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General Revision

The conditional:

TYPE 0 : If / when +present simple present simple (used for universal or general truth )
eg: If/when you put butter on fire it melts.
TYPE 1: If + present simple future simple ( to express a prediction ,something possible to happen in
the future)
eg; If I work hard , I’ll get good marks.
TYPE 2: If + past simple would +stem (to express an unreal , imaginary situation ,contrary to the
the present situation )
eg: If I were rich , I would handle a big project to help the poor . ( but I’m not rich )
If extraterrestrians existed , we would probably be friends.( but they don’t exist )
TYPE 3: If + past perfect would have +past participle ( impossible to happen , it can be a regret
about a past situation/ a situation different from the past )
eg; If he had worked seriously, he wouldn’t have failed .( but he didn’t work seriously so he failed .)

UNLESS = except if / only if = ( sauf si )

unless = if not / unless + affirmative verb
eg: Unless you revise well , you will not score well. = if you don’t revise well, you will not score well.

Remark: Provided (that )/ providing (that ) / so long as / as long as express condition . They are used like if
type 1
eg: I’ll get good marks if/ provided (that )………I work hard. OR Provided (that ) ….. I work hard , I ‘ll get …….

1/ Wish + past simple ( expresses a regret about a present situation or a present wish ) .The tense is past but the
meaning is present.
wish= if only ( si seulement )
eg: I wish / If only I were good at mathematics. ( but I’m not )
2/ Wish + past perfect ( expresses a regret about a situation in the past/ or past wish )
eg: I wish / If only I hadn’t left my old friends . ( but I left them )
3/ Wish + would or could (with I and we )+stem (expresses a future wish )
eg: I wish you would pass your bac exam.
I wish I / we could pass my/our bac exam.

It’s high / about time (+ subject + the past simple ) used to criticize .
eg It’s high / about time we revised our lessons.( this means that the action should have been done before now )
( Il fallait le faire avant )


eg : 1. Most people respect him because / since /as he has nice character. (sentence: subject+ verb+….)
result cause

2. Most people respect him because of / due to / owing to his nice character. (+ NP )
result cause

3. He has nice character, so/ as a result / consequently / therefore, thus/that’s why most people …
cause consequence

4. His character is so nice that most people respect him . ( so + adjective + that + consequence )
5. He has such a nice character that most people respect him .( such + noun phrase + that + consequence)
Remark : Noun phrase = un groupe nominale

eg : 1. You should / ought to / ‘d better / it’s advisable to revise your lessons.
should/ shouldn’t / ought to / ought not to /’d better /’d better not to + stem
2. It’s better to / you’d better revise your lessons.
3. If I were you, I’d revise my lessons.
eg: 1.She must / has to work hard . ( present obligation )
2. She had to work hard.( past obligation )
eg:1. She doesn’t have to/ needn’t take a taxi. ( in the present )
2. She didn’t have to take a taxi. ( in the past )
eg: You mustn’t park your car here .( it’s forbidden )
eg: 1. I study hard in order to / to / so as to succeed. ( in order to/ to / so as to + stem )
2. I study hard so that I succeed. ( so that + subject + verb…..)
eg. He managed to score well although / eventhough /though /despite the fact that / in spite of the fact
that the exam was difficult. (malgré ) ( although…..+ subject + verb +…….)
Or Despite / inspite of + Noun phrase OR + stem + ing ( despite the difficulty of the exam , he managed….
was/ were accustomed to + stem = used to + stem/ did not use to +stem
eg. I was accustomed to/ used to go to school with my mother. ( but now I don’t )
can / could / be able to /managed to + tem / be capable of + stem +ing
eg.I could / was able to / managed to pass my exam with distinction./ I was capable of passing ………..
eg : 1. Like /Similarly to Earth , all the other planets have moons.
2. Both Earth and Neptune turn around the sun.
3. Peter didn’t fail in the exam . Mary didn’t fail in the exam too.
Neither Peter nor Mary failed in the exam.(neither …nor …+ affirmative verb )
4. Our mobiles are alike / similar.
5. Your dictionary is the same as mine .
eg: 1. Unlike/ contrary to /In contrast to the moon , Venus is a planet .
2. The stars are different from planets.
3. The moon is a natural satellite whereas / while ALSAT is an artificial one .


