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TECHNOLOGY- is the application of scientific CONSUMER WANTS (EMOTIONAL)- consumer’s

knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to the wants usually reflect the desired preferences for
change and manipulation of the human environment. specific ways of satisfying a need.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP- is the process by which CONSUMER MARKET RESEARCH- while end-

individuals or a group of individuals (entrepreneurs) consumers may not always be able to accurately
exploit a commercial opportunity, either by bringing a describe what they want, usually is not the same for
new product or process to the market, or by business-to-business customers. In contrast, gaining
substantially improving an existing good, service, or an understanding of consumer markets should be
method of production. approached from R&D perspective. This can be
achieved by a conversation (conducted via focus
TECHNOPRENEURSHIP- is an integration of two
groups, surveys, etc.) about technical concepts that
concepts or processes, namely, technology and
can be turned into salable products or services
TARGET AUDIENCE PERSONA- outlines a typical
- is a philosophy, a way of building a career or
member of a target audience. They are fictional
perspective in life. It is a kind of entrepreneurship in
representations rooted in behavioral data and
the field of technology. It is a combination of
knowledge that you’ve gained from getting to know
technological advancements and entrepreneurial
your supporters on a personal level. Target audience
persona is a profile of someone who represents a key
-is a process of using the developments brought about member of one of your target audience groups.
by specialized knowledge to come up with innovations
VALUE - Is the worth, importance, or usefulness to the
in all aspects of human life with the aid of a creative
and skillful mind.
-In business terms, is the worth in monetary terms of
ENTREPRENEUR- is a person who always finds out
the social and economic benefits a customer receives
opportunities and converts them into reality in the
from paying for a product or service.
form of products and services to maximize profit and
develop their business. -VALUE = BENEFIT/COST – it is not simply a question
of the financial costs and financial benefits. It includes
TECHNOPRENEUR- is a person who is engaged in
perceptions of benefits that are different for every
technopreneurship to create a product or solution
person. The marketer has to understand what is of
that uses technological solutions to change the way of
greatest value to the target customer, and then use
doing something in orthodox or conventional ways.
that information to develop a total offering that
ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET- is a specific set of creates value.
beliefs, knowledge, and thought processes that drives
VALUE PROPOSITION - states who the customer is and
entrepreneurial behavior. It is way of thinking that
describes the values offered to this customer.
enables you to overcome challenges, be decisive and
accept responsibility for your outcomes. It is a - defines the company to the customer
constant need to improve your skills, learn from your
- business or marketing statement that summarizes
mistakes, and take continuous action on your ideas.
why a consumer should buy a product or use of
ENTREPRENEURIAL TEAM FORMATION— the process service. The statement should convince a potential
through which founders establish a team to start a consumer that on particular product or service will
new venture—has important implications for team add more value or better solve a problem than other
performance and entrepreneurial success. similar offerings.

CUSTOMER- is any person or organization who might BENEFITS - The outcomes or results that users will
have interest in buying, or has bought, products or (hopefully) experience by using your product or
services from a company. Each time you pay a bill or service and the very reason why a prospective
buy something from a store you are acting as their customer becomes an actual customer.
FEATURES - Something that your product has or is
CONSUMER NEEDS (FUNCTIONAL)- This is where often directly address common problems experienced
human psychology and behavior come into play, by users in a company’s target market. Product
which focuses on the premise that every human has a features have to be planned, built, and executed.
need. Needs are what motivate the behavior of people
to make a decision to find a solution, which in many
cases is “consumption behavior”.

