enzyme
The subjects carrying out the football training activity and a muscle fiber type conversion from type
program had a decrease in heart rate during submax- IIX to type IIA fibers (Krustrup et al., 2009b).
imal continuous running, which is a common finding After 12 weeks of football training, the fat mass
after a period of endurance training of untrained was lowered by 2.7 kg and the LDL/HDL-cholesterol
subjects (Beneke & Hutler, 2005; Table 3). This may ratio was markedly changed, due to a significant
be related to an increased blood volume and an decrease in LDL-cholesterol and a tendency for an
elevated ventricular volume, which have been observed increase in HDL-cholesterol (Krustrup et al., 2009a).

Table 2. Effects on body composition of short-term training for untrained subjects

Studies Year Duration Training-program: intensity (%) frequency Body Fat-% LBM Leg bone Total training Remarks
(weeks) (per week), duration of session (min) mass mass duration (h)

Aerobic training
Krustrup et al. (Football) 2009a 12 82% HRmax, 3 per week, 50 min 1%#* 12%#* 3%"* 3%"* 30
Krustrup et al. (Cont. run) 2009a 12 82% HRmax, 3 per week, 50 min 1%#* 7%#* 1%" 1% $ 30
Meyer et al. (low1moderate intensity) 2007 12 71;79% HRmax, 5 per week, 35 min 2%# – – – 30
Burgomaster et al. (endurance) 2008 6 65% VO2peak, 5 per week, 50 min 0% $ 0% $ – – 25
Stein et al. (low intensity) 1990 12 65% HRmax, 3 per week, 30 min 0% $ 0%# – – 18
Stein et al. (moderate intensity) 1990 12 75% HRmax, 3 per week, 30 min 0% $ 1%# – – 18
Ross et al. 2000 12 77% HRmax, 7 per week, 700 kcal/day 7%# 18%#* 2%" – – VO2max 22%"*
Schjerve et al. (moderate intensity) 2008 12 60–70% HRmax, 3 per week, 47 min 2%#* 2%#* – – 10
Donovan & Brooks, 1983 (low intensity) 2005 24 60% VO2max, 3 per week, 1200 kcal/week 1%# 1%#* – – – VO2max 16%"*
High-intensity training
Nybo et al. (high intensity) 2010 12 4 90% HRmax, 3 per week, 5  2 min 1%# 2%# 0% $ 0% $ 6
Stein et al. (high intensity) 1990 12 85% HRmax, 3 per week, 30 min 0% $ 3%# – – 18
Schjerve et al. (high intensity) 2008 12 85–95% HRmax, 3 per week, 4  4 min 3%#* 3%#* – – 10
Burgomaster et al. (sprinting) 2008 6 Wingate (500W), 3 per week, 4–6 rep 2%# 4%" – – $ h
Donovan & Brooks, 1983 (high intensity) 2005 24 80% VO2max, 3 per week, 1200 kcal/week 1%# 6%#* – – – VO2max 22%"*
Strength training
Nybo et al. (strength) 2010 12 14 ! 8 RM, 2 per week, 50 min 2%" 2%" 3%" 3%"* 20
Cortez-Cooper et al. 2008 13 70% 1RM, 3 per week, 35 min 1%" 3%# 4%"* – 23
Schjerve et al. (strength) 2008 12 90% 1 RM, 3 per week,? 1%# 0% $ – – –
Hu et al. 2008 20 Progressive 40–100% 1RM,? per week, 35 min 0% $ 6%#* 2%"* – –
Kokkinos et al. (low rep . hi res) 1988 10 4–5 RM, 3 per week,? 1%" 6%# 1%"* – –
Kokkinos et al. (hi rep . low res) 1988 10 14–16 RM, 3 per week,? 0% $ 8%# 2%"* – –
Hurley et al. 1988 16 10–20 RM, 3–4 per week,? 0% $ 4%# 1%" – – VO2max 5%"

LBM, lean body mass.

