The Immortal - Vampires

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The Immortal: Vampires

By Ben Mowbray
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by
Wizards of the Coast®. This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.


Editing: Callie Mowbray-Jönsson

Cover Artwork: Ben Mowbray
Internal Artwork: Ben Mowbray

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©2004-2005 Benjamin Mowbray. All other content is ©2004-2005 Benjamin Mowbray.
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This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely

Contents Wondrous Items .............................................42

Minor Artefacts ..............................................42
Contents ................................................................ 2 Major Artefacts ..............................................42
Introduction........................................................... 3 Algul....................................................................49
The Vampire Legend ....................................... 3 Baobban Sith.......................................................50
The Author’s View............................................... 8 Cambion..............................................................52
Roleplaying Vampires.......................................... 8 Carmillite Vampire.............................................54
Background....................................................... 8 Ch’ing Shih .........................................................57
Feeding.............................................................. 9 Dearg-Due...........................................................61
Lair .................................................................... 9 Demon.................................................................63
Wealth .............................................................10 Demonic Vampire ..........................................64
Vampire Psychology......................................10 Incubus/Succubus...........................................66
Creating Your Own Breeds of Vampire ...........13 Dhampir ..............................................................67
Analysing the MM Vampire.........................13 Dire Vampire Bat ...............................................69
Building A Custom Vampire Template ........14 Draugr .................................................................70
Blutsauger.......................................................19 Estrie ...................................................................72
Optional Rules....................................................20 Lamia...................................................................73
Age Categories ...............................................20 Langsuir ..............................................................75
Aging Appearances ........................................20 Lobishomen ........................................................77
Body and Soul ................................................21 Master Vampire ..................................................78
Chemical Banes..............................................22 Necurat ................................................................83
Curing Vampirism..........................................22 Nosferatu.............................................................85
Demonic Appearance.....................................22 Rakshasa .............................................................89
ECL DECREASES OVER TIME.................23 Romantic Vampire .............................................91
Holy Symbols.................................................23 Strigoi Mort ......................................................101
Imbibing Food & Drink .................................23 Upier..................................................................104
Physical Appearances ....................................24 Vampir ..............................................................106
Preventing Vampirism ...................................25 Vrykolakas ........................................................108
Regaining the Soul .........................................26 Zmeu .................................................................110
Salient Powers ................................................26 Prestige Classes ................................................115
Romantic Vampire Salient Powers ..............29 Walker Through Time..................................115
Sleeping ..........................................................30 Famous Vampires.............................................117
Vampire Blood ...............................................31 Count Dracula...............................................118
Variant Rules ......................................................31 Lord Ruthren ................................................119
Becoming a Vampire .....................................31 Varney the Vampyre ....................................120
Blood Draining...............................................34 Vampire Gods...................................................122
Creature Types ...............................................35 Ankarii ..........................................................122
Critical Hits.....................................................35 Archonis........................................................125
Destroying a Progenitor.................................36 Mal’Ek ..........................................................128
Feeding Methods ............................................36 Sepheliné.......................................................130
Gliding ............................................................37 OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a ..........136
Immunities ......................................................37 Designation of Open Game Content ...............137
Racial Variants ...............................................38
Slower Healing ...............................................39
Spawn Vs. New Vampires.............................40
Staking a Vampire..........................................40
New Equipment ..................................................40
Weapons .........................................................41
Adventuring Gear...........................................41
Special Materials ............................................41
Magic Items ........................................................42
Weapons .........................................................42

The Immortal: Vampires


Since the dawn of human history the legend of
Vampires. For more than a century they have the vampire has walked with mankind. From
captivated us more than any other mythical the bloody legends associated with Isis and
monster or creature. Every ancient culture of Osiris of Egypt to the very roots of
the world has its own vampire story, many Christianity, Judaism and Islam and the
developing entirely independently from original story of Adam and Eve, the image of
others, which gives the vampire myth more the vampire has been with us for time
credibility than any other. immemorial.

Do vampires exist? This is a question that may The oldest records of mankind make mention
never be answered. From ancient Egypt and of creatures that have the attributes of the
Assyria to the modern myths of Anne Rice vampire. The legends reach as far back as to
and Joss Whedon, the vampire has and will the time of ancient Egypt, Assyria and
continue to captivate us. Babylonia.

This book is dedicated to bringing the The Torah and Bible make mention of a
multitude of vampiric legends, both historical demon called Lilith, who is conjectured by
and fictional to your d20 fantasy campaign, some to have once been the first wife of Adam
with a little original material thrown in for who when she would not be submissive to her
good measure. These pages are filled with a husband was cast out of paradise and became
variety of different vampires from around the a demon that killed babies and children by
world ranging in power from a low-level drinking their blood.
encounter to those of truly epic proportions.
Virtually every ancient culture on earth has its
It was realised early on that with so much own vampires in one form or another, which
material to cover, not to mention the issue of are the chief sources of the vampiric strains
copyrights for the more modern incarnations presented in this book.
of the vampire, that we could not possibly In the long history of vampires, from the first
hope to cover every incarnation of the legends of Osiris to the modern works or
vampire. For this reason, we’ve also included literature and film, it seems the vampire has
rules and suggestions for modifying the walked the shadows of mankind’s
vampires presented here and in your MM to imagination since the dawn of time.
your own tastes, along with a plethora of
optional and variant rules. Isis and Osiris
Amongst the most ancient of legends is the
What is a Vampire? story of Osiris (‘Asar’ in Egyptian) and his
Most dictionaries define a vampire as a sister-wife Isis (‘Aset’ in Egyptian). According
reanimated corpse that rises from its grave at to the mythology, Osiris was the first king of
night to drain the blood (or sometimes just Egypt, in a time when the gods still walked
life) of the living.
the earth. He was beloved by his people, and
In recent times, a vampire is any creature that he was the bringer of cultivation and
carries vampiric characteristics. That is, drains civilisation.
blood or life by physical or other means, is Isis was wielder of the most powerful of
predominantly nocturnal, attacking (or magic, for she knew the secret name of Ra
seducing) its victims at night.
(‘Re’ in Egyptian) and could command the
words of power that enabled her to have
control over life and death.


parallels to the vampire do not end here, for

Osiris needed also protection from the sun,
which could destroy him.
Perhaps the vampire legend began with
Osiris, or even his sister wife Isis who among
other things knew the secret of granting
immortality to mortals. Over time, Isis became
the most worshiped of the Egyptian deities.
Even the Greeks and Romans worshiped her.
The secrets of her magic were said to have
been in her blood.
There too exists a derivative symbol of the
ankh called the Tyet Knot (or Buckle of Isis)
that was a charm representing the blood of the
goddess, said to bestow upon the wearer
protection from evil (or harm) forever…

Lilith, the First Eve

The earliest records of Lilith date back to 2000
B.C.E., a (wind) demon of Babylonian,
Sumerian myth that was active at night and
seized men and forced them to copulate with

The most well known legend of Lilith

however is the one found in the Alphabet of
But Set, the brother of the royal couple was
Ben-Sira, a work of unknown origin dating
jealous of Osiris, and conspired to kill him
from the 8th–10th centuries C.E.
along with 72 other conspirators. Osiris was
tricked at a party into trying out a coffin, According to the work, Lilith was the first
which the conspirators nailed shut and set wife of Adam. Lilith was supposedly the wiser
into the Nile. of the two humans, and for this reason refused
to be subordinate to Adam, especially during
Isis found the body, but Set discovered this,
intercourse. She refused to lie beneath him for
and cut it up into 14 pieces and scattered them
it was demeaning to her – instead she wanted
all over the world. Isis pursued the parts to
to lie side by side or on top. When Adam tried
the ends of the earth, and found all but one –
to force her beneath him, she used her powers
the phallus – which she facsimiled and then
to fly away.
joined together to resurrect her husband in
order to conceive a son, Horus, who would Adam prayed to God to bring Lilith back to
later avenge his father’s death. him. So God sent three angels to search for her
and they found her at the Red Sea in the land
Osiris was crowned king of the dead and god
of the demons. She refused to follow the
of the underworld. The ancient people saw in
angels, damned them and spent her time
his story and resurrection a miracle and
breeding with the demons, so a violent battle
worshiped him. As a part of his worship,
ensued, and blood was spilt – from which the
redheaded men were sacrificed to the dead
Red Sea derives its name.
god, who was said to drink of their blood in
the name of Great Mother Earth. But the

The Immortal: Vampires

God punished Lilith for her disobedience and incarnation of himself. But Kali was able to
began killing her demonic children at the rate defeat him by consuming every last drop of
of 100 per day. He then created Eve from his blood.
Adam’s rib to ensure that his new wife would
be subservient to him. The Greeks and Romans
Vampires were also known in Greek and
Lilith was bitter with God’s reaction to killing
consequently later in Roman times.
her children, and in turn she vowed to kill all
the children of Adam and Eve. The goddess Hecate was served by terrible
demons called Empusae that could take on the
People who believed in the legend blamed
form of flesh and blood and plague the living
Lilith for the deaths of newborns and women
by enticing them to fatten up before
who died in childbirth.
devouring their flesh and drinking their
She was also said to seduce men while they blood.
were sleeping, afterwards murdering them or
Lamia was also another vampire, a monster
causing them to go insane.
with the lower body of a serpent and the
By the end of the middle ages, the concept of upper body of a woman. The Lamia is one of
Lilith considered her a demon queen, the wife the many vampire creatures featured in this
of either Asmodeus or Lucifer, and the book.
breeding machine of hell. She was known to
kill babies and children by drinking their The Vampire in Other
blood, and she would force herself upon men Cultures
at night in order to steal their seed so she From the Aborigines of
could give birth to new demons – the men Australia to the
would either be killed in the same fashion of people of
children or be driven insane…

The Vedic Mythology

Perhaps India has the largest number of
different vampires attributed to its myths and
legends – from vampiric gods to demons
and pretty much everything in between,
the idea of blood drinkers is prevalent
in eastern mythology.
Perhaps the greatest
evidence of this is
in the nature of
one of the most
important deities of
Hinduism, the
goddess Kali. Kali is a six-armed,
fanged goddess known for her habit of
drinking blood. One of many myths in
which she features tells of how Kali battled a
demon called Raktavija, who was incredibly
difficult to defeat because each drop of his Lilith
blood that was spilt spawned another demon


Africa, from the Orient and Pacific nations to Vampire Hunts of Eastern Europe
the native peoples of the Americas, the legend
Vampire hunting reached its highest peak in
of the vampire can be found in almost every
the 18th century, particularly in Austria, as
culture on earth.
well as Serbia, Romania and other Balkan
The aborigines believed in a fig-tree dwelling countries.
creature that was short and had suction cup
It was these vampire scares that brought the
like fingers, which it used to drain blood. It
attention of the English world to the nature of
dwelled in trees and was known as the yara-
the vampire. Except for a few minor cases five
ma-yha-who .
hundred years prior, the vampire was almost
Similar tree-dwelling creatures, albeit with unheard of except in continental Europe.
iron teeth and hook-like hands and feet
In particular there was the case of Arnold
instead of suction cups come from Africa,
Paole, an ex-soldier turned farmer who had
known as the asasabonsam.
been attacked by a vampire years before, died
In the east there were legends of the kappa in while haying. In wake of his death, a number
Japan, a homosexual turtle-like creature that of people began to mysteriously die and it was
derived its powers from a bowl of water in its believed by everyone that Paole had returned
head. In China there was the ancient ching’shi. to prey on the neighbours.

In the Middle East, tales of the Ekimmu, a This incident was extremely well documented
vampiric spirit, the Lilitu, succubus-like night by government officials that examined the
demons and the cemetery-dwelling algul case and the bodies, wrote detailed reports,
pervade Middle Eastern cultures from the and afterwards published material on the
earliest of ancient times in ancient Summer Paole case that became distributed around
and Babylonia to the Middle Ages. Europe.

In the ancient Americas, witch-like vampires This sprang a controversy that raged for
such as the civatateo and tlahuelpuchi decades. The problem was worsened by rural
roamed, as well as the bizarre lobishomen, a people having an epidemic of vampire attacks
strange monkey-like creature that in addition and digging up bodies in a panic. Many
to taking small amounts of blood also had a academics stated that vampires didn't exist,
habit of turning women into nymphomaniacs. attributing vampire cases to rabies or
mistaken burial.
A host of other vampires from around the
world, especially those of Eastern Europe are However, in 1746, a French theologian and
presented in section two of this book. intellectual named Dom Augustine Calmet
put together a prudently thought out treatise
The Middle Ages & Renaissance which was of the opinion that vampires did
Vampires were considered a reality to the exist. Due to his influence and the way in
people of the middle ages and the renaissance. which the theory was presented, it was
Witches, werewolves and vampires were all seriously considered by many.
considered real and evil threats that could
The epidemic ended eventually however
only be purged and judged by god. Suspected
when Empress Marie Theresa of Austria sent
vampires were burnt at the stake, just as
her personal physician to investigate a
suspected witches were.
number of vampire cases. He declared
These themes were especially widespread in vampires didn't exist and the Austrian
Eastern Europe, though they did not become Government passed laws prohibiting the
prevalent until the 18th century. opening of graves and desecration of bodies.

The Immortal: Vampires

By this time though the image of the vampire decadent aristocrat able to change into a bat,
was in everyone’s mind, and would be cast no reflection and needed to be staked
preserved and remoulded by authors in the through the heart to be killed.
coming centuries to evolve into the image that
This image of classic vampire antagonist
it is today.
stayed with the public until in 1976, an
Early Literature American writer from New Orleans would
give a modern 20th century spin to the ancient
The result of the widespread hunt of
legend. Anne Rice’s book Interview with the
vampires, particularly in Austria, was a
Vampire shifted the perspective of the vampire
spawn of literary appearances of the vampire,
especially in Germany and France. from the age-old antagonist to an antihero
protagonist that the reader could identify
However, few pieces were translated into with.
English. It wasn’t until the early years of the
The book encompassed the confessions of the
19th century the vampire myth entered into the
Vampire Louis de Ponte du Lac, a Louisianan
pages of horror fiction with John Polidori’s
plantation lord fighting with the ghosts of his
The Vampyre (1819), a short story that parallels
past. But while the melancholic Louis was a
to the writer’s unrequited love for his patron,
far cry from the evil Count Dracula, it was his
Lord Byron, a man some say was obsessed
‘maker’ Lestat de Lioncourt, a French
with the legends of the vampire.
aristocrat from the 18th century that truly
It can be argued that the vampire can certainly changed the image of the modern vampire.
be found in the poetry of the romantics, of
Lestat, characterised in his own book, The
which Byron, Polidori’s inspiration was
among. Vampire Lestat (1985) with his dashing good
looks, larger-than-life personality, incredible
A vampire was featured in serial as a part of powers and rock-star career redefined the way
the Penny Dreadful series in the mid 1840’s. It people consider vampires - Lestat made being
was so popular that in 1847, it was a vampire look good.
republished as a novel called Varney, The
Lestat made the way for other modern
Vampyre or Feast of Blood.
protagonists, such as Nick Knight of the
The 19th century vampire literature held many Canadian TV series Forever Knight, and Spike
sensual and sexual undertones that stirred the and Angel from Joss Whedon’s Buffy the
minds of its Victorian readers who outwardly Vampire Slayer. The roleplaying scene came to
repressed sexuality and sensuality almost life with Vampire: The Masquerade, the first
completely. Carmilla (1872) by J. Sheridan Le of its kind focused solely on roleplaying a
Fanu introduced the first female literary vampire protagonist, and even Dracula
vampire to the English speaking audience, as himself was portrayed in a more sympathetic
well as the ideas of the vampire having light in Francis Ford Coppola’s rendition of
nocturnal habits and sleeping in a coffin. Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Modern Myths: Dracula to Lestat The late nineties saw new and original takes
The book was partially the inspiration for the on the vampire legend, emphasising the
most famous vampire book and vampire demonic aspect of vampire, most notably in
count of all time, Bram Stoker’s Dracula shows and movies like Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(1897), which would set the standards and and the bizarre, twisted, yet entertaining
stereotype of the vampire on the screen and genius of Quinton Tarentino’s From Dusk till
stage for three quarters of a century. Now the Dawn.
world came to know the vampire as a


Much of the focus in recent films has been it is a vampire-like spirit. Conversely, the
explaining vampire origins, a theme explored incubus/succubus was intentionally left in
in John Carpenter’s Vampires, and a re-look at because they are known to be able to
the Count as Judas in Dracula 2000. Also there physically manifest in a corporeal form.
was the less than adequate ‘teenified’ novel-
to-screen conversion of Anne Rice’s own
Queen of the Damned which touched on her
Roleplaying Vampires
ancient Egyptian-themed vampire origin Whether you’re a player or a DM, role-playing
story. a vampire often requires a lot more thought
The latest breeds of vampire films include than common races. The vampire carries with
Blade, Underworld and Van Helsing, and the its image a level of depth and intrigue that no
success of such films ensures the vampire will other monster has.
never retreat from the silver screen. Vampire The vampire has at its disposal an array of
literature too is more abundant than ever. extraordinary powers, from great strength, to
Over the ages the vampire myth has changed powers over the minds of others. Many can
and evolved with the people and cultures of even take alternate forms and prowl the night
the Earth. From its less than humble origins in as a wolf or bat.
prehistoric gods and demons to its descent However, such power is offset by great faults
into mindlessness throughout the middle ages and weakness, such as an aversion to garlic
and back to its near godhood with the and mirrors, or the problem of sunlight and
vampire Lestat, the vampire continues as a running water. Not all vampires share the
curious part of our collective myth and same weak traits, but most are debilitated in
legend. There is no shortage of vampiric some way by some sort of “achillis’ heal”.
literature and films now at the dawn of the 21st
Such limitations can cause havoc for a
century, and while the existence of vampires,
campaign, and may by their nature render a
no matter how often they occur in myths and
vampire character too problematic for play.
legends, may not ever be proven, they will
Some of the vampire templates presented in
never be forgotten – vampires are indeed true
immortals. this book however are considerably toned
down in comparison to the core rules
vampire, and may be more appropriate for
The Author’s View play.

I’m a little biased regarding my view on

vampires. The vampires selected here have
Establishing a vampire’s background is key to
been chosen because of their corporeal nature,
creating a compelling character, regardless of
which I require for a creature to fall under my
whether or not the vampire is designed as a
own definition of vampire. So called ‘Psychic
protagonist (PC or otherwise) or an
Vampires’ are no more than malevolent
spirits, ghosts and spiritual projections as far
as I am concerned, and as such, any vampires Family
with those attributes from folklore, mythology What kind of family background did the
or popular fiction I came across in my research vampire come from? Was it noble perhaps, or
have been intentionally left out from this was the vampire a simple peasant in life?
volume for that very reason.
What kind of ties does the vampire have today
For example, the Assyrian/Babylonian to its family of old? Does it carry a title one of
Ekimmu was cut from the final draft because

The Immortal: Vampires

its parents held in life? Does it have living (such as passed out drunk, high or being of
descendants? Or is it the last of its namesake? questionable sanity).

How Did it Become a Vampire? Night Visitor

Was the vampire always a vampire? More The vampire prefers to visit the bedrooms of
than likely, it was not, and it was some kind of naïve maidens by using its charms and
mortal creature. The vampires presented in powers. Its intentions are selfish, and it will
section two offer suggestions as to how each eventually kill its victims, or turn them into
breed might come about or be created. vampires.

What Does It Think Of Itself? Only Those Who Won’t Be Missed

Does the vampire enjoy what it is, or is it The vampire preys on the scum of society, and
bitter and angry regarding the state of its un- other miscreants, vagrants and vagabonds
life? A vampire’s outlook on its un-life affects that are not likely to cause any notice upon
what sort of archetype it fits under, or what going missing or turning up dead. Vampires
kind of lifestyle it leads. that wish to evade detection, or have a non-
evil alignment often fit this description.
The vampire has always its need for blood or LAIR
at least some form of life force of the living. The place that a vampire resides often is a
No matter what the vampire’s alignment, it partial reflection of its breed and a partial
must gain sustenance of some kind from reflection on its archetype or outlook on un-
somewhere. life.

Careless Killer Ideally, the lair should also be in a place

The vampire kills without care or remorse, where sustenance is readily at hand.
simply dumping the body on the ground as
soon as it’s done with it. Such vampires are
The vampire calls a grave in a cemetery, crypt,
easier to detect, and such habits either reflect a
catacomb or other place of death home. Such
cocky, possibly overconfident vampire, or one
vampires have little concern for dust and the
that has little intelligence.
stench of the dead, and seldom even attempt
Donors Only to blend in with mortal creatures. Such
The vampire drains blood only from willing vampires truly play the role of the undead
donors. In which case, the vampire may live in creature.
the open and have servants or ‘groupies’ that
serve as its sustenance. Such vampires have
The vampire prefers to live a wealthy lifestyle
few problems with the law, especially in a
in a luxurious abode – a lofty townhouse,
fantasy setting.
private manor or castle – just as a wealthy
Alternatively, the vampire may beg for blood. mortal noble might. Such vampires entrust
Vampires of good alignment almost always themselves to mortal servants, kept in line
fall under this category. with cruelty, coin or generosity. The decadent
vampire prefers to disguise its nature behind
Ghost in the Night eccentricities, allowing it to move about
The vampire steals small amounts of blood unnoticed in high society.
from several different victims, usually while
they are sleeping, or otherwise incapacitated Decadent vampires are more difficult to reveal
than others, and tend to use more guile and


cunning in their plots and plans, but also have Characters that become vampires can do little
far more to risk in being discovered. about this, however it is appropriate to
characters that are created with the vampire
Simple template (and do not acquire it later in a
The vampire acts and behaves as if it were campaign) should have greater starting wealth
alive and an ordinary creature. It dwells in a than other characters. Consider doubling the
humble abode, and may even have a wife and starting wealth of the character, appropriate to
family. Some vampires are very close to the character’s CR (not its ECL). If the
human, despite the fact that at a time they character is an NPC vampire, this would be
have died and arisen as a form of vampire. the case.
The vampire resides either in a sewer system VAMPIRE PSYCHOLOGY
or underground complex, such as a cave Depending on the way a vampire was created
system, catacombs or similar large or brought about, its psychological outlook
underground area. may be vastly different.

WEALTH Alignment
Alignment blurs into shades of grey when
Preying upon the living for centuries has
dealing with vampire psychology – is a
certain advantages, most notably, the
vampire truly evil because it has a diet of
accumulation of wealth. A vampire could
humanoid blood, or does the fact that it is a
choose to prey on the rich, accumulating
natural predator and hunter mean that it is not
wealth beyond its usual means over time (this
inherently evil? This is a question each group
is reflected in the double standard treasure
must answer for themselves, but regardless of
rating for most vampire monsters and
which way you go, vampires make for
interesting characters.
Vampires are certainly not hoarders the way
You may rule that vampires must be evil, but
that dragons and some other creatures are
this is more from having a twisted or altered
with their treasure. Random treasure
code of ethics and morals than from being a
generation is not always appropriate to
creature of hate and spite.
vampire characters.
Vampires tend to spend their wealth in Living Forever
practical ways, accumulating magical items The vampire is a creature admired most of all
that ease their lives, improve their ability to not for its sheer physical or supernatural
attack or defend themselves, or disguise power, but rather for its capacity for living
themselves from would-be vampire hunters. forever – its immortality.
Likewise, part of their treasure is likely taken
Immortality changes the psyche of most
from such individuals that have failed in their
vampires – humans for example, only can
endeavour to destroy the vampire.
expect to have at most a century of life, while
Starting Wealth as a PC Vampire a vampire can live, potentially, forever.
Playing a vampire character is a costly affair At a certain point, perhaps in the time where
for players, as they will gain levels far more all mortal links to the vampire’s former life are
slowly than their companions. This is a broken, the vampire becomes less attached to
sacrifice that needs be made to restore balance life, or rather, the life it used to know. Such
into a party. times can be taxing on the vampire’s mental

The Immortal: Vampires

health, and suicide can be an attractive escape become. Such individuals are often best
from unlife. equipped to handle the long stretch of
eternity, come what may.
In the fantasy world, where creatures such as
elves may live for centuries, and certainly Such vampires usually either sought
dragons may live many times longer, vampirism for themselves or had no qualms
immortality is not as much a damning thing as about committing murder or sinful acts before
it might be perceived in a world of much they became as such.
shorter life spans (such as our own).
The Guardian
Vampiric Archetypes The guardian walks in the shadows and
Each vampire, regardless of its breed, creation watches from afar those that it loved in life.
or alignment is different, as individual as any Instead of becoming jealous of its loved ones,
other character. However, vampires can be the guardian seeks to nurture, protect and
easily be grouped into one or more of the support those it cared for when it was alive,
following archetypes, which epitomise the but from a distance, for vampiric instinct can
various outlooks and lifestyles that any given sometimes be hard to control.
vampire might adopt. The guardian keeps a watch on its relatives
A vampire may fit a single or several and descendants over time, on occasion
archetypes, but in general will fit under at intervening in their lives in some manner, be it
least one of the nine archetypes presented direct intervention or through less obvious
below. manners.

The Beast The Moralist

The beast gives in to its vampiric nature The moralist is usually a vampire of lawful
completely, becoming an instrument of death alignment that uses its vampiric powers to
and destruction. Such vampires are evil to a prey on the scourge of society rather than the
fault, and rely heavily on vampiric instinct, innocent. They delight in tormenting the
hunting prey for the sheer pleasure of the kill. wicked and evil, acting as judge, jury and
Fortunately, as deadly as such individuals executioner to sinners everywhere.
may become, they often neglect their mental Moralists can make good protagonist
faculties and may be overcome with wit and vampires.
The Pleasure Seeker
The Demon The pleasure seeker is a vampire that is
The vampire is usually either partially concerned with getting the most out of its
influenced or completely motivated by a existence in the form of whatever luxury or
demon spirit or soul. Such vampires are the pleasure it may acquire or experience. Such
epitome of evil, and behave as such. They vampires often fill the role of a decadent noble
have more control than the beast, and are or member of high society, hiding its true
more prone to evil than other vampiric nature by hosting exquisite dances and balls
archetypes. The demon vampire uses all of its and playing the eccentric host.
The pleasure seeker does not dwell in graves,
The Embracer cemeteries or places of death, but rather
The embracer loves what it is, and embraces prefers to live a life among the living, trying to
every aspect of its vampiric nature. They enjoy keep a part of the ever-changing world. It is
the kill, the innocent and the guilty alike, and still a predator by nature, but may keep a
are completely accepting of what they have


separate life to its social existence, allowing it daughters, brothers and sisters and fathers
to stay in one place for a long time. and mothers. They visit them in their sleep,
stealing their life slowly each day, until one by
The Redeemer one they all die an, often mysterious, death.
The redeemer is possibly a self-loather that
has wallowed in guilt and self-hatred so long Once its loved ones have been killed, the
that it is determined it must seek redemption vampire may continue extracting its
for its ‘sins’ in some way. Such vampires can vengeance on the living, preying on strangers,
make unlikely antiheroes, torn between their or enter a state of self loathing that equally
life of sinning, and their life of atoning leads to further self destructive power.
through good deeds for the sins of the past.
Such vampires may seek a way to return to
mortality, or to somehow make up for all the
evil they have caused.

The Self-Loather
The vampire hates what it has become, and
often loathes anything that reminds it of its
mortal life. Such vampires are self-destructive,
and even should they find love or answers in
their vampiric life, will subconsciously
sabotage any hope they have of happiness.

Self-loathers often hate themselves to the

point of contemplating some form of suicide,
but are often too cowardly to go through with
it, at least without wallowing in their misery
for a century or two first. They prey on their
victims with full regret, hating themselves
ever more with each life they take until they
are convinced that the next they should take is
their own.

The Vengeful
The vampire is a creature consumed by
revenge, often without reason. Many
vampires from folklore fit this archetype. As
an undead creature, cold and always hungry,
the vampire is embittered towards the living.
In this bitterness and jealousy of life, the
vampire revenges itself on those who still
have the pleasures of food and warmth that it
will never again have. It is intent on bringing
its misery and suffering to others and often
turns first to those it loved in life.
Such vampires usually have insatiable hunger
and lust that cannot be sated. They revisit
their widows and prey on their sons and

I: Vampire Rules

This section of the book is devoted to optional included so you can create your own breed of
and alternative rules that you might use for vampire.
vampires in your campaign. They include
optional rules such as using holy symbols as a ANALYSING THE
physical weapon against a vampire and
different methods of becoming a vampire.
Before you can create your own vampire, it is
best to break down and see what makes up
Creating Your Own the core rules representation of the vampire.
This is accomplished by breaking down the
Breeds of Vampire powers and weaknesses of the vampire
template into fractional CR (and ECL)
The whole purpose of this book is to provide a
modifiers for each power. From there, a new
number of variant and optional vampire types
vampire template can be constructed based on
for inclusion in your game. This work has
the old one, by adding and removing powers
attempted to reproduce many of the vampires
and weaknesses as you see fit.
from fiction and folklore for easy utilization in
any fantasy campaign. Breaking It Down
However, it’s been mentioned before, that Especially with templates, it is quite difficult
there are as many different concepts of what a to calculate what CR and ECL modifiers your
vampire is as there are people. If perchance vampire should have. Not all special attacks
you still feel that your concept of the vampire and qualities are of the same strength or
is absent in your game, the following section is power – some become potentially
I: Vampire Rules

Table 1-1: Core Vampire Template Breakdown As a general rule of thumb, ECL is calculated
Power CR as 4 + (2 × CR) for most vampire creatures.
Ability Increases (base) +¼ This is because the vampire template is not as
Alternative Form special quality +¼ powerful at higher CRs as it is at lower CRs.
Base turn resistance +4 +¼
This system is problematic at best, because at
Blood drain special attack +¼
high levels, parties usually have additional
Children of the night +¼
resources (magical items, etc) that allow them
Damage Reduction (base) 10/material bane +¼
to more readily overcome high CR creatures.
Dominate special quality +¼
At these mid to high levels a creature’s
Energy Drain special attack +½
cumulative powers have a lesser affect on its
Energy Resistance (10 to two forms) +¼
CR and ECL.
Fast Healing (base) 5 +¼
Feats (+5 bonus) +¼ Because vampires are usually template
Gaseous Form special quality +¼ creatures, any CR in excess of +4 shifts the
Natural Armor (base) +6 +¼ balance on the presented system towards the
Racial Skill bonuses (9) (+8 to each) +¼ player’s favour. For any results over a CR of
Undead Traits +¼ +4 (or an ECL of +12), lower the CR prices by
Power Subtotal +4 half. So a power that previously costed +¼ CR
Weakness CR now costs +1/8 CR.
Chemical bane (garlic) -¼
Restriction (invitation) -½ BUILDING A CUSTOM
Soulless (mirrors) -¼
Vulnerability to running water -½
Now that the vampire template has been
Vulnerability to staking, lesser -¼
broken down, it’s time to reassemble it as you
Vulnerability to sunlight -½
see fit! Simply reconstruct the template using
Weakness Subtotal -2¼
your own mix of vampiric powers and
Combined Total +2
weaknesses as outlined below.
unbalancing, especially in the hands of
Reference your MM and table 1-1 above for
players, which is why, for example, the
the CR value and description of the vampire
vampire template in the core rules has a CR of
as presented in the core rules vampire
only 2 and an ECL modifier of +8; powers
template for powers and weaknesses not
such as domination and children of the night
listed below.
in the hands of a player can seriously upset
the balance of the game. Powers
Any vampire can use any of the powers of the
Determining the CR & ECL standard vampire template as found in the
Determining the CR of any creature can be
MM. CR and ECL costs for each ability are
difficult. However, with the vampire, and
listed in table 1-1 above.
other templates, this is not quite as difficult,
because the powers of the vampire can be Unless otherwise noted, the saves for any
broken down and divided up into portions of special attacks or special qualities that allow
the CR and ECL. When creating your own CR saves to be made require the victim make a
and ECL, you should round down for figures will save with a DC equal to (10 + ½ vampire’s
less than ½ and round up for those that are ½ hit dice + vampires Cha modifier + vampire’s
or greater. age category).

The Immortal: Vampires

Table 1-2: Custom Vampire Template Powers only half as many modifiers reduces this cost
Power CR down to 1/8 for the CR.
Ability Increases (base) +¼
Alternative Form (Su): Many vampires are
Alternative Form special quality +¼
able to alter their shape into a specific type of
Alternative Form, lesser special quality +1/8
creature. This special quality comes in two
Blood Drain special attack +¼
Children of the Night special quality +¼
Compulsive Dance special attack +¼ Alternative Form, lesser: This version allows the
Control weather special quality +½ vampire to effectively polymorph at will
Damage Reduction (base) 10/elemental +¼ (except that the vampire does not regain hit
bane points by doing so) into several animal forms.
Damage Reduction (base) 10/magic +½ Cost: CR +1/8.
Damage Reduction (base) 10/material bane +¼
Alternative Form: This version is the same as
Dematerialise special quality +1
the lesser alternative form, except the vampire
Detect Thoughts special quality +¼
can take the form of dire versions of the
Dominate special quality +¼
animals, and possibly additional forms. Cost:
Energy Drain special attack +½ CR +¼.
Energy Resistance (10 to two forms) +¼
Fast Healing (base) 5 +¼ Compulsive Dance (Su): Like the boabban
Fast Healing, lesser (base) (1-4) +1/8 sith, the vampire is able to perform an alluring
Feats (+5 bonus) +¼ dance that compels others to join in. Once a
Gaseous Form special quality +¼ creature begins to dance, it cannot stop until it
Improved Jump special quality +¼ is exhausted. Upon seeing the vampire dance,
Mind Fog special quality +¼ a creature must make a successful will save vs
Natural Armor (base) +6 +¼ DC (10 + the vampire’s hit dice + its charisma
Poisonous breath special attack +¼ modifier) or be compelled to join it in the
Racial Skill bonuses (9) (+8 to each) +¼ dance. This ability is a special attack. Cost: CR
Regeneration (base) 5 +½ +¼.
Regeneration, lesser (base) (1-4) +¼ Control Weather (Su): This special quality
Speed Increase +¼ functions as a spell-like ability that the
Stunning Glance special attack +¼ vampire can cast at will as a 14th level druid.
Suggestion special quality +1/8
Cost: CR +½.
Teleport special quality +½
Turn Resistance (base) +2 +1/8 Damage Reduction (Base) (Su): Damage
Turn Resistance (base) +4 +¼ reduction comes in a variety of forms, and
Undead Traits +¼ almost all vampires have it to some degree,
Withering Grasp special attack +¼ though often the method of overcoming it is
Ability Increases (Base): Upon becoming a
The base DR for any vampire template is 10,
vampire, the base creature usually experiences
but the condition for negating it determines its
an increase in several of its ability scores in
overall cost:
addition to the null constitution score from
having its type changed to undead. The base DR 10/Elemental Bane: The damage reduction
vampire template found in the MM has a total can be overcome by an energy type. The
of +18 divided up amongst all the abilities. vampire cannot have a resistance of any kind
to its elemental bane; Cost: CR +¼.
A base ability increase of around +18 total
(give or take 2) increases the CR by ¼. Adding

I: Vampire Rules

DR 10/Magic: The damage reduction can only Fast Heal 5: This fast heal ability has a value of
be overcome by a magical weapon or better; 5, enough to make a real difference in combat.
Cost: CR +½. Cost: CR +¼.
DR 10/Material Bane: The damage reduction Improved Jump (Ex): The vampire with this
can be overcome by the material bane of the special quality is capable of making incredible,
vampire, or by a magic or better weapon. inhuman jumps. At each new age category,
Prerequisite: material bane weakness; Cost: starting with the 2nd, the DC for both jumping
CR +¼. long and high is reduced by 1 for each foot. So
at the 1st age category, to jump 4 feet the
Damage reduction is a special quality.
vampire must succeed as normal, a DC 16
Dematerialise (Su): A vampire with this jump check. However, if the vampire were in
special quality is capable of dematerialising its its 2nd age category, the DC would be reduced
body into an incorporeal form as a standard to just 12 (3 for each foot instead of 4).
action. While in this state, it is able to both
Once a vampire reaches the 5th age category,
move through solid matter and teleport
the DC for each foot is halved from 1 to just ½,
without error. While in this state, the vampire
and this is halved again for each age category
can choose to remain visible or become
thereafter. Often by such a stage, the vampire
invisible. Regardless of which, it remains
has gained the ability to fly.
incorporeal until it rematerialises.
Cost: CR +¼.
The teleporting ability of the dematerialisation
functions as the spell Greater Teleport as cast Mind Fog (Ex): Vampires with this special
by a 14th level character. The vampire uses this quality can fog the minds of victims that they
ability to teleport back to its coffin, which may take blood from and do not kill. They can
be miles away from where it otherwise cloud the memories of the event, leaving a
‘appears’ to live. confused victim that remembers little to
nothing of what happened. The victim must
When the vampire rematerialises, it is also
make a will save with a –2 penalty as a DC
able to remove any evidence on its person of
equal to (10 + ½ vampire’s hit dice + vampires
where it has been.
Cha modifier + vampire’s age category).
Cost: CR +1.
Cost: CR +¼.
Detect Thoughts (Su): At will, the vampire
Poisonous Breath (Ex): The vampire with this
with this special quality can detect thoughts as
special quality has a deadly breath that
the spell.
poisons those who smell it. The stench is so
Cost: CR +¼. foul that all creatures within a 30 ft. radius of
Fast Heal (base) (Ex): Most vampires have the the vampire that breathe must make a DC 16
fast heal special quality. Fast heal comes in fortitude save or suffer 2d6 points of
several forms. immediate constitution damage and another
2d6 points of constitution damage as
Fast Heal, lesser: The fast heal ability is ranged secondary damage one minute later.
between 1-4, and is only so effective in
Cost: CR +¼.
combat. Fast heal special qualities of this type
can be upgraded with age categories just like Regeneration (base) (Ex): Very rarely
any other. If they have a value less than 4, it vampires possess regeneration instead of the
can be upgraded up to 4 for free, but will cost fast heal special quality. Like fast heal, it has
the same as any other fast heal upgrade two forms.
otherwise. Cost: CR +1/8.

