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In the realm of early childhood, where dreams are born,

The Early Childhood Commission's standards adorn.

Twelve pillars of guidance, for ECI's to abide,
Unveiling the path, where little ones thrive.

A team of passionate souls, with hearts aflame,
Committed to learning, to ignite the flame.
Foster professional growth, within their domain,
Sowing seeds of knowledge, with each refrain

Developmental and educational programs, like a tapestry woven,

Weaving knowledge and play, young minds are enlivened.
Assessing each child's growth, in a tender embrace,
Unveiling their potential, each step of the way.

Interactions and Relationships,

In the heart of every child, connections intertwine,
Kindling bonds, like threads that brightly shine.
Embrace their uniqueness, with love and care,
Creating relationships that are so dear.

Physical Environment,
Safe and secure spaces, where children's spirits ascend,
Buildings sturdy and welcoming, a haven untold,
Where their imaginations unfold.

Health and Safety, a haven of care,

For young ones, a shield against despair,
Nurturing their health, their well-being, too,
A sanctuary of protection, strong and true.

Nutritional meals to ensure their growth

Eating unhealthily, we do not promote.

Parental involvement, a vital thread,

Weaving families and schools, a partnership widespread.
Community involvement, diverse and strong,
Strengthening support, where children belong.
Then administration and organization, we run a tight ship
Every detail in place, no room for a slip. institutions are required to have sound financial
practices- by adhering to standard accounting principles that is.

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