Recreational football, health and performance

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Change in fat percentage Increase in VO2 max (%)



induced changes.
Krustrup et al.





2001; Durstine et al., 2001).



Football Strength
Football Strength


cholesterol response, especially for HDL-cholesterol

et al., 1988; Stein et al., 1990; Miyachi et al., 2004;

(Kokkinos & Fernhall, 1999; Durstine & Thompson,

to short-term high-intensity intermittent running or to
1). Thus, a possible explanation for the difference in
training at three different intensities was compared.
have also demonstrated training-induced changes in

work performed at high intensities (Krustrup et al.,

strength training (Nybo et al., 2010), and it is likely that

shown that neither plasma HDL nor LDL responded
blood lipid profile response between football training
Table 1). In the study by Stein et al. (1990), aerobic

Low-intensity aerobic training for 12 weeks did not

HDL and LDL (Donovan & Brooks, 1983; Hurley
Other studies using different types of fitness training

also the total training volume is of importance for the

2009b). On the other hand, in a recent study, it was
and continuous running may be the larger amount of
improvements were seen at the higher intensities (Table
training: crossed bars; control: horizontal lined bars). Values
for different training regimes (jogging: open bars; interval
changes in maximal oxygen uptake (a) and fat percentage (b)

alter the HDL and LDL concentrations, but significant

are presented as means  SEM. *Significant intervention-
running: crossed bars; football: crosshatched bars; strength
Fig. 2. Effect of 12 weeks of training for untrained males on
Table 3. Effects of short-term training for subjects on sub-maximal and maximal exercise response

Studies Year Duration Training-program: intensity (%) frequency VO2max RER Blood lactate HR Total training Remarks
(weeks) (per week), duration of session (min) submax submax submax duration (h)

Aerobic training
Krustrup et al. (Football) 2009a, b 12 82% HRmax, 2–3 per week, 50 min 13%"* 7%#* 60%#* 11%#* 30
Krustrup et al. (Cont. Run) 2009a, b 12 82% HRmax, 2–3 per week, 50 min 8%"* 4%# 49%#* 13%#* 30
Meyer et al. (low intensity) 2007 12 71% HRmax, 5 per week, 30 min 5%"* – 17%# 5%# 30
Meyer et al. (moderate intensity) 2007 12 79% HRmax, 5 per week, 30 min 4%"* – 17%# 9%#* 30
Van Hoof et al. 1989 16 ?, 3 per week,? 14%"* – – – –
Jennings et al. 1986 4 65% (Wmax), 3 per week, 30 min 11%"* – – 12%# 6
Burgomaster et al. (end.) 2008 6 65% VO2peak, 5 per week, 50 min 10%"* 3%#* 27%# 8%#* 25
Schjerve et al. (moderate intensity) 2008 12 60–70% HRmax, 3 per week, 47 min 16%"* – – – 28
High-intensity training
Nybo et al. (high intensity) 2010 12 4 90% HRmax, 3 per week, 5  2 min 14%"* 7%# 33%#* 7%#* 6
Perry et al. 2008 6 95% HRmax, 3 per week, 40 min 9%"* 2%# 43%#* – 12 Body mass unchanged
Burgomaster et al. (sprinting) 2008 6 Wingate (500W), 3 per week, 4–6 rep 7%"* 1%#* 17%# 6%#* $ h
Hickson et al. 1981 9 90–100% VO2max, 3 per week, 6  5 min 23%"* – 60%#* 18%#* 13 $ 5
Schjerve et al. (high intensity) 2008 12 85–95% HRmax, 3 per week, 4  4 min 33%"* – – – 10
Strength training
Nybo et al. (strength) 2010 12 12–16 ! 6–10 RM, 2 per week, 50 min 3%" 7%# 33%#* 5%# 20
Shaw et al. 2005 8 60% 1RM, 3 per week, 60 min 14%"* – – – 24 Low baseline VO2max (27)
Schjerve et al. (strength) 2008 12 90% 1RM, 3 per week,? 10%"* – – – –
Hickson et al. 1980 10 80% 1RM, 5 per week,? $ – – – – 47%" bicycle TTE

RER, Respiratory exchange ratio; HR, heart rate.