The Immortal: Vampires

Regeneration, lesser: The regeneration special Table 1-3: Custom Vampire Template
quality is ranged between 1-4, and is only so Weaknesses
effective in combat. Regeneration special Weakness CR
qualities of this type can be upgraded with Animal bane, greater -½
age categories just like any other. If they have Animal bane, lesser -¼
a value less than 4, it can be upgraded up to 4 Chemical bane -¼
for free, but will cost the same as any other Daytime Weakness -¼
fast heal upgrade otherwise. Cost: CR +¼. Death sleep -¼
Dire Elemental Bane (acid, fire) -¾
Regeneration 5: This regeneration special
Dire Elemental Bane (cold, electricity) -½
quality has a value of 5, enough to make a real
Elemental bane (acid, fire) -¼
difference in combat. Cost: CR +½.
Elemental bane (cold, electricity) -1/8
Speed Increase (Ex): The vampire experiences Material bane -¼
a speed boost of +10 ft. to its primary speed Obsessive compulsive -½
type. Restriction -½
Cost: CR +¼. Soulless -¼
Vulnerability to running water -½
Stunning Glance (Su): Vampires with this Vulnerability to staking, greater -½
special attack can stun with a glance, like a Vulnerability to staking, lesser -¼
nymph. As a standard action, a wrathful Vulnerability to sunlight -½
vampire can stun a creature within 30 feet
with a look. The target creature must succeed Withering Grasp (Su): Vampires with this
on a Fortitude save or be stunned for 2d4 special attack are capable of making a touch
rounds. attack that drains 1d4 points of strength from
the target. This ability can only be used once
Cost: CR +¼. per round.
Suggestion (Su): Vampires with this special Cost: CR +¼.
quality use natural charm and a form of
telepathic suggestion to lure their victims. Weaknesses
This ability works like a suggestion spell, and Animal Bane: The vampire is repelled by the
can be used at will according to the rules for presence of a certain kind of animal. There are
that spell. two forms of this weakness – lesser and
Cost: CR +1/8. greater. A vampire with a lesser animal bane
is repelled by the presence of an animal within
Teleport (Su): The vampire can teleport itself 30 ft. of its person. A vampire with a greater
and its items, but no others, as per a teleport, animal bane is affected in the same way, but to
greater spell as cast by a 14th level character. a 100 ft. radius.
This is an amazing special quality.
For each age category the vampire has, this
Cost: CR +½. weakness is lessened by 5 ft. for a lesser
Turn Resistance (Base): Vampires with this animal bane and 10 ft. for a greater animal
special quality have extra resistance to the bane.
cleric’s turn undead class ability. The base cost Any animal or vermin found in the MM may
for a turn resistance of +2 is CR +1/8, ECL +½, be selected to be the animal bane of a vampire.
while the base cost for a turn resistance +4 is Dire versions of these animals have the same
CR +½. effect on the vampire, as do related species.
For example, if a vampire’s animal bane

I: Vampire Rules

focuses on dogs, wolves, dire wolves and Attacks of this kind may also stop the
other canines also affect the vampire in the vampire’s Fast Heal or Regeneration ability
same way. until the vampire gains fresh blood. The
scarring (especially from acid and fire)
A vampire may not have an alternative form
remains sometimes for years.
in the shape of the animal type of its animal
bane. A dire elemental bane (acid or fire) decreases
the CR of a vampire by ¾. A dire elemental
A lesser animal bane reduces the CR of a
bane (cold or electricity) decreases the CR of a
vampire by ¼. A greater animal bane reduces
vampire by ½.
the CR of a vampire by ½.
Elemental Bane: A vampire with an elemental
Chemical Bane: A vampire with a chemical
bane is especially vulnerable to a certain kind
bane is allergic to a certain kind of chemical,
of energy. Damage of this energy type is
usually found in herbs, plants or extracts. This
sufficient to overcome the vampire’s damage
allergen repels the vampire within 5 ft.
reduction. A vampire may have an elemental
keeping it at bay.
bane in place of a material bane.
Additionally, a slashing or piercing weapon
Attacks of this kind may also stunt the
laced or coated with the chemical bane is
vampire’s Fast Heal or regeneration ability for
capable of overcoming the vampire’s damage
1 round.
reduction as long as magic or epic weapons
are not normally required to negate it. An elemental bane (acid or fire) decreases the
CR of a vampire by ¼. An elemental bane
Successful strikes with this kind of weapon
(cold or electricity) decreases the CR of a
also stunt the vampire’s fast heal or
vampire by 1/8.
regeneration ability for one round.
Material Bane: A vampire with a material
A chemical bane reduces the CR of a vampire
bane has a weakness to a certain kind of
by ¼.
mineral, metal or material. Weapons blended
Daytime Weakness: The vampire is weakened or made from this material are capable of
during the daytime. During the day, none of overcoming the vampire’s damage reduction.
the vampire’s supernatural powers or special
qualities are active.
Daytime weakness reduces the CR of a Cold Iron
vampire by ¼. Copper
Death Sleep: Unless the vampire succeeds at a Darkwood
Will save vs. DC 22, it will shortly fall into a Gold
deep sleep with the coming dawn. For each Mithral
age category above 1st this DC is reduced by 1 Platinum
point. Silver
Death sleep reduces the CR of a vampire by ¼. Wood
Dire Elemental Bane: A vampire with a dire The material bane reduces the vampire’s CR
elemental bane is seriously vulnerable to a by ¼.
certain kind of energy. Damage of this energy
type is sufficient to overcome the vampire’s Soulless: The vampire is not in possession of
damage reduction. A vampire may have a dire its own soul and as such is unable to cast a
elemental bane in place of a material bane. reflection. Sometimes it doesn’t even have a

The Immortal: Vampires

shadow. Such vampires recoil from mirrors, a a wooden stake or metal spike through the
constant reminder of what they have lost. heart or another vulnerable spot in the
vampire’s anatomy.
The soulless weakness reduces the vampire’s
CR by ¼. Lesser vulnerability to staking decreases the
vampire’s CR by ¼. Greater vulnerability to
Obsessive Compulsive: The vampire is
staking reduces it instead by ½.
afflicted with an inexplicable fascination with
counting. When presented with a large Vulnerability to Sunlight: Sunlight has a
number of seeds, grains or similar small lethal affect on the vampire. The actual affect
objects, it must count each grain or seed before is dependant upon whether or not the
it can move on. It takes 1 second to count each. vampire has an elemental bane (fire) or not.
The vampire can still respond if attacked as
In general, a fledgling vampire is disoriented
normal, but will return to the fascination
in sunlight, and if it doesn’t move out of it is
when it is no longer threatened. It cannot
destroyed the following round. Generally a
move from the spot until its compulsion is
vampire can last twice as long in sunlight for
each age category it possess.
Obsessive compulsive reduces the vampire’s
Vulnerability to sunlight reduces the CR of the
CR by ½.
vampire by ½.
Restriction: A vampire with a restriction is
The romantic vampire as presented in section
limited to a certain kind of rule or power.
two is party to different rules.
Limited Activity, greater: The vampire is only
able to become active on (a) certain day(s) of BLUTSAUGER
the month.
Sample Custom Vampire Template
Limited Activity, lesser: There are certain hours The blutsauger is a variation on the original
that the vampire is allowed to be active and vampire as presented in the core rules MM.
certain hours that it must rest in its grave.
Table 1-4: The Blutsauger Sample Custom
Alternatively, one day of the week they must Vampire Template
return to their grave for the entire day Power CR
(usually a Sabbath or equivalent holy day). Ability Increases (base) +¼
Invitation: The vampire is unable to enter a Base turn resistance +4 +¼
private house, dwelling or building of any Blood drain special attack +¼
kind without invitation. Any place that is Damage Reduction (base) 10/magic +½
public, or that is publicly accessible does not Energy Resistance (10 to two forms) +¼
count. Fast Healing (base) 5 +¼
Natural Armor (base) +6 +¼
Each restriction reduces the vampire’s CR by Undead Traits +¼
½. Power Subtotal +2¼
Vulnerability to Running Water: The Weakness CR
vampire fears and may be destroyed by Chemical bane (garlic) -¼
emersion in running water. Soulless (mirrors) -¼
Vulnerability to staking, greater -½
Vulnerability to running water reduces the
Weakness Subtotal -1
vampire’s CR by ½.
Total +1
Vulnerability to Staking: The vampire can be
either destroyed or disabled by either driving

I: Vampire Rules

Table 1-6: Sample Age Category Progression

Vampire ——— Abilities ——— Damage Fast Turn Salient
Age Category Years Str Dex Int Wis Cha Speed Reduction Heal Resist AC CR Powers
1st 0-24 +6 +4 +2 +2 +4 +10 ft. 10/silver 5 +4 +6 +2 1
2nd 25-49 +8 +4 +4 +4 +4 +10 ft. 10/silver 6 +5 +6 +3 2
3rd 50-99 +10 +6 +4 +4 +6 +20 ft. 10/magic 6 +6 +8 +4 3
4th 100-249 +12 +6 +6 +6 +6 +20 ft. 10/magic 7 +7 +8 +5 4
5th 250-499 +14 +8 +6 +6 +8 +30 ft. 15/magic 7 +8 +10 +6 5
6th 500-999 +16 +8 +8 +8 +8 +30 ft. 15/magic 8 +9 +10 +7 6
7th 1000-2999 +18 +10 +8 +8 +10 +40 ft. 20/magic 8 +10 +12 +8 7
8th 3000-4999 +20 +10 +10 +10 +10 +40 ft. 20/magic 9 +11 +12 +9 8
9th 5000-7499 +22 +12 +10 +10 +12 +50 ft. 20/epic 9 +12 +14 +10 9
10th 7500+ +24 +12 +12 +12 +12 +50 ft. 20/epic 10 +13 +14 +11 10

vampires, you may do so in a similar fashion

Optional Rules to creating a custom vampire template.

The following rules are purely optional As a rough guideline, each age category
additions to those presented in either this should increase the CR of the base vampire
book or in the MM of your core rules books. template by +1 or thereabouts (rounding up or
AGE CATEGORIES The 1st age category is always the vampire as
Age categories can be used to advance your presented in its template. Age categories can
vampire by age instead of by level as if by only be advanced with age, or by optional
class. Many vampires are considered to grow rules involving the transferring of blood
more powerful with age, and this can be between older and younger vampires.
simulated with a template upgrade at certain
points in a vampire’s life. Sample Age Category
Table 1-6 above provides a sample of age
Creating Age Categories category progression for vampires. At each
If you’ve created your own vampire template, new age category, the vampire also receives a
or want to extend the powers of existing salient power, as detailed later in this section.
Table 1-5: Age Category Modifiers
Modifier CR
Ability Increases (total of 6 points) +¼ Aging and appearances is a purely cosmetic
DR increase by 5 +¼ development for any vampire breed, but can
DR upgrade from xx/elemental bane to +½ add some additional depth to flesh out such
xx/magic creatures.
DR upgrade from xx/magic to xx/epic +½
DR upgrade from xx/material bane to +¼
New Vampires at Different Ages
xx/magic How vampires change at different age groups
when they become vampires.
Energy Resistance (10) +1 more type +¼
Fast Heal upgrade to Regeneration +¼ Children
Fast Heal/Regeneration increase by +1 +¼ Children remain trapped in the undeveloped
Natural Armor increase by +2 +¼ body of a child for all eternity. Adolescents
Turn Resistance increase by +2 +¼ never will truly develop into adults.
Speed Increase, major +1
Speed Increase, minor +¼ Or

The Immortal: Vampires

Children quickly develop into adolescents,

while adolescents become young adults,
maturing 5-10 years as the change takes place. Many vampires are considered not to have a
soul, though this is not always the case. The
Adults Ch’ing Shih is a good exception – it is
Adults look to be perfectly in their prime – animated by the lower soul. Other vampires
their mid to late twenties. are said to be animated by a demonic entity.
In general, if a vampire cannot cast a reflection
Middle Aged in a mirror, or a shadow, it is soulless.
Those in their middle years have new lines
smoothed out and the skin revitalised, looking Vampires that retain their souls not only have
5-10 years younger and in their prime. no difficulty whatsoever casting shadows or
reflections, but they also generally are not
The Elderly bound to a specific moral or ethical alignment,
The elderly look ten or even fifteen years and experience no alignment shift at creation.
younger than they did before dying. Colour
There are suggestions later on in this section
returns to their hair, or if absent, even old hair
for soulless vampires to attain their old or a
grows back.
new soul, and what effects if any that has on
Growing Older the vampire.
Changes that may occur in a vampire as it The vampire is also known for its cool-to-the
ages supernaturally. touch body, something that, like the problem
of casting no shadow or reflection, can make a
Angelic Appearance
vampire easier to detect.
The vampire takes on a more angelic
appearance with age – the skin becomes Blood Warms the Heart
smoother, whiter and slightly more reflective, The vampire is normally cold to the touch, but
lines smooth out over time and the eyes take feeding raises its body temperature to normal
on a light that seems to shine from within.
levels, allowing the vampire to blend more
Demonic Appearance easily with other humanoids.
As the vampire ages, it takes on a more
demonic appearance, becoming less and less
Cold as the Dead
The vampire is extremely cold to the touch,
human and more of something else entirely.
and is essentially cold blooded. As it cannot
Truly ancient vampires of these kinds may not
warm itself in sunlight, its body is generally as
even look at all human. The skin takes on a
cold as the night or the place that it dwells.
ruddy tough look and the face deforms until it
Most vampires are of this type.
is no longer recognisable.
It takes 1 hour for its body to adapt to a new
Timelessness temperature environment (such as coming out
The older a vampire gets, the harder its age is from the cold and sitting in a warm tavern).
to judge. Old vampires take on an appearance
that could easily be judged ten years older or Lower Body Temperature
younger than the vampire actually was when The vampire has a significantly lower body
it died. Older vampires may have an even temperature than humanoids, but it is not so
more varied appearance. very different that is very noticeable.
Vampires are cool to the touch, but not
inhumanly so.

I: Vampire Rules

as a vampire (though how this might happen

CHEMICAL BANES to an evil creature is debatable) by doing
Instead of garlic simply keeping a vampire at
good. Helping others or the like, she may be
bay, it may instead, if dressed or laced on a
approached by the avatar or servant of a good
blade, permit an otherwise ineffective weapon
deity (if they were a good cleric in life, it may
to overcome the vampire’s damage reduction,
be their former god) that might deliver a
as if it were silver.
message that the god is willing to absolve the
Different kinds of vampires might have vampire and restore her soul if she atones for
different chemical banes. her sins.
This would ideally involve a quest or goal of
CURING VAMPIRISM some sort that must be accomplished, and
It may be that you play a game where a may take from years to centuries to complete,
member of your good party is turned into a depending on the former evil of the vampire.
vampire. Normally, the only way to grant rest
to your former friend is to destroy them If the task is accomplished, the vampire is
permanently. However, perhaps there are a restored to her mortal life.
few obscure ways that a vampire might be
Atonement Variant
restored to life as she was before she was
Instead of being restored to life, the vampire
has her soul returned and is able to keep her
Regardless of the method used below, if powers so long as she does good.
mortality is restored to a former vampire, she
will begin to age one year for every minute Magic Ritual
after the transformation unless a heal spell is Ritual might instead be used to restore life to
applied. The former vampire’s appearance the vampire. Casting atonement, followed by
slows according to the time when the heal cure disease, followed by a heal spell might be
spell is applied. a simple process as outlining the procedure of
returning mortality to a vampire.
If left, she will continue to age until she dies of
‘old age’.
Atonement and Redemption The vampire might very well look completely
human in every respect, including recessed
If somehow the vampire tries to lead a good
fangs, until in a hunger it takes on a demonic
life and atone for the sins she has committed
appearance. Such vampires are prone to

The Immortal: Vampires

hissing. At option, the level adjustment of characters

that have become vampires may decrease at
The transformation can be made as a free
high levels, rebalancing the vampire template
action, and is required before a vampire can
for high level and epic play.
use its energy drain, blood drain or similar
draining ability. Level 14-20: The ECL is reduced from +8 to +6
(or by ¼ for other non-standard templates).
Demonic Face
Level 21+: The ECL is reduced to just +4 (or by
The vampire’s face swells and distorts, giving
½ of its original ECL for other non-standard
it a more primal and animalistic appearance,
including fangs and glowing eyes.
The Challenge Rating of the vampire remains
Feral Features unchanged.
The vampire’s eyes take on a wolf-like
appearance and the fangs draw out. HOLY SYMBOLS
Holy Symbols in the hands of the faithful are a
Feral Features Variant
weapon that not only can be used as an aide in
The vampire’s fingernails quickly grow out,
the turning of vampires, but also to wound the
giving the vampire a claw attack equivalent to
vampire in a similar method to holy water.
a slam attack.
To use a holy symbol against a vampire (or
Hybrid Form other creature affected by holy water), the
The vampire takes on a lycanthropic image of symbol must represent a good deity, and the
a half-humanoid-half-beast, usually half way wielder must be a member of that faith.
between human form and that of a bat or wolf.
On a successful melee attack against the
Such vampires may indeed be mistaken for
lycanthropes when they attack. vampire, the holy symbol causes 1d4 points of
fire damage. If the wielder is a cleric and it is
Vampires of this kind also have access to any the symbol of her deity, she also adds half her
natural attacks of their competed form. level (rounded down) in bonus damage to the
roll. For example, 2nd level cleric will deal
ECL DECREASES OVER TIME 1d4+1 points of fire damage with her holy
At low levels, vampire powers grant an symbol, while a 6th level cleric’s damage will
incredibly high advantage to player be 1d4+3. A 1st level cleric is not yet strong
characters, which is reflected in the high level enough in her faith to cause additional
adjustment. Having damage reduction, fast damage.
heal and draining attacks means that few
The burning caused by the holy water scars
creatures are capable of damaging the
the vampire as if it were fire damage.
vampire character, and they are easily
dispatched with the vampire’s other powers. In addition, a blessed or consecrated holy
Not to mention the advantages of ability symbol, when placed in the resting place of
increases, bonus feats and bonuses to skills. the vampire while it is away prevents it from
resting there (but only if it is affected by holy
As a character progresses into higher levels
however, becoming a vampire will have less
effect on the character compared to at lower
levels. More and more creatures are able to
damage the vampire character or resist their Because they feed on blood alone, vampires
attacks. normally are not capable of holding down
food or drink – their bodies do not work the

I: Vampire Rules

same way as the metabolism of a living Hairless

creature. The vampire has little to no body hair on other
parts of its body, other than on its head. The
Hold it Down vampire cannot grow facial hair (like an elf),
The vampire is able to hold down limited and what hair it does have on its head is thin
amounts of food and drink for a short amount and silky.
of time. After the period expires, the vampire
will vomit violently and become nauseated for Stagnant Hair Growth
2d4 rounds unless it intentionally regurgitates The vampire’s hair remains exactly as it did
the food before hand. A vampire can imbibe upon death, and cannot for any reason grow.
food for 2d10 + the vampire’s age category in Cutting the vampire’s hair causes it to regrow
minutes. with the vampire’s fast healing or
regeneration ability.
Giving the illusion of eating food helps a
vampire to disguise its nature.
The vampire’s hands are often characterised
Mixed Beverages
by sharp nails that can be used both for
The vampire is capable of imbibing drink,
digging out of a grave and slashing victims.
including alcoholic beverages, without ill
effect so long as it has at least a 50/50 ratio of Claws
blood to liquid. The vampire has claws like an animal rather
than a humanoid, and is capable of making a
PHYSICAL APPEARANCES claw attack, usually dealing 1d6 damage.
Vampires come in all shapes and sizes, a fact
that is especially apparent between the breeds. Extremely Long
The vampire’s nails are excessively long and
Bloated sharp (4-10”), and can be used as a lethal
The vampire looks constantly bloated, or weapon. The vampire’s unarmed attacks deal
bloated just after feeding. Female vampires lethal damage and deal 1d4 to 1d6 instead of
may look almost pregnant, while male 1d3 damage.
vampires have a pot belly and look as if they
have over eaten. Glassy
The vampire’s nails are slightly translucent
Hair like glass and more reflective than normal.
Hair is a curious topic to discuss regarding They are also harder, and sharper and allow
vampires. Can a dead creature grow hair as the vampire to make a lethal unarmed strike
normal? at 1d4 damage instead of 1d3.

Bald Normal
The vampire is either balding or completely The vampire’s nails are as a normal member
bald, at least on the top of its head. of its race.

Excessive Body Hair Sharpened

The vampire has excessive body hair in some The vampire’s nails are harder and sharper
shape or form. It may have hairy palms, a than normal, allowing the vampire to deal
mono-brow, bushy eyebrows and excessive lethal damage with its unarmed strikes.
ear hair in addition to a thick mop of hair.

The Immortal: Vampires

Skin Iron Teeth

The vampire’s skin varies from myth to myth The vampire has a mouth full of needle-sharp
as well as in folklore and popular fiction. teeth that appear to be made of a substance
like iron. Such teeth can deliver a bite attack
Corpse-Pale capable of dealing 1d4 damage in addition to
The vampire’s skin leaves few doubts about the vampire’s normal blood drain ability, if it
the nature of the vampire. It physically looks is normally used as a bite attack.
like someone who has recently died.
Lateral Incisors
Flushed Red The vampire’s two outward incisors (the teeth
The vampire has a red face, or possibly is red on the upper row between the two front teeth
from head to toe, from being full of blood. and the upper canines) are sharp and pointed.
This is a form commonly seen in 60s and 70s
Hammer horror films.
The vampire’s skin is darkened by the
presence of blood, as if lightly bruised all over. Normal
Pale vampires can appear normal flesh and The vampire’s teeth appear as normal, or are
blood. Often this change occurs after feeding. only subtly sharp so that they are not
ordinarily noticed. The canines may be much
sharper than is apparent.
The vampire appears as if a living statue, out
of pure white marble. The vampire’s skin
might be slightly reflective or more absorbent
There is a number of ways in folklore and
than normal. Vampires of this kind often have
myth to prevent a corpse from rising as a
a high natural armor bonus.
vampire after death. After all, there are few
Pale variants of the vampire that rise instantly after
The vampire is very pale for its race, but death as the undead – most take at least a few
otherwise indistinguishable from the living. days to return.
The principle idea behind these methods is
not really preventing the
A vampire’s teeth can be just as varied as the
vampire from
appearance of its skin.

The vampire has the classic pointed fangs that
are far longer than normal canines.

Canines and Incisors

Both the vampire’s canines and lateral (outer)
incisors are sharp and pointed.

Central Incisors
The vampire’s most prominent and sharp
teeth are its central incisors (two front teeth).
Count Orlock (of Nosferatu fame) has teeth of
this kind.

I: Vampire Rules

being created, but rather, preventing potential Stake Through the Heart
vampires from escaping their graves to pursue
The principle idea behind staking a vampire is
the living.
to pin it to its grave so that it cannot rise to
For the most part, these methods are effective stalk the living.
against the victims of the nosferatu, master
Depending on the legend, this can be done in
vampire and core vampire templates as found
a number of ways, including staking through
in this book and the MM, as well as those
the heart with a wooden stake, or staking an
vampires from folklore that are of European
iron spike through the forehead.

These methods also prevent corpses from REGAINING THE SOUL

rising as vampire spawn. Some vampires are considered soulless, and
for this reason may be unable to cast
Beheading reflections or shadows. They are considered
Beheading the corpse ensures that it cannot under the control of a demonic force, which
rise again as a vampire, at least as long as the animates their corpus and drives them to evil
disembodied head is kept away from the rest acts.
of the corpse. This method is most popularly
Regaining a soul requires either obtaining the
employed along with staking and a copious
vampire’s original soul from the demonic
application of either garlic or holy wafers to
the mouth. force that seized it, or the afterlife (or
consequently the deity that possess it) where it
Garlic dwells.
Stuffing cloves of garlic in the corpses mouth Such quests are often long and arduous, and
and filling its coffin with copious amounts of may be the subject around which an entire
the herb can prevent the onset of vampirism. high level or even epic campaign might be
The only problem is, if the garlic rots and based.
decomposes before the corpse’s heart does, the
corpse may still become a vampire and rise If a vampire regains its soul by any of the
again. Such vampires however are left with a above methods the following modifications
need be made.
destroyed mind and remember nothing of
their former lives or selves, not even a name. v It is able to cast both a shadow and a
Such creatures are only able to use their reflection once more if it wasn’t able to
abilities, saves, natural attacks, and base attack
bonuses – their feats and skills as well as any v Its original alignment is restored.
class abilities are as forgotten as their
v If its moral alignment is good, it gains +2 to
its turn resistance. If instead it is moral
Holy Wafers alignment is neutral, it is increased instead
The clerics of good deities can acquire holy by only +1. Those who are still evil are
wafers from their church or temple, and these unchanged.
can then be used to stuff the mouths of
corpses that have the potential to rise again as SALIENT POWERS
a vampire. If you choose to create age categories for your
vampires, you may wish to add salient powers
Any corpse whose mouth has been stuffed as well. Salient powers are new spell-like and
with holy wafers can never rise to become a

The Immortal: Vampires

supernatural abilities that a vampire may need to be within visual range to use this
develop as it ages through age categories. ability.

For each new age category, a vampire should Flight

develop a new salient power. The vampire can take to the air with the force
of its powerful mind.
Alter Self
The vampire gains alter self as a spell-like Prerequisite: 4th age category or greater,
ability. levitation salient power.

Benefit: The vampire may use the spell alter Benefit: The vampire gains the ability to fly at
self as many times a day as their age category. its run speed with manoeuvrability equal to
its age category, starting with poor at the 4th
Blood Frenzy age category.
The vampire enters a barbarian-like rage on
sight or smell of fresh humanoid blood. Special: Romantic vampires can gain this
salient power without possessing the
Benefit: The vampire must make a DC 15 will levitation salient power.
save or fly into a rage (as a 1st level barbarian)
until it successfully drains a quantity of blood Greater Sight
equal to the amount by which it failed the will The vampire has greater night vision than
save. others of its kind.
The vampire can voluntarily enter this state a Prerequisite: The vampire does not already
number of times per day equal to its age have darkvision up to 120 ft.
Benefit: The vampire gains darkvision up to
Blood Gluttony 120 ft.
The vampire can draw large amounts of
Improved Potency
The vampire’s special attacks and abilities are
Benefit: The vampire can drain 2d4 instead of especially potent.
1d4 constitution points per round, but must
Prerequisite: Potency salient power.
also feed on twice as much blood as usual. In
addition, the DC modifier for the vampire’s Benefit: The DC of saves vs. the vampire’s
will saves to limit its feeding is increased to powers increase further by +2.
Extrasense The vampire can levitate as the spell at will.
The vampire has an awareness that extends Benefit: At will the vampire may levitate as the
beyond its physical senses. spell. This ability functions only for the
Benefit: The vampire can use its powerful vampire and the items it carries. It cannot be
extrasensory powers to ‘feel’ the presence and used on another creature.
location of any non-shielded mind within a
Magic Sensitivity
radius of 100 feet for every 50 years (including
The vampire is extra sensitive to magic and
simulated years from age category
can sense its presence.
advancement) of unlife.
Benefit: The vampire gains detect magic as a
Special: If the vampire has the detect thoughts
spell-like ability and may use it up to a
special quality, its range extends to the extent
number of times per day equal to its age
of its extrasense range. The vampire does not

I: Vampire Rules

Table 1-7: Vampire Salient Powers

Name Prerequisite Benefit
Alter self • Alter Self spell-like ability
Blood Frenzy • Barbarian-like rage
Blood Gluttony • Drain twice as much blood
Extrasense • Sense those around you
Flight Age Category 4+, Levitate Ability to fly at run speed
Greater Sight • Darkvision 120 ft.
Improved Potency Potency Vampire special attack DCs increase by +2
Levitate • Levitation spell-like ability
Magic Sensitivity • Detect magic spell-like ability
Photographic Memory Int 15+ Recall in photographic detail
Potency • Vampire special attack DCs increase by +2
Spider Climb • Spider climb as base vampire
Summon Monster • May summon monster equal to Age Category
Telekinesis • Gain telekinesis equal to Age Category/day
Tongues Understanding Understand and speak any language
Total Recall Photographic Memory Recall memories in complete detail
Understanding • Understand any language

Table 1-8: Romantic Vampire Salient Powers

Name Prerequisite Benefit
Immolate Millennium Child+ Fire attack, 2d6+age category, x2 to vampires
Immolation Immunity Immolation Resistance Immunity or +8 to Will vs. Immolation attacks
Immolation Resistance • +4 Will saves vs. Immolation attacks
Telekinesis, Greater Elder+, Telekinesis Very powerful telekinesis
Telekinesis, Massive Ancient+, Telekinesis, Greater Extremely powerful telekinesis

Photographic Memory Spider Climb

The vampire possesses a photographic The vampire can climb surfaces as if under the
memory and is able to call up images of influence of a spider climb spell.
events in pristine detail.
Prerequisite: The vampire type does not
Prerequisite: Int 15 + already possess the spider climb special
Benefit: The vampire can recall its memories
in graphic detail, including whole pages of Benefit: The vampire can climb sheer surfaces
text that it has memorised. This enables it to at will as if under the influence of spider climb
memorise spells in half as much time as usual spell. In addition, the vampire may walk on
if it has levels in the wizard class. In addition, walls with this ability.
in general, the vampire needs less time to
study materials to memorise them. Summon Monster
The vampire is able to conjure forth a creature
Potency to aid it in battle.
The vampire’s special attacks and abilities
Benefit: The vampire is able to once a day
hold more strength than usual.
summon monster x as the spell where x is equal
Benefit: The save DCs for the vampire’s to her age category.
powers increase by +2.

The Immortal: Vampires

Telekinesis strength of such beings, and may be

The vampire can move things with the power inappropriate for other vampire types.
of its mind.
Benefit: The vampire can cast telekinesis a The vampire can ignite the very blood of its
number of times per day equal to her age enemies on fire.
Prerequisite: Millennium Child age category
Tongues or older.
The vampire is able to understand and speak Benefit: The vampire may send a wave of
any language. psychic energy penetrating the body of an
Prerequisite: Understanding salient power. enemy and igniting the blood on fire. The
vampire makes a ranged touch attack. If it
Benefit: The vampire is able not only to succeeds, the victim must make a will save as
understand any language, but also speak it as normal against the vampire’s attack. If they
if by the spell tongues. fail, their blood erupts in flame, causing 2d6 +
Total Recall the vampire’s age category + the vampire’s
The vampire has total recollection of Charisma modifier in damage.
everything it has ever done since developing This attack deals double damage to any other
this ability. vampires (even other strains of vampire, but
Prerequisite: Photographic Memory salient only those vulnerable to fire or sunlight) and
power. in addition, the vampire must make a second
will save the following round or suffer
Benefit: The vampire is able to recall any secondary damage equal to half the damage of
event that took place in its life after the first attack.
developing this salient power instantly and in
photographic detail. Immolation Immunity
The vampire is immune to all but the most
Special: Because of the vampire’s scrutiny of
powerful immolation attacks.
its own memory, the vampire receives a +2
bonus to its saves against spells that affect the Prerequisite: Immolation resistance salient
memory. power.

Understanding Benefit: The vampire gains a +8 bonus to Will

The vampire is able to understand any saves against immolation attacks.
language. Additionally, the vampire is immune to
immolation attacks from any vampire that is
Benefit: The vampire is able to understand the not equal to or higher than the vampire in age
tongues of others as if permanently under the categories.
influence of a comprehend languages spell.
Immolation Resistance
ROMANTIC VAMPIRE The vampire is especially resistant to other
vampires’ immolate salient powers.
The romantic vampire presented in section Benefit: The vampire gains a +4 bonus to Will
two is by far the most powerful vampire saves made to save against immolation
variant, despite its lack of alternative forms. attacks.
The following salient powers reflect the

I: Vampire Rules

Telekinesis, Greater However, if an enemy comes within 10 feet of

The vampire has far greater command of its sleeping corpse, the vampire becomes
telekinesis than usual. animate and attacks any creature that enters
its space, regardless of their intentions. If the
Prerequisite: Telekinesis salient ability and creature leaves the space, the vampire’s
Elder age category or older. unconscious body returns to its repose unless
Benefit: The vampire can use her telekinesis at disturbed again.
ten times the strength of the spell (4000 ft. +
400 ft./level range and 250 lb./level weight). Native Soil
The vampire must sleep in its native soil, or in
Telekinesis, Massive a coffin either surrounded by or containing its
The vampire has unsurpassed ability for using native soil. Native soil is soil from the
telekinesis. vampire’s birth land in life.
Prerequisite: Greater telekinesis salient power
and Ancient or older age category.
Sleeping Patterns
Dusk to Dawn
Benefit: The vampire is powerfully gifted The vampire is active from sundown to
with telekinesis and can lift tons of weight sunup.
with the power of its mind alone. Massive
telekinesis is a hundred times greater in Dawn to Dusk
power than the spell, though it can only be The vampire is only active during the day.
focused in a 20° cone. During the telekinesis, Such vampires are sometimes called anti-
the vampire can take no other actions and vampires or reverse-vampires. Such vampires
must concentrate completely. cannot be affected by daylight.

The base range is 40,000 ft + 4000 ft./level and Lunar Cycles

the vampire can manipulate 2500 lb./level of The vampire only rises on the three nights of
weight up to a maximum of 37,500 lb. or 18¾ the full moon, or the three nights of the new
tons! moon.

SLEEPING Midday to Midnight

A vampire’s sleeping habits are not really The vampire is active daily, but only between
discussed in the core rules, though they can the hours of midday and midnight. Such
have a profound effect on rendering a vampires are not affected by sunlight.
vampire vulnerable.
The vampire only rises once a month to feed
As the Dead
before returning to the grave.
For all intents and purpose, the vampire is a
corpse when in repose. It is prone to attack Yearly
and may easily be destroyed if discovered. The vampire only rises once per year to seek
out a single victim before returning to the cold
Coffins & Graves grave.
The vampire must repose in a coffin, crypt or
other type of grave. Trance-like State
The vampire enters a semiconscious state
Defensive Repose when it rests – it is aware of its surroundings
The vampire is unconscious, and for all intents but is unable to act.
and purposes still as death when in slumber.

The Immortal: Vampires

The vampire may be able to break the trance Larger amounts when imbibed may bestow
at specific times of the day to move around the vampire’s Fast Heal special quality on the
successfully. For example, the master vampire drinker. Vampire blood vials and potions are
is able to break its trance and move about presented later on in ‘equipment’. For stronger
without potion durations, add the vampire’s age
category to the duration, but increase the base
VAMPIRE BLOOD price of the blood by 25% for each.
Vampire blood is a subject that reoccurs often
especially in modern vampire lore. According Variant Rules
to these more modern myths (those created by
popular fiction and not folklore), a vampire’s The following variant rules are alternatives to
power is in its blood – the blood is what those presented in the vampire and vampire
animates and allows the body to survive in spawn entries of the MM and also the
death. templates presented here in this book.

Vampire Blood as a Drug BECOMING A VAMPIRE

Vampire blood when ingested by non- According to the core rules, vampires are
vampires is an addictive drug that provides a created when a victim with 5 or more hit die is
rush, heightening the imbiber’s senses and drained of all constitution points with the
granting a +1 bonus to attack and damage and vampire’s blood drain special attack. The
a +2 bonus to listen, search and spot checks for following offers a few variant possibilities on
every age category of the vampire whose how a vampire might come to be created.
blood is consumed. The affects last for 1d4 + 1
hour for each age category of the vampire. Blood of a Vampire
However, this is followed by a period of To become a vampire in death, all a creature
incoherency and dull-wittedness that causes a need do is to drink or even taste the blood of a
–1 penalty to attack and damage and a –2 vampire. However, this occurrence will not
penalty to all skills for each age category of happen until after the creature has died of
the vampire. natural causes or otherwise.

Vampire Blood as an Enthraller Once the creature is dead, its body is interred
A mortal creature that tastes the blood of a and three nights later it is transformed into a
vampire falls under its sway (as Mina Harker vampire and feed on the living. Such
in Dracula). The vampire receives a +4 bonus vampires are as subservant to the vampires
to scry checks to locate the enthralled creature, which they tasted blood from as if they were
and if the creature is successfully scried, the created in the usual way.
vampire can use its domination or suggestion If the master has been destroyed before the
special attacks to control the character from a creature dies, the individual cannot rise as a
distance. vampire.

Vampire Blood as a Healing Agent Blood Transfusion

The extraordinary healing properties of the Becoming a vampire is normally so simple
vampire are passed on to the imbiber of its that vampires might easily be made
blood. A mere drop of blood may heal 1 Hit accidentally. If you wish to give vampires
Point of damage, and may be used by the more meaning and significance in your
vampire to close a victim’s wounds to destroy campaign, you might rule that vampires must
the evidence.

I: Vampire Rules

deliberately attempt to create another Plague of the Undead

Perhaps vampirism is an epidemic in your
This requires that the vampire drain its victim campaign. Instead of the MM rule of vampires
to 0 constitution points. The creature is at the being created when another vampire drains a
point of death, and will shortly pass over. creature of all its constitution in a Blood Drain,
However, if the vampire intercedes by sharing any creature (that qualifies for the template)
its blood with the victim, the victim undergoes that is merely the victim of the vampire’s
the transformation into a vampire. Blood Drain attack will become a vampire (or
spawn) when they die.
If you are looking for more specific rules,
consider those presented in the Romantic This means even someone who was only
Vampire entry in this book. briefly bitten once, even decades before, if
killed, will rise as a vampire.
Committing Suicide
Ending ones own life may lead to undead Pure Evil
resurrection as a vampire in response to the Especially amongst folklore traditions, it was
individual’s insult to the gift of the gods – life. believed that a truly evil individual could rise
as a vampire in death. Only the vilest
Unless properly buried within three days and
individuals are evil enough for this to occur.
preventative measures take place on the
When it does, the evil creature is usually a
corpse, the dead creature may rise again as a
Master Vampire.
Only mortal creatures can become a vampire
It is not bound to any master, and may in turn
in this way.
create its own vampiric spawn or servants.

Divine Curse Ritual Magic

Dark and potent arcane power is certainly an
It may be possible that a creature is cursed
avenue for pursuing the life of vampire. For
with the affliction of vampirism for offending
all the drawbacks of being a vampire, it is not
or wronging a deity, or a particularly
hard to see that those of evil or even neutral
powerful spellcaster, in some way. The
dispositions may see the benefits as
creature is struck down by divine energy and
outweighing the detriments. Such characters
passes out of consciousness. When it revives,
may be enticed to seek out the life of a
it’s been transformed into a vampire. Often
vampire, usually by becoming inflicted with
this kind of curse is a part of a greater curse
vampirism by dying at the hands of a
that ensures that the vampire will never,
throughout all eternity, find true happiness.
However, the drawback of this method is that
Such vampires are bound to no masters, and
the character will then be subject to the will of
may actually be even more powerful than
the vampire that created her.
other vampires (such as possessing the Master
Vampire template) and may never truly be Those with arcane power might instead
destroyed until they have found redemption. beseech the lower planes or evil deities for the
Such vampires regenerate after 100 years, power to become a vampire. By pursing this
even if they are totally destroyed, until their method the spellcaster is able to escape the
curse is relieved. dominion of a master vampire and become
one herself instead.
The soul of the individual is held by the god
that cursed them. This can be accomplished through ritual
magic that involves summoning for a brief

The Immortal: Vampires

amount of time a demon, devil or avatar of an even bitten by a vampire will become one in
evil god. death.

Soul Pact Because this might feasibly be problematic in

Conjuration (summoning) [evil] your game, consider instead altering the rules
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S, M To create a new vampire, a vampire must visit
Casting Time: 10 minutes and draw blood from its victims on three
Range: Personal separate visitations, drawing at least 3
Duration: Forever constitution points each visit.
Saving Throw: None When the victim dies, she will rise again 1d4
Spell Resistance: No days later as a vampire.
The spellcaster ritually summons a demon,
devil or the avatar or servant of an evil deity
Transition Period
to sell her soul in exchange for the powers of a As well as the method of becoming a vampire,
vampire. The type of creature summoned there can be variation in the amount of time it
depends on the creature’s ethical alignment takes for a deceased character to rise as a
and spellcasting class. vampire.

Arcane spellcasters of lawful alignments 3 Nights

summon a devil, chaotic alignments summon The newly created vampire rises three nights
a demon, while neutral alignments summon after death, usually after it has been just
their choice of either. buried in a grave or tomb.

Divine spellcasters instead summon the 40 Nights

emissary of an evil god. 40 nights is the most common number in
folklore for the resurrection of a corpse as a
The summoned creature arrives with a
symbolic contract, which the spellcaster then
must sign. Upon signing it, the summoned Midnight After Death
creature appropriates the spellcaster’s soul The vampire reanimates on the stroke of
and transmutes the spellcaster into a vampire midnight on the day of its actual death.
(select the type before hand, though it cannot
be a romantic vampire, or any other kind that Month After Death
clearly possesses its own soul). The vampire reanimates exactly one month
after its death.
Material Component: A gem-encrusted golden
chalice of humanoid blood worth at least 1000 Year After Death
gp. The vampire rises on the first anniversary of
its death.
Three Bites & You’re Out
For many of the vampires presented in this Vampirism as a Disease
book, there are specific conditions that cause a Especially in modern times, a possible
corpse or living person to become a vampire. explanation for the condition of vampirism is
However, for the nosferatu, master vampire that it is a powerful disease that alters the
and core vampire as presented in the MM, molecular structure of the body.
vampires could epidemically spread like a This makes vampirism a sort of blood virus,
plague due to the fact that any victim killed or which can be transmitted through a vampire’s

I: Vampire Rules

bite, exposed contact with or drinking the further amounts of the same blood has little to
vampire’s blood, or from sexual intercourse. A no effect.
victim must make a DC 15 + the vampire’s age
category (if it has no age category, than the Angel Blood
DC is simply 16) Fortitude save or she will Angel’s blood is incredibly pleasant to the
contract the disease. taste, and is sweet like honey.

After 12d6 hours, the failed victim collapses Angel’s blood stays in the vampire’s system
and physically changes into a vampire. for 2d6+2 hours and grants the ability to speak
in tongues, as the spell of the same name.
Dormant vampirism can be removed before
the change takes place with a simple remove Angel’s blood also bestows upon the vampire
disease spell. various additional affects depending on
BLOOD DRAINING If the vampire is evil, it also gains 25 × the
Nearly all vampires drain blood from living angel’s Hit Dice in bonus experience points
victims. The blood drain ability is quite the first time it drinks of a particular angel’s
powerful (especially in the hands of player blood. If the evil vampire drains an angel
characters), and blood itself can be powerful, directly of all blood, it instead gains 50 × the
depending on the vessel. angels Hit Dice in experience points.

