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NAME: Mc Lyndon B.

Dullano COURSE CODE: 973

SUBJECT: UGE 1- Reading Comprehension


Filipino Resiliency: Adapting to Challenge

Filipinos are known for their resiliency, which comes from their culture, values, and way
of life. Key factors include strong communities ("bayanihan"), faith in God, strong family ties,
a history of overcoming hardship, and a positive attitude ("bahala na"). Despite challenges,
Filipinos bounce back and rebuild, making their resiliency a source of inspiration and pride.
NAME: Mc Lyndon B. Dullano COURSE CODE: 973

SUBJECT: UGE 1- Reading Comprehension


Education: Key to Success

In the Philippines, learning is very important. It helps the country grow. School has four
parts, grades 1-6, grades 7-10, and grades 11-12. The Department of Education runs school.
To help students do better worldwide ,they added two more years which is K-12.However,
getting into school is very hard for poor families. Education is hard when you are lack of
good things and your place is far from school. COVID-19 makes it harder for students with
no technology to use for online learning. The government must help those family in needs,
help teachers, and make sure all kids can learn.

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