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Recreational football, health and performance
Both for the football and a comparable running 2.5 (a)
group, a significant decline in body fat percentage was *

Increase in lean body mass (kg)

observed (Fig. 2b), which is in coherence with other 2.0
training studies at similar relative intensities and
duration (Ross et al., 2000; Nybo et al., 2009; Table
2)). For groups that performed 12 weeks of intense
interval training and short-term strength training, no
changes were observed in fat mass (Fig. 2b), which 1.0
may be related to the fact that the total energy
expenditure was limited for the interval runners and 0.5
that the strength training group had no changes in
metabolic fitness as indicated by unchanged fat oxi-
dation during exercise, lipid profile, capillarization Jogging Interval Football Strength Control
and enzyme activities (Nybo et al., 2010). running training
Recreation football training over the 12-week
period caused marked increases in lean body mass (b)
(Krustrup et al., 2009a). The improvement was *

Increase in leg bone mass (%)

similar to the effect observed after a 12-week strength *
training program and markedly higher than the non- 3
significant effects observed for intermittent and con-
tinous running (Fig. 3a). Apart from the positive 2
effect on strength and muscle function, an increased
muscle mass per se has been shown to influence 1
glucose tolerance, probably due to an increase in
the total amount of glucose transporters (Ivy, 1997). 0
Recently, it was substantiated by Babraj et al. (2009)
who observed that only 2 weeks of short-term inter- –1
mittent high-intensity exercise lowered the glucose Jogging Interval Football Strength Control
running training
and insulin levels markedly during an oral glucose
tolerance test. Thus, short and intense exercise ap- Fig. 3. Effect of 12 weeks of training on untrained males on
pears to be a powerful stimulus to improve insulin changes in lean body mass (a) and leg bone mass (b) for
action. In the study by Krustrup et al. (2009a, b), no different training regimes (jogging: open bars; interval run-
ning: crossed bars; football: crosshatched bars; strength
significant changes were observed in the glucose or training: crossed bars; control: horizontal lined bars). Values
insulin response after 12 weeks of training, which are presented as means  SEM. *Significant intervention-
may be due to the fact that the pre-training levels induced changes.
were normal. In a training study where 3 months of
football training and dietary advice was provided for (Krustrup et al., 2009b, Nybo et al. 2010). This finding
a group of 47–49-year-old men with type II diabetes, suggests that the large number of forceful accelerations
the glucose tolerance and the muscle enzyme activity and rapid decelerations performed during football
was markedly improved (Saltin et al., 1979), provid- training may provide a high-force stimulus to the
ing evidence that football has the potential to lower muscle fibers that is sufficient to activate intracellular
the risk of diabetes. Together, football training signaling events leading to increased myofibrillar pro-
appears to be an efficient activtity to improve meta- tein synthesis. Interestingly, the gain (15%) in the
bolic fitness by improving blood lipid profile, fat mean muscle fiber area observed after 12 weeks of
oxidation, capillary density, muscle mass and glucose football training (Krustrup et al., 2009b) was compar-
tolerance. able in magnitude with that observed after 14 weeks of
heavy-resistance strength training in young men (18%)
(Aagaard et al., 2001). Typically, a 5–15% increase in
The effect of recreational football training on anatomical muscle cross-sectional area and muscle
musculo-skeletal fitness volume can be observed following 8–12 weeks of
training (Häkkinen et al., 1998; Aagaard et al., 2001;
Recently, the mean muscle fiber area was observed to Reeves et al., 2004; Holm et al., 2008), whereas single
increase in the lateral vastii muscle following a period muscle fiber area evaluated by muscle biopsy sampling
of recreational football training in young and middle- is found to increase by 15–30% (Häkkinen et al., 1998;
aged untrained men, whereas high-intensity interval Aagaard et al., 2001; Cribb & Hayes, 2006; Kosek et
running and continuous running with a comparable al., 2006; Suetta et al., 2008). This apparent discre-
group of men showed no effect on muscle fiber size pancy may be explained by the corresponding changes