Blood Drain Hit Points If a vampire is of good alignment and it

Blood drain attacks normally deal constitution drinks of an individual angel’s blood, it
damage. At option instead they deal Hit Point receives an experience penalty of 25 × the
damage. This renders a vampire relatively angels Hit Dice in experience points. If it
drains the angel’s blood completely, this
weak compared to other vampires and should
lower the ECL of the vampire by 2. penalty increases instead to 50 × the angels Hit
Dice in bonus experience points.
Blood Drain Hit Points Variant
If the vampire is of neutral alignment it
The vampire’s blood drain deals Hit Point
receives no bonuses or penalty experience
damage, but deals 2d6 points per round
points for drinking the Angel’s blood.
instead of 1d6. The ECL for such vampires is
reduced by 1, not 2. Archon, Eladrin, Guardinal and Titan blood
also has the same effect.
Effects of Different Blood
The fantasy world is one populated by Demon Blood
literally hundreds of civilised, sentient races, Demon blood is for the most part vile to the
all of which may provide sustenance to the taste (although incubus and succubus blood is
vampire. said to be extremely pleasant) and bestows
upon the drinker immunity to turning for 1d4
A vampire may attempt to find sustenance + ½ the demon’s Hit Dice in hours.
from any corporeal creature that has a
physical body and blood coursing through its Devil blood has the same effect.
veins. Drinking the blood of certain kinds of Divine Blood
creatures may have various results as follows: If a vampire consumes the blood of a god of
Note: The vampire may experience the effects one or more divine ranks it receives the
of the following blood types by consuming 5 following effect:
or more constitution points worth of the
blood. Unless otherwise noted, drinking

The Immortal: Vampires

v Fire resistance identical to the deity’s for Fey Blood

1d4 + the deity’s divine rank in hours. Fey blood puts the vampire slightly out of
If the vampire drains the god of one or more touch with the world. Time seems to function
divine ranks completely of blood, the differently, slowing things right down. To the
following occurs: vampire, everything appears to be moving in
slow motion. Coupled with the vampire’s
v The vampire absorbs half of the divine innate speed and reflexes, she can perform
ranks of the god, possibly attaining twice as many actions in a single round as
demigod status or even full godhood. If the usual (make actions as if determining two
god has only one divine rank, it instead rounds).
becomes divine rank 0 and receives the
benefit of becoming a quasi-deity. This out-of-sync effect works in the negative
also – every 1d6+1 rounds, the vampire’s
v If the vampire is of opposite moral or perceptions alternate so that instead they see
ethical alignment to the god, it gains things speed up twice as fast as normal,
enough experience to put it half way into allowing the vampire to take one round of
its next level. If it is of both opposite moral actions over two rounds.
and ethical alignment, it instead gains
enough experience to advance it half way The effects are quite an intense rollercoaster
into its next two levels. that last in total for 1d6 hours.

v Alternatively if the vampire is of the same Troll Blood

moral or ethical alignment, it looses a level. Troll blood tastes rancid like black oil, but
When it looses this level, its experience is bestows upon the drinker superior fast
set back to halfway between its lower level healing. For 1d3×10 minutes, the vampire’s
and the level it lost. If it has the same fast healing special ability increases by a
alignment of the god, it instead looses two further two points.
levels, reverting back to half way between
two levels below. CREATURE TYPES
Most vampire templates are applicable only to
Dragon Blood humanoid and monstrous humanoid
Ingesting dragon’s blood is like tasting liquid creatures. At option, you may instead rule that
fire. The blood gives the vampire a drug-like any creature with blood in its veins may
euphoria accompanied by a feeling of raw become a vampire.
arcane power. Once ingested, the lingering
effects of dragon blood stay for 1d4 + the By this method, vampire dragons, outsiders
dragon’s age category in hours. and the like become possible.

Dragon blood also bestows blindsense, a spell CRITICAL HITS

resistance equal to 10 + the dragon’s age
Normally, all undead creatures are immune to
category and a one-time bonus of 100 × the
critical hits. The vampire however, with its
dragon’s age modifier in experience points.
unique vulnerabilities may at option be hit by
This experience point bonus is for each
critical hits if specific conditions (usually also
individual dragon only – consuming more specific to different vampire breeds) are met.
blood from the same dragon a second time
will have no effect. Exceptional Critical Hits
You may rule that vampires that are disabled
or destroyed by a stake through the heart (or
other part of their body) may be immune to all

I: Vampire Rules

critical hits from weapons save those that

could be used to stake it in other
circumstances. In myth and folklore the method of blood
draining is almost as variable as the vampire
For example, a spear, which is a legends themselves.
predominantly wooden weapon could be used
on a critical hit to impale a core vampire Absorbent Skin
through the heart. However, you may The vampire draws blood through the skin
additionally rule that it requires a specific with its touch instead of a bite. The vampire
strength score to achieve this, because the still must succeed on a grapple check to blood
metal part of the spear must be pushed drain as normal.
through the heart entirely for the wooden
shaft to pierce it. Arrows could work in a Blood Magnet
similar manner, as could any weapon with a The vampire can draw blood as a ranged
wooden shaft, so long as it could be pushed in touch attack (30 ft.), sucking the blood out of
deep enough. its victim from afar. However, such attacks are
not as effective as a direct drain, and the
Material Banes Score Critical Hits vampire can only drain 1d2 points of
If a vampire has a material bane, such as the constitution per round.
core vampire’s vulnerability to silver
weapons, weapons of that type may still score Dire Blood Magnetism [Salient Power]
critical hits irregardless of the vampire’s Prerequisite: The vampire uses the blood
normal critical hit immunity. magnet variety of blood draining.
Benefit: The vampire can either make a
Weapons Laced With Chemical ranged touch blood drain attack on as many
Banes Score Critical Hits targets within its range as its age category, or
Like the above rule, you may opt that make half as many draining 1d4 points of
weapons coated in the vampire’s chemical constitution instead of 1d2.
bane may score critical hits that ignore the Normal: The vampire that has blood
vampire’s normal immunity to them. magnetism can only make one ranged touch
attack per round to drain 1d2 points of
Destroying a vampire also destroys all of its
progeny (spawn and vampires), and Deadly Kiss
subsequently any progeny that they in turn The vampire draws blood with its kiss instead
have created. When this happens, all the of its fangs or by other methods. This is for the
vampires turn to ash. For a bit of variance, most part magical in nature. To maintain a
perhaps succeeding on a will save at DC 22 forced kiss, the vampire must as normal
allows the vampire to survive its progenitor’s succeed on a grapple check.
Foot Fetish
Destroying a Progenitor Variant The vampire makes its bite on the foot,
If any of the progenitor’s creations are only usually the big toe, feeding from the otherwise
newly made vampires (within the last month unassuming victim while it sleeps. If the
or so), they may instead be restored to their victim is awake, the attack is made with the
mortal selves when the progenitor is standard grapple check.

The Immortal: Vampires

Piercing the Heart MOONPOWER

The vampire feeds directly from the heart, and Some vampires of mythology were rumoured
so draws blood with its long fangs from the to draw power from the moon. Vampires that
victim’s torso. If the victim’s chest is draw power from the moon are most powerful
armoured, the armour must first be removed. when the moon is full and most vulnerable at
Even if a foe is unarmoured, a standard the new moon.
grapple check is required to make a blood
drain attack. Possessing this form of feeding at Half Moon
option may reduce the CR of the vampire by During the half moon, the vampire is at
¼ and the ECL by 1. normal strength and receives no bonuses or
penalties due to the moon phases.
Early romantic literature depicting the
During the 5 days leading up to and after the
vampire, mentions its ability to glide across
full moon, the vampire receives a +1 bonus to
the ground instead of walk. The same image
all skill checks, attack rolls, Strength and
has been presented numerous times in various
Dexterity. The DC for any of the vampire’s
vampire films.
powers that require saves is increased by 1.
Vampires that glide do so at a maximum of The vampire’s fast healing or regeneration
their walking speed. Such vampires can glide special quality also increases by +1.
across flat surfaces a few inches above the
During the three nights of the full moon, the
ground and are also able to glide across
vampire receives a +2 bonus to all skill checks,
stagnant or still pools of water.
attack rolls, Strength and Dexterity. The DC
for any of the vampire’s powers that require
IMMUNITIES saves is increased by 2. The vampire’s fast
As undead creatures, vampires are immune to
healing or regeneration special quality also
disease and poisons, which includes the
increases by +2.
effects of drugs and alcohol. If you wish to
present a closer to human vampire, consider New Moon
the following variant rule. During the 5 days leading up to and after the
new moon, the vampire receives a –1 penalty
Fast Curing to all skill checks, attack rolls, Strength and
The vampire is not immune to poisons, toxins Dexterity. The DC for any of the vampire’s
or disease, but is able to quickly cure the powers that require saves is reduced by 1. The
disease without the need for external help. vampire’s fast healing or regeneration special
The vampire heals 1 point of temporary ability quality also decreases by 1. If this would
damage for each ability every hour. Once its render its fast healing or regeneration bonus
abilities are fully restored, it is cured to 0, it is rendered non-functional until it
completely of the poison or disease. returns above 1.
By this method, the vampire is able to become During the three nights of the new moon, the
intoxicated or high, but quickly recovers. vampire receives a –2 penalty to all skill
The vampire is not affected by diseases or checks, attack rolls, Strength and Dexterity.
poisons that affect constitution as its The DC for any of the vampire’s powers that
constitution score is a nonability. require saves is reduced by 2. If this would
render its fast healing or regeneration bonus

I: Vampire Rules

to 0, it is rendered non-functional until it Modify the base vampire template for the elf
returns above 1. as follows.

Armor: The base creature’s natural armor

RACIAL VARIANTS increases by +4.
Becoming a vampire causes dramatic changes
in humans that are more apparent to the Special Qualities: If the elf is a drow, and
player than it might be for other races. only a drow, add the following special quality.
Becoming a vampire enhances the human’s Spell Resistance (Ex): The drow’s inherent
existing abilities, making a well-rounded spell resistance increases as a vampire. Its base
character even more versatile. is 13 + character level (instead of 11).
Other races however are specialised. For Abilities: The base creature’s abilities increase
example, the dwarf has great constitution, the as follows: Str +4, Dex +6, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha
elf is extra dexterous and the half-orc is +4. As an undead creature, the elven vampire
strong. has no constitution score.
The following variants change the core
vampire template, as found in your MM, Gnome
subtly for various races. Gnomes experience a boost in their armor and
charismatic powers as vampires, though they
Dwarf are not as strong or as fast as some.
The dwarf’s strong point becomes almost Modify the base vampire template for the
redundant for the dwarven vampire, as it no gnome as follows.
longer has a constitution score.
Armor: The base creature’s natural armor
Modify the base vampire template for the bonus increases by +8.
dwarf as follows.
Abilities: The gnome’s abilities increase as
Armor: The base creature’s natural armor follows: Str +4, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +6.
increases by +10. The dwarf’s normal high As undead creatures, gnomish vampires have
constitution is offset in death by a higher no constitution score.
natural armor bonus.
Spell-Like Abilities: The vampiric gnome
Abilities: The dwarven vampire’s abilities are gains in addition to its normal powers one 1st
increased as the standard vampire template, level spell of its choice with the illusion
but due to the dwarf’s inherent charisma descriptor that it may cast 1/day as a 3rd level
modifier (-2), the vampiric powers are sorcerer.
consequently weaker.
Elf Half-celestials and asimars rarely become
Elves are naturally dextrous and have a grace vampires, but it is not impossible. They take
and beauty about them that only becomes on the vampire variant of their mortal parent,
enhanced with vampirism. Their incredibly but also are changed as follows.
long life spans allows them to easily adjust to
immortality, at least more easily than others, Special Qualities: The half-celestial or asimar
and they can more convincingly live amongst vampire gains the following quality.
mortal creatures for a long period of time, Turn Resistance (Ex): The base creature’s
especially in human communities, where the turn resistance is +8. Good clerics can rebuke a
elf’s extensive life span is taken for granted. half-celestial or asimar vampire of good
alignment, while evil clerics can turn them.

The Immortal: Vampires

Alignment: The half-celestial/asimar vampire vampires, but its mental abilities (which are
is able to retain its original alignment and is charisma based) are stunted.
not strictly condoned to a life of evil.
Half-Dragon The halfling is small and dextrous, but lacks
The half-dragon vampire is a fearsome sight. strength due to its small size. This changes
Vampirism enhances the half-dragon’s somewhat in unlife, as the halfling’s strength
abilities considerably. is augmented by vampirism.
Modify the base vampire template for the half- Statistically, goblins are very similar to
dragon as follows. halflings, and goblin vampires experience the
same changes.
Armor: The base creature’s natural armor
increases by +8. Modify the base vampire template for the
halfling and goblin as follows.
Abilities: The base creature’s abilities should
be increased as follows. Str +8, Dex +4, Int +2, Speed: Increase the halfing vampire’s base
Wis +2, Cha +2. As an undead creature, the speed by +10 feet.
half-dragon vampire has no constitution score.
Abilities: Increase to Str +4, Dex +8, Int +2,
Half-Elf Wis +2, Cha +2. As an undead creature, the
halfling vampire has no constitution score.
Half-elves are identical to human vampires.
The halfling is faster and more dextrous than
Half-Fiend/Tiefling most other vampires, but is slightly less potent
Half-fiends and tieflings are identical to either with its domination and other mental powers.
their mortal parent race, except as follows.
Special Qualities: The half-fiend or tiefling Most vampires (at least at the first age
vampire gains the following quality.
category are capable of regenerating Hit
Turn Resistance (Ex): The base creature’s Points almost faster than they are lost
turn resistance is +8. (especially if you equate in vampiric Damage
Reduction). Alternatively, the vampire’s
Half-Orcs/Orcs healing ability can be toned down, especially
Half-orcs are known for their strength if you’re trying to mimic more recent TV
compared to humans and other civilised races. vampires in your game.
Becoming a vampire only serves to enhance
the half-orc’s strength. Every Minute
Instead of healing every round, the vampire
Modify the base vampire template for the half-
heals 10 times slower, regenerating hit points
orc and orc as follows.
every minute instead. If you wish to break this
Armor: The base creature’s natural armor further down into rounds, a standard MM
increases by +8. Half-orcs and orcs are tougher vampire would regenerate 1 Hit Point every
opponents as vampires than others of their other round.
Every Hour
Abilities: Increase to Str +10, Dex +6, Int +2.
The vampire’s fast heal special quality is
As an undead creature, the half-orc/orcish
active only on the hour. This means a
vampire has no constitution score. The half-
standard MM vampire heals 1 Hit Point every
orc vampire is stronger than most other

I: Vampire Rules

6 minutes. That’s still incredibly fast Material Bane Stakes

compared to other humanoids.
The vampire can be staked by its material
bane (silver for a standard MM vampire) in
addition to wood. Any piercing weapon that
You might rule that vampires have the
can penetrate the vampire’s weak point and is
extraordinary ability to regenerate limbs, but
made of the vampire’s material bane, is able to
that this occurs over a long period of time
be used to stake the vampire.
(usually weeks or days at best). This is not the
same as the Regeneration special quality, Alternative Weak Point
which is much faster – it is a variant of the
Instead of piercing the heart, the vampire
Fast Heal special quality.
must be pierced in an alternative location,
such as the neck, forehead, feet or any other
SPAWN VS. NEW VAMPIRES place on the body.
The vampire spawn presented in the core
rules has no basis in either folklore or popular Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
fiction, and is a creation of the designers of the Staking a vampire turns the vampire to dust,
d20 system. The following are some variant destroying it forever.
rules that apply to the Vampire template in
the MM, dealing with the creation of Vampire Ashes to Ashes Variant
Spawn as opposed to new Vampires. A vampire that is staked must make a DC 24
fortitude save or be permanently destroyed. A
No Spawn vampire receives its age category as a bonus
Instead of a vampire creating spawn if the on these saves.
creature killed is slain by either the vampire’s
energy drain or is of low Hit Dice and drained Stasis
of blood, victims are killed if they are energy A staked vampire is completely immobilised.
drained, or become vampires if drained of For all intents and purposes, it is dead.
blood. However, if the stake is removed, it instantly
begins fast healing from even a skeletal state.
Energy Drain Vs. Blood Drain If the wood disintegrates, like wise the
Another variant to consider is changing the vampire resumes healing and can rise again.
rules of the core Vampire template slightly
again so that if a vampire drains its victim
using its energy drain, it becomes a vampire
New Equipment
spawn. If it is instead by blood drain, it The following section details a number of
becomes a new vampire, regardless of hit dice. vampire-related items – either used against
vampires to aid in their destruction, or used
STAKING A VAMPIRE by vampires themselves against each other.
Most vampires can be staked with a wooden Included is a number of traditional vampire
stake or iron spike. Especially in folklore, the hunting weapons, such as the wooden stake
true reason for this is not as a method of and the iron spike, as well as a number of
destroying a vampire, but rather, preventing it original weapons, mostly scythe variants,
from rising from the grave to torment the designed to do extra damage against
living. vampires.

The Immortal: Vampires

Table 1-9: Weapons

Weapon Cost Dmg (s) Dmg (m) Critical Range Type
Iron Spike 1 gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 - Piercing
Wooden Stake - 1d3-1 1d4-1 19-20/x2 - Piercing

drinker. When imbibed, this potion grants the

WEAPONS Fast Heal special quality on the user for 2d4+1
Iron Spike: This is essentially a length of rounds.
wrought iron that has been hammered to a
sharp point. Vampire Blood, Vial: This is a small vial of
vampire blood that is often worn as a part of a
Wooden Stake: The wooden stake is
necklace, sometimes given to favoured
essentially a sharpened piece of wood, long
mortals as a gift in case the mortal gets in
and thick enough to drive through a medium
trouble. The vial contains enough blood to
humanoid’s heart.
grant the fast heal special quality to the
drinker for 1d3 rounds.
Table 1-10: Adventuring Gear SPECIAL MATERIALS
Item Cost Weight
Table 1-11: Nonstandard Metal Materials
Herbs (chemical bane) 1 sp —
Material Cost Hard. Hit Points
Mallet, iron 5 gp 4 lb.
Bronze -25% 9 30/" of thickness
Mallet, wooden 1 gp 3 lb.
Copper -40% 6 25/" of thickness
Vampire blood, potion 250 gp —
Gold Blend 200% 7 25/" of thickness
Vampire blood, vial 100 gp 1 lb.
Silver Blend 150% 8 25/" of thickness
Herbs: Actually represents a variety of Platinum Blend 300% 8 25/" of thickness
different herbs, from garlic to monk’s hood
Bronze: Bronze is an alloy that is close to the
(wolves bane). Each unit includes enough for
hardness of iron, but more brittle. It is used
an application to a slashing or piercing
commonly in societies what have not yet
weapon. Each application lasts for five
learnt to use iron effectively. Bronze weapons
successful hits.
break more easily than iron weapons and do
Mallet, Iron: This consists of a wooden shaft not hold an edge as easily. Because of this,
with a metallic end, useful for driving iron weapons of bronze incur a
spikes or wooden stakes home. Provides a +2 –1 penalty to attack and damage rolls.
bonus to attack rolls with an iron spike or
Copper: Copper weapons are softer than
wooden stake, but requires both hands to be
bronze or iron and as such incur a –1 penalty
to attack and a –2 penalty to damage.
Mallet, Wooden: This is basically a pure wood
Gold Blend: Gold is too soft to create practical
version of the iron mallet, and is useful only
weapons out of. However, with the aid of
for driving home wooden stakes. It provides a
alchemy, it can be alloyed with iron to make a
+2 bonus to attack rolls when using a wooden
gold blended weapon. Gold blended weapons
stake, but requires that both hands be used.
are softer than iron, and incur a –1 penalty to
Vampire Blood, Potion: This is a potion of attack and damage.
vampire blood mixed with preservatives and
Silver Blend: As gold blended weapons only
other reagents that when drunk bestow the with silver instead.
healing properties of the vampire upon the

I: Vampire Rules

Platinum Blend: For a precious metal, These robes activate on command to alter the
platinum is relatively hard, and incurs only a appearance of the wearer as if by an alter self
–1 penalty to damage. spell.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous
Magic Items Item, alter self; Price 10,800 gp; Weight 3 lb.

Wizards and sorcerers are perhaps not Cloak of Darkness: The cloak of darkness
uncommon to the ranks of the vampiric creates a 20 ft radius of supernatural darkness
undead. Such creatures are likely to craft around the wearer on command. The area
magical items, especially those that might within the aura can be lit as normal as if it
otherwise aid them in eliminating or working were ordinary darkness, but
around their few shortcomings. natural sunlight cannot
penetrate it.
Heartseeker: This +1 keen vampire bane MINOR
darkwood dagger was created specifically ARTEFACTS
for fighting vampires. Instead of being Masque of Archonis: The
made of steel or iron, the dagger is Masques of Archonis were created
made of darkwood. When it would by the vampiric god Archonis for the
score a critical hit against a benefit of his most devoted mortal
vampire, it successfully stakes followers. He created seven in all, to be
any vampire type that is
gifted to the heads of his seven churches
vulnerable to a wooden stake throughout the Multiverse.
through a vital area,
regardless of the vampire’s Each mask is crafted of demon bone and
immunity to critical hits. forms a vile impression of a fanged skull.
When worn, each bestows its wearer with the
WONDROUS Heartseeker
powers of the undead. The mask increases its
wearer’s strength by +10, and whilst worn
ITEMS gives all the benefits of the undead type (as
Shadow Image Amulet: The shadow image found in the appendix of the MM).
amulet is an ingenious creation designed to
Strong transmutation [evil]; CL 19th; Weight 3
better allow vampires to pass as mortals. The
amulet constantly projects a silent image that
both creates a shadow and casts a reflection
for any vampire that otherwise could not cast
a shadow or reflection. This ability is Eternal: The origins of this enigmatic ring are
automatic. quite simply unknown, however its powers
are legend among vampiric circles.
Faint illusion; CL 1st ; Craft Wondrous Item,
silent image; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. The ring, which depicts two serpents (one of
silver and one of gold) encircling each other
Robe of Pleasing Appearance: This fine silk and creating an eternal knot, when worn
robe is created to perform minor cosmetic renders a vampire immune to all the negative
changes to the wearer. It is useful for a effects of its nature.
vampire to disguise its inhuman qualities.
v Immunity to fire: Vampires are no longer
damaged by fire. Vampires with damage

The Immortal: Vampires

reductions overcome by fire are now Ra, renders the wearer completely immune to
overcome by magic instead. fire and the effects of all the spells listed in the
sun domain.
v Immunity to sunlight: Vampires affected
by the sunlight may walk during the The cloak is said to be created by the goddess
daytime at full power and without fear. Isis with the intention to give it to her
They need not rest, and cannot be deceased brother-husband Osiris to ward off
destroyed by fire so long as the ring is on the harmful effects of sunlight upon him. Isis
their person. infused the garment with the secrets she learnt
from Ra by discovering his true name.
v Immunity to running water: Running
However, the night before the cloak was to be
water will not hinder the vampire in any
given to her husband, it was stolen from Isis’
way shape or form.
realm by an unknown thief.
v Immunity to turning: The vampire cannot
The current whereabouts of the artefact is
be turned except by a deity.
v Immunity to Chemical, Material and
While this artefact alone is a powerful form of
Psychological Banes: Garlic, silver, holy
protection for its wearer, it is coveted by the
symbols and mirrors have no effect on the
vampire, for it not only bestows the above
vampire so long as it wears the ring.
powers upon the wearer, but also, if the
v Regeneration: Instead of its fast heal wearer be a vampire, renders the vampire
special quality, the vampire receives completely immune to the negative effects of
regeneration equal to its fast heal value. sunlight and any spells that might mimic or
In many cases, a vampire wearing Eternal utilise it.
cannot be destroyed unless the ring is first
Grail of Sepheliné: This palladium and gold-
inlaid chalice was crafted by the vampire
goddess Sepheliné to provide her with eternal
sustenance. However, in addition to being an
endless supply of humanoid blood, a curious
effect occurs if a non-vampire drinks of the
Drinking from the goblet is said to transform
the drinker into a master vampire. In such
instances, the soul of the master vampire is
transferred into the goblet itself, and the only
way to restore it would be to destroy the
Sepheliné in her goodness is overprotective of
the chalice, and never allows any mortal
creature to drink of the cup.
Enigma of Ra: This cloak, woven of a strange
blend of exotic silks and covered in the
symbology associated with the Egyptian god

II: Vampiric Bestiary

The following section is dedicated to monster Name: This is the name by which the creature
entries for a variety of vampires from folklore, is generally known. The descriptive text may
mythology, and popular fiction. provide other names.

READING THE ENTRIES Size and Type: This line describes the
creature’s size. A size modifier applies to the
Each vampire monster description is
creature’s Armor Class (AC) and attack bonus,
organized in the same standard general
as well as to certain skills. A creature’s size
format as found in all fantasy d20 System
also determines how far it can reach to make a
products detailing monster entries.
melee attack and how much space it occupies
Templates are slightly different because they in a fight (see Space/Reach, below).
build on top of an existing creature. Only
The size and type line continues with the
those areas that are either directly affected by
creature’s type. Type determines how magic
the application of the template, or those that
affects a creature. Type determines certain
need clarification are listed. You won’t find for
features, such as Hit Dice size, base attack
example, base attack/grapple on any of the
bonus, base saving throw bonuses, and skill
template entries because they are derived
from the base creature.
Hit Dice: This line gives the creature’s number
STATISTICS BLOCK and type of Hit Dice, and lists any bonus hit
This portion of a monster description contains
points. A parenthetical note gives the average
basic game information on the creature.
hit points for a creature of the indicated
number of Hit Dice. A creature’s Hit Dice total
The Immortal: Vampires

is also treated as its level for determining how Attack: This line shows the single attack the
spells affect the creature, its rate of natural creature makes with an attack action. In most
healing, and its maximum ranks in a skill. cases, this is also the attack the creature uses
when making an attack of opportunity as well.
Initiative: This line gives the creature’s
The attack line provides the weapon used
modifier on initiative checks.
(natural or manufactured), attack bonus, and
Speed: This line gives the creature’s tactical form of attack (melee or ranged). The attack
speed on land (the amount of distance it can bonus given includes modifications for size
cover in one move action). If the creature and Strength (for melee attacks) or Dexterity
wears armor that reduces its speed, the (for ranged attacks). A creature with the
creature’s base land speed follows. Weapon Finesse feat can use its Dexterity
If the creature has other modes of movement, modifier on melee attacks. If the creature uses
these are given after (or in place of) the land natural attacks, the natural weapon given here
speed. Unless noted otherwise, modes of is the creature’s primary natural weapon. If
movement are natural (not magical). the creature has several different weapons at
its disposal, the alternatives are shown, with
Armor Class: The Armor Class line gives the each different attack separated by the word
creature’s AC for normal combat and includes “or.” A creature can use one of its secondary
a parenthetical mention of the modifiers natural weapons when making an attack
contributing to it (usually size, Dexterity, and action, but if it does it takes an attack penalty,
natural armor). The creature’s touch and flat- as noted in the Full Attack section below. The
footed ACs follow the combat-ready AC. damage that each attack deals is noted
A creature’s armor proficiencies (if it has any) parenthetically. Damage from an attack is
depend on its type, but in general a creature is always at least 1 point, even if a subtraction
automatically proficient with any kind of from a die roll reduces the result to 0 or lower.
armor it is described as wearing (light, Full Attack: This line shows all the physical
medium, or heavy), and with all lighter kinds attacks the creature makes when it uses a full-
of armor. round action to make a full attack. It gives the
Base Attack/Grapple: The number before the number of attacks along with the weapon,
slash on this line is the creature’s base attack attack bonus, and form of attack (melee or
bonus (before any modifiers are applied). This ranged). The first entry is for the creature’s
number won’t often be used, but it can be primary weapon, with an attack bonus
handy sometimes, especially if the creature including modifications for size and Strength
has the Power Attack or Combat Expertise (for melee attacks) or Dexterity (for ranged
feats. attacks). A creature with the Weapon Finesse
feat can use its Dexterity modifier on melee
The number after the slash is the creature’s attacks. The remaining weapons are
grapple bonus, which is used when the secondary, and attacks with them are made
creature makes a grapple attack or when with a –5 penalty to the attack roll, no matter
someone tries to grapple the creature. The how many there are. Creatures with the
grapple bonus includes all modifiers that Multiattack feat take only a –2 penalty on
apply to the creature’s grapple checks (base secondary attacks. The damage that each
attack bonus, Strength modifier, special size attack deals is noted parenthetically. Damage
modifier, and any other applicable modifier, from an attack is always at least 1 point, even
such as a racial bonus on grapple checks). if a subtraction from a die roll reduces the
result to 0 or lower.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

A creature’s primary attack damage includes When a special ability allows a saving throw,
its full Strength modifier (1-1/2 times its the kind of save and the save DC is noted in
Strength bonus if the attack is with the the descriptive text. Most saving throws
creature’s sole natural weapon) and is given against special abilities have DCs calculated as
first. Secondary attacks add only 1/2 the follows: 10 + 1/2 the attacker’s racial Hit Dice +
creature’s Strength bonus and are given the relevant ability modifier.
second in the parentheses.
The save DC is given in the creature’s
If any attacks also have some special effect description along with the ability on which
other than damage, that information is given the DC is based.
Saves: This line gives the creature’s Fortitude,
Unless noted otherwise, creatures using Reflex, and Will save modifiers.
natural weapons deal double damage on
Abilities: This line lists the creature’s ability
critical hits.
scores, in the customary order: Str, Dex, Con,
Manufactured Weapons: Creatures that use Int, Wis, Cha. Except where noted otherwise,
swords, bows, spears, and the like follow the each creature is assumed to have the standard
same rules as characters do. The bonus for array of ability scores before racial
attacks with two-handed weapons is 1-1/2 adjustments (all 11s and 10s). To determine
times the creature’s Strength modifier (if it is a any creature’s racial ability adjustments,
bonus), and is given first. Offhand weapons subtract 10 from any even-numbered ability
add only 1/2 the Strength bonus and are given score and subtract 11 from any odd-numbered
second in the parentheses. score. (Exceptions are noted in the Combat
section of a creature’s descriptive text.)
Space/Reach: This line describes how much
space the creature takes up on the battle grid Strength: Quadrupeds can carry heavier loads
and thereby needs to fight effectively, as well than bipeds can. Any creature with four or
as how close it has to be to threaten an more motive limbs can carry a load as a
opponent. The number before the slash is the quadruped, even if it does not necessarily use
creature’s space, or how many feet one side of all the limbs at once.
the creature occupies. The number after the
Intelligence: A creature can speak all the
slash is the creature’s natural reach. If the
languages mentioned in its description, plus
creature has exceptional reach due to a
one additional language per point of
weapon, tentacle, or the like, the extended
Intelligence bonus. Any creature with an
reach and its source are noted in parentheses
Intelligence score of 3 or higher understands
at the end of the line.
at least one language (Common, unless noted
Special Attacks and Special Qualities: Many otherwise).
creatures have unusual abilities. A monster
Nonabilities: Some creatures lack certain ability
entry breaks these abilities into special attacks
scores. These creatures do not have an ability
and special qualities. The latter category
score of 0—they lack the ability altogether.
includes defenses, vulnerabilities, and other
The modifier for a nonability is +0.
special abilities that are not modes of attack. A
special ability is either extraordinary (Ex), Skills: This line gives the creature’s skills,
spell-like (Sp), or supernatural (Su). along with each skill’s modifier (including
Additional information (when needed) is adjustments for ability scores, armor check
provided in the creature’s descriptive text. penalties, and any bonuses from feats or racial
traits). All listed skills are class skills, unless

The Immortal: Vampires

the creature has a character class (noted in the include young, the infirm, slaves, or other
entry). A creature’s type and Intelligence score individuals who are not inclined to fight. If
determine the number of skill points it has. the organization line contains the term
“domesticated,” the creature is generally
The Skills section of the creature’s description
found only in the company of other creatures,
recaps racial bonuses and other adjustments to
whom it serves in some capacity.
skill modifiers for the sake of clarity; these
bonuses should not be added to the listed skill Challenge Rating: This shows the average
modifiers. level of a party of adventurers for which one
creature would make an encounter of
An asterisk (*) beside the relevant score and in
moderate difficulty.
the Skills section of the descriptive text
indicates a conditional adjustment, one that Treasure: This line reflects how much wealth
applies only in certain situations. the creature owns. In most cases, a creature
keeps valuables in its home or lair and has no
Natural Tendencies: Some creatures simply
treasure with it when it travels. Intelligent
aren’t made for certain types of physical
creatures that own useful, portable treasure
activity. If it seems clear that a particular
(such as magic items) tend to carry and use
creature simply is not made for a particular
these, leaving bulky items at home.
physical activity, that creature takes a –8
penalty on skill checks that defy its natural Alignment: This line gives the alignment that
tendencies. the creature is most likely to have. Every entry
includes a qualifier that indicates how broadly
In extreme circumstances the creature fails the
that alignment applies to the species as a
check automatically.
Feats: The line gives the creature’s feats. A
Advancement: The monster entry usually
monster gains feats just as a character does.
describes only the most commonly
Sometimes a creature has one or more bonus
encountered version of a creature. The
feats, marked with a superscript B (B).
advancement line shows how tough a creature
Creatures often do not have the prerequisites
can get, in terms of extra Hit Dice. (This is not
for a bonus feat. If this is so, the creature can
an absolute limit, but exceptions are extremely
still use the feat. If you wish to customize the
rare.) Often, intelligent creatures advance by
creature with new feats, you can reassign its
gaining a level in a character class instead of
other feats, but not its bonus feats. A creature
just gaining a new Hit Die.
cannot have a feat that is not a bonus feat
unless it has the feat’s prerequisites. Level Adjustment: This line is included in the
entries of creatures suitable for use as player
Environment: This line gives a type of climate
characters or as cohorts (usually creatures
and terrain where the creature is typically
with Intelligence scores of at least 3 and
found. This describes a tendency, but is not
possessing opposable thumbs). Add this
number to the creature’s total Hit Dice,
Organization: This line describes the kinds of including class levels, to get the creature’s
groups the creature might form. A range of effective character level (ECL). A character’s
numbers in parentheses indicates how many ECL affects the experience the character earns,
combat-ready adults are in each type of group. the amount of experience the character must
Many groups also have a number of have before gaining a new level, and the
noncombatants, expressed as a percentage of character’s starting equipment.
the fighting population. Noncombatants can

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Other Details Monsters as Characters: Some monster entries

In addition to the statistics blocks, each provide information for characters to role-play
monster entry has a short description of a a character belonging to this race in a similar
stereotypical creature (or encounter with such manner to the races found in the core Player’s
a creature) belonging to the monster race or Handbook.
template, as well as the following sections
which elaborate and flesh out the monsters so
that you may have a greater feel for them and
how they might fit in your campaign.
History: History details the origins of the
creature insofar as describing the source
materials that the entry is based on, be it
mythology, folklore or popular fiction.

Creation: Describes how a creature is made,

especially if it is a template. This also is
included with some non-template monster
entries indicating the reproductive cycle of the
Feeding: Describes the diet and dietary
requirements (if any) of the monster. Some are
more specific than others.

Sleeping: Describes the sleeping habits of the

monster, as well as the types of locations it
finds suitable for rest. Again, some entries are
more detailed than others.

Weaknesses: Describes any weaknesses of the

monster; weak points, vulnerabilities and the

Additional Details
In addition to the standard Statistics Block and
Other Details, some entries may have the
following sections also.
Characters: Found in template entries only,
Characters describes the effects of the
template on creature’s classes. Unless the
effects of a vampire template vary from the
core vampire template as presented in your
MM, this entry is absent.
Age Categories: Some vampires progress in
power with age. Age categories show the
improvement of a particular vampire template
over time.

The Immortal: Vampires

Algul History
The algul (a.k.a. ghoul, agul) comes from the
Medium Undead tales and legends of middle-eastern lands, and
Hit Dice: 1d12 (6 hp) is featured in Arabian/One Thousand and One
Initiative: +1 Nights. Algul are always female, and are
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) considered deathless demons (djinn) that
Armour Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural armor), dwell in graveyards and especially enjoy the
touch 11, flat footed 12 blood and flesh of dead infants.
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4+1) or claw +3
Alguls eat the flesh of the dead and drink the
blood of the living. Occasionally
Full Attack: 2 claws +3 melee (1d4+2) or a bite
they trick travellers into
+3 melee (1d4+1)
following them to a secluded
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
place, where they ambush
Special Attacks: Blood drain
and feed on them.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction
10/bludgeoning, fast healing 1, undead traits, Alguls sometimes
vulnerability to fire marry human men and
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2 can even bare them
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con —, Int 11, Wis offspring, but they can
10, Cha 13 be identified by the fact
Skills: Bluff +5, Perform (dance) +5 that they are only willing
Feats: Dodge to eat a few grains of rice
Environment: Any, often in per day, sneaking away at
deserts or places of the dead night to graveyards to feast on
Organisation: Solitary or in a the dead.
group (3-6)
Alguls are particularly fond of
Challenge Rating: 1
the flesh of infants.
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Almost always evil Sleeping
Advancement: 1-5 HD (medium) or by Alguls prefer to sleep in
class cemeteries, graveyards or other
Level Adjustment: +3 places of the dead. Some may
The woman looks up from her take a husband and appear to
grisly meal and snarls. Her live an almost otherwise
eyes are wild and there is ordinary night, except they
blood running from her return to feed in the
mouth and over all her cemeteries on a nightly basis.
The algul is a cemetery-dwelling The algul prefers, unless
demonic undead that comes from Algul attacking in groups, to lure away
middle-eastern tradition. They are victims that she thinks she can
female demons that devour the flesh of manage. She will attempt to bite her victims.
corpses and drink the blood of the living.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Blood Drain (Ex): The algul uses her blood Armour Class: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 deflection),
drain attack as any other vampire, and must touch 15, flat footed 12
make a grapple to pin an opponent first before Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+1
succeeding to draw blood. If the grapple check Attack: Claws +1 melee (1d4) or bite +1 melee
is successful, the algul drains 1d4 points of (1d6)
constitution and gains 5 temporary hit points. Full Attack: 2 claws +1 melee (1d4) and a bite
+1 melee (1d6)
Damage Reduction (Su): The algul has a
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
damage reduction of 10 that can be overcome
Special Attacks: Blood drain, compulsive
by bludgeoning weapons.
Fast Healing (Ex): So long as the algul’s hit Special Qualities: Bird form, baobban sith
points do not fall below 0 it heals 1 hit point weaknesses, damage reduction 5/cold iron,
per round. If it is reduced to 0 hit points, it is low-light vision
destroyed. Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 22, Int 11, Wis
Weaknesses 10, Cha 17
The algul is vulnerable to fire. The algul takes Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Gather
50% more damage from fire attacks. Information +8, Perform (dance) +16, Sense
Motive +5, Survival +5
Algul As Player Characters Feats: Dodge
Algul characters must be female and have the
Environment: Forest or mountain.
following racial traits.
Organisation: Solitary or in a group (3-6)
v +4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma. Challenge Rating: 3
v Medium size. Treasure: Standard
v An algul’s base land speed is 30 feet. Alignment: Always chaotic evil
v Racial Hit Dice: An algul always uses a d12 Advancement: 3-7 HD (medium)
as her hit dice, regardless of class. Level Adjustment: +4
v +2 natural armor bonus.
Before you is a beautiful young maiden dressed in
v Natural Weapons: Bite (1d4) and 2 claws
green. She dances about wildly, gesturing you to
(1d4). come and join her in her dance.
v Low-light vision.
v Special Attacks: Blood drain. Beneath her long green dress, the Baobban
v Special Qualities: Damage reduction Sith hides her cloven hooves. She will lure
10/bludgeoning, fast heal 1, undead traits, young men to her side and dance with them
vulnerability to fire. until they are tired and worn out. It is then
v Automatic Languages: Common and that she will reveal her true nature, embracing
abyssal. Bonus Languages: Any. the exhausted male by grappling him and
v Favored class: Any. tearing at his neck with claw and teeth,
v Level adjustment +3. lapping up the blood in the process.

Baobban Sith A baobban sith is about the height and weight

of a female half-elf.
Medium Fey Baobban sith speak common and Sylvan.
Hit Dice: 2d6+12 (19 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)

The Immortal: Vampires

History Combat
The Baobban Sith (pro. bavaan-shee) (a.k.a. Baobban sith prefer to weaken their foes
baobhan-sith) is a malicious faerie creature before attacking them. It may use its bird form
from Scottish myth and folklore. The baobban to spy upon potential victims. A solitary
sith is not actually an undead creature, but baobban sith will lure away a single victim
rather, a form of bloodsucking evil fey that where possible, and seldom attack greater
preys on young men in particular who are out numbers unless in a group. If outnumbered or
in the wilds. severely weakened, the boabban sith will try
to take its bird form and fly away. They
Creation seldom return to seek revenge upon their
Baobban sith are not created as other vampires opponents.
are. In fact, they are not undead creatures,
they are fey, and are born into their existence. Alternate Form (Su): A baobban sith can
assume the shape of a crow or raven as a
Baobban sith can create offspring with human, standard action. This ability is similar to a
half-elf or elven male, or other male fey, such polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level character,
as a satyr. The resulting child is always born except that the baobban sith does not regain
both a girl and a baobban sith. hit points for changing form and must choose
from among the forms mentioned here. While
Feeding in its alternate form, the baobban sith loses its
The baobban sith will wait for her victim to compulsive dance ability, but it gains the
become warn out from the pleasure of her natural weapons and
dancing, at which point she will cease him extraordinary special
and tear a horrendous wound in his neck with attacks of its new form. It
her fingernails and teeth, feeding from him. can remain in that
She is a particularly vicious and messy blood form until it
drinker, as much blood is wasted from the assumes
rupture of her kill.
Baobban sith require very little actual blood to
sustain them, but find a euphoric rush in
taking a life.