Rule : To turn a sentence from active to passive voice :
The object of the active becomes subject in the passive + to be in the same tense of the verb of the
active + past participle ( of the verb of the active ) + ( by + agent )
eg: 1. She does her exercises. (present .S ) The exercises are done (by her) (to be in the present .S)
2. She is doing her exercises.(pres. cont) The exercises are being done.( to be in the pres. cont )
3. She has done her exercises.(pres.perf) The exercises have been done.( to be in the pres.perf )
4. She did her exercises. (past .Simple) The exercises were done. (to be in the past. simple)
5. She had done her exercises. (past.perf) The exercises had been done . (to be in the past.perf)
6. She was doing her exercises.(past.cont) The exercises were being done.(to be in the past .cont)
7.She will do her exercises.(future.Simp) The exercises will be done.( to be in the future.simp)
8. She must /can / may /should ….(any modal) do her exercises. (modal + stem )
The exercises must /can /may /should …(any modal) be done .(modal +be+ past parti)
Summary of English tenses.

1/ The present simple:( general truth, daily habits , frequency adverbs such as always;often….and when
Affirmative form: subject +stem/ subject +stem + “s” or “es”with she,he , it.
Negative form: subject + don’t or doesn’t +stem (eg .I don’t work; she doesn’t work)
Interrog form :( WH- pronoun) +do /does +subject +stem +…..?
eg: Where does your father work ?

2/ The present perfect: used with: since , for , already , not…yet , just ,recently
The form: have / has + past participle

3/ The present continuous: an action happening at the moment of speaking. ( now, at the moment )
The form : is /am /are + stem + ing

4/ The past simple: used with : last …. , yesterday , the previous …, ….ago , a date in the past.
Affirmative form : subject + stem + ed (regular verbs ) / second column ( irregular verbs )
Negative form: subject + did not + stem
Interrog form : ( WH- pronoun) + did + subject + stem+…..?
eg: (When) did you visit Azeffoune ?

5/ The past continuous : It’s used when we have two actions in the past, one was happening in progress
when another action ( short and sudden ) interrupted it . ( was / were + stem + ing )
Remark : the past continuous used for the long action, the past simple used for the short and sudden action
eg: 1. I was revising my lessons when the telephone rang.
2. As / while I was swimming yesterday , it began to rain.
Note : We can have two long ( simultaneous ) actions happening at the same time.
eg: My brother was playing football while /as I was doing my homework.

6/ The past perfect: used with : until , before , after, as soon as ( had + past participle)

eg: Before I relaxed I had finished my work.
I didn’t relax until I had finished my work.
Remark: The past perfect is used for the first action, the past simple for the second action.
when / as soon as / after + past perfect / past simple

Present / future
eg: As soon as / after I finish my revision , I ‘ll go home.


Remark : There is no change in the tense:

1/ when the reporting ( verb introducteur ) verb is in the present simple.
2/ when talking about general truth.

Changes in tenses

direct speech indirect speech If it is a question, it becomes an affirmative

1. present simple 1. past simple eg.1. She asked me: “ where does your
2.present perfect 2.past perfect mother work?”
3.present continuous 3.past continuous She asked me where my father worked.
4.past simple 4.past perfect eg.2. He wanted to know: “are you working?”
5.past perfect 5.past perfect He wanted to know if I was working.
6.past continuous 6.past perfect cont eg.3. “ Does your brother work in a bank ?”;he
(had been +stem+ing) wants to know.
7.future simple 7.would+stem He wants to know if my brother works
8. will 8.would in a bank.
9.must 9.had to
10.may 10. might
11. can 11. could
12. imperative 12.infinitive

The pronunciation of final “s”

/S/ /Z/ / IZ /
K, P , T , F, TH , / i:/,w,b,d, g,v, m,n, sh,x,/ s/,/z/,dg, tch /tS/
r, y, w, ea,ee,l

The pronunciation of final “ed “

/ Id / /t/ /d /

t, d ,x p, / s/,k , gh /f/, sh, ch, c /I:/, v , b , r , m , n , /dz/,y , th /0 /,/z/

Some stress rules

1/ In words ending in ( ic – ics- ation-sion ) , stress falls on the penultimate syllable ( 2nd syllable starting from the
end ).
eg. ecoNOmic Comic PHYsics civiliZAtion eMIssion
2/ In words ending in ( y – ist – ical ) stress falls on the ante-penultimate syllable ( 3rd starting from the end )
eg. ecoNOmical HOnesty possiBIlity eCOnomist
3/ In two syllable nouns , stress falls on the 1 syllable.
eg. WINdow FARmer
4/ In two syllable verbs stress falls on the 2nd syllable.
eg. preSERVE seLECT
Success does not come to you

Good luck in your bac exam Knowledge is power

Your teacher Mrs. Meghez

Be self confident

Success doe not come to you

No bees no honey , no work no money

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