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Krustrup et al.
in muscle architecture. In contrast, the muscle fiber string muscles during knee flexion MVC, which may
area appears to remain unchanged in response to explain the finding of a training-induced gain in
aerobic endurance training (Kraemer et al., 1995; maximal isometric hamstring strength (Krustrup
McCarthy et al., 1995; Carter et al., 2001; Putman et al., 2009b). No changes were observed for the
et al., 2004) including high-intensity interval running quadriceps muscle (Krustrup et al., 2009b). Thus,
(Nybo et al., 2010), or to even decrease (Kraemer et recreational football training appears effective of
al., 1995; Harber et al., 2004; Trappe et al., 2006). eliciting adaptations in neuromuscular function,
The increases in the muscle fiber area induced by although the response is somewhat blunted com-
recreational football training and strength training pared with that achieved by strength training. These
represent an important adaptation mechanism in func- findings suggest that the neurogenic potential of
tional terms, as the magnitude of maximal contractile high-intensity long-term recreational football train-
muscle force and power is proportional to the physio- ing should be included for examination in future
logical cross-sectional of the muscle (i.e. single muscle studies.
fiber area) (Aagaard et al., 2001). In consequence, the Parallel increases in rapid force capacity (RFD),
training-induced increase in muscle fiber size (elevated EMG amplitude and rate of EMG rise have been
physiological cross-sectional muscle area) is accompa- observed in the initial phase (0–200 ms) of rising
nied by increased levels of maximal muscle strength muscle force following strength training (Van Cut-
[torque, rate of force development (RFD)] in both sem et al., 1998; Aagaard et al., 2002). Contractile
young (Aagaard et al., 2001; Andersen et al., 2005) and RFD measured during maximal isometric quadriceps
aging individuals (Häkkinen et al., 1998; Esmarck and hamstring contraction remained unchanged fol-
et al., 2001; Suetta et al., 2008). Likewise, increases lowing 12 weeks of recreational football training,
in maximal isometric hamstring strength and 30-m despite that the forceful muscle actions related to
sprint performance were observed following 12 weeks accelerations, decelerations, rapid turns and tackles
of recreational football training in untrained males, might be expected to promote increased contractile
arguably due to a major involvement of this muscle RFD (unpublished data). However, we observed
group during fast forward acceleration, i.e. when recently enhanced RFD characteristics in lifelong
initiating a sprint (Krustrup et al., 2009b). football-trained elderly males (69 years) compared
Strength training does not (or only to a minor with age-matched physically active controls
extent) lead to changes in the relative proportion of (Sundstrup et al. 2010). Thus, it is possible that
slow-twitch (type I) vs. fast-twitch (type II) muscle long-term football training (43 months) could be
fibers. In contrast, the relative proportion of type IIA affective of evoking adaptive changes in RFD.
vs. IIX muscle fibers may change substantially in
response to resistance training. Thus, resistance
training typically results in both a down regulation Bone mass content and bone mass density
in type IIX fiber proportions with a corresponding
upregulation in the proportion of type IIA muscle In the studies by Krustrup et al. (2009a,b), it was
fibers, when evaluated by conventional histochemis- demonstrated that the untrained males achieved
try analysis (Staron et al., 1991) or by electrophoresis significant increases in leg bone mass after participa-
analysis of myosin heavy chain isoforms (Andersen tion in recreational football training after only 12
& Aagaard, 2000). Notably, a similar pattern of weeks. In agreement, football players demonstrate
reduced percentage type IIX fibers (from 18% to higher whole body, spine, hip and leg bone mineral
11%) was observed recently following 12 weeks of density (BMD) than inactive controls (Fredericson et
recreational football training (Krustrup et al., al., 2007). As illustrated in Fig. 3, the increase in leg
2009b), albeit the response was somewhat blunted bone mass following 12 weeks of recreational foot-
compared with that seen with strength training. The ball training was of a similar magnitude as the
training-induced conversion of IIX fibers into IIA gains observed following strength training of the
fibers is of important functional significance both for same duration, whereas neither recreational jogging
athletes and non-athletes because the type IIA nor high-intensity interval running induced changes
muscle fiber, yet powerful, is more fatigue resistant in total or leg bone mass. In accordance, both male
than the type IIX fiber type. and female football players have higher hip and
Elevated EMG amplitudes have been reported spine BMD than equally fit runners (Fredericson
after strength training, indicating an increased neu- et al., 2007; Mudd et al., 2007). Furthermore, meta-
romuscular activity during maximal voluntary con- analysis of cross-sectional studies reveals that parti-
traction (Narici et al., 1989; Häkkinen et al., 1998; cipation in non-weight-bearing sports or physical
Van Cutsem et al., 1998; Aagaard et al., 2002). activities with monotonous and stereotypic move-
Notably, recreational football training over 12 weeks ment pattern appears to have little or no effect on
led to increased neuromuscular activity in the ham- bone mass or BMD, whereas strength-based and

