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Step by Step Installation of

CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Active Circle Storage System


This document describes the step-by-step procedures for installing and configuring the CentOS
Linux 7 operating system and the Active Circle software on a server in an Active Circle environment.

March 2018 - Rev. 3.1


Installing the Operating System ................................................................................... 2

Configuring File System ............................................................................................ 27
Partitions used by Active Circle ......................................................................... 27
Formatting Disk Volumes .................................................................................. 29
File System Checking ....................................................................................... 29
Mounting File Systems ...................................................................................... 30
Installing the Active Circle software ............................................................................ 31
Installing the First Node .................................................................................... 31
Circle Configuration: Installing Additional Nodes ................................................. 33
Single Machine Configuration: Active Media Library ............................................ 35

© 2018 Active Circle S.A. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
without the prior written permission of Active Circle. Active Circle is a registered trademark of Active Circle SA. All other marks
and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Information is subject to change without notice.
Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Installing the Operating System

The procedures in this document describe the different stages of installation and setup of
the CentOS Linux 7 operation system required to prepare for an installation of the Active
Circle software.

During the installation, you need to perform all the steps described in the
installation and configuration procedures of this document.

For the installation, the server must have internet access.

The CentOS minimal ISO CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1708.iso is available from
the CentOS web site or directly with this link.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Procedure for installing CentOS 7

Load the installation ISO or DVD. The welcome screen will be displayed.

Figure 1. Installation – Welcome Menu

If this is the first time you use the installation ISO or DVD, you can test it before proceeding
with the installation.

Otherwise, select Install CentOS 7.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 2. Installation – Start

Keep default language: English > English (United Sates). Click on Continue.

Figure 3. Installation – Installation Summary

Click on KEYBOARD to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 4. Installation – Keyboard

If needed, click on + to add a new keyboard.

Select and Add the keyboard you will be using. For example, select French for France.

For use your new keyboard, put it on the top of the list.

Click on Done to come back to the installation summary.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 5. Installation – Defaut Value

Keep default value for:

Language Support English (United Sates)
Installation Source Local media
Software Selection Minimal Install
Security Policy No profile selected


Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 6. Installation – Installation Destination

The type and size of the partitions depend on your environment. Please consult with an
Active Circle systems engineer to validate the configuration for the partitions. Only the system
partitions will be configured at this stage of the installation (partitions specific to Active Circle
will be created later).

Select your device, click on radio button I will configure partitionning. and then on Done.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 7. Installation – Manual Partitioning

LVM volumes is not supported with Active Circle, choose "Standard Partition".

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Table 1. Suggested system partitions

Mount Point Size Type

/boot 250 MB ext2
/ Minimum 60 GB ext4
(None) SWAP 4GB swap

Create partitions by clicking on the + button.

Figure 8. Installation – Partitioning after manual configuration

When you have finished creating partitions, click on Done to continue. You may receive
warnings that the disks or partitions will be reformatted and be prompted before writing
changes to disk. Accept changes to continue.

Click on KDUMP to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 9. Installation – kdump

Click on Enable kdump checkbox to disabled it.

Then click on Done to come back to the installation summary.

Click on NETWORK & HOSTNAME to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 10. Installation – Network & Hostname

Click on OFF switch button to activate network.

Click on Configure... to configure network:

IPv4 Setting Configure static address
IPv6 Settings Configure method to "Ignore"

Change the host name and click on Apply.

If Active Circle is installed on a single server, please set the hostname to "AML"
for Active Media Library.

When you have finish click on Done to come back to the installation summary.

Click on DATE & TIME to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 11. Installation – Date & Time

Select the time zone of the installation location, using the map or the list Region & City.

The NTP is required for Active Circle. Please check that Network Time is

When you have finish click on Done to come back to the installation summary.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 12. Installation – Installation Summary

Your server is now ready to install. Click on Begin Installation to continue.

Figure 13. Installation Progress

The copying of files and installation will begin, and the progress is shown on the screen


Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 14. Installation – Root Password

Specify the password for the root account by typing a password in the Root Password and
Confirm fields. Use "activec" as default unless you want to use a specific password.

Click twice on Done to come back to the installation progress.

Click on USER CREATION to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 15. Installation – User Creation

Create a user called "acsupport", which will be used for remote maintenance:
• Full name acsupport
• User name acsupport
• Password acsupport

Keep default value for the differents options.