Baobban Sith Weaknesses

Baobban sith have the following weakness.
Repelling a Baobban Sith: Baobban sith are
afraid of and repelled by horses. The mere
presence of even a pony fills the baobban sith
with terror and fright. If a horse is within 50 ft.
of a baobban sith she becomes frightened. If it
comes within 20 ft. she runs away in terror,
using whatever means necessary to escape
(including her crow or raven form).

II: Vampiric Bestiary

another. v Natural Weapons: Bite (1d6) and 2 claws

Blood Drain (Ex): A baobban sith can suck
v Low-light vision.
blood from a living victim with its fangs by
v Special Attacks: Blood drain, compulsive
making a successful grapple check. If it pins
the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
v Special Qualities: Alternative form,
Constitution drain each round the pin is
damage reduction 5/cold iron.
maintained. On each such successful attack,
v Automatic Languages: Common and
the baobban sith gains 5 temporary hit points.
sylvan. Bonus Languages: Any.
Compulsive Dance (Su): The baobban sith v Favored class: Druid.
is able to perform an alluring dance that v Level adjustment +4.
compels others to join in with them. Once a
creature begins to dance, it cannot stop until it Cambion
is exhausted. Upon seeing the baobban sith
dance, a creature must make a successful will While rare occurrences, incubi are capable of
save vs DC 15 (10 + the baobban sith’s hit dice impregnating their victims, rarer still do the
+ her charisma modifier) or be compelled to children of such unions survive to birth, given
join her dancing. the fatality of the incubi’s visits. Those
children that come to term are born in a
A compelled creature acts as if under an catatonic state that is often mistaken for death.
enchantment spell.
Many such children are put out. Those that
Skills: Baobban sith also receive a +8 racial are nurtured and taken care of grow in their
bonus to perform (dance) checks. catatonic state, but remain as such for the first
seven years of their life.
Baobban Sith as Characters
Cambions born of succubi are much rarer, and
Baobban Sith characters possess the following
often their survival depends on the
racial traits.
temperament of the mother.
v +6 Dexterity, +12 Constitution, +6
Charisma, +2 Charisma. Sample Cambion
v Medium size. The following cambion uses a 4th level elven
v A baobban sith’s base land speed is 40 feet. bard as the base creature.
v Racial Hit Dice: A baobban sith begins with Medium Humanoid
two levels of fey, which provide 2d6 Hit Hit Dice: 4d6+4 (16 hp)
Dice, a base attack bonus of +1, and base
Initiative: +3
saving throw bonuses of Fort +0, Ref +2, Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
and Will +2. Armour Class: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 leather armor),
v Racial Skills: A baobban sith’s fey levels touch 13, flat footed 12
give it skill points equal to 6 × (5 + Int Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+3
modifier). Its class skills are Bluff, Attack: Masterwork rapier +6 melee (1d6) or
Diplomacy, Gather Information, Perform, masterwork shortbow +6 ranged (1d6)
Sense Motive, and Survival. Full Attack: Masterwork rapier +6 melee (1d6)
v +8 racial bonus on any Perform (dance) or masterwork shortbow +6 ranged (1d6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
v Racial Feats: A baobban sith’s fey levels Special Attacks: None
gives it one feat. Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elven
v +2 deflection armor bonus. traits, resistance to electricity 5, unnatural

The Immortal: Vampires

lifespan Special Qualities: The base creature retains its

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4 existing special qualities in addition to gaining
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 11, Wis the following.
10, Cha 17
Darkvision: The cambion has darkvision out
Skills: Bluff +10, Gather Information +10,
to 60 ft.
Knowledge (The Planes) +7, Listen +2, Perform
(Sing) +10, Search +2, Sense Motive +7, Spot +2, Resistances: The cambion has a resistance to
Tumble +10 electricity of 5. In addition, it also gains a +2
Feats: Combat Casting, Weapon Finesse bonus to saves made against poison.
Environment: Any Unnatural Lifespan: Because of its demonic
Organisation: Solitary origin, the cambion lives 2d4×10% longer than
Challenge Rating: 5 others of its race.
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral evil Abilities: Con +2, Cha +4
Advancement: 4-8 HD (medium) or by class Environment: Any, usually same as base
Level Adjustment: +5 creature
An attractive young man dressed in leather and Organization: Solitary
armed with a rapier and shortbow stands before
you. There is something malicious beneath his Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature
beautiful face. +1
Treasure: Standard.
The bardic cambion will use its voice to lull its Alignment: Almost always evil (any).
enemies before attacking with either bow or Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): The character +1.
receives a +4 bonus on bardic knowledge
checks. History
Not much is known about cambions except for
Bardic Music (Sp): The character can
the fact that they are the product of incubus
inspire courage, countersong, fascinate, and
impregnations. It was said that the child
inspire competence as a 4th level bard.
would be born dead, and remain as such for
Spells Known (Brd 3/3/1): 0 -- Light, seven years. Other than that, very little is
Lullaby, Mage Hand, Mending, known. The cambion, like the succubus and
Prestidigitation, Read Magic; 1st -- Identify, incubus, was a medieval concept found in
Sleep, Tasha`s Hideous Laughter; 2nd -- Cure Europe.
Moderate Wounds, Enthrall.
Creating a Cambion Cambions are born as such, the progeny of an
“Cambion” is an inherited template that can incubus or succubus and another humanoid
be added to any humanoid or monstrous creature.
humanoid creature (hereafter referred to as
the “base creature”).

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Gather Information +12, Handle Animal +8,

Carmillite Vampire Listen +10, Sense Motive +6
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Combat
Carmilla was one of the earliest vampire Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
stories in the English language. Additionally, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse, Weapon
it marked the appearance of the first female Focus: Rapier
vampire in fictional literature. The carmillite Environment: Any
vampire is derived from that work of fiction, Organisation: Solitary
as the character Laura describes a vampire’s Challenge Rating: 7
powers at the end of the novel. Treasure: Double standard
The carmillite vampire appears as a perfectly Alignment: Chaotic evil
healthy human being in every way shape or Advancement: By character class
form – livid and full of life. There are no Level Adjustment: •
indications as to its hidden nature, at least The creature before you looks like an attractive
outwardly. Often the carmillite vampire is human girl, innocent and unassuming. She has
detected by its habits rather than its delicate features and a pleasant smile.

Carmillite vampires are able to speak all the Combat

languages it knew in life. The carmillite vampire will fight only as long
as it has the advantage. It will attack with its
Sample Carmillite Vampire weapons in combination with its withering
This example uses a 5th level human aristocrat touch. If it gets into trouble, it will teleport
as the base creature. back to its grave.

Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Creating a Carmillite Vampire

Hit Dice: 5d12 (30 hp) “Carmillite vampire” is a template that can be
Initiative: +3 added to any humanoid or monstrous
Speed: 70 ft. humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as
Armour Class: 24 (+3 Dex, +6 natural, +5 the base creature).
masterwork breastplate), touch 13, flat-footed
21 Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+3 undead (augmented humanoid or monstrous
Attack: +1 rapier +9 melee (1d6+5), or humanoid). Do not recalculate base attack
masterwork shortbow +6 ranged (1d6) bonus, saves or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Full Attack: +1 rapier +9 melee (1d6+5), or Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit
masterwork shortbow +6 ranged (1d6) Dice to d12s.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Speed: The carmillite vampire is capable of
Special Attacks: Blood drain, withering grasp
moving very fast. Increase the speed of the
Special Qualities: Carmillite vampire
base creature by 40 ft.
weaknesses, dematerialise, fast healing 5,
resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, undead Armor Class: The base creature’s natural
traits armor bonus improves by +4.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6
Special Attacks: In addition to those of the
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 17, Con --, Int 12, Wis 14,
base creature, the carmillite vampire gains the
Cha 19
following special attacks.
Skills: Appraise +9, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +14,

The Immortal: Vampires

Blood Drain (Ex): A carmillite vampire can as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit
suck blood from a living victim with its fangs points in combat the carmillite vampire will
by making a successful grapple check. If it attempt to flee using its dematerialise special
pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 quality. It then must recover in its coffin for a
points of Constitution drain each round the period of one hour, after which it regains 1 hit
pin is maintained. On each such successful point and then continues to heal as normal at
attack, the carmillite vampire gains 5 a rate of 5 hit points per round.
temporary hit points.
Resistances (Ex): A carmillite vampire has
Withering Grasp (Su): A carmillite resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10.
vampire’s extraordinary strength also can on
Turn Resistance (Ex): A carmillite vampire
occasion cause a draining affect on a limb that
has +4 turn resistance.
is grasped. On a successful touch attack, it
may use its withering grasp to drain 1d4 Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
points of strength. This can only be used once follows: Str +10, Dex +4, Cha +4. As an undead
per round. creature, a carmillite vampire does not have a
Constitution score.
Special Qualities: A carmillite vampire
retains none of the special qualities of the Skills: Carmillite vampires
corpse of the base creature it inhabits, but have a +8 racial bonus on
gains those described below. Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move
Silently, Search, Sense
Dematerialise (Su): A carmillite vampire is
Motive, and Spot checks.
capable of dematerialising its body into an
Otherwise same as the base
incorporeal form as a standard action.
While in this state, it is able to both
move through solid matter and Feats: Carmillite
teleport without error. While in this vampires gain
state, the carmillite vampire is both Alertness, Combat
invisible and incorporeal. Reflexes, Dodge,
Improved Initiative,
The teleporting ability of the
and Lightning
dematerialisation functions as the spell
Greater Teleport as cast by a 14th level
assuming the
character. The carmillite vampire uses this
base creature
ability to teleport back to its coffin, which
meets the
may be miles away from where it otherwise
‘appears’ to live.
and doesn’t
When the carmillite vampire rematerialises, already have
it is also able to remove any evidence on its these feats.
person of where it has been. For example
Environment: Any,
the carmillite vampire sleeps submerged in
usually same as base
a coffin filled with blood, but it is able to
rematerialise without a trace of blood on its
clothes or body. Organization: Solitary

Fast Healing (Ex): A carmillite vampire Challenge Rating:

heals 1 point of damage each round so long Same as the base

Carmillite Vampire

II: Vampiric Bestiary

creature +3
Treasure: Double standard. The carmillite vampire visits its victims
usually at night before it retires to its bloody
Alignment: Always evil (any).
coffin, though it can move about during the
Advancement: By character class. day and acts and behaves as a mortal creature
during these times.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature
+10. In general the carmillite vampire feeds on
victims it otherwise does not know, often
History preferring those of a similar age and
The carmillite vampire is essentially the appearance to itself.
culmination of a number of vampire myths of
central Europe – LeFanu’s vampire character However, on occasions, the carmillite may
Carmilla has a mix of powers that seem to be become obsessed with a particular victim,
derived in particular from the Upier and often growing very attached to them and
Zmeu. drawing out the period of seduction and
visitation to a length that could span months if
Carmilla’s submergence in blood while resting not years.
in her coffin and activity from the later part of
the day into the night are obviously derived Sleeping
from the Polish Upier, a creature also known During the hours between midnight and
to have a voracious diet and for drawing midday it is most common for the carmillite
blood from its forked tongue. Such vampires vampire to return to its coffin. It does so using
may be destroyed by staking, decapitation and its dematerialisation ability to teleport back to
cremation, just as Carmilla. its grave, which is a coffin filled with blood
(about 7” in depth).
It seems also the Moldavian legend of the
Zmeu, or at least parts of it, have influenced When it leaves again, it is able to rematerialise
LeFanu’s take on the vampire. The Zmeu is a without soiling itself with the blood in which
vampire capable of dematerialising into a mist it immerses itself.
that can go through walls, teleport or
The carmillite vampire is only semi-nocturnal,
otherwise disappear, as well as having a
and may easily move about even in direct
pageant for inducing hallucinations,
controlling minds and seducing others.

Creation Carmillite Vampire Weaknesses

The carmillite vampire has no specific
According to the final chapter of the short
weaknesses, but although strong, they are
story Carmilla, the carmillite vampire first
hardly as durable or resilient as other
results when a person takes their own life –
vampires. While they sleep in their coffins
death by suicide. They may then rise as one of
they are prone to attack, and may be slain.
the undead and feed on the blood of the
Commonly though, half the problem is
finding the gravesite of the undead, especially
Any victims killed by the carmillite vampire if one does not know the identity of the
are also certain to inevitably become vampires vampire.
in death.
This breed is hindered by its ability to name
itself. The vampire can only ever use an
anagram of its original name in life, nothing

The Immortal: Vampires

other. However, unless a vampire reveals its (1d8+8)

identity or gives away clues, it may be very Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
difficult indeed to track down her lair. Special Attacks: Blood drain, flurry of blows,
ki strike (magic), poisonous breath
Destroying a Carmillite Vampire: To destroy
Special Qualities: Alternate form, ch’ing shih
a carmillite vampire, a hunter must exhume
weaknesses, darkvision 60 ft., fly, fast healing
its corpus from its resting place in its blood-
5, improved evasion, purity of body,
filled coffin. Once exhumed, a wooden stake
resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, turn
must be driven through its heart, followed by
resistance, undead traits
decapitation and then cremation of the bodily
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +6
remains. These in turn should be thrown into
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 18, Con •, Int 10, Wis
a river to ensure they are well scattered.
14, Cha 8
Characters Skills: Balance +10, Concentration +8, Escape
Carmillite characters are subject to the same Artist +12, Hide +8, Move Silently +12, Tumble
class effects as the Vampire entry found in the +12
MM. Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat
Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Dodge,

Ch’ing Shih Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative,

Improved Unarmed Strike, Lightning
Reflexes, Mobility
The Ch’ing Shih is a vampire that comes from
Environment: Any
the legends of ancient China.
Organisation: Solitary
As it ages, the ch’ing shih sometimes also Challenge Rating: 7
appears either as a livid, fresh human corpse Treasure: Double standard
or a corpse with long pale hairs all over its Alignment: Chaotic evil
body. Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: •
Sample Ch’ing Shih
The creature appears as a human corpse with red, Combat
staring eyes, long hair, long curved claws and is of The ch’ing shih attacks with a stunning array
a greenish-white pallor. Its lips part to reveal of martial arts. It will retreat only with the
bloody, serrated teeth. coming dawn.
This sample uses a 5th level monk as the base The ch’ing shih is known to feign death until it
creature. can take its victims by surprise, attacking with
Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) a flurry of martial arts until it is in a position
Hit Dice: 5d12 (30 hp) to grapple its victim and drain its blood.
Initiative: +8 Flurry of Blows (Ex): Use the full attack
Speed: 40 ft. action to make one extra attack per round
Armour Class: 23 (+4 Dex, +6 natural, +2 Wis, with an unarmed strike or a special monk
+1 Class), touch 17, flat-footed 19 weapon at its highest base attack, making the
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11 extra attack with its claws.
Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d6+4) or claw +11
Ki Strike (Su): Deal damage to creatures
melee (1d8+8)
with damage reduction using unarmed strike
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d6+4) and claw
as though with a magic weapon.
+11 melee (1d8+8) or 2 claws +11 melee

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Purity of Body (Ex): Immunity to all The bite attack deals damage according to size
diseases except for magical diseases such as as found in the Creature Size, Ability Scores
mummy rot and lycanthropy. and Damage table found in Chapter 5: Making
Monsters of the MM.
Creating a Ch’ing Shih Vampire
The claws are so large that they deal damage
The ch’ing shih is a template that can be
as if the base creature was one size larger and
added to any humanoid or monstrous
according to the claw damage in the Dragon,
humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as
True entry in the MM. For example, a medium
the base creature).
base creature as a ch’ing shih does 1d8 with
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to each of its claw attacks.
undead (augmented humanoid or monstrous
However, if the base creature has monk levels,
humanoid). Do not recalculate base attack
use the monk’s unarmed attack if it is greater.
bonus, saves or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Special Attacks: In addition to those of the
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit
Dice to d12s. base creature, the ch’ing shih gains the
following special attacks.
Speed: Same as the base creature.
Blood Drain (Ex): A ch’ing shih can suck
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural blood from a living victim with its mouth by
armor bonus improves by +6. making a successful grapple
Attack: A ch’ing shih retains only the natural check. If it pins the foe,
attacks of the base creature but also gains a it drains blood, dealing
slam attack and two claw attacks if it didn’t 1d4 points of
already have them, as well as a bite attack as Constitution drain each
found in the Creature Size, Ability Scores and round the pin is
Damage table found in Chapter 5: Making maintained. On each
Monsters of the MM. such successful
attack, the
The slam attack is as according to the standard ch’ing shih
vampire found in the MM. gains 5
The claws are so large that they deal damage temporary hit
as if the base creature was one size larger and points.
according to the claw damage in the Dragon,
True entry in the MM. For example, a medium
base creature as a ch’ing shih does 1d8 with
each of its claw attacks.
Full Attack: A ch’ing shih fighting uses either
its slam attack, bite or two claws (see above)
or its natural weapons (if it has any).
Damage: Ch’ing shihs have slam attacks, bites
and two claw attacks. If the base creature does
not have any or all of these attack forms:
The slam attack is as according to the standard Breath (Ex): The
vampire found in the MM. Ch’ing Shih has a
deadly breath

Ch’ing Shih
The Immortal: Vampires

that poisons the bodies of those who smell it. creature, a ch’ing shih has no Constitution
The stench is so foul that all within a 30 ft. score. A ch’ing shih also has no intelligence
radius of the creature that inhale the breath score.
must make a DC 16 fortitude save or suffer
Environment: Any, usually same as base
2d6 points of immediate constitution damage
and another 2d6 points of constitution damage
as secondary damage one minute later. Organization: Solitary.

Special Qualities: A ch’ing shih retains none Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature
of the special qualities of the corpse of the +2.
base creature it inhabits, but gains those Treasure: Double standard.
described below.
Alignment: Always evil (any).
Alternate Form (Su): A ch’ing shih can
assume the shape of either a dire raven, will- Advancement: By character class.
o’-wisp or a wolf as a standard action. This Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature
ability is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a +8.
12th-level character, except that the ch’ing
shih does not regain hit points for changing History
form and can only change into this form and The ch’ing shih (a.k.a. Chiang-Shih, Gyonshi,
back. While in its alternate form, the ch’ing Jiangshi, Kiang Shi, Xiang Shi, Xi Xie Gui) is a
shih loses its natural slam, bite and claw vampire that comes from the myth and
attacks and its poison breath, but it gains the folklore of ancient China. There are numerous
natural weapons and extraordinary special folktales, stories and historical accounts of the
attacks of its new form. It can remain in that occurrences of ch’ing shih in China. It was
form until it assumes another or until the next generally thought that the ch’ing shih was
sunrise. reanimated by a demonic portion of the
Fly (Su): If a ch’ing shih survives for 100 inferior soul called the P’o. See the notes on
creation for detail.
years, it gains the ability to Fly as the spell as if
cast by a 12th level character.
Fast Healing (Ex): A ch’ing shih heals 5 The reasons for the creation of a ch’ing shih
points of damage each round so long as it has are numerous and complicated. The Chinese
at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in were of the belief that each person has two
combat the ch’ing shih becomes helpless and souls; the Hun, or superior soul that strives for
inactive. During this time, it may be destroyed heaven, and the P’o, or inferior soul, that
by staking and decapitation or cremated. remains in the body after death, is inherently
Otherwise, after one hour, it regains 1 hit malignant, and represents the shadow side of
point and then continues to heal as normal at even the most saintly of disposition.
a rate of 5 hit points per round.
A strong P’o is enough to resurrect a corpse
Resistances (Ex): A ch’ing shih has into a vampire, regenerating from something
resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10. as small as a rotted toe or bones. However,
usually a violent death (such as a suicide,
Turn Resistance (Ex): A ch’ing shih has +4
turn resistance. hanging, drowning or asphyxiation) is needed
for a corpse to rise as a ch’ing shih.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
follows: Str +12, Dex +4. As an undead

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Alternatively, a burst of bad luck (or negative vampire is unable to leave its boundaries. It is
energy) might be enough to resurrect a corpse unable to break the circle of its own accord.
as a vampire, giving control of the corpse over
Furthermore, if the vampire encounters a pile
to the dormant P’o. For example, if a black cat
of rice, it must count every single grain before
leapt over the corpse (bad luck in China) it
it can move on.
may infuse the P’o with enough negative
energy to become active. Ch’ing shih cannot cross running water, nor
climb trees or ladders.
Regardless of the reasons for a ch’ing shih to
become active, it could only be done during Destroying a Ch’ing Shih: The only true way
the period between when the deceased died to destroy a ch’ing shih is to either cremate its
and when it was buried. For this reason, remains to ashes, or to stake it through the
corpses that are left without a proper burial heart and decapitate it.
are subject to becoming ch’ing shih. Alternatively, contact with the sun will
destroy it, its remains withering up like a
Feeding prune.
The ch’ing shih uses its long, curved claws to
slash at its victim, creating wounds from Characters
which it can feed. It can also use its poison Ch’ing Shih are not appropriate as player
breath to kill its victim, which it then may characters, as they are considered mindless
devour completely.
undead, at least insofar as they are ruled by
As the ch’ing shih draws its power from the the P’o – the irrational soul, and as such are
moon, it is a lunatic, and is most active on the not capable of rational thought.
nights of the full moon and gibbous moon, Most class abilities are rendered useless by the
less active at half moon and crescent moon, ch’ing shih – not for a lack of being capable of
and totally inactive during the nights of the them, but rather the lack of the faculties to use
new moon.
them. Complex feats, skills and class abilities
are rendered useless. Automatic feats however
Sleeping still function fine.
The ch’ing shih resides underground during
the day time because sunlight can kill it. It Ch’ing Shih’s can no longer use divine magic
enjoys haunting rarely used temples, shrines or cast spells as wizards. They lack the
and abandoned monasteries as well as burial faculties to prepare spells from a spell book or
sites. through prayer. Sorcerers are the exception as
they come to their magic naturally. Spell-like
Its resting place must be sheltered from the
abilities also continue to function as normal.
sun, which destroys the vampire by withering
Bardic spells also work, but often are not
it into nothingness.
effectively employed by the vampire due to
Ch’ing Shih Weaknesses their nature.
The Ch’ing Shih is a powerful undead Bards: Bards are unable to use their bardic
creature, but it has several vulnerabilities that music ability, or any of those abilities derived
can be exploited in order to subdue or defeat from it.
Sorcerers: Sorcerers, and only sorcerers retain
Repelling a Ch’ing Shih: Ch’ing shih can be their spell knowledge in undeath as a ch’ing
kept at bay by drawing a circle of rice about shih.
them. While the circle is complete, the

The Immortal: Vampires

the ambient moonlight. Beneath her delicate face is

Dearg-Due a hint of malice.

The dearg-due is a vampiric creature from Combat

Celtic myth and the folklore of Ireland. They The dearg-due is not a natural fighter. She is a
are vengeful undead that appear as the seductress, and will prefer to lure her prey
stunning visage of a woman that seduces and away from any allies so that he is left alone
lures away young men to drink of their blood. and vulnerable.

Sample Dearg-Due She will then use her stunning glance to stun
This sample uses a 5 level commoner as the
th her victim, and then use her blood drain to
base creature. feed from him.

Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Creating a Dearg-Due

Hit Dice: 5d12 (30 hp) The dearg-due is a template that can be added
Initiative: +6 to any humanoid female (hereafter referred to
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) as the base creature).
Armour Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch
A dearg-due uses all the base creature’s
12, flat-footed 16
statistics and special abilities except as noted
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d6+2)
Full Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d6+2) Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. undead (augmented humanoid or monstrous
Special Attacks: Blood drain, stunning glance humanoid). Do not recalculate base attack
Special Qualities: Damage reduction bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is
10/magic, dearg-due weaknesses fast healing unchanged.
5, resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10,+4
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit
turn resistance, undead traits
Dice to d12s.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con •, Int 11, Wis Speed: Same as the base creature.
10, Cha 17 Armor Class: The base creature’s natural
Skills: Bluff +11, Handle Animal +11, Hide armor bonus improves by +6.
+10, Listen +8, Ride +12, Search +8, Sense
Motive +8, Spot +16 Attack: A dearg-due retains all the attacks of
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, the base creature and also gains a slam attack
Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, if it didn’t already have one (according to the
Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack table found under the Vampire entry of the
Environment: Any MM). If the base creature can use weapons,
Organisation: Solitary the dearg-due retains this ability. A creature
Challenge Rating: 5 with natural weapons retains those natural
Treasure: Double standard weapons. A dearg-due fighting without
Alignment: Lawful evil weapons uses either its slam attack or its
Advancement: By character class primary natural weapon (if it has any). A
Level Adjustment: • dearg-due armed with a weapon uses its slam
or a weapon, as it desires.
Before you stands a stunningly beautiful woman.
Her finely shaped features are almost glowing in Full Attack: A dearg-due fighting without
weapons uses either its slam attack (see above)

II: Vampiric Bestiary

or its natural weapons (if it has any). If armed back to its grave. Once at rest in its grave, a
with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as dearg-due resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit
its primary attack along with a slam or other points per round, however, it will be unable to
natural weapon as a natural secondary attack. rise until the following night, unless
disturbed. If this happens, it must feed again
Damage: Dearg-due have slam attacks. If the
the following night as if it were the full moon
base creature does not have this attack form,
(or anniversary of its death).
use the appropriate damage value as shown
under the Vampire entry in the MM, Resistances (Ex): A dearg-due has resistance
according to the dearg-due’s size. Creatures to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10 and fire 10.
that have other kinds of natural weapons
Turn Resistance (Ex): A dearg-due has +8
retain their old damage values, or use the
turn resistance.
appropriate value from the slams table,
whichever is better. Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
follows: Str +4, Dex +4, Cha +6. As an undead
Special Attacks: A dearg-due retains all the
creature, a dearg-due has no Constitution
special attacks of the base creature and gains
those described below. Saves have a DC of 10
+ 1/2 vampire’s HD + dearg-due’s Cha Skills: Dearg-dues have a +8 racial bonus on
modifier unless noted otherwise. Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search,
Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Otherwise
Blood Drain (Ex): A dearg-due can suck
same as the base creature.
blood from a living victim with its deadly kiss
by making a successful grapple check. If it Feats: Dearg-due gain Alertness, Combat
pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and
points of Constitution drain each round the Lightning Reflexes, assuming the base
pin is maintained. On each such successful creature meets the prerequisites and doesn’t
attack, the dearg-due gains 5 temporary hit already have these feats.
points. Environment: Any, usually same as base
Stunning Glance (Su): As a standard action, creature.
a dearg-due can stun a creature within 30 feet Organization: Solitary.
with a look. The target creature must succeed
on a Fortitude save or be stunned for 2d4 Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature
rounds. +1.

Special Qualities: A dearg-due retains all the Treasure: Double standard.

special qualities of the base creature and gains Alignment: Always evil (any).
those described below.
Advancement: By character class.
Damage Reduction (Su): A dearg-due has
damage reduction 10/magic. A dearg-due’s Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature
natural weapons are treated as magic
weapons for the purpose of overcoming
damage reduction.
Irish legend has it that their once was a fair
Fast Healing (Ex): A dearg-due heals 5 maiden who was named Dearg-due (“Red
points of damage each round so long as it has Bloodsucker”. Her beauty was known far
at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in across Ireland, but she fell in love with a
combat, it becomes intangible and teleports simple peasant man.

The Immortal: Vampires

But to secure his family, her father forced her She must feed in this way either once every
into an arranged marriage with a much full moon or once a year, depending on the
wealthier man. Her husband treated her legend.
badly, and eventually she committed suicide.
She was buried in a small churchyard, Sleeping
supposedly located near a place in Ireland Regardless of the legend, the dearg-due
called Strongbow's Tree, in the village of spends the most of its time sleeping in her
Waterford, County Munster. grave. While she does so, her corpus does not
age or deteriorate in any way. When the time
Then, one night, the lady came back from her
comes for her to feed again, she simply rises at
grave, avenging her own life by luring both
nightfall and seeks her quarry.
her father, and her dreadful husband, to their
deaths. Dearg-Due Weaknesses
The legends differ on what happened to her The dearg-due has few weaknesses. She is not
after this: Some claimed she continued to affected by sunlight, nor even fire, or any
return every full moon, others once a year, on other weaknesses attributed to the average
the day of her death. vampire. Indeed, there is no known sure way
to destroy her – but there is a solution for
Regardless of which it was, she seduced men ending her monthly (or yearly) visitations.
with her beauty, and then drained them of
blood. Prevent a Dearg-Due From Rising: While a
true immortal creature is almost impossible to
This was not however the oldest legend of the kill, the dearg-due can be subdued by
dearg-due – just the most popular. The legend successfully locating her grave and building a
of the dearg-due stretches back to Celtic times, cairn (large pile of stones) over it.
before Christianity arrived in Ireland.
Until such times (if ever) as the cairn is
Creation removed, the creature is unable to rise once a
The Dearg-Due is created when a woman who month (or yearly) to make her visitations
was in a bad marriage commits suicide upon young men.
because of her poor treatment.
A year after her death and burial, she rises Dearg-due do not gain levels very quickly
again as a creature of the night and may take
because they spend so much of their time
her vengeance on her husband (and/or
sleeping. They operate under the same
inconsiderate father) and then continue to
limitations as the vampire template, as found
extract vengeance on the male species. in the MM.
The Dearg-Due, depending on the legend you Demon
wish to follow, only need feed either once
every full moon, or once a year on the Not all vampires are suitably classified under
anniversary of her death. the category of undead. Indeed, some forms of
vampire are clearly demonic in nature,
She seduces young men, often those who particularly those derived from Christian and
mistreat women, luring them away to Jewish mythology and legend.
somewhere isolated where she attacks and
then drains them of blood until they have no The succubus can be found in the MM of your
blood left. core rule set. However, the succubus of the

II: Vampiric Bestiary

core rules only partially represents the demon Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack
as it was in folklore and history. The succubus Environment: Any
(and consequently incubus) entry found Organisation: Solitary, pair, or gang (3–5)
below is more reflective of such creatures. You Challenge Rating: 6
may use either at your discretion. Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Lawful evil
DEMONIC VAMPIRE Advancement: By character class
The demonic vampire is part demon instead Level Adjustment: +9
of undead, and as such, becomes a native
The creature before you just moments ago looked
outsider upon creation instead of an undead
like a normal human warrior. But now its face has
warped and changed into that of a demon.
Demonic vampires sleep and require blood for
sustenance, but not breathe or have beating Combat
hearts. Demonic vampires cease to age from The demonic vampire prefers to lure victims
the moment of their death. away under its mortal guise, or prey on the
weak and innocent – those who are generally
Demonic vampires speak any languages they easy targets. Demonic vampires, especially in
knew in life.
groups, are known to underestimate their
Sample Demonic Vampire
The following sample demonic vampire is Demonic vampires prefer to use their natural
based on a 5th level human fighter. attacks instead of weapons, relying on their
supernatural strength.
Medium Outsider (Native, Evil)
Hit Dice: 5d10+15 (45 hp) Creating a Demonic Vampire
Initiative: +8 “Demonic vampire” is an acquired template
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) that can be added to any humanoid or
Armour Class: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural), touch monstrous humanoid (hereafter referred to as
14, flat-footed 16 the base creature).
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+11
Attack: Unarmed strike +11 melee (1d6+6) The demonic vampire uses the base creature’s
Full Attack: 2 unarmed strikes +11 melee statistics and special abilities except as noted
(1d6+6) below.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Size and Type: The base creature’s type
Special Attacks: Blood drain, create vampire changes to outsider (native, evil). Size remains
Special Qualities: Damage reduction unchanged.
10/magic, demonic form, demonic vampire
weaknesses, outsider traits, resistance to cold Speed: Same as base creature.
5 and electricity 5 Armor Class: Increase the natural armor
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +1 bonus of the base creature by +6.
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 12, Wis
Attack: In addition to its existing attacks, the
10, Cha 8
demonic vampire’s unarmed strike becomes
Skills: Bluff +3, Climb +14, Intimidate +7,
as effective as a 1st level monk’s.
Jump +14
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Full Attack: The demonic vampire can make
Endurance, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, two unarmed strikes with no penalty as a full
Improved Unarmed Strike, Lightning attack

The Immortal: Vampires

Damage: In addition to its existing attacks, the doesn’t affect the demonic vampire in game
demonic vampire gains an unarmed strike terms.
attack equivalent to a 1st level monk (1d6 for
Resistances (Ex): A vampire has resistance
medium creatures, and can deal lethal
to cold 5 and electricity 5.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
Special Attacks: A demonic vampire retains
follows: Str +8, Dex +4, Con +4.
all the special attacks of the base creature and
gains those described below. Saves have a DC Feats: Demonic vampires gain Combat
of 10 + 1/2 demonic vampire’s HD + demonic Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
vampire’s Cha modifier unless noted Improved Unarmed Strike and Lightning
otherwise. Reflexes, assuming the base creature meets the
prerequisites and doesn’t already have these
Blood Drain (Ex): A demonic vampire can
suck blood from a living victim with its fangs
by making a successful grapple check. If it Environment: Any, usually same as base
pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 creature.
points of Constitution drain each round the Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (3–5)
pin is maintained. On each such successful
attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature
points. +1.

Create Vampire (Su): A humanoid or Treasure: Double standard.

monstrous humanoid slain by a demonic Alignment: Always evil (any).
vampire’s blood drain rises as a demonic
vampire 1d4 days after burial. Advancement: By character class.

Special Qualities: A vampire retains all the Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature
special qualities of the base creature and gains +4.
those described below.
Blood Healing (Ex): A demonic vampire that Demonic vampires have little basis in history,
consumes a pint of animal, humanoid or as least insofar as that while many vampires
monstrous humanoid blood is able to heal were considered to be demonic in origin, no
three times as fast as normal (i.e. a 5 HD historical vampire from folklore or mythology
demonic vampire heals 15 hp per day instead fits the description of the demonic vampire as
of 5 hp). However, demonic vampires cannot portrayed here.
otherwise heal naturally.
Rather, the demonic vampire is inspired by a
Damage Reduction (Su): A vampire has relatively modern (late 20th century) concept of
damage reduction 10/ magic. A vampire’s the vampire as presented in popular fiction.
natural weapons are treated as magic The demonic vampire has a demon soul
weapons for the purpose of overcoming instead of a mortal soul.
damage reduction.
Demonic Form (Su): A demonic vampire can
Demonic vampires are created when another
assume its demonic form as a standard action.
demonic vampire drains a victim to 0
If the vampire is feeding, angry or injured it
constitution and gives the dying creature a
must make a DC 18 will save or change
regardless. The change is purely cosmetic and

II: Vampiric Bestiary

drink of its own blood. The victim will rise Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
shortly after burial as a new demonic vampire. Armour Class: 20 (+1 Dex, +9 natural), touch
11, flat footed 19
Feeding Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8
When feeding the vampire must either Attack: Claw +8 melee (1d6+2)
voluntarily change into its demonic form or Full Attack: 2 claws +8 melee (1d6+2)
make a DC 18 will save or change anyway. Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, stamina
Sleeping drain
The demonic vampire is not bound to any Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/cold
specific time of day or sleeping pattern but for iron or good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to
obvious reasons is an almost purely nocturnal electricity and poison, resistance to acid 10,
creature. cold 10, and fire 10, spell resistance 18,
telepathy 100 ft., tongues
Demonic Vampire Weaknesses Saves: Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +7
The demonic vampire has the following
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 16, Wis
14, Cha 26
Repelling a Demonic Vampire: Demonic Skills: Bluff +19, Concentration +14,
vampires have no mortal soul and do not cast Diplomacy +12, Disguise +17* (+19 acting),
a reflection. Escape Artist +10, Hide +10, Intimidate +19,
Knowledge (any one) +12, Listen +19, Move
Demonic vampires are utterly unable to enter
Silently +10, Search +12, Spot +19, Survival +2
a home or other building unless invited in by
(+4 following tracks), Use Rope +1 (+3 with
someone with the authority to do so. They
may freely enter public places, since these are
Feats: Dodge, Improved Grapple, Persuasive
by definition open to all.
Environment: Any
Slaying a Demonic Vampire: Reducing a Organization: Solitary
demonic vampire’s hit points to 0 or lower Challenge Rating: 7
incapacitates it but doesn’t always destroy it. Treasure: Standard
However, certain attacks can slay demonic Alignment: Always chaotic evil
vampires. Advancement: 7-12 HD (medium)
Exposing any demonic vampire to direct Level Adjustment: +6
sunlight disorients it: It can take only a single The incubus (male, pl. incubi, fem. Succubus,
move action or attack action and takes 3d6 fem. pl. succubi) and succubus are demons
points of damage in the next round and each that prey upon the sexual energies of men and
round thereafter if it cannot escape. women. They are malevolent demons, known
Driving a wooden stake through a vampire’s for their tendency to seek pleasure out of
seducing the most pious of individuals.
heart instantly slays the monster, turning it to
dust. An incubus is 6 feet tall in its natural form and
Decapitation also achieves the same effect. 180 pounds. A succubus is the same height but
125 pounds.
INCUBUS/SUCCUBUS Incubi and succubi speak common and
Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil) abyssal.
Hit Dice: 6d8+30 (57 hp)
Initiative: +1

The Immortal: Vampires

History first round of draining, the victim is fatigued.

After the third round, or half her constitution
The incubus and succubus are two of the more
score has been drained, the victim is
famous kinds of demons mentioned
exhausted. If a victim is drained of all
throughout the middle ages and renaissance.
constitution, they die.
Their origins seem to dwell both in the Lilith
legend and in the legends of northern Europe, Incubi/succubi seldom drain a victim of all
most notably the Scandinavian Mara (the their constitution in one attack. They prefer to
word which is known today as the ‘mare’ in use this ability over several nights,
nightmare), which was very similar in nature polymorphing into a desired or beloved
and a pre-Christian concept. The individual of the victim. Incubi/succubi enjoy
incubus/succubus was known to be immune their work.
to exorcism and able to freely enter any abode.
Certain creatures, especially those known for
Combat their sexual veracity, most notably
werewolves, may be immune to this attack.
Incubi/succubi are not warriors. They flee
combat whenever they can. If forced to fight, Spell-Like Abilities: At will—charm monster
they can attack with their claws, but they (DC 22), detect good, detect thoughts (DC 20),
prefer to turn foes against one another. ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 pounds of objects
Incubi/succubi use their polymorph ability to only), polymorph (humanoid form only, no
assume humanoid guise, and can maintain limit on duration), suggestion (DC 21), greater
this deception indefinitely. Their preferred teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only).
tactic when dealing with heroes is to feign Caster level 12th. The save DCs are Charisma-
friendship and create an opportunity to be based.
alone with one of them, whereupon the
Tongues (Su): An incubus/succubus has a
incubus/succubus applies his/her stamina
permanent tongues ability (as the spell, caster
drain. Succubi are not above taking on the role
level 12th). Incubi/succubi usually use verbal
of a damsel in distress when encountered
communication with mortals.
within a dungeon.
Skills: Incubi/succubi have a +8 racial bonus
An incubus/succubus’ natural weapons, as
on Listen and Spot checks.
well as any weapons it wields, are treated as
chaotic-aligned and evil-aligned for the *While using his/her polymorph ability, an
purpose of overcoming damage reduction. incubus/succubus gains a +10 circumstance
bonus on Disguise checks.
Stamina Drain (Su): The incubus/succubus is
able to make a draining attack on its victim by
‘riding them’, usually, but not always, in a Dhampir
sexual situation. Generally this ability is used
on a helpless or prone target, but it can be The dhampir is the progeny of a union
forced in combat against an opponent that has between a vampire and a mortal (usually
successfully been pinned. Each round the pin female). The dhampir is of its mother’s race in
is maintained, the opponent is drained of 1d6 all respects except for a few vampiric powers
points of constitution. it takes on from its father’s side.