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Recreational football, health and performance
10 Recreational football and the risk of injury

8 # Reasons to participate in sports and physical activity

Rate of perceived exertion

are many, such as pleasure and relaxation, competition,

# socialization, maintenance and improvement of fitness
6 and health (Bahr & Holme, 2003). However, sport
participation also carries a risk of sustaining injuries.
4 Most studies on the epidemiology of sport injuries have
been conducted in elite athletes and little knowledge is
available regarding the relationship between recrea-
tional sports and its accompanying injuries.
According to the few studies that have followed
0 subjects in 1 year (i.e. over a full season) and taken
Jogging Interval Football Strength
running training exposure data into account, the injury frequencies
are fairly high in combined football match-play and
Fig. 4. Rate of perceived exertion for various types of training. For example, Parkkari et al. (2004) have
training carried out by untrained males (jogging: open bars; reported an injury incidence of 7.8 injuries per 1000 h
interval running: crossed bars; football: cross hatched bars;
strength training; crossed bars). Values are presented as of football participation, which ranks football eight
means  SEM. #Significantly higher than football. in 31 recreational and competitive sports. Running
ranks 20 with an injury incidence of 3.6 injuries per
high-impact sports are associated with higher BMD 1000 h of participation, but no differentiation be-
(Egan et al., 2006; Table 2). tween the types of running has been made. From a
Football training appears to provide a significant clinical point of view, more injuries are suspected in
stimulus for bone mineralization as it is a highly high-intense interval running compared with jogging
intermittent sport, and the activity pattern in small- because it is known that peak join power increases
sided games is characterized by multiple turns, jump, with increasing running speed (Belli et al., 2002). In
several short sprints with accelerations and decelera- another study involving 31 620 inhabitants in a
tions (Pedersen et al., 2009). This loading pattern Swedish municipality, injury rates in persons attend-
results in high-impact forces on the skeletal muscles ing a physician for an acute injury sustained during
as well as the bones of the lower limb, and a high strain sports participation were reported (de Loes &
rate and a large magnitude of ground reaction and Goldie, 1988). In this study, ice hockey and handball
muscle forces are known to be important factors for were found to have the highest risk followed by
providing an anabolic effect on osteogenesis. In addi- football. For males aged 15–59 years, the ranking
tion, nutritional, endocrinological and genetic factors was ice hockey, horseback riding, handball and
are also of vital importance for BMD and bone football. If an injury incidence of 7.8 injuries per
strength (New, 2001). However, the training studies 1000 h of football participation is valid in recreation
that are summarized in Fig. 3 clearly demonstrate that football in general, the implication is that the players
participation in recreational football or strength train- would be exposed to one injury every 1.2 years if he
ing may lead to increases in bone mass even in the carried out two 1-h sessions per week all-year round
absence of nutritional intervention. Therefore, regular and one severe injury every  13 years as the
participation in recreational football training appears severity of most injuries in recreational football is
to be an effective stimulus for musculo-skeletal adap- mild to moderate with approximately 9% categor-
tations, which even in a short time frame (12 weeks) ized as severe injuries, defined as injuries that result
may evoke increases in both lean body mass and in missing of work or a corresponding activity for at
BMD. These adaptations may benefit the participants least 1 day (Parkkari et al., 2004).
in a number of daily activities, and importantly may It should be emphasized that the above-mentioned
help to prevent the development of osteoporosis and injury incidences in football are the incidence for
stress fractures later in life (Fig. 3). training and match play analyzed together. However,
Another interesting aspect is that the football it is well known that for elite and amateur football
players, despite the frequent intense actions and players the injury risk per hour of activity is approxi-
periods with high aerobic loading, report lower mately 5–10 times higher during match-play than
perceived exertion than the joggers and the interval training (Poulsen et al., 1991; Hägglund et al., 2003;
runners (Fig. 4). This finding may be linked to the Arnason et al., 2004) with injury incidence from two
football players being more focused on the playful to five injuries per 1000 h of participation in training
elements of the game and the team mate interaction, sessions. For specific injury types the risk of injury,
which in turn may improve the possibility for long- such as acute hamstring injuries, is 415 times higher
term adherence to physical activity. during match-play compared with training (Petersen