Click twice on Done to come back to the installation progress.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 16. Installation – End

The server need to make some configuration before restart for finish installation process.

Click on Finish configuration to continue and then Reboot.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Procedure for configuring the base

After reboot, the welcome screen will be displayed.

Figure 17. Bash Login

Log in with the root default credentials (root/activec) or with your own credentials.

Install the "FTP" command with the following:

yum install ftp -y

Download the postinstallation script from the Active Circle FTP server. It is located in the
following directory:



cd /downloads/Tools/CentOS-7


Make executable the postinstallation script:

chmod +x

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Launch the script with the following:


The script will install automatimatically the prerequisites for Active Circle and reboot at the

For advanced administrator only: you can choose to not install graphical interface
by launching script with "--nogui" option:

./ --nogui

Next, skip to the “Configuring File System” section.

During the install, three scripts are added to facilitate operation:
• aclogvi to vi /activecircle/cell/data/Log/lastcell.txt
• aclogtail to tail -F /activecircle/cell/data/Log/lastcell.txt
• accheckup to run the Active Circle checkup script

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

After reboot, the gui login screen will be displayed.

Figure 18. GUI Login

Log in with the acsupport default credentials (acsupport/acsupport) or with your own

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 19. Gnome Initial Setup - Default Language

Keep English - United States as the default language.

Click on Next to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 20. Gnome Initial Setup - Default Keyboard

If needed adapt the default keyboard.

Click on Next to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 21. Gnome Initial Setup - Privacy

Click on ON Location Services to desactived it.

Then, click on Next to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 22. Gnome Initial Setup - Online Accounts

Don't connect your online accounts.

Click on Skip to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 23. Gnome Initial Setup - Ready to Go

Click on Start using CentOS Linux to continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 24. Getting Started

Click on X to close the tutorial and continue.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Figure 25. Home Page

Your OS is now ready for configuring Active Circle partitions.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Configuring File System

During installation, the system partitions needed for the operating system were created.
Now, an additional set of partitions need to be created and configured specifically for use by
the Active Circle storage system. This chapter provides an overview of the partition types,
explains how to format them and describes how to mount file systems on the partitions.

Please contact an Active Circle systems engineer to validate the configuration
of the Active Circle partitions.

You must be root to configure file system. Open a terminal and log in as root
with this command: su -

Partitions used by Active Circle

This section describes the file systems used by an Active Circle node (server).

This file system corresponds to the partition containing the binaries, configuration files and
metadata that belongs to the Active Circle system.

In Active Media Library (AML) configurations, you need to create an additional
partition for storing the metadata of the second node (since both nodes will be
running on the same server).

Name of partition: /bckactivecircle

This partition should be configured the same way as the /activecircle

partition (size, formatting, mounting and fstab entry).

This file system corresponds to disk space used as a buffer in the Active Circle system. All
the data stored in the archiving system pass through this temporary storage area.

• The cache should be large enough to hold 1.5 times the total volume of
files read and written in the short term (1 to 7 days).
• If very large files are being stored (hundreds of gigabytes), the cache must
hold at least 1,5 times the size of the largest file that will be deposited.
• In a configuration with tape archiving without disk storage, the cache will
hold all the data waiting to be archived.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Data Partitions for use in Active Circle Disk Pools

The size of the data partitions should be maximum 16 TB. Each partition needs to be defined
by a LUN (logical unit number) and have a label. Each data partition should correspond to
a disk volume.

The file system type should be ext4 for optimal performance. Processing of commands like
fsck is significantly faster on this file system compared to earlier types.

Local Partition. This is the standard case where the file system is available through a
single server. A local partition is connected to a single Active Circle node and it must be
accessible by the operating system on that server. The file system must be defined in the file
/etc/fstab to ensure constant availability of the mount point with the prefix /data (this
name is a suggestion).

Shared Partition. This will be the case where the file system is accessible by multiple
servers in a SAN architecture. The file system should NOT be declared in the file /
etc/fstab. Mounting and unmounting of shared partitions are managed solely by the
activecircle service. The hardware architecture needs to be configured to give access
to the LUNs from multiple nodes in an environment where the file system will be shared by
the servers. This requires:
• A network with a SAN architecture
• A zoning configuration allowing shared access.

Multipath I/O environments are supported.