The victims of such drains experience a form Sample Dhampir

of time distortion and feel like what are only The following sample dhampir uses a 5th level
moments last for hours and hours. After the elven ranger as the base creature.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Hit Dice: 5d8 (20 hp) these skills against undead creatures.
Initiative: +3 Likewise, he gets a +4 bonus on weapon
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) damage rolls against such creatures. He also
Armour Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 mw studded receives the same benefits when fighting evil
leather), touch 13, flat footed 13 outsiders, though at a +2 bonus instead of +4.
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7
Two Weapon Combat Style (Ex): When
Attack: Masterwork cold iron longsword +7
wearing light or no armor the dhampir is
melee (1d8+2) or +1 silver short sword +8 melee
treated as having the two weapon fighting feat
(1d6+3) or longbow +8 ranged (1d8)
even if he does not have the normal
Full Attack: Masterwork cold iron longsword
perquisites for the feat.
+5 melee (1d8+2) and +1 silver short sword +7
melee (1d6+2) or longbow +8 ranged (1d8) Spells: Spells Known (Rgr —/1): 1st —
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Alarm, Animal Messenger, Animal Trance,
Special Attacks: None Animal Trick, Bloodhound, Calm Animals,
Special Qualities: See invisible, vampiric Camouflage, Charm Animal, Dawn, Delay
curse, vampiric detection Poison, Detect Animals or Plants, Detect
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3 Poison, Detect Snares and Pits, Endure
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 11, Wis Elements, Entangle, Hawkeye, Hide from
15, Cha 10 Animals, Jump, Longstrider, Magic Fang, Pass
Skills: Handle Animal +8, Jump +10, Listen without Trace, Read Magic, Resist Energy,
+12, Move Silently +11, Search +2, Spot +12, Speak with Animals, Summon Nature`s Ally I.
Survival +10 Spells Prepared (Rgr —/1): 1st – Bloodhound.
Feats: Endurance, Track, Two-Weapon
Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Creating a Dhampir
Finesse “Dhampir” is a template that can be added to
Environment: Any any humanoid creature (hereafter referred to
Organisation: Solitary as the “base creature”).
Challenge Rating: 5
Special Qualities: The dhampir has the
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic neutral following special qualities in addition to those
of the base creature.
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +6 See Invisible: The dhampir is able to see
creatures with natural or magical invisibility
An elven warrior clad in studded leather, wielding
as if they were completely visible.
a cold iron longsword and silver shortsword stands
at the ready before you. Vampiric Curse: The dhampir is destined
from birth to become a vampire when it dies.
Combat The type is usually identical to its parents.
The dhampir will stalk his quarry if possible,
keeping to the shadows and moving silently, Vampiric Detection: The dhampir has the
preferably tracking his prey to its lair. The uncanny ability to detect vampires. On seeing
dhampir prefers to lure its prey into areas that a vampire, the dhampir receives a strong
give him a tactical advantage. intuition that the creature is a vampire.
Additionally, the dhampir can see a vampire,
Favoured Enemy (Ex): The dhampir even if it is invisible or in an alternative form.
receives a +4 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense The dhampir always recognises a vampire for
Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using what it is, unless the vampire is magically

The Immortal: Vampires

protected as if by a nondetection or similar Saves: Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6

spell. Abilities: Str 17, Dex 22, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14,
Cha 6
The dhampir is otherwise the same in all
Skills: Hide +4, Listen +12*, Move Silently +11,
respects as the base creature.
Spot +8*
History Feats: Alertness, Stealthy
The origins of the dhampir (fem. dhampiresa, Environment: Temperate deserts
pl. dhampirë) lie in modern Serbia and Organization: Solitary or colony (5–8)
Albania. They are believed to be the offspring Challenge Rating: 4
of a vampire and a mortal, usually a mortal Treasure: None
woman, and are both blessed and cursed. Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5–12 HD (Large)
The dhampir is able to see invisible vampires Level Adjustment: —
and also recognise those that are not so easily
discovered for what they truly are. A massive bat swoops down from the sky. In its
mouth you see sharp fangs.
Unfortunately, the dhampir is also cursed to
become a vampire in death. A dire vampire bat has a wingspan of 15 feet
and weighs about 200 pounds.
Dhampirë are the offspring of a vampire and a Combat
mortal. Such offspring are common among Dire vampire bats swoop down upon
some vampires (especially those of unsuspecting prey from above.
Albanian/Serbian origins), but are far less Blindsense (Ex): A dire vampire bat uses
common especially amongst the more echolocation to pinpoint creatures within 40
powerful breeds of undead. feet. Opponents still have total concealment
against the bat unless it can actually see them.
Dhampirë do not need blood for sustenance Blood Drain (Ex): A dire vampire bat can
and can live a normal healthy life on a plain feed off a creature it successfully stuns with its
diet just like any other member of their mortal sonic attack. The vampire bat lands on its prey
parent’s race. and sucks out its blood, drawing 1d4
Constitution points worth of the precious

Dire Vampire Bat liquid each round the prey remains stunned.
Sonic Screech (Ex): A dire vampire bat can
Large Animal emit a terrifying screech that both stuns and
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp) hurts. The screech is directed in a 40 ft. cone.
Initiative: +6 Those in the cone’s radius take 1d6 sonic
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 40 ft. (good) damage (DC 15 fortitude save for half). In
Armor Class: 20 (–1 size, +6 Dex, +5 natural), addition, those affected must make a second
touch 15, flat-footed 14 fortitude save at DC 13 or become stunned for
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+10 1d4+1 rounds. In this state, the creature is
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d8+4) unable to move, and is affected as if under the
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d8+4) influence of a Hold Monster spell.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Blood Drain, Sonic Screech
Special Qualities: Blindsense 40 ft.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Skills: Dire vampire bats have a +4 racial footed 20

bonus on Spot and Listen checks. These Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+13
bonuses are lost if its blindsense is negated. Attack: Masterwork cold iron longsword +14
melee (1d8+8) or mighty slap +13 melee
Draugr (1d8+8)
Full Attack: Masterwork longsword +13 melee
The dead of Scandinavia do not always rest (1d8+8) or 2 mighty slaps +13 melee (1d8+8)
peacefully. The draugr is a legend from pagan Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
times – a form of cold and hungry undead Special Attacks: Blood drain, create draugr,
known to sometimes leave its barrow to mighty slap
plague the living. Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/cold
iron, draugr weaknesses, fast healing 5,
Sample Draugr resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, +4 turn
The following sample draugr uses a 5th level resistance, undead traits
human fighter as the base creature. Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 16, Con •, Int 12, Wis
Hit Dice: 5d12 (30 hp)
10, Cha 8
Initiative: +3
Skills: Climb +16, Handle Animal +3,
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Intimidate +7, Jump +16, Ride +7
Armour Class: 23 (+3 Dex, +10 natural), touch
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Endurance, Great
13, flat
Cleave, Mobility, Power Attack
Environment: Any
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +13
A massive humanoid rears up before you, its form
resembling a corpse with enflamed limbs that have
swollen to the size of an ox’s. Its face dances with
an insatiable hunger and wild, murderous eyes.

The draugr can use its weapons and
is often buried with them, though it
prefers to administer damage
through one of its powerful slaps.
The druagr has little care for odds and
is considered aggressive. It simply
lunges for the nearest victim.

Creating a Draugr
“Draugr” is an acquired template that
can be applied to any humanoid
or monstrous humanoid

The Immortal: Vampires

(hereafter referred to as the base creature). Resistances (Ex): A draugr has resistance to
cold 10 and electricity 10.
Size & Type: The creature’s type changes to
undead (augmented humanoid or monstrous Turn Resistance (Ex): A draugr has +4 turn
humanoid). The creature’s size also increases resistance.
by one size category.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit follows: Str +12, Dex +2. As an undead
Dice to d12s. creature, the draugr has no constitution score.
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural Environment: Any
armor class bonus increases by +10.
Organization: Solitary
Special Attacks: The draugr retains all the
Challenge Rating: +2
special attacks of the base creature and gains
those described below. Treasure: Standard

Blood Drain (Ex): A draugr can suck blood Alignment: Any evil
from a living victim with its mouth by making Advancement: By character class
a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it
drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Level Adjustment: +8
Constitution drain each round the pin is
maintained. On each such successful attack,
the draugr gains 5 temporary hit points. The draugr (pl. draugar) is one of the oldest
forms of vampire as found in mythology. The
Create Draugr (Su): A creature killed by a earliest sources are the Icelandic sagas, which
draugr’s mighty slap attack will become one recount tales of Norse mythology from before
in death. Likewise, so will a creature drained the 12th century.
of all constitution through a blood drain
attack. The draugr is considered a form of undead
that rises from its grave hungry for food and
Mighty Slap (Ex): As a standard attack, the envious of the warm fires of the living. While
draugr can lay a mighty slap on its opponent. there are other undead ‘wights’ in Norse
The slap does the equivalent of a normal mythology that are similar to the draugr, they
vampire slam attack for the draugr’s size are usually bound to their place of burial, or
category. In addition, the opponent must are almost indistinguishable from the draugr.
make a save as if against a bull rush or be
thrown 10 feet back. A sea-dwelling variant of the draugr exists
that is created from the spirits of drowned
Special Qualities: A draugr retains all the sailors, and dwells in the water instead of the
special qualities of the base creature and gains grave.
those listed below.
Draugar are said to be blue (or black) as death
Damage Reduction (Ex): A draugr has or corpse-pale, and are said to swell to the size
damage reduction 10/cold iron. and weight of an ox.
Fast Healing (Ex): A draugr heals 5 points of
damage each round so long as it has at least 1
The draugr is created when a victim is killed
hit point. If the draugr is reduced to 0 hit
by a druagr. The victim is destined to arise in
points it becomes helpless, regaining 1 hit
death as a new draugr.
point per hour until it regains consciousness
and heals as normal at 1 hit point.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Feeding draugr that were buried with their own

The draugr craves the food and drink of the
living, but devours them in such amounts as
to be known to eat all the flesh and blood of a Estrie
horse in a single sitting. If the draugr has no
food or ale, it will resort to feeding on the Medium Undead
living. Hit Dice: 3d12 (18 hp)
Initiative: +1
Sleeping Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 90 ft. (good)
The draugr is a barrow-dweller and sleeps Armour Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural armor),
during the day in its grave or barrow mound. touch 11, flat footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+4
Draugr Weaknesses Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4+1) or claw +5
The draugr has the (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +5 melee (1d4+4) or a bite
+4 melee (1d4+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Blood drain
Special Qualities: Alternative form, damage
reduction 5/magic, fast heal 5, undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con --, Int 11, Wis 10,
Cha 15
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Improved grapple, weapon focus (claw)
Environment: Any
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
following Advancement: 4-8 HD (medium) or by class
Level Adjustment: +4
Its true nature revealed, you’re confronted with a
Destroying a Draugr: A draugr winged, clawed beast that seems to be made of the
can only be destroyed by one blackest of night.
way – decapitation, followed
The estrie is a demonic spirit that has
by staking, followed by
manifested in a corporeal form to indulge
cremation. A draugr reduced
itself in the pleasures of the flesh – specifically
to 0 hit points can be
draining the blood of the living.
decapitated and staked.
Estries can speak common and abyssal.
According to some legends,
the draugr must be History
decapitated with its own The estrie is a creature found in Hebrew
sword, though this is folklore. It is a demonic spirit that has taken
only true of warrior the form of flesh and blood to sate its desires.

The Immortal: Vampires

Feeding Weaknesses
The estrie lives on a diet solely of blood. It The estrie must rest in its grave, and must turn
drains it victim with its bite, usually from the into its demonic form to take flight.
neck or at other major arteries. Its preferred
Disabling an Estrie: If an estrie has been
victims are children, though any humanoid
identified, placing dirt in its mouth while it
blood will do.
rests in its grave will render it inactive.
The estrie has a grave that it inhabits and rests Lamia
in. While the estrie is not affected by the
sunlight and can operate normally in the day, Large Undead
it usually is up by night and sleeps through Hit Dice: 5d12 (32 hp)
the daylight hours. While in its grave, the Initiative: +2
estrie is essentially a corpse. Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armour Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 natural), touch
Combat 12, flat footed 18
The estrie avoids being seen by its enemies Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+5
and seldom lets a creature that has seen it in Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d8+2), 2 claws +6
its natural form survive. melee (1d6+4) or tail +6 melee (1d8+6)
Full Attack: Either 2 claws +6 melee (1d6+4)
Alternative Form (Su): The estrie is able to
and a bite +6 melee (1d8+2) or a tail +6 melee
assume the shape of any humanoid creature
(1d8+6) and a bite +6 melee (1d8+2)
as a standard action. This ability is similar to a
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level character,
Special Attacks: Blood drain, improved grab,
except that the estrie does not regain hit points
constrict 1d8+6
for changing form and must choose from
Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage
among the forms mentioned. While in its
reduction 5/magic, darkvision 120 ft., low-
alternate form, the estrie loses its natural
light vision
attacks, but gains the natural weapons and
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4
extraordinary special attacks of its new form.
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 14, Con --, Int 11, Wis 10,
It can remain in that form until it assumes
Cha 17
another, though it must revert to its natural
Skills: Bluff +8, Hide +7, Listen +5, Move
form in order to fly.
Silently +7
Blood Drain (Ex): An estrie can suck blood Feats: Cleave, Power Attack
from a living victim with its mouth by making Environment: Any
a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it Organisation: Solitary or in a group (3-6)
drains blood, dealing 1d6 points of Challenge Rating: 6
Constitution drain each round the pin is Treasure: Standard
maintained. On each such successful attack, Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
the estrie gains 5 temporary hit points. Advancement: 7-9 HD (Large), 10-14 (Huge)
Level Adjustment: +6
Fast Heal (Ex): Provided the estrie has more
than 0 hit points, the estrie heals 5 points of A half-snake-half-woman rears up before you. Her
damage each round. If it is reduced below lower torso is that of a serpent, while her upper
zero, it is destroyed. torso is that of a beautiful woman. Her haunted
eyes never seem to close.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Lamiae have the upper body of a human lover, and granted her the power to remove
woman with serpentine eyes and snake’s her eyes when she wished to rest.
fangs in addition to regular teeth, and the
But in this bitter form, constantly reminded of
lower body of a serpent. In general, the
the horrors she had beset upon her own
human torso is about one fifth of the Lamia’s
children, Lamia was envious of other mothers,
total length/height.
and so developed a habit of preying upon the
Lamiae are unable to speak in their natural blood of other women’s children.
forms and can only emit pleasant hisses, but
While the legend of Lamia herself ends here, it
understand and can read common and
is clear that there are more creatures like her.
Lamiae prey on the blood of innocent
History children, which according to legend they lure
The Lamia (pl. Lamiae) is a creature of both in with their breasts. Conversely, the later
Greek and consequently Roman mythology. incarnations of Lamiae prey also upon young
men, which they lure away by transforming
In Greek mythology, Lamia was the queen of
into beautiful women.
Libya, and of very beautiful visage. Zeus
(Jupiter), king of the gods fell in love with
Lamia, and had an affair with her, which
Lamiae prefer to lure away their victims from
resulted in children.
a group and attack them one at a time. Often
Hera (Juno), the goddess wife they will use their alternate form ability to
of Zeus found out and in her polymorph into a beautiful human and use
jealousy and wrath cursed her appeal to draw her victim away into a
Lamia so that she was quiet place.
compelled to murder her
If this isn’t possible however, lamiae are still
own children by drinking
confident combatants and favour their
their blood. In her lament
constrict ability.
over what she had done,
Lamia became a monster Alternative Form (Su): The lamia can
with the upper torso of assume the shape of a beautiful elf, half-elf or
a woman and the human woman as a standard action. This
lower body of a snake. ability is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a
12th-level character, except that the lamia does
She was also cursed to be
not regain hit points for changing form and
unable to close her eyes, so
must choose from among the forms
that she would always have
mentioned here. While in its alternate form,
the image of her sins fresh
the lamia loses its natural attacks and but it
in her mind. Zeus
gains the natural weapons of its new form. It
however felt sorry for
can remain in that form until it assumes
his former
Blood Drain (Ex): A lamia can suck blood
from a living victim with its mouth by making
a successful grapple check. If it pins its foe, it
drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
Constitution drain each round the pin is

The Immortal: Vampires

maintained. On each such successful attack, Organisation: Solitary

the lamia gains 5 temporary hit points. Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability the
Alignment: Neutral evil
lamia must hit with its tail. It can then attempt
Advancement: By character class
to start a grapple as a free action without
Level Adjustment: +4
provoking an attack of opportunity. If it
succeeds it establishes a hold and can You see a beautiful woman with long flowing black
constrict. hair to her ankles, clad in a simple green dress.
There is an underlying sense of sadness in her
Constrict (Ex): A lamia deals automatic tail
damage with a successful grapple check.
Langsuir The langsuir is generally not much of a
fighter. She prefers to lure her prey using her
The langsuir is a beautiful vampire that claims beauty and guile to using full force. She also
its origins in Malaysian myth and folklore. dislikes not having an advantage over her
Langsuir appear as beautiful women with foes, and hence will try to attack weaker
flowing long black hair to their ankles, characters. If she is in trouble, the langsuir will
beautiful long nails and flowing green dresses. flee, biding its time. It is, after all, immortal.
The langsuir knows and can speak all the
languages it knew in life. Creating a Langsuir
“Langsuir” is an acquired template that can be
Sample Langsuir applied to any female humanoid (hereafter
The following langsuir is based on a 1st level referred to as the base creature).
human commoner. Size and Type: The base creature’s type
Medium Undead [augmented] changes to undead (augmented). Size remains
Hit Dice: 1d12 (12 hp) unchanged.
Initiative: +2 Hit Dice: The langsuir’s current and future
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) Hit Dice are increased to d12s.
Armour Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural armor),
touch 12, flat footed 12 Armor Class: The base creature’s natural
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+1 armor bonus increases by +4.
Attack: Claw +1 melee (1d6+1) Speed: The langsuir gains the ability to fly (90
Full Attack: 2 claws +1 melee (1d6+1) ft.) with good manoeuvrability.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Attack: The langsuir gains a natural claw
Special Attacks: Blood drain, ngilai wail
attack if it did not already possess one.
Special Qualities: Alternate form, fast healing
1, langsuir weaknesses, undead traits Full Attack: The langsuir may in addition to
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0 its normal full attack make two claw attacks.
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 15, Con --, Int 11, Wis 10,
Damage: The langsuir retains its other natural
Cha 17
and class attacks and gains a claw attack
Skills: Handle Animal +5, Listen +6, Ride +4,
which does the equivalent damage to slam
Spot +6.
relative to size as found in the vampire entry
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes.
of the MM.
Environment: Any

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Special Attacks: The base creature gains the Treasure: Standard.

following special attacks. Saves have a DC of
Alignment: Usually evil (any).
10 + 1/2 langsuir’s HD + langsuir’s Cha
modifier unless noted otherwise. Advancement: By character class.

Blood Drain (Ex): A langsuir can suck blood Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature
from a living victim with its neck by making a +4.
successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it
drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of History
Constitution drain each round the pin is The langsuir comes from Malaysian
maintained. On each such successful attack, mythology and folklore, and
the langsuir gains 5 temporary hit points. are created when a woman
dies in childbirth or
Ngilai Wail (Su): The langsuir is capable of dies as a result of
emitting a terrifying wail called a ‘ngilai’, finding out her child
which affects all creatures within a 40 ft. was born dead. In
radius of the langsuir. All creatures, within the many ways the
radius capable of hearing, take 1d6 points of langsuir is similar to
sonic damage (will save for half). the banshee of Celtic
Special Qualities: The base creature gains the folklore – it is known to
following special qualities. cry out in its grief with
a blood-curdling
Alternate Form (Su): At will (as a standard
scream, which can
action) the langsuir is able to achieve the form hurt mortals.
of an owl to move about covertly. This ability
is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a 12th- Its dead offspring
level character, except that the langsuir does might too become
not regain hit points for changing form and a sort of vampiric
can only transform into an owl or back into creature called a
her humanoid form. While in its alternate pontianak. Like its
form, the langsuir loses her natural claw mother it can take the
attacks, but she gains the natural weapons and form of an owl that
extraordinary special attacks of its new owl lives on blood and
form. fishes, but does not
much else.
Fast Heal (Ex): The langsuir is capable of
healing 1 hit point every round so long as it Creation
has more than zero hit points. If reduced When a woman dies in
below zero hit points, it is destroyed. childbirth, or of a
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as broken heart because
follows: Str +2, Dex +4, Cha +6. her child was stillborn,
she may rise forty days
Environment: Any, usually same as base
after death as a
Organization: Solitary.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature The langsuir
+1. normally enjoys a

The Immortal: Vampires

diet of children’s blood, though it also known Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 11, Wis
for its love of fish, which it steals wherever 10, Cha 6
possible, usually from local fishermen. Skills: Balance + 11, Climb +11, Hide +11,
Listen +2, Spot +2
Sleeping Feats: Weapon finesse
The langsuir is not bound by any hours of the Environment: Warm forests
day nor place to rest. If tamed it behaves just Organisation: Solitary
as any other woman would. Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Langsuir Weaknesses Alignment: Neutral evil
Langsuir have the following weaknesses. Advancement: By character class
Taming a Langsuir: A langsuir can be tamed, Level Adjustment: +4
if a man wishes one for his wife, by stuffing An evil-looking monkey-like creature glares at you
her hair into the hole on the back of her neck from under its hiding place.
and cutting her nails.
The lobishomen is one of the more bizarre
Destroying a Tamed Langsuir: A langsuir varieties of vampiric creatures. It is a primate-
that has been tamed will return to spirit form like small creature that while lives on a diet of
(essentially being destroyed) if she dances or blood, does not require very much to survive.
rejoices in any way shape or form.
It is a creature that is considered more a
Preventing a Langsuir From Rising: To
prevent a creature from rising as a langsuir,
place glass beads in the corpses mouth, hen’s
eggs under its armpits and needles in the
palm of each hand.

Small Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (12 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 90 ft. (good)
Armour Class: 16 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural),
touch 13, flat footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+2
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d2 + enthral women)
or claw +3 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: Bite +3 (1d2 + enthral women)
and claw +3 melee (1d4) or 2 claws +3 melee
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Blood drain, enthral women
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic,
fast healing 2, lobishomen weaknesses, low-
light vision
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2

II: Vampiric Bestiary

trouble maker than dangerous, as its bite DC 16 will save or become an unwitting thrall
causes women to enter a nymphomaniac state of the lobishomen’s mischief. Failing bestows
that only can be halted by the riddance of the nymphomaniac tendencies on the woman.
lobishomen. Any male who she lays with will become
fatigued. Any man who is the victim of a
Lobishomen cannot speak, but understand
nymphomaniac on more than one occasion in
common and the tongue of animals.
a 24-hour period becomes exhausted.
History Destroying the lobishomen or casting dispel
The lobishomen is a Brazilian myth regarding magic on the thrall removes the lobishomen’s
a small, stumpy, monkey-like creature with a sway.
yellow face, a hunched back, bloodless lips, Fast Healing (Ex): So long as it has more
black teeth and a bushy beard. The bite of this than 0 hit points, the lobishomen heals 2 hit
creature was said to make its female victims points each round.
into nymphomaniacs.
Skills: Lobishomen have a +8 racial bonus
Feeding on Balance and Climb checks. They can
The lobishomen requires only a small amount always choose to take 10 on Climb checks,
of blood each day. Blood however is even if rushed or threatened. They use their
intoxicating to the lobishomen, and drinking Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength
large quantities of it renders it drunk and modifier for Climb checks.
docile – the perfect state for being rid of it.
Lobishomen Weaknesses
Sleeping The lobishomen has the following
The lobishomen is nocturnal, but not bound weaknesses.
by any rules that prevent it from moving Destroying a Lobishomen: A lobishomen is
about in the day. It prefers to bite its victims destroyed by first getting it drunk on blood,
while they are sleeping however, so that it is (leaving out a bucket of blood is sufficient),
not so easily detected. and then crucifying it while repeatedly
stabbing it to death.
The lobishomen is a creature that prefers to
avoid combat, staying behind the scenes to Master Vampire
wreak mischief amongst sentient races.
Master vampires appear as gaunt, pale
Blood Drain (Ex): A lobishomen can suck versions of their mortal selves, often with
blood from a living victim with its mouth by more feral or animalistic features. They dress
making a successful grapple check. If it pins according to tastes, which more often than not
the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of involves all the lavish decadence of an
Constitution drain each round the pin is aristocratic lifestyle. Sometimes they can be
maintained. On each such successful attack, slightly out of touch with the world, dressing
the lobishomen gains 5 temporary hit points. in old styles and fashions that hint at their true
Damage Reduction (Su): The lobishomen
has a damage reduction of 5/magic. Master vampires know and speak any
languages they knew in life.
Enthral Women (Su): Any female
humanoid or female monstrous humanoid
that is bitten by the lobishomen must make a

The Immortal: Vampires

Sample Master Vampire Weapon Focus: Greatsword

Environment: Any
The following sample master vampire is based
on an 8th level fighter/5th level sorcerer human. Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 17
Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Treasure: Standard
Hit Dice: 13d12 (78 hp) Alignment: Neutral evil
Initiative: +9 Advancement: By character class
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) Level Adjustment: +25
Armour Class: 31 (+5 Dex, +8 natural, +6 +2
A pale warrior stands silently in the
mithral chain shirt, +2 ring of protection +2),
snow before you. A massive black
touch 17, flat footed 24
greatsword is slung effortlessly
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+19
over his shoulder. There
Attack: +3 unholy greatsword +23/18
is something ancient
melee (2d6+16) or slam +19 melee
about his eyes, and his
clothes hint at a time now
Full Attack: +3 unholy greatsword
+23/18 melee (2d6+16) or slam +19
melee (1d6+13)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
The master vampire
Special Attacks: Blood drain,
befits its name, using guile
children of the night,
and a legion of minions to do its
create nosferatu,
evil work, preferring to stay
behind the scenes, pulling the
Special Qualities:
strings. The master vampire is
Alternate form,
in it for the long haul, and is
especially careful not to
underestimate opponents.
damage reduction
10/magic, fast healing 7, gaseous If actually entering combat, the master
form, master vampire vampire prefers to tackle foes one at a
weaknesses, resistance to cold 10 time, and will use its domination
and electricity 10, +8 turn ability to have opponents turn on each
resistance, undead traits other, and will then if possible
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8 separate them to deal with them one
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 20, Con at a time.
•, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 21 Spells Known (Sor 6/8/5): 0 —
Skills: Bluff +10, Climb +20, Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Daze,
Concentration +4, Craft Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic; 1st
(Alchemy) +6, Intimidate +18, — Burning Hands, Identify, Mage
Jump +20, Ride +16, Spellcraft +8 Armor, Magic Missile; 2nd — Disguise
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Combat Master Vampire
Undead, Scorching Ray.
Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Dodge, Eschew Materials, Great Cleave, Possessions: The master vampire also has
Improved Critical: Greatsword, Improved a +3 unholy greatsword, wears +2 mithral chain
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point shirt and a ring of protection +2.
Blank Shot, Power Attack, Spring Attack,

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Creating a Master Vampire slam or other natural weapon as a natural

secondary attack.
“Master Vampire” is an acquired template
that can be added to any humanoid or Damage: Master vampires have slam attacks.
monstrous humanoid creature (referred to If the base creature does not have this attack
hereafter as the base creature), except those form, use the appropriate damage value from
that already have a vampire template. the table below according to the vampire’s
size. Creatures that have other kinds of
A master vampire uses all the base creature’s
natural weapons retain their old damage
statistics and special abilities except as noted
values or use the appropriate value from the
table below, whichever is better.
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
Special Attacks: A vampire retains all the
undead (augmented humanoid or monstrous
special attacks of the base creature and gains
humanoid). Do not recalculate base attack
those described below. Saves have a DC of 10
bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is
+ 1/2 vampire’s HD + vampire’s Cha modifier
unless noted otherwise.
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit
Dice to d12s. Blood Drain (Ex): A vampire can suck blood
from a living victim with its fangs by making
Speed: Same as the base creature. If the base a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it
creature has a swim speed, the vampire drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
retains the ability to swim and is not Constitution drain each round the pin is
vulnerable to immersion in running water (see maintained. On each such successful attack,
below). the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points.
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural Children of the Night (Su): Master vampires
armor bonus improves by +8. command the lesser creatures of the world
Attack: A master vampire retains all the and once per day can call forth 1d6+1 rat
attacks of the base creature and also gains a swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, 4d6 owls, 4d6
slam attack (as according to the table shown foxes, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a standard
under the Vampire entry in the MM) if it action. (If the base creature is not terrestrial,
didn’t already have one. If the base creature this power might summon other creatures of
can use weapons, the vampire retains this similar power.) These creatures arrive in 2d6
ability. A creature with natural weapons rounds and serve the vampire for up to 1
retains those natural weapons. A master hour.
vampire fighting without weapons uses either Create Nosferatu (Su): A humanoid or
its slam attack or its primary natural weapon monstrous humanoid drained by the master
(if it has any). A master vampire armed with a vampire so that the victim’s Constitution is 0
weapon uses its slam or a weapon, as it or lower returns from the grave 1d4 days later
desires. as a nosferatu vampire. The new nosferatu is
Full Attack: A master vampire fighting under the command of the master vampire
without weapons uses either its slam attack that created it and remains enslaved until its
(see above) or its natural weapons (if it has master’s destruction. At any given time a
any). If armed with a weapon, it usually uses master vampire may have a number of
the weapon as its primary attack along with a enslaved nosferatu totalling no more than
twice its own Hit Dice; any nosferatu it creates
that would exceed this limit are created as

The Immortal: Vampires

free-willed nosferatu. A nosferatu that is Fast Healing (Ex): A master vampire heals 7
enslaved may create and enslave nosferatu of points of damage each round so long as it has
its own, so a master vampire can control a at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in
number of lesser nosferatu in this fashion. A combat, it automatically assumes gaseous
master vampire may voluntarily free an form and attempts to escape. It must reach its
enslaved progeny in order to enslave a new coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly
nosferatu, but once freed, a nosferatu cannot destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles in 2
be enslaved again. hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a
vampire forced into gaseous form has no
Dominate (Su): A vampire can crush an
effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a vampire is
opponent’s will just by looking into his or her
helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour,
eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except
then is no longer helpless and resumes healing
that the vampire must use a standard action,
at the rate of 5 hit points per round.
and those merely looking at it are not affected.
Anyone the vampire targets must succeed on Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a
a Will save or fall instantly under the master vampire can assume gaseous form at
vampire’s influence as though by a dominate will as the spell (caster level 9th), but it can
person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly
a range of 30 feet. speed of 20 feet with perfect manoeuvrability.

Special Qualities: A vampire retains all the Resistances (Ex): A master vampire has
special qualities of the base creature and gains resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10.
those described below.
Spider Climb (Ex): A master vampire can
Alternate Form (Su): A master vampire can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider
assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, wolf, or climb spell.
dire wolf as a standard action. This ability is
Turn Resistance (Ex): A master vampire has
similar to a polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level
+8 turn resistance.
character, except that the vampire does not
regain hit points for changing form and must Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
choose from among the forms mentioned here. follows: Str +12, Dex +6, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +6.
While in its alternate form, the master As an undead creature, a master vampire has
vampire loses its natural slam attack and no Constitution score.
dominate ability, but it gains the natural Skills: Master vampires have a +8 racial bonus
weapons and extraordinary special attacks of on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search,
its new form. It can remain in that form until it Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Otherwise
assumes another or until the next sunrise. (If same as the base creature.
the base creature is not terrestrial, this power
might allow other forms.) Feats: Master vampires gain Alertness,
Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
Control Weather (Su): The master vampire and Lightning Reflexes, assuming the base
can control weather as the spell as if cast by a creature meets the prerequisites and doesn’t
14th level druid. already have these feats.
Damage Reduction (Su): A master vampire Environment: Any, usually same as base
has damage reduction 10/magic. A master creature.
vampire’s natural weapons are treated as
magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming Organization: Solitary, but may have a legion
damage reduction. of subservient minions.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature (but falls somewhere between 25 and 35 years
+4. in appearance).
Treasure: Double standard. The master vampire need only feed every so
often, and certainly not on a daily basis.
Alignment: Always evil (any).
However, the mere presence of blood may be
Advancement: By character class. enough to drive the master vampire into a
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature frenzy.
The master vampire appears for the most part When dawn time comes, the vampire must
a paler, gaunter form of its former self, often return to its coffin, which also must have in,
with a slightly more feral appearance. The underneath or around it the soil of its
master will appear to age if it does not feed homeland.
very often, and so may appear from any age
The master vampire then enters a trance-like
since its death to extreme old age.
state, which can only be shaken at the times of
History dawn, noon and dusk. At any of these times, it
The master vampire is modelled off of the may regain consciousness and walk about for
most famous literary vampire in history – the duration of an hour. In this state (while the
Count Dracula. While the classical vampire sun is up), the master vampire cannot
might reflect the Count’s minions, Stoker’s shapeshift into any other form than the
creation is beyond the powers of any mere current one it had taken before sunrise, and
vampire. He is able to control the weather, cannot use any of its supernatural abilities. It
knows the location and mind of any creature can still however use its extraordinary abilities
that has tasted his blood in addition to being as normal.
stronger and more powerful than a common Upon the time of the setting sun, the master
vampire. vampire is restored to full strength.

Creation Hibernation
The master vampire is usually the result of During periods of inactivity, the master
either a curse or a soul pact ritual spell. Master vampire may spend extended periods of time
vampires cannot be created by any other way. in its grave. Once entering this kind of state,
the master vampire cannot rise, unless
Feeding disturbed, for a period of at least 3d6+2 years.
The master vampire appears to age the longer
it does not drink. With the passing of years, it Weaknesses
can appear to be even older than is possible The master vampire for all his power is not
for its natural race. However, drinking fresh completely immune to harm. Likewise, there
blood rejuvenates the master vampire’s are ways to detect the master vampire.
appearance by one year for each constitution Repelling a Master Vampire: Master
point of blood he drains.
vampires cannot tolerate the strong odour of
Depending on how old the master vampire garlic and will not enter an area laced with it.
was when it became a vampire, it may Similarly, they recoil from a mirror (due to
rejuvenate to an appearance that looks to be their absence of a soul) or a strongly presented
the same age as when it died, or to an ageless holy symbol. These things don’t harm the
state where age cannot be easily determined master vampire—they merely keep it at bay.

The Immortal: Vampires

A recoiling master vampire must stay at least

5 feet away from a creature holding the mirror Necurat
or holy symbol and cannot touch or make
melee attacks against the creature holding the The necurat is a relatively weak vampire
item for the rest of the encounter. Holding a familiar to the people of Romania. They are
master vampire at bay takes a standard action. cursed in their undeath by the lust of their
parent’s heritage.
Master vampires are also unable to cross
running water, except at the ebb and flow of A necurat retains and can speak any language
the tide, although they can be carried over it it knew in life.
while resting in their coffins or aboard a ship.
Sample Necurat
They are utterly unable to enter a The following sample necurat is based on a 2nd
home or other building unless level human commoner.
invited in by someone with
Medium Undead [augmented]
the authority to do so. They
Hit Dice: 2d12 (12 hp)
may freely enter public
Initiative: +0
places, since these are by
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
definition open to all. They
Armour Class: 14 (+4
may not however cross onto
natural), touch 10, flat
holy ground.
footed 14
Placing a wild rose on the coffin Base Attack/Grapple:
of a sleeping master vampire prevents it from +1/+1
rising until the rose rots away or is removed. Attack: Shortsword +1 melee
Master vampires must sleep in, or in a coffin (1d6) or light crossbow +1
surrounded by, their native soil – that is, soil ranged (1d8)
from the land of the master vampire’s birth. Full Attack: Shortsword +1 melee (1d6) or
light crossbow +1 ranged (1d8)
Slaying a Master Vampire: Reducing a master Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
vampire’s hit points to 0 or lower Special Attacks: Blood drain
incapacitates it but doesn’t always destroy it Special Qualities: Fast healing 1, necurat
(see the note on fast healing). However, weaknesses, undead traits
certain attacks can slay master vampires. Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0
Immersing a master vampire in running water Abilities: Str 11, Dex 10, Con —, Int 10, Wis
robs it of one-fifth of its hit points each round 11, Cha 10
until it is destroyed at the end of the fifth Skills: Handle Animal +5, Listen +5, Spot +5
round of immersion. Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative
Environment: Any
Driving a wooden stake through a master Organisation: Solitary
vampire’s heart instantly slays the monster. Challenge Rating: 2
However, it returns to life if the stake is Treasure: Standard
removed, unless the body is destroyed. A Alignment: Neutral evil
popular tactic is to cut off the creature’s head Advancement: By character class
and fill its mouth with garlic or cremate its Level Adjustment: +2
remains and scatter the ashes, preferably into
a fast flowing river. The decrepit peasant stares spitefully at you from
behind it’s raised sword arm.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Combat Fast Healing (Ex): So long as the necurat has

more than 0 hit points remaining it heals 1 hit
The necurat will attack the weakest foe first,
and try to escape if outnumbered. point each round. A necurat reduced to 0 hit
points ceases to heal for one full day and is for
Creating a Necurat the duration deceased.
“Necurat” is an acquired template that can be Environment: Any, usually same as the base
added to any humanoid or monstrous creature.
humanoid (hereafter referred to as the base
creature). Organization: Solitary. May on occasion meet
with others of its kind, especially to engage in
Size and Type: The base creature’s type its favourite habits.
changes to undead (augmented humanoid or
Challenge Rating: +1
monstrous humanoid). Size remains
unchanged. Treasure: Standard
Hit Dice: The necurat’s current and future hit Alignment: Almost always evil (any)
dice change to d12s.
Advancement: By character class
Special Attacks: In addition to the base
Level Adjustment: +2
creature’s special attacks, the necurat gains the
following special attack. History
Blood Drain (Ex): A necurat The necurat was mistranslated as nosferatu in
can suck blood from a living the source that Bram Stoker most likely used
victim with its fangs by when researching vampires for his novel
making a successful Dracula. However, necurat is actually a word
grapple check. If it of Romanian origin that originally was used to
pins the foe, it encompass vampires as a whole if one wanted
drains blood, to speak of them without naming them by
dealing 1d4 points name.
of Constitution In the mistranslated source, the necurat was
drain each round mentioned as a Romanian species of vampire
the pin is
said to be the illegitimate child of parents who
maintained. On were in turn illegitimate.
each such
successful Soon after its burial the necurat would embark
attack, the on a long career of destruction, delighting in
necurat gains 5 torment and engaging in wild orgies with the
temporary hit points. living. The male can father children and both
sexes despise newly married couples due to
Special Qualities:
the illegitimacy of its own history. It and
The necurat retains
wreaked its revenge on such couples by
the special qualities making the groom impotent and the bride
of the base creature barren.
and gains the
following special Creation
quality. An illegitimate child born of two illegitimate
parents becomes a necurat in death.


