Marketing Research

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Marketing Research

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Marketing Research


Email messaging is increasingly becoming an essential component of modern marketing

systems within the social media marketing space. Both conventional and contemporary

communication mediums appreciate the influence of email messaging as a marketing strategy in

reaching out to new and current markets controlled by any business (Sahni et al., 2018). For

Polar Imaging, email messaging will play an integral role in creating a unitary highway that

connects the business to small and medium-sized companies. Email messaging as a marketing

approach will be strategic to Polar Imaging in generating interest from small to medium-sized

companies for the company’s service offerings. The small to medium-sized companies are the

main targets of Polar Imaging in expanding its service offering. As a marketing strategy, it

should promote the service offering. The aspect of marketing, therefore, should incorporate the

marketing needs of the industry and the preferences of the targeted consumer market.


The impact of email messaging as a marketing strategy to effectively generate more interest in

Polar Imaging’s service offerings.

Specification of Marketing Research Problem

The intended research problem is to find out the influence email messaging will have on

Polar Imaging as a marketing tool to generate interest in its service offering from small to

medium-sized companies. Polar Imaging has established itself as a major provider of scanning

services, AP automation, content management solutions, equipment, and professional services

(Polar Imaging Inc.). Polar Imaging’s target market consists of small to medium-sized

corporations in need of the services the corporation offers. Considering the high level of

competition in the market, Polar Imaging has to explore a different and unique approach to

ensure it distinguishes itself from other players in this service sector.

Practical and Significant Relevance

Email messaging involves carrying out surveys and detailed research to come up with

authentic and empirical data that can be used by the business to make decisions and develop

strategies that will make the business profitable. One practical relevance of the research on email

messaging is to help Polar Imaging understand the benefits it stands from the approach in

making the targeted customers aware of new services, discounts, and other offerings to attract

their interest and incentivize their loyalty. The significant relevance of the research on email

messaging will help the business consider the possibility of adopting email messaging as a softer

selling approach. Research data on the email messaging marketing strategy will educate the

customers and the business on the value of the company’s services and the methods to keep

markets engaged between service offerings and purchases (Tybout & Zaltman, 2019). The

research should provide the right conclusions that will help Polar Imaging in the decision-

making process.

Research Objectives

1. To find out the impact of email messaging as a marketing strategy in generating customer

interest for Polar Imaging services.

2. To evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of email messaging marketing in automating

tasks and increasing productivity to enhance service delivery.

3. To find out the impact of email messaging in allowing small to medium-sized companies

to take advantage of technology and services that larger enterprises companies use at an

affordable price, other a quick return on investment.


Proposal Overview

Email messaging as a marketing strategy has numerous impacts on the service provision

for a company that is service-oriented such as Polar Imaging. Effectively generating more

interest for Polar Imaging’s service offerings requires a comprehensive analysis of the marketing

strategy and its relevance.

Articulation of the hypothesis

The research topic on the impact of email messaging as a marketing approach to

effectively generate more interest from customers is interesting and appropriate, especially in

modern times where technology occupies the center stage in marketing. The research as a study

will have great significance to businesses such as Polar Imaging in pointing out the strengths and

weaknesses of email messaging as a marketing tool to arouse interest from target markets. Both

the independent and dependent variables of the study will be strategic in developing assumptions

that will guide the research process. The research variables will act as a yardstick and

informative trajectory to gather data and information, which will then be analyzed to help

businesses such as Polar Imaging make informed decisions. If the data collected is empirical, the

expected outcome will be the drawing of correct conclusions that be replicated and allow for

more analysis and research.



Polar Imaging Inc. AP Automation. What is it all about?

Sahni, N. S., Wheeler, S. C., & Chintagunta, P. (2018). Personalization in Email Marketing: The

Role of Noninformative Advertising Content. Marketing Science, 37(2), 236–258.

Tybout, A. M., & Zaltman, G. (1974). Ethics in Marketing Research: Their Practical

Relevance. Journal of Marketing Research, 11(4), 357.

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