Each shared partition must correspond to a LUN representing a single disk
volume. This means that each partition must correspond to a separate device (or
a device mapping in a multipath environment). The shared disk volumes must not
be divided into further partitions using the operating system, as multiple partitions
per volume is not allowed for shared storage configurations in Active Circle.

The size of the different partitions should be determined with the help of an Active
Circle system engineer, according to the expected usage.
Examples of Active Circle partition sizes:

/activecircle 500 GB for a configuration of

100,000,000 files.

/cache 2 TB to more than 6 TB, depending on

the usage.

Partitions for disk pools Minimum 1 TB — maximum 16 TB.

Use LUNs of 4 TB as standard partition

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Formatting Disk Volumes

This section describes the command options for formatting the three different types of
partitions used by the Active Circle system.

mkfs –t ext4 –i 10240 -L /activecircle /dev/sdv

where 'v' is the device letter of the disk volume (letters w-z used in the following commands).


mkfs –t ext4 –i 10240 -L /cache /dev/sdw

File systems corresponding to the partitions to be attached to disk pools:

mkfs -t ext4 -j -i 5120000 -L /data1 /dev/sdx

mkfs -t ext4 -j -i 5120000 -L /data2 /dev/sdy
mkfs -t ext4 -j -i 5120000 -L /data3 /dev/sdz
(add more as needed)

File System Checking

To avoid performance and availability issues due to frequent file system checks on several
partitions at the same time, you need to define parameters for when fsck should run full
checks on shared partitions. Run the tune2fs command with the -c and -i options:
Partition 1: tune2fs -c 200 -i 200d /device/path1
Partition 2: tune2fs -c 201 -i 201d /device/path2
Partition 3: tune2fs -c 203 -i 203d /device/path3
Partition nn: tune2fs -c 2nn -i 2nnd /device/path_nn

Explanation of the options:

-c Specifies the number of mounts between each file system check by fsck
-i Specifies the number of days between each file system check by fsck

As shown in the command examples, the values should be staggered for each partition,
to avoid several partitions being checked at the same time. Run the tune2fs command for
as many partitions as you need, while increasing the values by one for each partition. The
settings specified above will make sure that an automatic forced full check on a partition will
only be performed if there are at least 200 mounts or 200 days since the last check.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Mounting File Systems

When the file systems have been formatted, you need to make them available through mount
points for each partition. Mounting should be performed automatically when the system is
started. This section describes the necessary procedures.

Data partitions used for shared disk pools should NOT be mounted by the
operating system during server startup. Mounting of shared data partitions is
handled automatically by Active Circle. The procedures in this section do not
apply to file systems on shared data partitions.

Create the mount points (unless they already exist):

mkdir /activecircle
mkdir /cache
mkdir /data1
mkdir /data2
mkdir /dataN
Add the labels to the file /etc/fstab:

LABEL=/activecircle /activecircle ext4 noatime 1 2

LABEL=/cache /cache ext4 noatime 1 2
LABEL=/data1 /data1 ext4 defaults 1 2
LABEL=/data2 /data2 ext4 defaults 1 2

Mount all the partitions by typing the command: mount -a

Verify that the mounting was successful by typing the command: mount. All the partitions
should be listed.

This completes the installation and configuration of the operating system.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Installing the Active Circle software

This section provides all the information required for installing the Active Circle storage

The installation package can be downloaded from the Active Circle FTP server. Contact your
sales representative for more information.

Before proceeding with the installation of the Active Circle software, please verify the
prerequisites described in the Active Circle Installation Guide.

You must be root to install the Active Circle software. Open a terminal and log
in as root with this command: su -

Installation File Parameters

The installation distribution package is a binary file using this naming convention:


where "<version>" is the Active Circle distribution version.

Verify that the installation file can be executed. Run this command to make it

chmod +x ac-4.6.1.bin

Installing the First Node

Setting up an Active Circle configuration (also called a 'circle') involves installing two or more
Active Circle nodes. The first node is installed independently, while the second node needs to
be created through the first node and then be installed on the other server using a reference
obtained at the first node.

The installation of the first node allows you to define a number of general parameters that
will apply to your Circle. Consequently, the installation process differs slightly from that of
the subsequent nodes.

If you are installing two nodes on the same server in an Active Media Library (AML)
configuration, the installation parameters are slightly different. Please see “Single Machine
Configuration: Active Media Library” for more information.