The Immortal: Vampires

Feeding Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
The necurat lives on a diet of blood as well as
Armour Class: 21 (+3 Dex, +6 natural, +2
food and drink, much like other eastern
masterwork leather), touch 13, flat footed 18
European vampires.
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+11
Sleeping Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6+9) or +1 bastard
The necurat periodically returns to its grave sword +13 melee (1d10+12) or masterwork
and is a primarily nocturnal creature, though shortbow +9 ranged (1d6)
it is not affected by the sun. Full Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6+9) or +1
bastard sword +13 melee (1d10+12) or
Necurat Weaknesses masterwork shortbow +9 ranged (1d6)
Necurat have the following weaknesses. Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Blood drain, children of the
Destroying a Necurat: The necurat can be
night, create nosferatu, dominate
destroyed by reducing its hit points to 0 and
Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage
then staking it through the heart. This will
reduction 10/magic, fast healing 5, gaseous
slay the necurat, but should the stake be
form, nosferatu weaknesses, resistance to cold
removed, it may become reanimate and heal
10 and electricity 10, spider climb, undead
once more.
The necurat can be slain permanently by Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4
decapitating the head and preferably then Abilities: Str 22, Dex 17, Con --, Int 12, Wis 12,
cremating the remains. Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +11, Climb +10, Hide +11, Listen
Nosferatu +15, Move Silently +11, Ride +9, Search +9,
Sense Motive +9, Spot +15
The nosferatu is a representation of the Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat
vampire as portrayed in Bram Stoker’s Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Dracula. Nosferatu is the word Van Helsing (bastard sword), Improved Initiative,
used to describe the vampire. It is in fact a Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack,
culmination of the vampire legends of Europe Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon
manifested into a single form (the name itself Specialization (bastard sword)
being a misspelling of necurat). Environment: Temperate plains.
Organisation: Solitary
This template more representative of
Challenge Rating: 7
Dracula’s brides or other potential progeny,
Treasure: Double standard
rather than Dracula himself, who is in turn
Alignment: Always evil (any)
represented earlier in the work as the Master
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +13
Nosferatu speak any languages they knew in
This pale enchantress is dressed in leather and
brandishes a bastard sword slung over one
shoulder as if its weight were nothing.
Sample Nosferatu
This example uses a 5th-level human fighter as Combat
the base creature.
The nosferatu’s slam attack is treated as a
Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming
Hit Dice: 5d12 (32) damage reduction.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

The DC is 15 for the Will save verses the either its slam attack or its primary natural
vampire’s domination ability. weapon (if it has any). A nosferatu armed
with a weapon uses its slam or a weapon, as it
Possessions: +1 bastard sword, masterwork
shortbow, masterwork leather, potion of haste.
Full Attack: A nosferatu fighting without
Creating a Nosferatu weapons uses either its slam attack (see above)
“Nosferatu” is an acquired template that can or its natural weapons (if it has any). If armed
be added to any humanoid or monstrous with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon
humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as its primary attack along with a slam or
as the base creature). other natural weapon as a natural
A nosferatu uses all the base creature’s secondary attack.
statistics and special abilities except as Damage: Nosferatu have slam attacks. If
noted here. the base creature does not have this
Size and Type: The creature’s attack form, use the appropriate
type changes to undead damage value as shown under the
(augmented humanoid or Vampire entry in the MM,
monstrous humanoid). Do not according to the vampire’s size.
recalculate base attack Creatures that have other kinds
bonus, saves, or skill of natural weapons retain
points. Size is their old damage values
unchanged. or use the appropriate
value from the table
Hit Dice: Increase all below, whichever is
current and future better.
Hit Dice to d12s.
Special Attacks: A
Speed: Same as the nosferatu retains all
base creature. If the base the special attacks of
creature has a swim the base creature and
speed, the nosferatu gains those described
retains the ability to below. Saves have a
swim and is not DC of 10 + 1/2
vulnerable to immersion nosferatu’s HD +
in running water (see nosferatu’s Cha
below). modifier unless noted
Armor Class: The base otherwise.
creature’s natural armor Blood Drain (Ex): A
bonus improves by +6. nosferatu can suck blood from a
Attack: A nosferatu retains all the living victim with its fangs by making
attacks of the base creature and also gains a a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it
slam attack if it didn’t already have one. If the drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
base creature can use weapons, the vampire Constitution drain each round the pin is
retains this ability. A creature with natural maintained. On each such successful attack,
weapons retains those natural weapons. A the nosferatu gains 5 temporary hit points.
nosferatu fighting without weapons uses

The Immortal: Vampires

Children of the Night (Su): Nosferatu except that the vampire does not regain hit
command the lesser creatures of the world points for changing form and must choose
and once per day can call forth 1d4+1 rat from among the forms mentioned here. While
swarms, 1d4 bat swarms, or a pack of 2d6 in its alternate form, the vampire loses its
wolves as a standard action. (If the base natural slam attack and dominate ability, but
creature is not terrestrial, this power might it gains the natural weapons and
summon other creatures of similar power.) extraordinary special attacks of its new form.
These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve It can remain in that form until it assumes
the nosferatu for up to 1 hour. another or until the next sunrise. (If the base
creature is not terrestrial, this power might
Dominate (Su): A nosferatu can crush an
allow other forms.)
opponent’s will just by looking into his or her
eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except Damage Reduction (Su): A nosferatu has
that the vampire must use a standard action, damage reduction 10/magic. A vampire’s
and those merely looking at it are not affected. natural weapons are treated as magic
Anyone the nosferatu targets must succeed on weapons for the purpose of overcoming
a Will save or fall instantly under the damage reduction.
nosferatu’s influence as though by a dominate
Fast Healing (Ex): A nosferatu heals 5 points
person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has
of damage each round so long as it has at least
a range of 30 feet.
1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in
Create Nosferatu (Su): A humanoid or combat, it automatically assumes gaseous
monstrous humanoid slain by a nosferatu’s form and attempts to escape. It must reach its
blood drain over three consecutive nights rises coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly
as a vampire 1d4 days after burial. destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles in 2
hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a
The new nosferatu is under the command of
vampire forced into gaseous form has no
the nosferatu that created it and remains
effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a vampire is
enslaved until its master’s destruction. At any
helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour,
given time a nosferatu may have enslaved
then is no longer helpless and resumes healing
nosferatu totalling no more than twice its own
at the rate of 5 hit points per round.
Hit Dice; any nosferatu it creates that would
exceed this limit are created as free-willed Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a
nosferatu. A nosferatu that is enslaved may nosferatu can assume gaseous form at will as
create and enslave its own nosferatu, so a the spell (caster level 5th), but it can remain
master nosferatu can control a number of gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20
lesser nosferatu in this fashion. A nosferatu feet with perfect manoeuvrability.
may voluntarily free an enslaved nosferatu in
Resistances (Ex): A nosferatu has resistance
order to enslave a new one, but once freed, a
to cold 10 and electricity 10.
nosferatu cannot be enslaved again.
Spider Climb (Ex): A nosferatu can climb
Special Qualities: A nosferatu retains all the
sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb
special qualities of the base creature and gains
those described below.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A nosferatu has +4
Alternate Form (Su): A nosferatu can
turn resistance.
assume the shape of a bat or wolf as a
standard action. This ability is similar to a Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level character, follows: Str +6, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

As an undead creature, a nosferatu has no occur after the deceased dies many years later
Constitution score. of natural causes.

Skills: Nosferatu have a +8 racial bonus on After several nights, the victim rises again
Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, from the grave as a new nosferatu unless
Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Otherwise precautions are made to prevent this from
same as the base creature. happening.
Feats: Nosferatu gain Alertness, Combat The victim looses possession of their soul
Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and when this happens, and will consequently no
Lightning Reflexes, assuming the base longer be able to cast neither a reflection nor a
creature meets the prerequisites and doesn’t shadow.
already have these feats.
Environment: Any, usually same as base
The nosferatu does not need to feed more than
a few times per year, which, coupled with the
Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (3–5) prevention methods taken towards a victim’s
corpse in parts of the world that are infested,
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature
explains how vampirism is not a far greater
Treasure: Double standard.
During times when there is little blood to be
Alignment: Always evil (any). had, the vampire continues to age at three
Advancement: By character class. times the rate as if it were a mortal creature.
When it is able to feed again, it regains a year
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature of youth for every constitution point of blood
+8. drained from a victim until they appear to be
either the age they died at or a an age
History equivalent to about 25 human years.
The Nosferatu is a vampire from the folklore
of Romania. While in recent times, the exact However, just because the nosferatu need not
spelling and original meaning of the word drink blood so very often does not mean they
‘nosferatu’ are in doubt (it appears to do not crave it. Often the sight of blood is
reference a creature that spreads the plague enough to excite and sometimes even craze
and not a vampire), there is also folklore the nosferatu into a frenzy.
pertaining to a vampire of the same name.
Such creatures were considered to have an The nosferatu enters a trance-like state after
excessive sex drive, and visited their former sunrise, in which its powers are diminished
spouses after death for these purposes. considerably. It can only wake from this
However, the nosferatu presented here is a trance at dawn, noon or dusk, and while
true culmination of many eastern and central resting must do so in its coffin which must
European vampire legends. contain soil from its native land.

Creation Should it arise at noon, it may move about in

The nosferatu is created by being bitten by a the sunlight however with much diminished
master vampire or by another nosferatu and power.
then expiring. This can be immediate (and It cannot use its alternate form, children of the
may in fact be the cause of death), or could night or gaseous form powers during the

The Immortal: Vampires

daylight hours. In addition it cannot use its healing). However, certain attacks can slay
domination powers to control its victims as it nosferatu.
might do in the night time.
Immersing a nosferatu in running water robs
It has however, full control over its physical it of one-third of its hit points each round until
faculties, including its great strength. it is destroyed at the end of the third round of
Nosferatu Weaknesses
Driving a wooden stake through a nosferatu’s
The nosferatu for all its powers still has
heart instantly slays the monster. However, it
several drawbacks that limit their mobility
and potence. returns to life if the stake is removed, unless
the body is destroyed. A popular tactic is to
Repelling a Nosferatu: Nosferatu cannot cut off the creature’s head and fill its mouth
tolerate the strong odour of garlic and will not with garlic or cremate its remains and scatter
enter an area laced with it. Similarly, they the ashes, preferably into a fast flowing river.
recoil from a mirror (due to their absence of a
soul) or a strongly presented holy symbol.
These things don’t harm the nosferatu—they
merely keep it at bay. A recoiling nosferatu The rakshasa appears as a human that can
must stay at least 5 feet away from a creature take on animalistic features, including
holding the mirror or holy symbol and cannot retractable claws and fangs. It also possesses
touch or make melee attacks against the the ability to shapeshift into a variety of
creature holding the item for the rest of the animals. Rakshasi (female rakshasa) appear as
encounter. Holding a nosferatu at bay takes a beautiful women to entice men to their deaths.
standard action.
Nosferatu are also unable to cross running Sample Rakshasa
water, except at the ebb and flow of the tide, The following sample rakshasa uses a 3rd level
although they can be carried over it while human aristocrat as the base creature.
resting in their coffins or aboard a ship. Medium Outsider (Native, Evil)
They are utterly unable to enter a home or Hit Dice: 3d8+12 (24 hp)
other building unless invited in by someone Initiative: +4
with the authority to do so. They may freely Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
enter public places, since these are by Armour Class: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural), touch
definition open to all. They may not however 14, flat footed 16
cross onto holy ground. Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d6+2) or claw +4 melee
Placing a wild rose on the coffin of a sleeping (1d6+2 plus poison)
nosferatu prevents it from rising until the rose Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d6+2) and claw +4
rots away or is removed. melee (1d6+2 plus poison) or 2 claws +4 melee
Nosferatu must sleep in, or in a coffin (1d6+2 plus poison)
surrounded by, their native soil – that is, soil Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
from the land of the nosferatu’s birth. Special Attacks: Blood drain, poisonous
claws, spells
Slaying a Nosferatu: Reducing a nosferatu’s Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage
hit points to 0 or lower incapacitates it but
reduction 5/fire, outsider traits, rakshasa
doesn’t always destroy it (see the note on fast weaknesses
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 19, Con 17, Int 12, Wis Both the teeth and claws that compose these
10, Cha 16 weapons are retractable as a free action.
Skills: Bluff +9, Diplomacy +13, Disguise +5,
Full Attack: A rakshasa fighting uses either its
Forgery +3, Hide +7, Intimidate +11, Perform
bite or two claws (see above), its other natural
(Act) +9, Sense Motive +6
weapons (if it has any) or by weapons
Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes,
according to class.
Environment: Any Damage: A Rakshasa has a bite and two claw
Organisation: Solitary attacks. If the base creature does not have
already any or all of these attack forms:
Challenge Rating: 5 The bite and claw attacks deal damage
according to size as found in the Creature
Treasure: Double standard Size, Ability Scores and Damage table
Alignment: Neutral evil found in Chapter 5: Making Monsters of
Advancement: By character class the MM.
Level Adjustment: +8
Special Attacks: In addition to
The young aristocrat suddenly takes on a those of the base creature, the
feral look, its eyes filled with malevolence rakshasa gains the following
and hatred. special attacks.

Combat Blood Drain (Ex): A

The rakshasa, where possible, will rakshasa can suck blood from
use its spells and guile to prey on a living victim with its mouth
the weak. It will try to divide by making a successful grapple
enemies using its magic, check. If it pins the foe, it drains
resorting to actual combat only blood, dealing 1d4 points of
when it has to. Constitution drain each round the pin
is maintained. On each such
Creating a Rakshasa successful attack, the rakshasa gains 5
The ‘rakshasa’ is an acquired temporary hit points.
template that can be added to Rakshasa
Poisonous Claws (Ex): The rakshasa’s claws
any humanoid or monstrous (Rakshasi)
are poisonous. Creatures that are not
humanoid creature (referred
otherwise immune to poison must make a DC
to hereafter as the base creature).
12 fortitude save or suffer 1d4 constitution
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to points of initial damage and 1d8 points of
outsider (native, evil). Size is unchanged. constitution as secondary damage.
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural Spells: The rakshasa gains the ability to cast
armor bonus improves by +6. spells as a 7th level sorcerer.
Attack: A rakshasa retains the natural attacks Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/7/5; save DC
of the base creature but also gains two claw 13 + spell level): 0—detect magic, light, mage
attacks if it didn’t already have them, as well hand, message, read magic, resistance, touch
as a bite attack as found in the Creature Size, of fatigue; 1st—charm person, mage armor,
Ability Scores and Damage table found in magic missile, shield, silent image; 2nd—
Chapter 5: Making Monsters of the MM.

The Immortal: Vampires

bear’s endurance, invisibility, acid arrow; created by the Hindu god Brahma to protect
3rd—haste, suggestion. the sea from those that wanted to steal the
elixir of immortality, however in later times it
Special Qualities: A rakshasa not only retains
became known as a flesh eating, blood eating
the special qualities of the base creature but
demon that favoured preying on the weak and
also gains those described below.
Alternate Form (Su): A rakshasa can assume
the shape of a bat, dog, monkey, owl, tiger, or Creation
vulture. This ability is similar to a polymorph A rakasha is created when a child is
spell cast by a 12th-level character, except that encouraged to eat human brains. During
the rakshasa does not regain hit points for puberty, the child will undergo a great
changing form and can only change into this physical change.
form and back. While in its alternate form, the
rakshasa loses its natural attacks but it gains Feeding
the natural weapons and extraordinary special The rakshasa prefers to prey on the weak and
attacks of its new form. It can remain in that helpless, and will also disguise itself as a
form until it assumes another or until the next beautiful woman to lure young men to their
sunrise. deaths. It devours the flesh as well as the
Damage Reduction (Su): The rakshasa has
damage reduction 5/fire. Sleeping
Fast Healing (Ex): The rakshasa will heal 1 The rakshasa is nocturnal by necessity, as
hit point every round so long as it has more direct sunlight is able to destroy it.
than –10 hit points. If it reaches –10 hit points,
it ceases to heal for 24 hours. If the rakshasa is
Rakshasa Weaknesses
Rakshasa have the following weaknesses.
in this time exposed to sunlight, it is
permanently destroyed. Vulnerability to Fire: A rakshasa takes 50%
more damage from attacks that deal fire
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
follows: Str +6, Dex +4, Con +4, Cha +2. damage.
Destroying a Rakshasa: A rakshasa may be
Environment: Any, usually same as base
creature. destroyed by direct sunlight as the vampire
template from the MM.
Organization: Solitary.
A rakshasa may also be destroyed if it is
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature cremated.
Treasure: Double standard. Romantic Vampire
Alignment: Always evil (any).
The romantic vampire is a corporeal creature
Advancement: By character class. that, while undead, is not inherently evil.
Romantic vampires certainly do have souls,
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature
and a conscience, though many over time
come to accept what they are and develop an
History alternative system of morals and values that
The rakshasa (fem. Rakshasi) is a creature reflect their vampiric nature.
originating in India. Originally its kind was

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Romantic vampires remain the same height as Alignment: Neutral evil

they were in life, but weigh 20% less. Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +15
Romantic vampires retain the languages they
knew in life. Before you stands perhaps the most exquisite
creature you have ever beheld. It is human in shape
Sample Romantic Vampire and form, but of such delicate and flawless features
The following example is based on a 5th level that it must be more than human. Its pale skin
human fighter. slightly reflects the light, and its eyes swim with
Medium Undead [Augmented] depth and colours that draw you in.
Hit Dice: 5d12 (30 hp)
Initiative: +4
The romantic vampire will use its powers to
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
maximum effect, seldom underestimating the
Armour Class: 25 (+5 Dex, +6 natural, +3
capability of any foe. If outnumbered, the
masterwork studded leather, +2 darkwood shield),
romantic vampire will go to lengths to split up
touch 15, flat footed 20
and isolate its foes so that they can be dealt
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
with individually.
Attack: Masterwork longsword +10 melee
(1d8+4), masterwork composite longbow (+4) +11 Creating a Romantic Vampire
ranged (1d8+4) or slam +10 (1d6+4)
“Romantic vampire” is an acquired template
Full Attack: Masterwork longsword +10 melee
that can be added to any humanoid (hereafter
(1d8+4), masterwork composite longbow (+4) +11 referred to as the base creature).
ranged (1d8+4) or slam +10 (1d6+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. This template presents the powers and
Special Attacks: Blood drain abilities of the fledgling romantic vampire. See
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/fire, Table 2-3: Romantic Vampire Age Categories
death sleep, detect thoughts, fast healing 5, for changes according to vampire age.
improved jump, low-light vision, mind fog, Size and Type: The base creature’s type
resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, changes to undead (augmented humanoid).
romantic vampire weaknesses, suggestion, +4 Size remains unchanged.
turn resistance, telepathy, undead traits
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 Hit Dice: The base creature’s current and
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 20, Con •, Int 12, Wis future Hit Dice are changed to d12s.
10, Cha 16 Speed: The base creature’s speed increases by
Skills: Bluff +11, Climb +20, Hide +13 +10 feet.
Intimidate +19, Jump +28, Listen +8, Move
Silently +13, Search +9, Sense Motive +8, Spot Armor Class: The base creature’s natural
armor bonus improves by +6.
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Attack: A romantic vampire retains all the
Reflexes, Dodge, Dodge, Improved Initiative, attacks of the base creature and also gains a
Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, slam attack if it didn't already have one. If the
Spring Attack base creature can use weapons, the vampire
Environment: Any retains this ability. A creature with natural
Organisation: Solitary weapons retains those natural weapons. A
Challenge Rating: 8 vampire fighting without weapons uses either
Treasure: Double standard its slam attack or its primary natural weapon

The Immortal: Vampires

(if it has any). A vampire armed with a Special Qualities: A romantic vampire retains
weapon uses its slam or a weapon, as it all the special qualities of the base creature
desires. and gains those described below.
Full Attack: A romantic vampire fighting Damage Reduction (Su): A romantic vampire
without weapons uses either its slam attack has two forms of damage reduction 5/fire. A
(see above) or its natural weapons (if it has romantic vampire's natural weapons are
any). If armed with a weapon, it usually uses treated as magic weapons for the purpose of
the weapon as its primary attack along with a overcoming damage reduction.
slam or other natural weapon as a natural
Death Sleep (Ex): Unless the vampire
secondary attack.
succeeds at a Will save vs. DC 22, she will
Damage: Vampires have slam shortly fall into a deep
attacks. If the base creature sleep with the coming
does not have this attack dawn. For each age
form, use the appropriate category above fledgling
damage value from the this DC is reduced by 1
table on p252 of the MM, point.
according to the vampire's
Detect Thoughts (Ex): At
will, the romantic vampire
Special Attacks: A can detect thoughts as the
romantic vampire retains spell.
all the special attacks of
Fast Healing (Ex): A
the base creature and
romantic vampire heals 5
gains those described
points of damage each
below. Saves have a DC
round so long as it has at
of 10 + 1/2 romantic
least 1 hit point. If
vampire's HD + romantic
reduced to -10 hit points
vampire's Cha modifier +
in combat, it
romantic vampire’s age
automatically goes into
category, unless noted
stasis and is helpless. It
regains 1 hit point after 1
Romantic Vampire
Blood Drain (Ex): A hour and every after that
romantic vampire can until it is
suck blood from a living
Unless the vampire then feeds, she will
victim with its fangs by making a successful
continue to regenerate 1 hit point per hour
grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains
until she is at full health and her fast healing is
blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution
fully functional again.
drain each round the pin is maintained. On
each such successful attack, the vampire gains Only fire or direct sunlight can kill the
5 temporary hit points. The romantic vampire without it regenerating.
vampire's blood drain is also an erotic, Improved Jump (Ex): The romantic vampire
pleasurable experience for both victim and is capable of making incredible, inhuman
vampire. The victim must make a Will save vs. jumps. At each new age category, starting
a DC equal to 11 + the romantic vampire's age with Young, the DC for both jumping long
category, or be unwilling to resist the grapple.
and high is reduced by 1 for each foot. So at

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Fledgling, to jump 4 feet the vampire must example could receive one of these messages).
succeed as normal, a DC 16 jump check. Unless a vampire has Extrasense, it may only
However, if the vampire were Young, the DC send direct, personal telepathic messages via
would be reduced to just 12 (3 for each foot its line of sight.
instead of 4).
Vampires may unintentionally broadcast their
Once a romantic vampire reaches the Old age thoughts at times, though only vampires of a
category, the DC for each foot is halved from 1 higher age category can hear them and only
to just ½, and this is halved again for each age those with the Extrasense salient power can
category until the vampire receives the Flight pinpoint their exact origin and respond
salient power as a Millennium Child. accordingly.
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Romantic vampires Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
receive low-light vision if they did not already follows: Str +4, Dex +6, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4.
possess it. As an undead creature, a romantic vampire
has no Constitution score.
Mind Fog (Ex): Romantic vampires can also
fog the minds of those victims that they take Skills: Romantic vampires have a +8 racial
blood from and do not kill. They can cloud the bonus on Bluff, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move
memories of the event, leaving a confused Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot
victim that remembers little to nothing of checks.
what happened.
Romantic vampires also receive a +8 racial
Resistances (Ex): A romantic vampire has bonus to three of their class skills, reflecting
resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10. the ease at which a vampire can practice its
previous skills.
Suggestion (Ex): Romantic vampires use
natural charm and a form of telepathic Feats: Romantic vampires gain Alertness,
suggestion to lure their victims to an Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
appropriate place to drink of them. This and Lightning Reflexes, assuming the base
ability works like a suggestion spell, and can creature meets the prerequisites and doesn't
be used at will according to the rules for that already have these feats.
Environment: Any, usually same as base
Turn Resistance (Ex): A romantic vampire creature.
has +4 turn resistance.
Organization: Solitary, pair, coven (3-5), or
Telepathy (Ex): A romantic vampire can use great coven (5-12)
mental telepathy to communicate with other
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature
creatures. However, a romantic vampire
cannot communicate this way with either its
maker or its fledglings. The range of this Treasure: Double standard.
power increases with age. The base fledgling Alignment: Usually evil or chaotic neutral
range is 1000 ft. and doubles in range for
every additional age category. Advancement: By character class

This telepathy is more or less a one-way affair Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature
(like a radio transmission) that can only be +10.
received by other romantic vampires or other
creatures that use psionics (a mind flayer for

The Immortal: Vampires

Table 2-1: Alternative Eye Colours

History Original Altered Colour
Romantic vampires are inspired by the
Black Reflective black pools that seem
collective works of Anne Rice and those of
to swim with silver.
other modern vampire literature that portray Brown Catches the light and is slightly
their vampiric characters as both protagonists reflective.
and people rather than monsters. As such, Brown-Hazel Light brown that seem deeper
they are derived from fiction and not folklore, than usual.
and hence have no actual historical basis. Hazel Reflective amber that seems
deeper that previously thought
How the line of romantic vampires began is possible
lost to history, or perhaps they are secrets that Hazel-Green Dark green outsides that splinter
are known only to the very eldest of the race. into a mix of yellow and lighter
green-hazel in the middle.
Creation Green Speckled green that seems to
Romantic vampires are created in a way that gain intensity closer to the iris
is for the most part unlike other types of Blue-Green An ocean-green that seems to
vampire. Its victim alone is not in danger of slightly ebb and flow.
becoming a vampire, as it requires an Blue Unusually deep blue eyes that
exchange of large quantities of blood to seem to draw the light inside of
accomplish. For this reason, no romantic
Blue-Grey Stunning blue eyes that capture
vampires are created accidentally. the light and change to violet in
Mortal creatures are often chosen for their times of great emotion.
physical traits or social compatibility with the vampire does bring about some cosmetic
vampire looking to create a new progeny. The changes.
process of creation is a delicate procedure Firstly, if the vampire was past its prime at the
involving a complete exchange of blood time of its making, it appears to lose a number
beginning with the vampire draining the of years, regaining a youthful appearance that
mortal to near the point of death. At this time often translates to an agelessness – the
(when the creature has been drained to all but vampire appears basically to be between the
1 constitution point – or –9 hit points), the ages of 25-35 years old, but may well be able
vampire then creates an incision in its flesh, to pass for 5-10 years older or younger.
and feeds to the dying mortal its own blood.
The skin takes on a pale pallor, and becomes
The mortal creature’s body then absorbs this slightly incandescent, all the while any
vampiric blood, replacing that which was lost. birthmarks, scars or otherwise blemishes fade
After 1d6+1 rounds transpire, the body begins dramatically and will fade yet more still with
to writhe and convulse as physical death sets the coming years (scars disappear instantly).
in and the vampiric blood transmutes the Wrinkles and lines, loose skin regain their
physical body into the form of a fledgling elasticity and disappear, while body fat is
vampire. During this time, the maker vampire burned and muscle bulk increased, giving a
is weak and vulnerable (no damage reduction leaner, more attractive figure. The fingernails
until they can feed), and the transforming appear more translucent also.
creature is unable to make any actions.
The eyes usually alter colours slightly to better
Romantic vampires appear much as they did compliment the vampire’s facial appearance.
in life, though the change that is undergone A list of possible variations is provided on
when a mortal creature becomes a romantic table 2-1 below.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Optional Rules: Feeding

Romantic vampires must take the blood of the
Advancement at Creation
living for sustenance.
If an especially old romantic vampire creates a
new fledgling and wishes to ensure they are Romantic vampires at a fledgling age require 8
more powerful than a regular fledgling constitution points worth of humanoid or
romantic vampire, they may increase the age animal blood to consume per night. This
category of their progeny by repeating the equates on average to one humanoid victim
process of draining blood and giving it back to per night.
their victim. For each time this process is done As time marches on and the vampire grows
(up to a maximum of times equal to half the older, it requires far less blood to sustain itself,
maker vampire’s total age categories) the but usually by such a time, the habit of
fledgling vampire gains an age category as if feeding is hard to break.
she had matured naturally over time.
For each age category, reduce the requirement
For example, an elder romantic vampire creates by 2 constitution points. The rules change
a new fledgling, but wishes her progeny to be once the vampire reaches the Old age
as powerful as possible. She repeats the category, where she only needs to consume 2
exchange of blood two more times, and constitution points every other day. The Elder
advances her fledgling so that she begins her
need only consume 2 constitution points a
vampiric life as if she were already an week; the Millennium Child, once a month;
the Ancient 2 points once a year; the Ancient
Advancement by Transfusion Elder 2 constitution points only once every 20,
A romantic vampire can share its blood with and the True Immortal only 2 points once a
another romantic vampire in a process that is century.
similar to a making. When an older vampire It is important to note that just because a
wishes to bestow its blood on a younger romantic vampire does not need to consume
vampire, the younger can gain additional age blood to survive that it will not feel the urge to
categories due to this process. feed or simply kill for the pleasure.
The older vampire can only bestow up to one If a romantic vampire gorges itself on blood
level below her total age categories on the one night, it will not need to feed the
younger vampire, and must spend 2d4×10 following.
minutes exchanging blood back and forth
between one another for each age category to
be gained. However, power is not something Table 2-2: Feeding
older vampires bestow lightly, and should be Con
rare occurrences in the vampire world. Age Category Points Feeding Period
Fledgling 8 Daily
Young 6 Daily
Independent 4 Daily
Century Child 2 Daily
The final changes take place with the teeth Old 2 Every other day
themselves – the hallmark of the vampire. The Elder 2 Weekly
Millennium 2 Monthly
canine teeth grow sharper, longer and
pointier, but not noticeably so. In a world Ancient 2 Yearly
filled with fantasy creatures, such as half-orcs Ancient Elder 2 Every twenty years
and tieflings, the growth is especially subtle. True Immortal 2 Every century

The Immortal: Vampires

Blood that is not fresh (that has lost its so with a number of willing victims, the
warmth) does not carry very much sustenance vampire can successfully feed without causing
for the romantic vampire and twice as much is harm. The physical sensations of feeding may
required to be consumed in order to provide be enough to inspire a mortal creature to
the same nourishment as fresh blood. volunteer to be a host for the vampire, but
controlling her urges is more difficult for the
The vampire lures her victim out to a secluded
place using her guile, sex appeal and a touch
of her powers, perhaps to a dark alleyway, or To take only 1 constitution point of blood, the
some equally dark and lonely place. vampire must make a Will save against a DC
equal to 20 minus 1 for every age category
She then draws blood from her victim using
over fledgling. If she fails she drains a full 1d4
her tiny (otherwise unnoticeable) fangs and
points of constitution damage and must make
then proceeds to draw 1d4 constitution points
another Will save to stop herself.
worth of blood per round. The experience is
extremely sensual for both victim and Note: That while in combat the vampire
vampire, and the vampire experiences mental cannot bite her victim without a successful
flashes of the victim’s life and past deeds grapple, during the act of seduction, the
through their life’s blood. victim has usually come in a ‘willing’ state of
mind and seldom does a grapple check need
When the victim reaches a point where they
to be made.
will shortly die (is at 0 constitution points and
will die at the end of the round) the vampire The Effects of Starvation
lowers their dying body and uses a small Each vampire must consume a set amount of
amount of her blood to close the wound on blood within a given feeding period. If for
the victim’s neck (or other point of blood some reason the vampire is unable or
extraction). The fast healing present in the unwilling to feed, the effects of starvation
vampire’s blood seals the wound, but is not begin to set in once she has not fed for a
enough to restore the health of the victim or period of time equal to two times her Feeding
make them a vampire. This removes the Period.
telltale clues that a vampire has been at work
as the cause of death. The body is usually then There are several stages to vampiric
buried, dumped in a river or otherwise placed starvation.
in a position where it may continue to The first stage, which occurs when a period of
decompose, further eliminating the chances of time equal to two times the vampire’s Feeding
any evidence still remaining. Period transpires without her feeding (or still
Of course, romantic vampires do not need to fed from the effects of overfeeding), she begins
kill their victims, though most do. Few kill to experience hunger pains and feels a great
need and thirst for blood.
indiscriminately, for the kill is very intimate
and pleasurable, so often the victim will hold After another Feeding Period has transpired
specific physical or personality traits that the without sustenance, the cravings become more
vampire is attracted to. intense, but the body begins to atrophy – the
Some vampires (with a conscience) may have physical abilities (strength and dexterity)
begin to degrade by 1 point.
willing victims that they take a little blood
from each day. The average creature recovers This degradation continues reducing the
1 constitution point per day (as per the rules vampire’s physical abilities by 1 point for each
for regaining temporary ability damage), and

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Feeding Period that transpires without Age Categories

As romantic vampires age they grow in power
If either the vampire’s dexterity or strength is in a number of ways. Once they reach certain
reduced below zero, she enters a stuporous milestones in their life (ages) their template
state for 50 years + 5 × her age category. After improves in power, and they gain several
the period has transpired, her abilities are innate abilities as well as salient powers.
restored to 10 each, but unless she
As a general rule of thumb, vampires get
immediately goes out and finds sustenance,
stronger as they age, and become more
she will again enter a stuporous state for the
tolerant both to exposure to fire and sunlight.
same duration.
The most ancient vampires indeed have
When a vampire begins feeding again, she
godlike powers and at a point begin the path
regains a point of both strength and dexterity
of godhood, gaining divine ranks and
for each blood amount she consumes equal to
eventually the ability to bestow powers upon
her Feeding Period quota.
Sleeping Fledgling (1)
The rising sun fills the romantic vampire with The fledgling is the newborn vampire, an
an immense weariness that it must fight in individual that has only just began their life of
order to remain awake. To the youngest darkness. Different individuals deal with
vampire, even the slightest hint of dawn can undeath differently, especially since romantic
draw it in to a deep slumber that will last the vampires do not experience an alignment shift
entire day. when they become a vampire.
Vampires exposed to the coming dawn with
Young (2)
no safe place to rest find themselves
Once a creature has been a vampire for about
automatically burrowing into the earth, where
twenty-five years and is used to the life they
they will sleep through the coming daylight
lead, they are considered no longer a
fledgling, but still young and for the most part
During the daytime if disturbed, the romantic dependant upon their makers. During this
vampire is not prone to attack like a common phase of vampirism, the vampire’s mortal
vampire would be. While it is not conscious, if friends and family will begin to pass away
a creature merely comes within five feet of the which is considered a difficult time for most.
vampire, its body becomes animate and will
attack the threatening creature, regardless of
Independent (3)
Once a creature has been a vampire for half a
whether they are friend or foe. Once the threat
is dispatched, the vampire’s corpus returns to century they are usually considered wise
its repose until after sundown. enough in the dark ways to be independent
from their maker. This is often the period
Sometimes this automated protection can spell where fledglings come to consider leaving
tragedy for vampires that keep their mortal their maker if they are not already alone and
loved ones nearby. go out into the world and make a life for
Romantic vampires do not need to sleep in a themselves.
coffin, or in their native soil.
Century Child (4)
The century child has made it past their first
century of unlife and has dealt with the death

The Immortal: Vampires

of those they knew and loved in life. This Ancient (8)

period is the most trying of a vampire’s life, Ancient vampires have lived for thousands of
for it is during this time between the first and years and are so old that they are in fact
second centuries where they may feel tempted considered to have a divine rank of 0. As they
into taking their own lives – the mental strain age from this point onwards, they may gain
of what ‘forever’ really means sets in. further in godly power.
Old (5) Vampire ancients gain all the benefits of a
Old vampires have survived their most divine rank of 0, including damage reduction
vulnerable times and are rewarded by further 10/epic, with the exception of divine fire
strength and power. The old also become resistance. However, the ancient does loose its
more reclusive, choosing to associate less with vulnerability to fire, and takes normal fire
their vampiric peers. They also change their damage instead of 50% extra. The ancient
feeding habits, feeding only every other day. vampire does not gain any outsider hit dice
and its type remains as undead.
The skin of Old vampires becomes paler and
the imperfections of the body, such as freckles Ancient Elder (9)
and birthmarks fade more and more with each Ancient elders are true demigods of divine
year. rank 1-5. They can bestow low level cleric
spells on their devotees if they have them, and
Elder (6)
their power as vampires is almost
Sometimes younger generations are not even
unsurpassed. The sun can no longer cause any
aware that vampires beyond the old even
significant harm, and even fire begins to dull
exist. This is due to the fact that so many
in effect.
choose to end their unlife prior to this stage,
and after achieving old age, disappear from Ancient Elders start with a divine rank of 1
the radar of younger vampires. and gain all of the special abilities of the
demigod, including damage reduction 15/epic,
Millennium Child (7) with the exception of divine fire resistance.
The children of the millennia are those that The ancient elder vampire does not gain any
have survived a thousand years of life as a outsider hit dice and its type remains as
vampire, without turning to the sun or pyre undead.
for answers. Only those of the strongest will
survive to this point, and once they arrive at it True Immortal (10)
there is no turning back. True immortals are immune to sunlight and
are minor deities that will only continue to
The skin of the Millennium Child is milky
grow in power. Such individuals are (un)
white and can no longer pass for human. The
living gods and may have become beyond the
imperfections of the body have by this point
reach of mortal concerns entirely.
disappeared entirely and can no longer be
seen at all. Any remaining evidence of True immortals start with a divine rank of 6
wrinkles, lines, freckles and birthmarks has and may progress beyond, as would any other
vanished entirely. deity. They receive all the benefits of being a
minor deity, including damage reduction
If the Millennium Child doesn’t already have
20/epic, with the exception of divine fire
it, it gains the Flight salient power for free.
resistance. If the true immortal progresses
high enough in divine rank, it may gain the
powers of a deity equal to its rank. The true

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Table 2-3: Romantic Vampire Age Categories

Ability Score Turn
Age (since Modifiers Damage Fast Resis
Age Category death) Str Dex Int Wis Cha Speed Reduction Heal t AC CR
Fledgling 0-24 +4 +6 +2 +2 +4 +10 ft. 5/fire 5 +4 +6 +3
Young 25-49 +6 +8 +4 +4 +6 +20 ft. 5/fire 6 +5 +8 +4
Independent 50-99 +8 +10 +4 +4 +8 +40 ft. 10/fire 7 +6 +10 +5
Century Child 100-249 +12 +12 +6 +6 +10 +80 ft. 10/fire 8 +7 +12 +6
Old 250-499 +16 +14 +6 +6 +12 +160 ft. 15/fire 9 +8 +14 +8
Elder 500-999 +20 +16 +8 +8 +14 +320 ft. 15/fire 10 +9 +16 +10
Millennium Child 1000-2999 +26 +18 +8 +8 +16 +640 ft. 20/fire 12 +10 +18 +12
Ancient 3000-4999 +32 +20 +10 +10 +18 +1280 ft. 20/fire 14 NA +22 +14
Ancient Elder 5000-7499 +40 +22 +10 +10 +20 +2560 ft. 25/fire 16 NA +26 +16
True Immortal 7500+ +50 +24 +12 +12 +22 +5120 ft. 30/fire 20 NA +30 +20

immortal vampire does not gain any outsider qualities except telepathy and suggestion.
hit dice and its type remains as undead. Additionally, for every point below 0 that the
romantic vampire's hit points have reached,
Romantic Vampire Weaknesses the creature receives a cumulative -2 ability
For all their power, romantic vampires possess penalty to Str, Dex and Cha (minimum 1).
the following weaknesses: These ability penalties increase gradually back
Vulnerability to Fire: Romantic vampires are towards normal as the vampire’s hit points are
especially vulnerable to fire. They take 50% restored.
extra damage from attacks that deal fire Alternatively, if the romantic vampire goes
damage and such attacks also may overcome into stasis, hit points recover by 1 hp for every
their damage reduction. If a romantic vampire year spent in stasis.
is reduced to -10 hit points by fire damage, it
turns to ash and is permanently destroyed. Vulnerability to Sunlight: Sunlight is the
natural bane of romantic vampires, and
Fire damage stunts the romantic vampire's simple contact can ignite vampiric skin on fire.
natural fast healing, leaving the romantic Romantic vampires who become incinerated
vampire particularly vulnerable. Damage spontaneously combust into flames, taking
received from fire cannot be healed naturally. 3d8 points of fire damage per round. If they
A vampire must consume 5 constitution are reduced to -10 hit points they turn to ash,
points worth of blood to restore and are deceased.
a single hit point that was lost to fire, making As the romantic vampire ages, its resistance to
healing a process that can often take many sunlight increases. Eventually, as a romantic
years. Fire leaves the romantic vampire vampire becomes older and older, the sun has
horribly scarred, often to the point of being less and less effect until eventually, only fire
just a blackened, flaky walking corpse. This can destroy it. Fledglings exposed to sunlight
appearance improves as the romantic instantly burst into flames. As romantic
vampire's hit points are restored. vampires age, the time taken for them to burst
A romantic vampire reduced below 0 hit into flames, and the damage taken per round,
points due to fire damage cannot use any decreases until they only experience a tanning,
salient powers, nor can it use any of its special even if left in the sun for days.

The Immortal: Vampires

Fledgling–Independent: Fledglings, young and the hair red. The vampire also curiously
and independents immediately begin to burn has a second heart.
on contact with sunlight, taking 3d8 points of
Strigoi morti know and speak all the
fire damage each round.
languages they knew in life.
Century Child: Children of the century
begin to burn after 1d4+1 rounds and take 3d6 Sample Strigoi Mort
points of fire damage per round instead of The following sample strigoi mort uses a 5th
3d8. level human commoner as the base creature.

Old: Old romantic vampires begin to burn Medium Undead [Augmented]

after 1d4+1 minutes and take 3d4 points of fire Hit Dice: 5d12 (30 hp)
damage per round. Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Elder: Elder romantic vampires begin to
Armour Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +2
burn only after 3d4+5 minutes and take 2d4
leather), touch 11, flat footed 14
points of fire damage per minute.
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
Millennium Child: Children of the Millennia Attack: Spear +5 melee (1d8+3)
begin to burn only after 4d10+20 minutes and Full Attack: Spear +5 melee (1d8+3)
take 1d4+1 points of fire damage every 10 Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
minutes of exposure. Special Attacks: Blood drain, create strigoi
Ancient: Ancients take no sun damage for
Special Qualities: Alternative form, control
1d4+1 hours of exposure to sunlight (save a
weather, fast healing 1, resistance to cold 5
light tan). After this point, they take 1d2
and electricity 5, strigoi mort weaknesses, +2
points of fire damage per hour. Ancients are
turn resistance, undead traits
also capable of healing 1 hit point/day of fire
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
damage + 1 hit point/day for every 1000 years
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con •, Int 11, Wis
of age they are beyond 1000.
10, Cha 11
Ancient Elder: Ancient elders take no Skills: Craft (any) +8, Handle Animal +8,
damage for 1d4+1 days of strait exposure to Listen +2, Ride +11, Spot +2
sunlight. After this point, they take 1 hit point Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Weapon Focus:
per hour of fire damage. Elder ancients also Spear
are capable of healing 3 hit points/day of fire Environment: Any
damage + 1 hit point/day for every 1000 years Organisation: Solitary
of age they are beyond 3000. Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Double standard
True Immortals: True immortals are totally
immune to sunlight. Alignment: Neutral evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +8
Strigoi Mort
The creature looks slightly bloated and has a pale
The strigoi mort is a vampire that comes from complexion. It otherwise looks like a redheaded,
the folklore of the provinces of what is now blue-eyed human.
The strigoi mort appears as it did in life for the
most part, however the eyes often turn blue

II: Vampiric Bestiary

The strigoi mort will attack by any A Vampire using
method it would normally attack in life. It her Spider Climb
seldom uses its other powers except to escape. special quality

Creating a Strigoi Mort

“Strigoi Mort” is an acquired
template that can be added to
any humanoid or monstrous
humanoid creature (referred to
hereafter as the base creature).
A strigoi mort uses all the base creature’s
statistics and special abilities except as noted

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to

undead (augmented humanoid or monstrous
humanoid). Size is unchanged.
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit
Dice to d12s.
Speed: Same as the base creature. Alternate Form (Su): A strigoi mort can
assume the shape of a cat, dog, sheep or
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural
similar animal as a standard action. This
armor bonus improves by +2.
ability is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a
Special Attacks: A strigoi mort retains all the 12th-level character, except that the strigoi
special attacks of the base creature and gains mort does not regain hit points for changing
those described below. form and must choose from among the forms
Blood Drain (Ex): A strigoi mort can suck mentioned here. If the strigoi mort returns to
its grave, it resumes its regular corpse form.
the life from a living victim with its lips by
making a successful grapple check. If it pins Control Weather (Su): The strigoi mort can
the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of control weather as the spell as if cast by a 14th
Constitution drain each round the pin is level druid.
maintained. On each such successful attack,
Fast Healing (Ex): A strigoi mort heals 1
the strigoi mort gains 5 temporary hit points.
point of damage each round so long as it has
Create Strigoi Mort (Su): A humanoid or at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in
monstrous humanoid killed by the strigoi combat, it falls unconscious and ceases to heal
mort in turn will rise as a strigoi mort after for 1d4×10 minutes. After this period, it
death unless precautions are taken on the resumes healing, and will regain
corpse. consciousness once it reaches 1 or more hit
Special Qualities: A strigoi mort retains all
the special qualities of the base creature and Resistances (Ex): A strigoi mort has
gains those described below. resistance to cold 5 and electricity 5.