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Krustrup et al.
et al., 2009). The study by Parkkari et al. (2004) involves aerobic high- and moderate intensity train-
documents that injury incidence in recreational and ing as well as periods of high anaerobic loading with
competitive sports decreases with an increasing age multiple intense actions high-speed runs, sprints,
in both males and females aged 15–74 years, which is turns, jumps and tackles. This integration of different
supported by Finch & Cassell (2006) who report an types of exercise appears to provide a major impact
overall lower injury rate in persons aged 401 years on the three main areas of fitness with a comprehen-
compared with persons aged 5–14 years and 15–39 sive impact on the risk of life-style diseases. Further
years. studies, of which some are presented in this Supple-
In the reviewed studies dealing with the fitness and mentum, should provide an insight into the effects of
health effects of recreational football and running, recreational football for groups of subjects of differ-
around 150 subjects have been followed over 3–4 ent age, gender, social background as well as the
months of training performed two to three times a long-term effects and compliance in recreational
week. During these studies, o5% of the footballers football training, including the influence of training
(n 5 3) and distance runners (n 5 3) contacted the in- volume and intensity on the range of physiological
house medical doctor regarding injuries, whereas adaptations.
33% of the interval runners did (n 5 5). However,
further studies are required to obtain more informa- Key words: Soccer, VO2max, fat percentage, muscle
tion about injury risk, types of injury, injury severity, mass, bone mass, cardiovascular, metabolic, mus-
etc. for various age groups playing recreational foot- culo-skeletal, fitness.
ball organized as small-sided games among friends.

Summary Acknowledgements
In summary, a short-term period (weeks) with re- We would like to thank Henrik Holm Andersen for correction
creational football leads to significant performance of the manuscript and Edward Pagh Petersen for skillful
assistance. The studies conducted by the authors were sup-
improvements and effectively stimulates musculoske- ported by the Danish Ministry of Culture (KIF) and the
letal, metabolic and cardiovascular adaptations that Danish Football Association (DBU).
are of importance for health. Recreational football Conflicts of interest: None.

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