Running the Initial Installation

Copy the installation package file to the server you are installing the software on. Open a
terminal window, change to the directory to which you copied the installation file and run the
following command. Replace the values for domain (-d) and node name (-c) according to
your setup.

./ac-4.6.1.bin -s -i /activecircle -t /cache -m 4000 -d SubDomain-

A1.Domain-A -c node-01

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

The output will confirm the values of the parameters you specified:


Installation path: /activecircle

Node name : node-01
Domain name : SubDomain-A1.Domain-A
Circle pack size : 32
Startup script : on
NAS temp dir : /cache
Node heap memory : 4000 MB
Locale : en_US.UTF-8

Do you want to continue? [yes or no]

If the information is correct, type yes and press Enter. Type no and press Enter to stop
the installation.

The following lines (or something very similar) appear:

Installing Active Circle Linux version

Machine hardware name: x86_64

Processor type : x86_64
Hardware platform : x86_64
Installing x86_64 Active Circle version

Third-party product licenses installed in /activecircle/licenses.

Active Circle Node setup


I Starting...

A series of messages will appear detailing the progress of the installation. When it is finished,
you will see:

I Node setup succeeded

Active Circle setup completed

To start Active Circle, type "service activecircle start"

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Circle Configuration: Installing Additional Nodes

Before installing the Active Circle software on a new node, you must first declare
the new node in the Active Circle Administration Tool. When you add a new node
to an Active Circle configuration, a unique key to identify that node is generated
by the system. This key is required when installing the software for a new node.

Declaring the Node in the Administration tool

Make sure Active Circle is already running on the initial node you installed.

1. Start the Active Circle Administration interface on the system where the first node is

/activecircle/admin/bin/admin &

2. Log on to an administrator session:

Login: admin
Password: 1234 (default, see the Active Circle Administration Guide for how to change

3. Create the second node:

• In the Nodes view, expand the domains tree.

• Right-click on the domain or sub-domain of the first node and select Create a Node
from the context menu.

• Type the name of the new node and validate with the OK button.

• A key value is displayed by the application. Please keep this key (copy it by right-
clicking on it with the mouse).

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Running the installation on the second node

Copy the Active Circle installation package file (the same as was used for installing the
first node) to the server you are installing the software on. Open a terminal window on the
server and execute the following command, replacing the parameter values according to
your environment:

./ac-4.6.1.bin -s -i /activecircle -t /cache -m 4000 -k <keyvalue>

The keyvalue for the option -k is the unique key provided by the Administration tool during
creation of the node you are installing on.

The rest of the installation proceeds as described above in “Running the Initial Installation”.

At the end of the process, you should receive the messages Node setup succeeded and
Active Circle setup completed.

You can use the Administration tool to check that you can access the newly created
resources. For more information on how to configure nodes, please refer to the Active Circle
Administration Guide.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

Single Machine Configuration: Active Media Library

It is possible to install and run multiple Active Circle nodes on a single server. This possibility
is reserved only for archiving on LTO tapes in TAR format. To do this, you must follow
a specific installation procedure and conform to certain constraints when managing these
nodes. This procedure applies to the product Active Media Library™ (AML).

A backup procedure for Active Circle metadata must be implemented on AML
configurations to reduce the risk of data loss.

Installation Process
When installing the initial node on the server, you must perform a standard installation (as
described in Installing the first node above). However, you should use AML as the name of the
domain (-d) and activenode as the name of the node (-c). The command would then be:

./ac-4.6.1.bin -s -i /activecircle -t /cache -m 4000 -d AML -c activenode

Once you have installed the first node, you will need to declare the additional node in the
normal way through the Administration Tool as described under Installing additional nodes.
Use backupnode as the name of the node you create using the Administration Tool.

Once the second node is declared, you can install another instance of Active Circle on the
same server where you installed the first node. The installation command would be:

./ac-4.6.1.bin -s -i /bckactivecircle -m 4000 -k <keyvalue> -S


Active Media Library is a bundled product with specific prerequisites. Please
respect the indicated values for path, domain name, node name and service
name for these configurations.

Step by Step Installation of CentOS Linux 7 and Active Circle

For more information

For more details on system configuration, shared partitions and Active Circle software
installation options, see the Active Circle Installation Guide.

For more information, contact your Active Circle representative or send an e-mail to

Active Circle S.A.

26, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75010 Paris
Tel: +33 1 34 65 90 29


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