The Immortal: Vampires

Turn Resistance (Ex): A strigoi mort has +2 was looked at by a strigoi during her
turn resistance. pregnancy.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as Additionally, strigoi morti are able to bare
follows: Str +2, Dex +2. As an undead creature, children normally. Such offspring are
a strigoi mort has no Constitution score. considered strigoi viu (or living vampires) and
are also doomed to become a strigoi mort in
Environment: Any, usually same as base
The deceased returns first for a time in an
Organization: Usually solitary.
incorporeal form, visiting the home,
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature manipulating furniture and stealing food.
The second phase allows him to appear as he
Treasure: Standard did in life, interact with family members and
Alignment: Always evil (any). continue life as if he never died. However in
this form, he may bring disease to the family,
Advancement: By character class. and will prey on cattle.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature The third phase sees the strigoi turn to prey
+4. directly on his family members, drinking their
blood directly from the heart.
The strigoi mort (fem. strigoacia morta, The forth phase occurs after seven years. After
strigoi morti, strigoacie morte, a.k.a. this period, the strigoi is no longer bound to
Strigoii) is derived from the vampire legends its own grave, and may travel abroad and pass
of Romania. The strigoi mort is perhaps the for a normal human. Most remarry and have
most varied vampire by its account in folklore. offspring who in death will lead the life of
It seems in many ways to be a blend between their undead parent. The strigoi’s need for
several different vampire legends similar to it, human blood is also diminished by this stage
for example, to the vrykolakas of Greece. and it survives by preying on animals.

There is also the strigoi viu, or living vampire, Preventing Creation of Strigoi Morti
either a human that is half strigoi mort, or There are a number of ways a corpse may be
destined to become a strigoi mort in death (see prepared to ensure that it does not arise from
creation below). Such individuals are often the grave as a strigoi mort.
also considered witches and sorcerers, though
v Drive a nail or thorn through the tongue.
they are otherwise identical to a normal
human. v Fill the nostrils, ears, and mouth with
grains of incense, millet, or gravel mixed
Creation with oil. Then place the corpse in the grave
The strigoi mort is created when the soul of facing down.
the deceased is unable to leave the world of
v Bind the coffin with thorny vines of
the living. The most susceptible candidates for
hawthorn or wild rose.
becoming strigoi morti were those born with a
caul, a tail, out of wedlock, died an unnatural v Cast many millet seeds into the grave. A
death (including by another strigoi), died strigoi mort will be dormant for a year for
without a baptism, was a seventh child, or the each time it eats one.
child of a mother that either didn’t eat salt or

II: Vampiric Bestiary

v After burial, drive stakes into the centre of v Decapitation.

the grave so the deceased will be pierced if
v Removing the heart and burning it.
he rises from the grave.
v Burning the entire body.
Each method can only be made if the strigoi
Strigoi morti do not live strictly on a diet of
mort is reduced to 0 hit points and has ceased
blood. They also can imbibe food and drink as
for a time to heal.
per normal, but find urges to feed on animal,
and sometimes human, blood, especially that
of their relatives, widows or loved ones. Upier
After seven years of unlife, the strigoi no The upier is a vampire distinguishable by its
longer desires to feed on human blood, but forked tongue – like that of a serpent. It is also
still drains blood from animals. known for its habit of sleeping in a pool of
The process of feeding itself is done in a blood.
number of ways. The strigoi prefers to feed Upier are truly shades of their former selves,
straight from the heart, and may sometimes possessing great strength and enhanced
consume the entire heart itself. Alternatively, reflexes, but lacking the intelligence of a
it can suck the life (same as a blood drain normal member of their former race.
attack) out through the mouth of its victim.
Upiers cannot speak. They can understand the
Sleeping languages they once spoke in life, but the
The strigoi mort is nocturnally active, but is words have no meaning any more for a
only required to return to its grave on every mindless undead creature.
Saturday. During the 24 hours of Saturday,
the strigoi cannot rise from its grave.
Sample Upier
The following example is based on a 3rd level
While the strigoi mort is in its grave, it is for human commoner.
all intents and purposes, dead, simply a
Medium Undead [Augmented]
corpse. It will not react if exhumed, except
Hit Dice: 3d12 (18 hp)
perhaps to let out one final breath if it is
staked. Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
The strigoi is bound to his grave for seven Armour Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch
years, after which, he no longer needs to stay 12, flat footed 12
there. However, it needs to either sleep in a Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+4
nearby grave from Friday night to Sunday Attack: Unarmed strike +4 melee (1d3+3)
morning or find another strigoi mort to Full Attack: Unarmed strike +4 melee (1d3+3)
engage in supernatural activities with for the Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
same duration. Special Attacks: Blood drain
Special Qualities: Bells of death, fast healing
Strigoi Mort Weaknesses 1, resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, +2
Strigoi morti have the following weaknesses.
turn resistance, undead traits, upier
Destroying a Strigoi Mort: The strigoi mort weaknesses
may be destroyed be either on or several of Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
the following: Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con •, Int •, Wis
10, Cha 6
v Driving a wooden stake through the heart.

The Immortal: Vampires

Skills: Climb +9, Listen +6, Spot +6 Constitution drain each round the pin is
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Lightning maintained. On each such successful attack,
Reflexes, Power Attack the upier gains 5 temporary hit points.
Environment: Any
Special Qualities: In addition to those of the
Organisation: Solitary
base creature, the upier possesses the
Challenge Rating: 3
following qualities.
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Lawful evil Bells of Death (Su): If the upier is able to
Advancement: +2-4 hit dice climb a church or temple bell tower and ring
Level Adjustment: +4 the bell, any creature capable of hearing
within a one mile radius must make a DC 14
The creature appears as a livid human, who
will save or hear the deathly sound of the
appears to have been gnawed on by some wild
bells. Those who hear the bells toll receive a –2
animal, and is covered in blood.
penalty to all skill checks, saves and attack
Combat rolls when dealing with the upier. Those who
succeed the save hear nothing.
The upier prefers to attack the weak and
innocent, and will take vengeance upon its Fast Healing (Su): The upier heals 1 hit
former family members before all others. If the point per round so long as it has more than 0
upier knew spells in life, it no longer has hit points. If reduced to 0 hit points, the upier
access to them. mysteriously disappears, returning to its
grave. It cannot rise again until the next night.
Creating an Upier
“Upier” is an acquired template that can be Resistances (Ex): The upier has resistance to
cold 10 and electricity 10.
applied to any humanoid or monstrous
humanoid (hereafter referred to as the base Turn Resistance (Ex): The upier receives a +2
creature). bonus against turn checks.
Size and Type: The base creature’s type Abilities: Change as follows. Str +6, Dex +4,
changes to undead (augmented humanoid or Cha –4. As undead creatures, upiers do not
monstrous humanoid). Size remains have a constitution score. They also do not
unchanged. have an intelligence score.
Hit Dice: The base creature’s current and Skills: The upier retains only skills that are
future hit dice change to d12s. considered instinctual or use the senses. The
Armor: The upier’s natural armor improves upier can no longer use skills that rely on
by +2. intelligence.
Environment: Any, usually same as base
Attack: The upier’s unarmed strike deals
lethal damage.
Organization: Usually solitary.
Special Attacks: In addition to those
possessed by the base creature, the upier has Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature
the following special attack. +1.
Blood Drain (Ex): An upier can suck the life Treasure: Standard
from a living victim with its barbed tongue by
Alignment: Always lawful evil.
making a successful grapple check. If it pins
the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Advancement: +2-4 hit dice.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature Keeping an Upier at Bay: The upier can be
+2. prevented from rising if it is reburied during
its slumber, face down.
Likewise if a fishing net is thrown in with it, it
The upier (a.k.a. upior) comes from Poland,
must untie every knot (at an extremely slow
and is one of the more unusual vampires in
pace, that may take months or years for each
folklore. It has a forked tongue, like a snake,
knot) before it can rise.
and sleeps in blood.
If the upier encounters a pile of sand or grain
It is said that an upier will climb a church bell
(or any other type of seed), it must stop and
tower and ring the bell, and only its future
victims can hear it tolling. count each one, at a slow pace, before it can
continue what it was doing.
Creation Destroying an Upier: An upier can be
A child born with a caul or with teeth is said destroyed by driving an iron spike or nail
to be doomed in death to become an upier. through the creature’s forehead or by
Such children often demonstrate a tendency decapitating it.
for hyperactivity and a redness of the face.
Upon destroying the upier, the corpse spurts
At the time of death, such children will refuse out the blood of its victims in massive
the last rites. The body will cool slowly and amounts, which can be fed any of its surviving
remain red and livid. At midnight following victims (the victims of its blood drain).
the creature’s death, it revives and leaves its Drinking a vial of the blood restores any lost
home before burial. constitution points from the upier’s blood
The upier is a glutton of blood, feeding in vast
quantities. The upier does not necessarily Vampir
drain a victim of all blood at once, though it
The vampir is an undead creature that brings
will likely target several victims per night. It
with it plague, death and misery. They appear
prefers to attack sleeping victims.
as they did in life only with bloated red skin,
The upier is known to gnaw on its own flesh blood about their mouths and long nails. Like
in the grave. Its first victims are always the traditional vampire it is vulnerable to
members of its own family. Once they are all silver and garlic.
gone, it moves on to any other creature that
Vampir characters retain the ability to speak
has blood pumping through it’s veins.
and understand any languages they knew in
Sleeping life.
The upier sleeps in its coffin in its grave,
Sample Vampir
which is filled with vast quantities of blood
The following example uses an 8th level
(about 7 inches in depth). It is active from
warrior as the base creature.
noon to midnight, rising at midday and
returning to its coffin by the stroke of twelve. Medium Undead [Augmented]
Hit Dice: 8d12 (48 hp)
Upier Weaknesses Initiative: +1
The upier has the following weaknesses. Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armour Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch

The Immortal: Vampires

12, flat footed 18 Attack: The vampir’s unarmed strike is

Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+11 considered able to deal lethal damage thanks
Attack: Unarmed strike +12 melee (1d6+3 plus to its sharp long nails.
Damage: The vampir’s long nails increase the
Full Attack: Unarmed strike +12/7 melee
damage die of its unarmed strike from 1d3 to
(1d6+3 plus disease)
1d6 for a medium sized creature.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Blood drain, diseasing strike Special Attacks: The vampir has the following
Special Qualities: Damage reduction special attacks in addition to those of the base
10/silver, fast healing 5, resistance to cold 10 creature.
and electricity 10, +4 turn resistance, undead Blood Drain (Ex): A vampir can suck the
traits, vampir weaknesses blood from a living victim with its mouth by
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 making a successful grapple check. If it pins
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con •, Int 10, Wis the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
11, Cha 10 Constitution drain each round the pin is
Skills: Climb +14, Intimidate +11, Jump +14 maintained. On each such successful attack,
Feats: Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, the vampir gains 5 temporary hit points.
Power Attack, Weapon Focus: Unarmed strike
Environment: Any Diseasing Strike (Su): The vampir’s blows
Organisation: Solitary have a chance to cause the disease ‘devil
Challenge Rating: 8 chills’ in a victim.
Treasure: Standard Special Qualities: In addition to those of the
Alignment: Chaotic evil base creature, the vampir gains the following
Advancement: By character class special qualities.
Level Adjustment: +11
Damage Reduction (Su): The vampir has a
The creature appears as a bloated human with red damage reduction of 10/silver. Weapons laced
skin, long nails and blood around its mouth. with garlic may also overcome the vampir’s
damage reduction.
The vampir attacks with its long nails, and Fast Healing (Ex): The vampir heals 5 hit
will attempt to use its blood drain. Because of points each round so long as it has more than
its damage reduction, the vampir seldom 0 hit points. If the vampir is reduced to 0 hit
worries about being harmed by weapons. points, it does not resume healing for 24
hours. Damage dealt to the vampir with the
Creating a Vampir aid of silver or garlic stunts to vampir’s fast
“Vampir” is an acquired template that can be healing for 1 round.
added to any humanoid or monstrous
Resistances (Ex): The vampir has resistance
humanoid (hereafter referred to as the base to cold 10 and electricity 10.
Turn Resistance (Ex): The vampir receives a
Size and Type: The base creature’s type +4 bonus against turn checks.
changes to undead (augmented humanoid or
monstrous humanoid). Size remains Abilities: Increase the base creature’s abilities
unchanged. as follows. Str +6, Dex +4. As an undead
creature, the vampir has no constitution score.
Hit Dice: The vampir’s current and future hit
dice become d12s.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

Environment: Any, usually the same as the The vampir is also kept at bay by garlic and
base creature. silver, much as the core vampire is as
presented in the MM.
Organisation: Solitary
Destroying a Vampir: A vampir can be
Challenge Rating: +1
destroyed by staking or decapitation when the
Treasure: Standard vampir is incapacitated at 0 hit points. The
Alignment: Any evil wooden stake should preferably be made of
mountain ash.
Advancement: By character class
Alternatively the heart may be removed and
Level Adjustment: +4 boiled in wine, thereafter either being
replaced back in the body of the vampir or
History being burnt to ash.
The vampir comes originally from the range of
Serbia. The name itself is the most likely Vampir Variant
candidate for the origin of the English word Some legends allege that the vampir is
‘vampire’. The vampir is the idealised naturally invisible and that only a dhampir is
vampiric corpse, reanimated after death, livid able to see it under normal circumstances.
and bloated with the blood of its victims. It is Such vampir have the following special
vulnerable to silver and garlic and can be quality in addition to the others in the vampir
killed by driving a wooden stake through its template.
Invisible (Ex): The vampir is naturally
Creation invisible and is treated as if permanently
A murder victim, suicide, witch, warlock, affected by an invisibility spell. This ability can
heretic or werewolf could become a vampir in never be dispelled, but the vampir can be seen
death. by those using a see invisible or similar spell.

Feeding Vrykolakas
The vampir feeds on the blood of the living, as
well as cattle and other livestock. The vrykolakas is a vampire from the folklore
of Greece and Macedonia. The entry here is a
Sleeping culmination of both folklore traditions on the
The vampir is not bound to any particular vrykolakas.
time of the day, but periodically rests in its
grave. Vrykolakas appear in vague form as they did
in life, though the limbs are distended and
Vampir Weaknesses appear bloated as if about to burst with blood.
A vampir has the following weaknesses. When the corpse of a vrykolakas is exhumed,
it can be tapped and will produce a drum-like
Keeping a Vampir at Bay: The vampir is a
compulsive undead creature and can be
almost endlessly delayed by presenting it with The vrykolakas can speak and understand any
a pile of seeds of some kind. It must count language it knew in life.
each seed before it can move on and does so at
an incredibly slow pace. Sample Vrykolakas
The following example is based on a 3rd level
human commoner.

The Immortal: Vampires

Medium Undead [Augmented] Armor: The vrykolakas’ base natural armor

Hit Dice: 3d12 (18 hp) improves by +6.
Initiative: +1
Attack: The vrykolakas’s unarmed strike is
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
considered able to deal lethal damage.
Armour Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch
12, flat footed 18 Special Attacks: The vrykolakas has the
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+6 following special attack in addition to those of
Attack: Unarmed strike +6 melee (1d3+5) the base creature.
Full Attack: Unarmed strike +6 melee (1d3+5) Blood Drain (Ex): A vrykolakas can
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. mystically absorb the blood from a living
Special Attacks: Blood drain victim by sitting atop its victim by making a
Special Qualities: Fast healing 5, resistance to successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it
cold 10 and electricity 10, +4 turn resistance, drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
undead traits, vrykolakas weaknesses Constitution drain each round the pin is
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1 maintained. On each such successful attack,
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con •, Int 10, Wis the vrykolakas gains 5 temporary hit points.
11, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +6, Ride +7, Spot +6 Special Qualities: In addition to those of the
Feats: Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, base creature, the vrykolakas gains the
Power Attack following special qualities.
Environment: Any Fast Healing (Ex): The vrykolakas heals 5
Organisation: Solitary hit points each round so long as it has more
Challenge Rating: 3 than 0 hit points. If the vrykolakas is reduced
Treasure: Standard to 0 hit points, it does not resume healing for
Alignment: Chaotic evil 24 hours.
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +6 Resistances (Ex): The vrykolakas has
resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10.
The creature looks like a bloated human. Its gaze
radiates evil. Turn Resistance (Ex): The vrykolakas
receives a +4 bonus against turn checks.
Combat Abilities: Increase the base creature’s abilities
The vrykolakas prefers to single out victims as follows. Str +10, Dex +2. As an undead
and attack them when they are alone. creature, the vrykolakas has no constitution
Creating a Vrykolakas
“Vrykolakas” is an acquired template that can Environment: Any, usually the same as the
be applied to any humanoid or monstrous base creature.
humanoid (hereafter referred to as the base Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: +1
Size and Type: The base creature’s type
changes to undead (augmented humanoid or Treasure: Standard
monstrous humanoid). Size remains Alignment: Any evil
Advancement: By character class
Hit Dice: The vrykolakas’ current and future
Level Adjustment: +4
hit dice become d12s.

II: Vampiric Bestiary

History Additionally, a vrykolakas cannot cross a

body of salt water. Sometimes, the exhumed
Vampires have been a part of Greek history
corpse of suspected vrykolakas was reburied
and mythology since humans have been
on a deserted island where it could not plague
dwelling in that land. The vrykolakas is the
any mortal creature.
last of a long line of vampiric beings in Greek
legend and folklore that is still believed in to Destroying a Vrykolakas: A vrykolakas can
this day. be destroyed by using one or more of the
following methods when the vrykolakas has
The vrykolakas is in essence a corpse that
been reduced to 0 hit points or is prone in its
retains its spirit, but that is also partially
reanimated and possessed by a demon or
devil, and rendered incorruptible. v Exorcism.

Creation v Cremation.
The victim of the vrykolakas is himself v Scalding the corpse with boiling oil and
destined to become one in death. But there are then driving a long nail through the navel.
other ways that a person may become a
If the progenitor vrykolakas is destroyed, all
vrykolakas in death. The victims of suicides
of its vampiric creations are also destroyed.
and excommunications may become a
vrykolakas, as well as those who died
unbaptised, heretics, those who lead sinful Zmeu
lives, practitioners of sorcery or witchcraft,
corpses that don’t receive a proper burial, and The zmeu is a vampire that while feared by
those who ate the flesh of an animal that has many is sometimes invited into the bedrooms
been killed by a vampire. of young women, as he is known to be among
the very best of lovers.
Feeding In very rare circumstances it has been known
The vrykolakas feeds by crushing its victim by to take feminine form instead.
sitting on them. By this method, it mystically
drains them of blood. Sample Zmeu
The following example is based on a 5th level
Sleeping human rogue.
The vrykolakas is nocturnally active, but is
only required to return to its grave on every Medium Undead [Augmented]
Saturday. While in its grave, the vrykolakas is Hit Dice: 5d12 (30 hp)
essentially dead and prone to attack. Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Vrykolakas Weaknesses Armour Class: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural), touch
A vrykolakas has the following 14, flat footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+8
Keeping a Vrykolakas at Bay: The vrykolakas
Attack: Unarmed strike +9 melee (1d3+5)
is an obsessive compulsive and if confronted
Full Attack: Unarmed strike +9 melee (1d3+5)
with a pile of grain or similar seed will ignore
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
everything around it in order to slowly count
Special Attacks: Blood drain, dominate,
every one. During this period, the vrykolakas
draining visitation, sneak attack +3d6
is prone to attack.
Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage
reduction 10/silver and magic, dematerialise,

The Immortal: Vampires

fast healing 5, resistance to cold 10 and attacking opponents that are flatfooted or that
electricity 10, +4 turn resistance, undead traits, the zmeu is currently flanking.
zmeu weaknesses
Trap Sense (Ex): The zmeu gains an
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +1
intuitive sense that alerts it to danger from
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 19, Con •, Int 13, Wis
traps, giving it a +1 bonus on Reflex saves
11, Cha 20
made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to
Skills: Bluff +13, Disguise +13, Gather
AC against attacks made by traps.
Information +13, Hide +12, Listen +8, Move
Silently +12, Perform (Act) +13, Search +9, Trapfinding (Ex): The zmeu can use the
Sense Motive +8, Spot +8 Search skill to locate traps when the task has a
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Focus: Difficulty Class higher than 20.
Unarmed strike
Environment: Any Creating a Zmeu
Organisation: Solitary “Zmeu” is an acquired template that can be
Challenge Rating: 8 added to any humanoid or monstrous
Treasure: Standard humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as
Alignment: Chaotic evil the base creature).
Advancement: By character class A zmeu uses all the base creature’s statistics
Level Adjustment: +15 and special abilities except as noted here.
The flame slowly changes form into an Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to
exceptionally handsome man. His larger than life undead (augmented humanoid or monstrous
presence fills the darkened room. humanoid). Size is unchanged.

Combat Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit

Zmeu do not like fair fights, and will run from Dice to d12s.
confrontations they are unlikely to win. Zmeu Armor Class: The base creature’s natural
prefer preying on the weak, innocent and armor bonus improves by +6.
Attack: The zmeu’s unarmed strike is treated
The DC is 17 for the Will save against this as dealing lethal damage.
zmeu’s domination ability.
Special Attacks: A zmeu retains all the special
Evasion (Ex): The zmeu can avoid attacks attacks of the base creature and gains those
with great agility. Upon a successful reflex described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2
save, the zmeu takes no damage instead of zmeu’s HD + zmeu’s Cha modifier unless
half damage from a successful save. noted otherwise.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The zmeu can react Blood Drain (Ex): A zmeu can drain blood
to danger before its senses would normally from a living victim mystically by making a
allow it to do so. It retains its Dexterity bonus successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it
to AC (if any) even if it is caught flat-footed or drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
struck by an invisible attacker. However, it Constitution drain each round the pin is
still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if maintained. On each such successful attack,
immobilized. the zmeu gains 5 temporary hit points.
Sneak Attack (Ex): The zmeu gains a +3d6 Dominate (Su): A zmeu can crush an
damage bonus to sneak attacks when opponent’s will just by looking into his or her
eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except

II: Vampiric Bestiary

that the zmeu must use a standard action, and Fast Healing (Ex): A zmeu heals 5 points of
those merely looking at it are not affected. damage each round so long as it has at least 1
Anyone the zmeu targets must succeed on a hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat,
Will save or fall instantly under the zmeu’s it automatically teleports back to its coffin.
influence as though by a dominate person Once at rest in its coffin, a zmeu is helpless. It
spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a range regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no
of 30 feet. longer helpless and resumes healing at the
rate of 5 hit points per round.
Draining Visitation (Su): Living creatures
that spend a night of pleasure with the zmeu Resistances (Ex): A zmeu has resistance to
are drained of 1d6 points of constitution and cold 10 and electricity 10.
are considered fatigued the following day. If
Turn Resistance (Ex): A zmeu has +4 turn
the zmeu revisits the same victim again the
following night and does the same, the victim
instead becomes exhausted. Abilities: Increase from the base creature as
follows: Str +8, Dex +4, Cha +6. As an undead
Special Qualities: A zmeu retains all the
creature, a zmeu has no Constitution score.
special qualities of the base creature and gains
those described below. Environment: Any, usually the same as the
base creature.
Alternate Form (Su): A zmeu can assume the
shape of tiny ball of flame as a standard Organisation: Solitary
action. While in this form, the zmeu is Challenge Rating: +3
incorporeal and can move through solid
objects. The zmeu can also take on the Treasure: Double standard
appearance of another as if by an alter self Alignment: Any evil
Advancement: By character class
Damage Reduction (Su): A zmeu has
Level Adjustment: +10
damage reduction 10/silver and magic. A
zmeu’s natural weapons are treated as magic
weapons for the purpose of overcoming
The zmeu is an undead creature of Moldavian
damage reduction. Weapons coated with
origins. Little information is known about the
monk’s hood (wolves bane) are also capable of
zmeu, except that it is capable of teleportation,
overcoming the zmeu’s damage reduction.
dematerializing into a vapour and is immune
Dematerialise (Su): A zmeu is capable of to the effects of staking. It is both a vampire
dematerialising its body into an incorporeal and an incubus-like creature, delighting in
form as a standard action. While in this state, both killing and physical pleasure.
it is able to both move through solid matter
and teleport without error. While in this state, Creation
the zmeu is both invisible and incorporeal. There is no known method of becoming a
zmeu – it may not even be a contractible
The teleporting ability of the dematerialisation
condition at all, but rather a form of demon
functions as the spell Greater Teleport as cast by
like the incubus or succubus. As a Moldavian
a 14th level character. The zmeu uses this
vampire, it may possibly occur in a similar
ability to teleport back to its coffin, which may
manner to the strigoi morti.
be miles away from where it otherwise
‘appears’ to live.

The Immortal: Vampires

The zmeu drains blood from its victims by
mystical means. It delights in killing, either by
this manner or by others.

The zmeu is bound by the night time hours as
it is vulnerable to sunlight. Its usual place of
rest is in its grave or coffin, which it gains
access to by dematerialising and teleporting.

Zmeu Weaknesses
Zmeu have the following weaknesses.
Repelling a Zmeu: Zmeu cannot tolerate the
strong odor of aconite (a.k.a. monk’s hood
or wolves bane) and will not enter an area
laced with it. Similarly, they recoil from a
mirror or a strongly presented holy
symbol. These things don’t harm the
zmeu—they merely keep it at bay. A
recoiling zmeu must stay at least 5
feet away from a creature
holding the mirror or holy
symbol and cannot touch
or make melee attacks
against the creature
holding the item for the
rest of the encounter.
Holding a zmeu at bay
takes a standard action.

Slaying a Zmeu: Reducing a

zmeu’s hit points to 0 or lower
incapacitates it but doesn’t always
destroy it (see the note on fast healing).
However, certain attacks can slay a
Exposing any zmeu to direct sunlight
disorients it: It can take only a single move
action or attack action and is destroyed utterly
in the next round if it cannot escape.

II: Vampiric Bestiary


Graveyard of gravestones with the names of famous vampires.

This section of the book is devoted to fleshing through time has adapted to her long lifestyle
out the story and culture of vampires in your in a manner similar to the bard – she picks up
fantasy game by providing stats for famous her talents here and there, and has more
literary vampires in addition to introducing a versatility than most, but is a master of
number of generic vampire gods that you may nothing.
consider integrating into the pantheon of your
However, where the bard lives a life in the
campaign world.
spotlight, the walker through time walks
behind the scenes, in the background. Her
Prestige Classes disciplines lie in her arcane knowledge and
lore and her eternal patience.
Expending on the plethora of prestige classes
out there is not the goal of this book. In fact, Hit Die: d6.
prestige classes themselves are almost
irrelevant to the genre. However, there is one
To qualify to become a walker through time, a
prestige class that is completely ideal for
character must fulfil all of the following
vampire characters.

WALKER THROUGH TIME Race: Be of a long-lived or immortal race, such

On the cold, dark road of eternity, there is as an elf, dragon or a vampire.
nothing but time. People and places are Spells: Able to cast 3rd level divine or arcane
transient things, and entire nations rise and spells.
fall in the blink of the millennia. The walker
III: Fang & Fame

Table 3-1: The Walker Through Time

Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Lore +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Eternal Patience +1 +1 level of existing class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Bonus Feat +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Eternal Patience +2 +1 level of existing class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Secret +1 level of existing class
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Eternal Patience +3 +1 level of existing class
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Bonus Feat +1 level of existing class
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Eternal Patience +4 +1 level of existing class
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Greater Lore +1 level of existing class
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Eternal Patience +5, Secret +1 level of existing class

Class Skills of walker through time to the level of some

The walker through time’s class skills (and the other spellcasting class the character has, then
key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), determines spells per day, spells known, and
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), caster level accordingly.
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Lore: At 1st level, a walker through time gains
Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), the ability to know legends or information
Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), regarding various topics, just as a bard can
Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, with bardic knowledge. The walker through
taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move time adds her level and her Intelligence
Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession modifier to the lore check, which functions
(Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand otherwise exactly like a bardic knowledge
(Dex), Speak Language (n/a), Spellcraft (Int), check.
Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Eternal Patience (Ex): At 2nd level the walker
Device (Cha). through time gains the ability to benefit from
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier. her extraordinary patience. In combat if the
walker through time spends an entire round
Class Features waiting patiently and observing her
All of the following are Class Features of the opponents, she receives the following round a
walker through time prestige class. +1 insight bonus to her attack and damage
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A walker rolls. The bonus carries over for a number of
through time gains no proficiency with any rounds equal to half the character’s walker
weapon or armor. through time levels.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: When a new This bonus increases at 4th level to +2, and by
walker through time level is gained, the +1 again at every second level thereafter.
character gains new spells per day (and spells In addition, the walker through time receives
known, if applicable) as if she had also gained her eternal patience bonus when taking 10 or
a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to taking 20 on a skill check.
before she added the prestige class. She does
Bonus Feat: Starting at 3rd level and at every
not, however, gain any other benefit a
forth level thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th, etc) the
character of that class would have gained.
walker through time gains a bonus feat.
This essentially means that she adds the level

The Immortal: Vampires

Secret: At 5th level and every five levels higher Skills: Bluff +16, Diplomacy +22, Disguise +7,
than 5th (10th, 15th, 20th, etc), the walker through Forgery +13, Knowledge (Nobility and
time chooses one secret as per the loremaster Royalty) +5, Listen +3, Perform (Dance) +11,
in the DMG. Half her level plus Intelligence Sense Motive +12, Spot +3
modifier determines the total number of Feats: Alertness, Alertness, Combat Reflexes,
secrets she can choose. She can’t choose the Deceitful, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
same secret twice. Improved Unarmed Strike, Lightning
Reflexes, Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike
Greater Lore (Ex): At 8th level, a walker
Environment: Any
through time gains the ability to understand
Organisation: Unique
magic items, as with the identify spell.
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Standard
Famous Vampires Alignment: Neutral evil
Advancement: By character class
This section of the book is dedicated to those Level Adjustment: +15
immortal characters that graced the pages of
classic literature. For copyright reasons, only Carmilla was a beautiful young woman, looking to
those characters who are now public domain be no more than eighteen years old.
have been included. “She was above the middle height of women...
Note that these characters are presented as …She was slender, and wonderfully graceful.
their fictional selves for your entertainment. Except that her movements were languid-very
For example, under Dracula’s description, you languid- indeed, there was nothing in her
will find no reference whatsoever to Vlad the appearance to indicate an invalid. Her complexion
Impaler. was rich and brilliant; her features were small and
beautifully formed; her eyes large, dark, and
CARMILLA lustrous; her hair was quite wonderful, I never saw
Medium-Size Undead (Augmented) hair so magnificently thick and long when it was
Hit Dice: 8d12 (48 hp) down about her shoulders.”
Initiative: +7 • J. Sheridan LeFanu, Carmilla
Speed: 70 ft. (14 squares) 1872
AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural armor), touch 13,
flat-footed 14 History
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+12 Carmilla was once known as Mircalla,
Attack: Unarmed strike +13/8 melee (1d3+6) Countess Karnstein, from a great family that
Full Attack: Unarmed strike +13/8 melee died out in the 18th century. Her family was
(1d3+6) known for such atrocious lust, that it was
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. thought that they would continue their sins
Special Attacks: Blood drain, withering grasp even in death. This certainly was true of
Special Qualities: Carmillite vampire Carmilla, who survived death as a vampire. It
weaknesses, dematerialise, fast healing 5, also can be concluded that she is most likely
resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10, spell responsible for the decline of her family, a trait
resistance 43, suggestion, telepathy, , undead common amongst her kind.
Carmilla arrived at the manor of an
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7
Englishman and his daughter Laura by
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 17, Con —, Int 11, Wis
mysterious means. She was in a carriage
12, Cha 21

III: Fang & Fame

accident, and left under the care of the family Animal +11, Intimidate +22, Listen +6, Ride
who took up residence in Austria. After an +11, Sense Motive +16, Spot +6
engaging relationship with Carmilla, Laura Feats: Alertness, Alertness, Charlatan, Cleave,
was visited by a strange, weakening disease. Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Dodge, Great
Cleave, Improved Critical: Longsword,
Carmilla was destroyed after a long affair
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning
with a girl named Laura, when she was
Reflexes, Persuasive, Power Attack,
discovered by an old foe, the general, to be a
Trustworthy, Weapon Focus: Longsword
vampire that called herself Millarca.
Environment: Any
Carmilla’s corpse was exhumed, found in a
Organisation: Unique
pool of blood, the flesh livid and a faint
Challenge Rating: 16
respiration present. She was staked,
Treasure: Standard
decapitated and her remains were burnt, then
Alignment: Chaotic evil
scattered into the river, over one hundred and
Advancement: By character class
fifty years after her funeral.
Level Adjustment: +21
Combat “Within, stood a tall old man, clean shaven save
Carmilla prefers to debilitate her enemies with for a long white moustache, and clad in black from
her withering grasp special ability and flee if head to foot, without a single speck of colour about
outnumbered. him anywhere. He held in his hand an antique
silver lamp, in which the flame burned without a
COUNT DRACULA chimney or globe of any kind, throwing long
Medium-Size Undead (Augmented) quivering shadows as it flickered in the draught of
Hit Dice: 12d12 (72 hp) the open door…
Initiative: +8
“…His face was a strong, a very strong, aquiline,
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
with high bridge of the thin nose and peculiarly
AC: 22 (+4 Dex, +8 natural armor), touch 14,
arched nostrils, with lofty domed forehead, and hair
flat-footed 18
growing scantily round the temples but profusely
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+20
elsewhere. His eyebrows were very massive, almost
Attack: Masterwork longsword +22/17/12 melee
meeting over the nose, and with bushy hair that
(1d8+9) or slam +20 melee (1d6+9)
seemed to curl in its own profusion. The mouth, so
Full Attack: Masterwork longsword +22/17/12
far as I could see it under the heavy moustache,
melee (1d8+9) or slam +20 melee (1d6+9)
was fixed and rather cruel-looking, with peculiarly
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
sharp white teeth. These protruded over the lips,
Special Attacks: Blood drain, children of the
whose remarkable ruddiness showed astonishing
night, create nosferatu, dominate
vitality in a man of his years. For the rest, his ears
Special Qualities: Alternate form, control
were pale, and at the tops extremely pointed. The
weather, damage reduction 10/magic, fast
chin was broad and strong, and the cheeks firm
healing 7, gaseous form, master vampire
though thin. The general effect was one of
weaknesses, resistance to cold 10 and
extraordinary pallor.”
electricity 10, spider climb, +8 turn resistance,
undead traits • Bram Stoker, Dracula
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +12 1897
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 19, Con —, Int 16, Wis
18, Cha 23 History
Skills: Bluff +25, Climb +19, Diplomacy +27, Count Dracula’s past is elusive, though it is
Disguise +8, Gather Information +8, Handle imagined that he has lived for hundreds of

The Immortal: Vampires

years. He spoke to Johnathan Harker about Full Attack: Masterwork dagger +16/11 melee
the glorious battles of his land’s past as if he (1d4+6) or unarmed strike +15/10 melee
were there. (1d3+8)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
He purchased a home in England, sending for
Special Attacks: Blood drain
several accountants to visit him, including
Special Qualities: Regeneration 5, resistance
Renfield and later Johnathan Harker. Harker
to cold 10 and electricity 10, +4 turn resistance,
he kept captive, and bade write letters home,
undead traits, vampyre weaknesses, walk on
and used to arrange his transit to London.
After a series of murders, particularly that of Saves: Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +8
Lucy Westenra, and the escape of Johnathan Abilities: Str 27, Dex 18, Con —, Int 15, Wis
Harker, the Count’s presence was discovered 13, Cha 17
and he was pursued out of England by Van Skills: Bluff +17, Diplomacy +27, Gather
Helsing and a hunting party consisting of Information +19, Intimidate +19, Knowledge
Harker and Lucy Westenra’s former suitors. (Nobility and Royalty) +15, Sense Motive +16,
Dracula was destroyed by decapitation, and Survival +14
piercing the heart with a knife, by Johnathan Feats: Leadership, Lightning Reflexes,
Harker and Quincy Morris. His coffin was Negotiator, Trustworthy, Weapon Finesse
intercepted by the hunting party as it had Environment: Any
almost reached its destination. There was but Organisation: Unique
minutes before sundown, and Dracula Challenge Rating: 10
crumbled to dust without a fight. Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Combat Advancement: By character class
Dracula is incredibly powerful, but uses guile Level Adjustment: +13
and his intelligence to manipulate those “It happened that in the midst of the dissipations
around him rather than have outright attendant upon London winter, there appeared at
confrontations. He is however a capable the various parties of the leaders of the ton a
warrior, who prefers to use his supernatural nobleman more remarkable for his singularities,
powers rather than his physical skills. than his rank. He gazed upon the mirth around
However, if forced into a fight with weapons, him, as if he could not participate therein.
he is deadly with a longsword, as he was Apparently, the light laughter of the fair only
many centuries ago fighting in battles for his attracted his attention, that he might by a look
beloved country. quell it and throw fear into those breasts where
thoughtlessness reigned. Those who felt this
LORD RUTHREN sensation of awe, could not explain whence it arose:
Medium-Size Undead (Augmented) some attributed it to the dead grey eye, which,
Hit Dice: 10d12 (60 hp) fixing upon the object's face, did not seem to
Initiative: +4 penetrate, and at one glance to pierce through to
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) the inward workings of the heart; but fell upon the
AC: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural armor), touch 14, cheek with a leaden ray that weighed upon the skin
flat-footed 16 it could not pass. His peculiarities caused him to be
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+15 invited to every house; all wished to see him, and
Attack: Masterwork dagger +16/11 melee those who had been accustomed to violent
(1d4+6) or unarmed strike +15/10 melee excitement, and now felt the weight of ennui, were
(1d3+8) pleased at having something in their presence

III: Fang & Fame

capable of engaging their attention. In spite of the Aubrey entered into a fever and was
deadly hue of his face, which never gained a transported back to Athens where Ruthren
wanner tint, either from the blush of modesty, or mysteriously arrived to nurse him back to
from the strong emotion of passion, though its form health. When he was recovered, their
and outline were beautiful, many of the female friendship was renewed and they travelled
hunters after notoriety attempted to win his once again about Greece together.
attentions, and gain, at least, some marks of what
However, they were beset by bandits, and
they might term affection…”
Ruthren was ‘mortally’ wounded. With his
• John Polidori, The Vampyre last breath, he exacts an oath from Aubrey
1819 swearing for a year and a day he will mention
nothing of Ruthren’s death, and upon
History Aubrey’s honour, expires.
No one can say what might lie in Lord
Aubrey returned home to England to his
Ruthren’s past, for it was never said. His
sister, who was of age to enter society. At her
history started when he entered the life of a
debut he was shocked to hear his deceased
young man named Aubrey, who came into
friend’s voice coming from over his shoulder.
some money and traveled continental Europe
in the company of Lord Ruthren. “Remember your oath.” He turned to find
Ruthren, who introduced himself as Earl
Aubrey was disturbed by Ruthren’s strange Marsden.
disposition on their way to Rome – Ruthren
Aubrey knew then that Ruthren was a
showed no compassion for the poor, but gave
vampire, but was honour-bound to say
money to gamblers and other miscreants. He
nothing until the year was up. Ruthren
was a notorious womaniser, but only of the
meek and innocent. proceeded to court Aubrey’s sister, and
Aubrey went mad in his honour-bound oath.
Aubrey broke with Ruthren in Rome to visit A day before the oath was to expire, his sister
Greece, where he fell in love with a girl named was to marry an Earl Marsden, who he knew
Ianthe. She described to him the superstitions to be Ruthren, but thought to be raving mad,
of her land, including that of vampires, which he was thrown out from the wedding. He
Aubrey noticed seemed to correlate well to burst a blood vessel and shortly died, but not
Ruthren’s behaviour, despite his dismissal of before checking on his sister.
such an ardent fantasy.
However, it was too late. His sister was dead,
Aubrey found his love of Ianthe disturbing, as and Earl Marsden had disappeared.
she was but a peasant, and he an English
gentleman, and distracted himself by going on Combat
long trips about the country. One night, on Lord Ruthren favours his supernatural
such a trip, his horse became spooked by a powers over weaponry, but has been known
thunderstorm and he ended up in a dark to sometimes employ a dagger in his killings.
forest near a hovel. He heard feminine
screams from within, and rushed to the VARNEY THE VAMPYRE
rescue, only to be knocked unconscious by Medium-Size Undead (Augmented)
someone with superhuman strength. When he Hit Dice: 12d12 (72 hp)
woke up in the morning, he found Ianthe, Initiative: +3
dead, drained of blood, the peasants claiming Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
it a vampire’s work. AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +6 natural armor), touch 13,

The Immortal: Vampires

flat-footed 16 ruthless murder in his homeland of England,

Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+19 plaguing the beds of young women during
Attack: Unarmed strike +20/15 melee (1d4+9) thunderstorms by entering through the
Full Attack: Unarmed strike +20/15 melee window, paralysing his victims with fear and
(1d4+9) then draining them of blood.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
He was pursued many times and shot
Special Attacks: Blood drain
repeatedly, only to always come back, until
Special Qualities: Regeneration 5, resistance
finally he committed suicide in self loathing
to cold 10 and electricity 10, +4 turn resistance,
by leaping into the fires of Mount Vesuvius (of
undead traits, vampyre weaknesses, walk on
Pompeii fame) in Italy.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +11 Combat
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 16, Con —, Int 12, Wis Varney prefers his vampiric powers over
10, Cha 8 conventional weaponry, and usually attacks
Skills: Bluff +16, Intimidate +18, Jump +17.5, with his great strength and sharp nails.
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +18, Listen
+2, Sense Motive +17, Spot +2, Survival +17 Sharp Nails (Ex): Varney’s nails are longer
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Improved Unarmed than usual, and deal 1d4 damage in an
Strike, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon unarmed strike instead of 1d3. They also can
Focus: Unarmed strike be used as lethal weapons.
Environment: Any
Organisation: Unique
Creating a Vampyre
“Vampyre” is a template that can be added to
Challenge Rating: 14
any humanoid or monstrous humanoid
Treasure: Standard
(hereafter referred to as the base creature).
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class Size and Type: The base creature’s type
Level Adjustment: +17 changes to undead. Size remains unchanged.
“The figure turns half round, and the light falls Hit Dice: The base creature’s current and
upon its face. It is perfectly white —perfectly future hit dice change to d12s.
bloodless. The eyes look like polished tin; the lips
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural
are drawn back, and the principal feature next to
armor bonus improves by +6.
those dreadful eyes is the teeth — the fearful
looking teeth — projecting like those of some wild Special Attacks: In addition to those of the
animal, hideously, glaringly white, and fang-like. base creature, the vampyre gains the
It approaches the bed with a strange, gliding following special attacks.
movement. It clashes together the long nails that Blood Drain (Ex): The vampyre can drain
literally appear to hang from the finger ends. No the blood of a victim with its fangs.
sound comes from its lips.”
Special Qualities: In addition to those of the
• James Malcolm Rymer, base creature, the vampyre gains the
Varney the Vampyre following special qualities.
Regeneration (Ex): The vampyre is capable
History of inhumanly fast regeneration, and can
Varney the vampire, also known as Sir reform from nothing. The vampyre
Frances Varney of Ratford Hall, led a career of regenerates 5 hit points each round so long as

III: Fang & Fame

the vampyre’s hit points remain above 0. If

reduced to zero by any means except fire, the
The Dark Mother, The First, Blackheart, The
vampyre’s regeneration kicks in under the
Divine Seductress, The Knower of All
light of the moon.
Divine Rank: 11
Resistances (Ex): The vampyre has a
resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10. Symbol: An open eye
Home Plane: Material
Turn Resistance (Ex): The vampyre receives Portfolio: Knowledge, magic, secrets, undead
a +4 resistance against turn checks. Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Walk on Walls (Su): The vampyre is capable Worshippers: Bards, loremasters, rogues,
of scaling walls as if they were floors. This spellcasters, undead
ability otherwise is identical to the effects of a Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN, LE, NE
permanent spider climb spell. Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Knowledge,
Magic, Trickery
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as Favored Weapon: Khopesh
follows: Str +10, Dex +2. As an undead
creature, the vampyre has no constitution Ankarii (Ank-ar-rei) stole the secrets of
score. immortality from the gods themselves, by
seducing the high priests of the
Environment: Any, usually great temple.
the same as the base creature.
Ankarii was but an initiate of
Organisation: Solitary. the arcane arts, but she dreamt of
Challenge Rating: +1 greater things. A woman in touch
with her body and what power that
Treasure: Double standard.
might hold over men, Ankarii used it to her
Alignment: Almost always evil. advantage to gain forbidden knowledge that
no single priest alone was allowed to know.
Advancement: By character class.
By these means she held great power and
Level Adjustment: +4
sway, and used them to discover powerful
Vampyre Weaknesses rituals that would grant her immortality. But
The vampyre has the following weakness. the rituals were meant to be completed by
only the purest of souls, and the taint of
Vulnerability to Fire: The vampyre is Ankarii’s black heart twisted its results.
vulnerable to fire, and takes 50% more Instead of becoming a pure immortal, Ankarii
damage from fire. Fire is the only sure way to became the first vampire, and though she
destroy a vampyre. would now live forever, she was a creature of
the night and had to prey upon the blood of
Vampire Gods men.
Ankarii is over 10,000 years old and has
It is possible for the very eldest vampires to
grown so powerful she is for all intents and
have lived so long and grown so powerful
purposes a goddess. She is known by many
that they have been elevated to godhood.
names, among them are: The Dark Mother,
Below are four fully fleshed out gods for easy
The First, Blackheart, The Divine Seductress
inclusion in your campaign. They are all
and The Knower of All.
independent, and can be added in or removed
at your leisure.

