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Almost everything in the world can be prevented by humans.But somethings that they have got a
power can ‘t be perevnted as Natural Disasters. Actually they are so historical things . They have
existed since the beginning of human history. Actually they are so much. But in this artice I will
give information about some of them that are so popular.They are earthquake,tsunami,avalanche
and fire.

First disaster is eartquake whose results are so bad. The phenomenon of shaking the environment
and the surface where the vibrations that occur suddenly due to the fractures in the earth’s crust
spread as waves anda are called ‘’EARTHQUAKE ‘’.They have got some results as people
die,damaged buildings ,economic problems ets.Whereas architects and engineers don’t take
enough security measures. If people want to live in their houses confidently authorized persons
should in charge of their tasks.Second disaster that is connected with earthquake is
‘’TSUNAMİ’’.The word tsunami which means Harbour Wave in Japanese ,is a long oscillating giant
sea wave that occurs due to the energy passing into the sea as a result of tectonic events such as
earthquakes,volcanic eruptions and related collapses,grond slides that occur at the bottom of the
ocean or seas.As you figure out tsuanmi can be occur in coastal countries.Particularly in Japan
tsunami occur quite often.The buildings are demolished by big waves. As a result tsunami is a fatar
disaster too.However now you will learn different informations about a frozen disaster which
name is ‘’AVALANCHE ‘’. Especially this disaster is not common so much.Mostly it occur at
mountains or cold places that are so inclined.Big snowballs which are at the mountain top are
rounded up to the down with groving bigger.Unfourtanetly if there is a people in there fatar results
are occured by snowball. As people walking in mountainous regions which are covered with snow
they shouldn ‘t shout. People should protect trees and forest to prevent increased avalanche
danger. Last one is fire. Fire is a natural disaster caused by combustion reactions caused by the
combination of matter with heat and oxygen.The fact that 90 percent of forest fires are of human
origin and 10 percent of natural origin shows that the human factor is so important.

As a result according to the data and written by me we can certainly reach , disasters are natural
problems so we can’t avoid but we can precaution them if we study together. Particularly people
should know protect trees and forest.For example in our country 29,4 percent land is forest and
that show it is not so much,so we should protect them. While engineers are building buildings they
should be careful about rules.So,if people willing to be careful and be calm in times of disaster the
safety and peace will be guaranteed.

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