1. Limitless Opportunities Plan covers:

2. Market Expansion
- writing the business plan
3. Reduced Costs
4. Access to Information - presenting and defending the business plan

CHARACTERISTICS OF ENTREPRENEURS - adding refinements to the presented business plan

1. Decisiveness INNOVATION
2. Confidence
❖ Is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by
3. Accountability
4. Resilience which they exploit change as an opportunity for a
5. Humility different business or a different service. It is capable
of being presented as a discipline, capable of being
learned, capable of being practiced.
SEED ❖ The key point about innovation is that it is a
SELF-MASTERY – passion comes from knowing response to both changes within markets and changes
yourself. Self-mastery brings passion. When you know from outside markets.
yourself, you know what you want and do not want. ❖ According to OSLO Manual, innovation is a new or
SELF-MASTERED PERSON: improved product or process (for combination
thereof) that differs significantly from the unit’s
- does not need high IQ, does need high EQ and AQ previous products or processes and that has been
- is naturally a performer – competitive and efficient – made available to potential users (product) or brought
sensual and cheery boss – takes charge into use by the unit (process)

- loves a good fight, is whole-brained has a personal DIFFERENT TYPES OF INNOVATION

vision, and knows strengths and weaknesses
ENVIRONMENT MASTERY – Environment mastery is
about generating business ideas and seeking Refers to the development of a new organizational
opportunities out from his or her environment strategy that will somehow change a company’s
through serendipity walks, crises, trends, etc. business practices, as well as the way its workplace is
organized and its relationship with external
- understands the industry he/she is in
- sees the opportunities, not the problems
Is about implementing a new or improved production
- is on top of the situation instead of being under the
or delivery approach, including changes in operational
methods, the techniques used, and the equipment or
- is the organization/industry innovator and strategist software.

ENTERPRISE MASTERY – is how to run a business. This ❖ PRODUCT INNOVATION

pertains to the knowledge of the different enterprise
Is the introduction of a new or improved good or
disciplines such as: Creating the Business, Marketing
service. These inventions or changes may have to do
Management, Operations Management, Financial
with improving technical specifications, the materials
Management, Risk Management.
or the software used or even advancing on user

- understands and integrates the functions of ❖ MARKETING INNOVATION

management (marketing, human resource,
operations, and finance) Developing a new marketing strategy that produces
changes in, for instance, the way a product is designed
- understands and integrates the process of or packed, or even other decisions regarding price or
management (planning, organizing, directing, and promotion.

- leads and inspires rather than manage

INNOVATION COMPRISES 5 THEMES: ❖ The Decision on the Final Strategy - Decision-
making is a significant skill that every technopreneur
❖ MAKING NEW THINGS - a survey of current thinking
must have. After getting an estimate of for and against
about innovation and entrepreneurship
all options, you have to pick up the best strategy that
❖ THE CUSTOMERS POINT OF VIEW - looking at is cost-effective as well as commercially viable
techniques for understanding customers and
consumer-led innovation
❖ EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE - including work done
❖ Has talent, knowledge and experience within the
at the Harvard negotiation project on win/win
industry where the opportunity occurs.
negotiation and emotional negotiation
❖ Seeks important opportunities with sizable
❖ EVERYONE NEEDS HELP - exploring the ways
challenges and valuable potential returns.
entrepreneurs create support networks to help them
be successful in innovation and mentoring ❖ Able to select an opportunity in a short period:
❖ INSPIRE PEOPLE - an examination of the
importance of vision and commitment in innovation ❖ Creatively explores a process that results in the
and Entrepreneurship concept of a valuable solution for the problem or need

EIGHT (8) SKILLS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP ❖ Able to convert an opportunity onto a workable and
marketable enterprise
1. Initiate and operate a purposeful enterprise

2. Operate within the context and industrial ❖ Wants to succeed: achievement-oriented

environment at the time of initiation ❖ Able to accommodate uncertainty and ambiguity
3. Identify and screen timely opportunities
❖ Flexibly adapts to changing circumstances and
4. Accumulate and manage knowledge and competitors
❖ Seeks to evaluate and mitigate the risks of the
5. Mobilize resources - financial, physical, and human venture

6. Assess and mitigate uncertainty and risk associated ❖ Create a vision of the venture to communicate the
with the initiation of the enterprise opportunity of staff and allies