The Immortal: Vampires

Ankarii’s Temples Saves: Fort +28, Ref +41, Will +31

The temples of Ankarii are usually isolated Abilities: Str 61, Dex 38, Con —, Int 36, Wis
and seldom known even to locals. Great 26, Cha 38
temples are hewn into the rock of lonely Skills: Bluff +32, Concentration +48, Craft
mountains, or desert canyons, a true sight to (Alchemy) +49, Decipher Script +31,
behold, as they can seldom be seen until they Diplomacy +56, Disable Device +21, Gather
are right in front of the viewer. Information +24, Hide +32, Jump +33,
Knowledge (Arcana) +51, Knowledge
Less isolated temples may be hidden with (Religion) +38, Knowledge (The Planes) +38,
illusionary magic, ensuring only the ‘worthy’ Listen +16, Move Silently +32, Open Lock +22,
may find them.
Perform (Sing) +24, Search +31, Sense Motive
Small chapels of worship may be cleverly +26, Spellcraft +53, Spot +26
hidden underground even in large cities, often Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Combat Casting,
under places of significance, such as houses of Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and
learning or libraries. Ankarii’s worshipers are Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge,
select and while fewer than other comparative Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Forge
deities, stem from the intellectual elite – Ring, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative,
learned scholars, wizards, and loremasters. Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell
Capacity x2, Lightning Reflexes, Maximize
Ankarii (Intermediate Deity) Spell, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Scribe
Cleric 5/Rogue 10/Wizard 20 Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Knowledge (13), Spell
Medium-Size Undead
Divine Rank: 11 Always Maximize Checks: Ankarii always
Hit Dice: 5d12 plus 10d12 plus 20d12 (420 hp) gets a result of 20 on any check, provided she
Initiative: +18 needs to make a check at all. This takes no
Speed: 5150 ft. (1030 squares) more time than a regular check.
AC: 79 (+14 Dex, +41 natural armor, +14
Divine Immunities: Acid, cold, electricity,
defection), touch 38, flat-footed 65
transmutation, draining and ability damage,
Base Attack/Grapple: +31/+56
mind effects, disease, poison, paralysis,
Attack: +6 Keen Khopesh +62 melee (1d8+31)
stunning, disintegration, imprisonment/
slam +56 melee (1d6+25) or by salient powers
banishment, and death effects.
Full Attack: +6 Keen Khopesh +62/58/52 melee
(1d8+31) or slam +56/51/46 melee (1d6+25) or Immortality: Romantic vampires are
by salient powers immortal, and do not naturally age or suffer
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. the effects of sickness or disease.
Special Attacks: Blood drain, domain powers, Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Reality,
salient divine abilities, vampiric salient
Arcane Mastery, Automatic Metamagic
(Maximize Spell), Divine Fast Healing, Divine
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 30/epic,
Spellcasting, Instant Counterspell, Know
death sleep, detect thoughts, divine fast
Secrets, Possess Mortal, Rejuvination, See
healing 31, fast healing 20, immortal, Magic, Spontaneous Wizard Spells
immunity to turn, improved jump,
intermediate deity abilities, low-light vision, Vampiric Salient Powers: Blood Gluttony,
mind fog, spell resistance 43, suggestion, Extrasense, Flight, Immolate (2d6+24),
telepathy, romantic vampire weaknesses, Immolation Immunity, Immolation
undead traits

III: Fang & Fame

Resistance, Potency, Telekinesis, Telekinesis, target actually has a bonus or not), or when
Greater, Telekinesis, Massive Ankarii flanks her target, the rogue’s attack
deals varying points of extra damage. If the
Domain Powers: Ankarii can use any domain
attack scores a critical hit, this extra damage is
power she can grant 11/day.
not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as
Spell-Like Abilities: Ankarii can cast any sneak attacks only if the target is within 30
domain spell she can grant at will as a 21st feet. With a sap or an unarmed strike, Ankarii
level caster. The save DCs are 35 + spell level. can make a sneak attack that deals subdual
Cleric Spells/Day (Levels 0-3): 5/5/4/3; base damage instead of normal damage. She cannot
DC = 20 + spell level. use a weapon that deals normal damage to
deal subdual damage with a sneak attack.
Wizard Spells/Day (Levels 0-13): 4/8/7/7/7/ Ankarii can sneak attack only living creatures
7/6/6/6/6/2/2/2/2; base DC 25 + spell level. with discernable anatomies.
Other Divine Powers Any creature immune to critical hits is not
Senses: Ankarii can see, hear, touch, and smell vulnerable to sneak attacks. Ankarii must be
at a distance of 11 miles. As a standard action, able to see the target well enough to pick out a
she can perceive anything within 11 miles of vital spot and must be able to reach a vital
her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any spot. She cannot sneak attack while striking a
location where one of her titles or name was creature with concealment or striking the
spoken in the last hour. She can extend her limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond
senses to up to ten locations at once. She can reach.
block the sensing power of deities of her rank
Crippling Strike (Ex): When Ankarii damages
or lower at up to two remote locations at once
an opponent with a sneak attack, that
for up to 11 hours.
character also suffers 1 point of Strength
Portfolio Sense: Ankarii senses all events damage. Ability points lost to such damage
pertaining to magic, the discovery, recording, return on their own at the rate of 1 point per
or sharing of knowledge when any number of day.
such beings is involved. In addition, she
Evasion (Ex): If exposed to any effect that
retains the sensations for up to eleven weeks.
normally allows a character to attempt a
Automatic Actions: Ankarii can use Disguise, Reflex saving throw for half damage, Ankarii
Knowledge (all), Move Silently, Perform (act), sustains no damage with a successful saving
Pick Pocket, Sense Motive and Spellcraft as throw.
free actions if the DC for the task is 25 or
Traps: Ankarii can use the Search skill to
lower. She can perform up to ten such free
locate traps when the task has a DC higher
actions each round.
than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC
Create Magic Items: Ankarii can create any of at least 20, higher if it is well hidden.
kind of magic item as long as the item’s Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level
market price does not exceed 200,000gp. of the spell used to create it. Ankarii can use
the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps.
Divine Aura: Ankarii’s divine aura extends in
Disabling a magic trap generally has a DC of
a radius up to 1,100 feet (Will save DC 35).
25 + the level of the spell used to create it. If
Class and Undead Abilities she beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a
Sneak Attack: If Ankarii’s target would be Disable Device check, she can generally study
denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the

The Immortal: Vampires

a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it These spells turn undead creatures back
(with her companions) without disarming it. into the living creatures they were before
becoming undead.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Ankarii can react to
danger before her senses normally would Possessions: Ankarii always carries a +6 Keen
allow her to do so. Khopesh she calls Life Taker.
Ankarii retains her Dexterity bonus to AC
regardless of being caught flat-footed or
The Dark Warlord, The Lifetaker, The Black
struck by an invisible attacker. She can no
longer be flanked.
Divine Rank: 7
Undead Traits: As an undead creature,
Ankarii has the following traits: Symbol: A vampiric skull with glowing eyes
backed by a diamond of runes over a pool of
v No Constitution score. blood.
v Darkvision out to 60 feet. Home Plane: Demiplane of Eternal Night
Portfolio: Magic, undead, war
v Immunity to all mind-affecting effects Alignment: Lawful Evil
(charms, compulsions, phantasms, Worshippers: Evil fighters, spellcasters,
patterns, and morale effects). vampires
v Immunity to poison, sleep effects, Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, LG, LN, NE
paralysis, stunning, disease, and death Domains: Evil, Law, Magic, War
effects. Favored Weapon: Greatsword

v Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal Archonis (Arc-o-nis) is a legend amongst

damage, ability drain, or energy drain. vampires. Many thousands of years ago, the
Immune to damage to its physical ability mortal Archonis was a powerful warlord and
scores (Strength, Dexterity, and wizard obsessed with immortality. Archonis
Constitution), as well as to fatigue and gained his vampiric nature by making a deal
exhaustion effects. with an archfiend and selling his soul in
exchange for his powers.
v Negative energy (such as an inflict spell)
can heal undead creatures. The fast healing During the following centuries, Archonis’
special quality works regardless of the power continued to grow, and as he aged, his
creature’s Intelligence score. vampiric body became stronger and stronger.
He created legions of loyal followers, both
v Immunity to any effect that requires a
mortal and immortal, and with these forces
Fortitude save (unless the effect also works conquered his entire world.
on objects or is harmless).
Nothing it seemed could stop Archonis, who
v Uses its Charisma modifier for
was intent on now becoming a god. But for all
Concentration checks.
his power and might, and his hordes of
v Not at risk of death from massive damage, followers, the absence of his soul prevented
but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it him from ascending to godhood. Unwilling to
is immediately destroyed. give up on his obsession, Archonis bided his
time for 10,000 years and then turned on the
v Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate
archfiend that granted him his immortality in
spells or abilities. Resurrection and true
the first place, arriving in the nine hells with a
resurrection can affect undead creatures.
hundred legions of vampires. A great battle

III: Fang & Fame

ensued and many on both sides fell. But at the abilities, vampiric salient powers
end of the conflict, Archonis faced off against Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage
his quarry. reduction 20/epic, divine immunities, fast
healing 27, gaseous form, immortal, minor
Upon draining the last drop of blood from the
deity abilities, resistance to fire 12, spider
archfiend, Archonis regained his soul and
climb, +13 turn resistance, undead traits,
with it underwent the transformation into
vampire weaknesses
Saves: Fort +22, Ref +26, Will +31
Archonis dwells on his own demiplane of Abilities: Str 41, Dex 27, Con —, Int 30, Wis
eternal night, a desolate place, where the very 24, Cha 25
rock bleeds. Skills: Climb +55, Concentration +48,
Decipher Script +26, Diplomacy +16, Gather
Archonis’ Temples
Information +16, Intimidate +47, Jump +47,
Archonis’ temples are prominent and places of
Knowledge (Arcana) +50, Knowledge (The
great sacrifice. They are often built atop the
Planes) +50, Listen +16, Spellcraft +51, Spot +16
entrance to catacombs or other places of the
Feats: Alertness, Alertness, Armor Skin,
dead. Seldom is a temple of Archonis not
Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise,
stained with blood.
Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and
Both willing and unwilling sacrifices are Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge,
made at such temples, even at Dodge, Epic Prowess, Forge Ring,
minor chapels and roadside Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush,
shrines. Improved Critical: Greatsword,
Improved Familiar, Improved
Archonis (Minor Deity) Initiative, Improved Spell
Fighter 10/Wizard 20 Capacity, Lightning Reflexes,
Medium-Size Undead Maximize Spell, Mobility, Power
Divine Rank: 7 Attack, Scribe Scroll, Spell
Hit Dice: 10d12 plus 20d12 (360 hp) Knowledge(10), Spell Mastery,
Initiative: +12 Trustworthy, Weapon Focus: Greatsword
Speed: 80 ft. (16 squares) Always Able to Take 10: At these ranks,
AC: 61 (+8 Dex, +15 natural armor, +7 Archonis may always take 10 on any check,
defection, +7 divine, +6 +5 padded armor of fire provided he needs to make a check at all.
resistance, greater, invulnerability, and fearsome,
Divine Immunities: Acid, cold, electricity,
+8 bracers of natural armor +8), touch 25, flat-
transmutation, draining and ability damage,
footed 53
mind effects, disease, poison, paralysis,
Base Attack/Grapple: +27/+42
stunning, disintegration, imprisonment/
Attack: +5 Keen Sure Striking Vorpal Unholy
banishment, and death effects.
Greatsword +48/43/38 melee or slam +42 melee
(1d6+22) Immortality: Vampires are immortal, and do
Full Attack: +5 Keen Sure Striking Vorpal not naturally age or suffer the effects of
Unholy Greatsword +48/43/38 melee or slam +42 sickness or disease. They still require blood for
melee (1d6+22) sustenance.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Divine Salient Abilities: Alter Size, Arcane
Special Attacks: Blood drain, children of the
Mastery, Create Object, Divine Dodge (57%),
night, create spawn, domain powers,
dominate, energy drain, salient divine

The Immortal: Vampires

Divine Fast Healing 27, Divine Inspiration, Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft as free
Spontaneous Wizard Spells actions if the DC for the task is 20 or lower. He
can perform up to five such free actions each
Vampiric Salient Powers: Blood Gluttony,
Extrasense, Flight, Greater Sight, Improved
Potency, Levitation, Potency, Telekinesis, Create Magic Items: Archonis can create any
Tongues, Understanding kind of magic item as long as the item’s
market price does not exceed 30,000gp.
Domain Powers: Archonis can use any
domain power he can grant 7/day. Divine Aura: Archnois’ divine aura extends in
a radius up to 700 feet (Will save DC 24).
Spell-Like Abilities: Archonis can cast any
domain spell he can grant at will as a 17th level Class and Undead Abilities
caster, except for evil spells, which are Undead Traits: As an undead creature,
calculated as an 18th level caster. The save DCs Archonis has the following traits:
are 24 + spell level.
v No Constitution score.
Wizard Spells/Day (Levels 0-9): 4/7/7/6/6/
6/6/5/5/5; base DC 20 + spell level. v Darkvision out to 60 feet.

Familiar: Archonis has the ability to treat any v Immunity to all mind-affecting effects
creature that belongs to the wolf or bat family (charms, compulsions, phantasms,
patterns, and morale effects).
as a familiar, as long as that creature is within
a distance of seven miles of him. This special v Immunity to poison, sleep effects,
familiar ability only applies to one creature at paralysis, stunning, disease, and death
a time, but Archonis can switch between one effects.
creature and another instantaneously, as long
v Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal
as the second creature is within range. This
damage, ability drain, or energy drain.
special familiar ability does not replace the
Immune to damage to its physical ability
deity’s ability to have a normal familiar,
scores (Strength, Dexterity, and
which could be any kind of eligible creature.
Constitution), as well as to fatigue and
Other Divine Powers exhaustion effects.
Senses: Archonis can see, hear, touch, and v Negative energy (such as an inflict spell)
smell at a distance of 7 miles. As a standard can heal undead creatures. The fast healing
action, he can perceive anything within 7 special quality works regardless of the
miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or creature’s Intelligence score.
any location where one of his titles or name
was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his v Immunity to any effect that requires a
senses to up to five locations at once. Fortitude save (unless the effect also works
on objects or is harmless).
He can block the sensing power of deities of
his rank or lower at up to two remote v Uses its Charisma modifier for
locations at once for up to 7 hours. Concentration checks.

Portfolio Sense: Archonis senses all events v Not at risk of death from massive damage,
related to magic, the undead or war when 500 but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it
or more such beings are involved. is immediately destroyed.

Automatic Actions: Archonis can use Craft v Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate
(armorsmithing), Craft (weaponsmithing), spells or abilities. Resurrection and true

III: Fang & Fame

resurrection can affect undead creatures. Some of these girls are never heard from
These spells turn undead creatures back again, spending their entire lives in the service
into the living creatures they were before of Mal’Ek, others resurface, maintaining a
becoming undead. façade of innocence only to corrupt and
recruit more followers for their vampire lord
Possessions: Archonis always carries a +5 keen
and god.
sure striking vorpal unholy greatsword he calls
The Law of a Whole World, and wears a Only the most loyal servants are given the
surcoat that functions as a +5 fearsome padded right to sacrifice their blood to their lord. Even
of greater fire resistance and invulnerability. rarer still is the gift of immortality, always
bestowed upon the most loyal clerics by an
MAL’EK avatar of Mal’Ek himself.
The Dark Seducer, The Pale Lover
Mal’Ek’s Temples
Divine Rank: 3 The temples of Mal’Ek are always to be found
Symbol: A bloody heart surrounded by thorns underground, and consist of a harem of young
Home Plane: Material women that perform blood sacrifices both
Portfolio: Deceit, pleasure, undead amongst themselves and by kidnapping
Alignment: Chaotic Evil ‘worthy’ victims. The harem is forbidden the
Worshippers: Evil bards, rogues, vampires, pleasures of the flesh but from each other and
women their dark lord.
Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN, LE, NE
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery Mal’Ek (Demigod)
Favored Weapon: Rapier Bard 10/Rogue 15
Mal’Ek was a child of deceit even in life. A Medium-Size Undead
talented bard and rogue, he was a notorious Divine Rank: 3
womaniser, and known for his deft hands as Hit Dice: 10d12 plus 15d12 (300 hp)
much as his skill with his voice and lute. Initiative: +
Speed: 80 ft. (16 squares)
However, he was bereft of his life and
AC: 33 (+6 Dex, +8 natural armor, +6 defection,
mortality when he picked the wrong woman
+3 divine), touch 25, flat-footed 27
to seduce – a vampire. Mal’Ek became bound
Base Attack/Grapple: +21/+28
to his mistress who was cruel and drove him
Attack: +4 vicious vorpal rapier +35/30/25 melee
to the edge of madness. However, through his
(1d6+11) or slam +31 melee (1d6+10)
deceit, he was able to corrupt and recruit the
Full Attack: +4 vicious vorpal rapier +35/30/25
aide of a fallen paladin, whom he had
melee (1d6+11) or slam +31 melee (1d6+10)
seduced, and arrange for a powerful geas to
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
be placed on his mistress, which made her
Special Attacks: Blood drain, children of the
instead his own slave.
night, create spawn, domain powers,
He is known as the dark seducer, as it was by dominate, energy drain, salient divine
his charms and often his domination that abilities, vampiric salient powers
Mal’Ek broke in his own worshipers. He Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage
preferred to prey on young girls, breaking reduction 15/epic, demigod abilities, divine
them in to a life of evil in his name. Those who immunities, fast healing 7, gaseous form,
could not be broken became food for his immortal, resistance to fire 8, spider climb,
immortality. turn immunity, undead traits
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +31, Will +26

The Immortal: Vampires

Abilities: Str 24, Dex 23, Con —, Int 18, Wis the last hour. He can extend his senses to up
21, Cha 22 to two locations at once.
Skills: Bluff +39, Concentration +31,
He can block the sensing power of deities of
Diplomacy +41, Disable Device +33, Gather
his rank or lower at up to two remote
Information +39, Hide +37, Intimidate +41,
locations at once for up to 3 hours.
Knowledge (Undead) +14, Listen +10, Move
Silently +37, Perform (String Instruments) +22, Portfolio Sense: Mal’Ek senses all events
Search +9, Sense Motive +18, Spot +10 related to deceit and lies, pleasure and lust, or
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, the undead when 1000 or more such beings
Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, are involved.
Improved Natural Attack: Slam, Improved Automatic Actions: Mal’Ek can use Perform,
Sneak Attack x2, Investigator, Iron Will, Bluff, Sense Motive and Diplomacy as free
Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, actions if the DC for the task is 15 or lower. He
Persuasive, Two-Weapon Fighting
can perform up to two such free actions each
Divine Immunities: Acid, cold, electricity, round.
transmutation, draining and ability damage, Create Magic Items: Mal’Ek can create any
mind effects, disease, poison, paralysis, kind of magic item related to trickery as long
stunning, disintegration, imprisonment/ as the item’s market price does not exceed
banishment, and death effects. 4,500gp.
Immortality: Vampires are immortal, and do Divine Aura: Mal’Ek’s divine aura extends in
not naturally age or suffer the effects of a radius up to 30 feet (Will save DC 21).
sickness or disease. They still require blood for
sustenance. Class and Undead Abilities
Bardic Knowledge: A bard may make a
Divine Salient Abilities: Alter Size, Divine
special bardic knowledge check with a bonus
Dodge (53%)
equal to his bard level + his Intelligence
Vampiric Salient Powers: Greater Sight, modifier to see whether he knows some
Improved Potency, Levitation, Potency relevant information about local notable
Domain Powers: Mal’ek can use any domain people, legendary items, or noteworthy
power he can grant 3/day. places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in
Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on
Spell-Like Abilities: Mal’ek can cast any this check.)
domain spell he can grant at will as a 13th level
caster, except for evil spells, which are A successful bardic knowledge check will not
calculated as an 14th level caster. The save DCs reveal the powers of a magic item but may
are 22 + spell level. give a hint as to its general function. A bard
may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this
Bard Spells/Day (Levels 1-4): 5/5/5/4; base DC sort of knowledge is essentially random.
17 + spell level.
Bardic Music: Once per day per bard level, a
Other Divine Powers bard can use his song or poetics to produce
Senses: Mal’Ek can see, hear, touch, and smell magical effects on those around him (usually
at a distance of 3 miles. As a standard action, including himself, if desired).
he can perceive anything within 3 miles of his
Sneak Attack: Mal’Ek can deliver a sneak
worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location
attack with his rogue levels dealing +10d6
where one of his titles or name was spoken in

III: Fang & Fame

Trapfinding: Rogues (and only rogues) can v Darkvision out to 60 feet.

use the Search skill to locate traps when the
v Immunity to all mind-affecting effects
task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.
(charms, compulsions, phantasms,
Trap Sense (Ex): Mal’Ek recieves a +5 bonus patterns, and morale effects).
on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +5
v Immunity to poison, sleep effects,
dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by
paralysis, stunning, disease, and death
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a
v Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal
rogue can react to danger before her senses
damage, ability drain, or energy drain.
would normally allow her to do so. She retains
Immune to damage to its physical ability
her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she
scores (Strength, Dexterity, and
is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible
Constitution), as well as to fatigue and
attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity
exhaustion effects.
bonus to AC if immobilized.
v Negative energy (such as an inflict spell)
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A rogue of
can heal undead creatures. The fast healing
8th level or higher can no longer be flanked.
special quality works regardless of the
This defense denies another rogue the ability creature’s Intelligence score.
to sneak attack the character by flanking her,
v Immunity to any effect that requires a
unless the attacker has at least four more
Fortitude save (unless the effect also works
rogue levels than the target does.
on objects or is harmless).
Special Abilities: On attaining 10th level, and
v Uses its Charisma modifier for
at every three levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and
Concentration checks.
19th), a rogue gains a special ability of her
choice from among the following options. v Not at risk of death from massive damage,
but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it
Improved Evasion (Ex): This ability works like
is immediately destroyed.
evasion, except that while the rogue still takes
no damage on a successful Reflex saving v Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate
throw against attacks henceforth she spells or abilities. Resurrection and true
henceforth takes only half damage on a failed resurrection can affect undead creatures.
save. A helpless rogue does not gain the These spells turn undead creatures back
benefit of improved evasion. into the living creatures they were before
becoming undead.
Opportunist (Ex): Once per round, the rogue
can make an attack of opportunity against an Possessions: Mal’Ek carries a +4 vicious vorpal
opponent who has just been struck for rapier called Stinger.
damage in melee by another character. This
attack counts as the rogue’s attack of SEPHELINÉ
opportunity for that round. Even a rogue with Divine Rank: 4
the Combat Reflexes feat can’t use the Symbol: A silver chalice spilling blood
opportunist ability more than once per round. Home Plane: Material
Portfolio: Good, innocence, justice
Undead Traits: As an undead creature,
Alignment: Lawful good
Mal’Ek has the following traits:
Worshippers: Good clerics, fighters and
v No Constitution score. paladins

The Immortal: Vampires

Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, LE, NG, CG thousand years of service, she was granted her
Domains: Good, law, protection final reward, ascendancy to godhood.
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Sepheliné’s Temples
Sepheliné (Sef-e-lin-ae) was an innocent As a demigod, Sepheliné does not have as
peasant girl, devout and pure, when she was large a following as other gods, and while
bereft of her mortality by a vampire lord roadside shrines are becoming evermore
named Galgornus, who coveted her for her plentiful, full-fledged temples devoted solely
youth and beauty, as well as her innocence. to her worship are rare. Such sanctuaries are
Sepheliné’s good served her in death however, simple, clean, and welcome places of refuge
and her purity kept her spirit and soul with tolerating all members of society. Her priests
her body, despite the fact that it was dead. She follow the strict codes of conduct of the
did not become evil. However, her dark paladin.
master saw this, and commanded her into
sinful acts. Unable to do anything but obey,
Sepheliné (Demigod)
Paladin 25
she fell into a state of self -loathing, but never
truly gave in to evil. Medium-Size Undead
Divine Rank: 4
A mighty paladin named Arctouris slew
Hit Dice: 25d12 (300 hp)
Galgornus, and pitied the newly freed
Initiative: +11
Sepheliné. He took her under his wing, and
Speed: 100 ft. (20 squares)
taught her that she could atone for her sins,
for it was not by her free will and volition that AC: 41 (+7 Dex, +12 natural armor, +8
defection, +4 divine), touch 29, flat-footed 34
her evil acts were committed. He gave potions
Base Attack/Grapple: +23/+36
of his own blood in sacrifice, that she might
Attack: +4 flaming burst holy longsword +41/36/
live of what he gave her freely, and
31/26 melee (1d8+12 plus 1d6 fire) or slam +36
encouraged her to take only nourishment that
was given in the same way. melee (1d6+12)
Full Attack: +4 flaming burst holy longsword
Despite her restriction to darkness, Sepheliné +36/ 31/26/21 melee (1d8+12 plus 1d6 fire) or
walked in light alongside Arctouris, and slam +31 melee (1d6+12)
became a mighty paladin and warrior, a Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
defender of right and justice, and protector of Special Attacks: Blood drain, children of the
the people. night, create spawn, domain powers,
She continued her good deeds all of Arctouris’ dominate, energy drain, salient divine
life, and it was a sad day for her when it came abilities, vampiric salient powers
time for his passing. But upon Arctouris’ Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage
death, Sepheliné saw his ghost accepted into reduction 20/magic and 15/epic, divine
the afterlife by the gods. Those that came for immunities, fast healing 24, gaseous form,
such a noble hero turned to her, and told her immortal, minor deity abilities, resistance to
that she was free of her curse, and if she kept fire 9, spider climb, turn immunity, undead
leading such a life, she too would one day traits
ascend. Saves: Fort +28, Ref +29, Will +31
Abilities: Str 37, Dex 25, Con —, Int 21, Wis
From that day forward she could walk in 25, Cha 26
sunlight, felt no fear of holy symbols, and cast Skills: Concentration +40, Diplomacy +40,
a beautiful reflection and shadow. After a Handle Animal +40, Heal +39, Ride +37

III: Fang & Fame

Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, She can block the sensing power of deities of
Dodge, Dodge, Great Smiting (Smite Evil), her rank or lower at up to two remote
Improved Critical: Longsword, Improved locations at once for up to 4 hours.
Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
Portfolio Sense: Sepheliné senses all events
Mobility, Mounted Combat, Planar Turning,
related to good, justice or when the innocent
Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple
are in danger when 1000 or more such beings
Weapon Proficiency, Trample, Weapon Focus:
are involved.
Automatic Actions: Sepheliné can use
Divine Immunities: Acid, cold, electricity,
Concentration, Handle Animal, Heal and Ride
transmutation, draining and ability damage,
as free actions if the DC for the task is 15 or
mind effects, disease, poison, paralysis,
lower. She can perform up to two such free
stunning, disintegration, imprisonment/
actions each round.
banishment, and death effects.
Create Magic Items: Sepheliné can create any
Immortality: Vampires are immortal, and do
kind of magic item related to healing or
not naturally age or suffer the effects of
protection as long as the item’s market price
sickness or disease. They still require blood for
does not exceed 4,500gp.
Divine Aura: Sepheliné’s divine aura extends
Divine Salient Abilities: Alter Size, Divine
in a radius up to 40 feet (Will save DC 22).
Dodge (54%), Divine Fast Healing 24, Divine
Inspiration Class and Undead Abilities
Vampiric Salient Powers: Flight, Greater Aura of Good (Ex): The power of a paladin’s
Sight, Improved Potency, Levitation, Potency, aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal
Tongues, Understanding to her paladin level (25), just like the aura of a
cleric of a good deity.
Domain Powers: Sepheliné can use any
domain power she can grant 4/day. Detect Evil (Sp): At will, a paladin can use
detect evil, as the spell.
Spell-Like Abilities: Sepheliné can cast any
domain spell she can grant at will as a 14th Smite Evil (Su): Sepheliné can smite evil 5
level caster, except for good spells, which are times per day. She normally does so with
calculated as an 15th level caster. The save DCs “Jusitice”, her magical longsword, in which
are 22 + spell level. case, dealing 1d8+37 plus 1d6 fire instead of
the usual amount.
Paladin Spells/Day (Levels 1-4): 5/5/5/4; base
DC 17 + spell level. Divine Grace (Su): Sepheliné gains her
Charisma bonus (+8) on all saving throws.
Other Divine Powers
Lay on Hands (Su): Sepheliné can heal by
Senses: Sepheliné can see, hear, touch, and
touch up to 200 Hit Points per day.
smell at a distance of 4 miles. As a standard
action, she can perceive anything within 4 Aura of Courage (Su): Sepheliné is immune to
miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within
any location where one of her titles or name 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on
was spoken in the last hour. She can extend saving throws against fear effects.
her senses to up to two locations at once. Divine Health (Ex): Sepheliné is immune to
all diseases, including supernatural and

The Immortal: Vampires

magical diseases (such as mummy rot and Through 3rd level, a paladin has no caster
lycanthropy). level. At 4th level and higher, her caster level
is one-half her paladin level.
Turn Undead (Su): Sepheliné can turn undead
10 times per day. She turns undead as a level Special Mount (Sp): Sepheliné has the service
22 cleric. (See Turn or Rebuke Undead, PHB.) of a celestial unicorn named “Innocence”.
Spells: Beginning at 4th level, a paladin gains Remove Disease (Sp): Sepheliné can produce
the ability to cast a small number of divine a remove disease effect, as the spell, seven times
spells (the same type of spells available to the per week.
cleric, druid, and ranger), which are drawn
Code of Conduct: A paladin must be of lawful
from the paladin spell list (page 191). A
good alignment and loses all class abilities if
paladin must choose and prepare her spells in
she ever willingly commits an evil act.
Additionally, a paladin’s code requires that
To prepare or cast a spell, a paladin must she respect legitimate authority, act with
have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the honor (not lying, not cheating, not using
spell level (Wis 11 for 1st-level spells, Wis 12 poison, and so forth), help those in need
for 2nd-level spells, and so forth). The (provided they do not use the help for evil or
Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or
paladin’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the threaten innocents.
paladin’s Wisdom modifier.
Associates: While she may adventure with
Like other spellcasters, a paladin can cast characters of any good or neutral alignment, a
only a certain number of spells of each spell paladin will never knowingly associate with
level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is evil characters, nor will she continue an
given on Table 3–12: The Paladin. In addition, association with someone who consistently
she receives bonus spells per day if she has a offends her moral code. A paladin may accept
high Wisdom score (see Table 1–1: Ability only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are
Modifiers and Bonus Spells, page 8). When lawful good.
Table 3–12 indicates that the paladin gets 0
Undead Traits: As an undead creature,
spells per day of a given spell level (for
Sepheliné has the following traits:
instance, 1st-level spells for a 4th-level
paladin), she gains only the bonus spells she v No Constitution score.
would be entitled to based on her Wisdom v Darkvision out to 60 feet.
score for that spell level. The paladin does not
have access to any domain spells or granted v Immunity to all mind-affecting effects
powers, as a cleric does. (charms, compulsions, phantasms,
patterns, and morale effects).
A paladin prepares and casts spells the
way a cleric does, though she cannot lose a v Immunity to poison, sleep effects,
prepared spell to spontaneously cast a cure paralysis, stunning, disease, and death
spell in its place. A paladin may prepare and effects.
cast any spell on the paladin spell list (page v Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal
191), provided that she can cast spells of that damage, ability drain, or energy drain.
level, but she must choose which spells to Immune to damage to its physical ability
prepare during her daily meditation. scores (Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution), as well as to fatigue and
exhaustion effects.

III: Fang & Fame

v Negative energy (such as an inflict spell)

can heal undead creatures. The fast healing
special quality works regardless of the
creature’s Intelligence score.

v Immunity to any effect that requires a

Fortitude save (unless the effect also works
on objects or is harmless).
v Uses its Charisma modifier for
Concentration checks.
v Not at risk of death from massive damage,
but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it
is immediately destroyed.
v Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate
spells or abilities. Resurrection and true
resurrection can affect undead creatures.
These spells turn undead creatures back
into the living creatures they were before
becoming undead.
Possessions: Sepheliné carries a +4 flaming
burst holy longsword called Justice.

Custom Template

Vampire Name:
Power CR Weakness CR
Ability Increases (base) +¼ Animal bane, greater -½
Alternative Form special quality +¼ Animal bane, lesser -¼
Alternative Form, lesser special quality +1/8 Chemical bane -¼
Blood Drain special attack +¼ Daytime Weakness -¼
Children of the Night special quality +¼ Death sleep -¼
Compulsive Dance special attack +¼ Dire Elemental Bane (acid, fire) -¾
Control weather special quality +½ Dire Elemental Bane (cold, electricty) -½
Damage Reduction (base) 10/elemental bane +¼ Elemental bane (acid, fire) -¼
Damage Reduction (base) 10/magic +½ Elemental bane (cold, electricity) -1/8
Damage Reduction (base) 10/material bane +¼ Material bane -¼
Dematerialise special quality +1 Obsessive compulsive -½
Detect Thoughts special quality +¼ Restriction -½
Dominate special quality +¼ Soulless -¼
Energy Drain special attack +½ Vulnerability to running water -½
Energy Resistance (10 to two forms) +¼ Vulnerability to staking, greater -½
Fast Healing (base) 5 +¼ Vulnerability to staking, lesser -¼
Fast Healing, lesser (base) (1-4) +1/8 Vulnerability to sunlight -½
Feats (+5 bonus) +¼ Custom:
Gaseous Form special quality +¼ Custom:
Improved Jump special quality +¼ Custom:
Mind Fog special quality +¼
Natural Armor (base) +6 +¼
Poisonous breath special attack +¼ Total Weaknesses -
Racial Skill bonuses (9) (+8 to each) +¼
Regeneration (base) 5 +½ Age Category Modifiers
Regeneration, lesser (base) (1-4) +¼ Modifier CR
Speed Increase +¼ Ability Increases (total of 6 points) +¼
Stunning Glance special attack +¼ DR increase by 5 +¼
Suggestion special quality +1/8 DR upgrade xx/elemental bane to xx/magic +½
Teleport special quality +½ DR upgrade xx/magic to xx/epic +½
Turn Resistance (base) +2 +1/8 DR upgrade xx/material bane to xx/magic +¼
Turn Resistance (base) +4 +¼ Energy Resistance (10) +1 more type +¼
Undead Traits +¼ Fast Heal upgrade to Regeneration +¼
Withering Grasp special attack +¼ Fast Heal/Regeneration increase by +1 +¼
Custom: Natural Armor increase by +2 +¼
Custom: Turn Resistance increase by +2 +¼
Custom: Speed Increase, major +1
Speed Increase, minor +¼
Total Powers + Custom:

Total Template CR + Age Category CR +

III: Fang & Fame

products or the associated products contributed to

OPEN GAME LICENSE the Open Game License by the Contributor (g)
"Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute,
Version 1.0a copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of
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1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the Game Content that contains a notice indicating that
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used by a Contributor to identify itself or its Content except as expressly licensed in another,

The Immortal: Vampires

independent Agreement with the owner of such Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
any Product Identity in Open Game Content does
The Immortal: Vampires Copyright 2005, Ben
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Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all
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8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Game Content

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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Section One: All tables and non-flavour text
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy
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Content You Distribute. sleeping, etc) is not regarded open game
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You game content. All tables are open game
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13. Termination: This License will terminate
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automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is

held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be
reformed only to the extent necessary to make it


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards

of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2005,

Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Authors Jonathan Tweet,


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