7. Provide an innovative contribution or at least a ❖ Attracts, trains, and retains talented, educated
contribution that encompasses novelty or people capable of multidisciplinary insights
originality ❖ Skilled at selling ideas and have a wide network of
8. Enable and encourage a collaborative team of potential partners.
people who have the capabilities and knowledge Elements of the Ability to Overcome a Challenge
necessary for success
❖ Able to deal with a series of tough issues
❖ Able to create solution and work to perfect them
❖ Build a Team - Technopreneurship is the
❖ Able to handle many tasks simultaneously
combination of one’s technical expertise with
entrepreneurial talent. However, the base remains ❖ Resilient in the face of setbacks
the same. When you have a brilliant idea, then it is the
best time to find out the support and if you do not ❖ Willing to work hard and not expect easy solutions
have the technological know-how, then hire a tech- ❖ Well-developed problem-solving skills
❖ Able to learn and acquire the skills needed for the
❖ Boosts Problem-Solving Skills - Being a
tasks at hand
Technopreneur, you ought to expect troubles at every
turn. Especially, in the beginning, you may tackle
operational changes, funding, and also, regulatory
obstacles. So, it is necessary to have problem-solving

1. Current customers • WHO – job title and decision-making capabilities

2. Past customers • WHERE – industry and geographical location

3. Potential customers • WHAT – drivers, motivators and goals

MARKET RESEARCH AND VALIDATION • WHY – problems and pain points

❖ Market Research • HOW – preferred media and solutions you can

• Is the collection and analysis of data related to a
business’s target market • WHEN – best time or days to reach this persona.

• Can entail everything from information on VALUE PROPOSITION STATEMENT INCLUDES NEEDS,
competitors’ products to the interpretation of APPROACH, BENEFITS PER COST, AND COMPETITION
demographic data related to potential customers.
Needs: Who needs my product? Do they know their
• The main purpose is to gain an understanding of own needs? How do they describe their needs? How
customer needs and wants in an effort to reveal do I understand their needs? How big are their needs?
potential business opportunities.
Approach: What is my solution based on? What is
• Helps you understand who your competitors are and specific about my solution? In what way does it meet
how they serve the target market you want to engage. the users’ needs? Why are you the right one to
provide the solution?
❖ Validation
Benefits: What concrete advantages does your
• Is the act of verifying that a specific product is solution provide? In answering this, the students need
needed in a target market. to be as concrete and quantitative as possible. Does
• Market validation is more of an active participation the solution enable the user to save time or money?
with your minimum viable product or specific Competition: Who are your competitors? Do the users
interface where you can get real feedback from know your competitions? What are the alternatives to
people who are experiencing what you’re doing and your solution (what the user normally does)? Why is
how you’re trying to do it. your solution better than the alternatives?
• This can be done by conducting formal or informal
interviews or surveys with potential customers’ MOST COMMON VALUE PROPOSITION MISTAKES
❖ NOT Having Proof - Of course you love your
product, of course you think what you’ve got is the
The consumer decision-making process consists of five best ever, but should you say that? No. If your value
steps, which are: proposition declares that you have “the most easy-to-
use marketing automation platform” on the market,
1. Need Recognition – consumer develops a need or a you’ve got to back that up.
want that they want to be satisfied
❖ NOT Being Clear - We’ve all been there. Having
2. Information Search - research for products or
visited a site or read about a product and being left
services that can satisfy our needs or wants
with the question: “But why should I care?” It’s easy
3. Evaluations of Alternatives – selecting the best deal to see why people should buy your product or services
(based on quality, price, etc.) when they’re your product or services, but for
everyone else, you need to clearly communicate
4. Purchase - after tallying up all the criteria for the
exactly what sets you apart.
decision the customers now decide on what they will
purchase and where ❖ NOT Testing - A good value proposition can be the
difference between your next customer or another
5. Post-Purchase Behavior - the goal for every
bounce statistic. Creating a compelling value
marketer is not for a one-time customer but a
proposition doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Clearly
repeating lifetime customer.
communicating what makes you unique (without
being too clever) with a proof and testing can help you
stand apart from your competition.

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